They installed a spiral of discharge and go with what to treat. Why might there be discharge after insertion of an intrauterine device? Uterine bleeding during menopause

Mirena is one of the modern safe methods of contraception; it is a special type of IUD (intrauterine device) that provides protection against unwanted pregnancy for 5 years. This intrauterine therapy system consists of a white hormonal elastomeric core placed on a T-shaped body and covered with an opaque membrane that regulates the release of levonorgestrel.

The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (IUD) has a primarily local progestational effect. Progestin (levonorgestrel) is released directly into the uterine cavity, which allows it to be used in an extremely low daily dose. High concentrations of levonorgestrel in the endometrium have a strong antiproliferative effect. When using Mirena, morphological changes in the endometrium and a weak local reaction to the presence of a foreign body in the uterus are observed. Thickening of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Mirena prevents fertilization due to inhibition of the motility and functional activity of sperm in the uterus and fallopian tubes Oh. In some women, ovulation is also suppressed.

Previous use of Mirena does not affect reproductive function. Approximately 80% of women who want to have a child become pregnant within 12 months after removal of the IUD.

In the first months of using Mirena, due to the process of suppressing endometrial proliferation, an initial increase in spotting may be observed. Following this, pronounced suppression of the endometrium leads to a decrease in the duration and volume of menstrual bleeding in women using Mirena. Scanty bleeding often transforms into oligo- or amenorrhea. At the same time, ovarian function and the concentration of estradiol in the blood remain normal.

The appearance of brown or bloody discharge between periods in the first 3-6 months after insertion of the IUD is a common side effect of this method of contraception.

The presence of vaginal infections can provoke the appearance of brown discharge from the vagina; the IUD can become a conduit for infection and cause the development of pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID). In this case, the spiral must be removed and appropriate treatment must be performed.

Brown discharge with IUD - the main causes

  • Vaginal and/or pelvic infections;
  • Changes in the structure of the endometrium (exposure to levonorgestrel);
  • Damage to the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus).

The percentage of women whose appearance of brown discharge due to an IUD is associated with the presence of PID is approximately 1-3%. The risk of developing PID is highest during the first 20 days after insertion of an IUD, provided there is a vaginal infection at the time of the procedure. After the first 20 days, the risk of developing PID decreases.

Minor, short-term, irregular spotting is the most common side effect when using Mirena and in some cases can persist for a long time.

However, if they are continuous, this condition may be caused by the presence of PID, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  • The Mirena IUD is essentially a foreign object inserted into the uterine cavity, so it is natural to experience bloody or brown discharge during the first few weeks of insertion. To avoid unpleasant consequences, for the first time after installing the IUD, you should use daily or menstrual pads (depending on the amount of discharge)
  • If brown discharge have a strong odor, this may be a sign of infection, the presence of PID cannot be ruled out. In this case, you should visit a doctor immediately
  • It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene
  • If the presence of brown discharge is unacceptable to you, do not try to remove the IUD yourself; you must consult a doctor to remove the IUD.

The site is a medical portal for online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question on the topic "after the spiral there is brown discharge" and get it for free online consultation doctor

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Questions and answers about: brown discharge after the spiral

2016-10-04 18:34:03

Galina asks:

Good evening. Why can there be brown discharge after menstruation? The spiral has already been in use for three years, maybe this will have some effect? ​​Thank you.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Galina! When exactly is brown discharge observed, immediately after the end of menstruation or in the second phase of the cycle, after ovulation? Brown discharge in the second phase of the cycle indicates insufficiency of the luteal phase and is corrected by taking progesterone. Discharge immediately after the end of menstruation (during the intermenstrual period) can be observed with endometriosis.

2016-09-06 12:51:05

Vera asks:

Hello! On August 12, 2016, I installed a copper coil. Literally 1.5 weeks later, yellow discharge appeared (but odorless), brown discharge, and after sex with my husband there was blood. Throughout this time I have been taking painkillers because of the pain. Unbearable - the pain is mainly in the right lower abdomen. 3.09. My period started - “it’s pouring like crazy.” What could this be? When I went to see my doctor for a checkup, she said that everything was fine! But I understand that something is wrong, that something is happening. Thank you very much in advance !

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Vera! The treating gynecologist should have warned you that getting used to the IUD can take up to a month. Menstruation against the background of a spiral will always be more abundant. If the pain in the lower abdomen is unbearable, then you should warn your doctor about this. Perhaps this spiral is not suitable for you.

