Dairy products containing vitamin A. Vitamin A: what foods contain it and why it is needed

Hello my curious friends. Does your diet contain retinol - aka vitamin A? This is an incredibly useful element, and I intend to convince you of it today.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble element that belongs to a group of substances called retinoids. It plays a key role in maintaining healthy vision, function nervous system and healthy skin. Like all antioxidants, this element is involved in reducing inflammation by fighting free radicals.

Knowing what vitamin A is good for, you can protect yourself from developing many serious diseases. This element takes part in the following processes:

  • Forms a special pigment in the retina - rhodopsin. Thanks to this substance, the eyes are sensitive to light signals. If rhodopsin is present in sufficient quantities in the body, adaptation of the eyes to lighting occurs quickly.
  • Increases the production of proteins in cartilage and joint tissues, which ensures their renewal and growth. This is why vitamin A is so important for a young, growing body.
  • Ensures the normal condition of the mucous membranes of the bronchi and nose. Thanks to this, the intestines, lungs, and stomach are protected from infections.
  • Strengthens the work of the sympathetic-adrenal system of the body. The essence of this function is this: after foreign bodies enter the body, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline. If retinol enters the body in sufficient quantities, it promotes the production of large amounts of adrenaline.
  • Provides strength to dermal fibers. The condition of the skin depends on the elasticity of such fibers, so vitamin A is simply necessary for facial skin.

In cosmetology, the vitamin is also used for acne. It is also important for hair and eyelashes. This element strengthens hair follicles and accelerates hair growth.

Deficiency Symptoms

People with fat malabsorption are very susceptible to developing vitamin deficiency. The most common health problems that cause element A malabsorption include gluten sensitivity. This also includes leaky gut syndrome, autoimmune reactions, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc.

Element A deficiency has become a public health problem in more than half of all countries in the world. This problem is especially common in Africa and Southeast Asia. It primarily affects young children and pregnant women in low-income countries.

The following signs indicate a lack of vitamin A in the body:

  • Premature skin aging. Peeling and follicular thickening of the skin are observed. Keratinization of the dermis occurs when epithelial cells lose moisture and become hard and dry. Such phenomena can occur on the mucous membranes respiratory tract, urinary tract etc.
  • Vision is impaired. Moreover, this problem can have different aspects of manifestation. One of them is xerophthalmia or “dry eye”. Another manifestation is keratomalacia or melting of the cornea. In addition, conjunctivitis may occur. Not receiving enough retinol can lead to the development of night blindness.

  • Hair becomes brittle and dull. Lack of retinol in the body leads to early gray hair.
  • Nail growth slows down. They begin to peel and break.
  • Respiratory infections. This happens because the body's immunity is weak due to a lack of vitamin A.

What does vitamin A contain?

He meets two different types: active and beta-carotene. The active form comes from animal products and is called retinol. It is directly used by our body.

The other type, which we get from fruits and vegetables, in the form of “provitamin A,” is called a carotenoid. These substances are converted into retinol after food enters the body. For example, a type of carotenoid such as beta-carotene must first be converted into the active form A so that it can be absorbed by the body.

Research has repeatedly shown that retinol, as an antioxidant, is very important for good health. Nutrition experts recommend getting most of your vitamins from food. Eggs, milk, liver, carrots, and yellow or orange vegetables are common foods that are high in vitamin A. Foods that contain high amounts of vitamin A are listed in the table below. The percentage is given at a consumption rate of 900 mcg.

Remember that retinol is heat stable. However, during cooking, boiling and canning, about 15-30% of vitamin A is still lost.

This element is also destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. And oxygen reduces its content in the product. Therefore, long-term storage of food in air leads to a partial loss of retinol.

Instructions for use

The daily intake of vitamin A depends on age and gender. Below I have written down the data with the official dosage adopted in Russia.

For children:

For adults:

Most people get enough of the vitamin from their diet. But if you are diagnosed with a deficiency, your doctor may recommend taking additional additives. You can buy this drug at a pharmacy. Liquid Aevit is sold here, in capsules and ampoules. In addition, the pharmacy sells Retinol Acetate and Retinol Palmitate. The price depends on the form of release and dosage.

The formula of the drug varies slightly. Therefore, a doctor should select a pharmaceutical supplement and describe how to take it. He will also tell you the name of the drug that is optimal in your case. The doctor knows best how to take the drug correctly so as not to harm your health.

Additional vitamin A is needed for:

  • strong physical activity;
  • after x-ray irradiation;
  • during a period of intensive growth;
  • in too hot climates;
  • due to prolonged exposure to a computer or TV;
  • excessive stress, etc.

Side effects - overdose

High doses of element A may actually do more harm than good. Excessive consumption of additional supplements can lead to jaundice, nausea, loss of appetite, irritability, vomiting and baldness. Overdose is rare, but still. If you are considering taking vitamin A supplements, be sure to consult your doctor.

If you are using supplements that contain vitamin A, look at the amount of the element in one dose. And make sure it's appropriate for your gender and age.

Symptoms of vitamin A overdose include dry skin, joint pain, vomiting, headaches and confusion. Due to increased intracranial pressure, severe headaches and even confusion may occur. In addition, gastrointestinal upset may occur.

Health Benefits of Vitamin A

This element is very important for the full functioning of individual organs and systems. It also helps prevent the development of certain diseases.

Moreover, retinol protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. This slows down the aging process and maintains elasticity for a long period of time. Retinol also protects the skin from aggressive ultraviolet exposure. It evens out the complexion, fights inflammation, and smoothes out wrinkles. Therefore, this vitamin is extremely important for the face.

