Nutrition for high cholesterol. List of foods and proper diet for lowering cholesterol How best to lower cholesterol

Back in the middle of the 18th century, when studying the structure of stones formed in gallbladder, a previously unknown substance was isolated. 20 years later it was called cholesterol, a word that translates from Greek as “gallstone.” This compound, its role in the human body, its varieties were studied for a long time, and only in the second half of the 20th century it became finally known how dangerous cholesterol can be. How to lower cholesterol at home and eat right, is it worth changing your lifestyle - questions that everyone should know the answers to.

From a chemical point of view, cholesterol is a monohydric secondary alcohol that is highly soluble in fats and poorly soluble in water. It is an organic compound, a type of lipid, that is synthesized primarily in the liver and performs many important functions for the body. It binds well to proteins, acids, many salts, and carbohydrates.

From a biological point of view, cholesterol is a necessary component of many vital biochemical reactions that occur in almost all living organisms.

Its role in the human body comes down to:

  • performing a “construction” function, that is, cholesterol is part of all cells and ensures the stability of cell membranes;
  • participation in the exchange of bile acids necessary for complete digestion (absorption of fats);
  • acting as a precursor of steroid and sex hormones, the synthesis of which is impossible without cholesterol;
  • participation in the synthesis of vitamin D.

An adult's body contains approximately 2 mg of cholesterol per 1 kg of weight.

Depending on their involvement in biochemical processes, all cholesterol is divided into:

  1. Rapidly exchanged, found in the liver, intestinal wall and blood. It is this cholesterol that is used in most metabolic processes.
  2. Slowly exchanging, including cholesterol in other organs except the nervous system.
  3. Very slowly exchanging, accumulating in the nervous system.

A relatively constant amount of cholesterol is maintained due to its regular intake from food and synthesis in the body. Moreover, about 500 mg per day comes from outside, and 800 mg per day is synthesized.

The formation of cholesterol occurs in:

  • liver – 80%;
  • wall of the small intestine – 10%;
  • skin – 5%;
  • other organs – 5%.

Therefore, the main source of internal cholesterol is the liver. This largest parenchymal organ of the abdominal cavity synthesizes cholesterol not only for the whole organism, but also for its cells.

Cholesterol synthesis in the human body is a set of 25 sequential chemical reactions that occur under the influence of special enzymes. However, the key substance on which the rate of cholesterol formation depends is hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase or simply HMG-CoA reductase. The most common group of drugs that help lower cholesterol - statins - act by suppressing the activity of this particular enzyme.

Kinds. Bad and good cholesterol: what's the difference?

The exchange of cholesterol takes place in various organs, so it must be transported inside the liver itself through the bloodstream, to the places of its destruction or storage, and back.

For this purpose, the body has transport lipoproteins (LPs), which differ slightly in their structure:

  • VLDL – very low density lipoproteins;
  • TDLP – transitional density lipoproteins;
  • LDL – low density lipoproteins;
  • HDL is high density lipoprotein.

Lipoproteins containing high amounts of triglycerides

VLDL is the main transport form of lipids that are synthesized in the body.

  • about 20% cholesterol;
  • up to 20% phospholipids;
  • up to 70% triglycerides.

Once in the bloodstream, VLDL is broken down and releases triglycerides, which are transported to fat, muscle tissue and the heart for use as energy.

Lipoproteins containing large amounts of cholesterol

These forms of lipoproteins are called “bad” because their excessive formation contributes to the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and the development of severe pathology.

This form of lipoprotein is formed as a result of the breakdown of VLDL and contains a large amount of cholesterol:

  • total cholesterol is about 40-45%;
  • triglycerides up to 34%;
  • phospholipids about 15%.

Most of them are absorbed by the liver, and the remaining amount is converted into low-density lipoproteins.

The largest amount of cholesterol is contained in this form of drugs, which are synthesized by the liver and are formed from transition-density lipoproteins.

  • total cholesterol 50%;
  • triglycerides up to 10%;
  • phospholipids about 25%.

75% of LDL cholesterol goes to the needs of the liver, adrenal glands and other organs and tissues. The second metabolic pathway is involved in atherosclerosis - peroxidation, leading to the formation of components of atherosclerotic plaques.

Lipoproteins containing large amounts of phospholipids

HDL is called “good” because its main function is to transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues and the bloodstream back to the liver for further metabolism.

The composition of these drugs has distinctive features:

  • more than half of their structure is protein (up to 65%);
  • total cholesterol about 25%;
  • phospholipids up to 40%;
  • a small amount of triglycerides.

They are formed as a result of the metabolism of VLDL and are synthesized by the liver.

Atherogenic and non-atherogenic lipoproteins

Based on their composition and metabolism, all lipoproteins are divided into two types:

  • promoting the formation of atherosclerotic plaques - LDL;
  • preventing the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels - HDL.

High-density lipoproteins are so small that they are able to penetrate the vascular wall, take up excess cholesterol, freely exit and transport cholesterol to the liver. At the same time, they help restore tissue at the cellular level: they renew the internal structures of the cell and its wall with the help of phospholipids.

Low-density lipoproteins can pass into the vessel wall, remain there and be modified, contributing to the development of atherosclerosis.

Accurate diagnosis: getting tested for cholesterol

Cholesterol levels are determined by performing a biochemical blood test.

To obtain more complete information on the basis of which reliable conclusions can be drawn, a lipid profile should be performed. This is an analysis of venous blood, which reflects the content of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides, cholesterol in LDL, cholesterol in HDL, on the basis of which the atherogenic index (coefficient) is calculated.

Normal blood lipid levels are presented in the table:

Determination of AI is necessary to identify the ratio of atherogenicity of drugs to antiatherogenic ones.

Formula for calculation: AI = (TC - HDL cholesterol) / HDL cholesterol

The higher the index, the greater the likelihood of developing pathology. On the contrary, its value less than 3 means that the body contains more “good” cholesterol, which fights atherosclerosis.

A correct description of a lipid profile can only be obtained from a qualified specialist, since there are certain nuances that depend on:

  • patient's age and gender;
  • burdened family history, that is, cases of pathological increase in cholesterol in close relatives;
  • risk factors such as smoking, excess body weight and others;
  • the presence of pathology not associated with an increase in cholesterol levels, for example, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, etc.;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases associated with increased cholesterol, for example, hypertension, coronary artery disease, obliterating atherosclerosis of the legs, etc.;
  • previously occurred acute vascular pathology (heart attack, stroke).

If a blood test reveals an increased level of total cholesterol, but the amount of cholesterol in LDL is not increased, this indicates normal physiology associated with an increase in the amount of “good” cholesterol. This condition can often be observed in young people who are actively involved in sports. You should know that such a result must be accompanied by a normal value of the atherogenic index. Otherwise, an error occurred.