2016-01-06 09:26:47

Alena asks:

Hello! I installed the Mirena IUD 5 months ago. I am worried about pain in the lower abdomen, girdle pain, menstruation lasts for a month and more, scarlet blood or brown discharge. On ultrasound everything is fine. After menstruation, white viscous discharge begins, odorless and sometimes sour. the smell is abundant, but there is no itching, burning or redness. Before installing the IUD, I took tests, everything is normal, there are no gynecological diseases, except for thrush, which I treated. Tell me, can the IUD provoke this discharge, and is this normal?

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

With Mirena, there may be thick mucous discharge of a hormonal nature, but it should not be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Give control swabs and tank. flora culture and sensitivity to antibiotics.

2015-12-04 11:24:20

Elena asks:

Hello, I have a question, I put in the IUD and everything was fine, 16 days have passed and brown discharge appeared after sexual intercourse, what is it?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

This is the uterus' reaction to the IUD. During the first 3 months there may be periodic spotting. If something bothers you, see a doctor.

2015-11-03 10:50:06

Tatiana asks:

Hello! From September 22 to September 29 - menstruation. I ovulated around October 10th, and I keep a telephone women's calendar. 5 days after supposed ovulation, dark brown discharge began to smear. Sometimes there were white and red veins in these secretions. There was no smell or pain. From October 13th to 23rd it was smearing, and every day there was more discharge. On October 24, brown discharge changed color and consistency, scarlet blood began to flow, I assume this is menstruation. (although during my period my blood is burgundy, not scarlet!). True, the blood is very liquid, with mucus, pain and bad smell were also missing. This has never happened before. This period, if it is what it is, is very different from my usual and usual periods. Usually, I had a small amount of brown discharge smeared 1-2 days before my period, then my period began, on the 2nd day my lower abdomen almost always hurt, and I felt tension in the vagina, the blood was never as thin as in this time., and there was always a rejection of pieces, and NOT small ones. This time there were none at all. And in general, the blood volume is much less than during normal periods. The blood has been flowing for the 6th day, neither the color nor the consistency has changed, although during normal menstruation by this time the rejected blood was no longer so scarlet, but was light brownish in color. (By the way, the IUD is copper-containing and is 3.5 years old). And before each period, my breasts would ache a little and swell, but this time it didn’t happen. The breasts are not swollen and do not hurt. a month ago I had an ultrasound and a smear test, they said everything was fine. Last year, an ultrasound revealed a fluid formation in the projection of the right appendages (more likely to go yes). I live a sexual life, I have one partner. I immediately rule out SPP infections.
This situation worries me very much. What could it be? Pregnancy or something related to gynecology? Answer please.

2015-09-29 14:41:04

Irina asks:

After installing the IUD, my periods were scanty, although for two days there was just a slight brown discharge, sometimes my stomach tightened a little, now the discharge is more like menstruation but not significant at all, daily pads can cope. Is this normal? the IUD is not hormonal. There is no pain or discomfort.
after cesarean section - 1 year.
after the abortion - about 2 months, second menstruation, the first IUD was placed, the first menstruation was as usual.
The gynecologist said that menstruation may be heavy after the installation of the IUD. But for me it is barely noticeable. Should I be worried? Thank you

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Irina! Usually, with an IUD, periods actually become more abundant. Observe your condition and if the situation repeats, then it is rational to contact a gynecologist.

2015-08-06 12:58:02

Alevtina asks:

I had the spiral for 7 years. On 06/15/15 I pulled her out; my husband and I weren’t using protection and wanted a baby. On July 7, a brown spot began, on July 9, it seemed like my period had started, but not a lot of it, 1 pad was enough for the whole day, on July 11, it was all over. The next month they didn’t use any protection either, and again the same bullshit, on August 3, 2015, brown discharge began, but there was no menstruation yet. Only this time the bleeding was like menstruation after sexual intercourse, and then again light brown discharge. And today, 08/06/15, the gasket is still clean. The test is negative, what could it be? Can I even get pregnant? My husband is diagnosed with chronic prostatitis.

The uterine spiral allows, if not to solve, then to slow down many women's diseases, and also protects against unwanted pregnancy. Most favorable time for installation of an IUD – 3-7 days of the menstrual cycle when the woman still has slight spotting. This is due to the following: cervical canal“slightly open” for the unhindered release of menstrual flow, so the IUD is easier to insert; Pregnancy is definitely ruled out.

An IUD should not be inserted during heavy discharge., since it may not lock in and even come out on its own. Direct insertion of the spiral is a painless procedure and takes 3-5 minutes.

