What foods contain vegetable protein? List of products - main sources of vegetable protein

Hi all. I continue to write articles for you, and I no longer know which one it is. But its name sounds like this: “Vegetable protein. Grocery list". Naturally, I will tell you what products contain it, how it differs from animal protein, and whether it is needed at all.

I won’t talk about the fact that protein is the basis of all living and nonliving things. So, even plants contain protein to one degree or another. But I will try to highlight only those that are leading in terms of indicators in this matter.

Do you need plant protein?

As you know, any protein consists of a set of certain amino acids. Just don’t ask which ones - the topic is very boring. So, these amino acids differ in certain products. And it would be quite logical to say that animal products are simply not able to provide us with all the necessary amino acids. And by the way, they are replaceable and irreplaceable. This is where plant protein comes to the rescue. In addition, food products of plant origin are somewhat cheaper than animal products. For example, a kilogram of rice is cheaper than a kilogram of chicken. So think about it.

What is the difference between an animal and a plant?

The fact is that modern man has not yet adapted over those millennia of evolution to animal food: digestion is very long, the alkaline environment of the mouth, unlike carnivores, which is acidic (this affects the primary processing of food), rapid wear and tear of the digestive system with a large amount animal food, the development of diseases, and in general many other unpleasant moments.

For reference: digesting plant protein takes half as long as animal protein. I mean complete digestion, and not the kind we are taught at school in biology lessons - 2 hours. Animal proteins - a maximum of 8 hours (fatty meat), but if you take on average, then plant proteins are twice as fast. So, about 4.

By the way, torture existed in ancient times. It consisted in the fact that the prisoner was fed only meat. I don’t know all the details, but the result is this: the man died long and painfully - in terrible agony, as the source writes. Do you think this could happen to a person who eats only plant products? Look at vegetarians - they live and enjoy life, although you won’t find a vegan bodybuilder among them during the day. Somehow I deviated from the topic.

In short, in order to feel good, you need to know the “golden mean”. Nutritionists generally advise taking a dish from plants as a basis, and as a supplement – ​​meat, for example, or something else.

Daily requirement

You know, so many studies and tests have already been conducted on this matter that you don’t know who to believe, because the difference is big. Some argue that an adult needs up to 120 grams of protein per day, others call a completely different figure - 60 grams. Third studies, in my opinion, have generally reached the point of absurdity - 25 grams. Therefore, I will rely on my experience and knowledge.

The daily requirement (this is stated by many athletes, coaches and sports nutrition manufacturers) is calculated as follows: 2 - 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. It turns out that with a weight of 80 kg, a person needs to eat (let’s take the minimum) 160 grams. This is provided that the person leads an active lifestyle or plays sports. Naturally, for an ordinary person this figure is somewhat lower. So it turns out that, in essence, the first researchers were right.

But I would like to advise you to consume not only plant protein, but also animal protein. After all, I already said that they complement each other. In the case of sports, 50% of proteins should come from food, and the other 50% from sports nutrition. This applies more to bodybuilders aimed at gaining muscle mass, and female bodybuilders who want to have a slim body.

Grocery list

I think I’ve already spoken, and it’s time to finally introduce you to foods rich in protein.

Generally speaking, the highest concentration of protein is found in:

But also don’t forget about fruits and vegetables - they also contain enough protein, but not so much compared to the list described above. Here is a table of fruits containing the average amount of protein:

Name, quantity - Protein, grams

I note that vegetable protein is absorbed regardless of the method of preparation. That is, the same product can be prepared in different ways (fried, steamed, boiled, etc.), but the protein still remains in approximately the same quantities. Another thing is vitamins, which are lost during prolonged open heat treatment.

There is also information that avocado has a large amount of protein, but it is an infrequent “guest” on the shelves of our stores.

In addition, protein products (vegetable) can be whole dishes at once: vegetable soup, borscht, pea soup, porridge.

Well, I showed you what vegetable protein is, and I also provided a list of products. Use the information for your health, subscribe to blog updates and share the article with your friends. All the best, all the best to you, especially good mood.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov


Review of products containing plant-based protein

Proteins, also called proteins or polypeptides, are organic substances that are present in any living organism and perform various functions. Depending on the type, proteins are responsible for metabolism, cell renewal, and amino acids formed in the body from proteins are converted into energy. Protein is an integral component of both the animal and human body. Protein is divided into two types - animal and plant origin.

  1. Animal protein and plant protein
  2. Protein for muscles

Vegetable protein enters the body and is absorbed, regardless of how the product (dish) was prepared.