Interaction with other drugs

Retinol has “friends” and “enemies”. Knowing them in person, you can prevent a deficiency of this element. Thus, a lack of vitamin E impairs the absorption of retinol. Therefore, a balanced intake of these two components is important.

Zinc deficiency is also bad for the body. This situation makes it difficult to convert vitamin A into its active form.

Mineral oils dissolve fat-soluble substances. This includes retinol. With constant intake of mineral oils, vitamin A, passing through the intestines, is simply not absorbed. Therefore, the body experiences a shortage of this element.

Vitamin A supplements may interact with some birth control pills and blood thinners (such as Coumadin or warfarin). Retinol is detrimental to acne medications (such as Accutane) and drugs used to treat cancer.

You should not take retinol and alcohol at the same time. This duo will kill your liver. You should not take cholesterol-lowering drugs and vitamin A at the same time. Because they are incompatible and this may interfere with the absorption of retinol.

With long-term use of tetracyclines and vitamin A, hypertension develops. Therefore, such a duet is dangerous. The combination of retinol + glucocorticoids is fraught with antagonism.

I am sure that today’s article has helped you take a different look at vitamin A. It turns out that so much depends on this element. Therefore, they cannot be neglected.

Itamins play a key role in maintaining performance human body. These seemingly insignificant, at first glance, substances, of which not so much is required daily compared to key nutrients, form the basis of all physiological processes. Without proper fortified nutrition, proper production of enzymes and hormones, functionality internal organs and systems, brain function and maintenance of the nervous system... In a word, any physiological process, one way or another, depends on a sufficient supply of vitamins to the body, and most of them come with proper nutrition. This means that a properly structured diet allows you not only to keep the body in good shape, but also strengthens the immune system, makes the body work harmoniously and balanced, and also generally ensures the preservation of an invaluable gift, which, unfortunately, cannot be bought for any money - health .

One of the most important vitamins is retinol, or vitamin A. There is an opinion that a healthy plant-based diet cannot provide a person with enough of this substance. Well, it’s time to dispel this myth, especially since it has absolutely nothing to do with reality, because proper vegetarian food is, first of all, physiological, and therefore complete.

A little about retinol

It is not for nothing that Vitamin A opens the alphabetical list of all substances of this kind - it was discovered first, just 7 years after the very fact of the existence of vitamins was proven. For the first time, retinol was isolated from extracted carrot concentrate, which gave rise to the name for a whole group of vitamins and provitamins A - carotenoids (from the English carrot - ‘carrot’).

There are two forms of this substance: vitamin A itself, which is consumed and absorbed in its finished form, and provitamin A (that is, a carotenoid), which is a kind of prototype of retinol. This group includes a, b and d-carotene, lycopene, lutein and about five hundred more carotenoids, each of which, to one degree or another, serves as an equivalent to retinol. Provitamin turns into a full-fledged vitamin only when it enters the human body, and then fully performs all its proper functions. It is much easier to digest digestive tract and besides, it practically does not lose its properties during heat treatment of food products (no more than 30% depending on the degree of processing and the temperatures used).

However, it is worth considering that vitamin A is absolutely insoluble in water, but quickly interacts with organic solvents. This information has not only scientific, but also practical value: since retinol is fat-soluble, it is worth consuming products enriched with this substance in combination with vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, flaxseed, etc. - only in this combination is the beneficial substance completely will be assimilated. It would be ideal if another vitamin E is added to this: it serves as a synergist for retinol, accelerating its absorption and improving metabolism. However, this should not cause difficulties: knowing which foods contain vitamin A, it will not be difficult to correctly calculate the combination of dishes and provide the body with everything it needs.

What foods contain vitamin A and why is it needed?

Vitamin A is directly or indirectly involved in almost every vital physiological process. Without it, normal functioning is impossible immune system, formation of bone structures, renewal of skin, hair and nail plate, maintenance of vision. This substance serves as one of the main participants in redox processes, regulates the formation of protein molecules, affects a balanced and complete metabolism, and ensures the appropriate functions of cellular and intercellular membranes. Due to this, retinol has several other names in medicine: antixerophthalmic and anti-infective vitamin.

The antixerophthalmic effect of the substance is achieved due to the fact that its molecules influence the formation of a special pigment - rhodopsin. The normal content of this pigment allows you to capture even minimal light glare, which is very important for full visibility, especially in low light conditions. It is thanks to this effect that a person can see objects in the twilight and at night. In addition, vitamin A helps to moisturize the cornea of ​​the eye, thus preventing its injury.

As for the anti-infective component, retinol significantly increases the immune response and improves the barrier function of the mucous membranes. This fact becomes especially important during the cold season - in the fall and spring, many doctors recommend monitoring the proper intake of vitamin A in the body in order to prevent the disease.

In cosmetology, retinol is often called the “vitamin of youth”. This name is quite justified: this substance is found in many cosmetics, especially those of a moisturizing and anti-aging nature. In addition to the fact that vitamin A stimulates cellular renewal and helps cleanse the skin, it also accelerates the healing process, which means it relieves symptoms sunburn, wounds and other injuries to the skin. However, it is not at all necessary to specifically buy cosmetics with retinol: you just need to monitor your diet, and external supply of this substance will not be required.

Daily dose of vitamin A from food

The required daily amount of antixerophthalmic vitamin is primarily determined by age and gender. Specific numbers can be found in the table provided.