Theoretically, an IUD can be inserted on any day of the cycle. There is even such a method emergency contraception– insertion of the IUD within 24 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

The disadvantages of introducing an IUD are not critical: Pregnancy cannot be ruled out for sure; the procedure is more painful. During this period, it is recommended to take a blood test for hCG to exclude pregnancy, and immediately before the procedure, take an intramuscular injection of an anesthetic or at least take a tablet orally half an hour before.

Sometimes practiced insertion of an IUD in women immediately after childbirth. However, the doctor must be sure that there are no membranes inside the uterine cavity or inflammation. Installation of the spiral is allowed even during breastfeeding if the woman has not yet menstruated. In this case, it is also necessary to first take a blood test for hCG.

If the IUD is inserted in the last days of menstruation, then the next one, as a rule, arrives on time. However, there are some features:

  • First menstruation and its features. Immediately after installation, there may be slight spotting or even a re-start of menstruation - they extend to 10-14 days. If it drags on for more than two weeks, you should consult a doctor. The first next menstruation comes as usual in the cycle. They are often more abundant and there may be clots. Many people report pain, even if there was none before.
  • Second period after installation. They can be ordinary and familiar to a girl. Sometimes they change so much that they force you to remove the IUD - they become extremely abundant, long-lasting and painful.
  • How are things going in the third month? By this time, the body adapts to the IUD - accepts or rejects it. The cycle is either getting better, or you need to choose other methods of protection.
  • Under Mirena menstruation becomes less abundant, the duration of critical days decreases, the cycle becomes more regular, menstruation is less painful. But it causes breakthrough bleeding, pain, and the coil can come out on its own or move into the uterine cavity.

After extraction A woman’s menstrual cycle gradually returns to the norms that existed before its installation. If you have doubts or suspicions of any disease, it is better to consult a doctor.

Read more in our article about how menstruation occurs with the IUD, how the cycle afterward is established, and also about when to install or remove the product.

Read in this article

The effect of the IUD on the reproductive system

The intrauterine device is a reliable and popular method of contraception among women who have given birth. Protection against pregnancy is carried out in the following ways:

  • Aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity. The IUD is installed under sterile conditions, the likelihood of infection is minimal. However, even in such cases foreign body Aseptic (without pathogenic bacteria) inflammation begins in the uterine cavity. As a result, a layer of defective cells forms on the inner surface of the uterus, which prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg if fertilization does occur.
  • Effect on sperm. A foreign body in the uterine cavity is a mechanical obstacle to the further advancement of male germ cells.
  • The contractility of the uterus increases. The intrauterine device, being in the uterine cavity and irritating its walls, stimulates the activity of the myometrium. This can be expressed in periodic nagging pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, this mechanism prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium.

There are also spirals with metal additives - copper, gold, silver. They have an additional effect and increase the contraceptive effect. In particular, copper-containing IUDs interfere with the activity and motility of sperm, thereby reducing the chances of pregnancy.

In addition, copper ions can influence the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, which reduces the likelihood of developing an ectopic. Spirals based on silver and gold are more preferable to women who have ever suffered inflammatory processes genital organs - endometritis, adnexitis, cervicitis and others.

However, all these are only hypothetical effects of the IUD on a woman’s body. How they prevent pregnancy has not been fully studied. However, even in ancient times, to protect against pregnancy, women placed a spool - a ring of gold - into the uterine cavity immediately after childbirth. Thus, peculiar spirals existed back in Ancient Egypt.

Hormonal IUDs (the most popular and well-known Mirena), in addition to the effect inherent in all IUDs, have a contraceptive effect due to the regular release of gestagens.

Installation of the spiral

Before the doctor inserts an IUD into the uterine cavity, the woman must undergo an examination. The minimum includes the following list:

  • medical examination;
  • vaginal flora smear;
  • smear for oncocytology.

At the discretion of the gynecologist, colposcopy and pelvic ultrasound may be prescribed.

The most favorable time for installing an IUD is days 3-7 of the menstrual cycle, when a woman still has slight spotting. This is due to the following:

  • the cervical canal is “slightly open” for the unhindered release of menstrual flow, so it is easier to insert an IUD;
  • Pregnancy is definitely ruled out.

Types of intrauterine devices

You should not install an IUD during heavy discharge, as it may not be fixed and may even expel (come out on its own).

Direct insertion of the spiral is a painless procedure and takes 3-5 minutes. At this time, the woman is located on the gynecological chair. The doctor examines the cervix in the speculum, treats it with antiseptics, fixes it with bullet forceps and carefully inserts the IUD (it is small in size - about 2 cm, but in the package it is in a special guide for insertion).

