What is a hematogen and what is its use? What is a hematogen - the benefits and harms The daily rate of hematogen.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

Hematogen is a unique drug, which includes many useful micro and macro elements. What is it for? Hematogen was created during the Second World War, for the treatment of patients with significant blood loss, concussions and other injuries.

The drug is used to this day for the treatment of diseases associated with iron deficiency. In addition, the tool is used for the prevention of many diseases.

Composition of the product

What is the hematogen made of? It is made from the dried blood of an ox or other cattle. Additionally, honey, ascorbic acid and flavor enhancers are added. In appearance, the hematogen resembles a bar of ordinary chocolate, only the benefits of it are much greater!

The composition of the hematogen includes amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins and other elements that stimulate the recovery of the body after diseases, infections, surgical interventions, etc.

Since vitamin A is part of the hematogen, the use of this drug has a positive effect on vision and skin restoration. Hematogen promotes hair and nail growth. How much iron is in one tile - you can find out on the packaging.

There are several types of hematogen, which include different amounts of vitamins and minerals. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor about how to take this drug.

General indications for use:

  • iron deficiency in the body;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • with frequent bleeding;
  • with anemia;
  • to increase hemoglobin;
  • with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • after complex infectious diseases;
  • with a frequent feeling of fatigue and weakness of the body.

In addition, hematogen should be consumed if the child has a slight developmental delay. As part of complex therapy, the drug can be prescribed for the treatment of various diseases that impair vision.

Contraindications for use

Hematogen is a therapeutic supplement, which, like any other drug, has its own contraindications:

  • The composition of the hematogen includes carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take the drug to patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • It is not recommended to use hematogen for patients with thrombophlebitis, as their condition may worsen significantly.
  • It is forbidden to take the drug and those who have an allergic disposition to the constituent components.

Hematogen and pregnancy

Doctors do not recommend using hematogen during pregnancy, as it can cause blockage of placental cells or form thrombosis. This drug can be used during pregnancy only in case of emergency, for example, if the expectant mother has low hemoglobin or iron deficiency.

Important! Self-medication is strictly prohibited, so you can seriously harm your baby. Only a gynecologist will say with certainty whether a hematogen can be used by a pregnant woman and how much it should be consumed.

  • They tend to be overweight.
  • The expectant mother suffers from diabetes mellitus or has a hereditary tendency to this disease.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use for women with anemia, which is not associated with iron deficiency!
  • If a pregnant woman is allergic to any component that is part of the hematogen.

The use of the drug in HB

Experts warn that hematogen should be used when breastfeeding need with extreme caution, especially for those who have an allergic disposition to the drug.

Important! Do not forget that hematogen is primarily a medical supplement, and not a complete diet. A woman can use the drug only when the child is at least 4 months old.

The hematogen can affect the taste of milk, so the baby may even refuse to breastfeed. In addition, it is not recommended to use hematogen with HB if:

  • there is a tendency to allergies;
  • there is no iron deficiency in the blood.

Types of hematogen

Release the following types hematogen:

  • Standard hematogen. Has no additives. It is produced in tiles of 30 and 50 g. It can be consumed by both children and adults.
  • New hematogen. The composition practically does not differ from the standard hematogen. Has an additive in the form of hazelnuts. Available in packs of 6 and 10 plates.
  • Honey hematogen. Has honey additive. It is recommended to use for patients with infectious and viral diseases, anemia. standard form. Available in 30g (6 cubes) and 50g (10 cubes) tiles.
  • Hematogen C. It has an additional additive - vitamin C. It is produced in a standard form, in the same sizes as a regular hematogen.

Dosage of the drug

How often you can eat and in what doses it is desirable to use hematogen, the attending physician will only say, having studied the results of all examinations and tests.

Important! The drug does not need to be self-administered. In some cases, hematogen can harm the body.

Instructions for use for children

At what age can hematogen be given to children? Experts recommend starting to give the drug to children from the age of 3, and then not in large quantities. Hematogen can be given for prevention purposes, but it is strictly forbidden to eat it all the time! Children can take the drug for 2-3 weeks daily, and then you need to take a short break so as not to harm the baby's health.

Hematogen for children should be taken according to the instructions:

  • Children 3-5 years old no more than 5 g 3 r. in a day.
  • Children 6-12 years old 10 g 3 r. in a day.

Important! The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription. But you need to give hematogen only after consulting with a pediatrician. It's not good for all kids. In addition, this drug may cause side effects. Therefore, do not abuse the hematogen!

Instructions for use for adults

For both men and women, the allowable rate per day should not exceed 15 g of hematogen. It is not recommended to use other vitamins in parallel without the permission of a doctor. It is undesirable to eat the drug for 30 minutes. before/after meals. It is also not advisable for men and women to take Hematogen continuously. It is recommended to use the drug for 3-4 weeks, then you need to take a short break.

Hematogen contains black food albumen , sweetened condensed milk, starch syrup, vanillin and sucrose.

Different manufacturers add honey, jams, nuts, ascorbic acid, ferrous sulphate, aromatic substances, etc. to improve the taste and give the product additional properties.

The composition of the hematogen according to GOST

In accordance with GOST, the product must contain black food (concentration per 100 g of hematogen - 4-5%), whole sweetened condensed milk (from 30 to 33%), starch syrup (from 18 to 23%), vanillin (from 0.01 to 0.015%), granulated sugar (the remaining percentage). Sometimes, to eliminate the bitterness of the finished product, hazelnuts are added to the hematogen (from 5 to 10%).

What is hematogen made of, and how is this product made in general?

The active substance of the drug is black food albumen - is a water-soluble powder that is obtained from stabilized or defibrinated food blood or its formed elements. The substance makes up 40 to 60% of the total plasma proteins and is the main plasma protein.

Albumen responsible for linking , , fatty acids and acts as a carrier for some hormones (including , thyroxine aldosterone And triiodothyronine ). Protein-bound hormones are in an inactive form, but are very easily mobilized.

Albumen , which is part of the hematogen, is produced in such a way as to preserve all the value of its basis . The concentration of the substance in one tile of the drug is 2.5 grams.

During the production of the product, purified water heated to 40 ° C is poured into a digester with a stirrer and granulated sugar is added to it. With continuous stirring, the mixture is brought to a boil and kept until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. After that, whole condensed milk and starch syrup are added to the cauldron and the mixture is allowed to boil.

The finished syrup is thoroughly mixed, filtered and placed in a spherical vacuum apparatus. The finished mass in color should resemble candy "iris". The readiness of the product is determined by the caramel sample: dipped in cold water the syrup should quickly harden and become brittle.

If the mass is ready, it is quickly poured into a mixer lubricated with vegetable oil, stirring constantly, cooled to 60 ° C and gradually begin to introduce albumen and - to improve the consistency of the finished product - cuttings obtained from previous batches of hematogenous tiles.

Next, the mass is cooled to 40 ° C and vanillin is introduced into it and . Tiles are formed from the finished “toffee” mass, which are then dried on racks until the moisture content in them is 8%.

How many calories are in the hematogen?

Calorie 1 pc. hematogen according to GOST - 504 kcal. The calorie content of hematogen containing hazelnuts is 700 kcal.

