How to soothe the skin from sunburn. What remedy for sunburn can be used at home

Sun (radiation) burn is a violation of the structure of the skin due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It occurs due to being outside during periods of solar activity, prolonged stay in the solarium and sauna. Sunburn treatment is aimed at eliminating the damaging factor, cooling, applying anti-burn, anti-inflammatory and regenerating ointments.

The peculiarity of sunburns is that they do not appear immediately. After 30 minutes, redness, soreness appears, the skin becomes swollen. During the day, the clinical picture changes, peeling is added to the listed symptoms, the skin peels off. The back, limbs (legs, arms), face, head are most susceptible to lesions.

There are 4 degrees of sunburn.

Treatment at home

If a person with a burn is found, move the victim to the shade, bring to consciousness. Cool the injury site under running cool water for 10-15 minutes, if necessary, apply a cold compress or take a bath. With an increase in body temperature from 38 ° C, give an antipyretic drink. Then carry out an inspection, assess the degree of damage. Lesions of the first and second can be treated at home. In other cases, only a doctor can treat a sunburn.

Pharmacy funds

Group of medicines Representatives pharmachologic effect
Antiseptics Chlorhexidine bigluconate, Argosulfan, Furacillin. Prevent wound infection.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Ibufen, Paracetamol, Aspirin. Tablets lower body temperature, anesthetize.
Burn medications Dexpanthenol, Panthenol, Bepanthen, Olazol, Rescuer. Bacteriostatic, regenerating, analgesic effect.
Antihistamine medicines Suprastin, Fenistil gel, Balimin gel. Anti-allergic, analgesic properties.
Local anesthetics Lidocaine, Anestezin. Pain relieving, cooling effect.
Regenerating, wound healing preparations Levomekol, Levosin, Olazol. Moisturizing the skin, stimulating the speedy healing of damage. Treatment of purulent wounds.
Vitamins of groups A, C, E Prevent the degeneration of damaged cells into malignant ones.

The listed medicines () should be purchased at a pharmacy.

Folk methods

Treating sunburn with natural remedies at home will help relieve pain, speed up cell regeneration and wound healing:

  • aloe juice, watermelon, chilled egg white will relieve the pain symptom;
  • apply starch lotions 2-3 times a day;
  • cool fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk) apply chilled. Means are effective for removing redness, eliminating pain;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil will remove irritation;
  • gruel from grated potatoes, pumpkins, carrots can remove itching, burning;
  • a solution of soda will help to cure: 1 tbsp. l. soda to 1 glass of water. Compresses treated with a solution will save you from pain, swelling;
  • clay mixed with water until creamy. Treat the bandage with the mixture, apply to the affected area for 15 minutes;
  • nettle decoction will help cure the burn: 1 tsp. plant leaves in 1 cup of boiled water. The tool will remove pain, restore damaged tissue;
  • a bandage moistened with a decoction of chamomile (1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water) will relieve inflammation;
  • black or green tea compresses are effective for pain relief;
  • make a mask according to the recipe: mix 10 drops of lemon juice with 100 gr. sour cream. Apply the composition for no more than 10 minutes;
  • pour a handful of oatmeal with water, insist for 30 minutes. Apply on a bandage to the affected surface - helps to get rid of soreness, redness;
  • sauerkraut will remove swelling.

When medical attention is needed

Call a doctor for the following conditions.

  1. Significant increase in body temperature, general weakness. Probably, the patient received a heat stroke and only a doctor can help him.
  2. Chills, fever, nausea.
  3. Shock, loss of consciousness.
  4. Rapid breathing, tachycardia.
  5. If a sunburn of the face occurs, there is a risk of scarring and scarring, the skin heals longer.
  6. (dangerous diseases of the retina).
  7. Lesions of the body 1% (1 palm) and more.
  8. Burns of the second degree and above. Formation of blisters.
  9. Severe allergic reactions, rash.
  10. Concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Urgent care requires the patient's condition, in which there is no improvement within 2 days. If, it is swollen, the skin has peeled off, the temperature is elevated, then it is recommended to be treated in a medical institution.

When sunburn is prohibited:

  1. Self-piercing blisters, this will lead to infection of the wound.
  2. Apply ice.
  3. Lubricate the surface with substances containing alcohol (vodka), urine, oils, fats (pores are sealed, oxygen access is blocked to the wound).
  4. Treat the skin with cosmetics, including soap (will lead to a violation of the alkaline balance).
  5. Rub and scratch the skin with a washcloth.
  6. Consume alcoholic beverages.
  7. Continue to be exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Skin care when in the sun

It is recommended for adults and children to sunbathe in the open sun from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and after 5 p.m., be sure to follow the rules:

  • during exposure to the sun, use protective equipment: glasses, hats, closed clothing. Pay attention to the protection of the face: nose, ears, cheeks;
  • Apply sunscreen to clean skin an hour before leaving the house. Cream with a protective index of 20 is suitable for pale-skinned people, dark-skinned - 15, light-skinned - 30. It is not enough to lubricate the skin once, it is recommended to smear again depending on the protective index of the cream;
  • do not expose age spots (moles, freckles, vitiligo) to ultraviolet rays;
  • a child under one year old should not be in direct sunlight;
  • Avoid dehydration, drink more water. Sweet carbonated drinks, compotes, alcohol should be limited;
  • sunbathing on the beach with caution for children, women during pregnancy, the elderly. Remember that sand, snow and water increase the reflection of ultraviolet rays and contribute to burns;
  • To restore the skin after a burn, accompanied by peeling, moisturizers will help.