Vegetable protein - product list

Vegetable protein enters the body with food and its greatest amount is found in the following products:

  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans);
  • Nuts;
  • Various seeds (sunflower, pumpkin);
  • Hummus.

Proteins of plant origin are absorbed by the body regardless of the method of preparation of a particular product. So, beans can be boiled, canned or stewed, but their beneficial components, including protein, enter the body and are absorbed by it.

Sources of vegetable protein are also fruits and dried fruits. This substance, useful for the body, is contained in:

  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • cherry;
  • bananas;
  • kiwi;
  • papaya.

If we talk about other plant foods rich in protein, we can't help but mention avocado, which is often mistakenly classified as a vegetable. This fruit can be eaten either separately or as part of any dish. But he is far from the only one on the list.

In order to correctly create a diet, you need to know not only the name of the fruit, but also the amount of plant proteins. The table below will help you understand this issue:

Animal protein and plant protein

Protein in the human body comes from two types of products - plant and animal origin. Accordingly, animal protein is found in:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs.

According to the recommendations of nutritionists, proteins of plant and animal origin are equally useful and necessary for the human body for health and normal functioning. Either a lack of animal or plant protein alone, or an excess of one or the other can cause harm.

Protein in plant foods

  • potatoes;
  • rice;
  • cabbage (white);
  • pepper (sweet);
  • greenery;
  • radish;
  • champignons;
  • sauerkraut.

Protein-rich plant products retain their properties after cooking and heat treatment.

Protein-rich plant foods consist not only of individual products, but also of entire dishes. Liquid dishes such as:

  • borsch;
  • vegetarian cabbage soup;
  • potato soup;
  • pea soup;
  • broth (chicken, meat).

Vegetable protein – in what products?

According to the recommendations of nutritionists, a person should consume two types of protein - plant and animal origin. Given this, there is an argument that vegetarians and people who eat little meat in their diet lose or do not receive nutrients necessary for their body. But in contrast to this theory, there is an opinion that plant proteins can easily replace and replace the intake of animal proteins.


What is protein?

The scientific name of protein is protein, which means “first” in Greek. A high-molecular substance of organic origin consists of amino acids. Protein is part of all, absolutely all cells of the body. Most cells consist of half of it.

IN human body 21 amino acids, 8 of which are essential for full functioning. This:

  • leucine;
  • lysine;
  • valine;
  • tryptophan;
  • methionine;
  • threonine;
  • isoleucine;
  • phenylalaline.

Essential means that the body does not have the ability to produce it itself and therefore must obtain it from external sources. To help you, see the table of proteins in food, which will be listed below.

Function of protein in the body

So, visually for you, protein is:

  • muscles;
  • leather;
  • organs;
  • hair.

And if we look at it globally, protein provides you with a full-fledged existence, since:

Human protein needs

After all that has been said about protein, you may get the impression that more is better. Why not give the body so many useful things, if possible? However, this is a misconception. Best the enemy of the good. There is nothing more beneficial for a person than balance, regardless of the application. In this regard, a formula has been derived that calculates the optimal amount of protein for a person in accordance with his life and weight. So, the average amount is 0.85 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. This amount covers the daily protein requirement. The amount of protein in foods (table below) will help you correctly compose your diet.

And now - the details. If you lead an active lifestyle, then the amount of protein should be increased to 1.7 grams per kilogram of weight. With this proportion, protein synthesis in muscles increases. If we look at the athletes’ indicators, the data is as follows:

  • to develop or maintain existing muscle mass, you need to consume about 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight;
  • To reduce your body fat percentage, you can temporarily increase your intake to 1.9 grams of protein per kilogram of weight.

For harmonious and optimal absorption of protein, it is recommended not to exceed its consumption above 30 grams per meal.

Table of proteins in foods of animal origin

Animal proteins, compared to their plant counterparts, have a more advanced composition of those same essential amino acids. Consider a list of protein-rich animal products.

Chicken egg 12,8
Egg powder 44,8
Whey 3
Medium fat milk 2,9
Medium fat kefir 2,7
Low-fat cottage cheese 18
Cottage cheese 5% fat 10,1
Cottage cheese 9% fat 9,7
Cheese "Russian" 25
Parmesan cheese 36
Beef 19
Lean pork 16,5
Red fish (pink salmon) 20,9
Chicken fillet 22
Beef liver 17,5
Heart 15
Turkey fillet 21,4
Rabbit meat 21
Veal 19,8
Boiled sausage 14
Raw smoked sausage 15,7
Shrimps 27
Tuna 23
Salmon 21
Squid 18
Hake 17
Herring 16,4
Language 15,8
Heavy cream, sour cream 2,8

Table of proteins in plant-based foods

It is more difficult for vegetarians to obtain the required amount of food to provide the body with the necessary amino acids; in most cases, they have to resort to special nutritional supplements.
Consider a list of protein-rich plant foods.

