What influences beauty. All about female beauty and health: water, nutrition, mood

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We all want to always stay young and beautiful. We put a lot of effort into caring for the skin, maintaining its healthy and radiant appearance. After all, it is the skin that judges the age and beauty of a woman. But no matter how good creams, lotions and anti-aging serums you use, they will not give the desired result if you do not get enough sleep. Yes, it is a healthy 8-hour sleep that is the key to young, beautiful and radiant skin - this has been proven more than once.

From time immemorial, it was believed that going to bed before midnight and getting up at dawn is The best way maintain women's youth and beauty. 11 pm to 3 am is the perfect time for deep sleep. At this time, the body is actively restored and renews the cells of all organs. And since the skin is the largest organ of our body, it is primarily reflected in the lack of sleep. Night creams for the skin also work on this basis - during sound sleep they penetrate deep into the skin and enrich it with nutrients, including those necessary to preserve youth.

Of course, for beautiful, clean and radiant skin, not only sleep is important, but also the conditions in which you sleep. So, in order to avoid the appearance of skin problems (or to eliminate them), it is recommended to sleep on cotton pillows and others made from natural, hypoallergenic materials. It is recommended to change the pillowcase at least twice a week, especially in conditions of heat or high humidity. Before going to bed, be sure to wash and cleanse the skin of cosmetics, as well as moisturize it with a cream at night.

Now let's talk about exactly how sleep and youth are connected. Growth hormone, which renews the cells of the skin and other organs, can only work in a state of deep sleep. Therefore, from lack of sleep, our skin looks worse. And having a good night's sleep, your skin will be regularly updated, which means it will shine with health. You will not only see the difference in the mirror, but also feel cheerful, as you will have time to restore your strength during sleep. The difference will be noticeable.

On the other hand, if you sleep too long, you will feel sluggish, tired of everything. This, in turn, affects both mood and general well-being. In addition, you will look worse - the skin may become pale and older. Therefore, try to ensure that your night's sleep does not last more than 9 hours.

The position in which you sleep also affects the condition of the skin. If you sleep on an uncomfortable bed or face-first into a pillow, blood flow is restricted, preventing oxygenated blood from reaching all parts of the body, especially the face. As a result, skin cells are not updated, and you look worse every day.

Of course, everyone's biological clock is different, but try to allocate 8 hours for a night's sleep in a mode that is convenient for you. Don't neglect sleep thinking your work is more important. First of all, you should appreciate yourself and your beauty, and try to keep it as long as possible!


The skin covers the entire surface of the body, its condition largely forms appearance person. Pimples, bumps, rashes, age spots, erupted wrinkles can seriously spoil the mood and even lower self-esteem, deprive self-confidence. But there is good news: the appearance of the skin can be improved by devoting some of your free time to it.

Skin condition

The human body can be visualized as a complex biochemical process in which the final result is determined by the quality of raw materials and production conditions. In other words, the state of the body, nutrition, lifestyle, Environment, relationships with other people are reflected in the skin.

Ideal facial skin is the result of the harmonious functioning of all organs, proper nutrition, physical training, lack of stress and competent care.

If you have skin problems:

  • make sure that the digestive organs are healthy;
  • cleanse the body of toxins that interfere with the absorption of useful elements from food and prevent the elimination of toxins;
  • normalize nutrition;
  • Use special care according to your skin type.

The health of the digestive system will be assessed by a doctor, if necessary, prescribe treatment and diet food. After that, it is necessary to remove toxins under the supervision of a specialist; in diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, it can be dangerous to health. Cosmetics do not solve problems, they only temporarily mask defects. Changing your eating habits is where you can start taking action on your own.


A lot is said about proper nutrition today, its basic principles are known, briefly:

  • exclude fatty, spicy, salty, fried crisps from the daily menu;
  • enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes, seafood;
  • give preference to lean meat;
  • eggs, cheeses, seaweed, liver, fresh juices, nuts, olive oil should become familiar products;
  • Vitamins, minerals and "healthy" fatty acids can be obtained from food or in the form of special supplements.

