Milk chocolate for children from what age. Rules for introducing chocolate into baby food

Dark and white, porous and with nuts, with aromas of berries and fruits... What kind of chocolate is good for children's health and is it even possible to give it to children?

Composition of chocolate

Chocolate and chocolate confectionery products are made from cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar with the addition of milk, lecithin and vanillin.

Chocolate mainly serves as a source of easily digestible carbohydrates and energy. It contains a small amount of vegetable protein and a significant amount of fat: cocoa butter, some types of milk fat, nuts.

Chocolate products are high in calories. Chocolate contains a lot of flavonoids (antioxidants and immunomodulators), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), vitamins (B1, B2 and PP) and some stimulants (theobromine, caffeine: 1-1.5%), tannins.

It also contains about 40 volatile compounds that determine the incomparable smell.


Lecithin is a natural emulsifier widely used in the food industry, for example, it reduces the viscosity of chocolate and increases its shelf life. Lecithins include food additives E322 and E476. Lecithin is a substance essential for the body. It makes up 50% of the liver and a third of the insulating and protective tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Lecithin is a powerful antioxidant, the deficiency of which reduces the effectiveness of medications. A lack of lecithin can lead to serious diseases of the nervous system. At the same time, lecithin can cause allergies.


Theobromine is a colorless, bitter powder, similar in composition to caffeine. Like caffeine, it has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and heart.

What kind of chocolate is there?

Depending on the composition, chocolate can be bitter, milk or white. The darker (“blacker”) the chocolate, the more cocoa solids it contains.

Chocolate with a cocoa content of 72% or more is called bitter.

Adding milk to chocolate reduces the amount of caffeine and enriches the product with calcium and milk proteins.

White chocolate does not contain cocoa (only cocoa butter) and therefore has a spectacular creamy color. The fat content in this chocolate is about 40%.

Chocolate and chocolate confectionery products may have flavorings (vanillin, coffee, cognac, etc.), food additives or filling (raisins, nuts, candied fruits, etc.).

With the addition of nuts and raisins, the amount of vitamins (C, E) and minerals (potassium, magnesium, etc.) increases, i.e. the nutritional value of chocolate increases.

Chocolate values

The nutritional value of chocolate and confectionery products made from it (sweets, cookies, pastries, cakes, etc.) is lower than that of other food groups. The fact is that confectionery products are sources of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugars), but they either do not contain proteins, vitamins and minerals at all or contain small amounts. Therefore, all the benefits from the “chocolate” group of products will consist mainly of carbohydrates and energy. Considering the activity of our children and the high energy consumption associated with this activity, it cannot be said that children do not need chocolate. In addition, nutrition cannot be considered only as a process of supplying nutrients to the body. Nutrition is also a source of positive emotions, and chocolate in this regard brings a lot of pleasure to children of all ages.

We must not forget that sugar is one of the important reasons for the development of caries. The cariogenic effect of foods containing large amounts of sugar (for example, chocolate) is especially significant if children eat such foods not after meals, but between meals, when tooth enamel is not protected by other nutrients from lactic acid formed as a result of sugar fermentation in the oral cavity.

Excess carbohydrates, especially sugar, are also one of the risk factors for developing excess body weight. Uncontrolled consumption of sweets can lead to a decrease in appetite and displacement of foods with high nutritional value from the diet. Therefore, chocolate, sweets, cakes and other confectionery products should be present in children’s diets in limited quantities (no more than 40-50g of sugar and 20-40g of confectionery products per day). True, the norms recommended by doctors differ significantly from the amount of sweets that children actually eat. You can offer your child one or two candies or one marshmallow or two cookies a day. On some day you can double the norm, and the next you can live without sweets.


A child can be given no more than 40-50g of sugar and 20-40g of confectionery per day.

When can you give chocolate to children?

According to leading experts in the field of pediatric nutrition, chocolate and chocolate candies are recommended to be introduced into the diet of children no earlier than 5 years.

