How to treat uterine fibroids modern medicine. How to treat uterine fibroids without surgery: methods, methods, reviews

Ecology of health: If you have decided for yourself that mutilation and hormonal therapy for fibroids are not for you, then search...

Uterine fibroids are not a death sentence

We don't notice our health while we have it. If something goes wrong, then most often we fall into panic, rush around, look for a way out, and run to the doctors.

And we never think about our own internal resources that can heal our illnesses. Just as we don’t think that we created this health problem for ourselves.

Treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery and hormonal therapy is a woman’s dream. No one wants to go under the surgeon’s knife or poison themselves with hormones. Medicine, unfortunately, does not offer an alternative.

But she is there You just need to start treatment from a completely different direction.

Our body is a wonderful self-adjusting system

If our behavior, thinking and lifestyle destroy it more than it is able to heal itself, then diseases appear. But even in this case, illnesses are not our enemies, they are simply an opportunity for our body to restore lost balance, “let off steam,” and prevent even greater destruction.

This fully applies to everyone women's diseases. Colpitis, cervicitis, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, polyps, fibroids, endometriosis and all the other “joys of life” are just a compensatory reaction of our body. And this reaction is aimed, oddly enough, at restoring the lost balance.

Every illness brings us a message

The task is to hear this news, draw conclusions, and change. But such an attitude towards diseases does not exist in official medicine. I have already said many times that the thinking of doctors is symptomatic. It is the symptom that is considered a disease; it is the symptom that pills and scalpels are directed against.

Here is the simplest example. The woman eats a lot of sweets. Well, people love pastries and cakes. And suddenly - thrush. Panic and horror, what to do? Rather, you need to take pills, insert candles - the fight has begun.

But the pills are of no use, the torment continues. At the same time, the woman does not know and does not think that Candida fungi, which are considered the cause of thrush, eat excess carbohydrates, this is their food. Too many carbohydrates - thrush blooms.

They simply have to reproduce in order to remove excess sweets from the body! Agree, you won’t be able to cure thrush with drugs, even if you treat it for years. You need to stop eating sweets - and the thrush will go away on its own.

The same applies to any other health problem. Of course, this also applies to uterine fibroids. Therefore, if you have fibroids, the first thing you need to do is change your approach to treatment. We need to stop considering it a disease. This is only a symptom, with its help the body is trying to tell us something.

What are uterine fibroids?

This is a benign tumor of the uterus, consisting of myometrial cells and cells connective tissue. They call her myoma, fibroma, fibromyoma, leiomyoma. The essence does not change from this. Nodes can be different sizes and localization, grow quickly or slowly. They can be located either inside the muscular wall of the uterus or grow outward, in abdominal cavity or inside, into the uterine cavity.

The clinical picture of the disease depends on the number, size, growth and location of the nodes - from completely asymptomatic to monthly bleeding, pain, anemia, infertility and miscarriage, loss of strength and meaning in life.

It is easy to find information about fibroids on the Internet. You can see photos of nodes, read the names, classification of the disease. I will not be distracted by this, if you want, you will find this information yourself.

The most important thing for us is to understand the principle of non-hormonal and non-surgical treatment of uterine fibroids. Understand a simple thing: uterine fibroids, like any disease, are a compensatory reaction of the body to stress, an incorrect lifestyle, and a woman’s incorrect worldview. And based on this, develop your own, personal treatment plan.

What can medicine offer if you have uterine fibroids?

Conservative tactics, observation. If the nodes grow slowly and do not reduce the woman’s quality of life, then it is recommended to simply not touch them. At the same time, it is completely unknown what will happen to this woman in a year, two, ten years. It is tacitly assumed that the growth of nodes will either stop or everything will resolve on its own.

  • Hormonal contraceptives (synthetic estrogen-gestagen drugs).
  • Synthetic progesterone-like drugs (in particular, duphaston).
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (lucrine depot, diferelin, zoladex, buserelin).

Each of the hormonal drugs stops the reproductive system’s own functioning and provides the woman (to one degree or another, of course!) with medical sterilization and menopause. It is believed that only this can stop the growth of myomatous nodes.

And finally, as a last resort, surgery. There are two types of operations - with removal of the uterus and with preservation of the uterus (conservative myomectomy). Technically, this is a more complex operation than a hysterectomy. Therefore, patients are often offered to remove it.

Another type of surgical treatment is myolysis. This is laparoscopic destruction of nodes using electrical or laser energy.

Also, selective occlusion (blockage) of the uterine artery. Embolization of the uterine arteries.

In the world, approximately 80% of gynecological operations are performed due to the presence of uterine fibroids, and 90% of them are hysterectomy. Left without a uterus, a woman can no longer give birth, her menstruation stops, and her ovaries die out quite quickly. It is called posthysterectomy syndrome .

Of course, a woman cannot fully recover after such a mutilating operation. Her life potential decreases, uncertainty and fear appear. The internal cause of the disease is not resolved, only the effect is removed. That is, there is no talk about health and happiness, there is only a fight against symptoms based on fear and lack of knowledge, and nothing more.

To summarize, from my point of view, the position of medicine in the field of treatment of uterine fibroids is completely untenable. The proposed methods are either simply passive or cripple the woman. In addition, fibroids often recur, in approximately 30% of cases. And this makes all operations simply meaningless.

Actually, medicine, by and large, is designed to save lives. That is, the situation is acute. Uterine fibroids are not an acute condition, they are not life-threatening, so women have the time and opportunity to figure out treatment tactics on their own.

How to do without surgery and hormonal therapy?

It is important to understand that The reasons for the development of fibroids are always hidden in lifestyle. Of course, there is heredity. But most often, it is not the fibroid itself that is inherited, but the predisposition to it.