Considering what the hematogen consists of, you can evaluate its benefits and harms. The product contains a lot of sugar, which is contraindicated in patients with diabetes, people with a body mass index of more than 30 kg/m2.

Release form

Chewable lozenges 30 and 50 grams, divided into 6 or 10 plates.

It looks like a brown tile visually divided into cubes, hermetically packed in a polypropylene film.

pharmachologic effect

Iron preparation. pharmachologic effect antianemic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is used to correct metabolic processes. It is a source of fats, a complete protein (that is, a protein in which all amino acids are contained in the optimal ratio for the body), minerals and carbohydrates, which are present in Hematogen in proportions close to the composition of human blood.

Stimulates hematopoiesis , increases the content erythrocytes in the blood of people who suffer from anemia, promotes better absorption of iron in the intestinal tract, increases the content of Hb (hemoglobin) in the blood and plasma concentration ferritin (globular protein complex, which acts as the main depot of iron inside the cell), improves morphological characteristics erythrocytes (including removing microcytosis And erythrocyte hypochromia , and also increases their average diameter).

The hematogen contains a large amount , due to which the product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nail growth, vision.

Studies of the pharmacokinetic profile of the drug have not been conducted.

Indications for use: what is the hematogen for?

The use of Hematogen is indicated for:

  • anemia , which is associated with a deficiency of hemoglobin formation factors (in particular, with anemia, which is a consequence of blood loss);
  • malnutrition;
  • chronic diseases (particularly peptic ulcer , in which frequent, often unnoticed bleeding is possible);
  • visual impairment;
  • conditions that occur with malnutrition and/or cachexia ;
  • traumatic lesions of bones and soft tissues;
  • delayed recovery of body weight.

The use of hematogen is also advisable to accelerate tissue healing after injuries and surgical interventions, as well as during convalescence after infectious diseases;


Hypersensitivity to Hematogen components, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism; anemia , which is not associated with iron deficiency; violation of iron utilization, hemochromatosis , age up to 2 years.

Since the product contains easily digestible carbohydrates, it should not be consumed by people who are sick as well as people who suffer from obesity.

Side effects

Rarely, nausea and/or .

Application instruction of Hematogen (Way and dosage)

Pastilles are intended for oral administration. An adult is recommended to take them 1-3 pieces per dose 2 or 3 times a day (no more than 50 grams per day).

The duration of the intake, subject to the daily intake of the product, is not limited in time.


There are no reports of cases of overdose.


Terms of sale

Non-prescription drug.

Storage conditions

Pastilles are stored in a place protected from light and moisture, inaccessible to children, where the temperature is maintained from 15 to 21°C.

Best before date

6 months.

special instructions

Hematogen - what is it?

Hematogen is a product with healing and restorative properties, which is obtained from dry blood of slaughter animals purified in vitro from fibrin protein. From the Greek the name is translated as "giving birth to blood."

The value of the extract obtained in this way is that iron is present in it in the form of purified - an iron-containing protein that stimulates the formation erythrocytes .

Hematogen is used as a protein food supplement during periods of increased mental and physical stress, and is also used in therapy. iron deficiency anemia (IDA).

The dosage form of the drug is primarily intended for children of different age groups. After all, it is in childhood that the highest frequency of cases of IDA and cases of malnutrition .

A developing children's body needs an increased amount of macro- and microelements, vitamins and protein, which are necessary for it to maintain the normal course of metabolic processes.

In particular, prophylactic administration of Hematogen is indicated during the child's puberty, as well as in situations where the body's need for iron increases (for example, during sports competitions).

Good palatability of the drug allows it to be used in sick children with reduced appetite.

Is Hematogen useful for adults? Undoubtedly. As in children, in adults the drug is a source of amino acids (both interchangeable and irreplaceable, the deficiency of which is replenished only if they are sufficiently supplied with food), iron, high-grade protein, microelements.

In addition, the product is rich fat-soluble vitamins . One tablet of the drug is enough to compensate for the daily need for vitamin A , which is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates , increases the resistance of the mucous membranes of the digestive canal and respiratory organs, and also contributes to the normalization of visual function.

What is a hematogen - medicine or dietary supplement?

Wikipedia indicates that, from a medical point of view, hematogen is vitamin-like drug , since its pharmacological action is beyond doubt. However, when compared with modern means for the treatment and prevention of IDA, it is less effective.

If we talk about the legal side of the issue, then some drugs, which are based on the blood of slaughtered livestock, are registered as medicines, and a number - as dietary supplements. At the same time, the composition of the medicinal product and the dietary supplement, as a rule, has minimal differences, and they primarily relate to flavoring fillers: honey, nuts, jams, etc.

On the one hand, in Russia medicines are taxed less than most other goods, therefore, it is much more profitable for the manufacturer to sell Hematogen, which is registered as a medicine.

On the other hand, dietary supplements do not undergo such strict quality control as medicines, and their sale can be carried out not only through pharmacy chains, but also through other specialized stores.

Hematogen: benefit and harm

How is Hematogen useful for adults and children? Delicious medicine based plasma protein albumin improves the course of metabolic processes, vision, increases the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tract, replenishes iron deficiency, vitamin A , proteins, minerals and carbohydrates, normalizes appetite.

However, it should be remembered that uncontrolled intake of Hematogen, as well as taking it with incompatible drugs, can lead to undesirable consequences. It is important to remember that the product has contraindications, and not everyone can take it.

The presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in the Hematogen can provoke an increase in body weight, which is highly undesirable for diabetics, pregnant women and people prone to obesity. In addition, the drug increases blood viscosity, thereby provoking thrombosis .

Precautionary measures

Hematogen should be taken with caution to persons with:

  • potential risk of bleeding (including peptic ulcer in history, hypocoagulation conditions, etc.);
  • ischemic circulatory disorders of the brain ;
  • severe arterial hypertension , which is not amenable to medical correction;
  • diabetic retinopathy ;
  • severe liver disease .


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:


Hematogen L , Hematogen new , Hematogen for children , Hematogen C ,Hematogen C Vita ,Hematogen with pine nuts .

For children

For children, the daily dose of Hematogen is from 2 to 6 plates (no more than 30 grams per day). The dose is divided into 2-3 doses. Subject to the norms of daily consumption, you can take the drug for an unlimited time.

Despite the fact that in the instructions of some manufacturers, the age limit for the use of the drug is up to 2-3 years, experts recommend introducing the product into the diet of children from 5-7 years.

Hematogen during weight loss

The introduction of Hematogen into the diet of a person following a diet for weight loss allows maintaining the required level hemoglobin and compensate for the need for vitamin A .

However, in order to maintain the good condition of teeth, nails, skin and hair in conditions of insufficient intake of nutrients, the body needs many minerals and B vitamins , which are absent in Hematogen.

Answering the question whether it is possible to eat Hematogen on a diet, doctors say that it is possible, but in limited quantities and not for long. The maximum duration of continuous use is 3 weeks.

The dose should be calculated in such a way that about 15 grams of the drug per day per 45 kg of weight. The portion during the day is divided into 3 doses.

It must be remembered that Hematogen has the ability to accumulate in the body and is not removed from it at a time. If a person follows a long-term diet designed for months or even years, he should use Hematogen in courses, maintaining intervals of 2-3 months between them. Before you resume taking the drug, it is recommended to take a complete blood count.