It should be remembered that chocolate is a highly allergenic product, which means it is excluded from the diet of children with food allergies, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys (dysmetabolic nephropathy), disorders of the autonomic nervous system, and excess body weight.

Healthy children can be given chocolate no more than 1-2 times a week and in small quantities.

Industrial products containing cocoa powder are also available for the little ones. So, an eight-month-old healthy baby can be offered semolina porridge with chocolate "Good night" For children over one year old, a new product has recently appeared - a milk shake with cocoa “Liquid Chocolate”, and from one and a half years old - milk pudding with cocoa. Preschool children (over three years old) can consume (subject to tolerance) dairy products with cocoa (puddings, desserts) and ready-made breakfasts (for example, ready-made chocolate breakfast), and if chocolate balls are poured with milk, it will not only be tasty, but also healthy!

For children with diabetes, there is special chocolate that uses sweeteners instead of sugar (for example, maltitol-based chocolate). “Diabetic” chocolate completely retains the traditionally sweet taste so beloved by children. The inclusion of special types of chocolate in the diet of children with diabetes helps to improve the emotional state of children who are practically deprived of “sweets.”

Chocolate and other confectionery products are a source of pleasure and joy, which is very important. You can’t raise children under the same restrictions, excluding “useless goodies” from their lives. So sweets may well be present in a child’s daily diet. The main thing is that everything should be in moderation!

Tatyana ABRAMOVA, Ph.D., Researcher, Laboratory of Baby Nutrition, Research Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Olga GEORGIEVA, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Baby Nutrition, Research Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Head of the Laboratory of Baby Nutrition of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation" I.Ya. Horse.

Among sweets, chocolate is especially popular. In heated scientific and pseudo-scientific debates, the benefits of this delicacy have been proven and the harm has been revealed. But how to find the golden mean? How to make your child's introduction to chocolate useful? And how to avoid unwanted consequences?


High-quality chocolate requires the presence of two components: cocoa butter and cocoa mass. Powdered sugar is also added to the product and, depending on the percentage of cocoa mass and sugar, a taste is obtained ranging from bitter to sweet.

A similar recipe is used for elite types of chocolate - dark and extra dark. Moreover, the more grated cocoa (from 60%) is contained in the bar, the higher the quality of the product and the brighter, more specific the taste.


If dry cream or milk is added to the composition during production, milk chocolate is obtained. Its delicate taste, without a pronounced bitterness, makes it the most popular on the Russian market.


White chocolate does not contain cocoa mass; prepared from cocoa butter, milk powder and sugar. There is still controversy over whether the product belongs to the chocolate family. But doctors are sure that it is not of particular value for the child’s body.


Good chocolate is not only a source of energy. It contains vitamins (B1, B2, PP, provitamin A), antioxidants, microelements (calcium, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, sodium).

Essential amino acids also provide benefits to the product. Tryptophan is used by the body to produce the hormone serotonin (the hormone of happiness), protects against stress and depression. And phenylalanine is involved in complex brain activity, improving memory and attention.

But! Cocoa beans contain theobromine, which belongs to the group of alkaloids. In terms of its tonic effect on the human body, it is similar to caffeine.

Bad chocolate

Manufacturers, looking for ways to reduce costs, often replace classic ingredients in a recipe with cheaper analogues. The taste of the product will satisfy the inexperienced consumer, but the composition may be alarming.

Cocoa powder will take the place of the grated cocoa. The absence of cocoa butter will be compensated by palm, peanut, coconut with a dubious reputation, or fatty lauric acid. The budget version of the delicacy will probably also contain additives that are prohibited in baby food.

This product is a prime example of high calorie content without any benefit. Its closest analogues are chocolates and bars.

Which one can children?

Nutritionists advise giving your child milk chocolate. The content of cocoa products in it is lower (from 25 to 50%) makes the taste pleasant and soft. The product also has a lower fat content due to the addition of milk powder or cream.