Category Age Optimal intake, mcg Maximum permissible limit, mcg
Babies 0-6 months 400 600

7-12 months
Children (regardless of gender) 1-3 years 300 600

4-8 years
Girls 9-13 years 600 1700
Boys 9-13 years 600 1700
Women 14 years and older 700 2800
Men 14 years and older 900 2800
Pregnant women under 19 years old 750 2800

over 19 years old
Women during lactation under 19 years old 1200 2800

over 19 years old

These figures are relevant only if you do not have a deficiency of nutrition and, accordingly, vitamin A in the body, otherwise the daily requirement may increase up to 10,000 units. However, if you thoroughly understand what foods contain vitamin A and in what quantity, and, based on this, correctly compile your menu, you will not need such measures.

What does a lack of vitamin A in daily foods lead to?

Even the slightest lack of vitamin A in the diet significantly affects your well-being, manifesting itself in many unpleasant and even dangerous symptoms. The clinical diagnosis of “hypovitaminosis” is made if the level of retinol in serum blood decreases beyond 0.35 µmol/l, however, the first “bells” that the antixerophthalmic vitamin is supplied in insufficient quantities appear already at 1.22 µmol /l and below.

The primary symptoms of a lack of retinol in the body are:

  • skin aging unjustified by age - the appearance of facial wrinkles, age spots, sagging, decreased tone;
  • dermatological abnormalities - dryness and peeling of the surface layer of the epidermis, dandruff, irritation and rashes;
  • increased sensitivity of tooth enamel, especially to temperature changes;
  • decreased pain threshold;
  • dry eyes, redness of the whites of the eyeball, lacrimation at the slightest wind and cold weather.

These symptoms are only the first sign that it is worth paying attention to enriching your diet with vitamin A. If this is not done in a timely manner, further manifestations will be much more serious. Advanced hypovitaminosis of this type combines many serious abnormalities, since it affects almost every organ. So, vision suffers first of all: to unpleasant sensations“Sand” in the eyes is accompanied by “night blindness,” that is, the inability to fully see objects in the twilight.

The list of dermatological problems is expanding with acne, seborrheic dermatitis, precancerous manifestations, even malignancy. Digestion is disrupted due to gastritis, colitis or chronic intestinal infections. On the part of the nervous system, a characteristic clinical picture of exhaustion will be observed: low resistance to stress, insomnia, apathy, followed by irritability. Decreased immunity is accompanied by constant colds with serious complications. In addition, women may experience problems with reproductive function, and men may experience decreased libido.

As a rule, this condition is diagnosed due to an incorrectly formulated diet. Hypovitaminosis A is especially common in the autumn-winter period, when seasonal vegetables cease to be part of the daily diet. In addition, insufficient consumption of vegetable fats can also affect retinol levels in the body, since vitamin A is known to be fat-soluble. A lack of vitamin E can contribute, because it is a retinol synergist. However, the most serious “companions” of this type of hypovitaminosis are liver diseases and malabsorption syndrome: in the first case, the substance cannot accumulate in sufficient quantities, and in the second, it is not absorbed at all.

What is hypervitaminosis A and how to prevent it?

Unlike most water-soluble vitamins, retinol is highly soluble in fat, which means it can accumulate in the body. Its molecules are deposited in liver cells, creating a “safety cushion” in case of insufficient supply of the substance from the outside. However, this undoubtedly beneficial property also has the other side of the coin - a constant overdose of vitamin A can lead to poisoning of the body, called hypervitaminosis.

This condition is no less dangerous than a lack of retinol. As a rule, patients with hypervitaminosis experience a lack of appetite, regular migraines, nausea, drowsiness, and painful sensations in the legs. Upon examination, this is accompanied by an enlarged liver. Also, women may experience disruption of the natural menstrual cycle and subsequent problems with conception.

Expectant mothers should be especially attentive to this type of hypervitaminosis. An excess of the substance, as well as its lack, can negatively affect the formation of the child’s internal organs and subsequently affect his condition and well-being. However, it should be understood that hypervitaminosis most often occurs when consuming additional pharmaceuticals containing a synthetic analogue of the vitamin.

What foods contain vitamin A? List of natural sources

In nature there is a huge amount of food containing carotenoids, so providing the body with the necessary amount of vitamin A is not difficult. Many products can be classified as natural sources of useful substances, but you can recognize those that contain the largest amount one at a time characteristic feature: The carotenoids themselves have a specific orange-red color, which also affects the shade of the fruit. Therefore, you can find out which foods contain vitamin A by color - the richer it is, the more benefits it will bring to the body.

However, this rule does not always apply - among natural sources of retinol there are many herbs, legumes and green vegetables, so it is better to get acquainted with each of them separately, having examined in detail the amount of carotene contained. However, when drawing up a menu based on the figures below, you should understand that we are talking specifically about provitamins, which means that the calculation should be carried out taking into account the absorption coefficient. That is, if the daily dose of vitamin A for an adult male is 900 mcg, the daily diet should contain at least 10,800 mcg of carotenoids.

Orange vegetables are #1 among foods containing vitamin A

Of course, the leading positions in the list are occupied by vegetable crops with a characteristic color. These include sweet bell peppers, especially red varieties, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. Hot cayenne pepper also contains a lot of carotene, but consuming it in large quantities is unwise and even dangerous - excessive pungency can cause gastrointestinal disorders, including ulcers.

It is noteworthy that many consider carrots to be the most vitamin-rich. It’s not for nothing that one of the varieties is even called “carotel”, due to its high b-carotene content. In fact, this root vegetable is only third on the list of plants rich in vitamin A, behind bell peppers and sweet potatoes. If 100 g of carrots contain only 830 mcg of the vitamin, then 100 g of pepper contains 2,100 mcg, and the same amount of sweet potato - 1,000 mcg, respectively.

"Green" vegetable menu

Green vegetable crops are not so rich in carotene, but they should not be discounted. Among this group, broccoli, green salad, spinach, onions, parsley and green bell peppers are important.