Deficiency of nutrients, provoked by the peculiarities of the diet, can cause blood clots even with sufficient fluid intake into the body. Most diets involve limiting the intake of salt, while the liquid, in turn, with a lack of salt, is excreted from the body very quickly along with metabolic products.

At normal rates hemoglobin (for women - 120-130, for men 140-160 g / l) enter into the diet hemoglobin not worth it. Instead, in consultation with your doctor, you can take a balanced multivitamin complex.

Hematogen during pregnancy: is it possible to Hematogen during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only according to indications, in limited doses, and only in cases where the benefit of hematogen for a woman outweighs the risk to the developing fetus.

Why pregnant women can not Hematogen?

The ban is due to the fact that a high concentration hemoglobin leads to thickening of the blood and, as a result, to thrombosis And placental capillary embolism , which in turn adversely affects the condition of the fetus.

The product is high in calories, which can cause a sharp weight gain. In addition, due to changes in the hormonal background, the body of a pregnant woman may “respond” to its intake. allergic reaction .

Why is hematogen useful for pregnant women?

Nevertheless, there are situations when during pregnancy the benefits of Hematogen for women outweigh the potential risks. In some cases, doctors may recommend this remedy for prevention and treatment. iron deficiency anemia .

So, give an unambiguous answer to the question “Is it possible for pregnant women to eat Hematogen?” pretty hard. The doctor may recommend this product or, on the contrary, prohibit it only taking into account the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and the body of the expectant mother.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have a hematogen?

Use during breastfeeding is possible only with the approval of a doctor.

Hematogen has been familiar to us since childhood as a tasty but expensive toffee. Then it was perceived by us as a delicacy, since its sweet taste and appearance were no different from sweetness. The only difference from them was that it could only be bought at a pharmacy. As it turned out, this bar is not just a "bar". It is very useful not only for the growing body, but also for adults. Therefore, how hematogen is useful and what it is made of, we will consider below.

What is hematogen made of?

It is produced from the blood of bulls by processing the blood and further drying it. Livestock blood undergoes various treatments to kill infections. On the packaging, the blood is hidden under the black albumin ingredient. To give a sweet taste in the production of hemoglobin, condensed milk, vanilla, various nuts and coconut flakes are added to it.

The main component of hematogen is black food albumin. In human blood, it performs the function of maintaining the osmotic pressure of the blood and affects the transport of many substances. Added to it for taste various sweet ingredients.

In total, the composition includes:

  • protein with amino acids included in the daily requirement;
  • minerals - iron, calcium, sodium, potassium;
  • animal fats;
  • vitamins;
  • carbohydrates.

The essence of the drug lies in the intake of iron after it is taken into the body, which takes part in the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin readings increase, and the blood becomes better.

Hematogen: application

Hematogen is used as a prophylactic against various diseases. It is prescribed by a doctor along with other drugs or is bought on its own without visiting a doctor.

The use of hematogen is relevant for:

The drug has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, increases its resistance to various diseases and protects against infections. Initially, many people think that only children need it, however, it can and should be attributed to adults suffering from anemia and beriberi.

Hematogen during pregnancy

Hematogen is useful for women not only during critical days and with heavy bleeding, but also when pregnancy is detected. But only a doctor should prescribe it. Self-administration of this drug can harm both the expectant mother and the baby.

During pregnancy, there is a decrease in hemoglobin levels due to iron deficiency. Signs of this may be low blood pressure, constant weakness, pale color. At very low rates, drug treatment is prescribed, and at moderate rates, a diet with a high iron content is prescribed.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the hematogen during pregnancy is the daily dose of hematogen (50 g). Uncontrolled intake of hematogen by a pregnant woman can lead to weight gain, thickening of the blood and can cause blood clots. And it is also quite possible indigestion and, as a result, loose stools. Nursing mothers should also be careful about taking the drug, since the protein from cow's milk contained in it can lead to allergies in infants.

When pregnant women can not hematogen:

Pros and cons of hematogen

The question is controversial and ambiguous. The benefits of this drug, of course, are undeniable. It helps increase hemoglobin in the blood and improves the condition of the body as a whole. There is debate about whether it should be given to pregnant and lactating women. It all depends on the blood counts, general examination of the body and the identification of contraindications for its use. Under the constant supervision of a physician, hemoglobin intake is possible, and often necessary. Overdose can lead to nausea and diarrhea. With an excess of iron in the blood, cholesterol is deposited in the vessels, that is, atherosclerosis develops.

Out of ignorance, parents give the child a hematogen bar also uncontrollably, thus replacing sweet products and sweets. But it must be remembered that he is a drug and in large quantities can even harm the child.

How to use

  • children per day are allowed a dosage of 40 g;
  • an adult is allowed a dosage of 50 g per day.

The dosage may vary depending on the doctor's prescription and the individual characteristics of the person (height, weight, previous diseases). Ingestion is done in the middle of eating.

There are a lot of calories in the hematogen, 350 kcal per 100 g. People who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their weight are unlikely to like it. Therapeutic indicators are excellent and suit everyone, but this high calorie content repels potential buyers.

Benefits for adults

Appointed for:

  • lack of iron;
  • weak immunity;
  • drowsiness and frequent whims;
  • low weight;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • growth disorder;
  • chronic diseases;
  • poor eyesight;
  • skin problems.

Overdose can lead to nausea and diarrhea. With an excess of iron in the blood, cholesterol is deposited in the vessels, that is, atherosclerosis develops.

How much can you eat hematogen

After donating blood and determining that hemoglobin is very low, many try to increase it by taking a large dose of hematogen for several days. This method will only harm the body. Therefore, the question of how much hematogen can be eaten, and when, is always relevant.

Large use of hematogen in a short time can lead to:

If the hemoglobin index is normal, its excess in the body will thicken the blood, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots.

How to choose and combine with other products

It is worth buying in pharmacies. In an ordinary grocery store or stall, the presence of a hematogen leads to suspicion and its authenticity sure to raise doubts.

The price category for each buyer, depending on the material condition, but still it is better to refrain from cheap stuff and choose an average price.

It should not be eaten with any milk products, after eating salad, semolina and rice. Cereal products, as well as fish and meat, are best eaten a couple of hours after eating tiles. You can give a child a candy bar as a snack between meals but never immediately after a meal.

Fatty food inhibits the digestibility of hematogen, so after eating belyash or fried potatoes, you should refuse it and take it a little later.

If you analyze the reviews about the hematogen, you will notice that the most frequent statement sounds like: "This is a healthy and tasty dessert, with a low cost, which we remember from childhood." Even in Soviet times, everyone who ever tried this delicacy knew exactly what it was made on the basis of. Today, due to the diversity of choice in this category, the compositions are very different from bar to bar. Also, not many people know what it is for.


According to the official definition, a hematogen is a drug in the form of a bar. It belongs to the category of dietary supplements (BAA) and is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription to stimulate hematopoiesis.

So despite the widespread reviews about the hematogen, this is far from being a treat or candy for a snack. Even despite the resemblance to the popular chewy bars.

Application history

This product has been around for a long time and was widely known during the Second World War. At that time, and also later, it was used for:

  • additions to the diet of both wounded and healthy military personnel;
  • to maintain health in the elderly;
  • as an additional component of the rehabilitation of children who were on inpatient treatment.