Taking antibiotics and antihypertensive drugs increases the susceptibility of the skin to ultraviolet rays.

The duration of burn treatment depends on how correctly and quickly medical care is provided. If timely action is taken, the consequences are minimal. Don't trust too much folk methods and the advice of friends, in the treatment of the greatest effect will have a timely visit to the doctor. In order not to get burned, you should follow safety precautions while in the sun.

Bright red skin, fever and sleepless nights are the natural result of neglecting the rules of sun exposure.

What to do if the sun burns? Let's talk about sunburn.

What is sunburn?

The burns that a person receives in the bright sun are exactly the same as those that can be obtained by accidentally touching an iron or splashing boiling water on yourself. They differ from ordinary thermal burns only in that they are caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

According to the traditional classification, sunburn is the most common. first degree. They are characterized by redness and soreness of the skin.

Longer exposure to sunlight leads to burns second degree- with the formation of blisters filled with liquid. Very rarely, solar radiation can cause more severe burns.

Burn in the solarium

The consequences of excessive tanning are not only peeling skin, but also less noticeable, but more dangerous damage. Sunburn causes DNA damage in skin cells, which leads to the development of cancer - mainly basal cell and squamous cell types.

Even a few sunburns before the age of 20 significantly increase the risk of melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. In addition, excess sun causes early formation of wrinkles, premature aging of the skin, the appearance of age spots and even the development of cataracts.

A fair-skinned person can get sunburned in as little as 15-30 minutes of sun exposure without proper protection. The first symptoms of a sunburn usually appear two to six hours after the injury.

Sunburn symptoms

  • Reddened, hot to the touch skin
  • Painful sensations in the "burnt" places, slight swelling
  • Elevated temperature
  • slight chills

First aid for sunburn

1. Immediately hide in the shade. Reddened skin is not a sign that the tan has begun to “lay down”, but symptoms of a first-degree burn. Further exposure to the sun will only worsen the burn.

2. Look closely at the burn. If you are in severe pain, have a fever, and the area where the blisters have formed is larger than one of your arms or abdomen, see your doctor immediately. Without treatment, such a sunburn is fraught with complications.

3. Attention! To reduce inflammation and reduce pain, there are special tools that are sold in pharmacies. In no case should you smear the affected areas with oil, lard, urine, alcohol, cologne and ointments that are not intended for the treatment of burns. The use of such products can lead to a deterioration in the condition, as well as infection of the skin.

4. Be extremely careful about sunburn in the face and neck area. They can cause swelling and difficulty breathing. Be prepared to see a doctor immediately if a similar swelling occurs in a child.

5. If the burns are minor, take a cool shower or bath to soothe the pain.

6. Regularly moisturize "burnt" skin with special products designed for this.

7. While sunburn heals, wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved, organic cotton or silk trousers. Rough fabrics or synthetic materials will irritate the skin, causing pain and redness.

8. Don't take risks. Until the symptoms of sunburn are completely gone, and the peeling of the skin does not stop, do not go out into the open sun, even using sunscreen. Recovery can take four to seven days.

How to prevent sunburn?

How to sunbathe

Andrey Lvov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Research at the State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of Russia, talks about the rules for a healthy tan.

– Apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before going out in the sun. This will allow the cream or spray to be absorbed and begin to work.

– Do not go out into the sun during its most active period – from 10:00 to 16:00 hours.

– Renew your sunscreen at least every two hours and every time after swimming.

- Wear a hat and do not forget to protect your neck, skin around the chin and ears from the sun.

The most important

Sunburn is the same thermal injury to the skin as a burn from a hot object.

Severe burns, accompanied by pain and fever, require medical attention. But even light sunburns require time to heal and the use of special means for treatment.

What to do with a sunburn of the skin? How to help in the first minutes after exposure to ultraviolet radiation? In order to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms, you should find out what doctors advise to be treated, and what folk remedies you can anoint the affected areas.

A tan that gives the skin an attractive caramel or chocolate hue is nothing more than the result of ultraviolet rays. In the layers of the epithelium, the production of melanin is catalyzed - a pigment that tries to protect the body from excess ultraviolet radiation, and affects the color change.

The beneficial effect of the sun, which consists in the production of vitamin D, an increase in the level of immunity, ends when UV radiation is exceeded. Daily uncontrolled sunbathing begins to adversely affect the epidermis, actively destroying it at the cellular level: the skin becomes flabby, poorly recovering from injuries.

The essence of the problem

Sunburn is an inflammatory process in the upper, sometimes lower layers of the epithelium, caused by excessive exposure to UV rays, leading to trophic skin disorders.

Interesting! Most often, sensitive skin of the dry type suffers from ultraviolet radiation. That is why it is necessary to control the time spent by infants under the direct rays of the sun.