Treatment of uterine fibroids without hormones and operations can begin with understanding the strategy.

First. Providing first aid in acute situations. For example, if you have anemia caused by bleeding or inflammation. Depending on this, we select the appropriate treatment that can help in this situation - iron supplements, anti-inflammatory therapy .

Second. Are you going to give birth? During pregnancy, nodes can behave very differently. Maybe it makes sense to prepare for pregnancy first .

Third. We select a classic homeopath . This is an important part of the treatment; it will be long-lasting, gentle, and individually selected. It would be a good idea to find a doctor knowledgeable in Ayurveda, an acupuncturist, a specialist in oriental medicine. Will be useful hirudotherapy . Very promising osteopathy .

Fourth. Extremly necessary to refuse from bad habits (smoking, alcohol) , from coffee . You need to lose weight, if you have excess weight, let moderate amounts into your life. physical exercise, movement, positive mood.

Satisfaction is important family relationships. General health, vitamins, microelements, dietary supplements, balanced nutrition, good sleep and stress relief.

Under no circumstances should you be unhappy, remember this.

Of course, all this is easier said than done. But it is important to strive, to do everything in your power. And do this constantly, without fear of failure and without giving up.

Fifth. Herbs. A good herbalist can do a lot. Herbs exceed the effect of drugs, they are harmless, and increase the potential of the entire body. Exist specific antitumor herbs , their use should be under the supervision of a specialist.

Sixth. Oncological vigilance is extremely important. Especially if a woman has reached the age of menopause with large nodes, and they do not decrease in the first few years after the cessation of menstruation.

And seventh, I left this for dessert. Qualified psychotherapy. The cause of fibroids always lies in the psyche, and I recommend starting your path to health from here.

Psychological roots of uterine fibroids

In almost 100% of cases, this is a wrong relationship with men, starting with the father. This is women's failure and unfulfillment. And from all this comes constant internal stress. Such stress can be so familiar that a woman may no longer notice it. But this does not make the destructive effects of stress go away.

If you have decided for yourself that mutilation and hormonal therapy for fibroids are not for you, then finding a qualified psychotherapist is task number one.

What underlies the development of uterine fibroids?

Incorrect perception of the father's image. This is the basis of the foundations, the beginning of beginnings. If you have grievances and complaints against your father, condemnation and rejection, then this completely distorts the functioning of the uterus.

We cannot completely reliably remember our childhood reaction to certain childhood events. In any case, adult assessments are imposed. We think about it, we inflate it, we color it with emotions and interpretations.

The image of the father (or mother) becomes exaggeratedly cruel, offending, cold, ignoring, and so on. Our reaction to this becomes more and more painful as we age.

This cannot but manifest itself in the body!

And fibroids are just the body’s way of “limiting” our experiences so that they do not spread like wildfire throughout the body.

We cannot and do not know how to accept, live and heal our past experiences. The only thing we can do is suppress them or inflate them endlessly. Both are the path to illness.

If the wrong attitude towards the father began in childhood, then this becomes a model for all subsequent relationships with men.

Please note that I’m not talking about my dad’s behavior in childhood, I’m not talking about the situation that happened. It can be very destructive for a child.

But as a result, exactly this attitude is formed, exactly this image of the father, who then, for the rest of his life, forms relationships with men and women Health from this woman.

How can a distorted father image manifest itself in the life of an adult woman?

  • Bad relationship with father, rejection of father.
  • Quarrels with the husband, rejection of the husband, claims, grievances.
  • Female unfulfillment, coldness, lack of sexual desire, a bouquet of female diseases.
  • Claims against the mother, resentment against the mother, feelings of guilt towards her.
  • Betrayal by a beloved man, divorce initiated by her husband, infidelity, death of a man.
  • The subconscious confidence that I am unworthy of family happiness and therefore the formation of a relationship with an “unavailable” man. He may not reciprocate, be married, live in another country, etc.
  • Life with an unloved man. Allowing yourself to be treated poorly, insulted, not appreciated, humiliated.
  • Taking on the male role herself, working hard, carrying the family budget, allowing a man to sit on her neck. Working in a "man's" hard job.
  • Hopelessness, loneliness, chronic stress.

If you do not correct the initial “matrix” of the relationship with your father, then any treatment will bring only temporary relief. We ourselves will subconsciously return to the disease, devaluing any attempts to treat uterine fibroids. Then we will not be able to treat fibroids without surgery and hormonal drugs.

Good psychotherapy is the first place to start therapeutic measures for uterine fibroids. By and large, this disease shouts to us that we have rejected half the world, the male half of the world. That we are not whole and our lives are incomplete.

Article outline

Treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery is only possible with early stages diseases. Therefore, you should not ignore scheduled visits to the gynecologist. If the disease is detected at the initial stage of its development, it is quite possible to do without surgical intervention. Influence by medicinal methods is carried out under the following conditions:

  • symptoms of the disease are minimal;
  • the node has a size of no more than 2 cm;
  • there is no dysfunction in organs located in close proximity to the uterus;
  • the location of the nodes is of the subserous or intramural type;

If these criteria are met, you can count on non-surgical treatment of uterine fibroids.

About the disease

At home, fibroids are treated with celandine. To prepare the tincture, you need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves and 10 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka.

The mixture is infused for 2 weeks. The application scheme is quite simple. On the first day, use 1 drop of tincture per 100 ml. water and add 1 drop every day until it reaches 15. Then the scheme works in a decreasing manner - every day the amount is reduced by 1 drop. The course lasts 30 days.