Among this list, broccoli is in greatest demand, since it contains 800 mcg of the necessary substance (per 100 g). The same amount of green salad, in turn, includes 550 mcg of carotene, spinach - 470 mcg, and green peppers - only 18 mcg.

Fruit and berry abundance

In this case, those with a sweet tooth are incredibly lucky - fruits are one of the richest sources of provitamin A. Among the fruit and berry menu, you can highlight apricots, peaches, grapes, apples, melon, and watermelon. Moreover, they retain their properties not only in fresh, but also in dried form, so at the end of the season, you can easily replace apricots with dried apricots, and grapes with raisins, and the full value of the menu will not suffer from this at all.

Legumes containing vitamin A

Among legumes, an indispensable source of vitamin A is soybean and its derivatives. A huge range of soy products allows you to balance your diet, providing the body with all the necessary substances, and the resistance of carotene to heat treatment allows you to easily prepare any dishes without worrying about its completeness and usefulness. In addition, part of vitamin A can be obtained from green peas - they contain 38 mcg of this substance.

Healthy drinks. Which herbs contain vitamin A?

You can compensate for the lack of vitamin A not only with tasty and healthy dishes, but also with herbal teas and infusions. Herbs also contain carotene, which is not destroyed when brewed, but saturates the drink with useful substances. If you prefer the natural taste of healing freshly brewed drinks, be sure to add some peppermint leaves, raspberries, rose hips, sage or lemongrass - these plants are a storehouse of vitamin A.


Vitamin A is found in food products of plant origin in sufficient quantities, especially in the form of carotenoids, so it is not difficult to compensate for its deficiency and at the same time prevent an excess - you just need to review your diet and pay attention to dishes containing the right amount of the useful substance. It should be remembered that best treatment- this is prevention, so the ideal option would be a menu prepared in advance taking into account age needs.

Vitamin A, or RETINOL in other words, was discovered by several scientists at the beginning of the twentieth century. This was almost the first vitamin that became known to mankind. It was designated “fat-soluble A factor” because it did not saponify when exposed to alkali. This is where the name “vitamin A” comes from. Scientists of those times were able to find out that the substance is associated with lipids and helps animals grow. They also determined what vitamin A was found in: butter, eggs and some dairy products.

Few people know that in addition to the second name - RETINOL - the vitamin has several other names: anti-infective vitamin, anti-xerophthalmic vitamin, dehydroretinol.

The substance itself exists in two forms:

  • ready-made (vitamin A itself – RETINOL);
  • provitamin A (carotene): a plant analogue of the vitamin, which already becomes RETINOL in the body.

RETINOL is a pale yellow color that comes from the red plant pigment beta-carotene. One of the advantages of the substance is its resistance to high temperatures. Therefore, after heat treatment, it will not lose most of its beneficial properties (only from fifteen to thirty percent). True, if you store the product for a long time in the air, it will easily collapse.

Properties of vitamin A

This substance can form the following compounds:


Vitamin A itself is an unsaturated cyclic alcohol. It is capable of oxidizing inside the body and thus forming RETINOIC acid and A-aldehyde.

Already in past centuries, scientists tried to find out where vitamin A might be found. It turned out that its amount in products of animal origin primarily depends on whether the animal itself consumed this vitamin. For this reason, cow oil contains much less of this vitamin than fish oil, since fish feed on plant plankton rich in vitamin A.

Vitamin A (CAROTENE) is found in large quantities in foods:

  • carrots;
  • red rowan;
  • parsley;
  • pumpkin;
  • sweet pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • green peas;
  • green onions;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • grapes;
  • watermelons;
  • melons;
  • rosehip.

The listed products are sources of carotenoid, that is, vitamin A of plant origin.

There are also products of animal origin that contain vitamin A (retinol) in large quantities:

  • fish fat;
  • liver (primarily beef);
  • butter;
  • eggs (especially yolks);
  • cream;
  • milk (whole);

Grain products, as well as skim milk (even with vitamin supplements) cannot be complete sources of retinol, since the substance is contained in minimal concentrations.

The greatest amount of vitamin A is found in the foods presented below.

Table of foods high in vitamin A.

Products Amount of vitamin A per 100 g of product (mcg) Content of the daily vitamin requirement per 100 g of product (%)
Fish fat(from cod liver) 25,000 mcg 2500 %
Beef liver 8,367 mcg 836 %
Cod liver (canned) 4400 mcg 440 %
Carrot 2000 mcg 200 %
Red rowan 1500 mcg 150 %
Acne 1200 mcg 120 %
Parsley 950 mcg 95 %
Chicken egg yolk 920 mcg 92 %

What is vitamin A for?

Vitamin A plays a role in the body important role. It helps to preserve intact the cells that form the mucous membranes and skin, promotes fast healing wounds, scratches and other damage. It also prevents early keratinization and death of skin cells. Therefore, many cosmetics manufacturers include it or similar substances in their products.

Retinol- This is one of the most essential vitamins for the eyes. After all, it plays a significant role in the process of photoreception: it provides the possibility of clear twilight, color and light vision.

At the same time, this vitamin is a powerful antioxidant, which is why they are effective in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

Daily value of vitamin A

To determine how much vitamin A the body requires, it is necessary to pay attention to the age and condition of the person. For children, men, women (especially pregnant and lactating women), this indicator will be different.

In children, the consumption rate will vary depending on age:

  • infants from birth to six months need 400 mcg per day;
  • after six months and up to a year – 500 mcg per day;
  • from one to three years – 300 mcg;
  • from four to eight years - 400 mcg;
  • from nine to thirteen years - 600 mcg.

The male population requires 900 mcg of retinol (or 3 thousand IU) from 14 to 70 years of age.

