Recipe for ideal semolina porridge: proportions of milk and semolina. Semolina porridge with milk (proportions of milk and semolina) Cook semolina porridge for 1 serving

Caring for the health of the family is the task of every housewife. Thinking about preparing a hearty and delicious breakfast, you can opt for semolina porridge. Its taste has been familiar to many since childhood, and the benefit of the product is to cleanse the digestive system of fat and mucus.

Ideal proportions of milk and semolina

The key feature of semolina porridge is maintaining the correct proportions of cereal and milk. The standard calculation is considered to be adding six tablespoons of cereal to one liter of boiling milk. Many people do not quite understand the calculation of products and sometimes it is difficult to imagine that everyone’s spoons and glasses have the same volume.

When choosing fresh homemade milk, it is customary to dilute it with water in a ratio of three to one - per 300 ml dairy product Take 100 ml of water or, accordingly, 1.5 cups to 1/2 cup. Store-bought milk does not need to be diluted, but the cereal can be immediately poured into cold milk liquid for ten minutes before cooking.

Cooking should begin by adding the standard 6 tablespoons of semolina with a small heap. Only after this can you independently choose the number of spoons with semolina so that the porridge has the desired consistency, thickness, and viscosity.

One spoon contains about thirty grams of semolina, which makes it possible to weigh the required amount on a kitchen scale, averaging 180 g.

When preparing aromatic porridge from semolina, you should follow the main rule, which is to stir the porridge frequently during cooking and set the heat on the stove as low as possible.

Classic recipe

Preparing semolina porridge is quite easy, but it requires full attention and activity during the thermal process. The most delicious, tender and rich porridge is made with milk.

At the same time, the content greatly increases useful vitamins and minerals in the dish, which has a positive effect on the body and gives it energy for the whole day.

All components of the dish should be prepared in advance, special attention should be paid to the specified amount of semolina and measured correctly. Pour water into the pan where the delicious dish will be cooked, slowly turn the container in a circle so that the liquid touches each side.

Heat the water in the bottom of the pan over low heat and pour in the milk. Bring all the liquid to a boil. With one hand, making circular movements, stir the milk, and with the other, slowly pour in the cereal, and then the sugar. You should constantly stir the contents of the pan for about five minutes to avoid the formation of tasteless, unsightly lumps.

Then the semolina porridge should be covered with a lid, removed from the heat, and left to “simmer” for another five minutes. Oil should be added to each individual serving before serving.

Semolina porridge with milk and berries in a slow cooker

You won’t be able to surprise your family with the gentle, unique, but familiar taste of semolina porridge to many from childhood. But by combining it with a variety of berries, it is quite possible to prepare a dish that everyone will like.

At the same time, the benefits of porridge, which is digested in the lower intestine, are preserved and increased. But a multicooker will help shorten and simplify the entire process of creating semolina porridge with berries.

To prepare a wonderful dish from this cereal with milk you will need:

  • 120 g semolina;
  • 0.8 l milk;
  • 100 g each of black currants, raspberries (or blueberries, blueberries, gooseberries);
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 25 g butter.

Porridge with berries will be ready in thirty minutes, and 100 grams of it will contain 120 kcal.

Universal kitchen equipment, presented in the form of a multicooker, allows you to prepare aromatic, but slightly “capricious” semolina porridge, which on the stove can turn out uneven with lumps or burn.

Having measured out the amount of cereal required by the recipe, grease the bowl of the equipment with oil, and then add semolina, pour in milk and add sugar.

On the multicooker, you should set the “Milk porridge” mode, and if there is none, then “Soup / Porridge” or “Multi-cook” for a period of ten minutes.

The lid of the kitchen appliance should not be closed, and the semolina porridge should be stirred periodically.

Rinse the berries, remove the stems and add to the semolina porridge one minute before the end of cooking.

Then, in the “Warming” mode, cook the porridge for fifteen minutes until it is completely cooked, remembering to close the lid. A dish with berries should be served warm, not hot, garnished with candied fruits, nuts, and raisins as desired.

Semolina is not as healthy as other types of cereals, but it perfectly saturates the body and can give you energy for the whole day.

It is often used in mono-diets, where preference is given to one product included in all dishes, and is also recommended for use during the period of resumption of proper functioning of the whole body after operations, for people with chronic diseases stomach, intestines.

When preparing semolina porridge, several rules should be followed:

  1. Maintain the correct proportion of cereals and liquid in which cooking takes place;
  2. Do not increase the heat - this will not only lead to the formation of unnecessary lumps, but also the dish will burn and an unpleasant aftertaste will appear;
  3. Salt, sugar, as well as berries and aromatic additives should be added at the very end of cooking, 1-2 minutes before the end of the thermal process;
  4. Before boiling milk, you should cold water Rinse the container or place an ice cube in it.

When using a multicooker during the cooking process, semolina porridge turns out more fluffy and has a uniform, soft consistency. You can also boil the cereal in broth, making it a hearty, hot and slightly runny dish.

Children like thicker porridge, which can be eaten cold, cut into slices and topped with cream, jam, or condensed milk.

Despite the fact that doctors and nutritionists unanimously refute the benefits of semolina porridge and consider it “empty,” it still remains very popular.

Children and adults enjoy eating the dish if it is prepared correctly. TO

How to cook semolina porridge in milk without lumps?

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps - general principles of preparation

Semolina porridge is prepared with pure milk or diluted with water. Pour everything into a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom, and place it on the stove. In classical technology, cereal is added to boiling liquid. When these two products come into contact, hateful lumps are formed. Of course, you can strain the finished porridge, but this is not an option. It is much simpler, easier and more convenient to master the correct preparation of a dish without lumps.

What else do they put in the porridge?

Often jam, fruit, fresh or frozen berries are added to the dish, but it is better to do this after cooking. Sometimes porridges are prepared with milk powder. If there is a shortage of the product, even diluted condensed milk is used. It is very important to remember that cereal absorbs water well. The ratio of liquid to semolina is on average 7:1. However, if you prepare the porridge in advance and it will need to sit for a while, then you can add even less cereal.

It is advisable to cook semolina porridge in a saucepan that looks like a ladle, that is, with a long handle. It will be convenient to manage the process; it is easy to remove the vessel from the heat if the milk starts to run away. Before adding milk, it is recommended to rinse the container or simply add a spoonful of cold water.

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps

A simple way to cook semolina porridge with milk, in which lumps simply cannot form. The porridge turns out to be of medium thickness; if you need a thinner consistency, then simply reduce the amount of cereal.


250 ml milk;

4 tsp. with a heap of cereal;

2 tsp. Sahara;

10 g butter;

0.4 tsp. salt.


1. Pour milk into a saucepan, do not add anything else. Place on the stove.

2. Take a clean and always dry glass or cup, pour semolina into it.

3. Add salt and sugar, stir dry ingredients.

4. As soon as the milk starts to boil and rise, start pouring in the cereal. But take your time, “pour in” in a thin stream.

5. With your other hand, quickly stir the boiling milk so that it does not run away and the semolina is distributed evenly.

6. Once all the cereal is in the pan, let the porridge simmer for three minutes.

7. Cover and leave for fifteen minutes.

8. Now you can transfer the porridge to a plate and add oil.

Semolina porridge in milk without lumps with added water

This is exactly the kind of porridge that is prepared in kindergartens, schools and other similar institutions. Naturally, no one will cook it with pure milk, but in fact, semolina turns out even better with water.


A glass of milk;

0.5 glasses of water;

0.3 tsp. salt;

2 spoons of semolina;

1 piece of butter;

Sugar to taste.


1. Pour water into a saucepan and place on the stove.

2. Add milk, salt, continue heating.

3. If you add sugar, do it right away.

4. As soon as the milk mixture with water begins to foam, that is, boil, reduce the heat.

5. Add semolina immediately. Pour in a thin stream, quickly stir the area where the cereal comes into contact with the milk using a spatula or spoon.

6. Let the porridge simmer for three minutes.

7. Turn off the stove, add oil, stir and cover.

8. Leave the porridge for ten minutes so that the cereal absorbs the milk, the porridge becomes thick and homogeneous.

Semolina porridge in milk without lumps with soaking

An interesting technology for preparing semolina porridge in milk without lumps with preliminary soaking of the cereal. During the process, the grains swell, the porridge does not set in lumps.


300 ml milk;

10 g butter;

3 spoons of semolina;

Salt and sugar.


1. Pour cold milk into a saucepan.

2. Immediately add salt and sugar. If the porridge is to be consumed with jam or honey, then only salt is enough.

3. Now add cereal to cold milk, stir and leave for five minutes. If you want a thick porridge, add another half spoon of cereal.

4. Stir again and place on low heat.

5. Cook the porridge until it boils, stir regularly.

6. After boiling, boil for two minutes, remove from heat.

7. Transfer the porridge to a plate and season with a piece of butter. Stir.

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps in a slow cooker

Recipe for semolina porridge with milk without lumps, which is prepared in a slow cooker. Water is added. If the porridge is prepared for adults, then you can cook it with milk alone. Products are measured using a multicooker cup.


0.5 cups of cereal;

2 glasses of milk;

1.5 glasses of water;

0.5 tsp. salt;

2 spoons of sugar;

10 g butter drain.


1. Pour water into a multicooker saucepan and immediately add milk with granulated sugar and salt.

2. Take a spoon and stir until all ingredients are dissolved.

3. Immediately add a piece of butter.

4. Turn on the “Multi-cook” mode. Cook the porridge at 90 degrees for about 20 minutes.

5. Open, stir the porridge thoroughly. If it seems a little liquid, then just wait about ten minutes, the cereal will swell further.

6. When serving, you can add a small piece of butter to the plate.

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps aspic

Another way to prepare a popular dish without lumps. You can cook it with pure milk or a mixture with water.


350 ml milk;

2-3 tablespoons of semolina, depending on the desired thickness;

Salt and sugar;

Add oil to the pan and into the finished porridge.


1. Pour half the milk into a saucepan and place on the stove.

2. Add semolina to the rest of the milk and stir. It must be cold. It is better to use a cup with a handle for soaking, so that later it is convenient to pour the mixture into a saucepan.

3. Add salt and sugar to a saucepan on the stove, throw in a piece of butter.

4. As soon as the future porridge begins to boil, take the soaked semolina, stir and slowly pour into the saucepan, stirring constantly.

5. Let the porridge boil again.

6. Boil for two to five minutes, no longer needed.

7. Stir, turn off, let stand for a while. You can also add a piece of butter to the finished porridge.

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps (with milk powder)

Another recipe for semolina porridge. For this dish, powdered milk is used, which can also form lumps along with the cereal.


0.3 cups semolina;

3 spoons of sugar;

5 spoons of milk;

500 ml water;

Oil optional.


1. Take a saucepan, it must be empty and always dry. To be sure, wipe the inside with a towel.

2. Now add milk and semolina, add sugar and salt. Stir the dry mixture until all lumps disappear.

3. Now pour in cold water in a thin stream and stir. It is convenient to use a whisk for this.

4. It's time to put the porridge on the stove. Heat until boiling, stir occasionally and do not leave.

5. As soon as the mixture boils, boil for three minutes.

6. Turn off the heat, add oil, let stand covered for a few minutes until the dish reaches the desired consistency.

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps - useful tips and tricks

To prevent an unpleasant crust from forming on the surface of the semolina porridge, the hot dish should be immediately sprinkled with sugar on top.

The porridge remained, thickened so much that you could even cut it with a knife? That's fine! Take it out, put it on a board and cut it into slices with a knife. Then fry the pieces in butter and pour over the jam. Tasty! But serve only hot.

To make the semolina porridge tender and airy, after cooking you can add butter to the dish and whisk everything together at once. You can also dilute the dish with whipped cream, it also turns out very tasty.

Child doesn't want porridge? Cook it delicious! Add jam, fruit, nuts, grated chocolate. It turns out delicious with raisins, candied fruits, and additives such as vanilla or cinnamon will give you unusual aromas. You can lay out multi-colored patterns from additives and turn your unloved semolina into a culinary masterpiece.

Semolina porridge can be cooked not only with plain or powdered milk. A delicious dish is made with baked milk. By the way, you can also season any porridge with ghee. Down with boring and monotonous breakfasts!

Almost all people know and love semolina porridge. Although not everyone wants to eat it in childhood, when they grow up, many begin to remember with nostalgia those times and the taste of semolina for breakfast. Anyone who has never prepared this dish thinks that it is very easy to do. In general this is true. But if you do something wrong, you will end up with either a burnt mass or a mass with lumps. Therefore, before cooking, it is worth finding out all the secrets of preparing this porridge.

Correct proportions and cooking time

First of all, it is necessary to maintain the correct ratio of proportions of both milk and semolina. And also don’t forget how much time it takes to prepare it.

If you follow strict rules, then 6 tbsp. l. You need semolina for 1 liter of milk. To reduce the proportions, everything must be divided by 2. Accordingly, for half a liter of milk you need to put 3 tablespoons of semolina. To get a thinner porridge, you need to reduce the proportions. For 500 ml of milk you need to take 5 teaspoons of semolina. This porridge is considered five percent and is used to feed small children. Over time, the proportions increase to 10 percent. Accordingly, for 0.5 liters of milk you will need 10 teaspoons of semolina.

If semolina is prepared with homemade milk, it must be diluted with water. The proportions should be 1 to 3. Accordingly, the amount per 200 ml of water should correspond to 600 ml of milk. If you calculate everything in glasses, then for 1.5 glasses of water you need 3 glasses of milk. For 400 ml of water you need to add 1.2 liters of milk. To prepare liquid semolina porridge, it will be enough to cook it for 5-15 minutes. For thicker porridge, you will need to slightly increase the time to 25 minutes.

Classic recipes

The easiest way to prepare this porridge is according to the classic recipe. That is, it must be cooked with fresh milk. This porridge is richer in vitamins, which means it will be more beneficial for human body. You can prepare semolina either liquid or thick. It’s worth taking a closer look at the recipes for different varieties of porridge.


To get the porridge of the desired consistency, you need to add just a little semolina to the milk.

Required components:

  • half a liter of fresh milk;
  • 60 g – sugar;
  • 75 g – semolina;
  • 20 g – butter.

The step-by-step recipe is quite simple.

  1. Fresh milk must be boiled. After this, pour the cereal mixed with granulated sugar into it in a very thin stream.
  2. You need to cook the porridge for 5-7 minutes, without ceasing to stir. Then you need to turn off the stove and cover the pan with a lid.
  3. Let it sit for another 10-15 minutes.

When serving, you can put a piece of butter on the finished semolina. This will give it a creamy taste.


To make the porridge thick, the proportions and cooking time of the semolina must be increased.

Required components:

  • 1 liter – fresh cow’s milk;
  • 180 g – semolina;
  • 50 g – butter;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. when the milk boils, you need to pour semolina into it in a small stream;
  2. then add salt and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes, stirring continuously.

You need to add oil to the finished porridge, and you can start tasting.

Medium thickness

To obtain such a consistency, you must calculate the proportions yourself, choosing the golden mean between these two recipes. Accordingly, the cooking time will be 10-15 minutes.

How else can you cook porridge and what can you add to the base?

In addition to traditional recipes, you can cook semolina with different ingredients. For example, with condensed or powdered milk, with pumpkin or carrots. And it can also be cooked not only in a regular saucepan, but also in a slow cooker.

Cooking with fruits and vegetables

Such recipes are most often used to make it more interesting and tastier for a child to eat a not-so-favorite product.

With pumpkin

Required components:

  • 1 glass of fresh cow's milk;
  • 120 g – pumpkin;
  • 30 g – semolina;
  • 30 g – butter;
  • 15 g – sugar;
  • salt to taste.

Let's look at the step-by-step recipe.

  1. You need to make puree from the pumpkin. To do this, you need to put it in a pan, first cut it into small pieces, and cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Then you need to boil the milk, add pumpkin puree, sugar and a little salt. All ingredients must be mixed well and boiled.
  3. After this, add semolina in a thin stream and cook for another 12 minutes, while stirring.

The finished dish will appeal not only to kids, but also to adults. This will be not only healthy, but also a dietary treat.

With carrots

Another interesting option is delicious semolina with bright carrots.

Required components:

  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 10 g – butter;
  • 10 g – granulated sugar;
  • salt.

Step by step recipe:

  1. carrots must be grated on a coarse grater and simmered for 15 minutes over low heat;
  2. after that, you need to add all the components to it, except semolina;
  3. when the contents boil, you can add semolina in a thin stream;
  4. You need to cook for up to 10 minutes, stirring while doing so.

Such a dish will not only have a pleasant taste, but also a very beautiful color.

With added water

Step by step recipe:

  1. You need to pour water into the prepared dishes and boil it;
  2. after that you need to add milk to it, and also bring it to a boil;
  3. Next, you need to pour semolina porridge in a thin stream, add dried fruits, salt and sugar;
  4. You need to cook the porridge for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and let stand for a while.

You can serve this porridge with a piece of butter.

On condensed milk

Almost everyone loves condensed milk: both adults and children. Therefore, by preparing semolina porridge with this ingredient, you can make all your family and friends fall in love with the porridge.

Required components:

  • 650 ml – purified water;
  • 225 ml – condensed milk;
  • 75 g – semolina;
  • salt;
  • 40 g – butter.
  1. You need to boil the water and add condensed milk to it. After this, you need to salt it and add semolina in a thin stream.
  2. When the semolina becomes thick, turn off the fire. Place the pan aside and let the mixture sit for a while.

When serving this porridge, you can also add butter to the plate.

With milk powder

If you replace regular cow's milk with dry milk, the taste of semolina porridge will remain virtually unchanged. Especially if you add chocolate or jam to it.

Required components:

  • 6 tbsp. l. – powdered milk;
  • 650 ml – water;
  • a little salt;
  • 75 g – semolina;
  • 3 tbsp. l. – sugar;
  • chocolate or jam.

Step by step recipe:

  1. water must be poured into a pan and heated to 45 degrees;
  2. Next, you need to pour the powdered milk into another container and fill it with heated water, then mix everything until smooth and put it on the stove to boil;
  3. then you need to add granulated sugar, salt and semolina and cook, stirring, for 6-8 minutes.

When serving, the finished dish can be topped with jam or sprinkled with chocolate.

How to cook semolina with milk to get the best porridge in the world - tasty, aromatic, simply delicious? There are several tricks to preparing this simple dish, as well as many recipes - ordinary and with a twist.

We all come from childhood. And if today you are still looking for a recipe for that porridge that is “like in kindergarten,” it means that you were fed the right semolina porridge there. If, when you hear the word “semolina,” you remember a liquid, slimy mass full of uncooked lumps, this indicates that something went wrong with your porridge...

To avoid lumps, it must be brewed correctly. Remember your physics lessons: particles of a surface substance, instantly getting wet, stop giving liquid movement into the grains. And the fine grain of semolina just leads to the fact that the grains are “cooked” into one lump; boiling water speeds up the process. Knowing the mechanism of clumping, it’s easy to guess: to avoid lumps, you need to either pour semolina into cold or warm liquid and stir little by little, or pour it, as cookbooks advise, in a thin stream into boiling water, stirring constantly, better forming a funnel of milk in the saucepan.


