What do you drink to prevent colds? Prevention of colds consultation on the topic

25467 Katerina Ostrovskaya 19.11.2019

Katerina Ostrovskaya - general practitioner. Family doctor, nutritionist. Head of the branch in the medical network "Healthy Generation". Expert and author of articles on the treatment and diagnosis of therapeutic diseases on popular medical forums and Internet projects. Tetracycline tablets are a powerful drug that acts on the bacterial flora and quickly fights the signs of an infection caused by ...

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Galina Sorochan - gastroenterologist. Ultrasound doctor at the multidisciplinary medical center Yanko Medical. Participant of international conferences, congresses, seminars devoted to the problems of gastroenterology and internal diseases. Expert and author of articles on the therapy of gastroenterology and hepatology. Instructions for use refer Phosphogliv to the group of hepatocyte regenerators, which increase the resistance of the membrane and destroy pathogenic viruses....

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Galina Sorochan - gastroenterologist. Ultrasound doctor at the multidisciplinary medical center Yanko Medical. Participant of international conferences, congresses, seminars devoted to the problems of gastroenterology and internal diseases. Expert and author of articles on the therapy of gastroenterology and hepatology. Instructions for use Liv 52 classifies the drug as a hepatoprotector to combat toxic and viral damage to the liver, ...

3990 Galina Sorochan 19.07.2019

Galina Sorochan - gastroenterologist. Ultrasound doctor at the multidisciplinary medical center Yanko Medical. Participant of international conferences, congresses, seminars devoted to the problems of gastroenterology and internal diseases. Expert and author of articles on the therapy of gastroenterology and hepatology. Instructions for use Essentiale forte N classifies the drug as a hepatoprotective (protecting liver cells) agent. The drug leads to...

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Galina Sorochan - gastroenterologist. Ultrasound doctor at the multidisciplinary medical center Yanko Medical. Participant of international conferences, congresses, seminars devoted to the problems of gastroenterology and internal diseases. Expert and author of articles on the therapy of gastroenterology and hepatology. Instructions for use refers Phosphalugel to antacid preparations, which is used to treat diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. Principle...

5105 Uulzhan Shermatova 01.07.2019

Uulzhan Shermatova is a practicing pediatrician. Associate Professor of the Department "Pediatrics-1" at Osh State University. Doctor neonatologist-resuscitator RS OMKB. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Author of numerous publications at professional forums and conferences. Co-author of teaching aids on modern problems of pediatrics, nutrition of infants and young children. The drug Phosphalugel instructions for use for children and adults characterizes as an antacid ...

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10203 Uulzhan Shermatova 29.05.2019

Uulzhan Shermatova is a practicing pediatrician. Associate Professor of the Department "Pediatrics-1" at Osh State University. Doctor neonatologist-resuscitator RS OMKB. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Author of numerous publications at professional forums and conferences. Co-author of teaching aids on modern problems of pediatrics, nutrition of infants and young children. Miramistin for the throat for children is a liquid drug of prolonged antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ...

Every year, seasonal colds lie in wait for us at the most inopportune moment, as they are quite difficult to avoid and prevent. Therefore, with the advent of cold weather, hospitals are filled with constantly coughing and sneezing patients. Our rhythm of life does not allow us to often use sick leave, so the topic of preventing and treating colds is always relevant.

Prevention measures

In fact, there are many remedies for the prevention of colds, many of them are neglected due to lack of time or mistakenly believe that they are not effective enough.

  • Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. They are rich in all vitamins and microelements necessary for human health. Give up pharmacy "chemistry", which is not absorbed, in favor of healthy products.
  • Wash your hands often. Most cold and flu viruses are transmitted through direct contact. A sick person, when sneezing, covers his mouth with his palms, and then touches the phone, doorknob, kitchen utensils. The causative agent of the disease can “wait” for the next victim for several hours or even weeks. If you don't have water or wet wipes handy, try rubbing your hands together for 1 minute. This helps to destroy some of the causative agents of the common cold.
  • Do not cover your mouth with your hands when coughing and sneezing to prevent the infection from remaining on your hands. It is better to use a handkerchief or a napkin. If there is nothing suitable at hand, then you can use the inside of the elbow bend.
  • It is not recommended to touch your face, otherwise flu and cold viruses will enter your body through your eyes, nose or mouth. Most children catch colds by touching their faces, and this is the main route of transmission of colds to their parents.
  • Drink more fluids: Water flushes your body, flushing out toxic substances. An adult needs to drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day. If the urine is dark yellow, the amount of water should be increased.
  • Use the sauna more often. Exposure to steam with a temperature above 27 degrees does not give flu and cold viruses a chance to survive.
  • Get regular exercise. Aerobic exercise speeds up the heartbeat, and it begins to overtake a larger volume of blood. Breathing becomes faster, so the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the blood is accelerated. The body heats up and sweats. Exercise helps increase the number of body cells that kill viruses.
  • Eat yogurt. Their daily use reduces susceptibility to colds by 25%. The healing bacteria in yogurt stimulates the production of immune system chemicals that fight disease.
  • Give up cigarettes. Heavy smokers very often catch colds and are hard to tolerate diseases. Even with the inhalation of cigarette smoke, immunity decreases, as it dries out the nasal passages and paralyzes the cilia. These fine hairs, which line the mucous membrane in our nose and lungs, sweep cold and flu viruses out of our nasal passages in a wave-like motion. 1 cigarette can paralyze them for 30-40 minutes.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. It strongly depresses the immune system and leads to dehydration.
  • Get more rest and relaxation. If you learn to relax, you can activate your immune system on demand. Imagine pleasant and peaceful pictures for 30 minutes every day for several months. Relaxation can be learned with persistence and patience.

These remedies are good for preventing colds, they will help improve your immunity, and you will be less likely to get colds.

The most popular medicines for preventing colds are:

  • Infagel. They lubricate the nasal passages 2 times a day.
  • Grippferon instilled into the nose 1-2 times a day. This drug is used to prevent colds during pregnancy. The drug stimulates an increase in immunity and has a pronounced antiviral effect.
  • Oxolinic ointment lubricate the nose 3 times a day for a month.
  • Interferon instilled into the nose 2 times a day, 5 drops during the period of incidence.
  • Ingaron and Alfaron drip in turn 2 drops into each nostril after cleaning them. The procedure is carried out 30 minutes before meals 1 time per day for 10 days. For the prevention of colds during pregnancy, only Alfaron is used. It is also recommended for children and lactating women. In the prevention and treatment of colds in children under one year old, Alfaron is dripped 1 drop up to 5 times a day, for children from 1 to 3 years old - 2 drops 4 times for 5 days. Then a break is made for 2 weeks and the course is repeated.
  • Kagocel prescribed for adults and children over 6 years of age. For the prevention of colds, the drug is taken in weekly cycles: 2 tablets 2 days 1 time per day, then a break for 5 days. The cycles are repeated for several months.
  • Tiloron, Lavomax, Amiksin are considered no less reliable. For the prevention of colds, medicines are taken 1 time per week. Adults are prescribed a dose of 125 mg, children - 60 mg for 45 days.
  • Arbidol Helps prevent influenza after contact with a sick person. The medicine for the prevention of colds is taken 1 time per day for 0.1 g.
  • Vitamin C. It can be used as a separate source of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid not only prevents infection, but also fights viruses that have already entered the body.
  • Aqua Maris. This drug in the form of a nasal spray allows you to moisturize the nasal mucosa, thereby reducing the risk of viruses entering the nasal cavity.
  • Derinat. This immunomodulator is dripped into the nose 2 times a day for the prevention and treatment of colds in adults and children. Pregnant women should take it only after a doctor's prescription.
  • Oscillococcinum. This homeopathic remedy is taken 3 times with an interval of 8-10 hours, 4 grains 15 minutes before a normal meal or at least one hour after a meal. It is absolutely harmless and effective, therefore it is recommended for young children and pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Viferon. This nasal ointment is prescribed for the prevention of colds during pregnancy during an epidemic. It has protective and immunomodulatory effects, and also allows you to deal with disorders that are already occurring in the body. Viferon has no contraindications for use in pregnant women at any time, including the first trimester.

Today, during the outbreak and spread of influenza in the regions of Russia, this is the most effective measure to preserve health. Each of us is responsible for our own health and the health of our loved ones and colleagues during the influenza epidemic.

More than 30 million people get the flu every year. In 2017, the flu comes with a high temperature, and is dangerous with complications in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis.

Influenza and SARS viruses, getting on the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, larynx, damage the epithelium of the mucous membranes, release toxins into the blood that cause general intoxication, and also increase the permeability of the capillary walls, opening the way for other microbes. Therefore, the flu can provoke the development of serious complications.

A special risk group are the elderly, as well as those with weakened immune systems due to chronic diseases. Complications from the flu in these people can be fatal.

The influenza virus is one of the varieties of SARS, but it has a more aggressive effect on the human body than viruses that cause colds.

The risk of contracting influenza or SARS is high because viruses are transmitted not only through
non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, but mainly by airborne droplets when sneezing, coughing, talking - from a sick person to a healthy one.

If you have a weakened immune system, then with hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, contact with a sick flu or SARS, the likelihood of contracting a viral infection increases.

The influenza virus is dangerous because it changes every year. For example, having had the flu, you acquire immunity only to this type of flu for 1-3 years. However, this specific immunity cannot protect you from other types and strains of the influenza virus. And about 2000 variants of them have been identified, which affect about 10% of the population in winter.

In addition, the influenza virus easily changes its structure, quickly changes and adapts to new conditions. Therefore, having been ill with one type of flu, you can become infected with other strains of it again and again.

That is why, in a period of high morbidity, it is important prevention of influenza and SARS in adults, because it can prevent the disease or alleviate its course, in case of infection.

Prevention of influenza and other viral diseases includes a whole range of activities that increase the vitality of the body.

To prevent respiratory viral infections, a set of measures should consist of several important components:

1. Special virus protection procedures.

2. The use of herbal products that are harmless to the body.

3. Measures to strengthen immunity.

4. Medicines in case of influenza infection.

Special procedures for protection against viruses.

Since the virus remains on objects, is transmitted through shared utensils and dirty hands, the prevention of influenza and SARS includes, first of all, the rules of personal hygiene.

- wash your hands with soap after visiting public places;

- in transport, in public places, try not to touch your nose and mouth with your hands;

- replace fabric handkerchiefs with disposable paper handkerchiefs so as not to “carry in your pocket” the accumulation of microbes in a used handkerchief;

- regularly ventilate the room at home and at work, since the influenza virus is active indoors, where it is dry, warm and stuffy;

- humidify the air in the room using special devices or, by placing damp cloths on the radiators, do wet cleaning more often. This is necessary because the wetter your upper respiratory mucosa is, the harder it will be for viruses to invade the mucosa. Viruses easily penetrate into the overdried mucous membrane of the nose, mouth;

- use a medical mask when visiting public places, if your relatives or if you yourself feel unwell;

- wash the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth in the evening when you return from work. As a result, viruses that have entered your upper respiratory tract will be washed away and do not have time to infiltrate the mucous membrane.

During the flu epidemic, refrain from visiting public places with crowds of people (theatre, cinema, museums, sports, etc.). Cancel visits.

Try to avoid contact with people who have symptoms of a viral infection - coughing, sneezing, runny nose. If you had to face infected people in transport or elsewhere, try to stay away from them if possible, at least at a distance of 1 meter or turn away.

The use of herbal products that are harmless to the body

Prevention of influenza and SARS in adults involves the use of natural and herbal remedies to protect against viruses.

So, for washing the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, we can recommend saline solution or boiled water with the addition lemon juice. To prepare a saline solution, dissolve in one liter of boiled water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea salt. Gargle and rinse your nose 2 times a day or only in the evening.

After washing, you can spread the wings of the nose balm "Golden Star" and inhale its vapors: essential oils of clove, eucalyptus and peppermint, which do an excellent job with viruses. You can use the balm 2-3 times a day.

An excellent herbal remedy that kills viruses and microbes is garlic. You should always have it in the house, since the phytoncides contained in it have a detrimental effect on infectious agents.

I remembered one experiment described in the literature. They took two glasses of water, put a few cloves in one garlic, and in the second, 80 types of different microbes were introduced. We left standing glasses for the night. In the morning they examined water in a glass with microbes. They were not there.

To prevent influenza during the epidemic, every evening after washing the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, sniff finely chopped garlic and onion. It is better to place a miracle cure in a bowl with high sides. It is enough to breathe, strongly drawing in pairs of onions and garlic with your nose for 5 minutes, bringing the bowl closer to your face.

Then leave this remedy in the room where you sleep for the whole night. In the morning you will feel cheerful, as all the viruses that got into your upper respiratory tract the day before have died.

Another recipe for preventing viral infections with garlic. Make a mixture of crushed garlic and honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1-2 teaspoons 2 times a day with water.

To resist viral aggression, our body needs vitamin C, better in the form of herbal remedies such as: rose hips, black currants, grapefruit, lemons and oranges.

Drink teas With raspberry, lemon, medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage etc., so as not to get sick during the flu epidemic.

Can you take an extract? eleutherococcus during flu season, but be sure to check with your doctor if you have a chronic medical condition.

Recipes for the preparation of herbal remedies can be found in the article.

Measures to strengthen immunity

For prevention of influenza and SARS in adults It is very important to carry out measures to increase the protective properties of the body.

1) Avoid hypothermia and overheating.

2) Eat right. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals.

3) Drink plenty of plain clean water.

4) Avoid overexertion and stress.

5) Get more rest and sleep.

6) Go outside more often. The virus in a cool environment cannot be active.

7) Do exercises in the morning, tempering procedures.

Medicines for the flu

If you have the first signs of a viral infection, your body temperature has risen, call your doctor and stay at home. Use a protective mask to avoid infecting family members. Follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Do not take medicines without a doctor's prescription, since there are no specific drugs that have a detrimental effect on viruses. While advertising obsessively beckons to buy remontadin, ingaverin, kagocel, cycloferon, arbidol, etc.

All these drugs cannot kill the virus, they are prescribed to prevent complications in the first 2 days of illness. At the cellular level, these drugs block the spread of viruses and, thereby, alleviate the symptoms of influenza and SARS.

Many drugs are designed and act against the spread of a particular type of virus. For example, Tamiflu is effective against swine flu. However, viruses change every year, so taking drugs that selectively act on swine flu or influenza A, B is pointless.

With the disease, bed rest and heavy drinking are shown, which contributes to the rapid removal of toxins from the body. You can drink rosehip broth, it also saturates the body with vitamin C, increasing its resistance to viruses.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not take any medicines. They can recommend folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of viral infections and some safe medicines, such as: non-toxic gripferon - in the form of drops; immunomodulating interferon - in the form of ointment and suppositories; viferon - in the form of candles.

These drugs are used for prevention and at the first signs of the disease (runny nose, cough, etc.) in pregnant women. They protect the body from infection and do not allow viruses to infect internal cells.

The implementation of preventive measures during the epidemic of influenza and SARS will prevent the disease.

Remember that flu and colds not only lead to unpleasant symptoms, but also provoke various complications.

Protect yourself and loved ones from viral infections!

10203 Uulzhan Shermatova 29.05.2019

Uulzhan Shermatova is a practicing pediatrician. Associate Professor of the Department "Pediatrics-1" at Osh State University. Doctor neonatologist-resuscitator RS OMKB. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Author of numerous publications at professional forums and conferences. Co-author of teaching aids on modern problems of pediatrics, nutrition of infants and young children. Miramistin for the throat for children is a liquid drug of prolonged antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ...

7253 Uulzhan Shermatova 11.05.2019

Uulzhan Shermatova is a practicing pediatrician. Associate Professor of the Department "Pediatrics-1" at Osh State University. Doctor neonatologist-resuscitator RS OMKB. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Author of numerous publications at professional forums and conferences. Co-author of teaching aids on modern problems of pediatrics, nutrition of infants and young children. Miramistin for children is used as a local antiseptic drug that destroys pathogenic microbes, ...

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An extensive list of drugs makes it long and detailed to find out which is better - Kagocel or Ingavirin, what other drugs with a similar effect are available. In the article, we will consider the active substances in these medicines, pharmacological properties, main indications and contraindications. This will help you navigate the season of colds and choose the most effective medicine for yourself....

12088 Katerina Ostrovskaya 18.06.2018

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22384 Uulzhan Shermatova 04.05.2018

Uulzhan Shermatova is a practicing pediatrician. Associate Professor of the Department "Pediatrics-1" at Osh State University. Doctor neonatologist-resuscitator RS OMKB. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Author of numerous publications at professional forums and conferences. Co-author of teaching aids on modern problems of pediatrics, nutrition of infants and young children. Kagocel with instructions for use is used for children as an antiviral and ...

31362 Katerina Ostrovskaya 03.05.2018

Katerina Ostrovskaya - general practitioner. Family doctor, nutritionist. Head of the branch in the medical network "Healthy Generation". Expert and author of articles on the treatment and diagnosis of therapeutic diseases on popular medical forums and Internet projects. Instructions for use of Oseltamivir indicate how to drink the drug correctly to achieve antiviral activity. It is prescribed for laboratory ...

5563 Tatiana Kuritskaya 03.05.2018 17667 Uulzhan Shermatova 02.05.2018

Uulzhan Shermatova is a practicing pediatrician. Associate Professor of the Department "Pediatrics-1" at Osh State University. Doctor neonatologist-resuscitator RS OMKB. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Author of numerous publications at professional forums and conferences. Co-author of teaching aids on modern problems of pediatrics, nutrition of infants and young children. Instructions for use Cycloferon recommends it for the prevention of viral infections in children....

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