Vitamin N deficiency diseases. Vitamin B7: Biotin

Vitamin B7 is a microelement necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the human body. It is a water-soluble substance that performs important functions. Able to form inside the intestines thanks to special microorganisms.

Many people are often confused about the terminology of the element, asking the question “is biotin vitamin H or B7?” Vitamin b7 is also known as vitamin H, or simply biotin.

Biotin appears as a whitish crystal. It helps to absorb most useful substances, burns excess fat, converting it into energy.

It contains sulfur, which will help restore or prevent hair loss and normalize its growth rate. Thanks to it, the hair will be shiny, manageable, soft even without the use of additional products.

Why does the body need biotin?

The substance has many functions. But primarily it is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism and interaction with insulin. So, what else is vitamin B7 for?

  1. Thanks to it, the skin will be young, healthy and elastic longer, since biotin contains sulfur, which helps to produce a substance such as collagen.
  2. It is able to eliminate hair diseases and their appearance, as it is able to reduce the greasiness of the scalp, improve their structure and appearance.
  3. Is an energy producer. The vitamin is involved in the metabolism of sugar and lipids, converting them into a useful supply of energy.
  4. Regulates the functioning of the nervous system by processing glucose and fat in the body.

What foods contain vitamin B7?

Vitamin B7 is found in most foods, regardless of their origin (animal or plant).

Plant-based foods with biotin:

  • fruits: apples, citrus fruits, peaches, melons;
  • most berries (but primarily wild strawberries);
  • all dark green vegetables, all types of cabbage, as well as potatoes, tomatoes and onions;
  • cereals and all their derivatives: flour, bran, cereals;
  • legumes: soybeans, green beans, peas (dry and green);
  • Champignon mushrooms.

Sources from animal products:

  • any meat (primarily beef, lamb, pork);
  • offal: liver, heart (beef and pork);
  • sea ​​fish;
  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy and fermented milk products: condensed and whole cow's milk, powdered milk, low-fat cheese.

Which foods have the most vitamin B7?

The highest concentration of this microelement is observed in the following products:

  1. liver (beef and pork) – 210 mcg per 100 g of product;
  2. soybean - 200 mcg per 100 g of product;
  3. chicken egg yolk (boiled) – 55 mcg;
  4. brown rice, unpolished – 45 mcg;
  5. wheat flour – 45 mcg;
  6. walnut – 40 mcg;
  7. sea ​​fish – 20 mcg;
  8. corn grain – 20 mcg;
  9. egg white – 20 mcg;
  10. oats, oat flakes – 20 µg;
  11. peas (dry and fresh) – 20 mcg;
  12. champignons – 15 mcg;
  13. cabbage – 15 mcg.

Biotin, obtained from plant products, will reduce fatigue and strengthen the immune system.

Combination of biotin with other substances

It is important not only to know where biotin is found, but also to use it correctly along with other foods and microelements.

Vitamin H is well absorbed when combined with magnesium. Therefore, it is advisable to use them together. Biotin also combines well with cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and folic acid(vitamin B9) - it helps them perform their functions in the body faster and more efficiently.

In no case should it be taken together with vitamin B7 along with anticonvulsant medications containing valproic acid or sodium valproate. Such drugs do not allow biotin to be properly absorbed and function, and also suppress its formation in the intestines.

Alcohol abuse also reduces the concentration of biotin in the blood. Therefore, people with alcohol addiction often experience mental disorders, the condition of their nails, hair, and skin worsens. Their nails are more likely to peel, hair falls out, and baldness begins.

Also, consuming large amounts of sweet and fatty foods reduces the effectiveness of the microelement.

Daily value of vitamin B7

Depending on age, gender, body condition daily norm Vitamin B7 may be different.

The need for microelements increases when taking certain medications and products:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • raw eggs;
  • antibiotics;
  • oral contraceptives.

For intestinal disorders, it is also worth consuming more of this beneficial substance.

Vitamin B7 in the amount necessary for the body is formed in some parts of the intestine. However, this is only possible if a person has a healthy microflora. In order for the body to quickly replenish its need for biotin, you should consume more often foods that normalize intestinal microflora:

  • sauerkraut;
  • dairy products.