The presence of additional components in chocolate for a child is undesirable: nuts, caramel, fruit, liqueur and cognac, wafer crumbs. The more concise the composition, the lower the risk of allergies.

Meanwhile, the delicacy, name and appearance which is associated with childhood (for example, a chocolate bar with cartoon characters on the label), may surprise you with a “non-childish” list of ingredients: condensed milk with sugar, starch syrup, almonds, cashews, ethyl alcohol, butter, apple and strawberry puree, preservatives, acidity regulators and flavorings.

Of the food additives in chocolate intended for a child, only the presence of lecithin is allowed - to reduce the viscosity of the product. This substance belongs to the group of emulsifiers and is designated as E322.

The best quality chocolates are recognized as: Belgian, Swiss, French chocolate and products from large domestic factories: “Red October”, “Babaevsky”, “Rot Front”.

Nutritional value table for different brands of chocolate

ManufacturerCocoa content (in name)Actual cocoa contentSugar contentFat contentTaste
"Victory of taste"72 % 69,1 % 33,1 % 36 % Unexpressed taste and smell
Lindt85 % 86 % 17 % 46 %
"Korkunov"72 % 71,7 % 30,9 % 43 % Pronounced chocolate harmonious taste
"Babaevsky"75 % 73,4 % 29,7 % 37 % Strongly acidic, strongly astringent taste
"Red October"80 % 79,8 % 24,5 % 40 % Unexpressed taste
"Golden Mark"70 % 70,3 % 33,5 % 43 % Pronounced chocolate taste
Ritter Sport73 % 72,5 % 28,2 % 49 % Chocolate taste, no foreign tastes
"A priori"75 % 74,5 % 28,7 % 43 % Chocolate taste with a slightly acidic astringent aftertaste

At what age should it be given?

Premature introduction to sweet foods at an early age is always fraught with consequences: allergies, excess weight, impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

Until one year of age, the baby does not need chocolate, as well as other sweets. Children over 12 months eat a lot from the common table, and by the age of 3 they no longer require the preparation of special dishes. But products that are still prohibited are preserved.

Chocolate with an abundance of fat in its composition (about 30 g per 100 g), high calorie content (550 kcal or more) and the reputation of a potential allergen will not benefit a child under 3 years of age, since the baby’s enzymatic system is still too weak and will not be able to digest it “without strain.” product.

It’s another matter if acquaintance is delayed until 3, or better yet, 5-6 years, when the development of the digestive organs already allows you to try a small piece of delicacy without harm to health. After all, it is at the age of 5-6 years that the activity of pancreatic enzymes increases, the functions of the liver and food digestion improve.

Dating rules

  • The first introduction should follow a pattern that is valid for all new foods in a child’s diet - a small portion at the beginning of the day.
  • A rash that appears on the skin will indicate an allergic reaction. In this case, you will have to forget about chocolate for a while.
  • If the tasting was successful, you can occasionally diversify baby food with this type of sweet.

There are no specific age dosages for chocolate. It does not contain any ingredients that are irreplaceable and beneficial for children's health, which a balanced diet could not offer. It's just a tasty treat.

  1. From 3 years old, a child needs 1-2 small pieces, which in weight equivalent corresponds to 5-10 g per day.
  2. Experts recommend giving chocolate to your child no more than 2 times a week, and only after the main meal. The high-calorie product quickly eliminates the feeling of hunger, and a well-fed baby will probably refuse the breakfast or lunch offered.
  3. Theobromine contained in the treat has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Therefore, treat your sweet tooth in the morning or no later than afternoon tea.
  4. For school-age children, milk chocolate can be replaced with black chocolate, but not more than 25 g per day 2-3 times a week, provided that the child leads an active lifestyle and is not overweight, allergies or diabetes.

Medical opinion

The treat will not harm active and energetic fidgets who quickly spend calories on physical activity. Chocolate will be useful for children who scale sports heights and advanced school programs.

