Auxiliary drugs in the treatment of ulcers and their characteristics. Vitamins and UC What is the prognosis for patients with UC

Meals during the active phase of the disease should be frequent - 5 - 6 times a day, food - well-processed, high-calorie, containing complete proteins of animal origin (100 - 150 g), easily digestible fats (70 - 80 g), a sufficient amount of carbohydrates (up to 400 d), minerals and vitamins. In case of severe fermentative dyspepsia, it is advisable to limit carbohydrates. Every patient needs a proper diet and vitamin therapy.

Our observations and literature data show the extreme importance of completely eliminating milk and dairy products (except butter), as well as tomatoes, cabbage, raw apples, grapes, since these products (especially milk) most often cause food allergies with nonspecific ulcerative colitis and contribute to the development of relapses.

Zh. M. Yukhvidova and M. X. Levitan (1969) consider it possible to introduce fresh cottage cheese, specially prepared with lactic acid, into the diet.

All the patients we observed received the so-called colitis table. During acute manifestations during diarrhea, the diet was based on table 4, and during the period of improvement or remission - on the basis of table 2. We conventionally designate these tables as 4k and 2k (colitis).

The list of products and dishes (table 2) that can be included in the diet of patients with ulcerative colitis is presented in the table.

List of table products 2k for patients with ulcerative colitis

Dishes Product range Cooking method
Bread White Stale, crackers
Soups Cereals, with vermicelli, eggs, meatballs, broths On meat, fish, vegetable broth (limited)
Meat Lean beef, chicken Boiled, meatballs, steamed cutlets with a limited amount of bread; aspic
Fish Lean – pike perch, bream, carp, cod Jellied, boiled, steam, polish
Side dishes Potatoes (limited), carrots, beets (limited), cauliflower(limited) Boiled, stewed
Cereal porridges, puddings, casseroles Buckwheat, rice, semolina, oatmeal In water with butter, in meat broth
Egg dishes Soft-boiled eggs, egg white omelettes without milk Boiled, steamed
Compotes, mousses, fruits, sweets Lemons, apples, oranges (limited), blackcurrants, rosehip infusion, pomegranates, pineapples; marmalade, marshmallows, cracker cookies, biscuits Mousses, baked apples
Snacks Jellied fish, black caviar, lightly salted herring (limited)
Beverages Tea, natural coffee (without milk); alkaline mineral waters
Fats Butter, olive, sunflower, corn oil

Note. Dairy products are excluded: milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, as well as cereals, omelettes, coffee with milk, tomatoes, cabbage, raw apples, grapes.

In some cases, the diet has to be selected more individually and additionally exclude those foods that the patient cannot tolerate. Some patients with a very severe course of nonspecific ulcerative colitis with vomiting, repeated intestinal bleeding, in the postoperative period, with severe exhaustion, need parenteral nutrition: they are injected intravenously with a 5% glucose solution, saline solutions, protein hydrolysates (hydrolysine solution, aminopeptide, aminokrovin, etc.), blood transfusions, and a complex of vitamins are administered parenterally.

Due to impaired absorption of vitamins in nonspecific ulcerative colitis (malabsorption in the intestine, dysbiosis, dietary restriction), most patients need to be prescribed vitamins C and group B, and in case of severe hemorrhagic phenomena, vikasol and rutin.

Of great importance for nonspecific ulcerative colitis is the administration of vitamins that promote epithelial regeneration: retinol and folic acid.

The latter is especially indicated when prescribing azo compounds of sulfonamides with salicylic acid.

"Clinical chemotherapy of infectious diseases",
N.M. Gracheva, I.N. Shchetinina

Anthrax is one of the rare but ubiquitous diseases, most common in foreign, mainly agricultural, countries. In countries with highly developed industry, sporadic diseases occur, primarily in persons associated with the processing of agricultural raw materials (leather, skins, wool, bristles, horns, etc.). The basis modern treatment all forms anthrax the principle of integrated use of specific...

For many years, erysipelas was considered a severe epidemic infection with high mortality. Only the success of chemotherapy made it possible to change this situation. Erysipelas is now generally considered to be a sporadic, low-contagious infection, mainly of an endogenous nature, but distinguished, however, by its widespread prevalence. A selective study of the incidence of erysipelas in a number of cities in our country allowed some authors to classify erysipelas as one of the most common infectious diseases...