Doctors are of the opinion that healthy person There is no need to take additional biotin in the form of drugs, since the body synthesizes it independently. Additionally, it is necessary to introduce the substance into the diet only if the microflora is disturbed or there are pathologies in the intestines.

Biotin intake for children

From birth to three years, a child needs 10 mcg of the substance per day. From three to seven years - at least 15 mcg, and from eight to eleven - 20 mcg.

Biotin intake for men

If a man frequently drinks alcohol, this leads to a decrease in the concentration of biotin in the blood. Therefore, he needs to take additional magnesium - it activates vitamin B7.

From 11 to 14 years old, 25 mcg of biotin is needed, and after 14 years - from 30 to 100 mcg per day.

Biotin intake for women

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the dose of the substance should be increased by one and a half times.

From 11 to 14 years old you need to take 25-30 mcg of vitamin B7 per day, and after fourteen - from 40 to 100 mcg per day.

Vitamin B7 deficiency

It is almost impossible for those people who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right to have a deficiency of the substance. This usually happens in people with bad habits (drinkers and tobacco drinkers) or when taking antibiotics and anticonvulsants. Biotin is practically indestructible with increased temperature, light and prolonged interaction with oxygen. But during frying, heated sunflower oil destroys a certain part of the vitamins in the product. Raw egg yolks also interfere with the absorption of the vitamin. Vitamin B7 deficiency often leads to the following conditions:

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • muscle pain;
  • inflammation on the surface of the tongue;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • stress, depression;
  • increased hair loss;
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • inflammation and pallor of the skin;
  • nausea;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • increase in blood glucose concentration.

A person lacking the substance is more likely to suffer from mood swings and have problems with the nervous system. A deficiency of the element is expressed in the appearance of dandruff, cracked lips, dry skin, and severe hair loss.

In order for your vitamin intake to meet your expectations, you should stop eating a lot of fatty, sweet, salty and smoked foods.

Vitamin H overdose

Biotin hypervitaminosis is quite rare. If there is too much of a substance in the body, it will be naturally eliminated from the body. Very rarely, this element can cause frequent urination and increased sweating. With an excess of vitamin B7, hair and nails look better and begin to grow faster. Sometimes an allergic reaction occurs in the form of a rash or shortness of breath.

Preparations with vitamin B7

What else does vitamin B7 contain? In a large number of drugs, multivitamin complexes, dietary supplements.

Multivitamin complexes with biotin

  1. "Supradin" (is a multivitamin);
  2. "Elevit Pronatal" (for pregnant and lactating women);
  3. “Doppelhertz active” (the entire line of multivitamin products from the manufacturer contains biotin);
  4. “Vitrum” (a complex for improving a person’s condition and strengthening the immune system);
  5. “Hair Expert” (a special complex of vitamins and minerals aimed at improving hair condition);
  6. "Dynamizan";
  7. "Perfectil Plus";
  8. "Centrum";
  9. "Alphabet";
  10. "Femibion" (a line of drugs for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding);
  11. "Complivit";
  12. "Duovit";
  13. "Effex";
  14. “Multi-tabs” (a preparation with vitamins and minerals for children);
  15. "Pikovit";
  16. "Menopace";
  17. "Univit";
  18. “VitaMishki” (vitamins and minerals for children in the form of chewing marmalade).

Biotin monovitamins are much more widely available in foreign online stores. You can usually buy the following drugs in Russian pharmacies.

  1. "Doppelgerz Beauty Biotin";
  2. “Blagomin vitamin H (biotin)”;
  3. Biotin forte (capsules, Letofarm).

Instructions for use of biotin

Form of release of the drug: in ampoules, tablets, capsules and drops.

Use the product for:

  • hypovitaminosis of biotin due to large doses of alcohol and certain medications;
  • preparation for skin peeling;
  • hereditary metabolic disorders with biotinidase deficiency;
  • muscle weakness;
  • constant tired state;
  • low ability to work effectively;
  • instability in emotions;
  • depression;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • apathy;
  • for the disease “hyperkeratosis”;
  • severe dry skin;
  • for multiple skin diseases;
  • with too oily scalp;
  • alopecia;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis,
  • disruption of the processes of keratinization of the skin.