Hog queen

Among the popular methods are hog queen. It has antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. A decoction is prepared from this plant at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. herbs in 1 glass of water and take 1 tbsp for 2 weeks. l. 3 times a day before meals.

A good remedy for fibroids is calendula. This herb is often used in the treatment of gynecological diseases and has anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

Usually used externally in the form of suppositories or tampons.

When using this method, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required to identify contraindications.

Methods for treating uterine fibroids without surgery also include the use of various herbal remedies. Basically, their effect is aimed at normalizing the menstrual cycle, reducing bleeding, as well as general strengthening of the body.

This type is selected individually on the recommendation of a doctor. You need to be especially careful when using herbal treatments during pregnancy. Some of them can cause uterine contractions, leading to miscarriage. This factor is taken into account without fail. The individual characteristics of the body are also taken into account.


Many experts admit that homeopathic methods of treatment are also effective for fibroids. Modern drugs of this type are available in a wide range, but their uncontrolled use can cause not benefit, but significant harm to the body. Therefore, appointment is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

It is worth noting that the course of treatment homeopathic remedies quite long and can only be used if the tumor is not prone to rapid growth.

Other methods

The main treatment is medication or surgery, which depends on the stage of the disease and its progression.

It is effective only in the initial stage of the disease. To achieve the appropriate effect, a specialist prescribes hormonal agents in combination with drugs necessary to eliminate symptoms.

The effect of hormonal drugs is aimed at suppressing tumor growth. They are selected individually depending on the type of disease, its nature, and the degree of development.

Mostly progestin agents are prescribed. Their effect is to suppress ovarian function, which reduces estrogen production and causes menopause.

The effectiveness of hormones may be insufficient and there are frequent cases when the formation progresses immediately after the end of the course of treatment, although the results were positive throughout it. Therefore, patients are under constant medical supervision and undergo examinations at certain intervals.

Also, therapy with hormone-containing drugs is prescribed before surgery to reduce the likelihood of complications.

It belongs to the category of non-invasive procedures and is still a novelty in medical practice. The process involves exposing the neoplasm to ultrasonic waves, which help eliminate it. The procedure takes place under the careful supervision of a specialist.

This method is not yet widely used due to the lack of appropriate equipment in many clinics. But in the future it is planned to become more widespread, because it is an excellent alternative to surgery and allows you to remove the tumor without surgery.

This is one of the most difficult gynecological operations. It is prescribed when other methods no longer provide positive effect. Most often, hysterectomy is used when the patient is predisposed to menopause due to age. For younger women, doctors try to preserve reproductive function.

The operation can be simple, partial or radical. In the first case, the uterus and cervix are removed, but the ovaries are preserved. In the second case, only the uterus is removed, while its cervix and ovaries are preserved. In the third, all reproductive organs are completely removed.

The most gentle option is to remove the uterus without surgically affecting the appendages. This approach makes it possible to maintain hormonal balance and significantly shorten the rehabilitation period. This option also promotes rapid psycho-emotional recovery.

Removal of uterine fibroids using laparoscopic method

This is not always possible with the help of laparoscopy. There are a number of contraindications for the event, the main ones being:

  1. Diseases of the liver and digestive organs.
  2. The presence of multiple nodular formations in the walls of the affected organ.
  3. Suspicion of degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  5. Hemophilia.

Therefore, the decision to perform laparoscopy for fibroids is possible only after an examination that reveals possible pathologies, which are a contraindication to this kind of intervention.

Laparoscopy involves inserting surgical instruments into the uterus to remove fibroids through small punctures in the abdominal wall. This method is considered less traumatic than abdominal surgery.

Uterine artery embolization

The process involves the introduction of a substrate into the vessels, causing them to block, which is carried out selectively. is aimed at depriving the tumor of nutrition, which is why it dies.

The process involves installing a catheter into the uterine artery, from where it branches to the fibroid. Through it, small particles of drugs based on gelatin or plastic components are injected, causing blockage of small vessels through which the tumor is supplied with blood.


The duration of the rehabilitation period directly depends on the treatment method. If this is drug therapy, then the period is quite short and the body quickly returns to normal after hormonal levels are restored. The same can be said for alternative treatments.

If surgical intervention is performed, the timing directly depends on its traumatic nature, the age of the patient, as well as the degree of neglect of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body. The most difficult rehabilitation is after complete removal of the uterus and ovaries.

It will take at least several months to restore the normal state of the body, provided there are no complications. If they are, then the process can take up to six months or longer.

Several years ago, at the reception desk of a clinic, I overheard a conversation between two employees aged about 40:

- I just got out of gynecology. Everything feminine was removed.
- And what happened?
- So I have fibroids. Has long been.
-Have you been observed?
- I went to a consultation, of course. Myoma and myoma. And then somehow I started to gain weight. It seems like I don’t eat anything anymore, but my stomach is growing.
- Exactly! Doctor Ivanova also told me: if your stomach grows, it’s a fibroid! First sign.

I admit, I cowardly ran away without commenting on the situation. But the feeling of facepalm is still preserved. Since the devices ultrasound diagnostics appeared in every gateway, lovingly grown fibroids of gigantic size make me dumbfounded.

Unfortunately, in therapeutic approaches to the management of patients with uterine fibroids, there are still two polar strategies: “It’s okay, we’ll watch” and “It’s time to remove the uterus.”

We'll watch!

Surveillance tactics are extremely common. Women are sent to ultrasound 2-4 times a year, painstakingly measuring the size of the nodes. These endless and meaningless measurements are usually justified by “oncology alert.” Indeed, when I studied at the institute, uterine fibroids were considered a precancerous pathology, sincerely believing that the nodes could become malignant. Today's research data have convincingly shown that extremely rarely - in only 0.1% of cases - there is malignant tumor leiomyosarcoma. It’s not the fibroid that has “degenerated,” it’s the malignant tumor that has found a place for itself - inside the node. With a 99.9% probability, it could have started growing in any other place of the uterus, but it just so happened that this particular tumor settled in the node.