Causes and consequences of high cholesterol

Factors that cause an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood can be divided into primary and secondary. However, an isolated increase is rarely observed; more often, a simultaneous increase in the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides occurs.

The primary causes include genetic diseases that cannot be corrected.

Secondary causes of hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia:

  • weight gain – obesity;
  • decreased thyroid function, that is, hypothyroidism;
  • impaired glucose metabolism - diabetes mellitus;
  • severe infectious processes (sepsis);
  • kidney pathology leading to chronic renal failure;
  • inflammatory processes liver – acute hepatitis;
  • diseases that result in a violation of the outflow of bile due to blockage of the bile ducts;
  • prolonged and severe stressful situations;
  • pregnancy;
  • excessive alcohol consumption.

Long-term or regular use of certain medications can also lead to increased cholesterol levels:

  • hormonal drugs - progesterone, estrogens, glucocorticoids;
  • diuretics – thiazides (Hydrochlorothiazide);
  • immunosuppressant Cyclosporine;
  • β-blockers (Atenolol, Bisoprolol, Metoprolol and others).

Separately, factors are identified that contribute to a decrease in the amount of “good” lipoproteins, which increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

These include:

  • weight gain;
  • smoking;
  • long-term use of anabolic steroids;
  • malnutrition;
  • treatment with β-blockers.

When cholesterol is retained in the vascular wall, an atherosclerotic plaque forms, that is, the development of atherosclerosis. This chronic illness arteries, resulting from impaired fat metabolism.

If the disease is left to chance, it will inevitably lead to acute or chronic damage:

  • heart - heart failure, acquired defects, myocardial infarction;
  • brain - dementia, stroke;
  • kidney - renal failure, heart attack, nephrosclerosis;
  • legs - gangrene.

Any of the manifestations of atherosclerosis is a serious consequence of increased levels of “bad” cholesterol. Therefore, you need to know what high cholesterol is: how to reduce its level in the blood by all available means.

Causes and consequences of low cholesterol

A decrease in the amount of cholesterol in the blood is quite rare and may occur more often due to severe pathology:

  • tuberculosis;
  • AIDS;
  • lymphoma;
  • malabsorption - impaired absorption in the small intestine;
  • prolonged increase in thyroid function – thyrotoxicosis;
  • long-term severe liver diseases, due to which cholesterol synthesis is impaired.

Often, low cholesterol levels indicate exhaustion of the body, which can occur with a long-term unbalanced diet.

With a significant decrease in the amount of cholesterol, signs of insufficiency of the processes in which it is involved will appear:

  • problems with the synthesis of adrenal hormones and sex hormones;
  • lack of vitamin D due to problems with its production;
  • poor digestion and problems with liver function.

Any substance synthesized by the human body plays its unique role in metabolic processes. Therefore, it is important that a certain balance is maintained between its intake, synthesis and consumption.

Foods that lower cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels

Before starting treatment, that is, taking therapeutic measures to lower cholesterol, experts strongly recommend modifying your diet. This means that you need to eat more foods that lower cholesterol and eliminate those that increase its level.

Since the main target of this substance is the arteries, it is therefore important not only to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, but also to ensure that it does not linger in the vessels.

What foods lower cholesterol?

Regular consumption of the following components of the diet can reduce cholesterol levels:

  • Salmon, mackerel. These varieties of sea fish reduce the amount of cholesterol by normalizing lipid balance, as they are rich in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Fish oil is often called "nature's statin" due to its ability to regulate lipid ratios toward the "good" side. However, marine fish oil, which is obtained from their carcasses, has a great effect.
  • Garlic. This spice is often classified as a product that improves blood flow by cleansing blood vessels. This happens due to the high content of phytosterols in it - these substances slow down the production of LDL cholesterol. However, there are contraindications to its long-term use related to the sensitivity of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.
  • Oatmeal and whole grain products. Regular consumption of these foods will help cleanse the intestines. Since cholesterol (both from the outside and synthesized in the body) is absorbed in the small intestine, and whole grains help remove excess substances from the digestive tract, their consumption will reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • White cabbage, any greens. These foods act like whole grains due to their high fiber content.
  • Olive oil, like fish oil, contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce both LDL and HDL. Therefore, you should not overuse this product.
  • Avocado is a storehouse of vitamins that are part of the antioxidant group, as well as polyunsaturated acids. Their combined effect will lead to a decrease in lipid levels.
  • Blueberries, raspberries, chokeberries, pomegranate. The berries contain polyphenols that can stimulate HDL synthesis up to 5% per month when consumed regularly. They also contain a relatively large amount of fiber in the form of pectin.
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, for example, celery, carrots, beets, apples, are an excellent addition to a diet aimed at reducing cholesterol.
  • Green tea. Not strong, unpackaged and without sugar, this drink also has not only antioxidant properties, but also hypolipidemic ones, that is, it can reduce blood cholesterol.

You can also include in this list any product containing water-soluble fiber (pectin, gluten), as it can reduce cholesterol levels.

You should always remember that excessive consumption of any one product can lead to disastrous results. When modifying nutrition, an important principle is to create a balanced, varied menu.

Reducing cholesterol at home

Drugs that lower blood cholesterol are used after an unsuccessful attempt to correct its level with diet and only on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-prescribing and taking medications is unacceptable!

Bile acid sequestrants

The mechanism of their action is based on the ability to bind bile acids in the intestine, which is why the latter are not absorbed, but are excreted from the body. Medicines in this group are good because they are not absorbed into the blood, but “work” only in the intestines, therefore they have a good effectiveness/safety ratio.

Representatives of sequestrants:

  • Cholestyramine;
  • Colestipol.

An important feature of taking these medications is that they reduce the amount of cholesterol and do not affect (and sometimes even increase) triglyceride levels.

Medicines that inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine

This group of medications includes herbal preparations containing an extract from the roots of Dioscorea (Polysponin), Tribulus terrestris herbs (Tribusponin), and dietary fiber from hyacinth bean seeds (Guarem).

The mechanism of their action is based on two effects through which it occurs:

  • obstruction to its absorption;
  • mechanical removal of cholesterol from the intestine.

A nicotinic acid

Niacin is a B vitamin and has been proven to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in several ways. It performed especially well in combination with bile acid sequestrants.

However, niacin may cause side effects such as:

  • irritation of the upper digestive tract - esophagus, stomach, duodenum;
  • redness, itching of the skin;
  • an increase in the activity of liver enzymes is observed when large doses of the drug are prescribed;
  • an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood is possible, so niacin is not recommended for patients with diabetes;
  • increased uric acid levels, which is a contraindication for use in patients with gout.


