Regular physical therapy classes for teenagers. Three sets of physical therapy exercises of varying degrees of difficulty



    I.p. – main stand. Feet together, arms down.

As you inhale, move your right hand forward - up;

As you exhale, lower your hand. The pace is average. Repeat 2-3 times with each hand.

    I.p. - stand with your legs apart, hands on your belt.

Rise on your toes, move your arms back, stick out the abdominal wall - inhale, lower yourself onto your feet, bring your elbows forward, draw in the abdominal wall - exhale.

Repeat 4 – 6 times.

    I.p. – lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows and resting on them.

Bend your fingers and toes at the same time, then straighten.

Repeat 6-7 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.

    I.p. - the same, arms along the body. Slide your palms along the body up to the armpits - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 4 times. The pace is slow.

    IP - the same, arms are bent at the elbows and rest on them. Simultaneously move your hands and feet towards you, then away from you. Repeat 5-7 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.

    Diaphragmatic breathing. Repeat 4 times.

    I.p. - lying on your stomach. Move your legs alternately on the floor of your feet 6-8 counts towards you, bringing the bending in the knee and hip joints to a right angle, and also 6-8 counts away from you. Repeat 6 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.

    I.p. - Same. Bend your legs in knee joints and place your feet to your buttocks, hands on your belt. Place your knees to the right, hand in front of you to the left, and the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-7 times. The pace is slow.

    I.p. - Same. " Bike". 3 sets of 10 times. The pace is average. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. - lying on its side “Pendulum”. 12 times. The same on the other side. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. – emphasis, kneeling. Alternately raising the arm up while simultaneously lifting the opposite leg up. 6 times. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. - Same. Head forward up, bend at the waist - inhale, round your back - exhale. 6 times.

Relaxation exercises.



    I.p. - standing. Slowly raise your arms up through your sides - inhale,

    IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the chest, fingers forward. Pulling the elbows back - inhale, bend forward with a stepwise exhalation and push-like pressing of the hands on the ribs with the pronunciation of the sound “oo-oo-oo”.

    I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped, arms down. Hands up - inhale, bend your hands between your knees - exhale while pronouncing the sounds “uh-uh-h”.

    IP - standing, left hand on chest, right hand on stomach.

Chest breathing. 5 times

Abdominal breathing. 5 times

Mixed breathing. 5 times

Inhale through the nose and exhale noisily through the mouth.

    IP - standing, arms along the body. Hands up, bend over - inhale.

Wrap your arms around your chest and exhale for a long time.

    IP - lying on your back. Diaphragmatic breathing. 5 times

    IP - lying on your back. The arms are bent at the elbows. Legs bent at the knees, right leg on the knee. Alternate relaxation of arms and legs. 7 times.

    IP - lying on your back. In the starting position - inhale, pulling the knee to the chest - exhale. 6-8 times.

    IP - lying on your back. After a deep inhalation, as you exhale, alternately perform circular movements with your leg in hip joint. Leg lift 45 degrees. 12 times.

    IP - lying on your side. In the starting position - inhale, pulling the knee to the chest for a long time - exhale 8 times.

    I.p. - Emphasis, kneeling. Head forward up, bend at the waist - inhale, round the back - exhale onto the chest. 6 times.



    I.p. - lying on your back. Flexion and extension of the feet 12 times.

Circular movement of the feet, alternately in each direction 12 times.

    I.p. – lying on your back, legs apart, arms along the body.

On the count of 1-2, lean on the back of your head, arms, buttocks, bend over, inhale.

I.p. - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

    I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body

On the count of 1-2, leaning on your back, lift your pelvis off the floor - inhale.

I.p. - exhale. Repeat 10 times.

    I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body.

I.p. - inhale. Raise your shoulders forward, pull your left leg towards your chest -

exhalation. The same with the other leg. Repeat 8 times.

    I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head.

I.p. - inhale. Bend forward with your right elbow and touch your left knee -

inhale. The same with the other hand. Repeat until you feel tired.

    I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees.

I.p. - inhale. Lift your shoulders, touching your lower back to the floor, tilt to the left -

exhalation. The same in the other direction. Repeat 7 times.

    I.p. - lying on the right side, left leg crossed behind the right leg,

perform swings with your left leg, counting 10, three approaches. Breathing is voluntary.

    IP - lying on your stomach, hands at your chin.

I.p. - inhale. Pull your left knee towards your left elbow, exhale.

The same in the other direction. Repeat 10 times.

    I.p. - lying on your stomach, hands behind your head.

I.p. - inhale, on the count of 5 - springy bends back, bending in the lower back.

Repeat 5 times.

    IP - lying on your stomach, arms to the sides, legs apart. On the count of 1-3 springy

moving your arms back and up. Repeat 6-8 times. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. lying on your stomach, holding a gymnastic stick with your hands in front of you.

On the count of 1-2, spring back movements, 3 - hold the stick at the top,

4- I.p. relax, exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

    I.p. – emphasis, kneeling. Bend at the waist, inhale, round your back,

exhalation. Repeat 8 times.

    I.p. lying on your stomach, traction of the spine. Diaphragmatic breathing.