Why treat small myomatous nodes? Maybe they will never grow up? Indeed, some nodes can remain in a stable state for years and decades, without bothering the patient in any way. However, under the influence of certain factors, the nodes can rapidly grow, creating a situation in which surgery is necessary. It is impossible to predict which fibroids will grow and which will not.

So, is it right to not act upon discovering small nodes? Leading specialist of the Russian Federation on the problem, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. A. L. Tikhomirov suggests considering the detection of small myomatous nodes “as a diagnostic success, and not as a worthless find.”

This is what wait-and-see tactics lead to:

It has long been known that long-term use of modern hormonal contraceptives makes it possible to stabilize small myomatous nodes up to 1.5 cm in size, block the microscopic “growth buds” of the nodes, preventing them from increasing to sizes visible on ultrasound. A correctly selected drug, in addition to reliable contraception, will provide reliable control of the disease and neutralize unpleasant symptoms fibroids - pain and bleeding.

Who can you just watch? Patients with stable small fibroids without deformation of the uterine cavity and with mild (or completely absent) symptoms at the age of perimenopause (from about 45 years) do not require any treatment. Uterine fibroids are a disease that regresses in postmenopause; the nodes will gradually “shrink” without any treatment.

This is why uterine fibroids are so often treated by charlatans. Anything will help - magic tampons, all-healing dietary supplements, home miracle devices, sprinkling ashes on your head, and dancing naked under the moon. The main thing is to choose the right age of the client. A year or two before menopause, the effect will be amazing - everything will “resolve.”

Treat fibroids without surgery

There are such techniques in the arsenal of modern gynecology - stable-regression ones. Each myomatous node conditionally consists of two parts: a stable core and a regressive part. The stable core is the volume of the node that will remain after applying regression techniques. The regressed part is how much the node can be reduced. There are two such techniques - FUS and EMM.

FUS is the effect of focused ultrasound. This is a method of treating fibroids without incisions, punctures, anesthesia, or x-rays. Under MRI control, a special device focuses ultrasound waves and directs them to the myomatous node. The unit is heated and partially destroyed.

The duration of the procedure is 3–4 hours, during which time you should remain completely still. But after 3-10 days you can return to normal life.

The widespread use of the method is limited not only by its high cost. For FUS, thin patients with myomatous nodes located on the anterior wall of the uterus are selected. If the layer of adipose tissue is significant, ultrasound exposure can cause serious injury. The effectiveness of the method also leaves much to be desired: sometimes it doesn’t help at all, sometimes it helps for a short time.

EMM - embolization of uterine fibroids. This is also a non-surgical method of treating fibroids, complex and high-tech. Under the control of X-ray equipment, a special catheter is inserted through small punctures into the femoral arteries and advanced to the vessels supplying the myomatous nodes. Then an embolisate, a substance that clogs the blood vessels, is injected through the catheter. Uterine fibroids, deprived of blood supply, “shrink out.” The procedure takes about 1 hour, you should stay in the hospital for 1 day, the recovery period will take 3–10 days. Embolization does not require anesthesia and can be used even with significant sizes of the myomatous node.

Unfortunately, embolization of uterine fibroids is expensive; effectiveness depends on the quality of the equipment, the skills and scrupulousness of the doctor, and the quality of the embolizate used. EMM helps quite well: already in the first cycles after the procedure, patients note a decrease in the volume of menstrual blood loss by 90–95%, pain decreases in 85% of women.

Although EMM and FUS leave the uterus in place, the ability to become pregnant and carry a child to term after such interventions is not guaranteed.

What if you just cut out the knots?

There is a possibility! Operations in which the uterus is preserved and only nodes are removed are called myomectomy. This intervention will require a short hospitalization; after 1–3 weeks you can return to normal life.

With submucosal nodes growing in the uterine cavity, bleeding can be simply terrifying. If the node has not grown to 5 cm, it can be removed using a hysteroscope. The operation does not require any incisions because it is performed through the vagina.

The most popular myomectomy is laparoscopic, through punctures in the anterior abdominal wall. You can remove several nodes up to 6 cm in diameter at once.

For large nodes or a large number of them, it is more reliable to perform a conventional operation. The operating doctor can palpate the wall of the uterus with his hands and remove those nodes that cannot be reached during laparoscopy.

It’s a paradox, but if the patient is planning a pregnancy, it is better to refrain from laparoscopic myomectomy. This is due to the fact that laparoscopic surgery does not provide a reliable and complete scar on the uterus. In order to prevent uterine rupture along the scar during pregnancy and childbirth, the uterus should be securely sutured manually, choosing the classic approach through a small incision in the abdomen.

Myomectomies are considered conservative operations (from the Latin conservatio - preservation). Myomectomies make it possible to preserve the uterus even with a significant size and a large number of myomatous nodes, and allow reproductive function to be realized. Pregnancy after myomectomy is possible after 3–4 months if the situation is good or after 2 years if the situation is bad. May be needed for delivery C-section.

Is it possible to be completely healed with the most thorough myomectomy, when the doctor removes all the nodules and nodules found? Unfortunately no. Even with the most thorough “weeding”, many microscopic rudiments of myomatous nodes remain in the body of the uterus, visible only under a microscope. From each rudiment, over time, a full-fledged myomatous node may well grow.