Products Amount of protein per 100 grams, grams
Dry peas 21,9
Beans 23,8
Premium wheat flour 10,8
Rye flour 10,7
Oat groats 11,2
Buckwheat 13,2
Rice 6,9
Millet 12,4
Semolina 12
Pearl barley 8,7
Barley groats 9,8
Peanut 26,4
Corn 8,5
Potato 2
Eggplant 1,1
Cauliflower 2,6
Red cabbage 0,6
Sauerkraut 1,9
Bulb onions 1,5
Green onion 1,4
Carrot 1,3
Green salad 1,6
Beet 1,6
Radish 1,9
Raisin 1,8
Almond 58

Ideally, you need to combine proteins of both animal and plant origin in your diet, since the latter are a source of fiber and vitamins. Plus, vegetable protein is easier to digest and does not carry with it fat and cholesterol, unlike its animal counterpart. A table of proteins in foods will help you maintain balance.

Protein deficiency and its consequences

In order to imagine the consequences of a systematic lack of protein, it is enough to simply read again all its main functions in the body and think backwards. In other words, protein deficiency is:

  • weakened immune system;
  • failure of processes that ensure comfortable functioning of the body;
  • problems with muscles, skin, hair, general exhaustion;
  • anemia.

Protein surplus and its consequences

Everything is good in moderation, everyone knows that. In pursuit of muscle mass, beautiful relief and a developed figure, many athletes tend to overeat protein. This also applies to those who are fond of low-carb diets and gain the main amount daily norm calories from proteins and fats. It must be remembered that the table of protein in products will allow you to adhere to the norm.

  1. Systematic excess of protein norms is fraught with the development of kidney stones. The risk increases by 2.5 times!
  2. Excess protein can stimulate the development of diseases such as osteoporosis. If you have kidney problems, even minor ones, a heavy dose of protein will make them worse.
  3. Dehydration. Yes, indeed, it’s not the worst problem compared to others; it’s enough just to consume the required amount of liquid.
  4. Excess protein increases the risk of cancer of the digestive system.
  5. If there is an imbalance in the diet with excess protein, ketosis can develop. This process is characterized by the growth of ketone bodies (a product of the breakdown of fat cells). Excess ketones poison the body, causing nausea, vomiting and an acetone odor from the body. IN extreme cases such a condition can lead to ketoacitosis coma, which is a direct threat to life. To avoid this, adjust your diet wisely (the table of protein in foods will help with this).

Protein Rich Dietary Supplements

What to do if you can’t get the prescribed amount of protein with regular food? This is where special nutritional supplements come to the rescue. Don’t be alarmed - this applies primarily to athletes, since the average person will easily “eat” their 0.85 grams per 1 kilogram of weight. Don’t be scared, this is not food, not steroids and other horror stories, this is pure protein. Naturally, it is necessary to approach the choice with all responsibility - not only the amount of proteins in the products (table above), but also reviews from serious sources should form the basis. For example, it is worth special mentioning the currently popular BCAA supplement - this is the same protein that has already been broken down for you, leaving three essential amino acids, of which about 30% muscles are made up. This supplement is indicated for intense physical activity, as it stimulates rapid muscle recovery.

Bottom line

What more can be said? Protein is one of the three pillars on which human health rests.
The composition of proteins in foods is extremely important in the process of building a healthy diet. There is no need to fanatically monitor the prescribed grams of protein per kilogram of weight - its amount can fluctuate from day to day in accordance with your preferences, but the average should be within the norm.


What are the benefits of vegetable protein?

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • prevention of colds,
  • cancer prevention,
  • saturates the body with fiber,
  • restores natural microflora,
  • does not contain cholesterol,
  • easily and quickly absorbed,
  • improves metabolism,
  • normalizes digestion,
  • relieves constipation,
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system,
  • prevention of atherosclerosis,
  • normalizes the process of hematopoiesis,
  • diabetes prevention,
  • stimulates the reproductive system,
  • protects against obesity,
  • energizes,
  • gives strength,
  • improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Harm from animal proteins

Consumption of such products, especially in excessive quantities, leads to metabolic disorders, weakening immune system and human hearts. In addition, excessive consumption of red meat provokes the development of cancer - meat causes cancer.