Proper nutrition and cleansing of the body will create the basis on which it makes sense to use cosmetic skin care products.


The use of cosmetic preparations allows you to take care of the skin from the outside, supplement it with the necessary elements and protect it from external influences. Therefore, it is important that cosmetic care is appropriate for the type of skin. The main stages: cleansing, toning, nutrition (or moisturizing).

  • cleansing is necessary in the morning and evening, washing or special means. This removes cosmetics, dust, fatty particles;
  • tonic normalizes the acid-base ratio, removes dirt residues, promotes better penetration of cosmetics;
  • nourishing cream saturates the skin with useful substances, it is applied in the evening;
  • moisturizing cream maintains the elasticity and firmness of the skin, applied during the day.

For skin care, you can use special creams, lotions, masks or turn to nature, resort to folk remedies.

Herbal decoctions, sour cream, honey, egg, oatmeal, vegetable, fruit, berry mixtures are very effective with regular use.

What else

All points are fulfilled, the skin condition has improved, but is still far from ideal, what else? Bad habits interfere.

  1. 1. Sedentary lifestyle, pallor and sagging skin. Physical exercises, walks in the fresh air in the park or in the forest, massage, daily cool showers will help improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the body. The elasticity of the skin will increase, a pleasant blush will appear.
  2. 2. Smoking and alcohol destroy the body and are reflected on the face. Dark circles under the eyes, grayish, oxygen-depleted skin, early wrinkles - this is what these “bad”, but so loved by some habits lead to. It is necessary to part with them.

  1. 3. Stress is a special cause that needs attention. The ability to resist the problems that have piled up, to perceive them as an obstacle that can be stepped over, not to erect impenetrable walls in your thoughts, to be positive and cheerful will help you overcome any stress. Cultivate these qualities, make plans, think about the happy moments of life, love loved ones and do not communicate, if possible, with negative people.
  2. 4. Water is essential for healthy skin, so drink plenty of it. Lack of fluid leads to dry skin and premature formation of wrinkles. Freshly squeezed juice, green tea, herbal decoctions are all good, but it is better to drink clean water, it is what the skin needs. If the quality of the water is questionable, you can drink melted water by freezing it in a conventional freezer. It is useful during the day, especially during dry periods, to irrigate the face with mineral or clean water using a spray bottle.

Go in for sports, give up bad habits, radiate positive, and you will be successful. Stay beautiful and healthy!

This article lists the main factors that an educated person needs to know about.

Each of us loses from 60 to 100 hairs per day, but this is considered the norm. Large losses indicate that there are malfunctions in the work of the hair follicles associated with age, malnutrition of the scalp, injuries, chronic diseases, hormonal disruptions or lifestyle.

However, in a healthy person, a new one grows in place of each lost hair, and life cycle its up to 7 years old!

Hair Growth Stages

This is a fairly complex process that takes place in three stages:

  1. Anagen
  2. Catagen
  3. Telogen

At the first stage, the hair follicle is very active, cell division is constantly taking place in it, which means that the hair is in the growth stage. This period lasts an average of 2-4 years. Most of the hair (approximately 85%) are in this phase of development.

The next stage is transitional. The hair follicle stops producing new cells and gradually becomes horny. The duration of the second stage is approximately 2.5 weeks, 2% of all hair is in this stage.

Finally, the final third stage comes - the hair follicle gradually leaves the follicle along with the shaft, and the hair falls out. But immediately the follicle enters the initial stage, and a new one quickly grows in place of the fallen one.

What affects hair growth: the main factors


Since the hair is based on protein, its lack in food can lead to slower growth and even premature hair loss. No less important are vitamins, especially vitamin C, as well as vitamins of groups B and E, and trace elements - iron, phosphorus, calcium.

Lack of water

The hair only seems dry, but 25% of it consists of water molecules. So insufficient consumption of it can cause poor growth. Remember the desert: is there a lot of vegetation in it? And water is the life of any organism.


Poisoning hair follicles with poisons greatly affects their growth. Toxins come with the blood stream from the digestive system when taking medications, alcohol abuse, chronic infections. Another way is directly through the skin from dirty air, low-quality shampoos, conditioners and various “coloring” paints.