How to get rid of fibroids forever

You can radically get rid of fibroids only by removing the entire uterus. Unfortunately, hysterectomy- removal of the uterus is the most common abdominal operation in gynecology. In Russia, 90% of hysterectomies during reproductive age are performed on women with benign diseases. The average age of the patients was 40.5 ± 3 years. There is nothing good in such radicalism, because even with the ovaries preserved, their function quickly fades away, and the patient plunges into menopause.

However, with large fibroids, concomitant diseases that also require surgical treatment, precancerous processes on the cervix or endometrium, removal of the uterus is completely justified. As an added bonus, surgical correction of pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence can be performed at the same time as the hysterectomy.

In most cases, removal of the uterus for fibroids is a natural result of long-term inaction and adherence to passive observational tactics.

Drug therapy - is it possible?

In addition to hormonal contraceptives that can prevent the development of the disease and stabilize small myomatous nodes, preventing them from growing, there are several approaches to drug treatment fibroids.

Of course, these are hormonal drugs or drugs that block receptors for the body’s own hormones. There are no herbal, non-hormonal, cheap and absolutely safe medications for the treatment of fibroids.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists(for example, Buserelin-depot, Lucrin-depot, Zoladex, Diferelin) can quickly reduce the size of the uterus and myomatous nodes, eliminate uterine bleeding. Unfortunately, due to serious side effects This treatment is carried out in short courses. In addition, in young patients, fibroids quickly return to their original size. In modern practice, agonists are used only as preoperative or postoperative therapy.

Mifepristone(Ginestril) can block progesterone receptors and prevent fibroids from growing. In most cases, during treatment with mifepristone, myomatous nodes shrink, pain and bleeding disappear. Treatment can be carried out for a long time.

Ulipristal acetate(Esmiya) is a selective progesterone receptor modulator that can block receptors exclusively in the myometrium. Initially, it was positioned as a preoperative preparation for patients with large fibroids, accompanied by bleeding and anemia. Recent studies have shown excellent results with treatment courses of 3 months. In some cases, the effect was so good that patients managed to avoid surgery.

According to various authors, uterine fibroids are very common - in 7 out of 10 women. That is why it is so important not to spend years on passive observation with “sighting” every quarter, but to use the entire modern arsenal to prevent and control the disease. The course to preserve the uterus is a modern vector of development of science about women's diseases and women's health.

Oksana Bogdashevskaya


Uterine fibroids are a benign formation that occurs in the muscle tissue of the uterus due to hormonal pathologies.

Patients aged 35-50 years suffer the most from it, although such a deviation can occur much earlier.

This can seriously complicate the lives of young women dreaming of having a child and those already carrying one. For this they do, where its size and the number of neoplasms are determined, after which it begins.

What it is?

It is important to note that fibroids are benign neoplasm, quite treatable. But it is very dangerous for the health and even life of a woman if there are many of them. An ultrasound determines the dimensions, which, due to the similarity of the growth process of the uterus with that during pregnancy, are usually compared with.

According to this criterion, fibroids are divided into 3 categories:

  • – it is no more than 20 mm in size and corresponds to 4 obstetric weeks.
  • The neoplasm is medium in size – 20-60 mm or 10-11 weeks.
  • Large fibroids - over 60 mm or 12-16 weeks.
  1. Heavy and prolonged periods with pain, which painkillers cannot relieve. They are often accompanied by anemia due to significant blood loss.
  2. Uterine bleeding is possible in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Due to the enlargement of the cervix, it is noticeable.
  4. If the neoplasm has a leg and it is twisted, then the abdominal pain becomes unbearable. Due to impaired blood circulation in the tissues of the tumor and uterus, this is fraught with peritonitis.
  5. Large nodes put pressure on neighboring organs, causing problems with bowel movements and urination. Also associated are lower back pain, heart pain, headaches, hot flashes, dizziness and weakness, and as a result of compression of the nerve roots in the rectal area, the legs go numb.
  6. With large subserous fibroids, ultrasound shows adhesions of uterine tissue with adjacent organs.
  7. Pain during sexual intercourse.
  8. Watery-mucous leucorrhoea of ​​a dark color with an unpleasant odor.


The main culprit in the appearance and development of uterine fibroids is hormonal disbalance estrogen metabolism. When broken down by liver enzymes, these female hormones can be transformed into high-quality, low-quality or even dangerous substances. Low-quality estrogen metabolites contribute to the appearance of benign tumors. Dangerous ones, by deforming cellular DNA, can cause them.

If the mass of such pathological modifications becomes critical, then several myomatous nodes appear. Dysfunction plays a significant role in their appearance. immune system(especially if there are chronic infectious foci) and hereditary predisposition.

Other risk factors:

  • Prolonged stress, heavy physical labor.
  • Lack of regular sexual intercourse.
  • Abortion, childbirth complicated by injuries.
  • Obesity, arterial hypertension, diabetes.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • No births by age 30.
  • Long sunbathing.

Is treatment possible without surgery?

How to treat and cure large uterine fibroids without surgery is necessary for those who are faced with this problem. In many cases, fibroids can be treated without surgery.

This applies, first of all, to short periods of time, single tumors or a small number of them. And the choice of treatment method for large benign neoplasms is associated with the patient’s well-being, her age, the site of node removal and the presence of complications aggravating the course of the disease from other organs.

The widespread introduction of new treatment methods, which will be discussed below, will significantly reduce the share of in favor of conservative methods. But for now, surgical gynecology of uterine fibroids is a leader among other diseases.

Due to the diagnosis of myomatous nodes, almost 80% of gynecological operations are performed, in which in most cases. And this is the problem for a third of women over 55 years old.