If animal protein is so beneficial, then why do doctors themselves always advise giving it up during treatment for diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive system? 🙂 Many therapeutic diets do not include meat and fish. It's worth thinking about.

Read more about the dangers of animal protein in the article “Harms from Meat” and “Harms from Dairy Products.” Here I would only like to add that it poisons all human cells, tissues and organs.

Vegetable Protein Sources

Vegetable protein sources: mostly legumes, nuts, sprouts, seeds, dried fruits; V to a lesser extent raw fruits and vegetables.

Grocery list

We bring to your attention plant-based products that contain large amounts of protein.

This microalgae is a complete plant protein. Its amount in spirulina is so high (60-70%, that is, in 10 g of the plant there is as much as in 1 kg of beef) that the plant has gained enormous popularity among vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists.

In addition, soybeans rank second (after quinoa) among plant proteins, which contain all amino acids.

Also, a serving of this product includes 17 g of carbohydrates and 15 g of fat. Beans are beneficial for their fiber, which helps improve intestinal function. Unsaturated fats have great benefits for the cardiovascular system.

Edamame are unripened soybeans. Despite their tiny size, they are very rich in protein. As a rule, they are boiled or steamed directly from the pods.

In addition, this type of legume is an excellent source of fiber and folic acid, as well as thiamine, phosphorus and iron. Lentils are used to make salads, soups and vegetarian/raw food cutlets.

In addition to protein, it is a rich source of vitamins B, A, C, thiamine, phosphorus and iron. Folic acid, which is part of it, helps reduce the likelihood of problems with the cardiovascular system. Additionally, one serving of peas contains 5.5 grams of fiber.

Spinach is a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins: C, vitamins B, K, P and PP, as well as potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, and it contains no less carotene than carrots.

Eating spinach promotes the healthy development of children and the passage of a normal period in women during pregnancy.

Nuts and seeds

A handful of nuts and seeds provides a person's daily protein requirement. Include them in your diet and you will cleanse your body of bad cholesterol while increasing healthy cholesterol.

Dried fruits

1 cup of dried apricots - 5 g of protein, prunes - 4.5 g. 100 g of dried banana - 1.5 g of protein. In addition, dried fruits contain minerals and vitamins.

Also, their use is a prevention of cancer of the stomach, lungs and intestines.


Broccoli is a source of protein without fat - a godsend for those on a diet. A glass of cabbage roots provides 100% of your daily requirement for vitamins C and K.

Broccoli also contains folic acid which helps reduce the risk of cancer.

Refuse food of animal origin, replace it with natural and healthy ones. Instead of cow's milk, drink almond or sesame milk, for example, and eat legumes instead of chicken. The more varied your new diet, the better for your health. 😉


Green pea

100 g of peas contains 5.4 g of well-balanced protein. During Lent you won't find fresh, but you can use frozen or canned - it contains 3.6 g of protein.

Add peas to salads, cook pea soup, or make pea cutlets or pancakes.


In Russia you can mainly find quinoa grains. It is used to prepare porridge or side dishes. Quinoa is ground into flour and used for baking. homebaked bread and make homemade pasta.

Quinoa can replace rice in any dish and add a new twist of flavor. 100 g of dry grain contains about 14 g of protein - more than in buckwheat; quinoa is rightly called the “protein factory”.

Pictured: cooked quinoa
Photo: besthomechef.com.au

In addition, it does not contain gluten, which means that quinoa baking can replace bread for people with gluten intolerance.


Nuts are best consumed as a snack or added to salads and yogurt. Nuts are very high in calories and contain a lot of fat (though healthy unsaturated fats) - in 100 g of hazelnuts, for example, 15 g of protein and 50 g of fat, and in 100 g of walnuts - 20 g of protein and more than 60 g of fat. Therefore, you can consume them only in very small quantities - several pieces per day.

Nuts have a low glycemic index and lower blood cholesterol levels, which means they are useful for people with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases to include in their diet.


Bean seeds contain 24 g of protein per 100 g of product. Dry beans take a long time to cook and must first be soaked overnight, but canned beans are no worse in nutritional value.

Bean soup, bean salad, beans with stewed vegetables - there are many recipes. Green green beans can be consumed as a main dish.


100 g of chickpeas contain 20-30 g of protein and more than eighty other useful substances. Chickpeas are added to salads and soups, used as a side dish, flatbreads are made from chickpea flour, boiled and chopped chickpeas with the addition of seasonings will be an excellent sauce for vegetables, sprouted chickpeas are very healthy.


Like other soy products, tofu is very rich in protein: 100 g of firm tofu contains 10 g of protein, and soft tofu contains 5 g.