IN complex treatment Biotin is also used to treat liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure, cancer, atherosclerosis, and diabetes.

The drug is contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women, those with allergies to biotin, and children.

The product is used once a day before meals, washed down with a small amount of plain water.

The standard dosage is 5 mg per day. Course duration – 1 month.

For application to hair and rubbing into nails, the daily dose is 2.5 g.

Biotin in ampoules is injected into the muscle 2 ml (1 ampoule) 1 time per day. When used externally, the liquid is rubbed into the prepared scalp for several minutes. Ampoules are also used in mesotherapy procedures to get rid of inflammation and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

VitaminH for hair

This vitamin, being a source of sulfur, helps strengthen hair follicles, accelerates hair growth, prevents premature gray hair, and helps eliminate excessive sebum production on the scalp or severe dryness.

Vitamin B7 also helps perfectly in the fight against the following skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis, seborrhea and dandruff.

Biotin affects the hair in such a way that its roots begin to receive enough oxygen. Also, with enough vitamin H, more keratin begins to be released - a substance that strengthens hair and gives it elasticity.

To improve your curls, you can take biotin in the form of drops, capsules, tablets or multivitamins. The vitamin should be taken for 30 days. Under no circumstances should you take risks and use the products yourself. You should definitely ask a specialist about everything, who will be able to prescribe an adequate dose of the drug that will best suit your specific situation.

Simultaneously with taking the drug, it is advisable to use cosmetics with vitamin B7 or add it in liquid form to balms, rinses and shampoos yourself (biotin in ampoules is used for this).

You can also easily prepare hair serum with coenzyme R at home. To do this, you need to take a glass of dark beer, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil (almond, olive, burdock or jojoba oil are good) and 1 ampoule of vitamin B7. Everything must be mixed and rubbed into the head and hair along its entire length. You can keep the mask for only 20 minutes, you need to wash it off warm water with shampoo. This mask should be used twice a week for about two months to improve the health of your hair (or even your beard) and its appearance.

Vitamin B7 - also known as biotin - is extremely important for the nervous system, skin, hair, nails, liver, and for the normal development of the fetus.

“This vitamin is a stranger among our own,” explains Gastroenterologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Konstantin Spakhov. - Why? It is often said that its deficiency practically never happens: there is a deficiency of other vitamins, but there is no deficiency of vitamin B7. Meanwhile, deficiency is the most important property of vitamins as such. Usually, as examples of biotin deficiency, almost mythical stories are cited about some eccentrics who supposedly could not live without ten raw eggs a day, and so they developed this condition. Such tales wander from one medical book to another. They explain it this way: the yolk of an egg contains a lot of this vitamin, but the white contains a substance called avidin, which blocks the absorption of biotin, and its severe deficiency develops. Such a mechanism really exists: avidin from raw protein will block the absorption of biotin, and in a boiled or fried egg, avidin itself is denatured and becomes safe for vitamin B7. But how often does this happen in reality? It's hard to believe that there are freaks out there who are obsessed with raw eggs in such huge quantities.

In fact, it is difficult for a healthy person to become deficient in vitamin B7. Firstly, you need very little of it, only 50 micrograms per day (1 microgram is just one millionth of a gram). For this reason, biotin is called a microvitamin. Since it is found in many products, this tiny dose is not difficult to achieve. Secondly, biotin is also produced by bacteria in our intestines. And this is another way to protect us from its deficiency. And then all sorts of “buts” begin.

For example, if a person has a problem with intestinal microflora: dysbiosis or conditions after a long course of antibiotic treatment. And in such cases, vitamin B7 deficiency becomes a reality: bacteria produce very little of it. Another example: excessive addiction to alcohol. It also interferes with the absorption of biotin, just like raw egg white.

Pregnant and nursing mothers are at risk. They have a higher requirement for biotin, and deficiency can develop even with normal intake. And if a woman has toxicosis and cannot eat the required amount of food, then the risk of deficiency is very high. According to some reports, about a third of all pregnant women are significantly deficient in this vitamin. In people with Crohn's disease, it, along with other lesions of the large intestine, can also cause a serious lack of biotin.