Popular treatments

Can uterine fibroids be treated? The answer is yes, they are treated with conservative and surgical methods. Conservative treatment is carried out for fibroids up to 10-11 weeks. This and physical therapy. A set of measures stops tumor growth; such treatment is especially effective during reproductive age, during menopause and postmenopause.

Conservative treatment lasts up to six months in combination with the prevention of endometrial hyperplasia. During menopause, hormonal medications are prescribed for years.

If conservative methods are ineffective, uterine fibroids are removed, and in severe cases, along with the organ.

Surgery is indicated in such cases:

  1. The size of the neoplasm is at least 12 weeks.
  2. It is developing quickly.
  3. Pregnancy planning.
  4. At risk of developing a benign form into a malignant one.
  5. Severe pain in which painkillers are ineffective.
  6. Compression of the rectum Bladder and nerve roots.
  7. Severe bleeding with the development of anemia.
  8. Risk of peritonitis due to twisting of the tumor stalk.
  9. Difficulty urinating with urinary stagnation.
  10. General intoxication and bloating.
  11. Infertility or failure to carry a pregnancy to term.

Conservative treatment of fibroids includes a number of methods, more about this.

Uterine artery embolization

– blockage of the blood vessels supplying the organ, preventing its blood supply. To understand the principle of uterine artery embolization (UAE), you need to understand the uterine blood supply. It is fed by 4 arteries: the left and right uterine, and the same ovarian. The main load lies on the uterine arteries.

If you block them, the nutrition of the organ will be disrupted. First of all, this will affect fibroids, the protective properties of which, due to their pathological nature, are not perfect. But well-adapted healthy tissues will survive even in such extreme conditions. The ovarian arteries and other small blood vessels will help them with this.

A special bonus of UAE is the extremely rare recurrence of the disease, and all myomatous nodes are exposed to its effects. Reception medicines not needed here. Mini-operation is performed under local anesthesia. First, a puncture is taken from the right femoral artery, and then, under the control of an X-ray machine, micro-balls are alternately introduced into the veins, blocking the uterine arteries. The procedure lasts a maximum of 40 minutes, the patient does not feel pain.

Usually, after 3 months, fibroids are reduced by half, and in a year - by 2/3. The cessation of pain and bleeding during menstruation with the normalization of their duration in most patients is observed within a couple of months after UAE.

FUS ablation

is a non-surgical treatment method that comes down to removal of fibroids with focused ultrasound under MRI guidance. And tomography helps to identify the degree of its decay.

Advantages of this technique:

  • Bloodless, no side effects, pain, intoxication.
  • There is no need for anesthesia.
  • Guaranteed preservation of the organ and its functionality.
  • Effective for large knots, their rapid reduction by three times.
  • Elimination of disease symptoms, no relapses.
  • Possibility of outpatient treatment, quick recovery after the procedure.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • Significant cost of equipment and high cost of procedure.
  • A one-time impact is possible on a maximum of 2 nodes.
  • Limitation of use for obesity and scar tissue changes.
  • The duration of the treatment session and the patient’s uncomfortable posture during it.

Hormone therapy

Hormonal treatment helps restore reproduction, using the following drug groups:

  1. Androgens(Gestrinone, Danazol) - their purpose is to reduce the impact of estrogens, which promote the growth of tumors. Treatment lasts 7-8 months.
  2. Gestagens(Utrozhestan, Norkolut) - used for small fibroids to normalize the endometrium.
  3. Installation of hormonal, which normalizes hormonal balance. This is achieved through a daily dose of the hormone, which can inhibit tumor growth. It is valid for 5 years and also has a contraceptive effect.
  4. Combination drugs(, Regulon, Yarina) - they are effective for small tumors and are prescribed for a period of more than 3 months.

Folk remedies

List all effective not possible, this is only a small part of them:

  1. Broccoli seed sprouts. The indole-3-carbinol they contain destroys tumor cells without affecting healthy ones. Sprouts grown from seeds to a height of 4 cm in a box of sand are ground with the addition of vodka. For a week, you need a glass of the drug, which you drink by spoon three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is up to 12 weeks.
  2. Tincture of Vitex-Sacred fruits. Soak half a glass of ground raw materials in 0.5 liters of alcohol diluted by half in the dark for 3 weeks, shaking daily. Add 10 parts of vodka to the filtered product and shake well. It is dissolved in the mouth for a couple of minutes, 25 drops per spoon of water, twice a day - after waking up and before going to bed. The treatment course is at least 2 months.
  3. Tincture of the Golden Mustache. Soak about 30 joints in half a liter of vodka for 2 weeks in the dark. In the morning, on an empty stomach, dissolve with 2 tablespoons of water, starting with a dozen drops, and in the evening 40 minutes before dinner. Every day, increase the dose one drop at a time, bringing it to 35. Then drop by drop, reduce it to the original amount. After the third course, introduce an additional dose. There are 5 of them in total, but after the first two take a week break, and then a ten-day break.

An alcohol tincture of walnut partitions is also used for medicinal purposes - three times 20 drops each for 2 months, water tincture burdock root - half a glass 4 times a day for several months with 10-day breaks, flaxseed decoction - half a glass three times a day for at least a month. Infusions of other medicinal herbs are also used.


Treatment with medicinal leeches can normalize blood circulation in the pelvis and eliminate congestion. Salivary enzymes from worms have an antitumor effect and can even out hormonal imbalances.

The duration of the procedure is half an hour, 10 sessions are practiced with a 2-3 month break. Small wounds at the bite sites heal in a couple of weeks.


This treatment method helps normalize hormonal levels, the menstrual cycle and functions nervous system, prevents tumor nutrition.