Modern indications for use

According to reviews, hematogen with low hemoglobin is a rather useful and pleasant addition to the main treatment. Today it is recommended to use it in the following cases:

  • With limited or inadequate nutrition.
  • In the presence and treatment of various blood diseases.
  • In case of stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  • After broken bones.
  • According to reviews of the hematogen, the benefits are clearly visible when it is used to improve well-being during menstruation in women.
  • As an additional source of nutrients, when recovering from various serious illnesses.
  • During the periods of treatment after operations.
  • In case of visual impairment.
  • With various chronic diseases.
  • There are also a lot of positive reviews about the hematogen in anemia.
  • In case of withdrawal syndrome.

Indications for use for children

According to reviews of the hematogen, this biological supplement is perceived more as an additional food for children. Most often it is used for:

  • drowsiness;
  • frequent bouts of hysteria;
  • abnormally low weight;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • growth disorders;
  • the presence of skin problems;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • having vision problems.

How to use

The standard dose of this dietary supplement is one bar per day. The official statements are as follows:

  • The daily dose of hematogen for children should not exceed 40 grams per day. It is worth noting that one bar just has exactly this weight.
  • Adults should not consume more than 50 grams of this product per day.


Now it’s worth understanding what this biological additive is made of. If you recall the reviews of the hematogen, they claim that the main component is purified blood of cattle. However, that's not all:

  • To eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions, hemoglobin was added instead of blood. Also purified from all microorganisms.
  • Carbohydrates include glucose, sucrose, maltose and dextrin.
  • Essential and non-essential amino acids that partially fill the daily requirement for proteins.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins and animal fats.
  • divalent iron. It is quite well absorbed in the intestines and helps to correct the state of deficiency of this component.
  • Vitamins A and C are present.
  • Minerals are represented by potassium, sodium, chlorine and calcium.
  • To provide various flavors, molasses, sugar, chocolate, sesame seeds, honey, nuts, condensed milk, coconut flakes, candied fruits and much more are used in the hematogen.

General Benefits for Adults and Seniors

From the previous use cases, it is already clear that this biological supplement is intended not only for children. It is great for people of any age and has the following effects on the body:

  • fills the lack of essential proteins and amino acids;
  • excellent as a nerve-strengthening drug, when experiencing stressful situations;
  • contributes to the overall strengthening of immunity;
  • with regular use, it does an excellent job of maintaining nails, skin and hair in good condition;
  • able to partially eliminate the results of an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • puts in order the metabolism;
  • eliminates bouts of drowsiness and feelings of fatigue;
  • great as a healthy source of energy and protein.

Do not forget about the shortcomings of this product. After all, before you start taking, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of the product.


According to doctors, you should not lean too much on this biological supplement or replace meals with it. This can lead to consequences such as:

  • Damage or destruction of cell walls caused by an excess of iron in the body, due to the excess of the permissible dose.
  • An excessive amount of this mineral contributes to the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels, which, in turn, is one of the main factors leading to the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  • Excess consumption of Hematogen Bars leads to bouts of diarrhea, nausea, or dizziness. All this is due to fermentation processes.

When should hematogen not be used?

This biological supplement may be undesirable for use in some cases. Among them:

  • The presence of diagnosed diabetes mellitus or any of its signs. In this case, the ban is relevant due to the presence in the bar of a sufficient amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, which lead to an increase in sugar levels.
  • In case of obesity, as an additional source of fast carbohydrates.
  • The presence of hypersensitivity of the body to one or more components that make up the bar. As a result, angioedema, urticaria and other reactions may occur.
  • Hematogen is forbidden to use in case of anemia, which is not related to iron deficiency. So, instead of improving your condition, you will get a negative toxic effect on your body.
  • It is also not recommended to use this dietary supplement if you have a metabolic disorder.
  • Another prohibitive factor is varicose veins.
  • Due to the fact that the hematogen leads to some thickening of the blood, it should not be used in the presence of thrombophlebitis.
  • It is not allowed to give the bar to children who have not reached the age of three years.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

It is known that in a given period of time the need for iron increases sharply in the body. Moreover, the volume should not be less than 27 milligrams. As a result, in order to prevent the development of a deficiency of this substance and its consequences, it is recommended to consume either half or one whole bar per day. But do not make it the main source. This role should be given to a healthy diet.

Thus, hematogen should be an addition to products such as:

  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • cereals;
  • green vegetables.

What can not be combined with?

If you are taking any medications, you should consult your doctor before using this dietary supplement. In general, hematogen should not be used with drugs such as:

  • "Tetracycline";
  • "Minocycline";
  • "Norfloxacin";
  • "Levofloxacin";
  • Ofloxacin and others.

Combination with the following medicines is subject to mandatory consultation:

  • "Naproxen";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Indomethacin";
  • "Diclofenac".

What not to buy?

It is important to keep in mind that hematogen is a biological supplement that belongs to medicines. Therefore, you need to buy it only in pharmacies.

Also remember that you can not take a product that contains:

  • nuts, cereals and other plant components;
  • various sweeteners;
  • stabilizers;
  • preservatives;
  • flavor enhancers.

Also pay attention to the presence of various unfamiliar or harmful combinations of numbers and letters.

Hematogen is a multivitamin complex consisting of many different vitamins that are naturally found in food and other natural sources. Hematogen in Greek means "giving birth to blood." Hematogen is a preparation consisting of a large amount of iron. It quickly binds to protein components and dissolves completely in the gastrointestinal tract. It also allows the formation of red blood cells.

Consists of processed defibrinated bovine blood in a dry form with the addition of various ingredients that improve its taste (coconut, ascorbic acid, sugar, chocolate, condensed milk, honey, nuts). In the process of special processing of cattle blood, the useful properties contained in it remain unchanged, therefore, hematogen is made in the form of small, pleasant-tasting tiles.

The composition of the hematogen

The composition of Hematogen includes a complex of nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins), but iron is still considered the main ingredient, without which the formation of erythrocytes (red blood cells) becomes simply impossible.

Iron is commonly found in foods, especially red meats. In the body, iron is part of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through the blood to organs and tissues, while myoglobin helps muscle cells store oxygen.

Iron in the hematogen is contained in the form of hemoglobin, which is quickly assimilated by the body. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamin A and a large number of amino acids.

Who needs a hematogen and when

Hematogen needed:

  • patients with anemia and anemia;
  • to replenish the body with iron and multivitamins;
  • during pregnancy (not in all cases);
  • in the treatment of blood diseases;
  • to improve nutrition (especially children);
  • with disorders of the digestive system;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • as a preventive measure for vitamin deficiency and poor digestion of food.

The benefits of hematogen

The benefit of hematogen is that it improves vision, digestion, metabolic processes, and strengthens the mucous membranes of organs. It has an excellent effect on the respiratory system, increasing the resistance of the bronchial membranes. It is useful in childhood and adolescence, especially for children suffering from prolonged lack of appetite. Also, it must be taken by adults with a lack of vitamins in the body.

Hematogen is used for the prevention and treatment of:

  • low blood hemoglobin;
  • visual impairment;
  • growth retardation;
  • balanced nutrition;
  • influenza and GRVI;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases.

A good benefit in addition to taking the hematogen of the main treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and stomach ulcers, organs of vision.