It is not difficult to understand that the skin is "burnt" - a person experiences painful sensations of varying intensity, depending on the degree of damage. On palpation, local hyperthermia is noticeable.

The following signs are also possible:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of blisters;
  • peeling;

Perhaps a general malaise, manifested by fever and headache.

Degrees of burns

Depending on the degree of exposure to UV rays on the epithelium, the symptoms may vary.

Experts distinguish three stages of skin injury from the sun:

  1. Light. Only the upper layers of the dermis are damaged. In this case, the victim feels moderate pain, which disappears within 2-3 days without any specific medical intervention.
  2. Average. The state of the body is much worse than in the first case: the pain is severe, swelling and redness are significant. The resulting blisters add even more discomfort.
  3. heavy. It occurs in 7% of all cases of sunburn. Ultraviolet causes a strong allergic reaction, in this situation the whole body suffers, dehydration, fever, and problems with the cardiovascular system are possible.

If extensive areas of the epithelium are damaged, the symptoms may become more significant, a person, even with a mild degree of burn, cannot sleep peacefully, severe itching begins, and the temperature rises.

Interesting! Some medicines can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight.

What is the danger?

The action of the sun can be detrimental to the body, especially for children and people with weakened immune systems.

Large-scale skin lesions can lead to a general infection, the inflammatory process will cause dehydration, respiratory failure and other problems.

First aid

Usually, a lot of errors are associated precisely with priority actions after the manifestation of a burn. R A reasonable approach to the first aid of the victim can save him from possible complications.

What can't be done?

Experts advise to follow some rules for sunburn. These are some kind of warnings that will help to avoid problems:

  1. Do not use perfumed cosmetics on damaged skin. Various additives can aggravate the situation by causing an allergic reaction.
  2. Do not use tight clothing on the burn site, irritation may occur.
  3. Do not apply corrective agents (foundation, correctors, powder) to the problem area. Such elements of cosmetics do not allow the skin to breathe freely, which means that recovery will be slow.
  4. It is forbidden to lubricate damaged areas with fat or oil.
  5. You can not pierce blisters, use exfoliating drugs. There is a high chance of infection.
  6. Never go out in the sun without sunscreen. The cream must be correct - it should not contain alcohols, chemicals. You should not apply ointments or creams aimed at pain relief and restoration of the skin without consulting a doctor.

What helps? First, chill!

Cooling is a sure way to restore balance in the body for first-degree burns. There are several methods to choose from, depending on the extent of the sun exposure. If your back, chest or stomach is burned, it is better to take a shower for 5-10 minutes, the water should be at room temperature, too warm or cold water intensify pain.

Important! Shower gels and other hygiene products are contraindicated in this case.

Lotions from the water

If the sunburn is not extensive, it is more convenient to use cooling compresses or lotions. Soak the cloth in cool water and apply to the affected area for 15-20 minutes.

Unpleasant sensations will subside a little for a while.

improvised means

Any frozen product or chilled object can be used as a compress. The main thing is to wrap it in several layers of fabric, a waffle towel will do. Otherwise, exposure to extreme cold will lead to vasospasm, slowing down the regeneration process.

Aloe juice

Aloe is known for its pain-relieving and regenerating properties. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from several leaves of the plant and apply it to the problem area. The life-saving remedy will reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and prevent the development of an allergic reaction.

These actions will help prevent severe symptoms of injury.


Medicines can be used for pain relief. For example, it can help reduce inflammation regular ibuprofen or paracetamol. There is an option to use conventional anesthetics: Nise, Pentalgin.

Important! Some resourceful individuals use drugs such as Novocaine, Lidocaine to relieve pain. Under no circumstances should they be accepted!

Prevent dehydration!

Dehydration is possible with second and third degree sunburn. Drink as much liquid as possible after their manifestation, doctors advise drinking at least 2.5 liters of water for at least three days. The best drink in this case would be mineral water.

Treat the skin periodically using lotions with ordinary water or aloe juice.


Many people wonder how to smear the skin after a sunburn, how to treat it so that it heals faster, what to do in order to relieve severe pain, cure the problem?

To begin with, you should visually examine the disease, depending on the degree of damage, therapy may be different.

In case there are blisters, it is necessary to treat the skin with an antiseptic solution, Furacilin, Hydrochloride is suitable. Then, as advised by dermatologists, open wound should be closed by applying a gauze bandage. It must be periodically moistened with water or other solutions. In difficult situations, it is necessary to contact specialists.

If the burn is not severe, it is also necessary to disinfect the skin. Processing does not require medical intervention.


Those affected by sun exposure resort to the help of pharmaceutical products and do not forget about traditional medicine. Treatment of sunburn of the skin is effective if an effective drug is used, so the question of how to smear the problem area is important.


If the burn is not severe, it is possible Bepantol or Panthenol will help They are available in the form of an ointment, cream or spray. In order to reduce contact with the skin, and therefore relieve the victim of unnecessary discomfort, it is better to use sprays.