Infectious mononucleosis (Filatov's disease) is more common in young people and is widespread. Many researchers consider it a low-contagious disease. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases of infectious mononucleosis not only among children, but also among older people [Ilyinsky Yu. A. et al., 1982]. There are descriptions of outbreaks of this disease among groups of people, especially in closed groups -...

Used in the treatment of diarrhea antidiarrheals. Reacek (Lomotil), which is a combination of a codeine derivative - diphenoxylate hydrochloride with atropine sulfate, is effective. The drug is prescribed 1 - 2 tablets 3 times a day for 2 - 4 weeks. Codeine phosphate tablets (15-30 mg 3 times a day), which are best taken in combination with bismuth and tanalbin, have good antidiarrheal properties. In order to normalize intestinal function, it is necessary to prescribe antispasmodics(no-spa, platifillin, cerucal, etc.), however, these drugs must be used with caution, because they can contribute to the occurrence of acute toxic dilatation of the colon.

Patients with nonspecific ulcerative colitis need an increased amount vitamins not only to replenish the deficiency in the body, but also to accelerate detoxification, to have a positive effect on other aspects of the pathological process, including the synthesis of steroid hormones, which is disrupted when the intestines are damaged. The use of B vitamins is especially important. In this case, patients are often prescribed thiamine 10 - 20 mg per day orally and a 0.05% solution of vitamin B12 is administered 1 ml intramuscularly. For intestinal bleeding, vitamin K is indicated, even if the level of prothrombin in the blood is not reduced. Treatment with vitamins is recommended in 2-week courses with an interval of 1 - 2 months. For anemia they should be combined with iron supplements.A decrease in body weight by more than 15% from the original or normal requires intravenous infusions mixtures of amino acids (alvesin, m-riamine, polyamine, etc.), which contain essential amino acids, protein hydrolysates. In the absence of hyperlipidemia, fat emulsions (intralipid, lipofundin, lipophysian, etc.) with concentrated glucose solutions, which have a beneficial and rapid effect on the nitrogen balance, can be parenterally administered as an energy material. In the absence of intravenous nutrition, acute loss of 30% of initial body weight leads to death in 100% of cases. Infusion therapy is carried out over several days or weeks, depending on the patient’s condition and laboratory biochemical tests. Blood transfusions indicated to combat anemia and as a hemostatic agent. Transfusions of canned blood are performed in 250.0 ml doses at intervals of 3-4 days. In addition to blood transfusions, ascorbic acid, cobalt preparations, and folic acid are used orally to combat anemia.

Recommended use enzyme preparations that do not contain bile acids (pancreatin, trienzyme, mezim-forte, etc.). For the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, they are used eubiotics- bifidumbacterin, bifacol (5 doses 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals), for 1.5 - 2 months.

For the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis, which occurs in the form of proctitis, it is used in addition to microenemas and suppositories with 5-ASA preparations microenemas from phthalazole solution (5 - 10 tablets per 30 - 50 ml boiled water administered morning and evening). Microenemas made from a 0.3% solution of collargol, which has astringent and bactericidal properties, are widely used. 60 - 100 ml of the drug is injected into the rectum immediately after stool and the patient must hold it for at least half an hour. Collargol microclysters are especially indicated during the period of subsidence of acute phenomena. The course of treatment is usually 2 weeks. Treatment with microenemas made from refined sunflower oil, Shostakovsky balsam, rosehip seed oil, and sea buckthorn oil is successfully carried out. All these drugs are prescribed after the elimination of an acute process in the intestines (30 ml each).