SET OF BASIC exercise therapy exercises


    Horizontal eye movement: right - left.

    Movement of the eyeballs: vertically up – down.

    Circular eye movements: clockwise and in the opposite direction.

    Intense squeezing and unclenching of the eyes at a fast pace.

    Eye movements diagonally: squint your eyes to the lower left corner, then move your gaze upward in a straight line. Likewise in the opposite direction.

    Bringing the eyes to the nose. To do this, place your finger on the bridge of your nose and look at it - your eyes will easily “connect”.

    Frequent blinking of the eyes.

    Eye work "at a distance". Go to the window, look carefully at a close, clearly visible detail; a branch of a tree growing outside the window, or a scratch on the glass. You can stick a tiny circle of paper on the glass. Then look into the distance, trying to see the most distant objects.

Each exercise should be repeated at least 6 times in each direction.


    Leaning back, take a deep breath, then, leaning forward, exhale.

    Lean back in your chair, close your eyelids, close your eyes tightly, open your eyelids.

    Hands on your waist, turn your head to the right, look at the elbow of your right hand; turn your head to the left, look at the elbow of your left hand, return to the starting position.

    Raise your eyes to the top, make a circular movement with them clockwise, then counterclockwise.

    Hands forward, look at the tips of your fingers, raise your hands up - inhale, follow the movement of your hands with your eyes without raising your head, lower your hands - exhale.


    Take a deep breath, closing your eyes as tightly as possible. Tighten the muscles of your neck, face,

heads. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, then quickly exhale, opening your eyes wide as you exhale. Repeat 5 times.

    Close your eyes, massage the brow ridges and the lower parts of the eye sockets with circular

movements - from the nose to the temples.

    Close your eyes, relax your eyebrows. Rotate your eyeballs from left to right and right to left.

    Place your thumb at a distance of 25 - 30 cm from your eyes, look with both eyes at the end of the finger for 3-5 seconds, close one eye for 3-5 seconds, then look again with both eyes, close the other eye. Repeat 10 times.

    Place your fingertips on your temples, squeezing them lightly. Blink quickly and lightly 10 times.

    Close your eyes and relax, taking 2-3 deep breaths. Repeat 3 times


    Sitting, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, hands on the knees. Raise your toes and lower them. Repeat 10 – 20 times. The pace is average, breathing is free.

    I.p. Same. Raise your heels and lower them. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is average, breathing is free.

    I.p. Same. The legs are connected. Spread your legs apart and bring them together, without lifting your legs off the floor. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is average, breathing is free.

    I.p. Same. Spread your heels and bring them together without lifting your feet off the floor. Repeat 10-20 times. Medium pace, free breathing.

    I.p. Same. Simultaneously raise the toe of your right foot and the heel of your left foot and vice versa.

Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is average, breathing is free.

    1. I.p. Same. Without lifting your feet from the floor, simultaneously spread your toes to the sides, then

heels. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is average, breathing is arbitrary.

    1. I.p. Same. There is a gymnastic stick underfoot. Roll your feet from toes to heels and back in the opposite direction for 1 minute. While rolling your feet, press them tightly against the stick. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is average, breathing is free.

      I.p. Same. The feet are connected by a stick under the arches. Spread your feet, rolling

stick forward, bring it together. Repeat 10-20 times. Medium pace, free breathing

    I.p. Same. There is a rubber ball under the feet. Roll the ball from toes to heels and back for one minute. When rolling the ball, try to keep your feet pressed tightly against the ball. Medium pace, free breathing.

    1. Walk in place with your fingers bent 15-20 times.

Walk with your toes curled on the outer edge of your feet.

Walk on your heels for 15-20 seconds. Walking on toes for 15-020 seconds.

    1. I.p. The leg is bent at the knee, resting on the edge of the stool. 1. With your right hand, lower your little finger down, with your left hand, raise your ring finger up, then vice versa. In this way, work all fingers 5 times each. 2. Holding your heel with your left hand, raise your fingers with your right hand and lower them down 4-6 times. 3. Using the fingers of both hands, knead and rub the heel, massage the foot on all sides, from the toe to the ankle joint. Finally, massage the entire leg from the ankle to the groin area.


    I.p. lying on your back - hands on the back of your head. Raising your elbows to the sides - inhale,

reduction - exhale.

    I.p. - lying on your back. Alternately bending the legs towards the stomach - exhale. I.p. - inhale.

    I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joints. Raising the pelvis, arching the thoracic spine

    I.p. - lying on your back. Stretching one hand up, and the other on the side of the convexity and curvature - to the side - inhale, I.p. - exhale. 4-6 times.

    IP - lying on your stomach. Raising the body, trying to bend thoracic region spine - inhale, I.p. - exhale. 4-5 times.

    I.p. - lying on your stomach, one hand on the back of your head, the other on your chest on the curved side of the curvature. Extension of the torso - inhale. I.p. - exhale. 4-5 times.

    I.p. - lying on your stomach, arms along your body, palms down. We raise our legs one at a time simultaneously with our torso, leaning on our hands - inhale, etc. - exhale. 6-6 times.