There is another reason for the shortage, the most serious. Defect of the enzyme biotinidase, necessary for the absorption of vitamin B7. This is a congenital condition that can be corrected by increasing the intake of biotin in the form of medications. The problem is that this disease is not always detected.

What does biotin do in the body and how much is needed?

B7 is a coenzyme. This is the name of the substances that are part of enzymes and help them work actively. Vitamin B7 plays an important role in the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and a number of other processes occurring in the body. Therefore, the range of symptoms that arise from its deficiency is quite wide. And in order to avoid them, you still need to treat this atypical vitamin carefully.

Table. Daily requirement for vitamin B7 depending on age (mcg)

What foods to look for biotin in?

Vitamin B7 is found in a lot of foods, albeit in small quantities. And, despite the fact that these doses seem to be not very significant - up to 3-4% of the daily intake (DAI) - they actually play a significant role in preventing its deficiency. But there are foods that contain a lot of biotin (see table), do not forget to include them regularly in your diet.

Table. Biotin content per 100 grams of product

Product Biotin content (mcg) Daily consumption rate, %
Chicken liver 170 340
Chicken egg yolk 56 112
Beef and pork liver 40 80
Chicken egg, oatmeal(any), peas 15-20 30-40
Rice, barley and wheat porridge, chicken, cod 10-12 20-25
Meat (broiler chickens), cottage cheese of any fat content, salmon, corn porridge, soft cheese (such as Camembert and Brie) 5,1-8,4 10-17%

How to determine when vitamin B7 is lacking?

The first and most typical signs are hair loss, brittle nails, dry and flaky skin. They develop gradually and over a long period of time. Often there is dryness and redness of the skin around the openings of our body: mouth, nose, eyes. There may be atrophy of the taste buds on the tongue with loss of taste. General weakness, depression, drowsiness or insomnia - all this is also possible.

Children's share

A special situation with regard to biotin is a congenital deficiency of the enzyme biotinidase. It can be detected through newborn screening, but this is not done on a large scale in our country. Testing is usually done on a random basis and usually in suspected cases where the child has symptoms that may be related to the disease. As a rule, these are seizures, decreased hearing and vision and other signs of damage to the nervous system, as well as skin problems and hair loss or lack of hair (alopecia), and frequent infections. Among such children, enzyme deficiency was detected with a frequency of 1: 1000. That is, this disease is not so common; among all newborns, it occurs in one child out of 20-40 thousand. When should you consider testing for biotinidase deficiency? Most often, this condition begins to manifest itself with seizures, which do not go away when specific medications are prescribed. And with the addition of biotin, everything returns to normal. You need to take medications with vitamin B7 for life.

Usually the diagnosis is made between the ages of 1 month and 6 months. But it is best to do this immediately after birth or in the first month of life. If biotin treatment is started at this age, mental retardation can be prevented. If later, skin and hair problems will go away, but neurological changes may remain. By the way, the World Health Organization recommends including a test for biotinidase deficiency in newborn screening.

Properties and where this vitamin is found are two important topics that we will consider in the article. We will also tell you what this element is and how it affects human body.


The world learned about biotin only in 1901. Then the scientist Wilderson described this substance in his works. He talked about how it helps the development of yeast bacteria. But in free crystalline form, he was able to isolate it from the yolk of a chicken egg in 1935. And then this substance was called biotin. Translated, it means “necessary for life.”

B7 is a vitamin that dissolves well in water. It is of great importance for the metabolic processes of the skin. In addition, there is an opinion that it is H, B7) that most strongly affects nervous system person. We'll talk about this further.

Products with vitamin B7

What foods contain vitamin B7? There are products that contain the greatest amount of this element. The first include yeast. It’s not for nothing that the first substance was found in them. But, besides this, it also contains such products as:

  • tomatoes;
  • spinach;
  • egg yolk;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage, especially cauliflower;
  • and many others.

And if we talk about products of animal origin, then this vitamin is found in the greatest quantities in the liver and kidneys.

Why does the human body need biotin?

It is vitamin B7 (biotin) that the body needs to improve metabolism, as well as to process carbohydrates in the human blood. In addition, it can also be noted that it affects the production of enzymes and the processing of glucose - normalizes blood sugar levels. It is interesting that women are recommended to consume this vitamin in larger quantities than men. If the amount of this vitamin decreases, the girl becomes nervous, irritated, and may even fall into a depressive state.

