Cumin has medicinal properties. What is useful for cumin: properties, recipes, applications

Many people have already used caraway as a seasoning, but does not know about the incredible properties of this plant. Common caraway is a herbaceous biennial plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. It is found in the wild, but is also grown for industrial purposes. There are more than 25 types of cumin, distributed throughout Russia and most of Europe.

The flowering period is in July-August, the fruits ripen towards the end of summer. The fruit looks like a flattened, oblong achene, has a spicy aroma and piquant taste.

Useful properties of cumin

The components of cumin have many beneficial qualities. He owes this diversity chemical composition: tannins, oils, carvone, carvacrol, dihydrocarvone, dihydrocarvacrol, limonene and flavonoids, vitamins A, C, K, E and group B, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese.

Cumin does not lag behind its herbal counterparts and acts on almost all body systems, but it is mainly used to treat the digestive organs. Effectively relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the stomach, bile ducts and intestines.

Cumin also inhibits the activity of enzymes during pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, which has a positive effect on the health of patients, since the processes of fermentation and putrefaction stop. In addition, cumin promotes the secretion of gastric juice, improves appetite, and normalizes the state of intestinal microflora.

The plant produces a diuretic effect, calms inflammatory processes, and helps with diseases of the uterus. It also helps to increase the amount of milk during lactation. Cumin has a bactericidal, anthelmintic and healing effect.

To properly prepare cumin, it is necessary to collect cumin seeds as soon as they begin to turn brown, because fully ripened seeds fall off. They can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to three years.

Cumin is used in cooking, folk and traditional medicine; this remedy has not been ignored in perfumery.

  1. Cumin is used in the treatment of the following diseases: intestinal atony, flatulence, hiccups. Cumin preparations are used to improve appetite and normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, to stop fermentation processes, dyskinesia, and to restore liver functionality.
  2. Treats cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. expels helminths, helps with intestinal colic.
  3. IN alternative medicine Cumin seeds are used as a sedative, in addition to improving milk supply.
  4. Cumin is also used for neuroses, the treatment of tumors, and also helps with eye diseases and metabolic disorders.

In combination with other medicinal substances, cumin is used to treat hepatitis, heart disease, headaches and spasms.

Essential oils are used for bronchitis and pneumonia, they also have an anti-tuberculosis effect.

In addition, essential oils are used to create medicinal preparations, in perfumery and soap making. Various cumin-based products are used to cleanse the skin and strengthen hair.

In cooking, cumin is known as a spice that gives food a pungent taste and spicy aroma. Added to bakery and confectionery products, in the production of drinks, for pickling and pickling vegetables.

Caraway seeds are used to flavor baked goods and confectionery products, in the preparation of kvass and the production of alcoholic beverages, for pickling or pickling vegetables, and are also added to sauces, soups and meat dishes.


First of all, people with individual intolerance to the components of this plant should stop consuming cumin.

Cumin can trigger a heart attack in people with coronary heart disease. Also, it should not be used for thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and in the post-infarction state.

This product should not be used by diabetics as it increases the amount of sugar in the blood.

To prevent negative consequences from using cumin, you must first consult a doctor.

  1. Caraway oil is taken several times a day, 1-3 drops, along with sugar.
  2. Caraway infusion is prepared as follows: take a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. When the infusion has cooled, squeeze out the seeds and add more water up to 200 ml. Consume as a carminative 2-3 times a day after meals, in the amount of 1/2 - 1/3 cup.
  3. To improve lactation, take a decoction of the seeds. To do this, boil 2 teaspoons of seeds for 5 minutes in two glasses of water. Take half a glass before meals three times a day.
  4. If the ear is numb, then cut a cube from the top of the onion, enlarge the hole with a knife, add cumin there and cover with the rest of the onion. Then they bake it and squeeze out the juice, which they drip into the ear and cover with cotton wool. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
  5. For intestinal bloating, prepare a mixture: 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds, one teaspoon of dill and one spoon of yarrow. one spoon of chopped oat straw and pour in 0.5 liters of water. You need to cook for ten minutes, then strain. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
  6. Decoctions of caraway seeds are used in the treatment of skin diseases, fungi, and warts.

Cumin is widely known as a spice, often used in baked goods, a variety of confectionery products, marinades, and alcoholic beverages. For a pleasant aroma and beneficial features Many people love cumin. But not everyone knows that it is practically the oldest of all known seasonings. Archaeologists discovered caraway seeds during excavations of Stone Age pile buildings, in the tombs of Egyptian priests.

The first mention of it was found in the ancient papyri of Tebes, dating back to 1552 BC. The Arabic name for cumin is kammun. In the Middle Ages, European bakers considered caraway seeds an essential ingredient in baked goods, especially sweet ones.

The spicy plant, belonging to the celery family, is widely cultivated in North and East Africa, Central and Southeast Asia, Afghanistan and Iran. In India, cumin was previously grown and is now grown directly in vegetable gardens, and local residents use it to make soap and as a flavorful addition to vegetable dishes.

In cooking and medicine, caraway seeds are used, which have a bitter taste and a characteristic spicy aroma. Cumin grows well in the European part of Russia; in Europe, its largest plantations are located in Germany and Holland. There are more than 25 species of this spicy plant.