    IP - lying on your stomach. Abduction of the leg to the side on the convex side of the curvature lumbar region spine and subsequent return to I.p. Breathing is voluntary. 4 – 5 times.

    I.p. - lying on your side, on a cotton roll on the convex side of the curvature of the thoracic spine. We put our hand behind our head - inhale, lower it - exhale. The pace is slow. 5-6 times.

    I.p. - Support while kneeling. At the same time we stretch our right legs and left hand- inhale,

I.p. – exhale; the same with the other arm and leg. Repeat 5-6 times.

    1. I.p. - Support while kneeling. Curling your arms in elbow joints until it touches the floor. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5-6 times.

    Simultaneously raising your hands up - inhale, lower your hands - exhale.


    The set of basic exercises is repeated daily, the pace of the exercises is slow, a short delay in movement in the extreme position is recommended.

    1. After therapeutic exercises, resting in a position lying on your side on a cotton roll is useful. 15 – 20 minutes.

(exercise therapy) is a therapeutic method, the main means of which are physical exercises used for therapeutic and therapeutic purposes for injuries and various diseases. Exercise therapy, along with the main task (restoration of impaired functions), develops reaction speed, strength, endurance, dexterity, coordination and helps to quickly return to social and work activities after illness. Exercise therapy is used in combination with a properly organized regimen in clinical, outpatient, sanatorium and resort practice and at home.

Physical exercise changes: primarily affects the central nervous system, causing a change in the mobility of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex; correct the functions of the main body systems (breathing, etc.), metabolic processes; contribute to their compensation; influence the emotional state of the patient, distract from thoughts about the disease, and cause a feeling of cheerfulness and confidence.

Rice. 1. Different types of exercises:
1 - passive;
2 - active with projectiles;
3 - active on the gymnastic wall.

Rice. 2. Basic exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles in a standing position.

Exercise therapy is indicated for open and closed fractures, damage to soft tissues in order to more fast healing, callus formation, with contractures of various origins, polyarthritis, . Widely used during operations on the abdominal, thoracic cavities, etc. (pre- and postoperative gymnastics) as a means of preventing various postoperative complications (intestinal atony, restriction of movement in the joints, etc.) and combating them. Physical exercise improves the nutrition of the heart muscle and enhances its contractile function. Exercise therapy is used in the initial stages of circulatory failure, myocarditis in the subacute and chronic periods, myocardial infarction, hypotensive conditions; for vascular diseases of the extremities: obliterating lesions of the arteries, chronic and varicose veins veins Physiotherapy indicated for lung diseases (pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, and etc.); stomach and intestines (colitis, enterocolitis), with prolapse of the stomach and others internal organs, constipation, liver and biliary tract diseases; for metabolic and endocrine diseases (obesity, ); diseases of the female genital area (chronic inflammatory processes, prolapse of the walls, incorrect position of the uterus, menstrual disorders). Exercise therapy is used in the postpartum and periods. Physical exercises are widely used for diseases and injuries of the central and peripheral nervous system. Exercise therapy is indicated as a method of rehabilitation therapy for paralysis and paresis caused by impaired cerebral circulation, with the consequences of diseases of the nervous system (meningitis, vestibular function disorders and neuroses). Exercise therapy is widely used in complex treatment various pathologies in children (diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, etc.). Exercise therapy is especially indicated as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for defects and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children (postural disorders, etc.).

The main means of physical therapy are complexes physical exercise- are divided into gymnastic, applied sports (, etc.), moving, etc. They are used in combination with natural factors (air, water, sun), which are most fully used in spa treatment. Of the complex of remedies, gymnastic exercises in the form of therapeutic exercises are most often prescribed. When a patient is prescribed independent exercises at home, special recommendations for self-control are given. Gymnastic exercises are classified: a) according to anatomical principles - for small muscle groups (hands, feet, face), medium (muscles of the neck, arms, legs, muscles), large (muscles of the thigh, abdomen, back); b) by activity (Fig. 1) - passive and active; the latter can be free, lightweight (in water, on a sliding surface, etc.), with effort, for relaxation, etc.; c) according to the specific principle - respiratory, preparatory, corrective, in throwing, balance, resistance, with apparatus, crawling, climbing, jumping, jumping, hanging and resting, etc.

Physiotherapy for children - see Gymnastics, for young children.

Rice. 3. Basic exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles in a sitting position.

Rice. 4. Basic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall in a lying position.

Rice. 5. Therapeutic exercises for gynecological diseases in the prone position.

Physical exercises are used in the form of general and special training. Objectives of general training: strengthening the body, improving the functions of basic systems. Special training is aimed at restoring impaired functions. To carry out the tasks of special training, certain groups of exercises are selected. For example, to strengthen the abdominal muscles, exercises are used in standing, sitting and lying positions (Fig. 2-4); to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area - while lying on your stomach (Fig. 5).

The condition for the effectiveness of exercise therapy is long-term, systematic, regular exercise with a gradual increase in load both in each procedure and throughout the entire course of treatment; taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient: age, profession, physical activity, characteristics of the course of the disease. Exercise therapy is used in the form of a therapeutic gymnastics procedure - individually or in groups (in a ward, a therapeutic gymnastics room or in an open area), pre- and postoperative gymnastics; self-study of patients performing tasks; morning hygienic exercises (see). An additional form of influence is (see). In addition, near (see), dosed ascents (see), skiing, skating, rowing, swimming, games are used.