To learn how to install an intrauterine device, watch this video:

Is it possible to place it outside of menstruation?

Theoretically, an IUD can be inserted on any day of the cycle. There is even a method of emergency contraception - inserting an IUD within 24 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. However, in this case, there is a possibility of infection of the uterine lining if the woman was simultaneously infected with an STI during sex.

The disadvantage of inserting an IUD is not critical days, is the following:

  • pregnancy cannot be ruled out for sure - the fertilized egg may not be visible in the uterine cavity if it has not yet descended, and the test does not always give a reliable result;
  • the procedure is more painful - the cervix is ​​often in a spasmodic state on ordinary days.

Expert opinion

Therefore, if you have to administer it outside of menstruation, it is recommended to take a blood test for hCG to accurately exclude pregnancy, and immediately before the manipulation, give an intramuscular injection of an anesthetic or at least take a tablet orally half an hour before.

It is also sometimes practiced to insert an IUD into women immediately after childbirth. However, the doctor must be sure that there are no membranes inside the uterine cavity or inflammation. Otherwise, the procedure risks serious complications. Installation of the IUD is also allowed during breastfeeding if the woman has not yet menstruated. In this case, it is also necessary to first take a blood test for hCG.

Dates for the start of menstruation with a spiral

IUDs, with the exception of hormonal ones, do not affect the onset of the menstrual cycle. And if the IUD is inserted in the last days of menstruation, then the next one, as a rule, arrives on time. However, there are some peculiarities.

First menstruation and its features

Immediately after installation of the IUD, a woman may notice slight spotting or even the re-start of menstruation - thus extending it to 10-14 days. This does not always happen and such features vary from person to person. If the critical days drag on for more than two weeks, you should consult a doctor to prescribe, at a minimum, hemostatic drugs.

The first next menstruation comes as usual in a woman’s cycle - after 21-35 days. They are often more abundant and there may be clots. Many people report pain, even if there was none before.

Second period after installation

Based on the next menstruation, one can already judge how the critical days will pass in the future. They can be ordinary and familiar to a girl. Sometimes periods change so much that they force a woman to have the IUD removed - they become extremely heavy, long-lasting and painful.

How are things going in the third month?

By this time, the body has already fully adapted to the IUD - either accepts it or rejects it. If an IUD brings a lot of inconvenience to a woman, you shouldn’t think that it will go away later—it’s better to use another method of contraception.

All these features are characteristic of classic IUDs. If the system is with hormones (for example, Mirena), the nature and duration of menstruation is completely different, since the body is under the influence of gestagens.

Features of Mirena and menstruation after it

This is a hormone-containing spiral, its analogue is Levonov’s. They are used for the purpose of contraception, but also have healing effect. More often prescribed to women over 35 years of age for the prevention and treatment of gynecological pathologies.

Contains Levonorgestrel as an active ingredient. It is also included in such tablets as Mirolut. The only difference is in the dose of the substance and the method of entry into the body.

Hormonal IUDs have all the properties of conventional IUDs, plus their action is supplemented by the following points:

  • Levonorgestrel has an antiestrogenic and progestogenic effect, which improves the balance of female sex hormones. Therefore, Mirena is prescribed for endometrial polyps, hyperplasia, and recurrent uterine bleeding.
  • Levonorgestrel stimulates thickening cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity.
  • The active substance leads to endometrial atrophy, so the fertilized egg, even in the event of conception, has “nowhere” to implant.
  • The drug does not directly affect ovulation in such a minimal dosage, but has an effect on the secretion of FSH and LH by the pituitary gland.

Considering the action and influence of Mirena and similar IUDs on the body, there are features of the menstrual cycle when using them. Namely:

  • menstruation becomes less abundant;
  • the duration of critical days decreases;
  • the cycle becomes more regular;
  • menstruation is less painful.

However, Mirena is not a panacea. Some women are not suitable for this method of treatment and contraception; they experience breakthrough bleeding, pain, and the IUD may come out on its own or become dislodged in the uterine cavity.

Removing the IUD

Average use life intrauterine contraception- 5 years. This condition should not be neglected and “forget” about the spiral, which often occurs in women who are not sexually active. Such exceeding of the terms of use threatens various complications - from inflammatory to infertility and cancer.

It is also ideal to remove the IUD in the last days of your period. This way the procedure will be less painful and the possibility of pregnancy will be excluded (rare, but still possible with the use of an IUD). Immediately after removal of the IUD, a woman can become pregnant, so protection should be taken from the first day. The extraction procedure itself takes no more than 5 minutes.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

It is better to plan a pregnancy after an IUD after 2-3 months. A new coil can also be installed after at least one cycle, if there are no contraindications. Time is needed to restore the lining of the uterus.