Harm of the hematogen

As they say, "A lot of good is also bad." Although the harm of hematogen occurs infrequently, it is sometimes possible. First of all, this can happen due to an overdose or its uncontrolled intake, incl. and with incompatible drugs. For more information about the dangers of taking hematogen and how to avoid it, see below.

How to take Hematogen correctly

The benefits of hematogen, as well as harm, are very dependent on the correct dosage. Before starting treatment with Hematogen, in order to avoid side effects, it is recommended to consult a doctor (in some cases it is not effective for certain types of anemia that are not associated with iron deficiency).

Since the hematogen contains in its composition a lot of carbohydrates that are easily digested, it is forbidden to use it for people prone to obesity and diabetics. Pregnant women should take hematogen with caution, because. it can harm the fetus during development. Also, during pregnancy, hematogen should not be consumed because of the high probability of a sharp increase in body weight, it also contributes to blood thickening, leading to the formation of blood clots.

It is harmful to use hematogen in the treatment of metabolic disorders of the body, because. it is a source of substances similar in composition to human blood. Hematogen is made on the basis of a product of dry plasma or blood serum - black albumin. The uniqueness of albumin lies in the easy digestibility of iron and protein, in which there is no irritation of the stomach.

If nausea occurs, you should immediately stop using Hematogen, because. these are the first signs of side effects that cause symptoms of fermentation in the stomach.

Hematogen almost does not cause side effects, in most cases it has a mild effect on the body. It is advisable to take it not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure, especially for children in the period of active growth.

What is important to know about the hematogen?

Avoid any other multivitamin products within 2 hours before or after taking Hematogen.

Taking these vitamin preparations at the same time can lead to vitamin overdose or more serious side effects.

Contact your doctor immediately if you think you have taken too much of this medicine.

An overdose of vitamins A, D, E, K can cause serious or life-threatening side effects.

Symptoms of an overdose of these vitamins, and that is, the hematogen itself, may include:

  • severe pain in the stomach;
  • vomiting;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • cough with blood impurities;
  • constipation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • hair loss;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • sensations of warmth and tingling in the body;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • weight loss;
  • severe headache;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • backache;
  • blood in urine and feces;
  • black and tarry stools;
  • pale skin;
  • light bleeding;
  • weakness;
  • shallow breathing;
  • weak and frequent pulse;
  • pale skin, blue lips and cramps.

Hematogen should not be taken with milk, other dairy products, dietary supplements, calcium, and antacids containing calcium. Calcium can make it difficult for the body to absorb certain Hematogen ingredients.

What should you know before using Hematogen?

Hematogen and some vitamins can cause serious or life-threatening side effects when taken in high doses. Therefore, you should not take it more than two plates a day.

If you have any medical conditions, first of all, consult your doctor before taking.

Do not take Hematogen uncontrolled if you are pregnant or if you plan to become pregnant in the near future. Some vitamins and minerals can harm an unborn baby if taken in high doses.

Multivitamins can pass into breast milk and harm the baby. Do not use Hematogen without a doctor's prescription if you are breastfeeding.

How to take Hematogen?

  1. Do not consume too much hematogen, because. it can cause side effects such as tooth staining, frequent urination, stomach bleeding, irregular heartbeat, confusion, and muscle weakness.
  2. Always read what the drug consists of.
  3. Take Hematogen with a full glass of water.
  4. It is good to take Hematogen with food if it does not harm the stomach.
  5. When treating, it is important to take Hematogen regularly to get the most benefit.
  6. Hematogen should be stored at room temperature away from moisture and heat.

What should I avoid while taking Hematogen?

While taking Hematogen, to prevent self-harm, you should:

  • avoid taking any other multivitamin preparations within 2 hours before or after taking Hematogen;
  • do not take hematogen in combination with other vitamins;
  • avoid regular use of salt substitutes in the diet when taking multivitamins containing potassium;
  • take hematogen with caution if you are on a low-salt diet;
  • avoid taking antibiotics within 2 hours before or after taking Hematogen. This is especially important when taking antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, levofloxacin, minocycline, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, tetracycline;
  • avoid taking multivitamins 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating fish, meat, liver, whole grains, cereals, because. some foods can make it difficult for the body to absorb iron;
  • Hematogen should not be taken with milk, other dairy products, calcium supplements, or antacids containing calcium. Calcium can make it difficult for your body to absorb certain ingredients and multivitamins.

Side effects of taking Hematogen

The harm of the hematogen can affect both very quickly and be detected a few hours after ingestion. You should immediately seek emergency medical attention if any of the signs of the side effects listed below are observed:

  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • hives;
  • labored breathing;
  • swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat;
  • bright red blood in the stool;
  • pain in the chest or throat when swallowing.

Less serious side effects may include:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea
  • nausea, vomiting, heartburn;
  • stomach pain or indigestion;
  • black or dark-colored stools or in the urine;
  • temporary staining of teeth;
  • severe headache;
  • unusual or unpleasant taste in the mouth.

This is not a complete list of side effects that may occur when taking Hematogen.

What drugs are not compatible with taking Hematogen?

Vitamin and mineral supplements may interact differently with certain medications. Therefore, before taking Hematogen, tell your doctor about the drugs you are taking. You should be especially careful if you are taking diuretics (diuretics), heart or blood pressure medications, tretinoin (vesanoid), isotretinoin, penicillamine, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, indomethacin, ketoprofen, and etc. The harm caused by the combined use of hematogen and another drug may manifest itself in the form of the symptoms listed above, but in individual cases maybe differently.

This is not a complete list of drugs that are incompatible with taking Hematogen. Tell your doctor about all prescription and over-the-counter drugs you use, including all vitamins, minerals, herbal products, medicines prescribed by other doctors, to prevent possible harm from taking Hematogen together with another drug.

Where can I get more information about the hematogen?

You can get more detailed information about hematogen and its properties from a pharmacist.


Hematogen is a drug that is made from the blood of cattle. It tastes and looks like sweetness due to the addition of food ingredients.

And now we will very briefly sum up the result, what are the benefits and harms of hematogen.

The hematogen contains iron, amino acids valuable for the body, vitamin A, as well as fats and carbohydrates.

The benefits of hematogen: increases hemoglobin, improves vision, digestion, metabolic processes, strengthens the mucous membrane of organs, has a positive effect on the respiratory system, is useful for children suffering from lack of appetite, adults with beriberi.

When hematogen is used: for diseases with anemia and anemia, for inflammation of the body with iron and multivitamins, during pregnancy (not always), for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and stomach ulcers, to improve nutrition, to prevent beriberi and poor digestion, as well as a doctor may prescribe it in many other cases. Although now much more often doctors prescribe a complex of multivitamins, and not a hematogen, for general strengthening of the body during an illness.

The harm of hematogen primarily consists in an overdose or its uncontrolled use. Also, you should not use it during breastfeeding without a doctor's prescription and in the treatment of metabolic disorders of the body. Harmful hematogen can be for people with elevated blood hemoglobin or hypovitaminosis (exceeding the norm of vitamins), thrombosis. It is important to consult a doctor if taking other drugs (multivitamins, mineral supplements, antibiotics, etc.) while taking Hematogen, in order to avoid side effects.

For more details on the benefits and harms of hematogen, see the main part of the article (before the summary).


