Hormonal pills for women under 25. Oral contraceptives and birth control pills

IN modern society More and more girls and women prefer to take birth control pills, since this method of contraception has significant advantages over other methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

In the vastness of our homeland, taking contraceptives in tablets is not yet as popular as in the West. A In developed European countries, women have been practicing this for quite a long time.

More and more women are starting to use birth control pills

For example, according to recent surveys of women living in France, about 75-80% of them have tried or regularly take birth control pills.

At the beginning of the article we provide a list of the most common birth control pills(names) and their approximate cost in Russia, and then you can learn in more detail about the features of the drugs, their composition, use, contraindications and other useful information on the topic.

List of birth control pills (names and approximate price)

Product name Release form Approximate price (RUB)
BELARA N21Х3Pills1990
GYNEPRISTONE 0.01 N1Pills580
LOGEST N21Pills820
MARVELON N21Pills1540
MERSILON N21Pills1570
MIDIAN 0.003+0.00003 N21Pills730
REGULON N21Pills470
RIGEVIDON 21+7 N28Pills360
TRI-REGOL N21Х3Pills810
SILHOUETTE 0.002+0.00003 N21Pills800
TRI-MERSEY N21Pills1010
FEMODEN N21Pills824
CHLOE N28Pills770
EXLUTON 0.0005 N28Pills4000
YARINA N21Pills1160

Types and effects on the body of contraceptives

The female body contains a large number of hormones that influence and control the activity of the reproductive system. That's why At different periods of life, the ratio of hormones differs.

The tablets act at the hormonal level, and each category of women should take their own medications.

Combined oral medications (COCs)

The drugs are based on 2 synthetic hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Any of the groups COCs act on the principle of blocking ovulation. Reliability is extremely high thanks to progesterone. Estrogen controls menstruation and does not affect pregnancy.

Qlaira tablets

COCs are divided into several groups. The classification is based on the characteristics of women: age, presence of a child, problems with hormone balance.

Microdosed tablets. This group of contraceptives is intended for women who have not given birth but are sexually active. Side effects of the drugs are minimal. These contraceptive pills contain in their list such drugs as (abbreviated names): Qlaira, Jace, Dimia.

Qlaira blisters contain several types of tablets, which must be taken strictly according to the instructions. With pills 2 hormones enter the body - estradiol valerate and dienogest. They suppress ovulation. Dienogest has a positive effect on a woman’s appearance. The price of the drug is from 700 rubles.

James is a product with main and additional tablets. There are 24 main ones, and 4 additional ones. The drug suppresses ovulation. Cost about 1 thousand rubles.

Dimia is an analogue of James for the same price. The active ingredients of the drug are different.

Low dose birth control pills. Used by women for whom microdosed tablets are not suitable:

  • presence of bloody discharge;
  • after the birth of a child;
  • late reproductive period.

The group's drugs include: Yarina, Janine, Silhouette.

Yarina is taken for 21 days in the order indicated in the instructions. Yarina tablets cannot be combined with other drugs, as this reduces reliability and causes bleeding. Costs from 950 rubles.

Janine is an expensive drug, the price starts from 1,650 rubles, depending on the place of purchase. Produced in Germany.

The tablets contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa and the woman’s body as a whole.

High dosage tablets. As a contraceptive during periods of hormonal imbalance, it is recommended to take the following birth control pills (list of abbreviated names): Tri-regol, Triquilar, Triziston.
Tri-Regol costs 200 rubles. There are cheap analogues.

Triziston is produced in Germany. The action of the drug is aimed at inhibiting the production of gonadotropic hormones. Price – from 500 rub. The active substances begin to act on the body after 2 hours.

Note! Highly dosed medications should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor!

Contraceptives with gestagen

Signs for use:

  • lactation period;
  • recent childbirth or late reproductive age;
  • regular sex life;
  • Estrogen is contraindicated;
  • smoking and age over 35 years.

Preparations with gestagen are called “mili-pili”. The list of popular names for these contraceptive pills is as follows: Desogestrel, Desogestrel.

Pills without hormones

The drugs in this group do not contain hormones; they are injected directly into the vagina. Not hormonal pills sometimes referred to as spermicides– candles, gels, creams.

Escapelle tablets

The active substance is not hormonal drugs– benzalkonium chloride or nonoxynol. Their goal is to destroy the sperm membrane, This is how pregnancy is prevented.

List of such contraceptives (abbreviated names): Ginekotex, Pharmatex, Postinor, Escapelle.

The newest generation of contraceptives

Modern contraception new generation not only hormonally affect the reproductive system, but also create an aggressive environment for sperm.

Drug "Jess"

The scheme of action also has an abortifacient component, in which sperm come under the influence of the active substance of the drug and die.

The fewer synthetic hormones in the drug that affect embryo implantation, the higher the abortive effect of the drug.

Doses of the active substance vary - if the drug contains a small amount of a substance that kills sperm, then a large amount of the hormone to influence the embryo.

Unwanted pregnancy is prevented step by step - in 2 stages.

The new generation of birth control pills is represented by such drugs as (abbreviated list of names): Jess and Jess Plus, Marvelon, Nuvaring, Depo-Prover.

Correct use of contraceptives with hormones

The main rules for taking most medications:

  • daily intake;
  • it is advisable to take the drug at the same time;
  • the reception lasts 21 or 28 days (depending on the specific drug);
  • there is an indicator on the foil of the package indicating which pills to take;
  • after 7 or 21 days a reaction will follow that resembles menstruation.

Features of taking medications for 21 days

Some birth control medications last for 21 days. They start drinking them after the first day of menstruation.. After finishing the treatment, a break of 7 days is taken. No protection is required during this period.

Contraceptive pills for 21 days are represented by the following list of names: Novinet, Yarina, Lindinet 20, Midiana, Rigevidon.

Contraceptive 28 days

The 28-day birth control pill is a popular option for Jess.