Biotin helps ensure that all B vitamins work properly. After all, it is the subsequent chemical reaction with purines in the human body, which carries genetic information, that contributes to the release of an important substance - hemoglobin. At the same time, B7 is a vitamin that promotes the secretion of subcutaneous fat and strengthens the structure of hair and follicles. As a result, they become beautiful, shiny and healthy looking. The vitamin also improves the condition of the skin and nails.

If a child is diagnosed with a skin disease such as seborrheic dermatitis, then the presence of biotin will help get rid of this disease. But this applies only to children; for adults, treatment is prescribed individually, but with the use of this remedy.

Also B7 is a vitamin that has a positive effect on the glands that secrete sweat. It also affects nerve endings and bone marrow. Many athletes are encouraged to take biotin as it helps reduce muscle pain. Based on all of the above, we highlight the categories of people who need this vitamin most:

  • women who are pregnant;
  • newborns and small children;
  • people with elevated sugar levels;
  • people suffering from epilepsy;
  • patients diagnosed with mycosis;
  • people who have dysbiosis after long-term treatment with antibiotics.

Saving the useful element

How can B7 (vitamin) be preserved in foods for a longer period? This substance can be destroyed if it is not in conditions that are favorable for it. To preserve B7, it is best to freeze foods that contain it. When cooked or preserved, it is destroyed. In addition, the vitamin begins to break down if the food that contains it has been soaked in solutions for a long time.

It is also recommended in order to save as much as possible useful properties food, store it whole, but not for long, even in the refrigerator. Another method of preserving vitamin B7 is to boil foods with their skins on. Just under no circumstances should you fry it. Then the food becomes, on the contrary, harmful.

What medications contain biotin?

If a person does not get enough vitamin B7 from food, then he can replenish his supply with the help of medications. In modern pharmaceuticals there are a huge number of vitamin and mineral supplements. They help saturate the body with those vitamins that it does not receive from food.

In pharmacies, such a drug can be found as “Bioton”, but there are many other complexes of B vitamins. The dosage of such a drug depends on the degree of deficiency. But before taking this drug, it is best to consult your doctor. Those people who suffer from intestinal diseases usually use intramuscular injections. If you have problems with your hair, this vitamin can be used as a stand-alone medicine or together with a mask for curls. In addition, the solution can also be used for various dermatological problems on the facial skin. And if you take care of your face for a long time with the help of Bioton, it will tighten and the lifting effect will be noticeable. The main thing is to stick to the dosage.

Is there a negative effect of the vitamin on the human body?

When taking this complex side effects was not found, this is only possible if the person has a personal intolerance to the drug. If there is one, then a rash in the form of red dots may appear on the body. Itching will also occur. These symptoms are characteristic of an allergic reaction.

How is biotin absorbed?

The human body accepts this substance very well, which it synthesizes from the food it receives. For example, it is useful to eat a boiled egg. It contains vitamin B7.

But alcohol-containing drinks reduce the effect of biotin on the human body. Therefore, those who abuse alcohol may develop a deficiency of this vitamin. In addition, oil that has been heated to certain temperatures or exposed to air for a long time weakens the effect of this substance on the body. While taking antibiotics and medications that contain sulfur and sugar, a deficiency of this element may also occur.

Vitamin deficiency

What happens if the body lacks vitamin B7? Then a decrease in blood pressure is noticed, the tone in the muscles and blood vessels decreases significantly. May also slow down mental development and growth. Various mental abnormalities may appear and metabolic processes throughout the body decrease.

Signs of shortage

When there is not enough vitamin B7, the following symptoms may appear:

  • the skin is damaged;
  • a person often wants to sleep;
  • the tongue has a white tint;
  • a bad mood prevails, and the person even falls into a depressed state;
  • muscles may often be sore or weakened;
  • when taking tests, the patient is found to have high levels of cholesterol and glucose in the blood;
  • anemia develops;
  • the patient may experience decreased appetite and nausea;
  • hair begins to fade, loses its healthy appearance, and growth slows down.

What happens if there is more vitamin B7 in the body than required?