Hematogen - benefit and harm: composition, instructions for use and product properties

There is no child or adult who has not tried hematogen at least once in his life - the benefits and harms of this remedy are still being discussed by doctors, but if at an early age it looks like a delicious treat, similar to a bar of chocolate, then after learning about the composition, people often do not rush to take it There is. The drug that stimulates hematopoiesis contains defibrinated bovine blood. The tool was invented at the end of the 19th century in Switzerland. At first, the medicine was a medicine based on the blood of cattle, it acquired the usual form of sweet bars in Russia after 1917.

What is hematogen

Hematogen refers to medicinal preparations containing dried processed blood. Translated from the Greek "haematogenum" this word means "giving birth to blood." The drug consists of albumin (blood protein) and various food additives that improve taste. Hematogen increases hemoglobin. During the Great Patriotic War, the Russian drug was included in the mandatory diet of the wounded.

According to the modern pharmaceutical classification, it is a dietary supplement rich in vitamins and microelements. Dietary supplement is not a candy or a dessert. It has a memorable specific sweet taste, soft texture. It is important to know what the hematogen is used for - the benefits of delicacy and harm border on each other.

The active components of the hematogen are proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. An important substance is ferrous iron, which forms erythrocytes in the blood - red blood cells. The chemical element is represented by an iron-containing protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. The preparation contains vitamin A, which is necessary for a growing organism, it is a source of amino acids.

Additional food ingredients of hematogen are flavoring additives: honey, molasses, sugar, chocolate, sesame seeds, nuts, condensed milk, coconut flakes, candied fruits are added to it. They make a product from blood, in the composition it is indicated as food albumin. The calorie content of the product is 354 kcal per 100 g. A detailed analysis of the BJU of a useful product:

How is hematogen made?

The dietary supplement contains classic black food albumin. It is obtained from the blood of cattle - it stabilizes and dries the blood or erythrocyte mass. These components contain many allergens, so in modern production they are replaced by hemoglobin. Technology for the production of the drug according to GOST:

  • sugar syrup is mixed with condensed milk, molasses, heated to 125 degrees;
  • the mass is cooled to 60 degrees;
  • black food albumin or hemoglobin is introduced into it.

The benefits of hematogen

The effect of taking the medicine is a preventive and restorative effect. The bioadditive is an aid in the prevention of anemia and the treatment of diseases. What is useful hematogen:

  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • normalizes the process of blood production;
  • amino acids support the normal functioning of all organs;
  • vitamin A improves the condition of nails, skin, hair, supports vision;
  • used in the complex treatment of anemia, postoperative periods, weakness;
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamins, proteins, eliminates general exhaustion;
  • indispensable for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, as these diseases are accompanied by blood loss;
  • normalizes the weight and height of children.

Why children need a hematogen, pediatricians will tell. The remedy is given from 3 years to 30 g per day. Its benefits to the child's body are as follows:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • does not allow anemia to develop;
  • enhances the production of red blood cells in case of deficiency, normalizes the state of hemoglobin, protects against anemia;
  • renews the structure and composition of the blood, strengthens the body;
  • increases the supply of cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • stimulates hematopoiesis, metabolism, develops visual function;
  • improves the activity of digestion, respiratory organs;

For women

Some doubt whether hematogen is useful because the product has many contraindications, harms and side effects. For women, especially pregnant women, the benefits are as follows:

  • helps to fully develop the fetus and placenta;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps to avoid the risk of lack of iron intake;
  • doctors recommend using a remedy for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia;
  • increases the reserves of trace elements in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • during menstruation replenishes the loss of substances;
  • increases osmotic pressure in the blood, eliminates edema;
  • the use of hematogen is recommended to enhance the transport of hormones;
  • the composition contains vitamins A, C and E, which maintain the normal condition of the mucous membranes, skin, hair, nails.

For men

The product is considered important for children and women, but there are benefits of Hematogen for men. It is as follows:

  • helps with emotional, mental, physical activity;
  • stabilizes metabolism, regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • improves digestion, respiration;
  • normalizes vision, tones the body, contains the norms of vitamins;
  • amino acids protect against penetration of infections;
  • helps with intense workouts
  • restores strength after medical procedures, operations.

Hematogen during weight loss

The beneficial properties of hematogen are applicable in many areas, but not for weight loss. The product has a high calorie content to include it in the diet menu. If you count calories, hematogen can be used as a dessert. When following a special diet, consider the rate of use of additives - fillers increase calorie content, are included in the list of prohibited foods for people suffering from excess weight.


You should not uncontrollably take any dietary supplements, including hematogen - the benefits and harms of its use can be closely intertwined. Here are some harmful factors:

  • additives and albumin are allergenic, cause severe consequences;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates are harmful in the form of obesity, diabetes;
  • overdose threatens with nausea, diarrhea;
  • helps to reduce the digestibility of saturated fats;
  • negatively affects the thyroid gland of diabetics.

Instructions for use

1-2 plates three times a day - this is the norm for taking hematogen without consequences for the body. Tiles, bars or chewable sticks are available in 20, 30 or 50 g divided into sticks or cubes. The duration of the medication is 2-3 weeks. Take it between meals, preferably two hours after eating. It is possible to drink cubes with water, but not to combine with dairy products - this makes it difficult to absorb nutrients. During the use of hematogen, it is forbidden to take vitamin complexes.

Before taking the product, consult your doctor so as not to harm the body. The consumption of hematogen for prophylactic purposes requires the implementation of a number of rules:

  • do not combine with salt substitutes;
  • you can’t eat tiles while following a low-salt diet;
  • do not combine with antibiotics (take after two hours);
  • you can not use protein foods in parallel - meat, fish, liver, foods with calcium or antacids;
  • store the hematogen in a dark place out of the reach of children.

The daily dosage depends on the age, gender and individual characteristics of the person. Approximate allowed doses for benefit:

At what age can hematogen be given to a child

For children under three years of age, taking hematogen is contraindicated. Even if the child asks to buy a delicious bar - do not give in. Starting from the age of three, it is allowed to include in the baby's diet 5 grams three times a day, from six years old - 10 g twice a day, over 12 - 10 g three times a day. Duration of reception lasts 21 days.

What happens if you eat a lot of hematogen

The daily dose of hematogen for children over six years old is 20 g, for adults 50 g. It can be taken every day, but not longer than 21 days. After that, take a break for at least three weeks. If the dosage is not observed, the following unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • digestion is difficult;
  • stained tooth enamel;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • gastric bleeding, uneven heartbeat, muscle weakness are possible.

Possible side effects

Iron ions, which are part of the product, have a slight irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach. They activate the vagus nerve, which supplies nerve endings to organs abdominal cavity. Side effects. reviews are:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • flatulence; diarrhea, diarrhoea;
  • frequent urination.


Instructions for the use of hematogen speaks of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of a bar is not prescribed in order to avoid harm:

  • diabetes mellitus (the medicine contains easily digestible carbohydrates that increase the concentration of sugar);
  • obesity;
  • gastritis;
  • hypersensitivity to the main components;
  • anemia without iron deficiency (an excess of iron threatens with a toxic effect on the body);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • children's age up to three years.