Effective, especially on early stages development of the disease, repeated courses hyperbaric oxygen therapy every 10-14 months for 6-8 sessions (in the remission phase, more during exacerbation) at a working oxygen pressure of 1.5-1.7 atm. In nonspecific ulcerative colitis of mild to moderate severity and a relapsing course of the process after the third course of HBOT, the observed remission averages 3.5 years. In moderate and severe forms of ulcerative colitis with a chronic continuous course of the process and total damage to the colon during the first three years of receiving HBOT, colonoscopy reveals a gradual decrease in signs of inflammation in the proximal parts of the colon and long-term persistence of erosive and ulcerative changes in the distal parts, especially in the rectum gut. After the third course of HBOT, the bottom of the ulcer is morphologically cleared of necrotic masses and the appearance of granulation tissue. After the sixth course, epithalization of the bottom of the ulcers and the formation of crypts were already detected, i.e., the picture of atrophic colitis (remission of the disease) was determined. In most cases, improvement in condition and well-being is not felt by patients immediately, but after 2 or even 3 weeks. after completing the HBOT course. In 70% of cases, HBOT allows one to stop taking glucocorticoids. Hyperbaric oxygenation should be used after relief of the severity of the disease in combination with medications and then repeat annually until complete morphological restoration of the colon mucosa.

In the development and course of the disease, importance should be given to mental disorders. Emotional disorders are a consequence of illness. Long-term symptoms of intestinal damage contribute to the development of secondary neurotic layers. A fairly common feature can be considered a state of anxiety in patients. Sometimes they are so sensitive that even minor failures can cause worsening symptoms or relapse of the disease. In such cases, the most favorable effect is achieved by consistent psychotherapy , i.e., a complex of psychological influences that strengthen the patient’s strength in the fight against the disease. Creating therapeutic optimism and eliminating mental trauma are important.


Absolute indications for surgical treatment serve:
intestinal obstruction,
toxic megacolon,
high degree of dysplasia or colon cancer.
Relative indications for surgical treatment are:
ineffectiveness of conservative therapy with severe activity,
developmental delay in children and adolescents,
low degree epithelial dysplasia.

In this case, as a rule, the following operations are used:

· palliative operations - ileostomy (colostomy for UC is practically not used)

· radical operations - subtotal resection of the colon with the application of ileo- and sigmostoma, colproctectomy with Brooke ileostomy or Kock retaining ileostomy, colproctectomy with Brooke ileostomy or Kock retaining ileostomy

Proper nutrition for UC is one of the keys to a good, rich life with all its advantages.

What do we know about proper nutrition as such? Food should be varied rich in vitamins and minerals; You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. But in the case of patients with ulcerative colitis, there are some nuances. This is what we will talk about today.

For patients with ulcerative colitis, it is extremely important to saturate their body with various beneficial substances. It doesn't matter whether you get them through food or capsule form. Patients with IBD are characterized by a decrease in the secretory activity of all digestive glands. Therefore, for normal hematopoiesis and maintaining normal blood composition, the body must receive proteins, vitamins and microelements.

Which foods contain the most beneficial nutrients? In fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat and various grains (buckwheat, rice, lentils, millet are favorites).

Let's talk about the quality composition of food, i.e. about proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

Squirrels consist of amino acids. The body needs them to build cells of all organs. The protein content in food should be sufficient, but not excessive, because... in the case of UC, it is extremely undesirable to once again overstrain the gastrointestinal tract (the body requires fiber contained in fruits and vegetables to digest protein). Since the body cannot itself synthesize proteins from other substances, they must constantly come to us from the outside.

Squirrels are found in both plant and animal foods (meat, milk, cottage cheese, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes), but priority should be given to animal proteins due to their more complete amino acid composition. As I wrote in one of the past, protein (or rather, the amino acids in its composition) is extremely important for people with UC.

Carbohydrates and fats- This is the source of energy that our brain, heart and other organs consume. Due to their not so complex structure, the body itself can create carbohydrates from proteins and fats, fats from carbohydrates, but their consumption should also be sufficient. That is why excessive consumption of carbohydrates with insufficient physical activity leads to obesity.

Carbohydrates contained in plant products(cereals, bread, vegetables, sugar), and fats are of both plant and animal origin. Fats are found in large quantities in butter, eggs, chocolate, nuts, pork and fatty fish; help breakdown and absorption fat-soluble vitamins A, D. E. For patients with ulcerative colitis, it is recommended to focus on Omega-3 fatty acids, i.e. eat a lot of fatty sea fish and add olive oil to your food. Oleic acid found in the above foods has been shown to help heal ulcers in the colon.

And perhaps the most important element of our nutrition is water. Every cell in our body consists of 80–90% of it, which is no coincidence. Few people know how to drink water.