It is considered quite rare for a person to overdose from taking vitamin B7. Basically, this substance leaves the human body naturally. And when the level of this microelement is elevated, a person often goes to the toilet and sweats a lot. But besides these disadvantages, the advantage is that the hair will begin to look better and become stronger after taking a large amount of this element.


Now you know what vitamin B7 (biotin) is. Functions, sources and applications are the important topics that we have covered in detail in the article. We hope that this information was useful to you.

It is extremely important and takes part in many processes occurring in the body. Its normal intake is necessary both to maintain health and to improve appearance.

Vitamin H content in products (per 100g)

Liver 80-90 mcg
Eggs 20 mcg
Oatmeal 20 mcg
Fish 10 mcg
Chicken 10 mcg
Cheese 4 mcg
Sour cream 3.5 mcg
Sea buckthorn 3 mcg

What is vitamin H?

Vitamin H is also known as biotin. Although the substance is designated by the letter H, its chemical structure allows it to be classified as group B. It is sometimes defined as vitamin B7.

It is produced by microflora gastrointestinal tract and comes with food. The body needs very small amounts of biotin, but even in small doses it perfectly fulfills its biological tasks, enhancing and improving the course of a number of biochemical reactions.

Foods rich in vitamin H

The vitamin is present in animal and plant foods. It is found in especially large quantities in the liver. The substance is also found in cereals, dairy products, fish, chicken, some berries, yeast, nuts, and cauliflower.

Daily requirement for vitamin H

Every day a person needs 0.15-0.3 mcg of this vitamin. Every day the body consumes a much larger amount of biotin, but due to the production of endogenous, “internal” vitamin H, the need for its supply from the outside is small.

Increased need for vitamin H

The need for additional use of vitamin H occurs in people who are exposed to large physical activity, engage in intense sports, live in environmentally unfavorable conditions or harsh climates, and suffer from some chronic diseases.

From some point of view, a product such as raw is “dangerous” for vitamin H egg yolk. It contains a compound called avidin, which binds biotin in the lumen of the digestive tract and makes its absorption impossible. However, when boiling or frying eggs, avidin is destroyed and vitamin H becomes available for absorption.

Biotin absorption is also blocked by saccharin. If it is regularly used as a sweetener, this creates conditions for the formation of vitamin H deficiency.

Some preservatives and food additives, for example, E221, can hinder the absorption of vitamin H. Eating natural food without additives - good way avoid hypovitaminosis.

Biological role of vitamin H

The presence of vitamin H in food is very important, since the body constantly needs microdoses of this substance. Vitamin H performs the following functions in the body:

Actively participates in all main types of metabolism, in the absorption, distribution and further transformations of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Biotin is important for complete energy extraction and storage.
Vitamin H strengthens the immune system, prevents increased morbidity, and helps to recover faster from diseases that have already developed.
The presence of biotin is important for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normal secretion and motility of the digestive glands.
Improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair, maintains youthful skin.
Interacts with other valuable micronutrients, enhances positive effects vitamins PP, B9, B12, .
Participates in the formation of collagen - a fibrous substance that supports the structure of the skin, joints, and internal organs.

Signs of vitamin H deficiency

If the body receives insufficient dosages of vitamin H, this can cause hypovitaminosis. The more severe the deficiency, the more obvious the symptoms of biotin deficiency.

So, the signs of hypovitaminosis H:

Deterioration of the skin condition, increased peeling, especially on the face
Brittle nails, hair loss
Daytime sleepiness
Nausea, anorexia
Swelling, slight soreness of the tongue
Muscle pain
Numbness, “crawling” on the skin
Increased morbidity.

With a serious deficiency and urgent need for vitamin H, symptoms such as repeated vomiting, depressive disorder, neurological diseases, etc. may occur. Currently, such severe vitamin deficiency practically does not occur.

Signs of excess vitamin H

Biotin is a completely non-toxic substance, and its accumulation in the body is very limited. Consequently, it is almost impossible to achieve its excess. If you take a large dose of vitamin H tablets at once, symptoms of poisoning are likely to appear.

Factors influencing the content of vitamin H in foods

Biotin tolerates heat treatment and is practically not destroyed during cooking, however, during long-term storage of foods, the reserves of vitamin H in them are gradually depleted.