Soy protein contains all the essential amino acids for humans, so soy must be included in the diet during fasting.

Tofu has a neutral taste, so it absorbs the flavors of other ingredients. It is added to soups and salads, sauces are made from it, tofu is stewed with vegetables, served with noodles, fruits, and used as a filling for pies.

Green vegetables

Of course, they do not contain as much protein as legumes or nuts, but they still contain quite a lot of it with a very low calorie content.

Pictured: broccoli and spinach
Photo: shutterstock.com

For example, 100 g of broccoli contains 3 g of protein and only 32 kcal. And 100 g of spinach with the same amount of protein contains only 23 kcal. These foods can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities.


Pumpkin seeds are one-third protein. 100 g of sunflower seeds contain 20 g of protein. Like nuts, they are very fatty and high in calories, but it is worth including them in your diet in small quantities.

Add seeds to salads, porridge, snacks, or use as a snack. You can include bread with seeds in your diet.


100 g of sesame contains almost 20 g of protein. Don't forget to add it to noodle dishes, Asian soups, desserts, baked goods and salads.

In addition to a large number of vitamins, sesame contains two strong antioxidants - sesamin and sesamolin, which protect cells from the effects of free radicals.


A wheat protein product, essentially gluten. It tastes like poultry, replaces chicken meat in all recipes with it and is called “vegetarian meat”. Its homeland is East Asia, where it is widely used in cooking. You can buy it in canned form in specialized stores.

In the photo: seitan cutlets
Photo: flickr.com

100 g of seitan contains 25 g of protein. Any dish with it tastes like chicken, but is lean.

Soy milk

100 ml of soy milk contains about 3 g of protein, so while fasting, do not exclude milk from your diet, just replace it with soy milk. Give preference to soy milk, additionally fortified with calcium and vitamin B12.

There are also other types of plant milk: rice, almond, oat, but they are more difficult to find in stores.

Cocoa powder

This cocoa product is very rich in protein. 100 g of cocoa powder contains 24 g of protein. 1 teaspoon contains 1 g. During fasting, prepare cocoa based on soy milk, add cocoa to baked goods.

Many people believe that plant foods do not contain protein. It's time to dispel this myth. We bring to your attention the top best plant-based sources of protein.

“Where can I get protein?” – this is the question asked by athletes who adhere to a plant-based diet. Praised on the Internet chicken breast with brown rice, but few people write about plant sources of protein. The fact is that people believe in the myth of “complete proteins.”

To be considered a “complete” protein, a product must contain all nine essential amino acids. Meat and fish are considered “complete” proteins, and many are sure that it is impossible to live without them. Meanwhile, plant proteins are called second-rate and considered useless in gaining muscle mass. But is it true that you should only eat “complete” proteins?

The answer is simple: no.

Your main task is to consume enough essential amino acids to protect your body from deficiency. However, nutritionists say that not all nine must be contained in one product.

In other words, a varied plant-based diet can fully satisfy the body's need for amino acids. Which proteins are better - plant or animal?

In general, plant proteins and diets. Studies have shown that people who avoid animal products for ethnic or religious reasons have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and hypertension. They also have a longer life expectancy. All this is a good reason to add plant proteins to your diet. Please pay attention to the following products:


Although grains are called useless carbohydrates, they are an important element in the nutrition of athletes. Indeed, some cereals, such as white and brown rice, contain little protein, only about 5 g per 100 g. But among grains there are also those that are very rich in proteins. For example, gluten or wheat gluten contains as much as 80g of protein per 100g. Gluten-containing foods can be converted into complete protein when cooked with soy sauce.

Most grains become complete proteins when combined with beans or vegetables. In addition to protein, grains contain fiber, B vitamins and minerals such as iron and magnesium.

Some high-protein grains include: wild rice (14.7g per 10g), oatmeal (12g per 100g), couscous (9.2g per 100g).


Nuts are often considered only as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. But in addition, nuts are high in vegetable protein. 100 g of almonds and pistachios contain about 21 g of protein and relatively little saturated fat.

Raw or roasted nuts can be eaten as a quick snack, and nut butter makes a great breakfast addition.

Nuts contain less than 9 essential amino acids, but when combined with cereals like oatmeal or whole grain bread, they turn into complete proteins.


Contrary to popular belief, peanuts belong to the legume family and are related to lentils, chickpeas and soybeans. And although soybeans are the only complete protein in this family, peanut butter and hummus (chickpea butter) combined with whole grain bread or crispbreads can compete.