Since the endocrine system is very complex and the influence of various hormones on each other is closely intertwined, any jumps in hormonal levels can affect hair growth. Thyroid disease, diabetes, stress and the associated spikes in cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine also affect the condition of the hair.

Temperature effects

Our hair does not like both overheating, especially an excess of ultraviolet radiation, and hypothermia. In the latter case, a spasm of the capillaries of the hair follicle occurs, which can completely die. Wearing a warm hat in winter and protecting yourself from the sun is the key to healthy and fast hair growth.

hereditary factor

Heredity most directly affects the characteristics of metabolism, the shape and "strength" of follicles, and structure.


The scalp, for its normal breathing, must always be clean. Therefore, washing your hair is very important. But excessive exposure to hot water and detergents can lead to drying out of the skin, which will worsen the condition of the hair follicles. Their injury also occurs when using hard brushes and combs.

Other factors

Other factors also affect hair growth - smoking, coffee abuse, wearing tight hats, and even spinal diseases, due to which blood flow to the head is disturbed.

Dear readers, if you are interested in this topic, in this article on the site there is an interesting video with useful information on this topic.

Ladies Gentlemen

Food does not bring such a desired instant effect of improving the condition of the skin, like, for example, a salon procedure, but in the long run, proper nutrition is much more effective than any outside intervention. Food affects beauty and health better than the best cream. You just need to know exactly what should and what should not be put on a plate. Command "About Youth" recommends the Top 15 Healthy Products for Beautiful Skin:

  1. nuts

Nuts are so unique that we recommend eating them every day (in reasonable amounts, of course). Nuts are rich in poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, contain antioxidants, are full of vitamins A, E, B6 and B12, potassium and calcium. What does it do for us and our skin? First of all, freshness and hydration, normalization of metabolic processes in the skin, inhibition of oxidative, and, accordingly, maintaining its youth. Also, vitamin E or tocopherol is one of the most active components that protect the skin from sunlight.

Want to stay young as long as possible, choose nuts to taste: almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cedar, cashews, favorite peanuts. Supplement them with green leafy salads, vegetables, sauces.

  1. wheat bran

This highly effective dietary product (about 30 g of bran is needed per day, which is less than 100 kcal), will help keep the digestive system in perfect order, rid the body of toxins, and deceive the feeling of hunger. But what does wheat bran do for the skin? You will be surprised, but bran is able to treat acne (an inflammatory skin disease) due to its high zinc content. This trace element, as a side effect of J, also synthesizes collagen, which makes the skin smooth and elastic.

How to use: 30g of bran (3 tablespoons) can be eaten between main meals (by the way, they will help you get full and last without harmful snacks), washed down with any drink. You can also use wheat bran as an additive to dishes (soups, cereals, and so on).

  1. Olive and other oils

Everyone knows that dry skin ages much earlier. What to do? First of all, moisturize and nourish, protect against dehydration. Extra virgin olive oil can help relieve dryness. Olive oil is an extremely useful product. It is a source of useful fatty acids, high density lipoproteins, and it also contains a number of vitamins. Ideally, we recommend alternating or combining olive oil with other oils. After all, they are all useful in their own way. For example, linseed oil contains even more omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids, and olive oil is inferior to sunflower oil in terms of vitamin E content.

Attention: do not fry in olive oil! It is best used fresh in salads, it is very useful to use a spoonful of oil daily on an empty stomach.

  1. natural yogurt

Live yogurt is not just a delicious product, it contains beneficial lactobacilli - probiotics that improve the condition of our skin by improving digestion and improving metabolism. Good bowel function is clean healthy skin.

Don't forget to drink yogurt at least once a day. We make sure that it is as natural as possible, that is, it does not contain dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, and it is best to prepare yogurt yourself, from sourdough.

  1. orange and red vegetables

For a good, even, radiant complexion, it is helpful to eat bright vegetables and fruits. It is known that carrots, peppers, pumpkins, peaches, apricots, tomatoes contain a lot of beta-carotene (yellow-orange pigment), an antioxidant responsible for skin cell renewal. By the way, many cosmetologists recommend choosing creams with retinol, and this is nothing more than the well-known vitamin A, which is formed in the body from carotene.