Why does vitamin H deficiency occur?

The fastest and most noticeable deficiency of vitamin H manifests itself in dysbacteriosis. In this case, the content and ratio of various microorganisms in the flora are disrupted, and those probiotic bacteria that usually synthesize it cease to perform their functions. Often, hypovitaminosis develops after taking antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect on the state of the microflora.

Even if there is enough vitamin H in food, its deficiency can occur if a person has impaired biotin absorption. This happens with gastritis and enteritis.
A tendency to vitamin deficiency is expressed in individuals who consume excessive doses of alcohol.

Vitamin H: price and sale

It is recommended to buy vitamin H and start taking it if you have problems with skin, nails and hair, if you have diseases of the digestive system or, for example, you are on a diet. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to prevent hypovitaminosis H, and if it has already formed, you need to actively fight it.

In our store you will find a variety of dietary supplements containing vitamin H. All preparations are high-quality, created by leading manufacturers from Russia and abroad. You can choose a vitamin H preparation of a suitable composition and at the best price on our website.

Add the drug to your cart or call us by phone. The order is quickly placed, it is convenient to pay, and it will be

The chemical formula of biotin is: C 10 H 16 N 2 O 3 S.


The first mention of the vitamin appeared in 1901, when scientists discovered it as a biologically active substance isolated from yeast. Then the same biologically active substance was isolated from egg yolk.

Biotin is synthesized in significant quantities by intestinal microflora. The intensity of this process depends on the type of carbohydrates in the diet.

Biotin Sources

Traditional food sources of biotin are liver, kidneys, legumes (soybeans, peas), eggs, yeast.

Biotin is widely distributed in nature and is found in both plant and animal products (see table).

Vegetables, fruits, berries, grain products Biotin content Vegetables, fruits, berries, grains Biotin content
Peanut 40 Spinach 7
Green beans 7 Oranges 2
Soybeans 60 Melon 3
Dry green peas 35 Strawberries 4
Dry yellow peas 18 Peaches 1.7
Champignon mushrooms 16 Apples 9
White cabbage 24 Corn 6
Cauliflower 17 Wheat 10
Potato 0,5-1 Wheat flour 9-25
Fresh onion 3.5 Bread made from wheat flour 2-5
Dry onion 28 Wheat flour, grade I 1-2
Carrot 2.5 Premium wheat flour 1
Salad 3 Rice 12
Beet 2 Rice bran 46
Tomatoes 4 Barley 6
Biotin content Dairy, meat and fish products Biotin content
Women's milk 0.1 Pork 2-75
Cow's milk 5 Pork liver 250
Condensed milk 15 Veal 15-2
Milk powder 40 Veal liver 100
Low-fat cheese 4 Salmon 5-10
Whole chicken egg 9 Canned salmon 10-20
Chicken egg, yolk 30 Sardines 24
Mutton 2-2.7 Herring 4
Beef 5 Halibut 8
Beef liver 200 Tuna 4
Beef heart 8-50

Daily requirement for biotin

Table. Norms of physiological need for vitamin H depending on age in Russia [MR]

Upper Tolerable Biotin Intake for Adults is 150 mcg per day (“Unified sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control)” of the EurAsEC Customs Union).

Symptoms of biotin deficiency

The initial manifestations of biotin deficiency are expressed in flaking of the skin without itching. Then it is possible to develop scaly dermatitis of the neck, arms, legs, turning into pityriasis-like peeling of the skin with the addition of symptoms of depression, increased fatigue, drowsiness, muscle pain, loss of appetite, and increased cholesterol levels in the blood serum.

In young children, biotin deficiency manifests itself as skin disorders in the form of dermatitis with peeling on the neck, hands, forearms, legs, followed by gray pigmentation. Tongue lesions, anorexia, nausea, muscle pain, and anemia also occur. When using biotin there is an improvement.



Raw egg whites contain a substance called avidin, an antivitamin of biotin. This substance binds biotin and prevents its absorption into the blood. Heating denatures (irreversibly destroys the structure) the avidin in egg whites, so cooked eggs do not interfere with the absorption of biotin.

These vitamin-mineral complexes contain this vitamin:

* dietary supplement. NOT A MEDICINE