Methodological principles of classes: the load is dosed according to the physical capabilities of the patient, general strengthening exercises should alternate with breathing and special ones. The amount of load in the exercises depends on the starting position, duration of the procedure, number of repetitions of the exercises, tempo, range of movements, their complexity, degree of effort in the exercise, use of equipment, and combination with breathing exercises.

The methodological management of exercise therapy is carried out by medical and physical education clinics, which include exercise therapy rooms with a staff of specialist doctors and exercise therapy instructors.

Exercise therapy classes in the conditions of a paramedic-midwife station are conducted only by an instructor (methodologist) of physical therapy or a paramedic with special training. Therapeutic gymnastics rooms must have a gymnastic bench, a wall, a horizontal ladder, sticks, clubs, dumbbells, balls, etc.

Classes consist of a variety of general strengthening and special exercises.

Patients should use the following criteria:

Perform only exercises that do not exceed the threshold of mild pain;

Increasing the load in order for the body to adapt well to them should be gradual.

Indications for prescribing exercise therapy:

Upon passing acute manifestations diseases during

The pain syndrome begins to subside;

In subacute and chronic stages.


Acute period of the disease with pronounced pain


Presence of symptoms of increasing compression of the roots

Spinal cord.

The main objectives of therapeutic exercises are:

Stimulating the normalization of blood circulation in the belt

Nipto-sacral cervicothoracic areas and the affected limb;

Restoring normal range of motion;

Reducing pain;

Strengthening weakened muscles of the trunk and limbs,

Restoring their normal tone, relaxation

Tense muscles;

Improvement and strengthening of the patient’s entire body.

For severe pain, procedures are carried out individually at the beginning of the course of treatment, and later in groups.

The duration of the procedure is from 10-13 minutes at the beginning and up to 15-30 minutes in the middle and end of the course of treatment.

The total number of procedures per course of treatment is 10-20. The therapeutic gymnastics procedure is carried out in the therapeutic gymnastics room under the guidance of an instructor once a day.


The exercises are performed 2 times a day, repeating each 8-10 times, in a gentle starting position - lying on your back, in order to completely eliminate the vertical axial load on the spinal column (some movements should be done with a large sofa cushion or bolster under your feet).

1. Bend and straighten your feet, simultaneously clenching into a fist and straightening your fingers;

2. The left leg is bent at the knee. Bend and straighten your right leg at the knee, sliding your heel along the bed or floor. The same, changing the position of the legs;

3. Raise your arms up one at a time;

4. Bend your left leg at the knee. Move your right one to the side. The same, changing the position of the legs;

5. Describe circles with your arms bent at the elbows;

6. Bend your knees. Pull either your left or your right knee to your stomach (walking while lying down);

7. Bend your arms, fingers touching your shoulders;

8. Bend your legs at the knees. Take one knee to the side, then the other;

9. Raise your arms up - inhale. Grasp your knee with your hands and pull it towards your stomach - exhale. The same - with the other leg;

10. Perform circular movements with your feet;

11. Legs on a bolster. Diaphragmatic breathing - take 3-5 breaths, raising your chest, keeping your stomach motionless;

12. Raise your pelvis, leaning on your arms extended along your torso and your thoracic spine;

13. Bend your knees, palms folded at the back of your head. Raise your head and tighten your abdominal muscles;

14. Squeeze and relax your gluteal muscles for 4-6 seconds;

15. Bend your legs at the knees. Hands up - inhale, hands to your knees, lift your body and stretch forward - exhale;

16. Bend your knee. Straighten it, pressing your foot onto the floor. The same - with the other leg;

17. Do the same movement as in exercise 16, with both legs at the same time;

18. Raise your pelvis, tensing your abdominal muscles and buttocks;

19. Perform exercises 19-20 standing on all fours;

20. Sit on your heels without taking your hands off the floor; Arch your back, but when returning to the starting position, do not bend.

SECOND COMPLEX (1-2 weeks after exacerbation)

The exercises are performed lying on your back and standing on all fours - this is the most physiological starting position at the recovery stage. With it, as with the lying position, the vertical axial load on the spine is eliminated, the affected segment and muscles are maximally unloaded, and the motor load on adjacent vertebrae is distributed evenly.

Lying on your back:

1. Bend and straighten your feet alternately (10 times);

2. Bend and straighten your knees alternately (10 times);

3. Raise first one, then the other hand up and stretch (5-7 times). If you have a partner, ask him to gently pull your hands (3-5 times);

4. Perform exercise 4 from the first complex (5-7 times);

5. Repeat exercise 5 from the first complex with straightened legs (10 times);

6. Pull your left knee towards your stomach. Raise your straightened right leg up. The same - changing the position of the legs (3-7 times);

7. Do the 12th exercise from the complex (10 times);

8. Bend your legs at the knees, fold your hands on your stomach. Raising your head and shoulders, stay in this position for 2-4 seconds (5 times);

9. With your legs extended, tense and relax your gluteal muscles for 6-7 seconds;

10. Bend your legs at the knees and, clasping them with your hands, pull them towards your stomach (5-7 times);

On all fours:

1. Sit on your heels without lifting your hands from the floor, as in exercise 19 of complex I (10 times);

2. Spread your legs apart. Turn your torso to the left, moving your left arm to the side. The same - in the other direction (5 times);

3. Arch your back, repeating exercise 20 of the first complex (5-7 times);

4. Raise your right arm forward, take your right leg back, without lifting it high. The same - with the left hand and foot (5-7 times);

5. Spread your legs to the sides. Try to touch the elbow of your left hand with the knee of your right leg. The same, changing the leg (5 times);

6. Without lifting your hands from the floor, sit on your left heel and at the same time take your right leg back (half-split). Do the same with the other leg (5 times);

7. Perform exercises 17-20 lying face down, placing a cushion under your stomach;

8. Use your hands to support your chin. Raise your right leg off the floor and hold it hanging for 4-5 seconds. The same - with the left foot (5 times);

9. Leaning on your arms spread to the sides, lift your head and shoulders above the support and hold this pose for 4-5 seconds (5 times);

10. Place your arms bent at the elbows under your chin. First move one, then the other leg strictly to the side (7-10 times);

11. Bend your knees (5-7 times).

THIRD COMPLEX (on the road to recovery)

The starting position (i.p.) for exercises 1-5 is lying on your back, legs bent at the knees.

1. Straighten your leg at the knee, pressing your foot onto the floor. The same - with the other leg (8-10 times);

2. Raise your arms straight up behind your head - inhale. Grasp your knee with your hands and press it to your chest - exhale. The same - with the other leg (5 times);

3. Raise your pelvis as in exercise 12 of the first complex (10-12 times);

4. Place your hands on your chest. Raise your head, tensing your abdominal muscles (5-7 times);

5. Bend and straighten your knees alternately (10 times);

6. Bend your legs at the knees and, clasping them with your hands, pull them towards your stomach (5-7 times);

7. Sit on your heels without lifting your hands from the floor, as in exercise 19 of the first complex (10 times);

8. Spread your legs apart. Turn your torso to the left, moving your left arm to the side. The same - in the other direction (5 times);

9. Arch your back, repeating exercise 20 of the first complex (5-7 times);

10. Raise your right arm forward, take your right leg back, without lifting it high. The same - with the left hand and foot (5-7 times);

11. Place your arms bent at the elbows under your chin. First move one, then the other leg strictly to the side (7-10 times);

12. Bend your knees (5-7 times);

13. Lying on your back. Stretch your arms and legs bent at the knees to the sides. Turning your torso to the right, clasp your hands in front of you. The same - in the other direction (8-10 times);

14. Lying on your right side, pull your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach. The same, turning on the left side (10 times);

15. Standing straight, clasp your lower back with your palms. Pull your stomach in, hold this position for 8-10 seconds (5 times);

16. Standing 1-2 steps from the crossbar located at chest level and holding it with your hands, lean forward. Feel how your back muscles stretch (8-10 times);

17. Perform a hang on the bar, facing it. Rotate your pelvis left and right, slightly bending your knees (5-8 times);

18. While kneeling, walk your hands along the floor, spreading them to the sides and tilting your torso to the left and to the right (5 times).

19. Without lifting your hands from the support, sit first on your left and then on your right thigh (5 times).

20. Repeat exercise 6 from the second complex.

21. Finish the set of exercises with relaxation: lie quietly on your back for 5 minutes, without straining your muscles, placing a cushion under your feet.

Exercise therapy exercises are designed to strengthen muscles that are weakened for some reason. The most relevant today is exercise therapy for the back, since the spine is the most common place where pathological changes occur. And it is these changes that greatly spoil a person’s life.

What is exercise therapy

Medical Physical Culture– this is a large group of special physical exercises, the purpose of which is to help restore the tone of any muscle groups. From the point of view of anatomy and physics, the most vulnerable point in human body is the back and spinal column: from the sacrum to the neck. Therefore, the most relevant today is therapeutic exercises for the back.

There are a lot of exercises in physical therapy. You already know some of them, since you have probably done exercises at least once in your life.

Neurological departments often admit people who cannot straighten up. One day their back was pinched and they couldn’t straighten up on their own. This is due to the pinching of a certain nerve due to the fact that the muscular corset of the lower back cannot provide adequate protection to the spine.

Why are back exercises so necessary? See for yourself:

  • Hands - they are always doing something, moving. Even when eating, you hold a spoon in your hands. In general, the arm moves too much for the muscles to atrophy that much.
  • Legs - since a person walks, their muscles are also constantly trained.
  • What remains is the body. To maintain a straight body position, the back and abdominal muscles must be evenly developed, toned and receive good blood supply. If these conditions are violated (say, with a sedentary lifestyle), the muscles weaken and can no longer perform their functions.

For example, the longissimus dorsi muscle, which runs along the spine, is constantly under stress. During long and motionless sitting, blood flow to it becomes difficult, which reduces its capabilities.