Before you start taking hormonal contraceptives, you should consult a gynecologist. This is due to the different amounts of synthetic hormones in the drugs and how they affect the woman’s body both when taken and subsequently.

Not all pills are suitable for all women. In addition, there are certain risks that should be discussed with a qualified healthcare professional.

Undesirable effects of drugs on the body and prohibition of their use

You should carefully consider the possible side effects of taking a particular drug to avoid health complications.

Not all medications can be taken by smokers

To the majority side effects specialists include:

  • absence of menstruation;
  • depression, including loss of attraction to men as sexual partners;
  • vaginal discharge outside of menstruation;
  • headaches and blurred vision;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • change in body weight.

If the above symptoms are observed, you should immediately consult the doctor who prescribed the drug. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, replace the drug.

You should know! Some side effects are observed only during the first 4 months of use.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • poisoning;
  • breathing problems;
  • body pain;
  • problems with speech or vision.

All drugs have contraindications to varying degrees:

  • current pregnancy;
  • liver problems;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • smoking;
  • age over 35 years;
  • diabetes;
  • breast cancer;
  • liver diseases.

Emergency contraception and hormone-free methods

Emergency contraception differs from interruption in that the former is carried out during ovulation. That is at the moment of the meeting of the sperm and the egg, special drugs act on them.

Sometimes required emergency contraception

Their goal is to prevent the meeting or prevent the encountered zygote from consolidating in the uterus. Such drugs take only 6 days to act: 3 days for the egg to move to the uterus and 3 days for consolidation.

If time is lost, then come and resort to termination of pregnancy at an early stage.

Arguments FOR and AGAINST taking birth control pills

Any issue has its positive and negative sides. The same applies to protection against unwanted pregnancy. The arguments FOR using birth control pills are as follows::

  • almost one hundred percent efficiency;
  • Possibility of use in any age category;
  • comfort during sexual intercourse;
  • stabilization of hormonal balance in a woman’s body.

However, there is also Arguments AGAINST using birth control pills:

  • if there are contraindications or side effects, taking pills is prohibited;
  • complications are possible after taking it, including the occurrence of cancer;
  • pills remove some vitamins from the body;
  • risk of glaucoma;
  • risk of genital diseases;
  • risk of hormonal imbalance, weight and mood changes.

If we weigh the pros and cons, expert advice and women’s opinions, it is worth noting that Taking birth control pills on a regular basis is recommended only after childbirth. Since in this case, possible negative effects on the female body and future pregnancy are excluded.

According to doctors and psychotherapists, termination of pregnancy is a serious step that a woman should take only in extreme circumstances.

It is easier to prevent unwanted fertilization of an egg by creating unacceptable conditions for sperm inside the vagina than to regularly take birth control pills with a possible risk of deteriorating women's health.

And of course, regardless of age and state of health, every representative of the fair half of humanity, You should definitely consult your doctor before taking any medications, even if they are claimed to be safe.

This video will tell you about the dangers of birth control pills:

The following video will tell you about oral tablets and the rules for taking them:

You can learn about the effect of birth control pills from this video:

Unwanted pregnancy is what worries most women. Everyone knows that abortions are harmful to health, and that is why birth control is the most pressing issue. Gynecologists, in turn, ring the bells, because taking some new generation contraceptives, unplanned pregnancies still end in abortions.

Medicine and pharmacology do not stand still. New modern drugs that protect against pregnancy are being developed and improved. This allows us to reduce the number of abortions and the consequences after them. Now there are not only hormonal pills, but also a whole group of topical medications.

How do modern contraceptives work?

Vaginal contraceptives work very simply - when a chemical enters the body, it kills sperm. Oral contraceptives prevent eggs from developing in the ovaries. They affect the uterine mucus, making it viscous and impenetrable for sperm. Birth control pills slow down or completely prevent the embryo from attaching to the cervix. All this prevents pregnancy from occurring.

Local medications, for example, suppositories, are a local and chemical method of preventing pregnancy. They contain nanoxynalone or benzalkonium. It is these active substances that affect spermatozoa and make them immobile by disrupting the integrity of the membrane.

The vaginal ring is one of the methods of contraception and belongs to the group of hormonal drugs. It is made of elastic material, which contains a small dose of progesterone and estrogen. The dosage is such that the release of a mature egg is prevented. There are other contraceptives that are highly effective and safe.

Are modern contraceptives harmful?

If the contraceptive is chosen incorrectly, it can harm the female body. For example, side effects will occur, weight will begin to gain, and hair growth will increase. This applies only to hormonal drugs, which are contraindicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes. Even with problems in the liver and kidneys, such drugs are contraindicated. Women who smoke need to choose other contraceptives, since hormonal drugs put a powerful strain on the heart. There is also an increased risk of thrombosis.

According to medical indicators, if you regularly take hormonal drugs for a long time, sexual activity gradually decreases. This is explained by a decrease in testosterone production.

What types of contraceptives are there?

Contraceptives are the most different types and forms: hormonal pills, intrauterine devices, condoms, topical medications, injections.

"Jess" is a popular new generation of contraceptives. These are not only birth control pills, but also a drug that treats certain gynecological disorders and hormone dependence. This remedy treats acne and other facial skin imperfections. The contraceptive effect is achieved due to estrogens and gestagens included in the drug. They are the ones who block ovulation.

“Jess” affects health during menstruation. Its composition has an effect on reducing anemia and pain symptoms. Your periods are going faster. Very often, gynecologists prescribe this remedy for severe PMS symptoms. The advantage of these tablets over similar drugs is their low concentration of active substances. The drug is prescribed to women before menopause.

Jess Plus is an effective contraceptive. In addition to hormones that inhibit sperm passage and block ovulation, the drug contains folate (calcium levomefolate). This is a type of folic acid that is essential for a woman's normal health. B9 is quickly absorbed into the blood and has an effect on the nervous system. This drug is unique in that, unlike all others contraceptive drugs, it gives the greatest guarantee. In addition, the composition of the product protects the woman from all troubles if pregnancy suddenly occurs. Her body will be prepared for this, and the active form of the drug will help eliminate deficiencies in the formation of the neural tube of the future fetus, that is, eliminate the development of the disorder nervous system baby. This is a safe remedy for women of reproductive age. It can be used from the age of 18 until the onset of menopause.

Marvelon is a new generation of contraceptives for people over 35 years of age. Women who have already given birth and are of childbearing age should take low-dose hormonal medications. Marvelon can also be taken by women who have not given birth. It contains minimal hormone content. This drug belongs to the group of oral hormonal contraception. Intended for women with an active sex life. The composition of the tablets provides high-quality and complete protection against pregnancy. Medical indicators – 99% protection. Marvelon is safe for health, easy to use, and helps eliminate the problems of women during menstruation. If a woman experiences severe PMS syndrome, gynecologists often resort to prescribing this remedy. The low-dose drug contains ethinyl stradiol, gestodene, and norgistimate. These hormones are perfect for women after 35 years of age, as they improve the condition of facial skin, normalize hormonal balance and reduce the growth of unwanted hair. The drug is recommended for women over 25 years of age and before menopause.

Depo-Provera is a new generation of contraceptives for people over 40 years of age. It appeared on the pharmacological market not so long ago. This is a synthetic product of progesterone hormones. Currently, the drug is prescribed to women for contraception, treatment of a number of gynecological pathologies and even oncological pathologies. Women over 40 years of age can also take oral contraceptives, but doctors give preference to special injections. Depo-Provera is a suspension that contains medroxyprogesterone acetate. Once it is injected under the skin, it begins to act as a contraceptive and block ovulation. The injections are very effective, they are administered intramuscularly, and have a number of positive therapeutic effects. Belongs to the group of safe drugs with minimal side effects. Recommended for use by women over 40 years of age and before menopause.

Pharmatex vaginal suppositories are excellent new generation contraceptives after 45 years. Since it is very difficult to choose contraceptives for women at this age, as there are different difficulties, Pharmatex is a reliable and safe option.

By this age, a bunch of acquired diseases are observed, and what could be taken in youth is not at all suitable for 45 years. Closer to menopause, gynecologists prescribe barrier contraceptives to women. It could also be condoms. But for those who are sexually active, the only way to avoid getting pregnant is to use vaginal suppositories. Pharmatex is so effective remedy that it is compared to hormonal contraceptive ballet shoes and an intrauterine device. In addition to protecting against pregnancy, the active components protect a woman from various diseases because they destroy pathogenic microflora. Candles are recommended for use from the age of 45 until the full onset of menopause.

"Patentex Oval" - modern contraceptive suppositories. It contains chemical components nonoxynol and auxiliary substances that reduce the tension of the lipid membrane of sperm. Once in the vagina, suppositories paralyze the ability of sperm to move. The mechanical obstruction is caused by a spermatocidal substance, which, under the influence of body temperature, is distributed throughout the vagina. Thus, a stable barrier is formed. This prevents sperm from penetrating into the cervix.

The drug provides good prophylaxis against various infections. These suppositories can be used at any reproductive age, including after 45 years.

Nuvaring is a modern contraceptive. This is a ring made of a smooth and elastic material; it contains hormonal components that affect the movement of sperm and prevent them from moving into the uterus. A ring is inserted into the vagina. Since it is quite flexible, it takes the desired shape. This method of protection is convenient and safe. The ring does not interfere with leading a full life and engaging in sexual intercourse. There is no discomfort. The ring contains estrogen and progestogen. The ring is valid for one menstrual cycle. An excellent and effective remedy that treats a number of gynecological diseases. Prescribed to women aged 18 years and before menopause.

"Lactinet" is a contraceptive called a mini-pill. Each tablet contains synthetic analogues of female hormones. Progestin and estrogen interfere with the movement of sperm into the uterus. "Laktinent" is not more effective than combined contraceptives and has a number of contraindications, so these drugs should be prescribed only by gynecologists. Mini-pills are usually prescribed only to breastfeeding women or when combination drugs are contraindicated. These drugs are also prescribed to women over 45 years of age with varicose veins veins and diabetes mellitus. Suitable for women who smoke.

Contraceptive sponges are used more and more often. Some women do not want to be protected by contraceptives and barrier contraceptives help them save themselves from unwanted pregnancy. Contraceptive sponges do not allow sperm to penetrate into the cervix due to a mechanical obstacle and the release of a special spermicidal substance.

Modern contraceptive sponges are made of soft polyurethane. Contains benzalkonium chloride and nonoxynol. They are very easy to use. Prescribed to women of any reproductive age.

The most common method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is intrauterine contraception. The material used is polyethylene, which contains barium sulfate. Modern spirals differ in shape from those used 10 years ago. The spiral contains coating (copper or silver). The T-shaped intrauterine device is most often used.

This method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is not new, but, nevertheless, some forms and types of contraceptives belong to the means of the new generation. Some coils contain progestin or antibiotics. Inserted deep into the cervix.

Women who belong to the progesterone type, that is, have an angular figure, small breasts, who have skin problems and menstruation are accompanied by painful symptoms, should give preference to drugs with an antiandrogenic effect. These are: “Jess”, “Jess plus”, “Yarina”, etc.

If a woman has normal skin and her periods are painless, then you can choose the drugs Mercilon, Regulon, Femoden and others.

It is also important to know that hormonal drugs are addictive, so you should take a break, otherwise side effects may appear.

Modern hormonal contraceptive pills can be divided into several groups, each of which is suitable for a specific category of women. This takes into account age, whether the woman has given birth or not, and whether she suffers from any hormonal or other disorders of the body.

1. Combined birth control pills

Contraception for women who have given birth or women of late reproductive age who have regular sex life, in case of contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives (estrogens). These drugs have fewer side effects and slightly lesser degree reliability.

Name Compound Notes
ExlutonLinestrenol 500 mcg.Monophasic drug of the latest generation. Can be taken during lactation (breastfeeding).
CharosettaDesogestrel 0.075 mg.New monophasic drug. For women intolerant to estrogens and nursing mothers.
NorkolutNorethisterone 500 mcg.Monophasic drug.
MicroluteLevonorgestrel 300 mcg.Monophasic drug.
MicronorNorethisterone 350 mcg.Monophasic drug.

Sikirina Olga Iosifovna.

Oral contraceptives are one of the most effective methods of birth control for women. You can buy any of the dozens of drugs presented without a prescription, but birth control pills should be selected by a gynecologist after a thorough examination of the patient’s hormonal status.

Types of birth control pills

Tablet contraceptives differ in composition and mechanism of action. From this point of view, they can be classified into 2 large groups: “mini-pills” and combined pills (COCs).


These birth control pills contain only one hormonal component - progestin. Its task is to create unfavorable conditions for conception and implantation at the uterine and cervical level. Namely:

  1. Due to the influence on consistency cervical mucus. Despite the fact that the production of cervical secretion is subject to the cycle and decreases towards its middle, the mucus under the influence of the hormone continues to remain thick enough to prevent sperm from penetrating into the uterus.
  2. Through intervention in the process of endometrial formation. A synthetic analogue of progesterone causes changes in the mucous layer of the uterus, preventing it from “ripening” to receive a fertilized egg.
  3. Due to decreased peristalsis fallopian tubes. Progestin slows down movement fallopian tubes, which prevents the egg from moving into the uterine cavity.

Hormones - linesterol or desogestrel - are contained in mini-mils in the lowest concentration (300 - 500 mcg), which, on the one hand, makes their effect as mild and harmless as possible, and on the other hand, reduces their effectiveness in comparison with COCs: 95 versus 99 %. Progestin-only tablets are approved for use by women for whom combination drugs are contraindicated, but require strict adherence to the dosage regimen.

The list of the most popular mini-pills includes:

  • Exluton (1250 rubles);
  • Lactinet (800 rubles);
  • Charozetta (1500 rubles).

Contraceptive pills COC - list with names

Combined oral contraceptives are based on a combination of two active ingredients in different dosages and variations:

  • an analogue of the female hormone estrogen – ethinyl estradiol;
  • synthetic progestogen (desogestrel, norgestrel, norethisterone and other forms).

The essence of such birth control pills is to block ovulation by affecting the pituitary gland, which produces the gonadotropic hormones LH and FSH. It is these substances that are responsible for the growth of follicles in the ovaries and the release of eggs for fertilization. In parallel with the suppression of ovulation, contraceptives cause glandular regression of the endometrium and thickening of mucus cervical canal, that is, the same processes that occur when taking a mini-pill.

COCs have a rather complex classification depending on the ratio of hormonal components and their concentration levels. According to the first criterion, drugs are divided into:

  1. Single-phase. All tablets in one package have the same composition, the proportions of ethinyl estradiol and gestagen do not change. Monophasic drugs include Rigevidon, Regulon, Janine, Siluet, Logest, Lindinet, Femoden.
  2. Two-phase. This group of OCs contains a fixed dose of estrogen and different concentrations of progestogen for the first and second half of the cycle. The drugs Femoston with dydrogesterone, Binovum with norestirone, Anteovin and analogues with levonorgestrel in the composition have a certain sequence of administration.
  3. Three-phase. The ratio of hormones in these tablets changes in accordance with the phases of the menstrual cycle, and there are 3 of them, which is reflected in the names of the drugs: Triziston, Tri-regol, Tri Mercy.

According to the quantitative indicator of active substances, birth control pills are:

  • microdosed (Jess, Logest, Novinet, Mercilon, Miniziston) - recommended as the first means of oral contraception for girls under 25 years of age;
  • low-dose (Zhanine, Yarina, Chloe, Diane, Femoden, Rigevidon, Regulon) - prescribed to older women who have given birth, as well as those who have increased level male hormones - many of these pills have an antiandrogenic effect. For those who are not suitable for microdosing drugs, which is manifested by intermenstrual bleeding, products with a higher hormone content are preferable;
  • high-dose (Tri-regol, Triziston, Non-Ovlon) - medicinal drugs with a contraceptive effect, used for hormonal disorders and in the treatment of certain female diseases.

Postcoital remedies

A separate category of hormonal drugs is postcoital - birth control pills taken after intercourse for 72 hours. This is a means of emergency contraception in case of unprotected sex with a high risk of pregnancy.

Tablets of this group - Postinor, Escapel, Plan B - contain a loading dose of levonorgestrel, and Ginepristone, Zhenale, Mifepristone consist of mifepristone, an antagonist of the progesterone hormone. Both of them sharply suppress ovulation and cause endometrial rejection (menstrual-like bleeding) along with a likely fertilized cell, essentially having an abortifacient effect.

These drugs are extremely harmful to the body, they can cause cycle disorders, ectopic pregnancy, and if abused, lead to serious hormonal imbalance, including infertility. In addition, they do not provide a 100% guarantee. Postcoital pills should be used only in desperate situations: rape, condom rupture - as an exceptional measure, but not as a regular method of contraception.

How to choose birth control pills?

To buy good birth control pills, you should not follow the advice of friends and pharmacists. All modern drugs are quite effective and harmless, but for women of different ages, lifestyle, medical history, with particularities of general and reproductive health, different medications are needed. Taking unsuitable contraceptives can cause problems such as uterine bleeding, hormonal imbalance and serious side effects.

It is impossible to choose the right OC without a visit to a gynecologist. He will collect information about previous and current diseases, evaluate family history, perform an examination and prescribe mandatory tests. In particular, the following are important for a doctor:

  • patient's age;
  • height to weight ratio;
  • blood pressure level;
  • Availability external signs hyperandrogenism;
  • the nature and regularity of monthly bleeding;
  • relationship with smoking.

A gynecological examination with palpation of the breast, ultrasound, tests for hormones, sugar, blood clotting, liver enzymes are required; if indicated, consultations with specialized specialists (ophthalmologist, phlebologist, endocrinologist).

Based on all this data, the gynecologist determines which birth control pills to choose. If we focus only on a woman’s hormonal status, the most commonly prescribed drugs are:

Phenotype Signs Recommended drugs, approximate price
Balanced hormonal levels normal body type, oily hair and skin; stable menstrual cycle of average duration Marvelon (990 rub.)

Femoden (680 rub.)

Regulon (430 rub.)

Mercilon (860 rub.)

Lindinet (520 rub.)

Rigevidon (313 rub.)

Novinet (from 490 RUR)

Predominant estrogens Feminine shapes, tendency to dry skin and hair, long, heavy menstruation Rigevidon (313 rub.)

Logest (775 rub.)

Microgynon (360 rub.)

Triquilar (600 rub.)

Predominance of progesterone, hyperandrogenism Severe PMS, increased oiliness of hair and skin, short cycle, scanty periods Yarina (1100 rub.)

Jess (1100 rub.)

Janine (1000 rub.)

Diana-35 (1100 rub.)

Nursing mothers, women over 35 years of age with a tendency to thrombosis, as well as smokers of COCs are contraindicated and mini-pills are prescribed.


Oral contraceptives interfere with the functioning of the hormonal system, which means they affect the entire body. A number of restrictions make birth control pills inaccessible to many women. For COC it is:

  • suspicion of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • postpartum period;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • renal and liver pathologies;
  • migraine;
  • female bleeding of unknown origin;
  • oncological diseases of the reproductive system, endocrine and mammary glands;
  • obesity;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • smoking after 35 years;
  • upcoming surgery.

The mini-pill has a less impressive list of contraindications. In particular, this type of contraceptive is allowed for women who have recently given birth, breastfeeding, and smokers. They should not be taken if there is a history of ectopic pregnancy, malignant tumors, uterine bleeding, cardiovascular pathologies, acute diseases liver.

It is undesirable to use OCs for autoimmune pathologies:

  1. hyperthyroidism;
  2. bronchial asthma;
  3. congenital hyperbilirubinemia;
  4. rheumatoid arthropathy;
  5. sarcoidosis;
  6. multiple sclerosis and others.

In any case, the gynecologist must have complete information about the patient’s existing health problems, even if she herself does not consider them dangerous. If necessary, it is advisable to involve specialized doctors in the selection of OK.

How to take hormonal contraceptives correctly

Contraceptive medications require daily use during the monthly cycle. The standard number of pills in a COC blister is 21: for 3 weeks of continuous use with a seven-day break. If the package contains a different number of tablets (24, 28), the instructions for use should be specified in the instructions.

How to take birth control pills:

  1. The newly prescribed drug should be taken from the first day of menstruation.
  2. Dosage regimen: 1 tablet every day, preferably at the same time.
  3. After the last pill, take a break for a week.
  4. At this time, “menstruation” is expected - withdrawal bleeding.
  5. Exactly 7 days after the last tablet, a new blister is started.
  6. Monophasic drugs are not sensitive to the sequence of administration; two- and three-phase drugs are taken strictly according to the regimen indicated on the package.

Mini-pills are designed for continuous use without pauses - there are 28 tablets in a package. Microdoses of active substances in these tablets require special punctuality in administration: hormones must be delivered daily at approximately the same hour so that their concentration does not drop to a critical level.

The contraceptive effect is reduced even after missing a pill once, during vomiting, and also when taking certain medications in parallel. In the first two cases, you need to take another pill and use condoms during sexual intercourse. To avoid drug incompatibility, it is important to always inform doctors about the use of OCs.

As for emergency contraception, postcoital medications protect against pregnancy if taken no later than 3 days (72 hours) after sexual intercourse, and the sooner the better. 12 hours after the first tablet, you need to take the second one. Instead of Postinor or Mifepristone, which are sold exclusively by prescription, you can use conventional COCs with a dosage of more than 50 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 0.25 mg of progestin. As soon as possible after “problematic” intimacy, you need to swallow 2 tablets and 2 more after an interval of 12 hours.

Possible side effects

Bloody discharge of varying intensity while taking COCs is considered normal in the first 2 to 3 months. They occur due to the restructuring of the reproductive system to an artificial hormonal level. After stopping taking contraceptives, the body returns to its normal state. Menstruation after stopping birth control pills returns in a couple of months or faster, but it is quite possible for their character to change.

Other side effects of COCs include:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • weight gain;
  • increased appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • depression;
  • nausea;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne;
  • hair growth on the body and face;
  • swelling;
  • decreased libido.

These manifestations are usually temporary and should go away with adaptation to the tablets. If there is no improvement, it is necessary to either change the drug or switch to other types of contraception.

Hormonal OCs can also cause more serious disorders:

  • loss of lateral vision;
  • migraine-like pain;
  • leg cramps;
  • speech disorders;
  • jaundice;
  • pressure surges;
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • heart attack, stroke.

As you can see, these are life-threatening conditions, which can be caused by ignoring contraindications and illiterate choice of drugs. If symptoms such as a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, chest pain, pain and swelling of the calf muscle, slurred tongue, or loss of consciousness coincide with the start of taking COCs, hormones should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

Even if the best contraceptive pills are selected for a woman, periodic monitoring and tests are required to exclude negative effects on health:

  1. blood pressure measurement every 6 months;
  2. annual examination by a gynecologist;
  3. urine and liver function tests - at least once a year;
  4. regular self-examination of the mammary glands - every month.

In the absence of negative consequences, modern COCs can be used for a long time and do not require breaks in use. When planning a pregnancy, you must stop taking the pills; fertility should recover within 3 to 6 months. In some women, conception occurs in the first cycle after stopping the drugs.

The most frequently asked questions regarding use

Hormonal pills have become widespread since the end of the 20th century, but still raise many doubts. In particular, do COCs guarantee 100% protection, and is it necessary to pause taking them every few months? We will consider these and other questions separately.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

The effectiveness of modern drugs reaches 99%, but only if used correctly. Missing doses, gastrointestinal disorders, and too long intervals between pills taken reduce the contraceptive effect of OCs. Some medications weaken the work of synthetic hormones: antibiotics, paracetamol, antidepressants, antifungal medications, sorbents, chromium preparations, dietary supplements for weight loss that stimulate intestinal motility.

There is also a risk of pregnancy in the first month of taking the pills. Hormones require at least 2 weeks to begin contraceptive activity, and they exhibit maximum effect no earlier than a month of regular use. Until a reliable mechanism for suppressing ovulation has been formed, it is necessary to protect yourself by other methods, just as carefully as without COCs.

What to do if you forgot to take your birth control pill?

Even missing a pill once increases the risk of unplanned conception. But this is not so critical if you take the forgotten pill as soon as possible and return to your usual regimen. In any case, it is recommended to use barrier contraception for 2 to 3 days.

2 - 3 omissions nullify the contraceptive effect for a whole week. After taking one tablet, you must practice exclusively protected sex for the next 7 days. And if sexual intercourse took place 1 to 5 days before the accidental break, emergency contraception is required.

How to take birth control after an abortion?

After an artificial termination of pregnancy, as after a miscarriage, taking COCs should be started on the first day. If the deadline has already passed, it is not advisable to take the pills; you must wait until your period.

Can I take birth control pills after my period?

It is always recommended to start taking oral contraceptives on the first day of the cycle. But the instructions allow a slight delay in administration - up to 5 days with parallel use of barrier agents. You should not wait until your next menstruation to start taking birth control pills. This can be done at any time from the 1st to the 5th day of the cycle - it does not matter whether the bleeding is still ongoing or has already ended. All subsequent blisters should be taken regardless of menstruation, strictly according to the scheme of 21 tablets after a 7-day break.

What birth control pills can you take while breastfeeding?

In breastfeeding mothers, ovulation is naturally suppressed, and menstruation may be absent for several months. However, lactational amenorrhea cannot be considered a reliable method of contraception. Pregnancy may occur even before menstruation returns, and the woman should be provided with an effective and safe method of contraception.

Which birth control pills are best to take after 30?

30 years is the peak of female sexuality, but by this age many people already have health problems. Before choosing contraception, you should undergo a full examination to exclude possible contraindications.

The preferred drugs after 30 years are microdosed ones - Microdenone, Femoden. In addition to the contraceptive effect, they have a preventive effect against uterine fibroids and endometriosis. For women suffering from heavy menstruation, mini-pills are more suitable.

Beginning at age 35, the ovaries synthesize less and less reproductive steroids. To maintain normal hormonal levels, tablets must contain at least 20 mcg of estradiol - Silest, Lindinet 30, Marvelon, Triziston.

Women who smoke after 35 years need to decide: either cigarettes or oral contraception. The combination of synthetic hormones and nicotine critically increases the risk of blood clots, and, accordingly, stroke and heart attack. Instead of COCs, you can choose mini-pills, but again in the absence of cardiovascular problems, hypertension, endocrine pathologies, excess weight and varicose veins.

Which birth control pills are best to take after 40?

The best choice for a 40-year-old woman is progestin tablets: Continuin, Charozetta, Exluton. The functions of the ovaries fade away; at this age, early menopause already occurs, but conception is still possible. The therapeutic and preventive properties of contraceptives come to the fore: protection against endometriosis, uterine polyps, osteoporosis, and irregular cycles. In any case, a woman 40–45 years old should entrust the choice of drug to an experienced gynecologist, since the risks are too high.

Girls who are not yet ready to give birth to a child and become a mother will have to choose the best contraceptive from a huge range to safely perform sexual intercourse. So that women do not get confused in this diversity, we have compiled a rating that includes the most effective, reliable and proven oral and barrier contraceptives for preventing pregnancy in the form of suppositories, tablets, rings, etc. Study their pros and cons - and choose the most worthy option!

Which brand of birth control is best to choose?

  • Gideon Richter– Hungarian manufacturer medicines, which has several types of contraceptive products. They are effective in preventing pregnancy and in combating inflammatory diseases. Midian and Regulon belong to him.
  • Amafarm is a German pharmaceutical company operating since 1977, whose product range includes contraceptives in the form of vaginal suppositories and Nonoxynol film. They improve the condition female organs and provide protection against egg fertilization with a probability of more than 95%.
  • Innotek International is a French company that supplies the market with hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives, including Pharmatex suppositories. They are safe for women's health and useful for inflammation and other problems.
  • LRS Products Ltd– the manufacturer successfully entered the Russian market with the Contex brand of condoms. They are the second in sales and are distinguished by their integrity, reliability and ease of use.
  • Merck is the world's oldest pharmaceutical company headquartered in Germany. She is known to women largely thanks to the NuvaRing vaginal ring. It is made from hypoallergenic materials that do not irritate the vaginal mucosa.
  • Bayer Pharma AG- one of the competitors of Merck, which is also located in Germany and successfully works in the development of barrier contraceptives. Among them, the Mirena vaginal device has become especially popular.
  • Janssen Pharmaceuticals is a Belgian manufacturer that uses several active ingredients in its contraceptives. These mainly include norelgestromin and ethinyl estradiol. Our rating includes the contraceptive film “Evra”.

Rating of the best contraceptives

When selecting candidates, we took into account the following nuances:

  • Type – intrauterine or oral;
  • Efficiency and reliability;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safety of use;
  • Additional effects;
  • Side effects;
  • Amount in a package;
  • Active ingredients;
  • Does the composition contain hormones?
  • Reviews from gynecologists;
  • Does orgasm make it worse?

Separately, it is worth noting the ratio of quality and price, which has become an important selection parameter.

The best birth control pills

This method is the most convenient, since all you need to do is take pills regularly, but it cannot guarantee 100% protection against conceiving a child. They suppress the ovulation process and prevent sperm from entering the uterus. In this category, 2 contraceptive drugs can be particularly highlighted.

The drug has proven itself well among both young girls and women over 30 years old; intended for oral contraception. It is effective throughout almost the entire menstrual cycle, which makes sexual intercourse safe. Although these are hormonal pills, in reviews of them girls do not complain about the appearance of excess weight when taking them. Regulon not only prevents the formation of an embryo, but also normalizes critical days, reduces blood loss at this time, accelerates tissue regeneration. The substances in the composition are absorbed in the intestines almost completely.


  • Two production volumes – 21 and 63 tablets;
  • High concentration of active substance;
  • Easily accepted by the body;
  • Relatively natural excipients;
  • Small dose;
  • Does not cause nausea;
  • Produced in Hungary.


  • Do not overuse, side effects may occur;
  • It is not recommended to take during lactation.

The peculiarity of the best oral contraceptive "Regulon" is that you need to stop taking it 3 months before the desired date of conceiving a child.

average price: 470 rub.

The effectiveness of Midiana tablets is beyond doubt among both doctors and patients. They are used for protection at any age. Good results are provided by two active ingredients - drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. The composition here is safe for health and, even with long-term use, is not addictive in girls and does not provoke allergies. The size of the tablets is small, they are very easy to swallow, there is no need to divide them into parts. They are suitable for both mothers who have already become mothers and those who have not given birth, but the contraceptive cannot be taken during lactation.


  • Available in quantities of 21 pieces. and 63 pcs.;
  • Long shelf life - 2 years;
  • Reliably prevents pregnancy;
  • Contains two active ingredients;
  • The drug is quickly and completely absorbed after administration;
  • Taste tolerance.


  • Available with prescription;
  • Does not protect against STDs;
  • Low probability of overdose.

Taking Midiana requires a one-time examination by a gynecologist every 6 months; if necessary, the dose is adjusted.

average price: 700 rub.

The best contraceptive suppositories

Such contraceptives are effective, safe and relatively inexpensive. They have a universal effect and help in solving gynecological problems. Here we can especially note 2 types of suppositories.


This is the best contraceptive method in terms of reliability, since these suppositories reduce sperm motility and reduce the chances of conceiving a child. Nonoxynol suppositories, according to reviews, are chosen by women who want to simultaneously avoid getting pregnant and not suffer from gynecological problems due to the normalization of vaginal microflora. They are easily inserted inside and do not cause discomfort. They rarely cause irritation of the mucous membranes and serious allergic reactions. One of the main advantages is the possibility of use during breastfeeding.


  • A small list of contraindications;
  • Small sizes;
  • Ease of use;
  • Valid for three years after graduation;
  • Can be used with a condom;
  • Does not affect liver function.


  • It is necessary to strictly monitor the time of administration;
  • Rare occurrence of itching of the penis in a partner;
  • It is not recommended to combine with other tablet contraceptives.

When using Nonoxynol suppositories, you should not perform toileting of the genitals within 6 hours after intercourse to enhance the effect.

average price: 350 rub.


The vaginal contraceptive "Pharmatex" has joined the ranks of the best contraceptives due to its instant action. Its active ingredient, benzalkonium chloride, destroys the sperm membrane in the seminal fluid during ejaculation, preventing them from penetrating the uterus and fertilizing the egg. The drug is active against many viruses and infections, including HIV, but it does not completely eliminate the threat of infection. It is prescribed to both nulliparous and mature mothers. According to reviews, suppositories do not cause irritation and are not felt in the vagina.


  • Does not foam;
  • Absorbed by the walls of the vagina without entering the body;
  • Residues are easily washed off with water;
  • Quantity in one package – 10 pcs.;
  • Suitable for all women of reproductive age;
  • Can be used in the period before menopause;
  • Works well with diaphragm and intrauterine device.


  • Not detected.

Despite the recognition of Pharmatex contraceptive suppositories as the best, they do not 100% eliminate the threat of pregnancy.

average price: 614 rub.

The best condoms

This is a standard method of preventing unwanted pregnancy, the clear advantage of which is the simultaneous prevention of STD infection.


This is a series of barrier contraceptives for men, guaranteeing protection against pregnancy by more than 95%. The company monitors the quality of materials and tests condoms for integrity before release, which minimizes the likelihood of defects. She offers favorable conditions for purchase, as she sells 3-10 pieces at a time for a low price. packaged. As a rule, such products do not affect orgasm, and sometimes, on the contrary, they even enhance it for both sexual partners.


  • High strength;
  • Minimal likelihood of skin irritation;
  • Does not reduce sensitivity in boys and girls;
  • Various sizes available;
  • Adequate price;
  • A large assortment.


  • Slightly rubbery.

average price: 350 rub.

The best vaginal rings

This contraceptive for women provides reliable protection against conceiving a child and is quite convenient to use and wear. This is the best option in terms of price-quality ratio.


Be prepared to see your doctor for a prescription, as this contraceptive is not available without one. You may also need the participation of a gynecologist in its placement, although after some time this can easily be done independently. Unlike other methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy, this procedure needs to be performed only once every 3 weeks. But here it is important not to go astray, since this should be done in certain cycles - 2-5 days. The ring protects against sperm activity during copulation, but is not effective against STDs.


  • Safe for health;
  • Does not cause discomfort;
  • Painless introduction;
  • Two active substances in the composition are ethinyl estradiol and etonogestrel;
  • Does not provoke side effects;
  • Sold in almost any pharmacy.


  • As the permissible period in the vagina increases, the effectiveness decreases;
  • Requires careful handling;
  • A considerable list of contraindications;
  • Special storage conditions – at temperatures from 2 to 8°C.

It is not necessary to take a break after removing the NuvaRing vaginal ring, but, according to the girls’ reviews, it is better to wait 7 days before inserting a new one.

average price: 1270 rub.

The best intrauterine devices

This contraceptive is the most reliable and most practical, since it lasts for several years and there is no need to change it often; it is made of plastic and copper. Among all the candidates, only one product stands out.


Compared to other contraceptives in our rating, choosing a spiral is a more serious step. It prevents fertilization and does not affect reproductive function; you can become pregnant immediately after removing the product from the uterus. Along with reliable protection against fertilization and reduction of ovulation, with the help of Mirena, women can reduce blood loss during menstruation and even prevent various gynecological problems without harm to health. The installation of the spiral should only be done by a doctor, who is also obliged to monitor the patient’s condition. The most important advantage of this product is that it lasts for 5 years.


  • Low probability of prolapse from the uterus;
  • Rapid restoration of fertility after removal of the IUD;
  • Release of hormones in small quantities;
  • Reduces the risk of infections getting inside;
  • Eliminates pain during menstruation;
  • Not contraindicated for nursing mothers.


  • Requires careful monitoring of glucose levels in patients with diabetes;
  • Amenorrhea may occur when used during estrogen therapy;
  • Sometimes you need to check the threads;
  • An ultrasound may be needed to examine the uterus.

In the first 2-3 months of using Mirena, a woman may experience increased bloody vaginal discharge.

average price: 13,000 rub.

The best contraceptive creams

During regular sexual activity, using creams is not always convenient; they are considered the best way contraception for single sexual contacts. Only one of their representatives was included in this rating.


In our rating, this is the second contraceptive for women from the Pharmatex line. It is popular because of its versatility - antiseptic and spermicidal action. The benzalkonium chloride contained in its composition is also an antiseptic, which reduces the likelihood of infection with fungi, infections, viruses (but does not exclude this!). The manufacturer does not undertake to guarantee 100% protection against egg fertilization. The cream is easily applied to the mucous membrane, is not absorbed by it and is easily washed off. It can be used for 3 years after release.


  • Can be used immediately after childbirth;
  • Suitable for nursing women;
  • Combines well with hormonal therapy and other methods of contraception;
  • The protective effect begins immediately and lasts for at least 10 hours;
  • Small doses;
  • Rare side effects.


  • Must be used before each sexual intercourse;
  • The cream should not be used 2 hours before sexual intercourse and within 60 minutes after it;
  • Requires insertion deep into the vagina.

Pharmatex cream is released in a convenient 72 ml tube, which is enough for several sexual acts.

average price: 500 rub.

The best contraceptive films

This is a relatively new contraceptive product for protection during sex, which is chosen for its ease and safety of use and lack of discomfort. The best contraceptives today include the following products.


This is a cheap contraceptive for women; it is produced in the form of napkins, packaged in individual packages. Their base is a gel, once inside the vagina, the film dissolves in 15 seconds and the active substance nonoxynol released in this case deactivates sperm - destroys sperm, preventing conception. Nonoxynol has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, therefore it partially protects against STIs, but you should not rely only on them in this regard.


  • Shelf life – 2 years;
  • 10 pieces. packaged;
  • Complete sterility;
  • Does not cause discomfort inside;
  • Does not affect orgasm;
  • Can be used anywhere and anytime;
  • It will be useful for burns, sore throat and other diseases.


  • Information on the packaging is not in Russian;
  • Difficult to find in pharmacies.

To save desired effect After administration of the product, hygiene procedures and douching should not be carried out for at least 6 hours.

average price: 120 rub.

The best birth control patches

Along with the film, the patch is a universal and practical product for local contraception during coitus. Its use is not harmful to health and shows good results. The TOP includes one such product at an affordable price.


This modern contraceptive is unique in its implementation and has no analogues. Its peculiarity is that it needs to be glued to the skin on certain days of the cycle, on the 8th and 15th, and if removed, it must be immediately replaced with a new one. The maximum break should be 7 days, this protects against unwanted pregnancy. There is no need for special preparation to fix the patch; just take a shower and wipe the skin. You can attach it to any part of the body where it will not come into close contact with clothing and hair. The only inconvenient thing here is the need to choose a new place for this each time, avoiding the chest.


  • Convenient release form;
  • Ease of use;
  • Reliable fixation;
  • Effectively prevents ovulation;
  • Not felt on the body;
  • Does not irritate the skin.


  • Dust may accumulate along the edges of the patch;
  • Relieves acne on the face;
  • Need a prescription to purchase;
  • Not cheap;
  • There are many contraindications and special instructions.

average price: 1100 rub.

Which contraceptive should I buy?

At the age of 18 to 21-22 years, hormonal contraception is considered the most optimal. For older girls, barrier intrauterine devices are suitable for safe intercourse, but after 35 years you need to be more careful with them due to the high likelihood of women developing cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases. The most reliable way would be a combination of chemical and “physical” methods of protection.

  • If you don’t want to take risks and contact a gynecologist, then you can limit yourself to a patch.
  • Having permanent partner It is worth paying attention to the best birth control pills.
  • Those who don't plan on getting pregnant in the next few years should consider a vaginal ring.
  • Those who want to avoid inconvenience and at the same time improve their health are advised to pay attention to contraceptives for women in the form of napkins and suppositories.
  • For rare sexual intercourse, you can choose a cream.
  • If you need not only to ensure reliable protection, but also to reduce menstrual blood loss, you should look towards the spiral.
  • In intimate relationships with unfamiliar sexual partners, in order to protect against STDs, condoms traditionally help well.

The best contraceptives proposed in the rating should help to effectively protect yourself during sexual intercourse and avoid unwanted pregnancy. Well, if you are planning to become a mother soon, choose in advance good vitamins for pregnant.