For women, the daily norm is lower: from 14 to 70 years old - 700 mcg (or 2,300 IU). But the indicator changes during pregnancy or breastfeeding:

  • pregnant women under 19 years of age require 750 mcg;
  • pregnant women over 19 - 770 mcg;
  • lactating women under 19 years of age - 1200 mcg;
  • nursing mothers over 19 years of age – 1300 mcg.

If a person is diagnosed with a disease associated with a lack of vitamin A, the dose is often increased to 10 thousand IU per day.

Often impossible to replenish daily norm vitamin A only through food. Therefore, one-third of the daily requirement can be obtained from pharmaceutical supplements, and two-thirds from natural products.

Vitamin A deficiency: symptoms

Vitamin A deficiency can be expressed in different ways in the body: it all depends on the stage and severity of the condition. Signs can be expressed over a long time, appearing in turn.

There are 3 stages of development of vitamin A deficiency.

  1. Primary stage. The functioning of some internal organs or systems may be disrupted. But this is not expressed clearly. A person feels tired, his performance decreases, his body loses tone, and he gets sick more often. Only laboratory tests will help to establish the cause and identify vitamin deficiency at this stage.
  2. Secondary stage. Clinically, it is possible to establish a deficiency of elements. A person is exposed to a disease associated with weakened immunity.
  3. Third stage. A complete deficiency of the vitamin occurs, and the ability of its absorption into the body is impaired. Diseases arise due to the lack of the required amount of retinol. Their treatment begins only after the required amount of vitamin is restored in the body.

Vitamin A - symptoms of hypovitaminosis:

  • Wrinkles appear early, the skin ages quickly, and dandruff forms;
  • “night blindness” - a person has difficulty seeing when it gets dark;
  • the skin becomes dry, the skin becomes covered with acne;
  • dental condition worsens;
  • interrupted sleep, insomnia;
  • tendency to apathy, fatigue;
  • mucus and crusts accumulate in the corners of the eyes;
  • disorders in reproductive function in men and women;
  • the occurrence of foci of infections in the intestines;
  • the appearance of a cyst in the liver;
  • increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

Vitamin A deficiency in children is caused by the following conditions:

  • decreased immunity;
  • slow growth;
  • fatigue;
  • pale and dry skin;
  • color blindness;
  • night blindness.

In women, a lack of retinol leads to the development of mastopathy, cervical erosion; in men, erection and libido are lost, and urinary incontinence is possible. Sometimes, with a lack of this element, the development of lung cancer, pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinusitis is also possible.

Therefore, if any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately contact doctor to eliminate vitamin deficiency, since this is much easier to do than to treat a serious illness.

How to treat vitamin A deficiency?

If there is a deficiency, it is necessary to start treatment in time to prevent serious pathologies from developing in the body. First of all, the doctor prescribes therapeutic procedures to compensate for its deficiency. Vitamin deficiency is treated in the following ways.

  1. Errors in nutrition are eliminated. It is regulated and becomes balanced. It is imperative to consume foods high in carotene and retinol.
  2. Vitamin A medications are prescribed. They will help eliminate vitamin deficiency in a few weeks. It is impossible to choose a medicine yourself, since it is prescribed taking into account the stage of hypovitaminosis and the patient’s condition.
  3. Treatment of concomitant pathologies. A deficiency of the element can cause many diseases, including the formation of tumors. It is for this reason that it is worth starting treatment immediately at the first symptoms.

Vitamin A: which one is better to take?

Naturally, the most best vitamin A – the one that enters the body as part of natural products. But it is impossible for an ordinary person to eat so much food, so some of the elements have to be obtained from vitamin complexes.

Preparations with this element are presented as capsules (one and a half milligrams each), dragees (1 milligram each), oil solutions (for injection and oral use), as well as retinol concentrates in fish oil.

Typically, drugs of chemical origin are rarely prescribed by a doctor, only in cases where the patient does not have the opportunity to eat well. In other situations, it is advisable to combat the undesirable condition with the help of appropriate diets.

Vitamin A test

You need to donate blood for vitamin A in almost the same way as for others. The analysis determines the content of retinol, the primary form vitamin A A.

Blood is drawn from a vein and measured using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS).

Before taking a blood test for vitamin A, you cannot eat for at least two hours, but you are allowed to drink water without gas, additives and sweeteners. Smoking is prohibited half an hour before the test.

This kind of study is prescribed for night blindness and pathologies that impede the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. It is also often prescribed to determine the level of toxicity caused by excessive vitamin A intake.

The normal amount of vitamin in the blood is 0.3 - 0.8 mcg/ml. This means that there is enough vitamin in the body at the time the blood is drawn. A lower level of retinol indicates that the body's resources are depleted. Increased level indicates that the body cannot store more vitamin A, and its excess is in the blood and accumulates in various tissues of the body, thereby poisoning them.

Vitamin A for children

Parents are often interested in “which vitamins contain vitamin A” and which drug is best to give their child for prevention.

Often drugs in pharmacies contain only vitamin A or its combination with vitamin E. They can be taken only after diagnosis of hypovitaminosis A, therefore they cannot be taken on their own.

Vitamin A: which one to take for prevention

Parents can independently give their baby vitamin A supplements only as part of multivitamin complexes, which can be taken to prevent hypovitaminosis of various substances. They usually contain a dose of vitamin A such that there cannot be an overdose, nor a lack of the substance. Vitamin A can be bought in pharmacies in the multivitamin complexes “Multi Tabs”, “Jungle”, “Pikovit”, “Complivit” and some others.