Clean water should be consumed 15-20 minutes before meals and at least two hours after meals.. This scheme is very simply explained: clean water on an empty stomach begins to deliver useful microelements to every cell of our body in the shortest possible time. If you drink water immediately after a meal or, even worse, wash it down with food, your stomach will have to produce an additional amount of gastric juice, because. the existing one will be diluted with water supplied from outside.


It's time to talk in more detail about what we need:

  • Vitamin A. Contained in foods rich in animal fats (eggs, liver, fish). Plant foods contain carotene (carrots, tomatoes, onions, peas). To “transform” it into vitamin A, such products must be consumed together with fats (olive/linseed oil, for example).
  • B vitamins. Contained in cereals, eggs, cabbage, apples, black bread. Increase cellular metabolism.
  • Vitamin C. Contained only in plants (rose hips, currants, onions, tomatoes, citrus fruits). The high liquid content in these plants allows it to be well absorbed by the body. As you know, vitamin C is very useful during colds.
  • Vitamin D. Contained in liver, eggs, fish. Necessary for normal bone formation (remember the side effects from).
  • Vitamin H. Contained in fruits and berries; is water soluble. Promotes tissue growth in the body, i.e., in our case, healing of wounds in the large intestine.
  • Vitamin E. Found in wheat germ, eggs and vegetable oils. Promotes enhanced healing and rapid tissue restoration.
  • Vitamin K Contained in parsley, lettuce, cabbage. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and stimulates the healing of damaged tissues. If intestinal diseases threaten ulcer formation (just like in UC), then this vitamin should be consumed in increased quantities.
  • Vitamin F. Contained in vegetable oils. Restores fat metabolism and oxidation processes in cells. This is important for UC, since all types of metabolism are often disrupted in this disease.

There are quite a lot of different diets recommended for UC at its different stages. The main recommendation is to prevent irritation of the walls of the large intestine. From this it follows that food in UC should pass without difficulty throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Light soups with water, ground meat, overcooked rice/buckwheat, fish soufflé, white bread crackers - these are your friends on the path to remission. In no case should you forget about vegetables, because... they contain what is necessary for proper digestion of food. Here's the problem with this moment: fresh vegetables In most cases, they are contraindicated in severe UC, because enhance already reactive peristalsis.

As your condition stabilizes, be sure to gradually add new foods to your diet. It could be baked apples, stewed zucchini, offal, bananas, for example. Listen carefully to your body's reaction! You should definitely get the required amount of nutrients regularly.

Contrary to the established opinion that with UC you need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, I am a fan of large meals 3-4 times a day. Man is not created to digest foods every minute.

Before treating colitis, it is worth learning about its characteristics, types, and causes.

Acute form:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhea.
  • High body temperature.
  • Drawing pain in the lower abdomen.

Causes of the disease

The inflammatory process is caused by the following reasons:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Stress, nervous breakdowns.
  • Lack of normal blood circulation in the intestinal walls.
  • Disruption of food microorganisms.
  • Intoxication.

Treatment of the disease

Diagnosis leads to treatment. Therapy provides an integrated approach to this matter. Experts advise going through all the steps:

  • Diet.
  • Sessions with a psychotherapist.
  • Sanatoriums.
  • Drug treatment.

Treatment with medications involves prescribing a set of medications. Let's take a closer look at this.

Prescribing antibiotics

Antibiotics are not always used to treat colitis. The reason for this is contraindications for different types colitis

Antibiotics are drugs aimed at destroying bacteria that cause infectious diseases. They are prescribed if the use of other methods has proven ineffective.

Antibiotics are not prescribed together with antibacterial drugs due to unexpected reactions.

Furazolidone is a representative of antibiotics and has a pronounced antimicrobial function. Effective drug, whose properties depend on the dose. The tablets are taken without chewing. The treatment course is individual. The average course is a week when taking the medicine four times a day.

Levomycetin is an antibiotic available in the form of tablets and powder. Effective as furazolidone. The course is prescribed by the doctor.

Metronidazole is another antibiotic with an antimicrobial effect. It has contraindications: pregnancy, problems with the central nervous system.

The described remedies are used for mild to moderate severity of the disease.

Painkillers (antispasmodics)

Painkillers help relieve pain caused by acute form diseases. Used for ulcers.