The most famous of them are common, Korean, Egyptian, Roman and black cumin. I would like to talk about the latter in more detail. It is known that the beneficial properties of black cumin are much superior to those of regular cumin. Black cumin is especially revered in Africa and Asian countries. Muslims even consider it to be the plant of the Prophet Muhammad, who revealed to people the truth about the benefits of cumin and its healing power.

According to the prophet, this plant can cure all diseases. Surprisingly, scientific research on the plant has only confirmed the benefits of cumin and its effectiveness in treating a wide variety of diseases.

From cumin I also obtain the most valuable essential oil, which is used not only in medicines, but also in soap making and perfumery. Cumin essential oil has miraculous properties; it is used in the treatment of neuroses, eye diseases, and cancer.

Cumin oil is a natural antiseptic, it helps restore metabolism, gets rid of worms, and is a good preventative against tuberculosis.

Cumin contraindications

  • Existing contraindications for cumin concern mainly people who have individual intolerance and allergies to this product.
  • Cumin and preparations made from it are also not recommended for gastritis with increased acidity gastric juice, with obstruction of the bile ducts (cholelithiasis).
  • In the presence of transplanted organs, the contraindications of cumin are especially strict, since its use causes strengthening immune system a person, which in turn can lead to rejection of a transplanted kidney, liver or heart.

Black cumin has gained value since ancient times. Even then, representatives of the fair sex learned to extract oil from the plant. The composition is rich in important enzymes that restore the skin to its former beauty. The product enriches the skin with beneficial substances, eliminates sagging and other problems.

Chemical composition and value

  1. In the distant past, the seeds and oil of the plant were used to heal abrasions and wounds. The product has proven itself in the fight against colds and worms.
  2. Useful qualities in cosmetology were studied for the first time in European countries. The product actively helped get rid of freckles, age spots and inflammation.
  3. The greatest value of the plant comes from its essential oil. It is extracted from seeds by pressing. In addition to oil, the composition contains tanning components, protein and fats of vegetable origin.
  4. Tannins suppress wound decay and have anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants help speed up tissue regeneration and renewal.
  5. From a scientific point of view, the content of calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, vitamins D, B, E, C in the product has been proven. Thanks to the unique composition, the production of sebum in the skin is normalized.
  6. Cumin has gained popularity because its ether is suitable for any type of epidermis. With regular use of the product, skin inflammation disappears and acne disappears.
  7. Black cumin oil provides cells with the necessary moisture. As a result, the aging process slows down, the skin ceases to be flabby and oily.
  1. Ether is a hypoallergenic product. But there are always exceptions. Before using the oil, it is strongly recommended to test the composition on an inconspicuous area of ​​the body.
  2. The product has no contraindications for use in its pure form. Many still recommend combining cumin ether with other components (linseed, sesame or olive oil).
  3. Many girls add a small amount of black cumin oil to their usual face care creams. The product becomes several times more effective.
  4. Do not use the composition if you have an individual intolerance to the product or have skin lesions or scars. The product may cause complications.
  5. Black cumin oil is recommended for use by people who have sensitive, aging and oily skin. There is also an alternative to liquid - plant-based powder.

Avocado and sage oil

  1. To prepare the product, you will need to combine jojoba oil (20 ml), sage (1 ml) and black cumin (5 ml) in a bowl. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, steam your face and scrub. After this, dry your skin with a soft towel. Distribute the oil mixture over your face.
  3. It is recommended to tap with your fingers. Wait a third of an hour, wash with non-hot water. As a result, after the first use, the skin will noticeably cleanse and some of the acne will dry out.

Brewer's yeast and grape oil

  1. The product is suitable for sagging skin prone to constant oiliness. Mix grape oil (12 ml), black cumin oil (7 ml), 7 g in a container. brewer's yeast, 10 ml. purified water and 1 ml. lemon phytoessence.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and heat in a steam bath to 30 degrees. Cleanse your face before applying the product. Distribute the mask in an even layer and remove after 25 minutes. Use the composition 2 times a week.

Tooth powder and tangerine essential oil

  1. The composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, as a result, the production of sebum is normalized. Add 12 g. tooth powder in a saucer, dilute the bulk mixture with a small amount of plantain decoction, you should get a paste.
  2. Add 25 drops of tangerine ether and 6 ml to the resulting mixture. cumin oils. Before applying the mask, treat your face with micellar water. Distribute the oil composition for 20 minutes. After this, wash your face with melt water.

Rosemary and lavender oil

  1. The composition has proven itself well in the fight against acne. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to mix olive oil (12 ml), cumin (6 ml), lavender (3 drops) and rosemary (4 drops).
  2. Warm up the components in a steam bath to 35 degrees. Cleanse your face and distribute the composition. Wait a quarter of an hour, remove the composition with your usual lotion.