What proportions should be maintained to prepare the ideal milk porridge?

The thickness of the porridge depends on the proportion of milk and cereal. To prepare medium-thick porridge, you usually take 6 tbsp. spoons of cereal per 1 liter of milk. Salt and sugar are added to taste. If you need a thinner porridge, you can add milk.

If we take the recipes of the famous Soviet culinary reference book - “Books on Tasty Healthy Food”, published in 1964, as an example of the ratio, then the proportions should be as follows:

  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 5 glasses of milk;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

An old Soviet recipe advises to cook the porridge for 10-15 minutes, stirring continuously until it thickens. And add salt and sugar after turning off the heat, just like butter.

Cooking time

How long does it take to cook semolina? Cooking time may also vary. Some cook literally a couple of minutes after boiling, but classic semolina porridge is usually boiled over low heat for 5-7 minutes from the moment of boiling.

If you want to get a taste more or less close to the porridge of your childhood from kindergarten, then you need time, and not at all spent at the stove with a stirrer. Just long cooking kills everything useful and turns any food into an incomprehensible mess. The secret of kindergarten porridge is in the food warmers. Food warmers are special pans that can be double-walled to retain heat or electrically heated. Everyone has seen such rectangular pans in any dining room, but we don’t have them at home. Therefore, the issue can be resolved simply by reproach.

To make the porridge go away, you need to do this:

  • pour cereal into milk using any of the above methods;
  • bring to a boil and cook for a maximum of a couple of minutes;
  • Cover the pan with a lid, wrap it well with a towel or place it under a pillow or blanket.

The “pot” itself will finish cooking its contents. And if you cook semolina porridge with baked milk (including ready-made milk from the store), then the taste will be even more similar to the porridge from childhood.

Important: If you are afraid that the milk in the pan may burn, before pouring milk into it to boil, pour a little plain water to wet the bottom. This will prevent the product from burning.

Semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker


  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • semolina - half a glass;
  • water - one and a half glasses;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt to taste.

A multicooker, this miracle of modern technology, will save you from having to stand at the stove waiting for the milk to “run” or the porridge to start burning. To prepare milk semolina porridge, you need a multicooker of any brand with a power of at least 860 W. Next, pour all the ingredients into the bowl and mix with a wooden or silicone spatula. Water in this recipe It is given for making porridge for babies, but for older children and all others, milk is poured instead of water.

Next, the multicooker is set to the appropriate program - for example, the Philips multicooker has a program called “Porridge”, Polaris has the “Multicook” program, etc. Having set the desired time, set the temperature to 90 degrees (if the program itself does not program the time and temperature conditions).

When the time is up, you will get the freshest and most delicious porridge. It may seem that the porridge is a bit runny. But as it cools, it thickens, and besides, a slightly runny porridge will be just right for kids.

Milk porridge with milk in the microwave

Recipe in ten minutes.

Need to:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • salt and vanillin to taste;
  • butter - a piece;
  • additives - raisins, dried apricots, nuts, etc.

Place the butter in a plate and add all the dry ingredients without mixing them. Separately, boil the milk and pour it into a plate with the mixture. Mix.

Next, pour the resulting mixture into two plates and microwave both for five minutes. When the time is up, stir the porridge again and cook for another 5 minutes. The porridge is ready. All that remains is to serve it with raisins, jam, chopped fruit or other flavoring additives.

Recipe with milk powder

It happens that there is no milk in the refrigerator or it suddenly curdled. What to do? It's good if you have a supply of powdered milk. With it, semolina porridge turns out no worse than from a whole product.

So, to prepare semolina porridge with dry milk, take:

  • half a liter of water;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of dry milk;
  • a third of a glass of semolina;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • a little salt;
  • butter to taste and in the form of additives - jam or some fruits and berries.