No-spa – suitable for moderate pain, has contraindications for heart failure, preschool age, individual intolerance to the composition of the drug. Available in the form of a solution, yellow tablets.

Dicetel - solves the problem of spasms, thereby eliminating pain. Take the tablets three times a day. Contraindicated for children. Available in orange tablets.

Mebeverine is an antispasmodic that soothes intestinal irritation and relieves pain. Used internally. Contraindication – hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Inflammation is the main feature of the disease. To relieve it, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs that improve the general condition of a person.

Prednisolone is prescribed for the chronic form of the disease. The drug relieves inflammation and inhibits the process of its development. The dosage is individual.

Restoration of microflora

Disease and drug use destroy the normal microflora of the human intestine. Antibiotics, in addition to destroying bacteria, destroy beneficial microflora, the absence of which leads to depression, obesity, asthma, allergies and dysbacteriosis.

Medicine does not yet have in its arsenal a medicine without side effects. Therefore, having cured one thing, you have to solve the problem with the consequences. It turns out that it is almost impossible to cure the form completely.

Microflora restorers: Bifikol, Bifidumbacterin. Treatment time with drugs is up to one and a half months. This also includes Linex, Lactobacterin.

Linex is a medicine in capsule form that restores microflora. Take capsules three times after meals. Contraindications – allergy to the components of the drug.

Lactobacterin is a prebiotic in powder form. Use one hour before eating as a drink. Treatment should be carried out for a month.

Bifikol is a lyophilisate intended for preparing a suspension. Use half an hour before meals twice a day. Used to restore microflora after ulcerative colitis. Contraindications: simultaneous use with antibiotics.

Bifidumbacterin is available in capsules, tablets, lyophilisates for the preparation of suspensions and liquid concentrates. Application depends on the prescribed form of the medicine. The dosage is individual. Do not use for children under three years of age.

Solving problems with intestinal motility

After the restoration of the microflora or simultaneously with it, drugs are prescribed to improve intestinal motility.

Mezim-Forte is a drug in the form of tablets that activates the digestion process - a high level of absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats. The drug is contraindicated for pancreatitis.

Creon is a medicine in the form of gelatin capsules to improve digestion. The dosage depends on the severity of the disease. Like Mezim, it is contraindicated in chronic pancreatitis.

Vitamin intake

In case of chronic colitis, in addition to medications, vitamins of groups C, B, PP, and U are prescribed. These organic compounds are consumed orally, parenterally, or in the form of injections. Injections are given with some B vitamins.

B1 is used to better cleanse the body.

Vitamin B3 improves the production of stomach acid and harmonizes the functionality of the intestinal tract.

U is used as a building material. With its help, damaged areas of the intestine are restored. PP involves the secretory activity of the human stomach.

Nutritional Features

When being treated for colitis, following a diet is almost the most important component recovery. If you have an intestinal disease, you can eat the following foods:

  • Yesterday's coarse wheat bread, crackers. Fresh white bread and baked goods increase the production of gases, peristalsis accelerates - this will negatively affect the patient’s condition.
  • Soup, porridge with water, vegetable broth. Soup and not only animal fats burden the work of the stomach, intestines, and liver.
  • Meat, fish in the form of steamed cutlets.
  • Consume low-fat dairy products.
  • Confectionery in moderation.
  • Tea, cocoa, soft coffee.
  • No more than two spoons of sugar per day, a few sweets.

It is worth giving up:

  • legumes, pasta - cause excessive gas formation;
  • raw fruits and vegetables – fiber enhances peristalsis;
  • canned food, pickles, smoked, pickled - these products irritate the intestinal lining and cause inflammation;
  • fast food;
  • spices, seasonings.

2. Massive bleeding from the colon. This the complication leads to anemia (decreased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin), as well as hypovolemic (reduced blood volume) shock.

3. Malignization (malignancy)– the appearance of a malignant tumor at the site of inflammation.

4. Secondary intestinal infections. Inflamed mucosa is a good environment for development intestinal infection. This complication significantly worsens the course of the disease. Diarrhea gets worse, stools 10-14 times a day, high fever, dehydration.

5. Purulent complications. For example, paraproctitis is an acute inflammation of the fatty tissue near the rectum. This purulent complication is treated surgically.