So gradually, depending on our bad habits, the core muscles lose the ability to reduce compression of the spine, the intervertebral cartilage is worn out, and the spinal nerves are pinched. This causes pain and limited mobility.

Thus, the back requires training. If you don’t go to the gym, don’t do exercises in the morning, or are overweight (even if you just have a belly), one day you will have to perform therapeutic exercises to save your back from the progression of diseases.

Types of exercise therapy

Gymnastics to strengthen the back muscles is not the only type of exercise therapy. First of all, physical therapy is designed to restore muscle tone in any part of the body. For example, after wearing a cast for a long time and forced immobility, muscle rehabilitation is required.

As for the back, this is a separate issue, since almost half of the entire earth’s population needs exercise therapy for the spine.

The most vulnerable part of the spine is the neck, because the vertebrae here are the smallest and most fragile. She holds her head, the weight of which can reach 2 or more kg. Imagine - the neck muscles hold this weight for most of the day. Titanic work that we don't notice. And add to this prolonged sitting, tilting your head to the side or stretching your neck forward. Under such conditions, not only does blood supply become difficult, but the load is also distributed unevenly. Some muscles are loaded more than others and cannot stand it. So therapeutic exercises for the neck are also necessary.

As a result, the classification of physical exercises can be based on the following:

  1. Training target muscle groups: gymnastics for the muscles of the back, arms, legs, etc.
  2. Prevention or treatment various diseases: for example, for a sore back, etc.

These are all conditional classifications. Often the same exercises are used to achieve multiple goals.

Three complexes for the back of varying difficulty

Any disease has several periods. For example, the manifestation of spinal osteochondrosis can be divided into 2 stages. There is an acute period, and then there is a decrease in the severity of symptoms and the rehabilitation stage. And at each stage there are different exercises to strengthen the back muscles.

With exacerbation of osteochondrosis

Depending on the severity of back diseases, special exercises will be different. And they differ in their complexity and load.

You should start doing exercises only after the acute pain has been relieved.

For example, a primary set of exercises could be like this:

  1. We lie down on a soft and warm mat, with our legs thrown over a thick cushion. We squeeze and unclench our palms and feet. We do 10 simultaneous compressions.
  2. They moved the cushion aside and placed their feet on the floor. The left leg was bent at the knee, placing the foot on the floor. The right leg remains straight. Move your right leg 10 times to the side (sideways).
  3. Place your feet on the roller again, starting position with your arms along your torso. Alternately lift each arm up as if you were floating on your back - 10 strokes for each arm.
  4. Now do exercise number 2, but for the other leg.
  5. And again, legs on the bolster, bend your arms at the elbows, keep your palms at your shoulders. Make a circle with your elbows in a horizontal plane. That is, you draw 10 circles above you with both elbows at the same time. Try to draw even circles.
  6. The legs are still on the bolster, knees bent. Straighten each leg in turn. 10 times for each leg.
  7. Now a more difficult exercise that may cause pain in the acute period, be careful. The roller was removed and the legs were bent at the knees. Alternately pull each leg with your knee towards your chest. 10 times.
  8. From the same starting position, turn your knees to the side, trying to touch the floor with each knee. Avoid sharp pain.
  9. At the end of the complex, breathe by inflating and deflating your abdomen - 10 inhalations and exhalations.

These exercises are suitable for daily use. You can see that a very light load is used for treatment. But it is enough to help a person.

When the acute period is over, you can do a more serious set of exercise therapy exercises.

When symptoms began to subside

When the symptoms are no longer so severe, you can gradually increase the load. But listen to your body - if doing something hurts ( sharp pain) – reduce the range of motion. This will definitely help.

  1. Lying on your back with your arms extended along your body, raise your head and at the same time strain your abs. This is a lightweight version of raising the body from a lying position. We repeat the movement 10 times.
  2. We lean on the shoulder blades, arms along the body, bend the legs at the knees. Raise the pelvis 10 times. There is no need to bend it too much towards the ceiling, just raise it by 10–15 cm. A large amplitude can cause you pain at this stage.
  3. Lie straight on your back, tense your buttocks and relax them. Try to achieve maximum tension. This is a static exercise.
  4. We lie down with our legs bent at the knees, alternately touching our knees crosswise with our hands, slightly raising our head and body above the floor. 10 times for each hand.
  5. Place a large cushion under your knees (or an ottoman). From this position you need to raise your pelvis above the floor - again by 10-15 cm.
  6. We stood on our knees and hands, with our backs arched upwards. We sat down with our backs on our heels and stood back up. So 10 times.
  7. Now we stand in the same position as in exercise 6 - we arch our back up, lower it back to a straight position. So 10 times. This exercise works well the longissimus muscle and other muscles of the spine.

Well done, more strenuous exercises now that the pain has subsided!

Exercises for rehabilitation

At this stage, when there is no longer any pain, you need to gradually allow them to withstand the normal load of your life.

The main targets are the abs, the longissimus spinae (all its parts), and the core muscles.

The complex is as follows:

  1. Lifting the body while lying down. You have already raised your head, now from the same position try to lift your upper back off the floor. You need to put your knees over the ottoman.
  2. From a lying position, lift your straight legs one at a time. Over time, you can lift both legs. Press your lower back to the floor. This can be painful at first, so you need to work each leg individually first.
  3. Raising legs from a vertical position. You need to hang on the gymnastics wall or use a horizontal bar or special supports. You don't need to keep your legs straight; in your case, it is enough to raise your legs with your knees bent. Just try to touch your knees to your chest.
  4. A very effective exercise in physical therapy is rolling back and forth on a round back. Wrap your arms around your knees and roll. But do it on a mat, since rolling on a hard surface is not the most pleasant experience on your spine. You can lean slightly to the side to get a longer trajectory and stretch more muscles.
  5. Hyperextension and are the best exercises for strengthening the back. Regular hyperextension should be done in parallel with abdominal strengthening. This is the key to lower back health.
  6. Exercises for stretching the legs and lower back are also a mandatory part of exercise therapy. To do this, stand up straight, fix your lower back and try to reach the floor with your hands. If you are good at this, grab your shins with your hands and reach closer to your legs. When performing the exercise, try to maintain the curve in your lower back, which is characteristic of correct posture.

There are, as already mentioned, a lot of exercises. You need to do them regularly and monitor your feelings.

Here are some simple tips to help you recover faster:

  • Don't do anything through pain. But, do not immediately abandon the exercise if it causes pain. Reduce the range of motion and conduct an experiment. As a result, you will know exactly at what stage the pain occurs and where to stop.
  • Don't lift weights. In your case, hyperextension and abdominal lifting cannot be done with additional weight.
  • For osteochondrosis, it is useful to simply hang on the horizontal bar; this stretches the spine.
  • Avoid drafts while exercising as you are exercising on the floor. Cold is an enemy for the back not only with osteochondrosis, but also with other diseases.
  • Individual approach to the patient in accordance with his motor capabilities and condition.
  • Consciousness – a meaningful attitude of the patient to the proposed physical exercises, the direct active participation of the patient himself in the process of performing physical exercises and monitoring the correctness of their implementation, which is achieved by a skillful explanation of the methodologist.
  • Visibility – demonstration of physical exercises combined with explanation.
  • Systematicity – regularity of exercises with a gradual and consistent increase in load: from simple exercises to more complex ones, from known to unknown (in each lesson, include one complex new exercise or 2 simple ones).
  • The principle of consolidation of skills – engage in physical exercise constantly so as not to lose the results achieved.
  • Cyclicality alternating exercise with rest.

Forms of therapeutic physical culture

  • Hygienic (morning) gymnastics prepares the body for daytime activity after sleep, which reduces the activity of nervous processes and muscle tension. During sleep, pulse and breathing become slower, the activity of nervous processes decreases, intestinal motility slows down, digestion processes slow down, and metabolism decreases. Hygienic gymnastics is designed to activate all these processes. Classes are held before breakfast, in the absence of contraindications (as determined by the doctor), in a ventilated room in light clothing that does not restrict movement, for 15-20 minutes, preferably to the accompaniment of music.
    The gymnastics complex consists of 10-15 exercises from various starting positions for all muscle groups, including exercises for coordination, flexibility, relaxation, correcting posture, and self-massage. The load must correspond to the state of health, age, gender, and physical development. For men, it is recommended to include strength exercises: with dumbbells, expanders, with moderate static tension; for women – exercises to develop flexibility, strengthen the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor; the elderly should avoid strength exercises, widely use breathing exercises and muscle relaxation, self-massage of the head and neck to improve blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain; children should include exercises to correct posture, develop flexibility, coordination of movements and balance.
  • Physiotherapy– the main form, which also includes independent exercises by patients (fractional load), in which mainly gymnastic exercises are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
  • Walks(walking, skiing, cycling, boating).
  • Close-range tourism– hikes for 1-3 days reduce tension in the nervous system and improve autonomic functions.
  • Healthy running (jogging), during which all skeletal muscles are involved and the nervous system experiences significant tension.

Class organization methods

  • Individual (with seriously ill patients).
  • Group (based on the principle of the uniform nature of the disease or injury and the level of the functional state of the body).
  • Independent.

Each lesson includes three sections: introductory, main and final. Introductory section(warm-up) consists of several general developmental exercises, sequentially covering all muscles, takes 10-20% of the total time. Main section takes 60-80% of the total time, consists of special exercises in relation to this disease, which must be alternated with general developmental exercises. Final section takes 10-20% of the total time. The load is gradually reduced in order to normalize the increased activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (slow walking combined with deep breathing).

Movement Modes is determined by the attending physician strictly individually.

For hospitals

Mode I

  • Strict bed rest prescribed for seriously ill patients - light massage, passive exercises for the limbs with partial and full range of motion 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes and deep static breathing every hour.
  • Extended bed rest prescribed when the patient's general condition is satisfactory. Active eating and active toileting, independent turns on one side, transition to a sitting position in bed 2-6 times a day for 5-40 minutes, basic exercises for the limbs with breathing exercises are allowed.

Mode II

  • Semi-bed (ward)– staying in the ward out of bed sitting 50% of the time, moving around the floor, walking slowly (at a speed of 60 steps per minute) at a distance of 100-150 m. Therapeutic exercises are performed according to individual indications: in the initial position lying, sitting, standing, or with objects weighing up to 0.5 kg. Gradually include exercises for the trunk muscles. Duration of classes is 20-25 minutes.