Folk remedies

The experience accumulated over several hundred years by the people helps in any situation. The use of improvised, inexpensive means is not prohibited by dermatologists.

potato juice

Treatment of the affected skin with potato juice brings successful results. The juice of young tubers has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Grated or finely chopped cucumber will save the skin from excessive drying out, relieve pain. The product can be applied to first and second degree burns.


It is better to use chamomile or black tea without additives. The main therapeutic effect of a chamomile drink is soothing, ordinary leaf tea is not inferior.

Lotions from this composition must be done several times a day.


Steamed hercules flakes will soften and moisturize the layers of the epithelium, reducing pain. It is necessary to take oatmeal and boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 2, steam for 15-20 minutes and apply to the problem area.


Grind or grind the leaves of Kalanchoe, apply to the burn area. This composition will reduce discomfort, relieve swelling and inflammation.

Dairy products

The most commonly used remedies for sunburn are sour cream or natural yogurt. Products should be at room temperature, they must be applied for 20-30 minutes. The victim will be able to rest from the burning pain.

Drug treatment or how to anoint the damage

Many people want to know the most powerful remedy for sunburn of the skin, which medication should be used first, and how long should a soothing and analgesic drug be used, be it cream or spray?

It is necessary to study the list of ointments or creams, how can you anoint a sunburn of the skin immediately after a problem is discovered, and how to lubricate it after first aid, how to remove blisters or peeling of the skin faster? How many days do you need to treat the affected areas and when will it stop hurting?


Ointments are those drugs that can be purchased at pharmacies, on the advice of a pharmacist.

To eliminate the disease, the following medicines are used:

  1. Zinc. Zinc contained in the preparation will prevent infection, relieve pain, inflammation. Experts advise applying it 3 to 5 times a day.
  2. Sinaflan. Its main action is regeneration at the cellular level. It is better to use 2-3 days after the burn, after treating the skin with an antiseptic.
  3. Dexapanthenol. The drug is effective both in the first hours after the discovery of the disease, and after. It has a calming, analgesic effect.

Medicines are inexpensive and are freely available in pharmacies.


Gels are also popular for treating UV exposure.

Use such drugs:

  1. Fenistil. It is necessary in the event of an allergic reaction - severe itching, redness. Use three times a day.
  2. « Apollo". It has a cooling effect, so necessary in the first hours after the problem. Apply three times a day, you can use lotions with it.
  3. Aloe Vera Gel. In the composition - aloe in high concentration. Restores the layers of the epithelium in the shortest possible time. Apply at least three times a day.


Creams can be bought not only in a pharmacy, but also in cosmetic stores. Usually their action is directed to several ailments at once.

You can use the following tools:

  1. D- Panthenol. An analogue of Dexapanthenol, actively restores the layers of the epithelium, relieves pain. Apply 4 to 6 times a day.
  2. Bioflorin. Anti-inflammatory cream, disinfects and reduces pain. The instructions for use advise using it three times a day.
  3. Bepanten. The main advantage of the cream is its hypoallergenicity. It is actively used to treat the skin of infants. Apply to the affected area 3-4 times a day.

When choosing a cream, it is better to consult a dermatologist.


Aerosols are in demand among buyers, since such preparations are consumed less, there are no problems with application.

Aerosols have the same effect as the ointments and creams of the same name, you can use the following options:

  • Bepantol;
  • Garnier with cactus extract, aloe;
  • Panthenol.

Spray on problem areas of the epidermis 3-4 times a day, after disinfecting the surface.


The diet during any pathology is a good help in therapy. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary from the inside to help the skin recover faster. It is necessary to consume as many foods as possible containing vitamin A, C, B. Jellies and jellies will also come in handy, the collagen contained in them has a beneficial effect on the restoration and elasticity of the epidermis layer.

Sunburn is an unpleasant thing that requires active proper treatment in the first minutes of occurrence. For therapy, they use both ethnoscience, as well as medications. In difficult cases, it is impossible to self-medicate.

Useful articles

Lucky for those who have not experienced the consequences of excessive exposure to the sun. Most lovers of bronze tanning and beach holidays have tasted all the “charms” of the burning effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin and probably regretted their own carelessness. Be prudent and learn all about how to treat sunburn and how to protect yourself from their occurrence.

What is the danger of overheating in the sun?

Sunbathing is good for health, but you should not get carried away with them. Especially dangerous is the first visit to the beach or a picnic under the rays. Rejoicing in the warmth, people forget about precautions, and when they notice the appearance discomfort or deterioration in well-being, there is nothing they can do but start treatment immediately.

The insidiousness of the burn also lies in the fact that it may not appear for a long time. Sometimes the consequences come only after a day. Severe sunburn with blisters, swelling, and rashes can lead to serious health problems:

  • extensive inflammation of the skin, the appearance of ulcers;
  • development of acute allergy to ultraviolet light;
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin, the formation of moles and benign tumors;
  • oncological diseases of the epidermis.

Not every burn can be successfully treated with folk remedies. In severe cases, you should immediately seek help from a doctor and strictly follow the conditions of the prescribed treatment.