Treatment of UC

Effective treatment Only possible with a specialist doctor. Exacerbation of the disease can only be treated in a hospital.

Diet for UC

Diet principles
1. All food must be boiled or baked.
2. Dishes should be eaten warm. Meal frequency – 5 times a day.
3. Last meal no later than 19.00.
4. The diet should be hypercaloric (high in calories) 2500-3000 calories per day. The exception is for obese patients.
5. The diet should be hyperprotein (high protein content)
6. Should contain increased amounts of vitamins and microelements

Prohibited Products
The products described below cause chemical and mechanical irritation of the colon mucosa. Irritation increases inflammatory process. Also, some foods increase peristalsis (movement) of the large intestine, which worsens diarrhea.
- alcohol
- carbonated drinks
- dairy
- mushrooms
- fatty meats (duck, goose, pork)
- kiwi, plum, dried apricots
- any type of spice
- coffee, cocoa, strong tea, chocolate
- ketchup, mustard
- any peppered and highly salted dishes
- chips, popcorn, crackers
- raw vegetables
- nuts
- seeds
- legumes
- corn

Products to be consumed:
- fruits
- berries
- various slimy cereals
- boiled eggs
- low-fat meats (beef, chicken, rabbit)
- juice from tomatoes and oranges
- non-fatty fish
- liver
- cheese
- seafood

Drug treatment

Drugs from the group of aminosalicylates are used. During an exacerbation, sulfasalazine is used orally 1 gram 3-4 times a day until remission occurs. In remission phase dose
0.5-1 gram 2 times a day.

Mesalazine – 0.5-1 gram 3-4 times a day during exacerbation. In remission, 0.5 grams 2 times a day.

To treat ulcerative colitis in the area of ​​the rectum and sigmoid colon, suppositories or enemas with salofalk or mesalazole are used.

Corticosteroids are used for severe forms of the disease. Prednisolone is prescribed orally at 40-60 milligrams per day, the duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks. After which the dose of the drug is reduced by 5 mg per week.

IN Lately local corticosteroids are used. Budesonide - 3 mg 3 times a day for 12 months, then 2 mg 3 times a day for another 6 weeks and then 1 mg 3 times a day for 6 weeks.

Immunosuppressants are also sometimes used. Cyclosporine A is used for acute and fulminant forms of the disease at a dose of 4 mg per kilogram of body weight intravenously. Or azathioprine orally at a dose of 2-3 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Symptomatic treatment. Various types of anti-inflammatory drugs that provide pain relief, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.
Vitamin therapy (vitamins B and C)

Prevention of UC

One of the most important preventative measures is diet. It is also important to have a preventive visit to a general practitioner and take blood and stool tests.

What traditional methods of treating UC exist?

In the treatment of UC ethnoscience uses a number of food products of plant (and not only) origin, as well as decoctions and infusions prepared from these products.
  • Bananas
Bananas are one of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Eating one or two ripe bananas daily significantly reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease and speeds up the recovery process.
  • Return
A glass of skim milk is also an effective cure for ulcerative colitis. For therapeutic purposes, you should drink one glass of skim milk in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Apples
For ulcerative colitis, only heat-treated apples are a medicinal product; fresh fruit will not benefit the patient. One of the most popular recipes medicinal use Apples are baked in the oven or steamed. This remedy helps the healing process of intestinal ulcers.
  • Congee
Rice water, which contains a large amount of mucus, is extremely useful for ulcerative colitis. It is prepared like this: grind a glass of washed and dried rice in a coffee grinder (or take ready-made rice flour). Heat 1 liter of water in warm water add rice flour and a pinch of salt while stirring; bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring continuously. The decoction is ready. It should be taken warm, one glass three times a day, before meals. The use of rice water is especially important for exacerbations of ulcerative colitis, accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea).

There is another effective recipe for treating UC using rice:
you need to cook five tablespoons of rice in a small amount of water until it has the consistency of a slurry porridge. Mix the resulting rice porridge with a glass of skim milk and mashed ripe banana. In case of exacerbation of the disease, you should consume this dish twice a day on an empty stomach.

  • Wheat decoction
An indispensable assistant in the treatment of ulcerative colitis is a decoction of wheat. This remedy strengthens immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the healing of ulcers on the intestinal walls.