Beans are valuable not only for their taste and variety, but also for their high content of proteins, fiber, B vitamins, potassium and calcium. And in combination with cereals, they saturate the body with all 9 essential amino acids.

These legumes are rich in protein and fiber: lentils (24 g per 100 g), peanut butter (24.8 g per 100 g), hummus (9.6 g per 100 g), chickpeas (20.1 g per 100 g) , soybeans (27.6 per 100 g), black beans (6 g per 100 g), kidney beans (21 g per 100 g).


Among cereals there is the only representative of complete proteins. These are the seeds of quinoa or quinoa, which are called super seeds for their exceptional nutritional value. Quinoa is often mistaken for a grain due to the similarity in how it is prepared and consumed. Quinoa is an excellent low-carb, low-calorie alternative to rice, containing 13g of protein per 100g of uncooked seeds.

The highest protein grains/seeds: buckwheat (12 g per 100 g), hemp seeds (31 g per 100 g), chia seeds(17.5 g per 100 g), sunflower seeds (22.3 g per 100 g) and pumpkin seeds (16.7 g per 100 g). Eat them with legumes, such as lentils or chickpeas, to provide your body with all the essential amino acids.

Hi all. I continue to write articles for you, and I no longer know which one it is. But its name sounds like this: “Vegetable protein. Grocery list". Naturally, I will tell you what products contain it, how it differs from animal protein, and whether it is needed at all.

I won’t talk about the fact that protein is the basis of all living and nonliving things. So, they even contain protein to one degree or another. But I will try to highlight only those that are leading in terms of indicators in this matter.

Do you need plant protein?

As you know, any protein consists of a set of certain amino acids. Just don’t ask which ones - the topic is very boring. So, these amino acids differ in certain products. And it would be quite logical to say that animal products are simply not able to provide us with all the necessary amino acids. And by the way, they are replaceable and irreplaceable. This is where plant protein comes to the rescue. In addition, food products of plant origin are somewhat cheaper than animal products. For example, a kilogram of rice is cheaper than a kilogram of chicken. So think about it.

What is the difference between an animal and a plant?

The fact is that modern man has not yet adapted over those millennia of evolution to animal food: the alkaline environment of the mouth, unlike carnivores, which is acidic (this affects the primary processing of food), rapid wear and tear of the digestive system with a large amount of animal food, the development of diseases, and in general there are many other unpleasant moments.

For reference: digesting plant protein takes half as long as animal protein. I mean complete digestion, and not the kind we are taught at school in biology lessons - 2 hours. Animal proteins - a maximum of 8 hours (fatty meat), but if you take on average, then plant proteins are twice as fast. So, about 4.

By the way, torture existed in ancient times. It consisted in the fact that the prisoner was fed only meat. I don’t know all the details, but the result is this: the man died long and painfully - in terrible agony, as the source writes. Do you think this could happen to a person who eats only plant products? Look at them - they live and enjoy life, although you won’t find a vegan bodybuilder among them during the day. Somehow I deviated from the topic.

In short, in order to feel good, you need to know the “golden mean”. Nutritionists generally advise taking a dish from plants as a basis, and as a supplement – ​​meat, for example, or something else.

Daily requirement

You know, so many studies and tests have already been conducted on this matter that you don’t know who to believe, because the difference is big. Some argue that an adult needs up to 120 grams of protein per day, others call a completely different figure - 60 grams. Third studies, in my opinion, have generally reached the point of absurdity - 25 grams. Therefore, I will rely on my experience and knowledge.

The daily requirement (this is stated by many athletes, coaches and manufacturers) is calculated as follows: 2 - 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. It turns out that with a weight of 80 kg, a person needs to eat (let’s take the minimum) 160 grams. This is provided that the person leads an active lifestyle or. Naturally, for an ordinary person this figure is somewhat lower. So it turns out that, in essence, the first researchers were right.

But I would like to advise you to consume not only plant protein, but also animal protein. After all, I already said that they complement each other. In the case of sports, 50% of proteins should come from food, and the other 50% from sports nutrition. This applies more to bodybuilders aimed at gaining muscle mass, and female bodybuilders who want to have a slim body.

Grocery list

I think I’ve already spoken, and it’s time to finally introduce you to foods rich in protein.

Generally speaking, the highest concentration of protein is found in:

  1. legumes (lentils, peas, soybeans, beans and others);
  2. cereals (oats, rice, barley);
  3. seeds (sunflower, pumpkin);
  4. nuts;
  5. greenery.