The severity of the consequences depends on several factors, including:

  • skin phototype. It is known that the owners of fair skin and blue eyes burn in the sun much faster than others. The same can be said about the red-haired citizens, "kissed by the sun" and strewn with freckles;
  • immunity. When the protective functions of the body are significantly reduced, the burn will appear faster, and the treatment will last longer;
  • taking certain medications causes an allergic reaction to the sun's rays;
  • age. For example, sunburn in children causes a very serious condition and requires professional medical attention.

Even a healthy adult will have a very hard time if the consequences of a beach "party" are blisters from sunburn on the body and hands.

Symptoms of overheating

You can be sure that you will not see an even golden tan in the near future if you experience or observe the following signs in a loved one:

  • light, medium brightness or intense redness of the skin;
  • rash, small blisters and large blisters that contain moisture;
  • pain when touched;
  • burning, itching at rest;
  • puffiness.

As a rule, the symptoms of sunstroke also aggravate the situation, without which in such cases it is rarely possible to do without. It:

  • an increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators, the affected areas of the body become especially hot to the touch;
  • severe headache, dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general weakness;
  • fever.

This whole “bouquet” is accompanied by severe dehydration of the body. In this condition, a person needs to urgently take medical measures. A visit to a specialist is the best solution, but it is not always possible to immediately implement it, so you need to know how you can help yourself and your loved ones during the first difficult hours.

What to do?

If symptoms appear during exposure to the sun, you should immediately leave the place of rest and take cover in a shaded, cool room. Have you noticed that the shoulders of your friend or girlfriend turned red? Take the person into the shade so that the sunburn of the skin of the back does not reach a high degree of severity. Is your child complaining of a headache? Run home! You might be able to get off lightly. If you still haven’t followed, here are recommendations on how to treat a sunburn.


A cool bath and a cold compress on the forehead will bring great relief. Water should not be icy, but comfortable, pleasantly cooling hot and irritated skin.

After getting out of the bath, a person is likely to want to lie down. You can cover the victim with a cool, damp sheet or place an ice container near him.

Attention: in no case should ice be applied to the affected areas of the body, because this will lead to the necrosis of the upper tissues and the appearance of ulcers that will take a long time to heal and leave behind cosmetic defects.

You can fill a spray bottle with cold water and spray the moisture over the patient from time to time.

Fight dehydration inside and out

Having received a sunburn, you need to help the body cope with dehydration. Pure non-carbonated cool (not ice) water is the best remedy. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of life-giving moisture. Do not drink tea, coffee and especially alcohol!

Apply moisturizing masks and compresses to the burned surface of the epidermis.

  • Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater. Put the gruel on sore spots, keep for an hour.
  • Punch a fresh cucumber with a blender, squeeze out the juice and apply it to the affected areas.
  • Take an egg white, lubricate the skin and leave until it turns into a film and peels off by itself.
  • Apply low-fat kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt without sugar and flavoring additives liberally on the body. Wash off with cool water after 30-40 minutes.

It is necessary to carry out procedures often in order to minimize the degree of dehydration and the severity of the consequences, as well as to alleviate the patient's condition.

Infection control and healing

To know how to sunbathe without getting sunburn, and how to treat them at home, if trouble has already happened, every fan should spend time on the beach. It is known how the epidermis affected by ultraviolet radiation is vulnerable to all kinds of infections; severe toxicity may occur. The following tools will help prevent its development:

  • infusion of chamomile,
  • decoction of calendula,
  • black or green tea.

Cool liquid should be soaked with gauze or other cotton fabric, apply a compress to the irritated area and change as it dries.

If you have an aloe plant on hand, use the juice and pulp of the lower thick leaves of this "home healer" as an effective anti-inflammatory and healing mask.

Important: in the case when all the listed remedies did not bring any relief within an hour, and you do not know how to treat a sunburn in a child, drop everything and go to the hospital!

The described methods are safe for health and applicable to people of different ages, but only an experienced doctor should prescribe medication (especially for children).

Take care of beauty!

The skin on the face is thin and delicate. Lips and eyelids are especially vulnerable to UV rays. There is no fat in these areas. The lips, dried out by the sun, begin to itch, crack and become inflamed, and the skin around the eyes turns red, swells and hurts terribly.

Almost everyone is familiar with the sunburn of the nose, as the most prominent part of the face. Burning, redness and severe peeling are the consequences.

In order not to get a sunburn on your face, and at the same time protect yourself from heat stroke, do not neglect hats with wide brim, do not forget about safety glasses. If you are sunbathing in the country, hide your nose under a plantain leaf!

For the treatment of sunburned facial skin at home, the same remedies are used as for other parts of the body. That is, cucumber, yogurt will suit you. Skin naturally prone to dryness can be lubricated with not very oily sour cream.

Attention: do not use any oils for softening and moisturizing! Fat in its pure form will not only tightly clog pores at a time when they need to “breathe” especially actively, but will also prevent cooling. It will bake as if a hot iron was applied to the skin.


Don't try to get a southern tan on the first sunny summer day. A quarter of an hour is enough for the skin to begin to adapt to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. The rest of the time, sunbathe in the shade, and next time lie in the sun a little longer. Yet:

  • from noon to four o'clock do not appear on the beach;
  • drink more water during rest, exclude alcohol;
  • After leaving the water, wipe dry, otherwise you will burn instantly.