How to choose

Tiles are sold in a pharmacy. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors that guarantee the quality and benefits of a natural product:

  • in the first place of this composition is food albumin (black, dry bovine blood);
  • albumin content should be 4-5% of the total mass;
  • it is better not to choose a product with additives, they reduce the effectiveness of the drug;
  • if the plates are doused with chocolate, reduce the total caloric content of the diet.



Hematogen: calorie content, benefits and harms of a bar, with chocolate flavor. What is a hematogen, how is it useful for children and adults

At the end of the 19th century, the following opinion became widespread: iron is the most important component of blood.

Drugs responsible for the level of hemoglobin began to appear in European pharmacies.

In Russia, the drug began to be popularized since 1917.

Initially, the hematogen was in the form of a liquid and poured into glasses.

The classical composition of the converted hematogen today is as follows:

Defibrinated bovine blood

Whole condensed milk

Molasses starch



Hematogen has nothing to do with either cocoa or chocolate. The drug is divided into brown chewing plates, the consistency resembling toffee with vanilla smell. It is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription and solves many health problems. Now on the market, manufacturers present hematogens with various additives and thickeners. Most often these are nuts (hazelnuts, pine nuts), honey, coconut, raisins, seeds, jam. More and more often on the shelves you can see hematogen with vitamin C. Is the use of hematogen, known to us since childhood, really justified? What harm can it do to health?

Hematogen: what is the benefit for the body?

To whom is it useful?

With iron deficiency anemia

With beriberi

During pregnancy

Children during growth

With gastric ulcer and inflammation of the duodenum

When exhausted

After infectious diseases

When children lag behind in weight and height

People recovering from surgery

People who are malnourished.

Hematogen is positioned as a drug. The bar brings great benefits to our body, because it contains a high content of vitamin C. As a rule, in order to protect our body from the penetration of viruses and bacteria, we buy citrus fruits and ascorbic acid, familiar from childhood. An excellent alternative to acidic foods is hematogen, which is so sweet and pleasant to the taste. It contains the optimal content of the vitamin, which contributes to the resistance of immunity to diseases. It has been proven that vitamin C helps to fight not only the physical stress of the body, but also constant emotional overload.

Hematogen is a source of essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, healthy fats. Such a small bar, but such a huge benefit.

Its composition is represented by the following components:


Amino acids

Fat soluble vitamins

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Calcium etc.

Hematogen is also useful for facial skin. After all, it contains vitamin B1, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the sebaceous glands. By introducing this delicacy into the diet, the blood begins to better carry oxygen and saturate the cells with it. The condition of hair and nails noticeably improves, a healthy blush appears on the face.

There is a general symptomatology with an insufficient content of iron in the body, which can be noticed without even contacting your doctor.

What are the signs of anemia?

Headaches and dizziness



Cold hands and feet

Low pressure

Paleness of the skin

Noise in ears

If you notice several of the above symptoms in yourself, you should think about your health and check your hemoglobin level.

Hematogen is a source of iron! It stimulates the formation of red blood cells responsible for the state of hemoglobin in the blood. Erythrocytes are red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the heart. Low hemoglobin levels are the cause of frequent illnesses, headaches, fatigue, brittle nails and hair loss.

Hematogen stimulates blood circulation in the body, since its basis is iron-containing protein.

Hematogen, being a product rich in a number of vitamins, has health benefits for the elderly, contributing to the partial restoration of their vision.

Hematogen is a combination of important macro and microelements that have a positive effect on human health. Hematogen improves the functioning of the digestive system and has a strengthening effect on the membranes of the respiratory system. Hematogen is also recommended for people suffering from diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Another useful property hematogen: it energizes! By increasing the tone and general well-being, the activity, working capacity and intellectual activity of a person improves.

Many people mistakenly believe that hematogen cannot be eaten when losing weight. This opinion is false, 40-50 g of the product per day will definitely not harm the harmony of your figure. But, being on a diet, it is worth limiting its use to 2-3 weeks.

Hematogen is also suitable for healthy people as a tasty additive to tea, however, in terms of calories, it is not much inferior to a chocolate bar. What is his energy value?

Hematogen calorie content

The bar, similar to chocolate, has a high calorie content. It varies from 300 to 400 kcal per 100 g. This is easily explained by the high content of carbohydrates in the hematogen, their percentage reaches almost 75%! Proteins and fats account for 8% and 6%, respectively.

355 kcal has a hematogen that does not contain additional additives.

Additives such as sugar, raisins, honey and nuts significantly increase the calorie content of hematogen.

Hematogen: what is the harm to health?

It is not advisable to consume hematogen for people who monitor their weight.

Contraindications to the consumption of hematogen:

Individual intolerance



Varicose disease

Metabolic disease



You will not often find a real hematogen in pharmacies now, and it will hardly be more useful than ordinary sweets.

The use of hematogen should not be abused. Otherwise, it can lead to a number of negative health effects.

Cholesterol is deposited in the walls of blood vessels, which in the future can lead to the development of the most dangerous disease of the 21st century - atherosclerosis. Doctors have proven that atherosclerosis causes serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including coronary heart disease. And it is recognized as one of the main causes of high mortality.

Excessive consumption of hematogen disrupts the intestinal microflora, causing fermentation processes in it. And this, in turn, provokes nausea, dizziness, loose stools.

With anemia not associated with iron deficiency, it is strictly forbidden to consume hematogen.

During pregnancy, hematogen is prescribed by a doctor for special indications, since young mothers often have a low level of hemoglobin. Anemia can lead to various pathologies of fetal development. But not all pregnant women can take hematogen, so strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

The product sold today in pharmacies and supermarkets has little in common with the classic natural hematogen. Manufacturers now use artificial iron supplements. Often these are blood products that have not been certified. Therefore, when choosing a hematogen, be sure to read its composition and instructions. And make sure that you are not allergic to any component of the product, otherwise the hematogen will only harm your body.

Hematogen for children: useful or harmful

Hematogen is equally useful for both children and adults. The product has a high content of vitamin A, so hematogen is perfect for a growing child's body. It will also benefit children with a lack of appetite.

But the hematogen is a complex and difficult product to digest. It is best to give hematogen to children from 5-7 years of age. It is not recommended to introduce hematogen into the baby's diet before. It can cause excessive excitability of the child and is unlikely to be well absorbed. But if you consider it necessary, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

It is important that there is a certain dosage of taking this product.

How much can you eat?

Everything is good in moderation: hematogen should be dosed.

Children under 15 years old - 25 g

Weak people - 35 g

Pregnant and hard working physically people up to 50 g per day.

To get the maximum effect from taking Hematogen, it should be consumed regularly, but the duration of admission should not exceed two months.

It is advisable to eat the product before meals or between meals for better absorption, drinking plenty of boiled water. It is not recommended to use Hematogen simultaneously with other vitamins, antibiotics, diuretics and medicines containing calcium.

Combining hematogen with apples, pomegranate, spinach and milk is also undesirable.

Store Hematogen in a dry place, at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius), where the sun's rays will not be available.

What to look for when choosing a hematogen?

It is enough to focus on two simple rules:

1) The composition must contain an indication that it contains powdered hemoglobin or “black food albumin”. Which is essentially the same thing.

2) Buy hematogen in its pure form, without additives.