Next we do this:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan to prepare the porridge. Exactly this way, and not otherwise! Without first diluting the milk, namely in a dry pan, this will help prevent the milk powder from clumping.
  2. Pour semolina into dry milk powder.
  3. Next add sugar and salt.
  4. Pour everything with cold milk and beat with a blender. To prevent the milk from splashing on you, add water in parts, first a little, then top up.
  5. Now put the pan on the fire and cook for five minutes from boiling. The porridge is ready!

Cooking porridge for children

Special semolina porridge should be prepared only for very small children. The rest of the children can easily eat regular porridge, except perhaps cooked with diluted milk, if the milk is too fatty.

For small children, the porridge is cooked a little differently. They begin to give semolina as complementary food from six months. First, the cereal is boiled in water so as not to spoil the milk by excessive boiling, and the milk is poured into the almost finished cereal. Sugar should be added to boiling porridge, but salt should be added only after the cereal is ready. Oil is also added after cooking, without heating it again. Baby porridge is flavored with butter, which contains vitamins A and D.

In ancient cookbooks there are recipes for making semolina porridge without milk. It is not as tasty as milk milk, therefore, taking care of reducing calorie content, it is still better to dilute the milk with water at least in half. But for dietary fans or people fasting, there is a recipe for semolina porridge with water. It can be eaten with raisins, fruits, jam and other additives; without them it will be empty and tasteless.

Cooking such semolina is not fundamentally different from how to cook porridge with milk.

Important: For this porridge, you can only use the freshest grains. The slightest rancidity will ruin the whole thing.

The recipe is:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of semolina;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raisins and sugar;
  • butter 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water 2 glasses;
  • salt to taste.

The famous “professor of cabbage soup,” as he was called during his lifetime, a passionate fan of cooking and its expert William Pokhlebkin, describing semolina porridge with water in his culinary work, gave another unusual recipe for cooking semolina porridge. This porridge is very unusual for those who know traditional semolina. Its essence is in the preliminary frying of cereals.

The porridge is prepared like this:

  1. Place butter in a frying pan, or better yet, in a pan with thick walls and melt it.
  2. Dry semolina is added to the oil in the required quantity.
  3. The cereal is fried until slightly yellowish.
  4. Milk is added in the usual proportions.
  5. Using a whisk, quickly stir the cereal until smooth.
  6. Next, bring it to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes.
  7. The pan is covered with a lid and set aside to infuse - usually ten to fifteen minutes is enough.

The porridge turns out to be more like a side dish, although it can be eaten with jam or other sweet additives. However, Master Pokhlebkin himself recommended eating this porridge with fried onions, or mushrooms, or something else similar that you like.

There are so many recipes for the simplest and most amazing semolina porridge!

Only with the arrival of the baby do you begin to learn something again. It would seem, well, who can’t cook porridge for a child? Anyone can cook, but not everyone knows the proportions of this porridge for one person.

I also encountered this problem when it came time to cook porridge from regular cereals. Starting with corn, buckwheat and oatmeal, I gradually got to the manna. I started cooking this porridge for my child only after he was a year old. Previously, pediatricians did not recommend it.

Having dug through the Internet, I still couldn’t find a recipe for semolina porridge for 1 serving, so through trial and error I selected the proportions myself and now I want to share this recipe.

Semolina porridge is prepared with milk. On water it is simply inedible (unlike buckwheat or some other). But there is no point in cooking it with pure milk, so we will dilute it with water 50/50.


  • Milk – 1 glass (180 ml.)
  • Water – 1 glass (180 ml.)
  • Semolina – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter
  • Sugar – 1/3 teaspoon
  • Recipe for making semolina porridge for a child:

    Pour milk diluted with water into the pan and wait for the milk to boil.

    As soon as the milk has boiled, we begin to introduce the semolina very slowly, while immediately stirring with the other hand so that lumps do not form.

    Add the cereal, continue stirring for three minutes, and then you can remove the porridge from the stove.

    Semolina ready. Add a piece of butter and wait for it to cool.

    I love this porridge for its ease of preparation. It really helps when you don’t have time to cook in the morning.