What other vitamin A can you buy for your child? An excellent choice would be preparations with beta-carotene, since it will turn into retinol in the baby’s body. But its advantage is that an overdose of beta-carotene is not dangerous for children - their skin color will simply change. The original color will return quickly after discontinuation of the drug. The drugs Vetoron (this is vitamin A in drops), the Alphabet complex and the Supradin Kids gel are very successful.

There are different forms of release of the drug for children. Vitamin A supplements for children come in a variety of forms. For the youngest children it is very convenient to use products in drops, and multivitamins in capsules are given to children over 7 years old, as they must be swallowed.

Most in demand in childhood There are sweet options for vitamin A supplements, such as a tasty gel, multivitamin syrup, or chewable tablets.


Multivitamins, including retinol or provitamin A, are prescribed:

When the content of vitamins and beta-carotene in food products decreases (this is observed in winter and spring).

If the child’s diet is unbalanced (especially if the menu is low in fat and protein).

For gastrointestinal diseases that impair the absorption of vitamins (colitis, hepatitis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis and others).

With increased stress on the child’s body, for example, when playing sports.

The use of the drug "Aevit", retinol in capsules or in solution, is indicated only for vitamin deficiency A. The use of an oil solution of carotene as a lotion is in demand for burns, hard-to-heal wounds, ulcers, eczema and other skin problems, as well as for stomatitis.

Retinol, obtained in its pure form, is easily absorbed. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include foods rich in this nutrient in your daily diet. Stick to healthy nutrition tables will help. With their help, you will find out which foods contain sufficient vitamin A.

You will also be pleased with the exact daily requirements by age and category, high-quality preparations that maintain balance, and a convenient classification of the presence of retinol by food group.

TOP 20 products with high retinol content

Vitamin A is a vital element of plant origin for the health of the body. It, like all useful substances, improves immunity. And this is far from his only prerogative. Almost everyone has heard about the benefits of retinol for vision. However, little is known about the beneficial effects of carotenoids on:

  • bones;
  • Hair Growth;
  • healthy complexion;
  • skin condition
  • teeth;
  • cellular renewal.

Therefore, all beauties should take note of the properties of such a nutrient. In addition, a sufficient amount of micrograms of vitamin A helps slow down aging and prevent cancer.

On a note! Retinol is well absorbed with fats and minerals.

Children's daily allowance “A” depends on the age category:

  1. Up to 12 months - 400 mcg.
  2. One to three years - 450 mcg.
  3. From 4 to 6 - 500 mcg.
  4. 7-10 years - 700 mcg.

The daily norm for men of all ages is 1000 mcg. For women over 11 years old - 800 mcg. It is recommended to add 200 mcg for pregnant women, and 400 mcg for lactating women.

In imported supplements, Vitamin A is often indicated not in grams or mcg, but in conventional international units IU (in English - IU). 0.6 micrograms of retinol is equivalent to 1 IU.

It is advisable to receive one third of the dose in its natural form. The rest is multivitamin complexes. Table 1 will help you find out which foods contain a lot of vitamin A.

Table 1. Which foods contain a lot of vitamin A.

NameAvailability (per 100 g), µg
1 Fish oil made from cod liver25000
2 Beef liver8367
3 Cod liver4400
4 Carrot2000
5 Red fruited bunches of rowan1500
6 Acne1200
7 Parsley leaves950
8 Yolk925
9 Fresh celery, spinach and dill750
10 Melted butter667
11 Dried apricots583
12 Black caviar550
13 Quail eggs483
14 Red caviar, butter450
15 Rosehip (in any form)434
16 Broccoli386
17 Freshly squeezed carrot juice350
18 Fresh cilantro337
19 Green onion, leek330
20 Cheese (varieties 50%)303-277

Swiss cheese and Camembert are the products richest in retinol in the fermented milk category.

Good to know! Long frying, cooking, etc. everything disappears beneficial features, including nutrients.

All products rich in vital vitamin A are quite affordable - often found on shelves at reasonable prices. This makes it easier to replenish the body with nutrients. According to the list in Table 1, you can see where vitamin A is found in mcg the most. Fish oil is made from different components. Before purchasing, read the ingredients, we need cod liver.

Where to get nutrients in winter, watch the video:

Retinol content: dairy food group

This category is not characterized by a high proportion of carotenoids. However, some dairy products that contain essential vitamin A will help maintain balance (see Table 2). The classification is ordered from the largest number of micrograms to the smallest.

Table 2. Which dairy products contain a lot of vitamin A.

Regular milk contains only 22 mcg of element “A”. Even though these are products containing a small proportion of retinol, they are considered very beneficial. The same amount is in kefir 2.5%, 3.2% and sweet yogurt 3.2%.

On a note! The fattier the fermented milk product, the more retinol it contains.

Vitamin A in eggs and egg products

The group contains the fewest items (see Table 3), but almost all components contain a good proportion of nutrients in mcg.

Table 3. Products in the egg category containing vitamin A.

The most vitamin component on this list is the yolk. It contains many nutrients. And 100 g of yolk (925 mcg) will cover the daily requirement of retinol for a man at any age (over 10 years) by 93%.

Retinol content: meat, fish

Perhaps the richest group of nutrients. Well, these components of animal origin should be on every menu (see Table 4) if you care about your health.

Table 4. Which meat and fish foods contain vitamin A in large quantities.

Other common fish species, such as pike perch, mackerel, cod, and pollock, contain only 10 mcg of retinol.

Interesting! Polar bear liver is rich in vitamin A. So much so that it is dangerous to health. Therefore it is not included in the table. Even a small standard 100g serving contains 400,000 mcg. Just imagine how much this figure exceeds the norm. This dose is deadly. So don't take risks. Plus, you know where to safely get vitamin A thanks to Table 4.

How much retinol is in fruits, dried fruits and berries

Fans of this food group especially want to know which vegetables, dried fruits and fruits contain vitamin A. We can safely highlight the TOP 10 items (see Table 5).

Table 5. Amount of retinol in fruits, dried fruits and berries.

Important! Do not overuse products that exceed the daily requirement (approximately 1000 mcg) of retinol.

The vitamin A products listed in Table 5 also contain many other beneficial substances. Therefore, use them as often as possible.

Vitamin A in vegetables and greens

Everyone has long known that carrots are the leader among vegetables in terms of the amount of retinol in their composition. Just 50 g of fruit will cover the average daily requirement (1000 mcg).

However, other components also show good performance (see Table 6).

Table 6. Retinol content in vegetables and herbs. To be like this healthy vegetable

, like carrots, is better absorbed, eat it along with those foods that contain a sufficient amount of fat.

  1. Such sources include:
  2. Vegetable oils. It is recommended to consume healthy, rich Omega amino acids.
  3. Fermented milk product with high fat content. Cottage cheese 18% contains 110 mcg.

Fish fat.

These are common components in which noble amino acids and retinol are found simultaneously. To understand, just remember that vitamin A dissolves in fats, not in water. Therefore, it is better to take the orange fruit stewed or fried along with oils. Do you like vegetables in their natural form? Then eat, for example, sour cream before or after carrots.

Good to know! Taking supplements regularly will help vitamin A be absorbed more easily.

How much vitamin A is in dishes

Table 7 will help you correctly formulate a diet that includes retinol. After all, food is the source of nutrients in their natural form.

NameTable 7. Amount of retinol in finished products.
Content per 100 grams, mcg478
Cheesecakes with carrots300
Egg omelet Salad with green onions300
Chicken egg with mayonnaise265
Stuffed cabbage rolls with vegetables238
Layer cake230
Fried eggs212
Pumpkin porridge Biscuit made from shortcrust pastry182
Puff tube with cream (cake)175
Cauliflower salad110
Almond cake110
Cabbage salad (white cabbage)92
Cabbage soup70

Having studied the quantitative content of retinol in mcg, you can easily create other recipes.

Save this delicious Vitamin A Burst casserole (4 servings):

  1. Combine grated carrots 300 g (6000 mcg) with 200 g of cottage cheese 18% (110 mcg) and a glass of semolina.
  2. Break 3 eggs (380 mcg) into the mixture, add sugar to taste, a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. soda
  3. Bake for no more than half an hour at 180 degrees.
  4. Pour 30% sour cream (255 mcg) over the finished dish.

Is there retinol in oils?

In almost all vegetable oils there is no vitamin A, with the exception of a couple of species (see Table 8). Retinol is present in animal fats.

Table 8. Which oil products contain retinol.

Many people have heard that flaxseed oil contains vitamins such as A and E. The presence of tocopherol in the ester is observed, but in fact there is no retinol. The element is also absent in other common extracts - therefore, their quantitative determination in oils of plant origin is impossible.

But the product helps vitamin A to be better absorbed. In hot-cooked foods, use olive and sunflower extract. Consume other oils raw.

Important! Dry skin? Are your hair and nails growing poorly? These are sure signs of carotenoid deficiency.

The benefits of vitamin A in its pure form for the body

Having correctly examined the data in the tables, we can draw a conclusion. The most retinol-rich products include:

  • fish oil;
  • carrot;
  • animal liver.

Stewed alone beef liver with carrots it’s worth it - don’t overuse nutrient “A”. Compliance with the measure will only lead to positive results. Neglect of this element promises headache, depression, vomiting and loss of appetite.

Why is it so important to get nutrients in natural form? This is due to a number of advantages:

  1. The nutrients in foods are absorbed faster by the body.
  2. Food not only provides benefits, but also provides energy.
  3. Delicious meals help you maintain a balance with pleasure.
  4. High-quality products contain exclusively organic ingredients. No chemicals or synthetics.
  5. The ability to prepare super-healthy preparations yourself.
  1. Determining the amount of nutrients per serving.
  2. Maintaining a balance of nutrients.

Is it not possible to eat foods rich in substance “A” every day? Buy drugs that replenish the norm.

Important! An overdose of nutrients leads to sad consequences for the digestive system.

Quality Supplements to Maintain Balance

Prefer a more convenient way to get retinol and other vital nutrients? Choose the right drug. No one has canceled proper nutrition. However, it is very difficult to replenish the body with enough nutrients every day. No problem, dietary supplements are just what you need.

Each package contains instructions with which you can avoid deficiency or excess of vitamins. And convenient release forms allow you to take the drug with you and always keep your health under control.

Here you can replenish your supplies with imported vitamins A at reasonable prices. All products have a certificate and many positive reviews from real customers. And these are not all the advantages of iHerb.

  1. A huge range of drugs from Europe and the USA.
  2. iHerb cooperates with many countries, so it can set prices 30-50% lower than in other stores. You won't find such a price-quality ratio anymore.
  3. 24/7 support service.
  4. Fast ordering.
  5. Worldwide delivery. There is a possibility of free delivery throughout Russia and the CIS.

Including beef liver, carrots, eggs and greens in your diet will prevent vitamin A deficiency in the body. Additionally, it is recommended to take dietary supplements, multivitamin complexes, etc. Only food and medications must be of high quality and natural, without violating storage rules or expiration dates.

Do you find the article useful? Tell your friends! Opinions, knowledge and simply Interesting Facts We are waiting for you about nutrients in the comments. 🙂

Chem. Name: retinol, dehydroretinol;
Solubility: fat soluble;
Diseases from lack: xerophthalmia, night blindness;
Maximum level: 3000 mcg;

Vitamin A (retinol, from English carrot - carrot) belongs to the group fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants, and takes part in many physiological processes. Vitamin A is the first representative of its group, isolated in its pure form, and received its name from the first letter of the alphabet.