Take care of yourself and don't forget your skin. Enjoy your holiday, golden tan!

A sunburn is an acute injury and inflammation of the skin that develops as a result of excessive exposure to UV radiation of direct or artificial origin. In most cases, the healing process takes place on its own, but there are situations when medical assistance is needed to quickly restore the skin.

As a rule, people with light and sensitive skin integuments suffer from sunburn. A mild degree of this condition is called sunburn. It is a melanin pigmentation that occurs against the background of exposure to sunlight.

Degrees of sunburn with a photo

The degree, symptoms and consequences of a sunburn depend on:

  • on the color and type of skin;
  • level of sensitivity to sunlight;
  • the presence of dermatological problems;
  • localization of the pathological process;
  • the use of various means and substances for the prevention of burns;
  • parallel treatment with certain groups of drugs.

Mild burn

This condition does not require medical attention. Under the influence of sunlight, local redness, slight swelling and soreness occur, especially when touched. After a few days, the discomfort goes away.

Medium burn

It is characterized by significant pain, redness, blistering of the skin. After a few hours, a person is worried about severe swelling, a feeling of heat from the skin. There is a general weakness, decreased performance.

Important! For a child, this condition is already considered difficult. Toddlers become capricious, cry, cannot find a place for themselves.

Severe burn

Such lesions of the skin by sunlight are rare. As a rule, severe burns appear against the background of an increased individual sensitivity of an adult or a child to the action of UV radiation. Redness and pain are accompanied by signs of an allergic reaction in the form of severe swelling, large blisters that can open, exposing the erosive surface, rashes. The next day, the temperature may rise, symptoms of intoxication of the body appear (headache, weakness, bouts of nausea, chills).

Important! In the latter case, only medications can alleviate the condition of a person.

Sunburn of the face

Burns under the influence of sunlight can occur on any part of the body of an adult and a child. The face tends to tan first, especially if the person is not wearing a head covering. Burns appear faster than any signs of a pathological condition appear.

Eye burn

The human visual apparatus has a retina - the inner shell of the eyeball, which is responsible for the perception of light. The hit of a large amount of solar radiation at the same point of the shell provokes the appearance of a burn. This condition can occur not only in the summer season, but also when the sun's rays are reflected from the snow.

The patient, when contacting a doctor, complains of the following manifestations:

  • Pain in the eyes;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • feeling of "sand";
  • lacrimation;
  • hyperemia of the sclera;
  • swelling of the eyelids.

Lip burn

The skin on the lips is sensitive and delicate, so the pathological condition develops quite quickly. Usually in the form of an allergy. There is a feeling of heat, itching, soreness, swelling and hyperemia. On the 2nd day, a rash appears, the lips begin to itch, dry out, and peel off.

forehead burn

One of the manifestations of excessive exposure to sunlight. The symptoms are similar:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • burning sensation and heat.

Ear burn

When the ears are open, half an hour is enough for a burn to appear. The skin in this area is very thin, and therefore sensitive to UV radiation. Already towards evening, peeling occurs, the ears begin to itch, hyperemia and soreness appear.

Sunburns of the body

The intensity of damage to the skin of the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in an adult and a child can also vary under the influence of the following factors:

  • the time of exposure to the sun - from 10 to 16 hours of the day, the rays are the most aggressive, even if the sky is covered with clouds;
  • finding a person near reflective surfaces - these include sand, water, ice, snow;
  • summer season;
  • the location of a person in relation to the height above sea level - the higher the location, the more intense the action of the sun's rays;
  • relation to the equator - the closer, the higher the aggressiveness of the sun.

Important! It is better to prevent sunburn than to treat it.

neck burn

The neck and décolleté area are quite sensitive to UV exposure. To prevent burns to these areas, special protective equipment should be used. They can be bought at pharmacies or stores.

Damage to the skin in the neck and shoulders is accompanied by similar symptoms: redness, burning and itching, peeling. In a moderate condition, blisters from sunburn, fever, chills, and weakness may appear.

chest burn

Photos of inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin of the chest under the influence of the rays of the sun can be found on the open spaces of Internet resources. Patients complain of hyperemia, burning, pain, especially when touching the damaged area. After 5-7 days, the skin at the site of a sunburn begins to peel off, exposing a new layer of the epidermis.

back burn

This condition often occurs in both children and adults. Under the influence of strong UV radiation, the back becomes red, then a burning sensation occurs. Against the background of a moderate burn, blisters and hyperthermia appear. The victim complains of feeling tired, decreased performance, insomnia (due to pain).

The upper ball of the skin of the back begins to peel off after about a week. After it, a surface of a redder hue remains than the one that is around.

Sunburn treatment at home

As a rule, the treatment of sunburn in a child and an adult is to eliminate the symptoms of the pathology. They use pharmacy and folk remedies that will help get rid of itching, pain, feelings of heat, and lower the local temperature.

Important! Severe and moderate sunburns can leave behind cosmetic defects, so you need to be careful about the pathological condition.