Mode III

  • Free– walks within the hospital, for a distance of up to 1 km at a speed with rest every 200 m at a speed of 60-80 steps per minute. Classes are held in the exercise therapy room for 25-30 minutes. Use objects weighing up to 1 kg, games.

The pulse rate in adults should not exceed 108 in adults and 120 beats per minute in children.

For clinics, sanatoriums and resorts

  • Gentle (for exhausted, overworked and convalescing) – similar to free mode. Dosed walking on level ground for a distance of 1.5-3 km at a slow to medium pace is also allowed, resting every 10-20 minutes, swimming with the use of support devices for 10-20 minutes.
  • Gentle-training– physical activity is made more difficult, exercises are performed for 30-45 minutes, with objects (weighing up to 3 kg), on apparatus. Prescribed dosed walking on level ground at an average and fast pace for an hour for a distance of up to 4 km, a health path with an elevation of 5-10 degrees for a distance of 2-3 km for 1 hour with rest every 10-15 minutes, swimming for 10 -30 minutes. They use rowing boats, volleyball, badminton, and tennis.
  • Coaching The regimen is prescribed to persons without significant deviations in health and physical development, that is, practically healthy people. The physical activity is great; dosed walking and running are prescribed. Sports games are played according to general rules. An increase in heart rate up to 120-150 beats per minute (in the elderly up to 120-130 beats per minute), an increase in systolic blood pressure up to 150 mm Hg. Art., reducing the minimum to 55 mm Hg. Art.

Physical therapy is indicated for almost all diseases.

General contraindications to the use of physical therapy are:

  • general serious condition of the patient;
  • risk of bleeding;
  • unbearable pain when performing physical exercises;
  • febrile and acute inflammatory diseases;
  • malignant tumors.

Exercise therapy is prescribed by the attending physician; a physician-specialist in exercise therapy selects the methodology, determines the nature of the exercises, dosage, and controls the performance of physical exercises. The procedures are carried out by exercise therapy instructors, guided by the doctor’s recommendations regarding the nature of the disease.

Magnitude physical activity must correspond to the patient’s condition and physical capabilities. The overall intensity of physical training depends on the patient's individual tolerance to physical activity.

In the selection and application of general strengthening and special targeted exercises, take into account clinical manifestations diseases or injuries and the methodological principle - from a healthy organ to a sick one. The optimal combination of general and specific (local) is used in exercise therapy for any pathology, but it is especially important to take this into account in orthopedics, traumatology and neurology. The total load should be distributed evenly and consistently across all muscles to prevent fatigue and improve blood circulation. The load is adjusted based on the physiological curve - the pulse rate during the session, which is recorded graphically. Dosage depends on the number and location of the muscles involved in the exercises, the form of movement, amplitude, strength, rhythm, tempo of movements, duration of exercise and complexity of the exercises. For each patient determine:

  • occupation density(the time of actual exercise, expressed as a percentage of the total exercise time) for inpatients should not be higher than 50% (in the first days of classes it is 20-25%), in other cases, density up to 80-90% is acceptable;
  • (ANDP) starting positions (lying, sitting, standing). IP lying on your back, on your stomach, on your side provides stable balance, maximum relaxation of skeletal muscles, facilitates the performance of exercises, and is prescribed to patients on bed rest for diseases of the spine. Seated IP eliminates significant static muscle tension lower limbs, creates freedom of movement of the limbs, neck and torso, is prescribed to weak patients and for diseases of the lower extremities. Standing IP is characterized by a high center of gravity and a small support area. Balance is maintained with the direct participation of different parts of the nervous system due to the contraction of many muscles of the body. The most stable position is a standing position with legs wide apart;
  • number of muscle groups participating in the exercise, selection of exercises for them, the ratio of breathing exercises to general strengthening and special ones aimed at restoring impaired functions (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5). You should start with exercises for small muscle groups. When performing complex exercises, the load increases. The more breathing exercises, the less the load. To develop muscle strength (paresis and wasting), isometric exercises with high tension and dynamic exercises are used, which are performed slowly but with great resistance;
  • number of repetitions of each exercise, pace (slow, medium, fast) and range of motion in the joints;
  • duration of the lesson. The total duration of an individual lesson is 5-20 minutes, a group lesson is 15-40 minutes;
  • independent studies– performing special exercises throughout the day;
  • use of game exercises, music– to create positive emotions, objects and equipment in order to change the load. Thus, exercises with a gymnastic stick reduce tension in the muscles of the sore arm and increase the load on the muscles of the healthy arm.

Normally, during exercise, the possibility of increasing the intensity of the load is felt, no discomfort or chest pain, increased normal breathing rate, lack of coordination, pallor, heart rhythm disturbances. Immediately after exercise you feel “muscular joy”, you should feel good. Time to restore heart rate and blood pressure to initial values healthy people should not exceed 3 minutes. During the break between loads there may be slight fatigue, but no more than 2 hours, there are no sleep or appetite disturbances, local fatigue persists for no more than 12 hours.