These types of it are effective:

  • Radon and iodine-bromine baths. They act through the skin and nerve receptors, increasing immunity, reducing estrogen production, improving metabolism, helping to relieve inflammation and normalizing ovarian function.
  • Electrophoresis practiced for fibroids less than 12 weeks old and their slow growth from 5-7 days of the menstrual cycle. For 15-20 procedures (except for menstrual days), potassium or sodium iodide is used.
  • Magnetotherapy– using a special device placed on the stomach where the tumors are located. The procedure lasts 10 minutes or more, and the course consists of one and a half dozen sessions.

Read also about uterine fibroids.


This is the introduction of medications into the vagina using a rubber bulb or Esmarch mug.

Several recipes:

  1. Soda: 2 spoons per 2 l warm water– daily for up to six months.
  2. : infused decoction of 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves in a liter of boiling water (cook for a quarter of an hour).
  3. Pharmaceutical chamomile or calendula: 3-hour infusion of a spoonful of dry raw materials in a glass of boiling water.
  4. Celandine: simmer a crushed spoonful of leaves for a quarter of an hour in a glass of boiling water, use daily for up to six months. Soak the dried celandine root in a glass of boiling water with the addition of a spoonful of honey for a quarter of an hour. Carry out the procedure twice a day.
  5. Tincture of the Golden Mustache: before bedtime, ten drops per liter of warm water every day for 3 weeks with a week break.

Contraindications of the method:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • after an abortion or any gynecological surgery.

The content of the article:

Uterine fibroids are a benign neoplasm that occurs in the muscle layer of the organ. It is a fairly common gynecological ailment, affecting 12-25% of women. It looks like a knot of round smooth muscle fibers. Most of these tumors reach a diameter of several millimeters to several centimeters.

How Olga, 48 years old, cured uterine fibroids using folk methods

I want to say right away that if you have been diagnosed with fibroids, you should not wait and watch its growth, even under the supervision of a gynecologist. This is fraught with the fact that you will develop serious pathologies, which will have to be solved by radical methods, such as surgery.

I am now 48 years old, I look about 35. In the summer I love sunbathing and lounging on the beach. Last August, I started my period, but it didn’t end as usual, but continued for several weeks in a row. Then blood clots literally started falling out of me. I was urgently hospitalized.

Hemoglobin dropped to 27. She spent the day in intensive care, received a blood transfusion, and was given a bunch of injections and IVs. I'm shocked, and so are the doctors. The diagnosis was “multiple submucous fibroids 8 weeks old.” I was recommended to have surgery to remove the uterus.

I left the hospital with the firm confidence that I would not undergo any operation. I decided to fight for my health on my own. First of all, I went to a herbalist I knew, who had already helped cure my friend’s fibroids. She recommended using a hemostatic tincture of comfrey and a decoction of bergenia roots. I also had to apply an ice pack to my lower abdomen for 20 minutes.

After I managed to stop the bleeding, I should begin treating the fibroids themselves. I could feel it on my stomach - it was very dense.

To resolve it, I made lotions from blue clay for two to three hours a couple of times a day. After the eighth procedure, I noticed that my stomach became much softer and the tumors could not be felt. I also experienced nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region.

In addition to compresses, I additionally took tincture of golden mustache orally. I drank half a glass of it in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed.

This traditional treatment uterine fibroids yielded results. After two months, no large nodes were found on my ultrasound.

Life story of treatment of uterine fibroids with the help of dietary supplements Evgenia, 35 years old

I have been diagnosed with multiple uterine fibroids for more than ten years. Around the age of 22, doctors started telling me that I needed to give birth urgently, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to. But doctors’ recommendations are one thing, but life circumstances are another. It so happened that I had my first child at 31 years old.

During pregnancy, I had an ultrasound, and the doctor, seeing my fibroid nodes, said, well, I didn’t have surgery before pregnancy. Now it is unlikely that it will be possible to give birth with such a pathology. I was in shock, cried for a couple of weeks, then they gave me a referral for conservation. It seems like everything has worked out.

It turned out that the nodes are not in the uterine cavity, but on the outer walls and deep in the tissues. But the problem was that they were growing, and one large tumor was located near the cervix. Thus, she blocked the child's exit. In addition to all this, obviously, the baby was uncomfortable there because of the knots and he turned upside down.

In general, there was no hope for a natural birth; I had to have a caesarean section according to indications. During the operation, six more nodes were cut out from the surface of the uterus, without penetrating into its cavity. Some were left - intermuscular and on the back wall.

With such scars and fibroids, I managed to carry my second child. Moreover, during this pregnancy I had more nodes. And a year and ten months later I had a second caesarean section. They did not remove the nodes, saying that this way they would leave me a chance to have a third baby.

After my second birth, I was left with 7 myomatous nodules on the surface of the uterus. The largest reached a size of 7 centimeters. However, after the uterus contracted, he also “shrank” to 3.5 centimeters. There were also a couple of two centimeters and several small ones.

I found information on the Internet about American iHerb dietary supplements. Visiting a doctor at the Center for Pregnancy and Rehabilitation after the second birth, I consulted about such treatment. She said that she did not see any obvious benefit from such therapy, but dietary supplements would not do any harm. That's why I allowed him to drink.

However, for a long time I did not dare to start a course of such treatment. At first I breastfed, then I forgot about them. Then I decided to undergo an ultrasound examination of my breasts and remembered about fibroids and dietary supplements. I decided to drink them anyway. I completed the entire course of treatment as indicated in the instructions. A couple of months later I went for an ultrasound. The results amazed me, as did my attending physician.

Ultrasound revealed only one myomatous node on the anterior wall. This is the one that was the largest. It has become about two centimeters in size and has become calcified, meaning it will not grow. The remaining small nodules disappeared completely. I immediately couldn’t believe my ears and told the doctor to check it again more carefully. She looked and said - no!