And beta-carotene is considered one of the most natural tanning activators, as it promotes the production of melanin. So you want a beautiful tan and healthy skin? Eat carrots with vegetable oil or sour cream (fats are needed to absorb vitamin A), and add cream to freshly squeezed juice.

  1. Beet

We gave the beets a separate item. After all, it is very, very dietary and healthy vegetable- it has only 42 calories and a lot of fiber. But for us, the most important thing is the effect of beets on the skin. Beetroot is especially rich in potassium, which literally saves it from moisture loss.

Want to keep your skin hydrated and looking youthful? Love beetroot and eat it both boiled and raw in salads, in any form it retains its valuable substances.

  1. Eggs

Chicken eggs enrich our diet with vitamins B, A and selenium. Selenium is an essential micronutrient essential for skin beauty. Eggs help to cope with acne, do not allow age spots to appear, protect against age-related changes, fighting free radicals. Thanks to selenium, the skin becomes fresher and more elastic.

To maintain the attractiveness and youthfulness of the skin, try to have egg dishes in the diet at least several times a week.

  1. Liver

There is a lot of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in the liver. Why is this vitamin valuable for the skin? Without it, our skin becomes vulnerable and sensitive, prone to redness and constant irritation, dryness and dermatitis. Suitable as beef or chicken: both in one and in the other this vitamin is in excess. But cod liver is not very suitable for this purpose. Compare for yourself: 100 g of cod liver contains 0.41 mg of vitamin B2, while 100 g of raw beef liver contains 3.96 mg!

  1. Citrus

Vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant for the skin. No wonder manufacturers of cosmetics are trying to add it to face and body creams. But there is a problem with the preservation of vitamin C, and the ability to easily deliver it to the skin along with the cream. Why such difficulties when you can easily use this vitamin in the most useful and convenient form? Ascorbic acid is found in abundance in citrus fruits. What are the benefits of vitamin C for skin? First of all, it prevents early aging and maintains youthful skin. Vitamin C promotes the synthesis of elastin, which, together with collagen, maintains its tone and freshness.

  1. Avocado

What are the main benefits of avocado for skin? Oleic acid, and there is a lot of it in avocados, improves the process of skin regeneration and is especially necessary in middle and old age. Avocados also contain a lot of B vitamins and fiber. And most importantly - avocado helps to slow down the activity of the enzyme, due to which skin aging occurs - collagen fibers begin to deform and wrinkles appear.

How to use avocado? There are many recipes on the Internet, experiment with different options and try to eat avocados regularly.

  1. sea ​​kale

Algae is a favorite product of the Japanese, and, as you know, the Japanese nation is the longest-lived nation on earth. Japanese women are admired for their beauty and look very young. An important merit in this is seaweed, which is part of most Japanese cosmetic products, as well as products that are on the plate. They contain alginic acid. Why is it important for the skin? First of all, it is a detox: seaweed removes harmful substances from the body and restores the normal functioning of the digestive system.

  1. oily fish

Salmon or salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, trout .. Just one portion of any oily fish per day completely covers the body's need for omega-3. Fish of the salmon family is the most important inexhaustible source of fatty acids. How are they good for the skin? First of all, omega-3 fatty acids slow down the breakdown of collagen. As we have noted more than once, it is he, along with elastin, that makes the skin elastic, and the elasticity of the skin cell walls also depends on omega-3.

  1. Seafood

The importance of seafood for beauty and health cannot be overestimated. Seafood is especially rich in iodine and calcium, phosphorus and copper, zinc, and iron. For example, zinc, which is found in abundance in oysters, is very necessary for young skin. It prevents inflammation of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of acne and blackheads.

  1. Meat

They say that some conscientious plastic surgeons, before putting the patient "under the knife", send him with a proposal to adjust his diet, and this is enough. Namely, they advise adding more protein to it. Let the debate about the benefits and harms of meat not subside, but we know that the amino acids contained primarily in meat are vital for any organism. What about skin? Including for her, so that the skin has something to synthesize new cells from.