Restoring the cycle after removing the IUD

After removal, the woman’s menstrual cycle gradually returns to the norms that were before its installation. If you have doubts or suspicions of any disease, it is better to consult a doctor.

Heavy periods

If a woman had decent discharge in the uterine cavity during menstruation against the background of an IUD, similar discharge may persist for another couple of months. But if your critical days are accompanied by pain, discharge with clots and an unpleasant odor, you should consult a doctor. Long-term use of an IUD is a risk factor for. Moreover, while wearing the spiral, a woman could develop fibroids and other pathologies.

Scanty menstruation

They are more common in women who had light periods before the IUD was installed. In addition, pregnancy should be excluded if the discharge is spotting.

Time after IUD removal

In terms of duration, periods also usually become shorter, since the coil itself provokes long-term spotting after the completion of the main discharge.

The intrauterine device is a reliable and inexpensive way to prevent pregnancy. But a foreign body in the uterine cavity provokes a change in the nature and duration of menstruation. For some, IUDs are not suitable at all - menstruation becomes so heavy and painful. The doctor’s task is to choose the most suitable IUD option for a woman; the variety of coils produced allows this to be done.

Useful video

Watch this video about the advantages and disadvantages of the intrauterine device:

The site is a medical portal for online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question on the topic "discharge after the spiral" and get a free online doctor’s consultation.

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Questions and answers on: discharge after the spiral

2016-10-04 18:34:03

Galina asks:

Good evening. Why can there be brown discharge after menstruation? The spiral has already been in use for three years, maybe this will have some effect? ​​Thank you.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Galina! When exactly is brown discharge observed, immediately after the end of menstruation or in the second phase of the cycle, after ovulation? Brown discharge in the second phase of the cycle indicates insufficiency of the luteal phase and is corrected by taking progesterone. Discharge immediately after the end of menstruation (during the intermenstrual period) can be observed with endometriosis.

2016-07-06 10:06:09

Zhuldyz asks:

Good afternoon I gave birth on 05/21/2016, my first birth, there were small internal vaginal tears, on the 32nd day, that is, on 05/30/2016, I went to the doctor to have them removed, they suggested I put in an IUD, I thought about it myself, but I asked if they could be put in now, she She said it’s possible. After I installed the IUD, my lower abdomen hurt and I had bloody discharge for two days, and then some kind of mucus started coming out for a week now. The question is how long the discharge should go after installing the coil and whether the mucus comes out correctly or not. It is odorless. thanks in advance

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Zhuldyz! Observe your condition over time. Pain in the lower abdomen and moderate discharge can normally be observed for the first month after insertion of the IUD.

2015-12-16 12:55:04

Natalya asks:

Hello, I was put on an IUD. I had a discharge for 10 days, then it stopped, but three days later it started again, but stronger and has been going on for 10 days. I'm afraid that it doesn't suit me or that I have inflammation. Please tell me what to do. Thank you.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Natalia! Before inserting the IUD, you should have been warned that with the IUD, heavier menstruation and bleeding are possible in the first month, until the body adapts to the foreign body. After a month, it is advisable to undergo an ultrasound scan to visualize the placement of the spiral. If you experience severe bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen, then contact your gynecologist.

2015-12-04 11:24:20

Elena asks:

Hello, I have a question, I put in the IUD and everything was fine, 16 days have passed and brown discharge appeared after sexual intercourse, what is it?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

This is the uterus' reaction to the IUD. During the first 3 months there may be periodic spotting. If something bothers you, see a doctor.

2015-11-10 10:21:10

Elena asks:

Hello! My husband and I are planning a pregnancy. I had the Siren IUD, which I took off in May. We took contraception for three months so that my body could recover after the IUD. In August, I decided to take pre-pregnancy tests. Here's what they showed: smear: leukocytes - 10-20-30-40 in p/z. Epithelial. cells - in moderate. quantity. Red blood cells - not detected. Mucus - not detected. Microflora - cocobacillary. Gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, fungi - not detected. Gardnerella (key cells) - detection of Bacteria.vag. Cytology analysis: Type 2: Inflammatory type of smear: neutrophic leukocytes-20-30-40 in the field of vision. The flora is mixed, cocobacillary, meaning “key cells” bacteria.vag. The doctor prescribed: Gynekit 1 day, Neotrizol suppositories. She said that you can easily get pregnant. You and your husband were treated. A month later I went to the gygecologist again and had tests done. Smear: leukocytes-15-18 in the field of view. Epithelial.cells-most.quantity. Microflora: Cytology: material from the cervix - type 1, cytology picture is normal. Material. from the cervical canal - type 1. The doctor prescribed Probiologist 2 drops once a day for 2 weeks. Gepabene 10-12 days, Folio and Elevit. When I asked whether it was necessary to put suppositories with lactobacilli in the vagina, she said that it was not necessary, since the environment in the vagina would become very acidic and itching would appear. A month later I had cystitis. I took Phosphoral 1 packet, Canephron 50 drops * 3 times a day for 2 weeks. My period passed and I went to get tested again because I started having heavy white discharge, there were no other unpleasant sensations or smells
The urine test was good, but this time the smear showed: Leukocytes 12-15 in the visual field. Epit. cells - large number. Microflora of targets bac.abundant. Gardnerella (key cells) - ++++. The doctor said that gardnerella and bad flora are constantly returning to me and that my body does not accept medications well, I need to go to a gastroenterologist to find out the reason why the medications are poorly accepted. At the same time, take a PCR test for chlamydia, ureplasma and mycoplasma and for Torch infections. I also decided to donate the seeding tank. This is what the tests showed: PCR - chlamydia, ureplasma, mycoplasma - not detected. TORCH inf: antibodies igM toxoplasma, bit omega dol virus, herpes type 1/2 - negative. My gynecologist said that gardnerella is good; we won’t treat it with antibiotics now. You need to put on Vagilak suppositories and drink some useful bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Now I drink Laktiale, put on Vagilak suppositories and take baths with potassium permanganate. But just then my culture test came back: Gardnerella vaginalis - 10*7 KUO/ml; Enterococcus faecalis - 10*3 KUO/ml. Tell me, was the treatment prescribed correctly and am I being treated correctly now? It might be better to take antibiotics with this type of bacterial culture, and won’t it harm conception and pregnancy? Could this be the reason that I am not getting pregnant yet, although I have been going for an ultrasound for three months and watching for ovulation. On the ultrasound, everything is normal: the follicles and endometrium are maturing according to the cycle, menstruation is regular. Please answer, otherwise I don’t know who to turn to.

Answers Sitenok Alena Ivanovna:

Good afternoon. No, the correction of bacterial vaginosis was initially carried out completely incorrectly! There is a lot of unnecessary stuff, but there is no necessary drug! Yes, tank vaginosis can cause pregnancy failure.

2015-06-11 09:26:11

Anna Sergeevna asks:

I’m 34 years old, I gave birth to 2 children, I got an IUD 3 months ago - my menstrual cycle is completely out of whack, it’s abundant for 10 days every 2 weeks, I didn’t see a doctor after the installation, I had a medical examination at work, my urine test was bad, specific gravity 1030, L 56, This is because of the spiral, and the terrible smell of the discharge. After intercourse there is bleeding. Is this all normal?

2014-10-19 02:50:05

Maria asks:

I installed a 2T shaped Juno spiral on 10/11/2014. In general, three months have passed since the natural birth. I installed the spiral. And now it’s been pouring out of me for like a WEEK. This has never happened before. What to do and HOW to do next. How long can I wait, how long? there will be a discharge after installing the coil. Or you can still wait. Everything may go away and TD. Or you can go to the gynecologist to look at it and decide whether to leave the roofing felts or remove the coil. THE SPIRAL WAS DELIVERED ON 10/11/2014 AND IT IS STILL POURING.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Maria! Did you have the IUD installed during your period? If so, they should have warned that the IUD can provoke longer and heavier periods. It may take several months for the body to get used to it. If the discharge is very profuse and causes you discomfort, then contact the gynecologist who installed the IUD. Perhaps he will additionally prescribe hemostatic agents for you. Be healthy!

2014-07-10 12:46:38

Elena asks:

Hello. I got the IUD installed on July 4th. Today I have beige discharge. This is fine? and how long does the discharge continue after the IUD is installed?

2014-06-12 12:51:07

Natasha asks:

Hello! I need your advice. I have glandular cystic hyperplasia without atypia, a small endometrial polyp (glandular fibrous) was removed. Mirena was installed two months ago. There are no complaints, except for spotting. After menstruation, yellowish for a week, then brown and goes into menstruation. T .e. two months of continuous spotting between menstruation. Yesterday I visited the gynecologist: upon examination, the coil is normal, smear: 5-10 leukocytes, mixed flora. The doctor prescribes Vagisan suppositories. Why? I don’t understand. They invited me for the next examination in November. My questions:
1. Do I need Vagisan suppositories?
2. After installing Mirena, when is an ultrasound performed for the first time? (There should be monitoring of its therapeutic effect)?
3.Can I exercise on an exercise bike at a moderate load (15-20 minutes a day)?
4. How many months can the “daub” last? (As I understand it, up to 6 months?)

Answers Silina Natalya Konstantinovna:

Natalia, further treatment tactics depend on the thickness of the endometrium and your age. to start, take tranexam 2 t 3 times a day for 5 days

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Conversations of an obstetrician-gynecologist with patients as “Medical Monologues”, published on the pages of our magazine (see IAHZ No. 1(4) and 5(8), 2007) and serving as an aid in the daily practice of the doctor, judging by the responses, are very interested...

Sometimes in medical practice there are precedents when, during surgical interventions (caesarean section, hysteroscopy) or during ultrasound examination (ultrasound), a foreign body is discovered in the uterine cavity.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterine cavity to achieve a contraceptive effect.

There are 2 types of coils: coils containing copper or silver, and coils containing hormones. Spirals containing hormones are recognized as more effective, and therefore are now more often used in gynecological practice.

What is the Mirena intrauterine device?

The Mirena IUD is a coil containing the hormone levonorgestrel. Every day, Mirena releases a certain small dose of a hormone into the uterine cavity, which acts only within the uterus and is practically not absorbed into the blood. This significantly reduces the risk side effects hormonal effects, there is no suppression of the ovaries and there is a therapeutic effect, which we will discuss below.

How effective is the Mirena IUD?

More than 20 years have passed since the introduction of the Mirena IUD. During this time, Mirena has shown high effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancy.

According to statistics, within one year of using Mirena, pregnancy occurs in one woman out of 500. Compared to birth control pills, the Mirena spiral is a more reliable means of contraception.

What are the pros and cons of the Mirena IUD compared to other methods of contraception?

Mirena has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is not suitable for all women. After learning about the pros and cons of Mirena, you can decide whether this method of pregnancy protection is right for you.

Pros of Mirena:

  • Once you install the IUD, you no longer need to worry about contraception. While birth control pills must be taken every day in order for the contraceptive effect to remain reliable.
  • The spiral does not need to be changed often: you can walk with one spiral for up to 5 years in a row. While stocks birth control pills or condoms need to be refilled monthly.
  • Unlike condoms, during sexual intercourse the coil is not felt by either you or your sexual partner.
  • Unlike birth control pills, the IUD does not increase appetite and does not cause water retention in the body, which means it will not cause weight gain.
  • Can be used as a treatment method for adenomyosis (endometriosis of the uterus) and.
  • Reduces blood loss during menstruation and.

Cons of Mirena:

  • It is impossible to install the IUD yourself: to do this you need to visit a gynecologist.
  • In contrast, it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV infection, herpes, etc.), therefore it is not suitable for women who have sex with unfamiliar partners.
  • In the first 4 months after installation of the IUD, a woman has an increased risk of inflammation of the fallopian tubes ().
  • May cause long-term appearance in the first months after installation.
  • May cause irregular periods in the first months after installation.
  • It may cause a temporary cessation of menstruation, but after removal of the device, menstruation returns within 1-3 months.
  • May cause . These cysts are not dangerous to health and rarely require any treatment. Usually, they resolve on their own within a few months after their appearance.
  • There is a risk of the IUD falling out unnoticed, which can lead to an unwanted pregnancy.
  • If pregnancy occurs while wearing the IUD, there is a risk of miscarriage. early.

At what age can Mirena be installed?

There is an unwritten rule among gynecologists that intrauterine devices can only be installed in women who have given birth. However, there are studies in which IUDs were installed in nulliparous women, and even girls under 18 years of age, and the IUDs were effective and safe.

And yet, most gynecologists will not undertake to install an IUD if you are under 25 years old and have not yet given birth.

What tests need to be done before placing the Mirena coil?

Before installing the IUD, your doctor will prescribe:

  • to make sure there is no inflammation. If the smear reveals inflammation, you will need to be treated first and only after recovery the doctor will install the IUD.
  • to make sure your cervix is ​​normal and there are no precancerous or cancerous changes.
  • to make sure that the uterus has a normal shape and installation of the IUD will be safe. You will not be able to get an IUD if you have a bicornuate uterus, the presence of uterine septa, or other abnormalities in the development of the uterus.
  • or to make sure you are not pregnant.

Who is the Mirena IUD contraindicated for?

There are not many contraindications for installing Mirena. This:

  • Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy
  • Inflammation of the vagina or cervix
  • Chronic genital tract infections that often get worse
  • Inflammation of the urethra or bladder
  • Precancerous or cancerous changes in the cervix
  • Breast cancer or suspected breast cancer
  • Inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) after childbirth or abortion within the last 3 months
  • Anomalies of the uterus: bicornuate uterus, septum in the uterus, etc.

To make sure that the spiral is in place, you can try to feel its “antennae” yourself. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly and insert the fingers of one hand deep into the vagina to reach the cervix. The “antennae” feel like threads of fishing line. The length of the “antennae” can vary: you can only feel the tips, or feel 2-3 cm. If the threads are longer than 2-3 cm, or if you cannot feel them, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

How often should you visit a gynecologist if you have a Mirena spiral?

If nothing worries you, then the first visit to the gynecologist should be made a month after installing the IUD. Then visit your doctor after another 2 months. If the doctor confirms that Mirena is in place, then further visits should be made once a year.

Spotting after installation of the Mirena coil

In the first months after Mirena installation, prolonged spotting and bloody (dark brown, brown, black) discharge may appear. This is a normal phenomenon associated with the installation of the spiral. Such discharge may be observed during the first 3-6 months after Mirena installation. If spotting persists for more than 6 months, then you need to visit a gynecologist.

Irregular periods after Mirena installation

Some women using the Mirena IUD may experience irregular periods. This not connected with hormonal disorders or ovarian dysfunction. The cause of the menstrual cycle failure is the local effect of the IUD on the endometrium of the uterus. This is not hazardous to health and does not lead to any negative consequences.

Consult your gynecologist if your irregular periods persist for 6 months or more after insertion of the IUD.

No periods after installing the Mirena IUD

About 20% of women who use the Mirena IUD for a year or more stop having periods altogether.

If your next period has not come, and more than 6 weeks have passed since your last menstruation, first of all it is necessary to exclude pregnancy. To do this, you can either turn it in.

If pregnancy is excluded, then the lack of menstruation is caused by the IUD. The hormones released by the intrauterine device act on the endometrium, suppressing its growth. The endometrium remains thin and therefore menstruation does not occur. The absence of menstruation does not have a negative effect on the body and does not cause any consequences in the future.

Menstruation recovers on its own within 1-3 months after removal of the IUD.

What to do if pregnancy occurs while wearing Mirena?

The likelihood of pregnancy while wearing Mirena is quite small, and yet such cases have been described.

If the pregnancy test shows a positive result, then you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. The gynecologist will examine you and refer you for an ultrasound. An ultrasound will help determine where the fetus is located: in the uterus or is it an ectopic pregnancy. If the fetus is located in the uterus, then there is a chance to maintain the pregnancy.

Is it necessary to remove the IUD if pregnancy occurs?

In order to reduce the risk of early miscarriage, doctors recommend removing the intrauterine device. In the first hours and days after removal of the IUD, the risk of miscarriage will be quite high, but if the pregnancy can be maintained, then nothing will threaten the unborn child.

If you decide not to remove the IUD, or if its removal is impossible for other reasons, then during pregnancy you will need more careful medical supervision in order to prevent or detect problems in time. possible complications(miscarriage, inflammation, premature birth).

Can Mirena cause developmental abnormalities in an unborn child?

Unfortunately, this is not yet known, since there were not many cases of pregnancy, and it is impossible to compile any reliable statistics.

Cases of healthy children being born after pregnancy with the IUD have been described. Cases of children being born with developmental anomalies also exist, but it has not yet been possible to establish whether there is a connection between these anomalies and the fact that the IUD was not removed during pregnancy.

How is the Mirena IUD replaced or removed?

The Mirena spiral works for 5 years. After this period, the IUD should be removed (if you are planning a pregnancy or want to switch to another method of contraception), or replaced with another IUD (if you are not planning a pregnancy and do not want to switch to other methods of contraception).

You can remove the IUD earlier if you are planning a pregnancy. To do this, you do not have to wait until Mirena’s five-year term expires.

It is best to remove the Mirena coil during your next period. If you stop menstruating while wearing Mirena, or if you want to remove the IUD outside of your period, you will need to start using condoms 7 days before removing the IUD.

If you want to replace the IUD, you do not need to use condoms, and the replacement can be done on any day of the cycle.

When can I get pregnant after Mirena removal?

The Mirena spiral does not affect the functioning of the ovaries, so you can become pregnant in the next cycle after Mirena removal.