But also don’t forget about fruits and vegetables - they also contain enough protein, but not so much compared to the list described above. Here is a table of fruits containing the average amount of protein:

Name, quantity - Protein, grams

  1. Dried apricots (150 – 170 g) – 5.3
  2. Prunes (150 – 170 g) – 4.8
  3. Cherry (200 g) – 3.2
  4. Banana (1 piece) – 2.5
  5. Papaya (1 piece) – 2.3
  6. Kiwi (1 piece) – 2

I note that vegetable protein is absorbed regardless of the method of preparation. That is, the same product can be prepared in different ways (fried, steamed, boiled, etc.), but the protein still remains in approximately the same quantities. Another thing is vitamins, which are lost during prolonged open heat treatment.

There is also information that avocado has a large amount of protein, but it is an infrequent “guest” on the shelves of our stores.

In addition, protein products (vegetable) can be whole dishes at once: vegetable soup, borscht, pea soup, porridge.

Well, I showed you what vegetable protein is, and I also provided a list of products. Use the information for your health, subscribe to blog updates and share the article with your friends. All the best, all the best to you, especially good mood.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Proteins perform the main plastic function in the body. Thanks to them, the construction of growing and reproduction of collapsing tissues occurs.

Proteins contain amino acids. Our body is able to produce some on its own, they are called replaceable, while others are not, that is, they are irreplaceable.

Depending on the food consumed, there are proteins of animal and plant origin. There is also a special preparation - protein, which is sold in pharmacies and health and sports nutrition stores.

Difference depending on origin

How do you know which proteins to eat? The origin of proteins affects the amount of nutrients received. But their difference lies not only in this.

There is information that the main difference between animal and plant proteins is their amino acid profiles. Animal proteins, of course, are much more similar to ours, and thus are absorbed easier and faster than plant proteins. origins are somewhat compromised by their limited amino acid content.

According to the findings of the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), animal protein has a balanced combination of all amino acids, which is why it is called complete protein, while plant protein is incomplete.

There are many additional factors that need to be considered when analyzing proteins; the GSHO states: "Animal protein and plant protein likely have the same health effects."

The school's researchers found that six-ounce servings of grilled steak and salmon provided 38 and 34 grams of protein, respectively. But while steak also contains 44 grams of fat, salmon contains 18 grams. A cooked cup of lentils, meanwhile, offers less protein (only 18 grams) but also contains less than one gram of fat.

But it is undeniable that origins have their advantages:

  • they oxidize our blood less due to the greater amount of minerals in them;
  • contain fewer impurities;
  • contain less fat;
  • they do not contain harmful cholesterol;
  • when eating plant foods, there is less load on the liver and kidneys;
  • easy to digest.

Animal protein

Food and Agriculture Organization senior nutrition officer Ellen Maulhoff (USA) says that especially in developing countries, fish and other meats, as well as eggs and milk, are important source high quality protein and microelements that are more difficult to obtain from plants. Other high value animal proteins are water-soluble by-products of the cheese-making process.

Protein content in milk and other animal products per 100 grams of food

The product's name

Amount of protein, grams

Milk and dairy products

Unsalted butter

Milk (fat content 3.2%)

Regular sour cream (fat content 25%)

Diet sour cream (fat content 10%)

Full fat kefir

Low-fat kefir

Milk (fat content 2.5%)

Milk (fat content 1%)

Fat cottage cheese

Medium fat cottage cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese

Pork is fatty

Pork meat



Rabbit meat

Beef by-products

Pork by-products

Poultry and egg products

Chicken eggs

Sea bass

River perch


Plant proteins

Soy products are some of the best options for plant-based proteins.

A 2007 Harvard School of Public Health study found that plant-based foods such as beans, nuts, and whole grains offer more nutritional benefits such as healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Protein content in food of plant origin per 100 grams of food

The product's name

Amount of protein, grams

White fresh

White dried

Fresh chanterelles

Fresh boletus

Fresh boletus

White fresh

White dried

Fresh chanterelles


Jam (on average)




Fruits and berries





Black currant

Green peas

White cabbage


Red pepper



How much protein is in buckwheat, other cereals and flour products

Do you like porridge? Or do you prefer bread to any dish? Then you should know how much protein is in buckwheat, rice, pasta, other cereals and flour products. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the tables below.

Protein in flour per 100 grams of product

The product's name

Amount of protein, grams


Wheat, 1st grade

Wheat, 2nd grade

Wheat, premium

Wheat wallpaper

Rye wallpaper

Rye seeded


in proteins

Adequate nutrition is achieved when the diet includes various products, primarily of plant origin (vegetables, cereals, legumes, fruits, wild edible plants), as well as animals (meat and poultry, eggs, various dairy products, seafood). In this case, the amount of animal proteins should be about 55% of their total content in the diet.

So how much protein do we need? Experts recommend taking 0.8 to 1 gram of protein for every kilogram of our weight. But the total amount should not be less than 40 grams.

Women should start eating more protein in the second half of pregnancy and continue while breastfeeding. You should also increase the dose of protein in case of frequent stress and illness.

Protein deficiency

Protein deficiency does not occur suddenly. The disease can develop over years, starting with childhood. The disease can also be transmitted to the patient’s children.

Symptoms of protein deficiency in the body:

  1. excessive irritability;
  2. apathy;
  3. prostration;
  4. hypotension;
  5. muscle dystrophy;
  6. swelling that masks weight loss;
  7. hair loses its elasticity and color fades.

Excess protein in the body

Excess protein tends to be converted into fat and glucose. As a result, a person’s health deteriorates and performance decreases.

Symptoms of excess protein:

  1. loss of appetite;
  2. increased excitability of the central nervous system;
  3. an increase in the amount of fatty tissue in the liver;
  4. deterioration of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys;
  5. bone fragility;
  6. the appearance of gout.

Protein diet

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with examples of protein diet menus separately for men and women, based on their average weight.

Sample menu for vegetarian men, calculating about 63 grams of protein per day

Meal time

Name of dish

Amount of protein in grams

1 bowl of oatmeal

1 cup soy milk

1 small bun

2 slices wheat bread

1 serving vegetarian baked beans

5 ounces tofu cheese

1 serving brown rice

1 serving of broccoli

Snack throughout the day

2 tablespoons (about 20 grams) peanut butter

6 crackers

Sample menu for vegetarian women, calculating about 52 grams of protein per day

Meal time

Name of dish

Amount of protein in grams

2 slices wheat toast

2 tablespoons (about 20 - 25 grams) peanut butter

200 grams soy yogurt

2 tablespoons (about 20 - 25 grams) almonds

1 serving lentils

1 serving of bulgur porridge

Snack throughout the day

1 cup soy milk

Please note that this diet is not intended for everyday nutrition. This menu can be used without harm to health during fasting days. It is also worth adhering to specific recommendations for men and women.

Many people who decide to eat exclusively healthy foods turn to a vegetarian diet, which does not contain excess fat and is rich in vitamins. Vegetarians can either completely avoid foods containing animal ingredients or limit their intake to dairy products and eggs. People who choose one of the options sooner or later raise the question of how to maintain a sufficient amount of protein in their diet. After all, protein is an essential part of human nutrition. With a vegetarian diet, it can be obtained by consuming foods containing plant protein. In general, protein should account for at least 20% of all calories consumed per day.

Vegetable protein in various products

So, if you have chosen a vegetarian diet for yourself and decided to eat exclusively healthy foods, then it is worth remembering where plant protein is contained. You can find these products in any store, and the variety of dishes based on them is enormous. One of the main sources of plant-based protein are legumes, which include beans, peas, and lentils. It is better to cook beans yourself rather than buy canned beans, but first you need to soak them in water for at least three hours. The richest protein among legumes is peas. In terms of protein content in dry form, it can even be compared with beef. But beans break all records for the presence of microelements, especially they contain a lot of copper and zinc. Lentil seeds are also rich in minerals, and its protein is very well absorbed by the human body, and it is also very easy to prepare.

In addition to all kinds of legumes, nuts and seeds also contain plant protein. Foods such as nuts are high in calories, which makes them less popular, but in small quantities they are very healthy. Don’t forget about such a wonderful, but rare product for our country, soybeans. These beans are rich in protein and very low in calories. Cottage cheese and milk are made from soybeans, which are an excellent substitute for meat in your diet. In addition, many stores sell semi-finished soy meat. It needs to be soaked in water for a short time, and then you can cook it, for example, in a stew.

Fruits and vegetables are sources of plant protein

Vegetables and fruits are alternative foods that contain plant protein. Foods such as dried fruits are the richest in protein; for example, a glass of dried apricots or prunes contains at least 4.5 grams of protein. Many fruits are also rich in polypeptide: for example, watermelons, coconuts and peaches, and especially avocados. The latter is used in Mexico to make very tasty pasta. And among vegetables: spinach, cauliflower, celery and carrots are also high in vegetable protein. The products that you choose for your diet must be combined correctly in order for the diet to be balanced. In addition to all of the above, it is worth remembering that foods rich in plant proteins do not contain elements such as iron and vitamin B.