Cottage cheese and honey

  1. The unique composition provides the skin with an effective effect against inflammatory processes. Warm 12 ml in a container. black cumin oil up to 40 degrees.
  2. Next, you need to add 15 grams to the composition. natural honey and 3-4 drops of cedar phytoessence. Remove the components from the steam bath, add 30 g. low-fat cottage cheese. Bring the mixture until smooth.
  3. Cleanse your face with gentle exfoliation. Apply the product with a cosmetic brush. Wait half an hour, remove with warm chamomile decoction.

Kelp and caraway oil

  1. The mask has gained popularity due to its all-natural ingredients. The composition smoothes out creases in the shortest possible time.
  2. Brew hibiscus tea in a standard mug. Pour 25 g into the hot broth. kelp powder. Stir the ingredients, wait a third of an hour. Next, pour in 20 ml. black cumin oil.
  3. The mask is applied with a professional brush. Rest for 45 minutes, then wash with combined water (first hot, then cold).

Protein and agave

  1. Remove the white from the chicken egg, beat the product with a whisk along with 25 g. cottage cheese. Next, add 10 ml to the bulk. agave juice and 12 ml. caraway oil.
  2. Apply the composition for 30 minutes. Remove in the classic way. As a result, after 2-3 applications, fine wrinkles will disappear and pores will noticeably narrow.

Salicylic acid and yeast

  1. The skin is cleansed of dead particles and visibly renewed. After several uses, pigment spots disappear.
  2. Prepare any herbal decoction, dilute it with 30 g. yeast. After 5 minutes, add 15 g to the mixture. black cumin oil and 1 ml. salicylic acid.
  3. Wash your face with foam and dry your face. Apply the product with a cosmetic roller. Wait 15 minutes and wash with green tea.

Cucumber and semolina

  1. To prepare an effective mask, you need to pass 1 cucumber through a blender; do not remove the peel. Read more:
  2. Combine the resulting mass with 15 g. semolina. Add 15 ml to the mixture. black cumin oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash your face, dry your skin, and spread the product over your face. It is recommended to use a special spatula. After 12-15 minutes, remove the mask with cotton pads.

Black cumin oil is considered a unique composition. In cosmetology, the product has proven itself in the fight against many skin problems. It is enough to systematically use masks based on cumin oil. After a few sessions, you will be amazed at the results. The problems that previously bothered you will disappear.

Cumin is a member of the Apiaceae family. It is predominantly represented by biennial herbs, but there are also perennials. Cumin leaves are twice, and in some cases three times pinnately dissected. The flowers of the plant are white, sometimes pink, collected in umbrella inflorescences. They can be either with or without wrapper. Cumin bears fruit by two-seeded seeds, the shape of which is a smooth or oblong oval, the ribs are thin, and when ripe they break up into individual seeds. Today, about 30 different types of caraway are known, growing mainly on the territory of the Eurasian continent.

There are about 10 species in Russia. Basically, caraway seeds are cultivated, which is represented by one- or two-year-old plants. Cumin is very rich in essential oils.

In the 1st year of growth, a root is formed, as well as basal leaves. In the 2nd year, a stem appears, the height of which can reach 80 cm. At the end of the stem there are numerous shoots. Caraway fruits contain up to 7.0% essential oils (mainly carvone and also limonene) and up to 20.0% technical oils. The plant in question is a good honey plant. The yield of caraway reaches 1.5 tons per hectare.

Preparation and storage

All parts of this plant must be collected at a height of 15 cm from the soil surface. This process begins in August and can last until mid-September. You need to cut the plant with a knife or scissors.

Harvesting parts of caraway seeds is carried out in the following way. It is necessary to disconnect the flowers and fruits from the stem, and then hang them to dry in the open air in a place inaccessible to sunlight. It is better to dry on warm days with low humidity. After this, chop all the collected and dried components into small pieces (you can either mix them or separately), place them on a clean sheet of paper and continue drying at home in a place protected from the sun. Once the moisture has completely evaporated, you can place it in a glass jar or fabric bag. Shelf life – 1 year.

Use in everyday life

The plant in question is not used in everyday life, since its main purpose is industry (technical oils), medicine (due to the high content of essential oils), perfumes, and caraway waste is used as feed for livestock.

Medicinal properties of cumin

We can say that cumin is one of the most universal folk remedies for various ailments. Let's look at some of the main medicinal properties of this plant.

  1. For diseases gastrointestinal tract, as well as indigestion for various reasons, tinctures and decoctions are recommended.
  2. Increased gas formation and flatulence during the digestive process are easily eliminated with any cumin-based preparations.
  3. Indications for the use of cumin-based products are diseases of the kidneys and the reproductive system.
  4. Gastritis, especially those accompanied by low acidity, is eliminated by using preparations based on the plant in question.
  5. Anemia is one of the most dangerous diseases, but its symptoms can also be eliminated and alleviated with the help of tinctures based on cumin.
  6. Tinctures based on caraway seeds, used externally (in a bath), are used as an immune-boosting agent, especially for children.
  7. Caraway-based eye drops are prepared that relieve watery eyes, including in windy weather. In addition, they are indicated for various ophthalmological (uncomplicated) diseases.
  8. The components of the plant have antitumor properties.
  9. Cumin has calming effects, and that is why it is recommended for depression, psychosis and other mental manifestations.
  10. Tinctures of this plant speed up the metabolic process and normalize it.
  11. Cumin is recommended for intoxication of the body.