Fibric acid derivatives act specifically to suppress the synthesis of triglycerides, that is, drugs in this group are recommended to be taken when there is an increase in cholesterol and triglycerides.

The effects of most fibrates are:

  • reduction of triglycerides;
  • reducing cholesterol;
  • reduction of LDL;
  • increase in HDL.

A typical representative is the drug Gemfibrozil, the use of which is contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis and liver pathology.


The most well-known and widespread group of drugs that block cholesterol synthesis and LDL formation.

Medicines isolated from natural ingredients have the best effect:

  • Lovastatin;
  • Simvastatin.

Both drugs are isolated from mushrooms and are “prodrugs”, that is, when they enter the body, they are converted into the active form.

There are also synthetic drugs, for example, Atorvastatin, whose effectiveness is somewhat lower, but the likelihood of side effects is also minimal.

What's better?

Medicines that lower cholesterol should be used differentially.

If it is necessary to reduce the amount of cholesterol and LDL, statins have no equal, but they slightly increase the amount of HDL, that is, “good” cholesterol. Nicotinic acid does an excellent job with the latter.

To reduce triglycerides, it is better to choose nicotinic acid, fibrates, or a combination of both.

Treatment with folk remedies

An excellent addition to the treatment of atherosclerosis, which develops due to an increase in “bad” cholesterol, are recipes traditional medicine.


To normalize cholesterol levels, you can use juice, fruit pulp, or eat the whole fruit.

Juice only helps if it is freshly squeezed. To prepare it you need one lemon and boiled cold water, the amount of which should be 1:1 in relation to juice. You should drink juice half an hour before each meal. If you can’t drink the drink due to taste or irritation, you can use ½ lemon or add half a teaspoon of honey.

Crushed lemon pulp is used in a mixture with finely chopped garlic and horseradish root. The mixture is poured with hot water in a 1:1 ratio and left in a dark, cold place for one day. Take 1 tablespoon of infusion half an hour before meals.

To prepare the next mixture you will need a thoroughly washed lemon and a tablespoon of honey. The fruit along with the peel must be crushed in a meat grinder or blender to preserve the juice. Add honey to the resulting mass and mix, then take 1 teaspoon of the mixture before meals. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and do not use for more than two days.


The spice, which no housewife can do without, is a source of natural cholesterol-lowering substances. It helps even if you regularly consume garlic in a vegetable salad with olive oil.

A good effect can also be achieved by swallowing 2-3 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. However, not every stomach can withstand this, so such treatment should be carried out with caution.

An alcoholic tincture of garlic can be prepared as follows: minced garlic weighing about 300 grams in a blender, pour 200 ml of alcohol. You need to infuse the mixture for about 10 days in a dark, cold place. Take 20 drops in a small amount of milk before using the entire tincture.

Healing herbs

Many herbs and their infusions will help cope with high cholesterol. Among them:

  • Golden Us or Fragrant Collision. An infusion is prepared from a finely chopped leaf of the plant, poured into 250 ml hot water and wrapped in thick dark linen. You need to infuse the mixture for a day, and take 1 tablespoon before meals.
  • Licorice. For getting therapeutic effect The dried and crushed root of the plant is used. Pour 2 tablespoons of the product into 500 ml of hot water and simmer the mixture over the fire for about 10-15 minutes. After this, the broth should be allowed to cool and take ½ cup 4 times a day. The medicine is prepared for one day only and is not stored! Treatment is carried out for 2-3 weeks, then a month break.
  • Dioscorea Caucasian. The rhizomes of the plant, which can be found in pharmacies, need to be crushed to a fine homogeneous powder and taken before meals, 1 teaspoon with the addition of honey. The full course of treatment is 4 months and includes periods of taking the medicine lasting 10 days, and a break between them of 5 days.
  • Hawthorn mixed with rosehip To taste, brew like regular tea and drink 3-4 times a day. Adding green tea to this mixture will also have a beneficial effect.
  • Red clover Helps not only lower cholesterol, but also supports the heart. 10-12 inflorescences of the plant need to be poured with a glass of hot water and brought to a boil. To further prepare the decoction, simmer the mixture over low heat for about half an hour, then cool and take half a glass before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The wealth of nature has always helped people cope with diseases.

What is prohibited for consumption

There are not so many foods that need to be excluded from the diet. The principle of the diet is based on reducing cholesterol intake to 200 mg per day.

To do this, it is enough to exclude or sharply limit the consumption of such products as:

  1. Butter and other animal fats contain saturated fat. They need to be replaced with vegetable ones.
  2. Fatty meats - pork, beef, reduce consumption towards white meat, turkey or skinless chicken.
  3. Dairy products should be consumed with a fat content of no more than 3%.
  4. Liver, kidneys, egg yolks contain saturated fatty acids, so you need to control their amount.
  5. Canned and smoked foods contain huge amounts of cholesterol.
  6. You also need to limit the amount of fatty cheeses.
  7. Cakes, ice cream, muffins, pies.
  8. Coconut.

In the diet:

  • reduce salt content to 5 mg/day;
  • limit alcohol consumption: for women -< 10-20 г/день, для мужчин — < 20-30 г/день;
  • reduce consumption of foods with added sugar.


  • get rid of smoking and passive exposure to tobacco;
  • control portion sizes.

There is a thesis that reducing the amount of saturated fat in food will reduce cholesterol levels 2 times faster than increasing the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This means that first of all you need to deal with unwanted foods and only then supplement your diet with healthy dishes.

How to increase the level of “good” cholesterol and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol through exercise?

Cholesterol in muscles can be used in a cycle of biochemical reactions, the result of which is the production of energy. Under non-critical loads, muscles need energy to work, so cholesterol, which is part of lipoproteins, actively comes to them from the vascular bed. Consequently, the amount of cholesterol, which “settles” on the walls of the arteries and forms atherosclerotic plaques, sharply decreases. The risk of developing atherosclerosis and more severe diseases associated with it is significantly reduced.

How to lower blood cholesterol through an active lifestyle?

Physical activity should be:

  1. Adequate. This means that playing sports should be within your capabilities.
  2. Regular. This is necessary in order to start metabolic processes and gradually “accustom” the body to sports.
  3. Positive, that is, bring positive emotions, thanks to which the effectiveness of classes increases.

Depending on the time of year, you can choose workouts such as cycling, skiing, swimming, running, tennis, football, basketball and others.

Nordic walking can be practiced all year round. This type of load is especially effective, as it involves almost all skeletal muscles.

Cholesterol refers to organic compounds, lipids that enter the body with food, as well as those synthesized by the liver. One of the varieties of natural fatty alcohols, cholesterol is needed to ensure normal human life.

Excess cholesterol in the blood is the primary link in the process of the formation of atherosclerotic, or cholesterol deposits, plaques in the blood vessels. Normally, the level of total cholesterol, found in the blood as an element of lipoprotein, is in the range of 3.6-5.2 mmol/l, and with age, due to physiological processes, the upper limit of normal increases depending on both the age and gender of the patient. With values ​​exceeding the upper limit, the risk of atherosclerosis increases, increasing significantly when the value reaches 6.2 mmol/l or more.

Circulating in the blood, cholesterol, when in excess, tends to stick together and accumulate in the arteries. Clumps or plaques impede the movement of blood, creating obstructions to blood flow and narrowing the lumen of blood vessels, which causes oxygen starvation and insufficient blood supply to tissues and organs. When parts of the plaques disintegrate, they contribute to the formation of a blood clot, which provokes thromboembolism, heart attacks, strokes and can lead to death.

However, just like excess, lack of cholesterol is also dangerous. This connection, for example, is one of the important advantages breastfeeding: cholesterol is important for the development of the brain of infants, it affects the production of necessary hormones, the musculoskeletal, immune, and reproductive systems, and in substitute formulas its content is significantly lower than that of mother’s milk. Other important functions of cholesterol include:

  • ensuring the strength and elasticity of cell membranes;
  • a necessary component for the synthesis of cortisone, vitamin D, regulation of the balance of phosphorus and calcium in the body;
  • participation in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems;
  • protection of blood cells (erythrocytes) from the effects of various types of hemolytic poisons;
  • a necessary component for the production of hormones of the reproductive system, etc.

A reduced level of “good” cholesterol leads to disorders in the sexual and reproductive sphere, inability to conceive, loss of libido, as well as depressive states with a high probability of suicidal outcome, disorders digestive function, development of osteoporosis, diabetes, hemorrhagic stroke. Because of the danger of lowering the level of total cholesterol in the blood when taking statins, first of all, experts recommend changing your diet, lifestyle, and trying to reduce cholesterol levels without medications. To do this, you need to know methods that help lower cholesterol without drugs, as well as which foods lower cholesterol in the blood and which, on the contrary, increase it.

Cholesterol in the blood is contained in the form of a compound of lipid and protein, lipoprotein. Depending on the type of complex compound in total cholesterol, determined in a blood test, high molecular weight lipoproteins (“good” cholesterol) and low molecular weight (“bad” cholesterol) are distinguished. The ratio of good and bad lipoproteins is called the atherogenic coefficient, calculated using the formula: the difference between total and high molecular weight cholesterol is divided by the low molecular weight lipoprotein indicator. The optimal ratio is 3 or less. A coefficient of 5 indicates a high risk or the beginning of the development of atherosclerosis.
The practice of lowering cholesterol with medications has shown that when taking one of the most effective substances - statins - the level of total cholesterol, both “good” (by 30%) and “bad” (by 50%), is reduced, which negatively affects the body. In pharmacological practice, two groups of drugs are used for therapy: fibrates and statins. Fibrates are considered effective in combination with statins. The drugs are prescribed for a strictly defined group of patients: with a heart attack, stroke, acute coronary syndrome or a history of heart surgery, as well as with a hereditary risk of developing diseases associated with high cholesterol levels. The course of treatment is long, and if the risks are low, the use of medications that directly affect the concentration of lipoproteins is considered inappropriate.
To reduce cholesterol in the blood, bile acid preparations, nicotinic acid, cholesterol absorption inhibitors and other drugs are also used. At the moment, non-drug methods of therapy are recommended to reduce cholesterol to a certain level.

Physical activity to regulate cholesterol levels

This factor affects all people with high blood cholesterol levels, but especially those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, combining sedentary work with low activity on vacation. Physical inactivity is also one of the main reasons for the formation of excess body weight, which also increases the likelihood of an increase in cholesterol levels.

Any physical activity - walking, running, swimming, sports games, gymnastic exercises - activates the metabolism in the body and helps eliminate stagnation of bile in the biliary tract, which helps the independent removal of excess cholesterol.
Sports walking and running are especially recommended: these sports, according to research, best help maintain the circulatory system in tone and cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol.

Bad habits and general health of the body

There is a strong correlation between excess body weight and elevated blood cholesterol levels. Normalizing weight helps lower cholesterol. If achieving a normal body mass index corresponding to sex, age and growth parameters is not feasible through diet and physical activity, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Tobacco smoking is not just a bad habit. The constant intake of nicotine, tobacco smoke and carcinogens into the body has a detrimental effect on the entire body, including increasing the risk of developing atherosclerosis: a slowdown in metabolism leads to the accumulation of cholesterol and a decrease in the rate of its removal from the circulatory system.
Alcohol is a factor that has a negative impact on health. There is an unconfirmed theory according to which moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages (no more than 200 ml of dry wines per day) can have a positive effect on the process of lowering cholesterol. A clear opinion on this issue has not been developed due to the lack of large-scale studies, but the harm from daily intake of even such doses of alcohol outweighs the possible benefits.

Bad eating habits also affect blood cholesterol levels. The habit of eating industrially produced food and excess sugar in food and drinks is also a negative factor that contributes to the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerosis. Excluding foods with hydrogenated fats from the diet (margarine, products with milk fat substitute, most confectionery products, processed foods, fast food, fried foods, etc.) helps reduce blood cholesterol by reducing the intake of low molecular weight lipoproteins contained in this group . Limiting the consumption of sugar in any form (in drinks, dishes, sweets, etc.) reduces the blood glycemic index and promotes the production of “good” low molecular weight cholesterol.
Thus, a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and giving up bad habits help reduce cholesterol without drugs.

Diseases, conditions and medications that increase cholesterol levels

Cholesterol can also accumulate in the body due to diseases or when taking certain medications. Impaired kidney and liver function, pancreatic diseases, type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hypothyroidism lead to an increase in cholesterol levels.
Increased cholesterol levels can also be a side effect of certain medications. This consequence most often occurs with long-term courses of immunosuppressants, hormonal steroid drugs, female oral contraceptives. With long-term therapy with medications of these groups, regular monitoring of cholesterol levels is necessary.

Physiological conditions in which there is a natural increase in cholesterol concentrations without harmful consequences include the gestational period. Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy contribute to increased production of lipoproteins, and a blood test may show that total cholesterol is almost twice as high as normal. This is a physiological norm that helps the development of the fetus and maintain the health of the mother. Without accompanying risk factors (diseases of the pregnant woman, pathologies, dysfunctions, which can increase with a high concentration of lipoproteins), this condition does not require correction or medical intervention, cholesterol does not harm the body and its indicators return to normal on their own after delivery.

High cholesterol: dietary principles

Proper nutrition is considered the main non-drug method of lowering cholesterol levels. However, before asking what foods lower blood cholesterol, you need to find out what types of food and drinks contribute to its increase: it is impossible to achieve a positive effect by eating “cholesterol-burning” foods in combination with junk food.

Photo: Foxys Forest Manufacture /

The main substance that influences the increase in cholesterol levels is fat, so the diet for this disease is based on a significant reduction in foods rich in this substance. It is necessary to limit or completely exclude from the daily diet such foods as:

  • meat and poultry of fatty varieties;
  • sauces with a high fat content (including mayonnaise and salad dressings based on it);
  • strong meat, fish broths and soups;
  • baked goods, sweets, confectionery, chocolate;
  • offal of any type;
  • milk and dairy products, including butter, with high fat content (more than 5%).

Drinking strong tea, coffee, cocoa-containing and sweet carbonated drinks is also not recommended.
Products with refractory and hydrogenated fats are strictly excluded: these substances simultaneously increase the level of low molecular weight cholesterol and reduce the amount of “good”, high molecular weight cholesterol.
You should eat regularly, nutritiously, giving preference to gentle processing of foods: boiling, baking, stewing, steaming or grilling, minimizing frying and the use of oil or fat. During the day, you should eat 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and one or two additional ones (second breakfast, afternoon snack).
Drinking regime is also important: per day you need to drink 2 liters (8 glasses) of liquid, preferably clean water, herbal teas, compotes, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices.

Traditional recipes and products that lower cholesterol

Products that are natural regulators of cholesterol levels are used to reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol and increase the level of “good” cholesterol in their pure form in the diet, as well as in the form of tinctures, decoctions, and teas in alternative medicine. In both methods of use, it is necessary to remember the presence of contraindications: for example, 2-3 cloves of raw garlic (as a folk remedy, crushed garlic is infused in olive oil or alcohol and used as a sauce for dishes and a tincture, taken drop by drop) They help not only to reduce cholesterol, but also to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This method, however, is not recommended for people with diseases of the digestive tract. Therefore, before starting such nutritional therapy, it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications, allergic reactions and individual characteristics of the body.

  • Pistosterols for lowering cholesterol

The most useful substances for correcting the amount of cholesterol are plant styrene (phytosterols): they help increase high-density lipoproteins while reducing the level of low molecular weight cholesterol. Phytosterols are included in dietary supplements, but can be obtained just as effectively from food.

Avocado is considered one of the most popular foods rich in plant styrenes: according to the results, including half of the fruit daily in the menu for 30 days (subject to dietary rules) helps reduce cholesterol by 8%, while the level of high-density lipoproteins increases by 13%. . A low-fat diet for the same period provides a reduction of 5%.

The effectiveness of consuming various foods to correct cholesterol levels is based on the amount of plant styrene in each individual type. You should know that products that are the same as the original raw material after industrial processing differ in composition and content of both useful and harmful substances. For example, the calculation of the amount of phytosterols in olive oil is given for cold-pressed virgin oil, and when replacing it with cheaper or refined options, a similar effect should not be expected.

Foods rich in phytosterols also include pine nuts, flaxseed oil and seeds (and their mixture, urbech), almonds, cold-pressed olive oil and the already mentioned avocado.

  • Fish fat

In its pure form or directly in fish, fish oil is very useful for elevated level cholesterol, as it is a natural statin. Omega-3 fatty acid is responsible for regulating lipid levels and corrects the ratio of high- and low-density lipoproteins.
The highest content of fatty acids in relation to the lowest ability of tissues to accumulate mercury is observed in wild varieties of salmon and sardines. It is necessary to remember the rules for temperature processing of fish: during the frying process, most fatty acids are destroyed, so for healthy nutrition it is worth using boiled, stewed, baked or steamed fish.

  • The effect of fiber on cholesterol

Research shows that if you start every day with... oatmeal(Not instant cooking), then within a month the level of lipoproteins decreases by 5%. The same effect is observed when a large number of other cereals, whole grain bread, legumes (especially lentils and soybeans), flax seeds and oat bran are included in the menu.
Fiber-rich foods help regulate cholesterol: two months of daily intake of 100 g of bran on average helps reduce total lipoprotein levels by 14%, and also helps reduce body weight and improve digestion.
Bran can be mixed with cereals to prepare porridges, added to kefir, yogurt, and also replaced with regular bread and cookies with various variations with oat bran.
One of the most common and fiber-rich foods available to all segments of the population is White cabbage. For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to include 100 g of fresh, stewed, boiled or sauerkraut in the menu per day.

  • Polyphenols in berries and fruits

Photo: Marian Weyo /

Correction of the total level of lipoproteins can be achieved by increasing the production of high molecular weight compounds. Polyphenols - substances that stimulate the production of high-density lipoprotein - are found in olive oil, as well as in red and purple fruits: blueberries, lingonberries, pomegranates, dark grapes, cranberries, strawberries, strawberries, chokeberries. 150 g of fruits or fruit puree per day for 60 days helps to increase the amount of “good” cholesterol by an average of 5%, and cranberries with the same volume - by 10%. Juices and purees can be consumed not only in their pure form, but also prepare berry mixtures, combine with desserts (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt), make mixed nectars and fruit drinks.
The most beneficial properties of grape berries are the thick skin and seeds; they can also be consumed internally. At the same time, the benefits of grape wine in reducing cholesterol are exaggerated: the value of active ingredients when processing juice into alcoholic drink decreases, and the number of possible side effects increases.

  • Garlic helps lower cholesterol: how to use it

Fresh garlic cloves contain a fairly high concentration of natural statin. When 2-3 cloves are included in the menu daily, a positive effect is noted.

Garlic should be consumed without heat treatment. It can be added to prepared dishes (stewed vegetables, salads, soups) in crushed form, infuse olive oil with garlic and use it as a sauce for salads (1 tablespoon per day). To achieve the effect, long-term and regular use of garlic is necessary, which is not recommended for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines.

  • Magnesium for high cholesterol

Cholesterol in the blood is dangerous not only due to its accumulation, but also due to its ability to “stick” to the walls of the arteries and form cholesterol plaques. Normally, up to a certain amount of cholesterol, the cells lining the inner walls of blood vessels are able to repel lipoproteins. Low-density cholesterol, which circulates freely in the bloodstream, can be excreted from the body.

But with a decrease in the amount of magnesium in the tissues, this ability decreases, and triglycerides settle unhindered on the walls of the arteries. Eating foods containing high amounts of magnesium helps prevent atherosclerosis and remove “bad” cholesterol from the walls of the circulatory system.
White cabbage, especially sauerkraut, baked potatoes, legumes (beans, red beans, lentils), bananas, wheat and soy sprouts, nuts and seeds are rich in magnesium.

  • Effect of Vitamin D

Vitamin D in fat-soluble form can be taken in the form of medications or dietary supplements, and it can also be promoted by the body to synthesize it independently by being outdoors in sunny weather.

This vitamin effectively reduces the level of low-density lipoproteins and helps increase high-molecular compounds. Research also shows a connection between high levels of vitamin D in the body and a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
It is preferable to stimulate the natural production of the vitamin in the body, and before taking medications containing it, you must consult a specialist, since there are a number of contraindications (diseases and pathologies of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, etc.).


High cholesterol levels in the blood are the first step to serious diseases of the circulatory system. This component can increase blood viscosity, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. To counteract this, you need to eat cholesterol-lowering foods. They are able to prevent serious consequences and establish the correct metabolic process in the body.

Ways to lower blood cholesterol without drugs

There are many methods that help reduce the level dangerous substance in blood. One of possible consequences high cholesterol is the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and other diseases that can directly change the quality of life. Without medications, the following methods will help balance this indicator:

  • Proper nutrition. Try to eat only those foods that do not contain cholesterol and can reduce its level in the blood. Processing of vegetables and fruits should be moderate so that beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals remain inside them.
  • No bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco can very quickly increase your blood cholesterol levels. But about 50 g of natural red wine daily will only improve the condition of the body. The fact has been proven more than once. If you are not very fond of wine, choose another type of alcohol. The main thing is that it (cognac, tincture or other drink) is as natural as possible. The volume of high-percentage alcohol can be slightly reduced - drink about 35-40 g.
  • Physical exercise. Sport is useful for solving many health problems. Physical exercise can reduce cholesterol, although not very dramatically. Running is considered the most useful method. It burns fats that accumulate in blood vessels in a very short time.
  • Tea and juices. An infusion of green tea leaves is highly valued because of its versatility. It not only removes bad cholesterol from the body and blood, but strengthens capillaries (small blood vessels). Drinking freshly squeezed juices reduces the level of fats inside the arteries by 50%. The main requirement for such drinks is freshness and naturalness. It is best to drink apple juice in the fall, orange juice in the winter, birch juice in the spring, etc.
  • Fresh air. This method affects the level of cholesterol in the blood not directly, but only indirectly. Every day, when a sufficient volume of fresh air enters the body, the blood will be saturated with oxygen. And this will improve the condition of the arteries and veins. Walking in the fresh air is another part physical activity, which also have a positive effect on the general condition of a person.

What foods lower cholesterol?

Nutrition is the main source of energy and the very first element that affects cholesterol levels in the body. It needs to be taken very seriously. The entire mass of products is divided into inhibitors and regulators. The first ones fight cholesterol directly in the liver, and the second ones allow you to maintain the required level of substances and not exceed permissible limits.

Vegetable oils

One of the controversial products for consumption. Fresh vegetable oil does not contain much cholesterol and can reduce the level of the substance in the blood. Olive and unrefined sunflower seeds are considered especially useful. If oil is used for frying, the beneficial substances will evaporate and it will become a source of unwanted cholesterol. A tablespoon of olive product contains 22 mg of phytosterols, which are so important for creating beneficial microflora in our body.


This product directly depends on what the animal ate. Very good meat in terms of healthy cholesterol in herbivorous species. The reason for this is the saturation of the product with copper, which is so important for the breakdown of harmful substances. The meat of other animals is very fatty and is not recommended for consumption. Eat beef, pork, turkey, chicken. In this matter, the method of preparation is very important. Fried meat will be much inferior in properties to steamed or boiled meat.


Fresh fruit juices, compotes, and clean water are considered the healthiest. It is better to choose fresh apples, plums, and grapes according to the season. If you are confident in their naturalness and quality, then drink the juice; if not, it is better to drink a glass of clean water. It will perform all the functions of a body cleanser. Water, like nothing else, can remove unwanted toxins and bad cholesterol. It is highly not recommended to drink drinks with gases. Scientists have proven that carbon dioxide negatively affects the condition of blood vessels.


We consume cereal-based products every day. Bread, loaf, cookies - all this should be whole grain. This is the only way our body will receive fiber. Other bakery and cereal products should be excluded. It is useful to eat almonds and nuts. Porridges based on buckwheat, rice, wheat, barley, and corn should be included in the daily diet of a healthy person.


Eat apples, plums, citrus fruits, grapes, and bananas more often. These are foods that lower cholesterol directly. Berries are very important - strawberries, raspberries, currants. They contain even more useful substances than the first ones. But it is advisable to eat fruits in the early part of the day so that they have time to be absorbed by the body. After lunch you should consume them in moderation. This type of food is rich in healthy fiber (fiber), which is important for proper digestion.


The most common way to remove excess cholesterol from the blood is to eat carrots, beets, and zucchini. Vegetables should be eaten both raw and cooked. Potatoes are often considered the main source of negative cholesterol. But frying or improper preparation makes it that way. Steamed vegetables with a little olive oil make a good breakfast, lunch or dinner.


It is very useful to consume skim milk, cottage cheese, kefir, and cheese. To reduce cholesterol, you should not consume all types of these high-fat foods. It is allowed to combine them with others (tea with milk, cottage cheese with juice, kefir with whole grain bread). If it is difficult to give up these products, dilute them. For example, to prepare cereals or vegetables, you can use milk diluted with water.


In Armenian, Azerbaijani, and Turkish cuisine, spices are the basis of any dish. But these nations are not experiencing a surge in atherosclerosis disease. Various herbs used as seasonings are very beneficial for the body. But it is not recommended to eat red and black pepper, ground sweet peas. Other seasonings: basil, cumin, bay leaf, marjoram, parsley, dill can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet. Such cholesterol-lowering products should be treasured, especially if they are not treated with chemicals.

List of foods to exclude from your diet

Most cholesterol is found in animal products that contain fat. There is a very fine line here - dry beef is healthy, but fatty beef must be excluded from the diet. Large amounts of cholesterol are also found in lard, sour cream, and some types of cottage cheese. Here is a short list of such products:

  • brains of any animals;
  • liver, pates;
  • caviar of various fish, fat of underwater living creatures;
  • chicken, duck, quail eggs;
  • butter, sour cream, full-fat milk and kefir;
  • shrimp and squid (other seafood may also contain high cholesterol).

If you divide total cholesterol into good and bad, the difference is significant. An organic compound beneficial to the body is contained in all of the above products in large quantities. To prevent the cholesterol contained in them from becoming bad, you need to prepare dishes correctly. Here are general guidelines for preparing healthy food:

  1. Do not use a lot of salt, sugar and black pepper.
  2. Do not overcook foods, but it is better to avoid this method of processing them altogether.
  3. Steam or boil.
  4. Add vegetable oil before eating, and not during cooking.
  5. Use maximum quantity healthy vegetables and fruits for various dishes, even meat ones.

Menu with foods that lower “bad” cholesterol

To make it easier to navigate low-cholesterol nutrition, use meal kits. All products must be fresh, natural and juicy. will recover within a few months if you follow these recommendations:

  1. Breakfast - soup of carrots, fresh onions, a small amount of potatoes and lean meat with any cereal (add a little vegetable oil before eating). Wash it down with apple or orange juice. Eating bread with bran and crispbread is allowed. Lunch – rice porridge with boiled fish. Green tea with lemon. Dinner - any salad with fresh vegetables and vegetable oil. Bran or whole grain bread. Kefir or warm low-fat milk.
  2. Breakfast - buckwheat, rice or wheat porridge with the addition of vegetable oil and herbs. Infusion or compote of dried fruits, unsweetened cookies. Lunch – borscht without fried onions, with lean meat and herbs. Dinner - any side dish with boiled beef. Kefir or green tea with honey and lemon.
  3. Breakfast - any side dish with vegetable salad, lots of greens. You can bake salmon or other fish. Tea with berries (cherries, cherries, strawberries, strawberries, currants, etc.) Lunch - vegetable soup with the addition of vegetable oil. Low-fat cottage cheese and freshly squeezed juice. Dinner - steamed cutlets without fatty meat, corn or egg porridge. Kefir, tea or unsweetened fruit compote. Whole wheat bread.

Whatever type of menu you choose, you should eat fresh carrots and cabbage, beets and green onions, apples and pears, berries and water. If you want to eat something in between healthy meals, a banana will be much better than a cookie, and green tea will be healthier than coffee. Natural foods always contain less cholesterol.

Table of cholesterol content in food

If you have questions about certain types of healthy foods, look at the table (photo below). It shows the amount of cholesterol (in mg) for every 100 g of food. It is recommended to eat so much that the indicator does not exceed 2000 mg per day. Then the vessels will function correctly, and the age of the body will correspond to the physical condition of the person.

To have a clear understanding of cholesterol levels, it is worth considering the different points of view of experts in the matter. By watching the following video, you will learn other opinions regarding healthy eating. The video will reveal the secrets of longevity, provide tips on quality food preparation and recommendations for those who want to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Cholesterol-lowering foods

To lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood without the use of drugs, it is useful to enrich your diet with foods such as vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, herbs and grains.

Elevated levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood lead to the development of severe diseases of the cardiovascular system. Drug treatment often causes side effects, and instead of feeling better, other vital organs suffer. Which foods reduce cholesterol in the blood and quickly remove it from the body can be understood by studying their biochemical composition.

Some vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains are known to lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increase HDL. The positive result occurs due to some herbal components found in these products.


These are beneficial plant substances found in plants. For the human body, they perform the same function as cholesterol, but at the same time they reduce the absorption of harmful lipid compounds in the intestine and promote their elimination. Regular consumption of foods containing phytosterols helps control cholesterol levels in the blood.

Cholesterol-lowering foods:

  • almond;
  • soybean, olive oil;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • beans;
  • cranberry;
  • celery;
  • tea mushroom;
  • wheat germ;
  • wheat, rice bran.

Fresh berries are also rich in phytosterol: cranberries, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, pomegranate. In addition, these products contain a large amount of essential vitamins, microelements, and perform an antioxidant function, cleansing the body of waste and toxins. To increase the level of good cholesterol in the body, you need to drink cranberry juice.


These natural plant substances stimulate the body's production of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), act as natural antioxidants, and help reduce LDL. By consuming foods rich in polyphenols, in the form of fresh juices and purees, you can increase the HDL content in the blood by 5% in 1.5–2 months.

Anti-cholesterol foods:

  • red fermented rice;
  • berries;
  • pomegranate;
  • red grapes, wine;
  • cranberry;
  • beans;
  • black rice;
  • cocoa.

Research conducted by scientists proves that by following a diet rich in plant polyphenols, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, and osteoporosis.

Important! Food and drinks should be consumed fresh or after minimal heat treatment with steam.

Food that has been exposed to heat loses the amount of useful components by 30–50%.


Foods that lower cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels:

  • red grapes;
  • cocoa;
  • almond;
  • peanut;
  • ginger;
  • blueberry;
  • red wine.

It is useful to drink red wine, but you can drink no more than one glass per day. The properties of the listed products make it possible to use them for the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies, malignant tumors, and to prolong life.

Unsaturated fatty acids

To normalize the ratio of harmful and beneficial cholesterol, the body needs to obtain unsaturated acids from food that are not produced independently (omega-3, omega-6). These substances help cleanse and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots, and normalize lipid metabolism.

The main sources of unsaturated fatty acids are cholesterol-lowering herbs and foods:

  • fish: sprats, herring, salmon, carp;
  • fish fat;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • linseed oil;
  • grapes (grains);
  • almond;
  • red rice;
  • milk thistle herb;
  • tea mushroom;
  • cocoa;
  • ginger;
  • celery.

Sprats and other varieties of fatty fish nourish the body with unsaturated acids necessary for the synthesis of high-density lipoproteins.

Animal fats contribute to the formation of lipid compounds in blood vessels that form cholesterol plaques. Unsaturated fats pass through the arteries unhindered. Therefore, when preparing a diet, you should prepare dishes with the addition of natural, cold-pressed vegetable oils.

Plant fiber

To lower the level of bad cholesterol and increase the content of good cholesterol in the blood, you need to eat foods rich in fiber. Coarse plant fibers are indispensable helpers in the fight against low-density lipoproteins. Their main properties: slowing down the process of absorption of fats and carbohydrates, normalizing intestinal motility and the entire functioning of the digestive tract, stimulating lipid metabolism. This reduces the absorption of bad cholesterol by the intestinal walls.

The plant polysaccharide pectin is found in all vegetables and fruits. It helps normalize lipid metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels. Due to its enveloping properties, pectin prevents the absorption of “bad” cholesterol into the blood and removes it from the body.

List of foods containing fiber:

  • cereal porridge;
  • avocado;
  • Champignon;
  • almond;
  • cranberry;
  • red rice;
  • flax seeds;
  • oyster mushroom;
  • milk thistle;
  • eggplant;
  • grape;
  • berries: blackberries, strawberries, currants;
  • beet;
  • green bean;
  • celery.

To reduce cholesterol, it is useful to eat wheat, buckwheat, pearl barley or barley porridge, brown, brown, and wild rice. It is recommended to use wholemeal flour containing pectin for cooking. Red rice has special pigments that increase healthy cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol-lowering foods that contain pectin:

  • beet;
  • dried dogwood berries;
  • grape;
  • celery;
  • eggplant;
  • viburnum berries;
  • apples
  • cranberry.

Pectin normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, stimulates metabolic processes, and performs an antioxidant function. The substance does not dissolve, absorbing harmful toxins and cholesterol and removing them from the body.

Pectin should be present in the daily diet and amount to at least 15 grams. It is not recommended to use pectin in the form of dietary supplements without first consulting a doctor.

Diets to lower cholesterol

Prohibited and permitted foods are listed below (table) for people with high levels of “bad” cholesterol.

Prohibited meat products:

  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • duck meat;
  • sausages;
  • meat by-products;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food

Allowed meat products:

  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken breast;
  • veal.

Prohibited dairy products:

  • sour cream;
  • cream;
  • butter.

Allowed dairy products:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk.

Prohibited drinks:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

Allowed drinks:

  • fresh juices;
  • green tea;
  • cranberry juice;
  • red wine.

Fried vegetables are prohibited. Allowed vegetables, fruits and berries:

  • all fresh or steamed vegetables,
  • fresh fruits, berries or puree,
  • vegetable salads;
  • cranberry.

Prohibited fish:

  • Fried fish;
  • red and black caviar.

Allowed fish:

  • salmon;
  • sprats;
  • carp;
  • herring;
  • salmon;
  • fish, baked or steamed.

Hot spices and mayonnaise are prohibited. It is allowed to use ginger, white pepper, and mustard.

Prohibited fats:

  • butter;
  • margarine;
  • lard.

You can use natural vegetable oils as a dressing for vegetable salads and stews.

You can’t eat fried eggs, you can boil them, but no more than 3 eggs a day.

It is forbidden to eat coconuts, but you can eat almonds, peanuts, and walnuts. You can’t eat rich pastries, white bread, you can eat bran bread, baked goods made from wholemeal flour. Sprouted wheat is useful.

Useful herbs:

  • milk thistle;
  • dandelion root;
  • hawthorn;
  • ginseng.

Sample menu for high cholesterol

To properly create a menu, you should take into account what healthy components are in the food. They should contain pectin, antioxidants, phytosterols, unsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols, and vitamins.

For breakfast, you can prepare any porridge (wheat, oats, rice, buckwheat), eat one fresh apple, orange or any berries, wash it down with vegetable and fruit juices. Fresh cocoa with skim milk is beneficial.
For lunch, prepare soup in vegetable broth; you can use champignons, but you can’t add frying. You can put a little low-fat sour cream in the soup. Boiled beans or baked eggplants are served as a side dish. Fresh vegetables, celery and other greens are added to salads and seasoned with olive or flaxseed oil.

For meat dishes, you can eat boiled chicken breast or veal with fresh vegetables. It is also allowed to cook steamed cutlets. From fish: sprats, lightly salted salmon, herring, baked carp, trout.

It is useful to eat berries throughout the day, drink freshly squeezed fruit juices, cranberry juice, and herbal infusions that lower cholesterol.

For dinner, salad, low-fat dairy products, green tea with a spoon of honey are served. Before going to bed, food should be light. Daily norm bran bread – 60 g, you should not consume more than 30 g of sugar during the day.

The daily diet should be formulated in such a way as to satisfy the body's need for vitamins and microelements. Therefore, food should be varied; you need to eat 5 times a day in small portions.

Mushrooms for high cholesterol

Mushrooms contain useful components that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. In addition, mushrooms normalize lipid metabolism in the body. The special substance lovastatin, which champignons contain, slows down the processes of cholesterol synthesis in the liver, increases the level of HDL in the blood, and removes LDL from the intestines.

Oyster mushrooms and champignons are considered the most useful. Regular consumption of them in food with high cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis quickly reduces LDL by 10%, promotes the destruction of lipid plaques in blood vessels, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Champignons are natural antioxidants that remove harmful waste and toxins from the body. In these qualities, the mushroom is superior to sprouted wheat, bell pepper and pumpkin.

Champignons contain a large amount of essential vitamins, microelements and vegetable protein, which can replace meat and dairy products, is easily absorbed by the body and quickly satisfies hunger.

If you have high cholesterol, you need to steam champignons or bake them with vegetables, boil them, or dry them. The mushroom contains the most useful substances in its cap. The low amount of calories allows you to consume champignons during various diets.

It is forbidden to eat fried or canned mushrooms. By eating champignons, you can reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and cancer.

Ginger root

The beneficial properties of this spice are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. The crushed root is used to treat atherosclerosis, joint diseases, and reduce high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Ginger helps thin the blood, which prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels. The spicy root normalizes lipid metabolism and cleanses the artery walls of cholesterol plaques. Ginger contains a special substance called gingerol, which helps accelerate fat burning in the body and controls the level of beneficial lipoprotein.

This active substance promotes rapid satiety, therefore it is effectively used during low-calorie diets.

If you have high cholesterol, it is useful to drink tea to which a piece of the root is added. To prepare it, grate ginger on a fine grater and pour boiling water over it, add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice to a cup. The drink should steep for 60 minutes, then you can drink it like regular tea.

Another tea recipe: cut ginger into small slices, add water and boil for 10 minutes. Then add honey and lemon juice. The drink should be drunk strained.

Ginger is added to vegetable salads and other dishes as an aromatic spice. It should be used to lose weight, normalize lipid processes, and lower blood pressure. Ginger is contraindicated for people suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular system. You should not add or brew the spice before bed to avoid insomnia.

Milk thistle

Milk thistle herb has choleretic properties, which helps eliminate excess cholesterol. Unsaturated fatty acids in its composition help increase HDL levels, and its antioxidant effect helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Milk thistle accelerates metabolic processes and normalizes intestinal microflora. The plant is used in fresh, dried form and as a powder.

Milk thistle is brewed in this way: 1 teaspoon of the herb is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. You should drink this tea warm in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.

High cholesterol is treated with juices from the fresh plant. It is squeezed out of crushed leaves. To increase shelf life, add vodka (4:1) to the prepared juice. You need to drink 1 teaspoon of the infusion before meals in the morning.

Milk thistle is also used in cooking; its green leaves can be added to salads. The flowers and root are used as a seasoning. In pharmacies you can buy the herb in tea bags. Milk thistle in powder form is added to any dish.

Milk thistle may cause side effects. To avoid this, you should consult your doctor before starting therapy.

Tea mushroom

Known for his beneficial properties for high cholesterol and kombucha. It normalizes lipid metabolism, relieves inflammation, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and removes waste and toxins from the body.

The mushroom is consumed as an infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. During the day you can drink up to 1 liter of the remedy. You can infuse the mushroom with raspberry, blackberry, birch leaves and linden blossom.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, and berries will help quickly lower the level of bad cholesterol: red grapes, almonds, cranberries, cocoa, eggplants, sprats, kombucha, red peppers, cereal porridges, fermented rice. And this is an incomplete list of healing products. It is important that the food is healthy and can saturate the body with essential substances and normalize lipid metabolism.