Does a baby need a Komarovsky walker? Baby walkers: at what age can they be used? Which walker is best for a child

There are a variety of educational tools available for children. Questions arise about the need and useful properties ah funds designed to facilitate parental work. For example, the benefits and harms of walkers cause a lot of controversy among moms, dads and children's specialists.

What is a baby walker for?

Walkers - a device that is designed to help move independently when the baby is just crawling. The design is a chair with clamps made of belts and a small tabletop mounted on wheels. At a younger age, it’s boring to just sit in an arena or a crib, and the device has useful properties: it entertains and helps to explore the surrounding space.

Disputes about the benefits and harms of such an "assistant" do not subside.

Important! Getting up on his feet, the baby has to endure loads equal to lifting a bag of cement, which can be harmful.

The useful properties of the device are obvious - it makes it easier for the baby to move. Moms often forget that the little one needs to do new things on their own, make efforts and learn. Assistance with space exploration can be harmful, especially if it completely overshadows the usefulness of the process of mastering the required skills.

The toddler, who is in the auxiliary device, does not need to lean on the walls and develop the ability to maintain balance. He will be able to sit and push off the floor with his feet and quickly move in the right direction. As a result, there is no need to work and walk on your own. Therefore, the useful properties of the device cannot be exaggerated.

What are walkers

Walkers for children are found in various designs, colors, and also supplemented with certain entertaining details and, as a result, having various useful properties and causing one or another harm.

There is a whole range of devices on the market, allowing you to choose the most suitable:

  • The classic model of walkers allows the baby to move without support around the apartment, to study the surrounding space with benefit and strengthen the legs.
  • A rocking walker, or a transformer, combines a rocking chair and a walker, has a height regulator, a panel with entertaining toys, and a comfortable seat.
  • Walkers-jumpers. The external design of such an accessory for children is similar to a kangaroo backpack equipped with special straps. As a rule, it is hung in a doorway and allowed to be used from six months, and it is imperative to obtain permission from an orthopedist. Then the application will pass without harm and useful properties will be obtained.
  • Walkers-wheelchairs are very loved by children. They resemble a toy on wheels that the little one pushes in front of him. Baby walkers are designed for children who can stand and walk on their own.
  • Walking walkers (for children with cerebral palsy) are a support for the elbows or walkers-rollators, where the support is located on the back side.

At what age can a baby be placed in a walker?

The benefits and harms of walkers for babies can be equal if you do not pay attention to the recommendations and advice of experts and use the device solely so that parents can go about their business while the baby grows and explores the world.

The baby is allowed to be placed in the device when he has already taken his first steps, only then will it be possible to reduce the likely harm and obtain useful properties.

In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the following contraindications do not exist:

  • weak muscle tone in the legs;
  • irritated skin in the groin;
  • the presence of diagnosed rickets;
  • disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

Even if all the indicators of the crumbs are normal, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • Baby over 8 months old.
  • The presence of strengthened back muscles in the little one. It should not fall to one side, the back should be kept straight. As a rule, this happens in six months - nine months.
  • It is also important to take into account the psychological factor. When the baby crawls confidently and he has a desire to move independently, you can offer him a similar tool.

Important! Only then will walkers be able to show their useful properties and bring benefits, not harm.


The joints of female children require more concern.

Comment! Girls in infancy are prone to such a disease as curvature of the joints.

If a similar disease was previously detected and treated, a walker should not be used. Otherwise, a relapse of the disease will be provoked, which at an older age cannot be completely cured. Useful properties of walkers in such a situation is a big question.

It is necessary to be extremely careful about the joints of girls so as not to cause harm. The back and pelvis of the little beauty must be fully strengthened, not earlier than 9 months it is allowed to put them to the test.

Important! You need to carefully monitor the behavior of the baby. Deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system are easy to notice. It is enough to put your legs together: if one of them is longer, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Only taking into account the above recommendations and contraindications, after consulting a doctor, you can use the beneficial properties of the device. Otherwise, instead of benefiting parents and useful properties from walkers, serious harm will be done to the newborn.


Pediatricians recommend focusing on general recommendations. You can not leave the boy in a walker for more than 40 minutes. It is impossible to put a boy in a walker earlier than 8 months, otherwise deviations in the development of the genital organs may occur.

Are walkers good for a baby?

Walkers also have useful properties:

  • Walkers for children are beneficial in developing the independence of the baby: he will be able to move around without help and explore the world around him.
  • Mom can watch the little one and do housework at the same time.
  • The baby is safer in the process of learning to walk because the walker has a wide bumper area.

When can a walker harm a child?

  • When purchasing a low-quality accessory, there is a risk of harming the baby, therefore, in order to benefit, you should pay attention to quality.
  • In a small apartment, using walkers will not work, it will simply be impossible to turn around in them.
  • Being in a walker does not mean complete safety. There is a risk of catching and rolling over, dropping something on yourself and injury.
  • It is not permissible to leave children in walkers for a long period. With benefit, you can spend in them 2 times a day for 30 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of walkers

  • If the "passenger" is too small, he cannot sit and keep his back straight.
  • The presence of inflammation or damage to the skin at the points of contact with the device.
  • The presence of signs of rickets.
  • Hyper- or hypotonicity of the baby's legs.
  • The presence of disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • When the baby does not want to be in the device: he is afraid, shows inconvenience, is not disposed to such entertainment.

Important! You should get acquainted with walkers from six months, for 3 minutes, no more than 2 times during the day. Slowly, the period of using the device can be extended, but not more than 40 minutes.

Otherwise, there is a risk of getting back pain, which, when growing up, will be fraught with serious consequences.

How to use a walker correctly

  1. It is not recommended to use a walker before the toddler begins to sit on his own for a long time. And even better when the baby gets up in the crib.
  2. The first step is to change the height of the device according to the growth of the little one. It is important that the baby rests on the floor with the whole foot.
  3. The baby should only move in a walker in shoes with an orthopedic insole, a high back and proper leg fixation. Then the risk of incorrect installation of the foot will be reduced, because the right shoes will allow you to correctly distribute the load.
  4. The time spent in a walker depends on the child's age category, level of physical development, endurance and activity. Start with 7-10 minutes a day. It is necessary to increase the period slowly. Do not exceed 40 minutes a day.
  5. The peanut must always be in the field of view of adults.

How to choose a walker for a child

Choosing a walker is not as easy as you might think at first. The number of models in stores is amazing.


The benefits and harms of walkers are incommensurable. The use has many advantages for the parents of the baby, because it allows you to free your hands. If you want to acquire such a device, you should definitely consult with a specialist. It is important to follow all the recommendations and contraindications of doctors. After all, no free time is worth those harmful properties that will not benefit the baby at all.

Children's shops are filled with modern devices designed to develop the child's abilities faster. Parents appreciated the popular walkers. When choosing a useful gift for a newborn, the decision is made in the direction of children's devices for early movement around the room. So mom is released for a while, allowing the kids to explore the world around them in complete safety. Please note: not all pediatricians, orthopedists, neurologists consider such an innovation useful with regards to the physical development of the baby! Consider the benefits, harm of walkers, the presence of contraindications for use.

The main task of a walker is to help a growing person to maintain balance when walking, to maintain an upright position of the body. For toddlers who have not learned to walk, wheelchairs help move around the house, satisfy a person’s curiosity by exploring every corner of the room. Emphasize the additional benefits of a children's accessory:

  • freedom of movement;
  • active pastime - useful in development, knowledge of the world, the child gets tired faster, eats well, sleeps soundly;
  • addition of some models with colorful, attractive toys with musical accompaniment that interests boys and girls;
  • satisfaction of the curiosity of the crumbs.

Featured Models

A similar product is a device consisting of an upholstered chair with a table top, equipped with rotating wheels. Making the right choice of walkers will allow familiarity with the types of products on the market. Types of produced models:

  1. Classic - the product has a frame on a wheelbase, a fabric seat is placed inside. Some models are adjustable in height, stability. When buying, consider adjustable options.
  2. Wheelchair - has optimal stability with large dimensions. The kid, leaning on a gurney, pushes the walker in front of him, walking after the movable structure. The obvious advantage of the considered model is the absence of load on the spine.
  3. Transformer - suitable for the physical, mental development of the little one. The product combines a table, a game panel, a rocking chair together with a walker.

Important! When purchasing a walker for a child, check with the consultants the number of wheels in the selected device. Most parents needlessly ignore this. The more wheels the model has (choose 6-8), the more stable, safer it will be.

  • popularity of the brand of the product, reviews of parents;
  • wheelchair stability;
  • the number of wheels;
  • frame width, seat;
  • comfort, ergonomics;
  • the ability to adjust the height of the seat;
  • product strength;
  • the presence of sound, light elements for games, attention and reliability of their fastening;
  • permissible weight of the peanut.

When can a child be put in a walker?

The opinion of highly specialized doctors about the use of walkers of any type for children differs. Some are sure of the insecurity for the development, formation of the child, they assure that it is categorically not recommended to put it into practice. Other pediatricians allow the use of the described wheelchairs - to a limited extent, from a certain age. Mommy can put her own child in a walker from 7-8 months, subject to the following conditions:

  • the baby confidently crawls without misses on all fours;
  • confidently, sits for a long time without the support of a parent, pillows, without falling over on his side, back;
  • stands up independently, leaning on a support;
  • does not suffer from strabismus.

Young mothers and fathers are interested in the connection of gender and early planting in walkers: can boys or girls try out the device first? Experienced orthopedists are sure: the gender of the child does not matter here. Only after six months it is possible to master the original chair with an optimal level of physical development, the absence of medical contraindications.

Benefits of baby walkers

Despite a lot of advantages, a children's accessory on wheels has disadvantages:

  • “classic” models facilitate the movement of the baby, without teaching the skill of upright walking, contrary to the hopes of parents;
  • with prolonged sitting, the proper development of muscle and bone fibers slows down;
  • parents who leave their children for a long time in the “interesting table” face defects, underdevelopment of the legs, curvature of the spine in babies;
  • when using a walker, the child does not understand the rules for maintaining balance in order to avoid falling. The sense of caution is dulled when moving in the future, awareness of the danger of maneuvers is lost;
  • children's device leads to injuries - noticed when moving on a slippery, sloping surface. The kid, developing increased speed, runs the risk of colliding with an obstacle (acute corner, edge of furniture, threshold), which often leads to a fall, bruises.

There are several myths, misconceptions, believing that parents buy walkers for their children:

  1. Thanks to the design calculations, the baby will start walking earlier. It is not true. The device prevents the child from developing a sense of stability, which further complicates the first attempts to avoid falling, to correctly group the body.
  2. Walkers strengthen and develop muscles. This is not true. The desired muscle group is strengthened by sitting, crawling, walking.

Terms of use

In order for the walker not to harm, but to benefit, follow the rules for using the device:

  • buy the product of interest, making sure the quality of the materials, the strength of the structure. The frame of the product must be wide. The seat must be adjustable for height;
  • when the baby is in the seat, see if the legs reach the floor, if the child holds the foot correctly when pushing off;
  • it is better to use a children's accessory when the baby reaches 7 months, provided that the musculoskeletal system of the baby is stronger. It is better not to put a weakened child with inhibited physical development in a walker - this will negatively affect health;
  • the use of the "entertaining table" should be limited to adults. First, the baby is recommended to be seated for 3-5 minutes three times a day. After a week, the duration of the stay of the crumbs in the walker per day increases to 40 minutes. It is optimal for mom to allow the baby to be in the structure for 10-15 minutes 3-4 times.

Important! While the baby enthusiastically moves around the floor, parents should not lose vigilance, leave him alone in the room. This will avoid serious injuries, abrasions, bruises.

How to properly seat a child in a walker

Parents are advised to wear comfortable shoes for boys and girls, thick socks with rubberized feet. Allows you to push off the floor, avoid slipping. When choosing shoes, look for models with an orthopedic effect, orthopedic insoles. It is better to use orthopedic shoes for the correct setting of the foot when moving.

Adjust the design according to the growth of the little one - therefore, the model with adjustment is a priority. It is important that the foot completely touches the floor. At the same time, the knees remain slightly bent, allowing you to easily push off the surface. The option of contact with the floor only on toes is categorically unacceptable.

A pediatrician and an orthopedist will definitely be able to say what kind of positive load, harm will be caused by baby stilts. It is permissible to seat the baby in the original device after agreement with the doctors from the clinic, a private clinic. Doctors will tell you about the rules for using walkers, the optimal time for a child to stay inside.

Interesting! Dr. Komarovsky believes that a walker is not a direct need for a child. This is the need for parents to get rid of the baby for a while, to do housework. The doctor is sure that without harm to the health of the baby, it is permissible to stay in a comfortable device for 1 hour. The main thing is to make sure that he does not fall out of them and can move freely around the apartment.

Contraindications to the use of walkers

Regardless of age, walkers should not be used if the child:

  • the natural tone of the muscular system has been changed - increased, decreased;
  • there is skin irritation, a rash of various etiologies in the areas of contact of the body with the fabric of the seat;
  • identified problems, defects in the musculoskeletal system;
  • there is a leg injury, a concussion, the consequences of a concussion;
  • diagnosed, cured hip dysplasia;
  • rickets was found.

There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of walkers. With proper use, parents will give the baby a few minutes of independent movement around the house, free up a few free minutes for themselves. The main thing is to take into account contraindications, correctly choose the appropriate version of the device when buying children's goods and ensure the safety of the little one when moving.

  • in walkers, the baby learns to walk in a walker, and not independently, because the technique of independent walking and in walkers is different. When moving in a walker, the child leans on his toes, which prevents him from developing the correct position of the feet while walking. To move forward, the child leans his chest against the edges of the walker, and for independent walking, he needs to learn to find balance. Thanks to training, the ability to keep balance is formed and you should not think that with age everything happens by itself;
  • any fitness trainer will tell you that the best way to train the muscles of the legs and buttocks is crawling and squatting. The child masters crawling, lifting, learning to get up, squat and this happens many times a day. In walkers, the child is deprived of such an opportunity, he can only rearrange his legs;
  • it is clear that every parent wants to protect their child as much as possible from the slightest pain, falls and bruises. But, if the baby does not fall at all, he will not be able to learn to group himself when falling from a still small height of his height, to protect his head from a blow, which can subsequently lead to serious injuries.

Among other things, in a walker, the child is protected by bumpers and does not learn caution! Of course, no one talks about extremes and does not offer to “let” the baby fall headlong on the tile, but falling on the floor or the carpet with his booty can be very instructive and useful!

There is a myth that walkers prevent the baby from reaching dangerous objects. Practice shows that babies even in walkers manage to injure themselves. Therefore, you should not leave a child in a walker unattended, and besides, it is worth preparing for the active period of a baby’s life by removing dangerous objects in inaccessible places, putting plugs on sockets, removing the tablecloth from the table, etc.

The benefits of baby walkers

  • not infrequently, a mother is torn between a child and household chores, which leads to fatigue, stress, and worsening lactation. Walkers can help mom by freeing her hands and giving her the opportunity to do household chores. But do not leave the child unattended. Talk to him and watch his actions;
  • in a walker, a child opens up new views, he can look around, see what was previously hidden from his eyes.

In addition, I would like to note that a child moving in a walker later learns to walk independently. If you use a walker for a long time and constantly, you can "get" the deformation of the feet and the curvature of the child's spine.

Let's see what Dr. Komarovsky says about this.

The blessings of civilization undoubtedly simplify our life. But often their use raises many questions. Take at least such a device for babies in the first year of life, like a walker. At what age can a child be put in them and is it necessary to do this at all? This problem worries every parent, because opinions on this matter differ.

Note that this device has both its advantages and disadvantages. Let's name some of them.


  • Muscle strengthening. A baby can be much more active in a walker. It turns 360 degrees, stands and walks.
  • Some freedom for mom. While the baby is in the walker, she can cook dinner or clean the apartment, without being distracted each time by pulling the baby out of the next closet or dragging her away from her favorite flowers.
  • The peanut enjoys exploring the world around him, and walkers allow him to expand the contemplated space on his own. At what age will this opportunity be available to the child? We will talk about this a little later.
  • If the baby likes to move in a walker, then he will be satisfied himself and will delight his parents with his smiles and cheerful laughter.

And now for the cons. Doctors unanimously declare that walkers, no matter what age parents start using them, only harm the child. The child's body must be ready for the baby to start walking. The later this happens, the better the ligaments and muscles will get stronger. Excessive use of walkers is fraught with huge loads on the child's spine. In the future, this can provoke the formation of incorrect posture. Significant problems with the spine are possible.

Many mothers watch programs and read the advice of Dr. Komarovsky. In his opinion, the child should take his first steps only when blisters are visible on his knees from the fact that he is actively and for a long time crawling. This well-known pediatrician is supported by many other specialists.

And yet, is it possible to use baby walkers? At what age can a baby be taught to the "vertical world"? Of course, much depends on the individual pace of development of the child. Some at 7 months still do not even try to crawl, while others already walk independently, at least with support.

Walker manufacturers assure that a baby who is already sitting well without support will not be harmed by such a device. According to them, the optimal age for its acquisition is 5-6 months, a maximum of 7. But pediatricians, including Komarovsky, have a completely different opinion. They do not recommend that parents of babies think about it until the baby is 9 months old.

Please note that there are cases when it is strictly forbidden to use a walker. From what age pediatricians are allowed to do this, it doesn’t matter anymore. So, refuse to buy such a device if:

  • the baby does not sit on his own without the support of an adult;
  • observed;
  • there are inflammations or diaper rash on the places in contact with the seat;
  • there is an increase or decrease in the tone of the leg muscles;
  • impaired musculoskeletal system.

Now it's up to you to decide whether or not to use a walker. From what age you put your baby in them is also your choice. However, in any case, do not forget to ensure the safety of the crumbs by covering the outlets, preventing collisions with furniture and the child from falling over thresholds.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 6 minutes


One of the most controversial questions when choosing children's "gadgets" is the question of mothers about walkers. As you know, among parents and professionals there are both supporters and ardent opponents of walkers. Read: . How harmful or useful are they? What do the experts say? And what are the rules for using them?

Are walkers harmful to children - expert opinion; walkers - pros and cons

Neither experts nor mothers can come to a consensus. For some, walkers are a way to teach a baby to walk, while others believe that, on the contrary, they can shift the moment when a child takes the first step. In the Soviet Union, this item was discontinued due to such consequences from the use of walkers as a violation of muscle tone, fixing the wrong position of the feet, etc. And in Canada, at the end of the last century, not only the sale with production, but even the import of walkers were banned with the motivation - "they pose a danger to children."
So what do pediatricians say about walkers?

Walkers are harmful! Because:

  • The baby begins to walk later: he is not able to keep his balance due to the feeling of constant support.
  • There is a slowdown in the development of mobility skills (standing, crawling, etc.).
  • The gait deteriorates significantly - it becomes springy.
  • There is a risk of injury.
  • Muscle tone is disturbed, and the perineum is compressed.
  • Freedom of movement is limited.
  • There is disorientation in space.

Walkers are helpful! Because:

  • Coordination develops.
  • The child is learning to walk.
  • It is easier for a child to explore the world around him.
  • The muscles of the back and legs are strengthened.
  • Provide a load on the muscles, increase appetite, promote sound sleep.
  • Free the child's hands for games.
  • They bring joy to the baby and free time to mom.

Opinions are completely opposite, and conclusions are made by each mother independently . But the decision must be made according to the health of the child and the opinion of his doctor . Buying walkers just so that the child does not interfere is, of course, wrong. But if you still decide on them, then do not forget about product certification, contraindications and safety rules.

To the attention of parents: when a walker is contraindicated for a child

  • Inability to sit and keep your back straight.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes on areas of skin in contact with walkers.
  • The presence of signs of rickets.
  • The presence of hypo-hypertonicity of the legs.
  • Disorders in the musculoskeletal system.
  • reluctance(fear, discomfort, etc.) of the baby.

Baby walkers - at what age can a child be placed in them?

When asked about the age at which it is already possible to put a baby in a walker, experts answer - not earlier than the baby is six months old. It is from 6 months that the child will already be able to hold his back on his own and sit confidently. True, we must not forget that being in a walker for a baby is a load that should be dose in accordance with the level of development, contraindications, instructions for walkers and age .

How long can a walker be used for a child by time - advice from pediatricians

You can introduce your baby to walkers from the age of six months. What should be remembered? The time spent in a walker is increased gradually. Need to start from 3 minutes, And maximum 2 times for the whole day. Further, the use time is increased by “adding on” a couple of minutes a day. Maximum time spent in a walker - 40 minutes. Anything beyond that can lead to serious problems in the future.

Safety precautions when using baby walkers - recommendations from orthopedists and pediatricians

And, of course, do not forget that the child, being in a walker, can reach dangerous objects. Be careful. And remember that no matter how comfortable a walker is, they won't replace mom's attention .