Use in folk medicine

Let's look at some of the popular folk recipes. Some of them have been known for a long time, and some, due to the development of medicine, have become available only recently.

A decoction based on cumin fruits to increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers

Add 2 tsp. dry cumin fruits into a small saucepan, add 400 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat with the lid closed. After this, let cool, strain and refrigerate. You need to consume 100 ml of decoction 3 times every day immediately before meals. The effect occurs on the 3rd day of administration. The indicated portion is enough for 2-2.5 days of consumption. The shelf life of the decoction is 5 days in the refrigerator.

Cumin powder as a tonic for nursing mothers

It is necessary to dissolve 5 g of crushed cumin fruits in 50 ml of water 2 times a day before meals and consume. The effect is the same as when using a decoction, the recipe for which is indicated above.

Infusion of the dried fruits of the plant in question to eliminate flatulence (as a carminative)

Add 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed and dried caraway seeds, pour 200 ml of boiling water, then close the vessel with a lid and leave for 2 days. Drink 70 ml 3 times immediately after meals. The effect occurs on the first day. The prepared volume is sufficient for one-day use, so prepare the indicated infusion in advance.

A decoction of cumin fruits as a general tonic

It is necessary to take dry fruits and water at the rate of 1 tbsp. for 200 ml of water. Bring to a boil and simmer over high heat for no more than 3 minutes. Remove from heat, let cool, strain and store in the refrigerator. Drink 50 ml with meals, and the temperature of the decoction should be at room temperature. Take for 1 week during periods of exceeding the threshold for the incidence of colds, as well as during periods of general fatigue and weakness of the body.

Dry cumin seeds to improve appetite

45-60 minutes before meals, you need to chew 15-20 dry grains of the plant in question for at least 5-10 minutes. After this you need to drink 200 ml of warm boiled water and after 30 minutes start eating. This regimen is recommended during periods of recovery from illness, as well as in cases of underweight.

Cumin infusion as an immunostimulating agent for children

You need 1 tsp. Place small dry fruits in a glass glass, pour boiling water to the top, cover with a saucer and let cool to room temperature. After this, strain and give 1 tsp to children 4-5 times a day. It is necessary to repeat such procedures for 7 days, then take a break for 3 days and repeat again. 2 cycles are enough to strengthen the body, especially during periods of increased numbers colds.

Cumin decoction for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

1 tbsp. Dry and crushed fruits of this plant are filled with 400 ml of water. Boil for 7 minutes over high heat, then cover with a lid and let sit until cooled to room temperature. Then strain and consume 100 ml 2 times a day - in the morning before meals and in the evening after dinner. The prepared broth can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 7 days. Repeat the procedure until symptoms disappear, and if they occur, drink another 1 cycle.

Cumin tea as a soothing and relaxing remedy

Pour 2 tsp into the teapot. dried cumin flowers, add the usual portion of tea, pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. After this, strain and consume 100 ml 3 times a day. It is advisable to take the first and last doses immediately after waking up and immediately before going to bed, respectively. The indicated portion is enough for 2-3 people, and brew new tea each time.

Cumin infusion for constipation

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 2 tbsp. dry and small parts of this plant. Heat the indicated infusion in a water bath for 10 minutes, then cool to room temperature and strain. Take 100 ml after meals. The prepared portion is enough for 1 day. Drink until digestion normalizes. If necessary, repeat. Store the infusion in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a closed lid.

A decoction of dry parts of the plant for colds

Pour 3 tbsp. dry cumin mixture 500 ml water, bring to a boil and let stand for 2 hours. Use throughout the day in equal portions. The effect occurs on the 2nd day of use, but continue taking it until recovery. The same decoction is taken to quickly transform a dry cough into a wet one. It should also be combined with drinking cumin based tea as it promotes sleep.

Using Honey Cumin to Strengthen Broken Nerves

Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder. Powder and honey are mixed in equal quantities. Use, chewing slowly, 1 teaspoon of the product 3 times a day for 10 days.


One of the contraindications to taking cumin-based drugs is children under 2 years of age. Also, caution should be used if you have an individual intolerance to some components of this plant.

Cumin is a plant of the Umbelliferae family, the popularity of which has not subsided for a very long time. Even the ancient Romans, Celts and Egyptians successfully used this plant as a spice, medicine and as an ingredient in perfume. Ancient Egyptian women used black cumin oil for weight loss and rejuvenation. Today, the beneficial properties of cumin have already been scientifically proven. How exactly are they expressed? Let's try to figure it out.

Interesting fact: During archaeological excavations, the fruits of caraway seeds were found. The found materials date back to the 3rd century. BC.