Reasonable consumption in compliance with age standards will have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, immune status and mood.

A similar position is occupied by the head of the children's nutrition department of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Igor Kon. He believes that restless children need carbohydrates more than adults. Part is spent on energy needs, and part is necessary for the construction of proteins and hormones in the growing body.

More about the harm

Chocolate can cause harm if age recommendations are violated, if it is consumed excessively, or if there are contraindications. Moreover, the younger the child’s age, the higher the risks.

  • Allergic reaction. The reason lies in the insufficient maturity of the digestive system and high permeability of the intestinal wall. As a result, poorly digested proteins easily enter the bloodstream, causing allergies (rash, abdominal pain, vomiting, upset stool).
  • Behavioral disorder. Theobromine excites the fragile nervous system, which responds with insomnia, increased irritability, and a state of hyperactivity.
  • Excessive load on digestive tract. The high content of fat and fast carbohydrates in chocolate forces the liver and pancreas to perform tasks that are beyond their age.
  • Like other sweets, chocolate can cause tooth decay.

It is necessary to refuse the product from the children's menu if there are cases of chocolate allergy in the family, if there is a carbohydrate metabolism disorder, diabetes mellitus or lactase deficiency in the baby. It is unacceptable for children with a tendency to be overweight and have a sedentary lifestyle to become addicted to chocolate.

Special types

The food industry has not ignored chocolate fans who, due to certain diseases or circumstances, are prohibited from eating the product. Special types are produced for them.

  • Diabetic. This variety owes its pleasant sweet taste to sugar substitutes: sorbitol, xylitol, fructose, etc. It is produced for patients suffering from diabetes.
  • Dietary. Differs in the absence of sugar or its low content. It can be produced without fats, the volume of which in the product is replaced by water or air. In small doses it is recommended during a diet.
  • With vitamins. A relatively new product, enriched with vitamins A, D, E. It has low calorie content (up to 80 kcal per 100 g) due to sugar substitutes (such as isomalt) and additives: pieces orange zest or cereal balls (products of the Rot Front factory).

Parents need to realize that a product low in carbohydrates and fat, and even more so containing additional components, is a wrong choice for a child. Special chocolate is designed for a specific “target audience”, which does not include children. And the more additional ingredients in the composition, the further it is from the ideals of good chocolate.

Eating chocolate gives pleasure not only to adults, but also to children. Many mothers believe that depriving their children of such joy is wrong. Therefore, it is necessary to find out at what age a child can be given chocolate. The article will discuss its benefits and harm to the baby’s body.

Useful properties of chocolate

The product contains the following substances that have a positive effect on the human body:

  1. Tryptophan is an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin, which acts on the brain as an antidepressant. The required amount has a positive effect on mental capacity child and stimulates the thirst for knowledge.
  2. Phenylalanine is an amino acid that performs the construction function of proteins and affects memory, perception and thinking.
  3. Theobromine, similar in composition to caffeine, improves attention and clarity of thinking.
  4. B vitamins.
  5. A large number of micro- and macroelements (sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper).
  6. Antioxidants improve metabolic processes in the body and protect blood vessels from damage.

What are the benefits of chocolate for children? Thanks to it, the child’s body will produce endorphin, the so-called “happiness hormone”.

How to buy quality chocolate?

To purchase a truly high-quality product, you need to know the following:

  1. Natural chocolate has a smooth surface with an even shine.
  2. There are no whitish areas on it.
  3. When a piece of chocolate melts in the palm of your hand, the product is of high quality.
  4. The composition should not contain soy and palm oil.

Many pediatricians, despite the quality of dark chocolate, do not recommend giving it to children. The cocoa content in the bar should be 25-50%.

Given the variety of chocolate in the store, it is best to choose a product that contains nuts and raisins. A bar with a large amount of cocoa produces a characteristic crunch when broken.

What kind of chocolate can be given to children?

The product may be a bar with a high cocoa content, and sometimes with harmful content in the form of palm oil and other substitutes.

At what age can children eat chocolate? They can be given a product that has a completely natural composition. When comparing dark, milk and dark chocolate, preference is best given to the latter type. True, not every child will like it. Dark chocolate is sweeter, so children like it for its taste. In milk, the amount of cocoa is reduced due to its inclusion in milk. White chocolate is completely free of cocoa, and is classified as this product due to the presence of cocoa butter in it.

When can a child be given chocolate? It can be consumed by children over 1.5 years of age and has a high cocoa content. It is this type of chocolate that contains tryptophan, which causes the production of serotonin (an antidepressant hormone).

The product becomes even more useful if it contains whole nuts.

Despite the many useful properties treats, it is not recommended to give it to children under 3 years of age. After all, in addition to cocoa, chocolate contains unhealthy sugars, caffeine and theobromine.

Pediatricians believe that the baby’s fragile gastrointestinal tract will not be able to digest products made from it. For the liver and pancreas, the fats contained in chocolate become a heavy burden.

Is it possible to give chocolate to children under one year old? Babies are teething at this time, they are constantly capricious and do not sit still. And chocolate is an additional stimulant for the nervous system, which is completely undesirable during such a period.

Allergy to the product may occur. Small children are not subject to serious mental stress, so giving them chocolate is prohibited.

The product has many beneficial and harmful qualities, so it is best given to children over 3 years of age. Until this period, its substitute can be dried apricots, raisins, prunes, marmalade and marshmallows.

Eating chocolate

After turning 3 years old, a child is allowed to give a similar product, but there are some restrictions. It is not advisable to give chocolate to a baby if he has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to wait until they are eliminated.

At what age can a child be given chocolate? It should be given in small quantities and the baby's reaction to it should be monitored. It can act as a dessert after a meal.

If no negative reactions appear within several days, then all the chocolate has been digested and absorbed by the body. After this, the product can be given to the baby constantly, but in small quantities.

Chocolate in the diet of children, starting from the age of 3, should be 5 grams. The maximum amount of product at the age of 6-7 years is 20-30 grams.

You can give chocolate as a reward to your child when he deserves it. Carbohydrates found in the product are fuel for a growing body. High-quality chocolate can only benefit him.

The most harmful types of product include white and dark chocolate, the former due to the presence of large amounts of sugar in it. And the second is due to the presence of a large amount of cocoa in the composition.

The ideal chocolate option is a milk product with raisins and nuts, and a cocoa bean content of 25 to 50%.

Parents should choose only a quality product. It should contain only cocoa butter, lecithin, powdered sugar and cocoa mass.

Komarovsky about chocolate

A renowned doctor has his own opinion when this product should be given to children. He believes that chocolate brings pleasure to a child and should definitely be present in his diet.

However, it should not harm the child’s body. This may manifest itself as a cocoa protein allergy. In a child, the risk of developing such a pathology is much higher than in a teenager.

At what age can a child be given chocolate? According to Komarovsky, it can be included in children's diets starting from 2 years old. The first portions should be no more than 1 slice from a 100 g bar. Parents must monitor the baby’s reaction.

Negative consequences

The consequences that may arise due to parental carelessness include a common rash. If you do not pay due attention to this process, angioedema may appear. It is especially dangerous when the throat is swollen, when breathing is completely blocked.

At what age can you give chocolate, we figured it out. What are the other consequences of consuming this sweetness? These include problems that arise with teeth. Sweetness lingers in the mouth, and bacteria multiply in it. Therefore, after eating chocolate, the child must rinse his mouth.

Even if you replace the product with sweets, there is still a risk of tooth decay. Replace with fruits and sweets made from them.

Fighting chocolate

If you have a fanatical love for the product, the child should be taught how to use it correctly. Chocolate should be given in limited quantities.

If the child is active, the product will not cause obesity. If he is passive and draws or sculpts all his free time, then most likely problems with excess weight may arise.

Sometimes parents notice their baby’s addiction to chocolate, which manifests itself in a good mood when he eats this sweetness. In this case, the product must be replaced with games that bring pleasure to the child and distract him from consuming the product.

There is an opinion that babies should not be given dark chocolate. But despite the presence of caffeine in it, its amount is not enough to excite the brain. It contains a large amount of sugars and fats that enhance its nutrition.

It's best to offer chocolate to your child. preschool age 2-3 hours before nap, he will be active, and then he will get tired and go to bed peacefully. It is especially useful to give it to schoolchildren before an important test, which will nourish the brain and motivate them to try harder in their studies.


Chocolate is a product that benefits the body. However, of course, any baby can do without it. Parents must decide whether or not to introduce their child to this product when the child is at least 2 years old. If your child needs a treat, follow these recommendations:

  1. It is best to give chocolate to your baby before 12-14 hours, so that the components contained in it cease their effects.
  2. The baby should rinse his mouth after eating it.
  3. Before eating, you need to carefully study the composition of chocolate so as not to give your child a low-quality product.

Sweets should always be present in a baby’s diet, but parents should give them with caution so as not to cause negative consequences.

Many parents ask one question from an early age: “At what age can you give your child chocolate?” . Sometimes parents completely refuse to give small child bars, toffees, candies and other sweets. They are very suspicious even of chocolates from a New Year's gift. Others allow eating absolutely all sweets, including candy. But what should be the amount of sweets eaten so that a malfunction does not occur in a small body? And is it worth giving your child chocolates often? You will find answers to these questions in this article. It is not always dangerous to give chocolate to a child, so unnecessary prohibitions are not necessary.

Types of sugar

We know from an early age that sugar– this is white death and it is very harmful to eat. But we forget that it happens different types, so we protect the child from chocolate and other sweets. There is nothing healthy about sucrose. This is our usual sugar from cane or sugar beets. Glucose is sugar extracted from berries. This view is very necessary for our brain. Fructose is obtained from fruits, so you can give fructose-based chocolates to your child without fear. Maltose is obtained from malt, and lactose is obtained from dairy products, so it can cause allergies in the baby. Preference should be given to natural sugar, which still contains healthy vitamins.

The benefits of sweet treats

It turns out that sweets can also be useful. The child grows, moves more and needs easily digestible carbohydrates, which can be given in the form of chocolates. Moreover, these carbohydrates maintain the functions of all systems properly and affect the baby’s mood. Therefore, one chocolate candy a day will not do anything.

In order not to disrupt the functioning of the teeth and endocrine system, the absorption of sweets should not be left uncontrolled, especially if there were people in the family with diabetes. In this case, it is better to give the child chocolate with minimal sugar content, for example, bitter.

What sweets you can eat and what you can’t

Everything can be sweet - desserts, lollipops and chocolate desserts, fruits, berries, drinks. All this improves the baby’s brain activity, which is why he is so partial to sweets. You can protect your baby in this way: buy natural sweets (marshmallows, dried fruits) that do not contain bright dyes. Because brightly colored sweets can cause allergic reactions. Be careful also with honey cakes and cake "Honey cake". A natural product like honey is a strong allergen. Now let’s list the sweets that it is advisable to abstain from.

Sugar. There is no need to sweeten things that can do without sugar - porridge, pasta, milk noodles, pancakes, pancakes.

Cakes and pastries. An abundance of cream, meringue looks very beautiful, but these delicacies contain a lot of fats and dyes. Leave them for festive table. One piece of cake every few months won't hurt.

Jam. If your child loves to eat jam with spoons, it is better to give him chocolate candy. Jams have too much sugar. It can be spread in a very thin layer on bread or toast, but not more than once a day.

Caramel, lollipops. Such sweets are considered the most harmful.

Bright sweets– cause allergies and irritation of the tongue.

Iris– gets stuck in teeth and destroys fillings, causing toothache, spoils the enamel.

Foreign candies or without ingredients - if the contents of the candy are not indicated, it is better to warn the baby.

At what age can a child be given chocolate?

Until your baby turns three years old, do not spoil him with sweets. Many parents ask the question: at what age can a child be given chocolate? It is advisable to introduce all sweets after the baby turns one year old. First, you can give yoghurts with fruit, then sorbets, and later switch to ice cream, ice cream and light cakes. Never give chocolate candy before meals. Chocolate satisfies well, so your baby will not want to eat regular food.

Banning sweets - consequences

When can a child be given chocolates? After a year, the baby will begin to learn about sweets. This is a natural process and the baby should not be prohibited from eating treats. What happens if you are adamant in your refusal?

The Forbidden fruit is sweet. The kid will still get candy from the garden and (what is much worse) he will be treated to a stranger passerby. Therefore, let the baby eat sweets from your hands.

Unlimited amount. If the baby does get his hands on the candy, he will eat it nonstop. A large amount can upset the digestive system and cause poisoning.

Greed. If the baby is not given candy, he will begin to be greedy and is unlikely to share it with any of the children. Greed always arises from lack.

Amount of sweets

How much candy is allowed for small children to eat? If the baby is under 7 years old, give him no more than two candies a day. Older children are allowed to eat up to 5 candies per day. It is advisable to stick to chocolates.

After the New Year holidays, your baby may develop a rash or problems with bowel movements. And all this is due to an excess of sweets. Let the baby play with the gift, look at the candies, and eat a couple under your supervision. Agree to remove the rest and give them out a little at a time.

If you don’t know how much chocolate to give your child, then it is better to divide the bar into 4 parts and give one every day. Seven-year-olds can be divided into 2 parts.

Too much sweets - consequences

The rash can appear from any sweets, especially chocolate ones. If after one serving of sweets there is itching or burning on the skin, as well as red dots, the child should not be given such chocolate or candy. Be sure to tell the kindergarten teachers about this.

Sometimes a pseudo-allergy occurs and it manifests itself depending on the amount eaten. In this case, you need to set a safe serving limit for your child's chocolate or candy - and give it according to the new limits.

Particular caution should be exercised in children who have endocrine disorders, e.g. diabetes. In this case, you can give diabetic food - fructose sweets, but only after agreement with your doctor.

Komarovsky will tell you at what age to give candy to children:

Chocolate... A word, from the mere pronunciation of which, a sweet taste appears in the mouth, and the mood rises on its own. That's right, this is a product that increases the level of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Many parents start giving this delicacy to their child almost from the cradle. Can children have chocolate? Are there age restrictions for taking it? You need to know about the effect of this product on the body to answer these questions.

What kind of chocolate can children eat?

Chocolate is different from chocolate. For some reason, this word is used to describe both the purest product with a high percentage of cocoa content, and bars in which there is a minimum of this ingredient, but there is palm oil and all sorts of substitutes for natural ingredients. So, if we are talking about children, then they can only be given a product in which everything is natural: sugar, milk or cream, cocoa butter, cocoa powder.

If you compare dark, milk and dark chocolate, then it is better to give preference to the latter. But not every child will like it. The black one is sweeter, and children eat it willingly. Milk chocolate contains less cocoa due to the addition of milk. There is also a white one. There is no cocoa powder in it, and it is called chocolate only because of the cocoa butter content.

So which variety is most beneficial for a child? Everything is very simple. The most useful ingredient is cocoa, so you need to choose a product with the highest cocoa content. It is the natural delicacy that contains tryptophan, which causes the production of serotonin, an antidepressant hormone.

Natural chocolate also contains an amino acid called phenylalanine. It has a beneficial effect on memory and increases attentiveness. The cocoa-based sweet treat also contains vitamins. In particular, these are vitamins B, A, PP. Among microelements, the largest percentages are iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, and copper.

Whole nuts make chocolate even healthier.

It is better to give milk chocolate to young children. It is absorbed better than black.

At what age can children be given chocolate? Even though chocolate is definitely useful product, doctors do not recommend giving it to children under 1.5 years of age.

The thing is that in addition to healthy cocoa, the product contains far from healthy sugar, caffeine and theobromine. It is the alkaloids, which are caffeine and theobromine, that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. The baby is up to 1.5 years old, so it’s not an easy period: teeth are being cut. He is constantly capricious and does not sit still. And then there are additional nervous system stimulants.

In general, you need to gradually introduce sweet foods into your child’s diet. First, these are sweet fruits: apples, bananas, apricots. Then juices and compotes. Over time, you can start giving a little cocoa, but without sugar for now. Little by little, because cocoa has a lot of calories, and it’s difficult for a child’s body to cope with them.

As soon as parents start giving their baby cocoa, they should monitor the body’s reaction to the product. It may cause allergies. Its signs are known to everyone: rash, itching, swelling of the mucous membranes. If they appear, you need to stop giving the child cocoa. Perhaps this can be resumed after some time.

Cocoa can also be used in baked goods. It is advisable to give milk chocolate and sweets to a child no earlier than 3 years old and give no more than a quarter of a standard bar.

How to buy quality chocolate?

In order not to confuse a natural product with a soy bar, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • The natural delicacy has a smooth surface with an even shine;
  • uniform color, no whitish areas;
  • if a piece of chocolate melts in the palm of your hand, the product is of high quality;
  • The composition does not contain soy and palm oil.

No matter how high-quality the product is, it is better not to give dark chocolate to children. The maximum cocoa content in the bar should not exceed 50%, but should not be below 25%.

Stores sell chocolate with various additives and fillings: nuts, puffed corn, pieces of cookies, marmalade, fruit jams and cream. Of all of them, preference should be given to the one that contains whole nuts or raisins. You should never buy white chocolate for your children if it contains no milk at all. For tiles with a high cocoa content, a characteristic crunch is heard when broken.

Why can't children have chocolate?

For various manifestations of allergies, it is better not to give chocolate to your child. This is one of the most allergenic foods.

This delicacy should not be given to children with lactase deficiency and problems with the absorption of lecithin.

Chocolate is contraindicated for children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or with signs of hyperactivity. It's all about caffeine, which further excites the nervous system. Contraindication also applies to children suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, obesity in to varying degrees or prerequisites for it.

Can children have chocolate, the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The famous TV doctor Komarovsky also has his own opinion on the issue of children eating chocolate. He believes that this delicacy, which causes a lot of pleasure in all people and in children in particular, has the right to its place in children's diet. But we must not forget that every pleasure requires a payment, and it should not be too high. That is, a child should not pay with his health for the fact that his parents once decided to please him with something tasty.

The main harm from chocolate is an allergy to cocoa protein. And a small child has a higher risk of developing allergies than a schoolchild or teenager.

If you ask the question whether it is possible to give, it is possible, but not earlier than the child turns 2 years old. The first pieces should be very small, no more than 1 slice from a hundred-gram tile. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of the baby’s body. The younger the child, the less cocoa should be in the product. Cocoa as a drink should not displace fruit drinks, compotes, and kvass from the diet.

Let's summarize

Chocolate is a product that brings certain benefits to the body. But it is quite possible to do without it. All the components contained in it can be found in other products. Let the parents decide whether or not to introduce the baby to the taste of a new product; the main thing is not to do this until the age of 1.5-2 years. Having nevertheless decided that without treats, the baby’s life will be too bland, you should follow the rules:

  • Give chocolate only before 12-14 hours of the day, so that caffeine and theobromine cease their effects by the evening;
  • Rinse your mouth after consuming the product to avoid the development of caries;
  • Carefully study the composition of chocolate so as not to give your baby a surrogate product.

Sweets should be present in the diet of children, that’s why they are children. But they must be given wisely.