  1. Green tea

Another leader in the content of antioxidants is green tea. It is great for the skin of the face and body. Those who love and often drink green tea, as a rule, do not have problems with acne and blackheads, they have healthy capillaries and blood vessels. Green tea is also useful for the skin under the eyes. It contains tannin (tannin). This active ingredient slightly tightens the skin, thereby removing swelling, puffiness of the eyelids, bags under the eyes. For beautiful facial skin, it is recommended to drink three to four cups of green tea a day.

Learn about the amazing anti-aging benefits of ginger. Fill out the form below and watch the video right now >

What affects the beauty of hair?

Once upon a time, women had beautiful and healthy long hair, thanks to the fact that they ate only fresh and natural products. When clothes were not yet invented, the hair kept its owners warm, as well as their newborn children. Beauty standards are born from previously considered vital factors. So at the present stage, long curls give femininity to their owner, make her more attractive, and no one thinks about the origins of such stereotypes.

Millennia later, a lot has changed: the environment began to want the best, competition between people in the struggle for status has increased, fast food cafes have appeared, etc. The consequences of these “achievements” of civilization have become a kind of reason leading to a deterioration in the beauty of your hair. Men are not very worried about this, unless, of course, we are talking about baldness. But for the fair sex, thick and healthy curls are the main attribute of female beauty. It is worth understanding what especially spoils the hair and takes away their beauty. Conventionally, there are two categories here, let's call them internal and external influences, and consider each of them in more detail.

External influences that affect the beauty of hair

1. Weather conditions: wind, snow, direct sunlight, frost, which thin, dry the strands. Which, fortunately, can be treated with the help of special masks, capsules with vitamins, as well as cosmetic oils.

2. Tight hairstyles: buns, braids, frequent winding on curlers.

3. Exposure to heat treatments. Drying with a hairdryer, the use of curling and straightening tongs destroy the structure of curls, the restoration of which is impossible during treatment. Damaged strands will only have to be cut or laminated. It will give them a healthy appearance for a while. You can repeat it several times, the procedure does not bring harm.

4. Various kinds of perms.

5. Coloring with paints based on oxidizing agents. Blonde shades are more harmful, they knock out the color pigment from the hair. Therefore, owners of scanty dry light-colored hair on their heads can be advised to repaint in a darker color. That is, to fill the hair structure with pigment, as a result of which the hairstyle will become thicker and more attractive. It remains only to think about whether a dark color will suit you.

No matter how sad it may sound, all of the above points can cause severe hair loss (what to do if your hair falls out a lot), so you should take into account the above facts and take care of the beauty of your strands, as not always new cosmetic technologies will be able to help you.

Internal influences that affect the beauty of hair

1. Nutrition (diet). That is, the intake of various vitamins and useful minerals into the body, which are responsible for the general health of a person, and in particular the beauty and elasticity of his hair, skin, strength of nails, etc.

2. An important role is also played by heredity, that is, your parents can reward you with their beauty.

3. Hormonal development.

4. Pregnancy. Often a woman observes a strong loss of strands during pregnancy, or vice versa, a clear improvement in density and the appearance of a healthy shine (the result of changes in the hormonal background in the body).

5. Nervous stress at work or school can lead to hair loss, and a favorable environment will allow them to smell sweeter than ever.

Care that your curls must receive

Use masks, balms, sprays that make combing easier.

Monitor the health of the scalp, the presence of dandruff. Try to consult a specialist in time about this, because the appearance of dandruff can sometimes be caused by a fungal disease, and it needs to be urgently treated so that it does not affect the health of your curls.

Sometimes wear strands loose.

Eat right.

Several times a day and when washing your hair, do a light massage with your fingertips.

Do not wash your hair with too hot water, so that the strands do not quickly greasy, or too cold, so as not to leave them unwashed.

Let all these tips benefit you, and you will be charming and attractive. Remember - neatness creates a pleasant impression from the first minute of communication with a person!