Composition of caraway

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 333 kcal
  • Proteins: 19.77 g
  • Fat: 14.59 g
  • Carbohydrates: 11.9 g
  • Dietary fiber: 38 g
  • Ash: 5.87 g
  • Water: 9.87 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 0.64 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.62 g


  • Calcium: 689 mg
  • Magnesium: 258 mg
  • Sodium: 17 mg
  • Potassium: 1351 mg
  • Phosphorus: 568 mg


  • Beta-carotene: 0.189 mg
  • Vitamin A (VE): 18 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.383 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.379 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.36 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folate): 10 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 21 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 2.5 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent): 3.606 mg
  • Choline: 24.7 mg


  • Iron: 16.23 mg
  • Zinc: 5.5 mg
  • Copper: 910 mcg
  • Manganese: 1.3 mg
  • Selenium: 12.1 mcg

Small cumin seeds have the following composition:

  • A significant percentage consists of iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. Therefore, its consumption even in small quantities increases the level of these valuable elements in the body.
  • - here's another useful one to the human body component that is part of the seeds. It is represented in cumin by thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine.
  • The composition of cumin is also rich in beta-carotene, ascorbic acid and phylloquinone.
  • Cumin seeds contain about 7% essential oils and 20% technical oils.

What are the benefits of cumin?

This plant is one of the few universal remedies. It helps to cope with a number of diseases and has a preventive effect for a healthy body. Cumin is also often used in cooking and perfumery.

Interesting fact: The great Avicenna argued that black cumin oil promotes a surge of vitality in the human body, helps against fatigue and overwork.

Also, the benefits of cumin are manifested as follows:

Important! Women preparing to become mothers should consume cumin in moderation.

It is worth noting that today more than 30 species of this plant are known. All of them primarily grow on the lands of Eurasia. About 10 species grow in Russia, only one of which is considered food.

Harm of cumin

Cumin is not only useful. For some people it can be dangerous. It should not be eaten by individuals with sensitivity or by people who have had a heart attack. There are also a number of diseases for which the use of cumin is undesirable:

  • gastritis with,
  • cholelithiasis,
  • diabetes,
  • ischemic heart disease,

Important! Cumin is contraindicated for children under two years of age.

The plant is taken not only as part of medicines, infusions or decoctions. One of the main ways to take cumin is to use it as a spice.

Even the great Avicenna discovered the benefits of black cumin. For more than 8 thousand years, the product has been widely used in Eastern medical practices as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. The medicinal plant is often mentioned in Ayurvedic literature as one of the few successfully used in the treatment of cancer. It is believed that Kalonji cleanses the lymphatic system well and stimulates the thymus gland, thereby exhibiting a strong immunostimulating effect.

The benefits and harms of black cumin

At the end of the last century, Indian scientists conducted a series of large-scale studies that discovered the high antimicrobial effectiveness of the plant. It turned out that black cumin has a therapeutic effect superior to that of some synthetic antibiotics. At the same time, the product does not affect the beneficial intestinal microflora and does not cause other side effects.

Based on modern research and the centuries-old experience of our great-grandfathers, we can highlight several main directions of the impact of black cumin on the body:

  • maintaining heart and vascular health;
  • prevention of inflammation and infections;
  • fight against atherosclerosis;
  • oncology treatment;
  • strengthening arterial walls for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, thrombosis.

As for harm, there are practically no side effects from using black cumin. In case of individual intolerance, allergy symptoms may occur: skin itching, rash and redness.

Areas of application of kalonji

For a long time, scientists have understood the healing properties of Nigella sativa, especially in relation to the prevention and treatment of diseases. During the research, it was discovered that black cumin contains fatty acids, phytoestrogens, vegetable protein, carotenoids and many vitamins. All these substances balance the body’s energies and have a beneficial effect on the course of vital processes.

The spicy peppery taste combined with a bright nutmeg aroma makes kalonji an almost universal spice. The spicy spice is especially valued in the East, India and Africa. Cumin seeds are added to meat and fish dishes, used in baking confectionery, canning vegetables and preparing tonic drinks.

The cleansing and deodorizing properties of kalonji have found application in cosmetology and dermatology. Oil, cake and seed extract are used to treat inflammation and suppuration of the skin, acne, and increased sebum secretion. The natural product is also useful for hair.

What does black cumin help with: uses and contraindications

Nigella sativa has long been recognized in both alternative and mainstream medicine. The seeds and oil of the plant are used both in pure form and as an additive to other folk and medicinal preparations.

What cures Kalonji? As a medicine, black cumin is especially effective in treating the following ailments:

  • female gynecological diseases, menstrual cycle disorders, infertility;
  • joint pathologies, rheumatic pain;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (helminthic infestations, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, indigestion, cholelithiasis);
  • damage to the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, bladder stones);
  • inflammation of the prostate gland, impotence.

Black cumin is often used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, colds and viral infections, and sinusitis. Nasal drops and solutions for inhalation are prepared from the oil; the seeds are taken in pure form or used for brewing teas.

Nigella sativa is effective in the treatment of all kinds of skin lesions - psoriasis, fungus, eczema, urticaria, warts, lichen, herpes. Moreover, in Muslim countries the plant is even prescribed for vitiligo, and this disease is considered one of the most intractable dermatoses.

Kalonji also helps with type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent). Recently, this type of endocrine disorder is increasingly being diagnosed in people under 40 years of age and even in children. It is often accompanied by obesity and metabolic disorders.

Mentioning black cumin in their treatises, ancient healers claimed that it was the best remedy for hemorrhoids. With its help, you can facilitate bowel movements, relieve a person from pain, bleeding and discomfort caused by itching inside the rectum.

Nigella sativa should be used with caution by women who are heavily pregnant and people with individual intolerance to the components of the plant. Excessive amounts of the product may trigger premature uterine contractions or cause allergies.

Features of treating children with caraway seeds: how to drink correctly

Kalonji-based preparations are most often given to children to strengthen the immune system and protect against viral diseases in the autumn-winter season or upon admission to school. kindergarten. The plant perfectly protects against colds, flu, sore throat and nasal congestion.

Attention. This remedy can be given to children only after consultation with a pediatrician and not earlier than three years of age. The dosage should be half that of an adult.

To avoid allergic reactions, it is better to use local treatment methods. These can be rubbing with oil, nasal drops, inhalations, ointments and aroma lamps.

Secrets of using and treating diseases with black cumin: detailed recipes

The seeds of the plant can be used to prepare various decoctions, teas, tinctures, crushed into powder or pressed into oil - it all depends on what diseases the drug will be used to treat.

Advice. An extract can be prepared from the seeds by mixing it with honey or sugar. In this form, the healing properties of the product will last much longer. It is better to keep the mixture in the refrigerator.

After pressing the oil, cumin cake remains - a high-protein, nutritious additive to the diet. Meal is widely used in dietary and vegetarian cuisine, as well as as a cosmetic product. It retains at least 15% fatty acids and concentrates a huge amount of proteins, vitamins and microelements.

You can learn more about black cumin oil and its uses.

Benefits of black cumin for women

A woman is an amazing creature, strong and at the same time weak, hardened in battles with difficulties and requiring care and attention. And what, if not black cumin, can provide the fair half of humanity with complete care, maintain health and activity for many years, and protect from diseases.

Attention. Recent research has discovered new properties of kalonji. It turns out that regular consumption of plant seeds protects women after 40 years of age from osteoporosis and metabolic syndrome.

For gynecological problems, it is recommended to douche with a decoction of black cumin or insert tampons soaked in oil. The medicinal solution is prepared from 1 tsp. crushed seeds brewed with a glass of boiling water. Simultaneously with local use, cumin is taken orally with hot milk.

The benefits of nigella sativa for women suffering from infertility are immeasurable. In this case, traditional healers recommend taking a mixture of fenugreek seeds, radishes and black cumin in equal quantities. The raw material ground in a mortar is mixed with honey and consumed twice a day with a glass of milk.

Arab doctors give interesting recommendations about taking black cumin during pregnancy. Thus, specialists who practice treatment according to the Sunnah advise women to “ interesting position»Drink 1 tsp daily on an empty stomach. oil, washed down with honey dissolved in cool liquid. This therapy should be carried out until 32 weeks of pregnancy.

In the future, to facilitate childbirth, you can use a hot decoction of black cumin seeds, sweetened with honey. The drink activates uterine contractions, gives strength and speeds up the birth of the baby.

Kalonji in cosmetology

Black cumin oil is most often used to care for hair and facial skin. This product, unique in its composition, can be used independently or added to ready-made creams, masks, shampoos, balms and rinses.

The cosmetic product cleanses oily acne-prone skin well, prevents the appearance of acne, and normalizes sebum secretion.

For a better effect, you can prepare a drying mask:

  1. Dilute a teaspoon of white or pink clay with water until a thick paste is obtained.
  2. Add 5 ml of cumin oil to the mixture and mix.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face and hold until it dries.
  4. Wash with cool water.

Face and body masks with black cumin have not only anti-inflammatory, but also a pronounced rejuvenating effect. The skin is tightened and smoothed, complexion and tone improves.

The following composition will help cope with the first signs of age:

  • caraway oil - 1 tsp;
  • potato starch - 2 tsp;
  • quail egg - 2 pcs.

The ingredients are mixed and applied to cleansed skin. After 15, wash off with warm water.

Advice. Black cumin oil solution can successfully replace night care. To do this, it is gently beaten into moisturized skin or mixed with a portion of cream.

The use of a natural product is very beneficial for hair, especially with brittleness and hair loss. Kalonji strengthens roots well, fights dandruff, eliminates itching and irritation of the scalp.

Revitalizing hair mask with black cumin:

  • coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cumin oil - 1 tsp;
  • alcohol solution of red pepper - 5 ml.

The ingredients are mixed and rubbed into the scalp. If there is no irritation, the amount of pepper tincture can be increased. Keep this composition for 2–3 hours. Wash off with regular shampoo.

Black cumin for weight loss

Everyone knows how difficult it is to lose weight. During weight loss, it is necessary to strictly count the number of calories, fight appetite, monitor the condition of the skin and general well-being. Black cumin will help you cope with so many tasks.

How to take seeds for weight loss? Nutritionists recommend the following recipes to combat excess weight:

  1. A tablespoon of seeds (without a slide) is poured into ½ liter of boiling water and heated over low heat for 10–12 minutes. After cooling, filter and take 125 ml half an hour before meals.
  2. The seeds are ground into powder and poured into a glass container. Use 1 tsp. daily on an empty stomach with water and honey.

The use of black cumin for obesity is not limited to the seeds. Volatile oil gives an excellent effect. How to take it?

There is a certain scheme that must be strictly followed:

  1. For the first week, drink 1 tsp of oil. on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.
  2. From 8 to 15 days, the evening dose is added to the morning intake - the product is consumed in the same quantity 30 minutes before dinner.
  3. Starting from the third week, they return to the original scheme, but the volume of oil is increased to 2 tsp. per serving.
  4. From 22 pm an evening reception is added.

Treatment is continued for 2.5–3 months. After a 14-day break, consumption of the fatty product can be resumed. Judging by the reviews, this method of losing weight is quite effective and helps to get rid of 3-4 kilograms per month.

Black cumin seed cake will also help solve the problem of excess weight - a highly nutritious and tasty product that can be included in all diets. Meal diversifies the diet and saturates the body with essential substances.

Black cumin: benefits for men

The beneficial properties of black cumin are indispensable in the complex treatment of male genitourinary diseases. With the help of kalonji you can cope with the following problems:

  • inflammation and prostate adenoma;
  • reproductive dysfunction;
  • lower bladder infections.

Regular use of nigella sativum will increase male sexuality, improve sperm quality and prolong the time of sexual intercourse.

For prostatitis, a decoction prepared from 2 tbsp will help. l. black cumin, 1 tsp. chamomile flowers and 1 tsp. gentians. The raw materials are placed in a pot, filled with ½ liter of water and placed in the oven for 2 hours. Add a spoonful of honey to the slightly cooled drink and drink it as tea.

Nigella sativa seeds have pronounced anthelmintic properties:

  • suppresses the vital activity of worms and accelerates their elimination from the body;
  • neutralize the consequences of worms in the gastrointestinal tract (heal damaged tissues, restore immunity, cleanse the blood);
  • eliminates pain, spasms, belching, flatulence and other unpleasant sensations;
  • revives intestinal microflora.

When carrying out anthelmintic therapy, it is very important to follow the dosage, since excessive consumption of cumin in this case can provoke a deterioration in well-being.

How to take Kalonji for worms? There are several treatment options:

  1. Pass 3 tbsp through a meat grinder. l. cumin seeds, 6 heads of garlic, 2 cups peeled pumpkin seeds. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l olive oil and allspice to taste. Spread the finished mixture on black bread and eat it instead of breakfast, washed down with caraway infusion.
  2. Drink 100 ml of a saturated decoction of seeds in the morning on an empty stomach (1 tablespoon of raw material per glass of water). If there is no discomfort, the procedure can be repeated in the evening.

Numerous reviews prove that black cumin is very effective remedy from worms. The plant can not only be taken internally, but also used externally - it is recommended to lubricate the anus and perineum with oil. This method is especially effective for getting rid of pinworms.

The seeds of this perennial plant have been actively used for centuries by people from the most different countries– as a baking spice or ingredient in therapeutic agents. ABOUT healing properties Cumin was known back in Ancient Egypt, and Muslims called it “the plant of the Prophet Muhammad.”

What is cumin

It has long been believed that this spice can have a therapeutic effect on the human body, relieving it of many diseases. However, Arab women used it not only in medicine or cooking. It is known that cumin is also one of the components of an aphrodisiac, which you can easily prepare yourself by mixing it with pepper and honey. In addition, the plant smells pleasant, which is why it is especially popular in confectionery products.


One of the most ancient types of herbs is rightfully considered to be caraway seeds (Carum carvi), which belongs to the genus of the Apiaceae family. It grows in temperate latitudes and can be found in Asian or European countries. The fruits of the world-famous spice look like a leaf after ripening and are actively used to eliminate problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

By including seasoning in your daily diet, you can quickly normalize intestinal function and relieve cramps. It contains essential oils and many other beneficial substances that can affect the functioning of stomach enzymes. The spice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver; combined use of the plant with fennel and anise will help achieve enhanced therapeutic effects.


Black cumin treatment is an effective method of medicinal therapy, the types of uses can vary greatly from each other. Followers traditional medicine prefer the plant not only because of its nutritional value, but also due to its unique balanced composition. Black cumin oil is easily recognized by its characteristic rich aroma and bitter taste; their richness guarantees the success of treatment. The substance is obtained using cold-pressing technology, which helps preserve the most beneficial components of raw seeds.

What are the benefits of cumin?

The spice has antispasmodic, carminative and laxative properties, which improves the functioning of the digestive system. The benefits of cumin are especially evident when adding the plant's seeds to food for symptoms such as constipation or flatulence. A laxative will help eliminate even bloating; in gynecology it is prescribed to nursing mothers during breastfeeding to increase the amount of breast milk or during childbirth. For women, the spice is useful as a replacement for expensive medications for menstrual pain. In addition, the medicinal properties of cumin include:

  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • activation of gastric juice secretion;
  • relaxation of intestinal muscles;
  • reduction of fermentation processes in the intestines.