And yet, taking hematogen is more beneficial than harmful. The product is inexpensive, tasty, and also has a medicinal effect. If you love this sweet treat, eat it to your health. Being a fairly nutritious product, it fights hunger remarkably. But remember that in large quantities hematogen can be harmful and cannot be taken uncontrollably! Choose quality products from trusted manufacturers, after consulting with a specialist.


Hematogen: benefit and harm

Each of us knows the taste of hematogen. In Soviet times, it was an inexpensive and popular "dessert" loved by children of all ages. At that time, it was sold only in pharmacies, but adults knew that such a tasty bar was made on the basis of animal blood, which was what the instructions said. Today we will find out how hematogen is useful, what is its calorie content and why it is needed at all.

Hematogen for children - what is it?

Hematogen, the benefits of which have been proven for a long time, is a drug designed to stimulate hematopoiesis. Its composition is categorized as macro- and microelements and is considered a dietary supplement in the modern classification of pharmaceuticals. In my own way appearance the product is similar to a chocolate bar, but its composition has a lower calorie content, a different taste and a soft texture.

What is a hematogen made of?

Before you start using, many people wonder what hematogen is made of. The composition of the product is made from purified from microorganisms and defibrated blood of cattle. To reduce allergic reactions in modern production, instead of dry blood, the composition includes purified hemoglobin.

To give the required taste and caloric content, the composition of the bar includes other food components: candied fruits, coconut flakes, condensed milk, nuts, honey, sesame seeds, chocolate, sugar, molasses. Most people cannot believe that the bar is made of blood, since its composition does not include this component. In fact, this is not so, the instruction says that such a component is “hidden” under the name of food albumin, that is, blood protein.

In infancy, you can not eat the product due to various additives in its composition.

The composition of the hematogen

Let's see how hematogen is useful? The composition of the bar includes macronutrients, microelements and nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis for people of any age. The use of the composition has a positive effect on the body as a whole due to the following components:

  • Carbohydrates. The composition includes such sugars: dextrin, maltose, sucrose, glucose.
  • Proteins (amino acids). The product contains interchangeable and irreplaceable AA, partially covering the daily daily need for them.
  • Fats. Fat-soluble vitamins and animal fats.
  • Iron. Divalent iron, easily absorbed and absorbed in the intestines, allows you to keep the iron deficiency state normal.
  • Vitamins. The use of the product enriches the body with vitamin C and A.
  • Minerals. In addition to iron, the composition of the hematogen includes calcium, chlorine, sodium, and potassium.
  • Auxiliary components responsible for the nutritional value and taste of hematogen (condensed milk, sugar).

The principle of action of the hematogen

The product helps to increase hemoglobin in the body due to the introduction of an additional source of iron into the body. Absorbed through the walls of the intestine, iron appears in the bloodstream and takes part in the formation of hematogen proteins. As a result, the process of hematopoiesis is stimulated. Iron increases the protein ferritin needed to bind excess iron. This helps to prevent its negative impact on the body, while creating an important depot of iron.

The benefits of hematogen

The product can be prescribed for transient conditions (preceding diseases) and already in the presence of diseases. It is prescribed for children of different ages due to good nutritional values and to normalize the process of hematopoiesis. Why you need to take a bar:

  • With hypovitaminosis.
  • With iron deficiency anemia, which appeared against the background of a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.
  • With general exhaustion of the body. This condition is formed with stress, poor nutrition, prolonged physical and mental stress.
  • In a state after illness.
  • With visual impairment due to a lack of vitamin A.
  • In the presence of ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by bleeding.
  • When children lag behind in weight and height.

Harm of the hematogen

Why in some cases it is impossible to eat such a product? The harm of hematogen is possible when it is taken in unlimited quantities. Often they replace food, which can cause an excess of iron in the body. This causes the production of free radicals that can harm cell walls, destroying them.

An excess of iron leads to the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels, causing the development of atherosclerosis. Excessive consumption of hematogen, especially during breastfeeding, can lead to dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, since the fermentation process occurs in the intestines when the product is received in large quantities.

Hematogen during pregnancy

Hematogen during pregnancy is extremely useful, since during the period of gestation the need for iron to enter the body increases. This is necessary not only for the mother, but also for the full development of the fetus. Moreover, iron should enter the body from the outside, and not be used from the ferritin depot. To the question of whether a hematogen can be given to a nursing mother, definitely, yes, since a woman also loses a lot of iron during breastfeeding.

Hematogen during pregnancy is necessary due to a strong increase in the volume of circulating free blood. This phenomenon in itself leads to an increase in iron intake. Most iron is required in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. At this time, there is a decrease in iron stores, and some factors that contribute to an increase in the need for iron can lead to the occurrence of iron deficiency dangerous anemia.

Is it possible for breastfeeding hematogen? Yes, and the daily dose of iron should be 27 milligrams. It is the bar that helps prevent iron deficiency when carrying and feeding a baby, increasing the reserves of trace elements in a woman's body. However, it cannot act as the main source of iron, this function should be performed by a complete diet, namely: cereals, green vegetables, liver, eggs, meat, fish.

You should not, and abuse products during the bearing of the baby: since the bar is based on natural blood, deviations may occur during the development of the embryo. Thickening of the blood during the use of hematogen can lead to the formation of thrombophlebitis.

How to take Hematogen?

At what age can the bar be taken? This question interests many parents who want to buy such a delicacy for their crumbs. Such a product is produced in the form of chewing plates, bars or tiles. Bars can be produced in various dosages, 20, 30 and 50 grams each, divided into cubes or plates. At what age can you start giving the baby a product? It is best to do this from the age of three. Start with the minimum dosage, while the total course of taking the remedy for children of any age should not exceed 14-21 days.

It is recommended to take it between meals for maximum absorption. It can be washed down with plain water, but dairy products should not be consumed at the same time, which can impair the absorption of nutrients. Taking a bar, you can not take multivitamin complexes at the same time. If you need to take other drugs at the same time, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor.

Contraindications for use

This drug has a number of contraindications for use:

  • Obesity.
  • Diabetes. The product contains easily digestible carbohydrates that increase blood sugar levels.
  • Too much iron can be toxic to the body.
  • High sensitivity to the constituent components of the bar, which can cause urticaria, Quincke's edema and other hypersensitivity reactions.
  • Anemia unrelated to iron deficiency.
  • Varicose disease.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Thrombophlebitis - a bar contributes to thickening of the blood.
  • Childhood up to three years.

Side effects

In most cases, side effects relate to the gastrointestinal tract, since iron ions can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, activating the vagus nerve, which supplies the abdominal organs with nerve endings. Side effects are manifested in the form of abdominal discomfort, vomiting and nausea.

Rules for choosing a hematogen

Unfortunately, many manufacturers can produce a product under the famous name that has absolutely nothing to do with it. In the composition of this product, in the first place, there must be such a component as food albumin (dry bovine blood, black food albumin).

The optimal amount of albumin in percentage terms: 4-5% of the total weight of the bar. A variety of flavoring additives are not able to give a special benefit to the bar, but they allow it to be used for children who perceive such a medicine as a sweet.

It is possible to give a bar to children starting from three years old, such a bar is useful during pregnancy and lactation. The main thing in this case is to observe the dosage so as not to lead to an excess of iron in the body.

When combining hematogen with other drugs, it is recommended to consult a doctor first in order to avoid negative consequences.