Treatment is based on the following points:

  1. Slight redness of the skin will pass on its own. It is not necessary to smear drugs. It is allowed to use folk remedies or balms for the purpose of moisturizing.
  2. The appearance of itching, allergic manifestations, edema requires the use of antihistamines (Fenistil, Suprastin, Tavegil).
  3. Mild to moderate sunburn over large areas of the body requires reduction physical activity on the body within 2-3 days. Locally it is necessary to smear with anti-burn agents, moisturizing creams.
  4. A pronounced pain effect and signs of intoxication in people who have chronic diseases require seeking medical help.
  5. The appearance of edema of the lower extremities, vomiting, high temperature are also reasons to be examined by a specialist.
  6. Severe skin lesions are accompanied by blisters that can burst. The bare surface is seeded with pathogenic microorganisms. This provokes the development of infection. It is more difficult to cure a bacterial process than to prevent it. The skin should be smeared with antiseptics and antibacterial drugs.

First aid

First aid for sunburn should be given to an adult and a child in the first 2-3 hours after exposure to the sun. It depends on how much a person will suffer from manifestations of pathology, and how deeply the process will spread. Help at home includes the following activities:

  • Finding shelter from the sun.
  • Cooling the surface of the skin with water - its temperature should be at room temperature, since cold will only worsen the situation, provoking vascular spasm and local disruption of tissue trophism.
  • The imposition of a cool (but not cold!) Compress on the damaged area - helps to quickly remove the feeling of heat, get rid of pain.
  • The use of cold, but not for applying to the body, but for holding at a distance of several centimeters - this option is also allowed for cooling.
  • Moisturizer treatment.
  • Drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Severe pain can be relieved by taking an anesthetic.

Compresses and lotions can be made from cool green tea, decoctions based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula).

Important! It is not allowed to smear a burn received under the influence of sunlight with vegetable fats.

Medical treatment

Pharmacies offer a large selection of medicines for treating the skin after sunburn. Most of them allow you to quickly restore the cells of the epidermis and dermis, relieve swelling, alleviate the condition of the victim, remove the feeling of discomfort and burning. Treatments can be purchased without a prescription.

Dexpanthenol preparations

Dexpanthenol is a derivative of pantothenic acid. This is an active substance that can make the long process of skin regeneration faster. Preparations based on it remove inflammation, support metabolism. Products against burns caused by exposure to sunlight are produced based on dexpanthenol in the form of:

  • tablets;
  • ointments;
  • creams;
  • gels;
  • sprays;
  • solutions for local treatment.

Panthenol is the best sunburn remedy that is used at home. It is used not only to heal skin damage from sunlight, but also to regenerate cells and tissues at the site of wounds, abrasions, cracks. Panthenol is available in the form of body milk, cream, spray. There may be an allergic reaction to the components of the product, so the back, neck, face, chest should be treated carefully. Any deterioration is a reason to see a doctor.

Panthenol can be used during pregnancy and lactation. When treating with other drugs, it is necessary to clarify the possibility of using Panthenol from a qualified specialist.

The next drug of the group, which is popular, is Bepanthen. Available in the form of a cream, lotion and ointment for external use. Cream and ointment can be smeared on the skin of newborns and infants from diaper rash, abrasions, diaper dermatitis. Lotion can be applied to the body from sunburn.


A drug applied to wounds to speed up their healing. Available in the form of a gel and ointment. The gel is used if the skin peels off after excessive exposure to sunlight or blisters open. As soon as the healing process begins, you should anoint with ointment.

Contraindications: pregnancy, systemic allergic reactions, infants.


Powder in the form of a mixture of antibiotics. It is widely used if an infection has appeared at the site of the opening of the blisters from sunburn. The drug should be smeared on the skin, and a bandage should be applied on top. Baneocin is contraindicated:

  • if the burn surface is larger than the patient's palm;
  • during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidney apparatus;
  • on the background of increased sensitivity to antibiotics.

Important! If the sun's "imprint" on the body is insignificant, the skin does not peel off, it is not necessary to smear with the product.


How to anoint a sunburn if there is deep tissue damage? Spread with Levomekol. This is a liquid ointment, which contains an antibacterial component. Just for redness without signs of infection, you do not need to smear the remedy.


Another drug to fight infection or prevent its occurrence. You need to buy in the form of a spray, so that it is convenient to spray on the surface of the body. Miramistin should be treated only with deep solar “imprints”.

baby cream

A remedy that can be smeared on the skin of a child and an adult after receiving mild sunburn. The substances that make up the baby cream will moisturize the body, nourish it with vitamins and microelements.


Treatment for sunburn at home involves combating swelling and swelling, itching, burning, and residual spots. To eliminate such problems, antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs are used:

  • Fenistil;
  • Loratadine;
  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil.

Medicines are used in the form of tablets and gels for external application. Gel can be smeared on the back, legs, arms, neck, chest. The result will also be a slight analgesic effect.

Temperature medications

Severe damage to the skin of a child and an adult under the influence of sunlight is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. If the number on the thermometer has crossed the mark of 38 ° C, you need to apply an antipyretic. Such drugs are Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Bofen (will relieve signs of hyperthermia in a child), Aspirin.