For women

Since ancient times, it has been known how cumin is beneficial for women. It was recommended to grind and use the spice for uterine pain and menstrual cramps. Until now, for such cases, a special infusion is boiled, in which the woman needs to sit for a certain period of time. Sometimes during lactation, a decoction is prescribed for oral administration to increase the amount of milk. However, it is contraindicated for pregnant women to take these drugs in large quantities.

For men

The beneficial properties of cumin affect not only the fair sex. What are the benefits of cumin for men:

  • Properly brewed tea from the seeds of a dark plant has a beneficial effect on male potency and is indispensable in the presence of frequent emissions or infertility.
  • The spice helps fight prostatitis and other prostate diseases that cause pain during ejaculation or urination.


The rich composition of the spice can in some cases cause serious damage to health. Before starting therapy, contraindications should be carefully studied. Essential oils are especially dangerous because they irritate the mucous membranes of the body. It is necessary to take the spice only in small quantities, and people with heart ailments should completely avoid using infusions or decoctions made from the plant.

People with the following ailments are prohibited from being treated with cumin preparations:

  • diabetes;
  • increased acidity, gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • cholelithiasis.

Beneficial features

Treating grains with oil has a lot of advantages, since this spice is considered a universal way to combat almost any type of disease. Spice has a positive effect on processes occurring in the body:

  1. is an immunostimulant;
  2. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. characterized by analgesic and antibacterial properties.

However, the beneficial properties of caraway seeds are not limited to this. Decoctions from this plant eliminate:

The seasoning has a therapeutic effect not only on the digestive and nervous system. The properties of the oil include a diuretic effect, stimulating the processes of removing harmful substances such as toxins from the body. Due to its expectorant effect, the product helps get rid of colds, and the high content of omega acids has a positive effect on hormonal levels and skin condition. Due to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, the body's endurance increases and regenerative processes are accelerated.

Application of oil

Constant use of oil for preventive purposes helps prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular, genitourinary or digestive systems, including chronic diseases. Complex therapy with others medicines will help achieve significant results in the fight against diseases such as ischemia or hypertension. The spice is able to eliminate foci of inflammatory processes occurring in the heart or blood vessels, and effectively fights even against vegetative-vascular dystonia.

For children

Experts' opinions vary greatly regarding the purpose of oil for children. Some doctors argue that the spice can be taken in small quantities from the first years of life, others believe that due to the sensitivity of a child’s body under 3 years of age, the use of the plant for medicinal purposes is contraindicated. Before deciding how to drink cumin oil for children, you should consult your pediatrician.

From worms

Against cough

For colds, doctors prescribe black cumin - the medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant have made it an accessible method for antiviral therapy. When coughing, cumin oil is rubbed into the chest for several days. The procedure should be performed at night. To secure therapeutic effect It is advisable to carry out inhalations, which involve inhaling plant vapors for 10 minutes a day. Infusions are allowed to be taken orally only in measured quantities due to the likelihood of causing harm to the body.

For hypertension

In the East, caraway spice is called a cure for all diseases. This was later confirmed by modern medical research, for example in immunology. Oil for hypertension helps normalize blood pressure without the use of expensive medications. If you follow the instructions, the spice is absolutely safe for human health.

For gastritis

The effect of the plant on the gastrointestinal tract has been known since ancient times, but in Russia the use of the spice for medicinal purposes is not common. However, cumin oil for gastritis effectively and quickly relieves all manifestations of the disease, such as colic, constipation or heartburn. Phospholipids in the composition activate metabolic processes in the body, due to which it is possible to cope with symptoms much faster and completely eliminate the disease. The active substances of the spice enhance regeneration, due to which the mucous membrane heals at any stage of the disease.

For immunity

The spice is recommended to be used not only for medicinal, but also for preventive purposes. It is important to follow the dosage specified by the specialist to prevent the development of undesirable consequences. Children over six years old should take half a teaspoon of oil for immunity once a day. Therapy for adults allows taking two teaspoons of the drug on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. The effect of treatment will be noticeable in about a month, when even during the cold season the body will function in its usual active mode.

Contraindications for black cumin oil

The plant is a very strong medicine, so there is a possibility of individual intolerance or other negative reaction of the body. Then it is recommended to completely abandon the use of medicinal spices or reduce the amount of product consumed. Contraindications include concurrent use of other therapeutic drugs aimed at reducing the amount of sugar in the blood.

Pregnant women should not use the spice internally, but external use is considered acceptable. It is forbidden to give medicine to children under 3 years of age, and as the child grows older, the dosage will gradually increase. Patients who have undergone a transplant of one or more organs are not recommended to use the drug even for prophylactic purposes.

Application of black cumin tincture

Application options are very diverse:

Fresh decoction or healing tincture of black cumin is considered one of the most simple recipes traditional medicine aimed at increasing immunity.

  1. It is important to prepare healing tea from dried leaves. Ready-made sachets with them can be sold in any pharmacies in the city.
  2. Ground grain can be added to food to combat stones in gallbladder or worms.
  3. A compress applied to the head reduces headache and removes stress and tension.
  4. Inhalation and rubbing with seasoning quickly eliminate cold symptoms.
  5. If you have a runny nose, you can put a couple of drops of oil into your nose a day.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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