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of whole wheat grains;
  • 200 ml water.
The grains are poured with water and boiled for 5 minutes. The resulting broth is placed in a thermos and infused for 24 hours. You can optionally add vegetable juices to the broth.

Wheat decoction can also be used for enemas.

  • Turnip decoction

To prepare this remedy you will need:

  • a few turnip leaves;
  • vegetable juice (from the same turnip, or from carrots, zucchini, cabbage, etc.).
You need to prepare a decoction of turnip leaves, at the rate of 150 g per 150 ml of water. After cooking (boil for 3-4 minutes), mix the broth with vegetable juice. The total volume of the prepared drink should be 1 liter. You need to drink it 1 day (in equal quantities, before meals).

This decoction contains ingredients that prevent constipation, improve digestion, and soften stool.

  • Decoction of watermelon rinds
100 g of dried watermelon rinds are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and left for 3-4 hours. The resulting decoction is taken half a glass 4 times a day (instead, if you have UC, you can take powder from dried watermelon rind - a teaspoon 3 times a day).

What is the prognosis for patients with UC?

The likelihood of curing ulcerative colitis depends on the severity of the disease, the presence of complications, and the timeliness of starting treatment.

In the absence of adequate treatment, patients suffering from ulcerative colitis very quickly develop secondary diseases (complications), such as:

  • Severe intestinal bleeding;
  • Perforation (perforation) of the colon with subsequent development of peritonitis;
  • Formation of abscesses (ulcers) and fistulas;
  • Severe dehydration;
  • Sepsis (“blood poisoning”);
  • Liver dystrophy;
  • The formation of kidney stones due to impaired absorption of fluid from the intestine;
  • Increased risk of developing colon cancer.
These complications significantly worsen the patient's condition and in some cases lead to death (5-10% of cases) or disability (40-50% of cases).

However, with mild to moderate, uncomplicated course of the disease, with timely treatment started using all modern methods, with the patient following a diet and preventive measures, the prognosis of the disease is quite favorable. Relapses after proper treatment occur every few years and are quickly stopped by the use of medications.

How to treat UC with herbs?

Here are some recipes for using medicinal plants in the treatment of ulcerative colitis:
  • Oak bark infusion
An infusion of oak bark has an astringent and antimicrobial effect, and also reduces the permeability of the intestinal wall during inflammation. The infusion helps prevent diarrhea, thereby reducing irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

To prepare the infusion, a teaspoon of crushed dry oak bark is poured with half a liter of cold boiled water and infused at room temperature for 8-9 hours. Drink the resulting infusion throughout the day in equal portions.

  • Aloe vera juice
When treating UC, you should drink half a glass of aloe vera juice twice a day. This remedy has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and heals ulcers well.
  • Goldenrod infusion
Goldenrod is a plant that has pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties; An infusion of goldenrod herb significantly accelerates the healing process of the intestinal walls.

The infusion is prepared as follows: 20 g of dry goldenrod herb, poured with a glass of boiling water, is kept in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Then the fire is turned off, but the infusion is not removed from the water bath for another 45 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered and boiled water is added to 200 ml. Take 2 tablets three times a day. spoons before meals.

  • Horsetail infusion
In the same way as with goldenrod, an infusion of horsetail herb is prepared. Horsetail has a variety of medicinal properties, including improving digestion, preventing constipation and promoting the healing of ulcers. Take horsetail infusion half a glass three times a day, before meals.
  • Chinese bitter gourd infusion
Eating bitter gourd leaves (momordica) stimulates digestion and, according to numerous studies, prevents the development of intestinal cancer. This exotic plant is successfully grown in central Russia.
To prepare the infusion you will need:
  • 1 tablespoon dry crushed bitter gourd leaves;
  • 200 ml of boiling water.
Pour boiling water over the leaves and leave for half an hour. Drink one glass of infusion three times a day.
  • Herbal infusion
An infusion of herbs – chamomile, sage and centaury, taken in equal parts – has an effective anti-inflammatory effect during exacerbations of ulcerative colitis. A tablespoon of this mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, allowed to cool, and filtered. The infusion is taken one tablespoon at a time throughout the day. Intervals between doses are 1-2 hours. The course of treatment is 1 month.