It was synthesized from carrots, which gave it its second name – retinol. At the end of the 19th century, scientists found that Vitamin A is found in its pure form only in animal products.

Carrots and other plants contain a proretinoid called carotene. It turns into retinol only after entering the body. But this discovery does not make fruits and vegetables any less important sources of vitamin A.

What is vitamin A good for?

Retinol– an antioxidant that reduces the destructive effects of free radicals on cell walls. It affects the differentiation of fetal tissues. The normal functioning of the following systems depends on vitamin A:

The immune system

  • has an antitumor effect
  • needed to ensure complete phagocytosis;
  • increases the resistance of mucous membranes to microorganisms;
  • stimulates the functioning of humoral (antibodies) and cellular immunity.

Nervous system

  • responsible for normal twilight vision;
  • protects the brain from damage by free radicals;
  • influences the formation of the nervous system in the fetus.

Digestive system

  • stimulates glycogen synthesis;
  • accelerates the formation of proteins in the liver;
  • increases the content of healthy cholesterol in the blood;
  • prevents infection of the gastrointestinal tract.

Skin and mucous membranes

  • necessary for the normal condition of skin derivatives - hair and teeth;
  • responsible for the timely renewal of skin cells;
  • controls the normal functioning of the mucous membranes;
  • facilitates the progression of skin diseases.

Daily requirement

Our body is able to accumulate retinol. With a significant increase in the dosage of the drug, intoxication may occur; in order to prevent excess vitamin A in the blood, it is necessary to control the dose.

The need for retinol increases in people who perform heavy physical work and experience heavy eye strain. The dosage is increased for patients with vitamin A deficiency, pregnant and nursing mothers.

What foods contain vitamin A?

Most retinol among plants contain yellow vegetables and fruits - carrots, pumpkin, apricot, melon and sea buckthorn. There is also a lot of it in rose hips, viburnum, parsley, tomatoes, hawthorn and dill.

Table of foods with Vitamin A

Preparations with Vitamin A

Types of drugs

The pharmaceutical industry produces vitamin A in several forms. This allows patients to choose the treatment option that is most appropriate for them. In pharmacies, retinol can be found in the form of the following preparations:

  1. Vitamin A in oil– available for injection, internal and external use, both in pure form and as part of multivitamin preparations.
  2. Vitamin A capsules– used for oral administration. This is the same oil solution of retinol, but it is more convenient to dose, and the capsule allows you not to feel the specific taste of the vitamin.
  3. Vitamin A in ointment form– produced for external use in the treatment of skin diseases. If the dosage is observed, it does not cause a significant increase in the level of retinol in the blood.
  4. Vitamin A tablets– is produced for adherents of tablet forms, and those who have allergic reactions to the components of other retinol preparations.



The absorption of vitamin A depends on the presence of tocopherol (vitamin E) in the diet, which plays the role of an antioxidant stabilizer. Retinol only dissolves in fat, so eating low-fat foods slows down its absorption. Vitamin A-based medications should be taken no earlier than 10-15 minutes after meals.

Proretinoids are better absorbed in the presence of zinc, and this element should be present in the diet. While taking retinol, the body must be provided with B vitamins, phosphorus and calcium.

Compatibility and interaction with other drugs

You should not drink alcohol while taking retinol. This combination can cause liver damage. It is undesirable to take it simultaneously with other retinoids, as this leads to hypervitaminosis of vitamin A.

The same effect is achieved by the simultaneous use of retinol and oral contraceptives. Taking the latter increases the amount of protein in the blood that is responsible for transporting vitamin A.

Laxatives of mineral origin, amyl nitrite and cholestyramine slow down the absorption of vitamin A. When used simultaneously, dose adjustment of the latter is necessary.

Taking tetracyclines with retinol may cause increased intracranial pressure. Glucocorticoid steroids are direct antagonists of vitamin A.

Vitamin A deficiency

If the body stops receiving retinol from food, then the reserves accumulated in the liver will be used for some time. Vitamin A deficiency occurs when it is absent from the diet for a long time. WITH

The most well-known symptom of hypovitaminosis A is night blindness. With this disease, a person begins to see poorly at dusk, up to complete loss of vision in the absence of normal lighting.

This is due to the fact that retinol is necessary for the synthesis of purple, a substance responsible for the light sensitivity of the eyes. With a lack of vitamin A, other symptoms appear, such as:

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency

  • dry skin and its derivatives (nails and hair);
  • lethargy and suppressed appetite;
  • decreased immunity, manifested by frequent infections;
  • weight loss to the point of extreme exhaustion;
  • insomnia and mental disorders;
  • decreased potency;
  • skin rash;
  • problems with fertilization up to infertility;
  • the risk of cancer increases;
  • growth slows down in children and adolescents;
  • Due to the weakening of tooth enamel, caries develops.

Vitamin A overdose

The human body is not able to quickly remove retinol. Despite this, excess vitamin A in the diet cannot lead to intoxication. The excess vitamin will not be absorbed.

Vitamin A hypervitaminosis occurs with a severe overdose of pharmaceutical forms of the drug. The pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Vitamin overdose

  • bleeding from the gums;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • brittle nails and hair;
  • dry skin;
  • migraine;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • lethargy and depression;
  • Pregnant women may experience miscarriages and fetal development disorders.

Video Vitamin A

Kalorizator 2020 - Vitamins, instructions for medications, proper nutrition. All information is for informational purposes only. Be sure to consult a doctor during treatment.