Treatment of burns with folk remedies

At home, folk remedies for sunburn are often used:

  • smear the body with raw potato juice to relieve pain;
  • put compresses from cool brewing of green tea;
  • wipe the skin with infusion of pharmacy chamomile;
  • apply warm sauerkraut to the places of solar “imprints”;
  • smeared with cucumber juice to relieve itching.

Sour cream and kefir

With such means, you can anoint the place of redness in the first hours after exposure to sunlight. The fact is that sour cream and kefir will help relieve pain, itching, but they slow down the process of skin recovery, so treatment can be lengthy. Smear with sour cream should be only 5 minutes. Then it is washed off with cool water and no longer used. How much sour cream to use is an individual matter, but the application should be a single application.

coconut oil

Coconut oil can be anointed with damaged integuments from the moment of healing. Previously, it should not be, because the fat in the composition will slow down the recovery process in the first days after the burn.


In the pharmacy you can buy gels and creams based on aloe extract. Itching and burning will pass in a few hours. Do not use for severe injuries. Instead of purchased funds, you can attach a leaf cut along the length of the plant. This should be done in the absence of abrasions, cuts, rashes.


There is an opinion that if you anoint a burn with vodka or alcohol, it will help to cure a person, pain and redness will pass, and the state of health will be restored.

Important! This is clearly not possible.

Alcohol evaporates quickly, which means that it will not have time to destroy microbes. Its burning abilities will only increase the pain at the burn site, as well as dry out already dehydrated tissues.

How to treat blisters (blisters) from sunburn?

What helps with sunburn, it is not always necessary to apply for blisters that have appeared on their background. Experts recommend:

  • do not tear the skin from the blisters;
  • apply a cool, but not cold compress;
  • anoint with aloe leaf juice or gel based on plant extract - do this 2-3 times a day;
  • smear with antiseptics (silver sulfadiazine) - they will help remove signs of inflammation and swelling, the site of damage will hurt less;
  • do not apply fat and local anesthetics;
  • drink plenty of fluids and eat right;
  • take painkillers in tablets.

If an infection has joined, anoint with Levomekol, Miramistin, apply a bandage on top. How much you have to treat the pathology, the doctor will tell you.

How to relieve swelling after a sunburn?

Often, after excessive exposure to sunlight, puffiness appears. As a rule, this condition affects the face and lower extremities. A person becomes, say, not very attractive to look, especially if the edema is located in open areas of the body - on the legs or on the face. Therefore, the search for drugs to eliminate the problem begins.

Doctors recommend the use of anti-allergic medicines in the form of tablets (Tavegil, Suprastin, Loratadin) and local gels (Fenistil, Psilo-balm). Drugs cannot cure a person, but they can reduce swelling, hyperemia.

What to do with a severe sunburn?

Treatment of severe sun "imprints" should be prescribed by a doctor. First aid to the victim is similar (see above). Further, in a hospital setting, infusion therapy may be needed to restore the water-salt balance, antibiotics, if an infection has occurred, antihistamines.

Antipyretics are used to combat high fever, and painkillers in tablets or injectables can help relieve pain.

What to do if it itches after a sunburn?

Itching is one of the symptoms of a pathological condition. It can be so excruciating as to keep the victim awake. Treatment is as follows:

  • antihistamines for local and general use (Tavegil, Suprastin, children - Fenistil, L-cet);
  • painkillers in tablets (Ketanov);
  • hormonal ointments (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone).

Important! Hormones are better not to get involved. It is important to consult a specialist before using them.

What to do with fever and chills after a sunburn?

Many victims are interested in how long the temperature can last against the background of “burning”, how to treat it and what to do in such a situation. As a rule, a high temperature occurs only against the background of a parallel heat stroke or as a result of the addition of a bacterial infection. There are cases when a person does not tolerate even subfebrile condition. Then doctors recommend bringing down the temperature:

  • Paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • aspirin;
  • Bofen;
  • Efferalgan.

The chill will pass along with the temperature, but in order to alleviate the condition of a person, the body should be covered and given plenty of water and tea to drink.

What to do if you are allergic to sunburn?

Such people should avoid sun exposure. If this cannot be done, good UV protection is needed:

  • store and pharmacy creams and ointments (Panthenol, Bepanten, products with a high level of SPF);
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • hormonal ointments;
  • enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Smekta);
  • plentiful drink.

Features of the treatment of burns in children

It is necessary to treat children according to a medical protocol, according to which first aid is provided and therapy is selected. Non-drug treatment consists in following the general regimen, diet No. 11, and increasing the water load. Medical therapy:

  • pain relief (NSAIDs);
  • antibiotics and infusion therapy for severe lesions;
  • locally make dressings with Levomekol, Miramistin, silver-containing ointments;
  • aerosol treatment (Panthenol).

How long it takes to treat a child in case of severe lesions, the doctor determines. First aid is provided similarly to adults (see above).

How long does a sunburn last?

How much does a person have to suffer? Usually the condition of the skin is restored after 3-6 days, sometimes up to 2 weeks. It depends on the degree of damage, individual sensitivity, type of integument, localization of the solar "imprint", the age of the victim. Take care of your health and take the time to protect your skin!

Video: sunburn treatment

Video: sunburn prevention and protection