And I want to note one more point. During pregnancy with my second child, small papillomas appeared on my body. During the treatment of uterine fibroids with Indole-3-Carbinol, they disappeared without a trace.

How Valeria, 45 years old, treated uterine fibroids with special gymnastics

I was diagnosed with fibroids six years ago. I was regularly examined by a doctor, I was very afraid, since my grandmother died of uterine cancer at the age of 76, but my mother’s fibroid resolved on its own after menopause passed and menopause occurred. She is now 75 years old. And so, having two such examples, I was very afraid for my health.

At first I drank hormones, various herbs, and the ASD fraction. However, this was not treatment, but rather supportive therapy. Although the fibroids did not grow, they remained in place. Then I decided to try physical therapy. Heard in antenatal clinic that in untreated cases like mine, it helps.

I searched the Internet and found several complexes. From these I combined my own. He looked like this:

  • Inflation and retraction of the abdomen. You need to do it for seven minutes. As a result, about 25 inhalations and exhalations should come out. I did this kind of gymnastics from ten to fifteen times every day at any convenient time.
  • Lower abs exercises. She lay down on the floor on her back and raised her straight legs a few centimeters up. It is important to strain your abs as much as possible and concentrate on your abdominal muscles.
  • Exercise bike exercises. I had it, and I regularly practiced on it for 15-20 minutes a day. If you don’t have an exercise bike, you can run outdoors or on a special trainer. Simple leisurely walking in the fresh air also has a good effect on the body.
But it’s important to remember that doing too much can only make things worse. In my medical history, uterine fibroids were non-progressive and small in size. Therefore, non-strength training was useful for me. But if you have large nodes or a lot of them, then playing sports is not recommended. This can cause bleeding and provoke active growth of fibroids. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

As a result of three months of training, I not only tightened my figure so that it became pleasant to look at myself in the mirror, but also got rid of fibroids. I went for an ultrasound. We looked - there were no nodules! This is the salvation of physical education.

A story about the treatment of uterine fibroids with diet and herbs by Anna, 43 years old

I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids 3-4 years ago, after my second late birth. The doctor said that there is no need to do anything yet, we will observe. I went online and read a bunch of stories about serious complications, even bleeding and cancer, if the fibroid is not treated and left untreated. In general, I decided to act on my own.

It is also important to consume more iodine. It can be drunk in tablet form or obtained from food products - fish, seaweed, and various seafood.

In the mornings I drank a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. It perfectly cleanses the body and replenishes the supply of unsaturated fatty acids. But “traditional” fats of animal origin should be as little as possible in food. Such a balanced diet will help normalize the functioning of the hormonal system, which is responsible for the formation of fibroids.

In addition, I started treatment for uterine fibroids without surgery traditional methods. I used several recipes:

  1. I washed down one mummy tablet with one hundred grams of beet juice. I took it every morning on an empty stomach for a course of 2 months.
  2. Infusion of motherwort, hawthorn berries, St. John's wort, calendula, buckthorn bark and immortelle. I took all the components in equal quantities - 2 grams each. I poured boiling water into a thermos in the evening and left it to steep overnight. I drank one hundred grams twice a day in the morning and at night. The course is about three months.
  3. Euphorbia Pallas helps well. I bought a few grams of powder and drank it on the tip of a knife three times a day, half an hour before meals. This course of treatment lasted three months.
  4. Remens also works well. Is not hormonal drug, on herbs. It calms well and normalizes women's health.
So I was treated, combining medications, for four months, after which I went for a control ultrasound. I can’t say for sure what exactly helped me, but my nodules resolved completely. Not a trace of them remained.

Recipe for treating uterine fibroids with kerosene Svetlana, 56 years old

Once, one of the newspapers already published my recipe for treating uterine fibroids with kerosene. I practice witchcraft and have already cured many women this way. Then, after publication, I received many letters with questions: which kerosene should I use for treatment - purified or not? I answered as many as possible, and then I thought - what if someone decides to be treated with aviation or white purified kerosene?! Therefore, I decided to once again tell you in detail about the method of getting rid of fibroids using this remedy.

Myoma should be treated with simple kerosene, which is used for household purposes. It must be filtered independently through a thick layer of fabric. After this, soak a cotton-gauze swab in kerosene and insert it into the vagina in the evening before bed for five minutes. You should not be afraid of any burns if you strictly adhere to the exposure time of the tampon. Procedures can be done every other day. In total, no more than 12 sessions are needed.

However, I want to warn you about possible contraindications. If the fibroid was removed surgically, and it reappeared, then kerosene treatment is powerless. You should also beware of using kerosene for women who have erosion on the cervix or vagina. First of all, it is necessary to cure the erosion.

If the fibroids have not resolved in one course, then it can be repeated, but not earlier than after three months.

Also, in addition to pure kerosene, you can use kerosene-nut extract. It’s simple to prepare: you need to take green walnuts, chop them and place them in a glass container (for example, a liter jar) so that they occupy about half. Pour purified kerosene to the top. The mixture should be stored in a cool, dark place for three weeks. After this, the product should be filtered. They also need to wet a tampon and insert it into the vagina for a few minutes at night.

The pharmacy sells a pharmaceutical analogue - the drug Todikamp. It is inexpensive and widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various tumors, affecting the cause of their appearance - a malfunction in the immune system.

You can also make clay tampons with Todikamp. To do this, we form a tampon from natural pure clay, wrap it with gauze in one layer and drip a few drops of Todikamp. We place it in the vagina for a couple of hours before going to bed.

How to treat uterine fibroids - watch the video: