How to prepare for an abdominal ultrasound? Preparation and interpretation of ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Ultrasound is done on an empty stomach or.

In this article I want to talk about proper preparation before examining the abdominal organs.

After all, if you come unprepared for the procedure, the quality of monitoring will be low and the results will not be reliable.

Therefore, I decided to write this material. Save it to your bookmarks so as not to lose it.

  • Remember! The procedure should be carried out on an empty stomach. This means that you should not eat, drink water or drink other liquids 8-12 hours before your appointment. In response to the production of gastric juice, the gallbladder contracts and releases bile. It is pointless to examine this organ in a half-empty or empty state - its structure, contents and shape are visualized only under conditions of full filling.
  • The opinions of specialists on the optimal time for the procedure vary - some gastroenterologists insist on the morning hours of examination, since this ensures the maximum interval between food intake and ultrasound. In addition, in the afternoon, due to the reflex secretion of a small amount of hydrochloric acid by the stomach, the gallbladder contracts even in the absence of the usual diet, which is the main argument in favor of morning ultrasound procedures. Other doctors allow the study to be carried out in the afternoon - subject to a light early breakfast and subsequent refusal to eat until the end of the manipulation.
  • People who smoke should abstain from cigarettes before the procedure. Nicotine can also cause partial contraction of the gallbladder.
  • Before visiting a doctor, you should not chew gum - the secretion of gastric juice stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder.
  • If you are taking medications, you should check the timing of the ultrasound. The ideal option is to take medications at the end of the early test procedure. Otherwise, the interval between taking medications and the examination should be at least 6–8 hours. If you are taking medications that stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the need to take them on the eve of the ultrasound should be agreed with your doctor.
  • It is prohibited to take antispasmodics and painkillers until the end of the ultrasound examination.

Cannot be performed after certain diagnostic procedures (on the same day):

  • Endoscopic studies (FGDS, colonoscopy) - air entering the stomach and intestines during manipulation makes it difficult to perform ultrasound and monitor the gastrointestinal tract. An ultrasound scan is allowed only 1–2 days after the examination.
  • X-ray contrast studies (irrigoscopy, gastrophagia, CT or MRI with contrast) - a contrast agent, visualized on an ultrasound machine, distorts the observation picture. It takes about 2–3 days for the contrast agent to be removed, after which an ultrasound of the internal organs can be performed.

Diet before ultrasound of the abdominal organs

The goal of the diet before an ultrasound is to minimize the intensity of fermentation processes in the intestines. Air is a kind of barrier to the propagation of ultrasound, and accumulations of gases can significantly impede the transfer of accurate information to the sensor from the organ being examined.

In this case, the specialist has the right to postpone the procedure to another day, due to additional preparation of the patient’s intestines, or carry out monitoring, the accuracy of which will be very questionable.

During the diet, foods that increase gas formation should be excluded from the diet:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • flour products and sweets (bread, muffins, cookies, candies, gingerbreads, etc.);
  • fatty meat dishes;
  • fatty fish;
  • carbonated drinks, juices, compotes;
  • alcohol.

Products approved for consumption and forming the basis dietary nutrition on the eve of the study:

  • water-based cereal porridges (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, barley, wheat, rice);
  • lean meat (lean beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit);
  • lean fish (cod, flounder, hake, pollock, haddock, sea bass, pike, river perch);
  • eggs (no more than 1 piece per day);
  • hard cheeses;
  • Boiled potatoes, beets, and carrots are allowed (if there is no individual reaction).

Of course, the above products should not be consumed fried. Nutritionists recommend steaming, boiling, stewing or baking dishes.

It is necessary to adhere to the principle of regular fractional meals - 4-5 times a day, every 3-4 hours, in small portions. Dinner should be light, preferably no later than 4 hours before going to bed.

Taking medications for abdominal ultrasound

Patients with gastrointestinal disorders often require additional drug preparation for the study.

If you are prone to flatulence, you are prescribed to take special medications that reduce gas formation (Espumizan, Meteospasmil, Spasm Simplex and their analogues) or enterosorbents ( Activated carbon, “Enterosgel”, “Polysorb”, “Polifepan”, etc.) for 3 days before the procedure.

As an alternative, the doctor may prescribe taking enzymes (Mezim-Forte, Festal, Creon, Pancreatin) for 2-3 days before the test to degas the intestines.

Colon cleansing before abdominal ultrasound

If the patient has irregular bowel movements or chronic constipation, complete bowel movements must be achieved before the ultrasound examination.

  • For constipation, it is recommended to take a laxative on the eve of the ultrasound (laxative mixture, Guttalax, Fitolax, etc.) or use suppositories that facilitate bowel movements (Glycerax, Bisacodyl, glycerin suppositories, etc.).
  • The use of intensive bowel cleansing drugs such as Fortrans and Endofalk before ultrasound procedures is not recommended by doctors.
  • As an alternative to laxatives, an enema is sometimes used (for example, if it was not possible to fully empty the intestines in the morning) with 1–1.5 liters of water at room temperature.

Forced bowel cleansing is not at all necessary if the person being examined has regular bowel movements - in this case, natural bowel movements are sufficient.

Immediately before the ultrasound procedure, it is necessary to inform the functional diagnostics specialist about existing diseases and medicines ah, being taken at the moment.

Update: October 2018

The possibilities of ultrasound examination are very wide. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is especially informative, in which vital human organs are located - the abdominal aorta, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, etc.

Thanks to a routine preventive examination, recommended once a year, there is a high probability of diagnosing and preventing further development of the disease at an early stage.

As a rule, patients agree to this type of study because it is painless and does not pose any health risks. Ultrasound allows you to determine with very high accuracy the size, shape, location and structure of the abdominal organs, the condition of the vessels and ducts.

Focal formations are easily visualized by ultrasound, such as liver, tumor metastasis, cysts, abscesses, hematomas, adenomas, and stones. But confirmation of the diagnosis, especially oncopathology, is possible only after histological examination of the tissue. Even small amounts of free fluid (from 100 ml) in the abdominal cavity are diagnosed by ultrasound. We will talk about what is included in an abdominal ultrasound, how to properly prepare for it and how the study is done in our article.

Symptoms for which abdominal ultrasound is indicated

  • , hypersalivation
  • heaviness in the right hypochondrium
  • bursting and nagging pain in the epigastrium after eating
  • pain in the abdominal area of ​​​​various types
  • increased gas formation

Diseases for which ultrasound of the PD is necessary

Ultrasound is indicated in the presence or suspicion of the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis
  • hepatitis
  • cholecystitis
  • cysts in PD organs
  • kidney and gallstones
  • neoplasms of PD organs

If you are scheduled for an abdominal ultrasound, preparation is no less important than the examination itself, because this directly affects the information content of the procedure.

3 days before the ultrasound:

The evening before the ultrasound:

Day of ultrasound:

Eating a small amount of food every 3-4 hours, about 4-5 times a day. Fluid intake is about one and a half liters daily.
A light dinner is allowed and must be eaten before 20.00. If the study is carried out in the morning, breakfast is excluded.
Products that increase gas formation are completely excluded from the diet: brown bread, baked goods, fruits and vegetables, fatty meat and fish, alcohol, soda, milk, juices, legumes, etc. Meat and fish products, even dietary ones, should not be included in dinner. If the study is scheduled after 15:00, a light breakfast is allowed and should be eaten before 11:00.
  • Allowed products: grain porridges (buckwheat, flaxseed, water-based oats, barley), lean poultry, beef, lean fish, lean cheese, soft-boiled egg (1 per day).
  • Methods of preparing permitted products: boiling, baking, steaming.
  • If you are prone to constipation, a laxative is prescribed orally, which should be taken around 16:00: Senadexin, Senade (see).
  • 1 day before the study, the doctor may prescribe 3 times a day 2 capsules (or 2 teaspoons) of simethicone, analogues of Espumisan, Disflatil, Meteospasmil.
2 hours before the ultrasound, take 5 - 10 tablets of activated carbon or simethicone (2 capsules or 2 teaspoons of emulsion)
Adsorbents may be prescribed if the patient has a tendency to flatulence: activated carbon, enterosgel, espumisan, etc. If laxatives are poorly tolerated, it is recommended to insert a Besacodyl suppository into the rectum (see). If you are prone to flatulence, a cleansing enema may be prescribed in the morning, before the procedure.
Enzyme preparations can be prescribed to improve digestion and prevent gas formation: mezim, festal, pancreatin, creon, etc. If laxatives are ineffective, a cleansing enema is prescribed 12 hours before the ultrasound. Before an ultrasound, you should not chew gum, suck on lollipops, smoke, or take antispasmodics.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - preparing the child

  • Infants under 1 year of age are recommended not to feed for 2-4 hours and not to drink for about 1 hour before the ultrasound.
  • Children 1-3 years old - do not feed for 4 hours and do not drink 1 hour before the ultrasound,
  • Children over 3 years old - preparation before an ultrasound is more strict; you cannot eat for about 6-8 hours and drink liquid 1 hour before the examination.

When should you not perform an ultrasound?

  • After fluoroscopy of the gastrointestinal tract using contrast (irrigoscopy, gastrography).
  • After endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract (fibrogastroduodenoscopy).
  • After laparoscopy and pneumoperitoneum.

In the first and second cases, a delay of 2 days is made, in the last - 3-5 days. Preparation for abdominal ultrasound in these cases is the same as described above.

How is ultrasound performed?

Ultrasound of the PD, as a rule, includes a mandatory examination of the gallbladder, liver, retroperitoneum, spleen, pancreas and blood vessels. The remaining organs are optional for examination and are examined according to indications.

The standard study protocol includes:

  • determining the location and size of organs
  • study of organ structure
  • determination of free fluid in the abdominal space (more precisely, confirmation of its absence)
  • exclusion of formations, cysts, stones, etc.

Description of the procedure

How is an abdominal ultrasound done? The procedure itself takes on average 15-20 minutes. An ultrasound is performed by an ultrasound specialist, who is assisted by a nurse, filling out a research protocol. There are no painful or uncomfortable sensations during the procedure. A special conductive gel is applied to the contact sensor.

The examination is carried out in a supine position; if necessary, the doctor may ask you to turn over on your side and hold your breath for a few seconds. Using a sensor connected to the monitor of an ultrasound machine, the doctor moves along the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, moving down and to the sides. During the procedure, the doctor will name numbers and medical terms that the nurse will enter into the protocol. Immediately after the ultrasound, you can eat and lead a normal lifestyle without restrictions.

What is included in the examination - the organs examined and ultrasound capabilities

  • Liver . Inspected first. Hepatosis, cirrhosis, cysts, and tumors can be diagnosed.
  • Gallbladder and ducts. The patency of the ducts, the presence of polyps, gallstones, and the condition of the organ wall are assessed.
  • Stomach . Inspected at the time of exclusion of formations.
  • Pancreas. Where possible, all shares are valued. Pancreatitis, tumor and pancreatic necrosis may be detected.
  • Spleen. The structure, location and size of the organ are assessed. Neoplasms, cysts, and inflammations are excluded.
  • Intestines. Most often, only the large intestine is examined. If formations and polyps are detected, the patient is sent for a narrow examination.
  • Kidneys. Localization and relative position, dimensions are assessed. Inflammatory changes, conglomerates, tumors and cysts may be detected.
  • Bladder. The shape, size, condition of the walls, and contents are assessed.
  • Vessels. The abdominal aorta and large vessels feeding the organs must be assessed. Blood flow and the condition of the vascular wall are determined.
  • The lymph nodes. Their size is assessed (an increase is typical for oncological pathology).
  • The uterus in women and the prostate gland in men. These organs are located in the pelvis, however, they can be examined. Tumors and inflammatory processes can be detected.

Features of abdominal ultrasound in children

Ultrasound in infants is of particular interest, since in children one year and older, ultrasound is virtually no different from that in adults. Young children are referred for an abdominal ultrasound if:

  • the presence of congenital pathologies;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • abdominal pain and fever of unknown origin;
  • routine screening, which is mandatory during the neonatal period.

Ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of the digestive and excretory systems, namely: liver, bladder and ureters, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach, intestines. The retroperitoneal space, adrenal glands, arteries, veins and nerve plexuses must be examined.

The procedure is carried out according to the same principle as the examination of an adult, but in the presence of one of the parents, who helps to hold the baby.

This study is necessary to exclude (or confirm) congenital pathologies, confirm the normal condition and functioning of organs according to age standards.

Ultrasound can reveal:

  • congenital organ pathologies
  • tumors, cysts and polyps of organs
  • reactive pancreatitis
  • kinks and constrictions of the gallbladder
  • hyperplasia, liver cirrhosis and hepatitis
  • enlarged spleen
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes
  • blood flow disorders

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - how to evaluate the results of the study

As a rule, at the end of the study, the ultrasound doctor provides a short summary that is understandable to the patient, which may sound like “You are doing well” - the most expected and reassuring phrase. But there may be another conclusion, for example: “You need to see a gastroenterologist (urologist, etc.) for consultation.” But this should not be scary; any, even the most serious, pathologies can be treated, the main thing is not to delay it.

A research protocol is issued, which contains standard columns describing each organ, as well as a doctor’s conclusion. The conclusion indicates all identified pathologies or suspicions of them. If the patient is healthy, the conclusion will sound something like this: The abdominal organs are unremarkable.

Ultrasound signs of some diseases


Sign by ultrasound

  • Increased echostructure of the liver (frequent and large echoes)
  • Increase in organ size
  • Increase in more than 45° of the lower angle of the left lobe of the liver
  • Non-visualizing nuchal vein
Cirrhosis of the liver Direct signs:
  • Increase in organ size
  • Strengthening the echo structure (frequent and large echoes)
  • Uneven contours
  • Rounded lower edge of the liver
  • Decreased elasticity
  • Reduced sound conductivity
Indirect signs:
  • Dilatation of the portal vein more than 15 mm
  • Dilatation of the splenic vein more than 10 mm
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Ascites (echo-negative structure)
Congestive liver circulatory failure
  • Increased liver size
  • Rounding the edges of the liver
  • Dilated inferior vena cava
  • Branching at an angle of about 90 hepatic veins
  • No narrowing of the inferior vena cava during breathing
Focal liver pathologies: Cysts, abscess, area of ​​tumor necrotization, hematoma An area devoid of echostructure
Cancer metastases (poorly differentiated), hepatocellular cancer, malignant lymphoma, sarcoma, adenoma, hemangioma, hematoma, abscess Area with reduced echostructure
Metastases of cancer (highly differentiated), adenoma, hepatoma, hemangioma, scars, foci of calcification Area with enhanced echo structure
Malignant liver tumor Strengthening the echostructure in the center of the area and decreasing the echostructure along the edge of the space-occupying formation

Everyone knows that ultrasound remains to this day not only one of the most informative examination methods, but also non-invasive, painless and allows you to find out all the details about the patient’s health and condition.

However, not everyone knows, for example, that you should not eat or drink before an abdominal ultrasound, how best to prepare for it so that the data is as informative and reliable as possible, and what the diet should be before such an examination as an ultrasound.

The main obstacle to the procedure is the presence of excess air in the intestines, so the patient’s primary task is to remove it. The outcome greatly depends on the thoroughness of the preparation.

Preparations for ultrasound

So, the patient was sent for examination. In order for a specialist to quickly visualize the necessary organs, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor, including how to eat before, for example, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or other organs. This is the only way to make sure that what is displayed on the monitor is not accumulated gases.

The following points are considered the most important conditions:

  1. Strict adherence. The diet before an abdominal ultrasound does not contain any complex requirements, so anyone can do it.
  2. Consultation with a doctor regarding all medications that the patient needs to take.
  3. Report to the doctor about all bad habits, as well as about the individual characteristics of the body.

As a rule, people are sent for this examination in cases where a person complains of constant bitterness in the mouth, pain in the abdomen and especially under the right rib, constant bloating and gas formation, a feeling of fullness and distension after each meal.

Patients who have suffered all forms of hepatitis and have problems with the liver or pancreas are always examined.

They all have to adjust their food ahead of time, because an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity dictates a special diet.

What's the best way to eat?

Figuring out what is not possible or possible before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and various organs, many people get scared in advance and think: they will have to sit on a starvation diet for months. But everything is not so complicated, although a certain diet still exists with an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and stomach.

You need to start preparing at least four days before the appointed date (or better yet, early). The primary task is to ensure that there are fewer gases in the intestines, and therefore you will have to adjust your food.

Here's what you can eat before:

  • Boiled beef, chicken, quail.
  • Boiled dietary fish.
  • Regular eggs that can only be boiled.
  • Barley, buckwheat, any type of oatmeal.
  • Before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and stomach, an acceptable diet includes a little cheese.

It is necessary to remember that you can eat any permitted food before an abdominal ultrasound only in small portions, approximately every three hours. You should not allow overeating, heaping plates and other delights of feasts.

When figuring out whether you can drink before going for an abdominal ultrasound, it is worth remembering that you should not wash down your meals during preparation. You are allowed to take plain water and plain tea. During the day, the total amount of liquid should not fall below one and a half liters.

Of course, before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, it would be better to abstain from some things. So, what not to eat:

  • Any variety of legumes.
  • All drinks containing gases, milk, caffeine in any form, all fermented milk, even cottage cheese are excluded.
  • People ask if it is possible to eat before, for example, an ultrasound of the stomach or other organs, and are surprised that this is not allowed. It is also forbidden to eat sweets, especially flour ones: all buns, buns and other sweets will have to be put away, as well as black bread.
  • All unprocessed vegetables are removed, the same goes for fruits.
  • Fatty foods are unacceptable, such as a number of varieties of not only fish, but also meat.
  • Of course, alcohol is included in the list of what should not be consumed before an abdominal ultrasound.

If the procedure is early in the morning, you must come hungry. If an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity occurs after three o’clock in the afternoon, then a modest snack is all that is possible in the morning.

However, there are caveats here: examination of the retroperitoneal region requires a strict fast on the day of the procedure. Before the ultrasound of the internal organs, there will be a special diet: they are not allowed to eat everything at any time.

When figuring out whether they can eat during a procedure such as an abdominal ultrasound, you need to remember that babies before the procedure are deprived of only one feeding (three hours should pass before the ultrasound), and they are not given anything to drink for an hour before the examination.

Children under three years old will have to go four hours without feeding, while older ones will have to wait six to eight hours. Well, the list of what they should eat before such an examination as an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, stomach, and other organs corresponds to a set of products for adults.

What can distort the picture?

When asking what you can eat or drink before an abdominal ultrasound, you should not forget about what factors can spoil everything and distort the results.

  1. This is, first of all, a spasm of smooth muscles, the cause of which is not some disease, but an endoscopic examination, as well as bad habits.
  2. The intestines are full of gases, if the patient does not understand what is prohibited and what is allowed to eat and drink before an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Excess weight, because the signal penetrates through the fat layer rather poorly.
  4. Remains of a contrast agent in the intestine if the person had an x-ray shortly before the examination.
  5. Abdominal wounds, especially where the probe would pass.
  6. Fidgeting and active movements during the study.

Nuances important when preparing

When preparing for an examination, it is important not only to know whether you can eat before an important event or whether you can drink before an abdominal ultrasound procedure. The doctor will definitely tell you about important points.

Before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and stomach, many people ask what they can eat. But if food is completely excluded, then the issue of drinking depends on the organ being examined: when examining, say, the kidneys, the patient will have to drink at least half a liter of ordinary water). So the answer to the question “is it possible to drink before something like an abdominal ultrasound” will be positive.

If everything is done correctly, and the patient understands that he should not eat before such an important task as an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or stomach, then the examination will be able to identify the causes of incomprehensible pain, find out what condition the liver and gall bladder are in, whether stones have formed, inflammatory processes, organic organ damage.

This examination makes it possible to look at, clarify unclear diagnoses, examine the patient after injuries, various wounds, and prepare the person for a number of operations. Having figured out what you can eat before an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, the patient will save himself a lot of time and money on repeated examinations. Ultrasound helps monitor recovery after a biopsy, and can be performed several times in a row without causing any harm to the patient.

What to do next?

All further diagnostics depend on the results obtained. If the data is not reliable enough, or clarification, confirmation of the diagnosis, or monitoring of recovery is required, the specialist will prescribe a repeat ultrasound or a number of other studies.


Having found out whether it is possible to eat before a procedure such as an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or stomach, the patient ensures that the examination is carried out properly and that the doctor obtains the most accurate data necessary for successful treatment.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is one of the most common ways to study the health of the tissues of the stomach, liver, Bladder, pancreas, intestines, duodenum, kidneys, in order to promptly detect the possible presence of the disease and begin timely treatment of the disease. In order for the diagnostic procedure to proceed as usual and the doctor conducting the examination to be able to provide a high-quality interpretation of the analysis, you should undergo full training before performing an ultrasound examination of the ABP. Let us consider in more detail in which clinical cases it is really recommended to use ultrasound diagnostics, as well as a list of actions aimed at cleansing the gastrointestinal tract before the procedure

Before the doctor decides to prescribe an abdominal ultrasound to the patient, he discovers a number of pathological symptoms in him, indicating a painful condition of individual organs or the entire system. Therefore, there are the following indications for this type of diagnosis:

  • acute and prolonged pain inside the abdomen, which is relieved only with the help of potent analgesics, and then returns again;
  • internal bleeding and defecation mixed with capillary blood;
  • lack of appetite, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting of unknown origin;
  • discoloration of stool, or feces acquiring a rich dark or green hue;
  • acute urinary retention, urine leakage, or kidney dysfunction;
  • heartburn, pain localized in the area of ​​the right, left hypochondrium or solar plexus.

In some cases, this symptomatology of a current disease of the internal organs is accompanied by an increase in body temperature ranging from 37 to 39 degrees Celsius. Also, other indications for the use of abdominal ultrasound cannot be excluded, which can be detected by a gastroenterologist.

Preparation for the abdominal ultrasound procedure

In order for the doctor conducting the diagnosis to be able to obtain the most reliable and objective information about the state of health of the patient’s internal organs, care should be taken to take preparation measures, which include the formation of a diet consisting of food that cleanses the gastrointestinal tract cavity from all excess and unnecessary deposits . Therefore, the preparatory process before ultrasound of the OBP is a set of measures consisting of the following actions.

Eating before ultrasound OBP - on an empty stomach or not, how long before you can eat?

The ultrasound examination procedure should be carried out on an empty stomach so that the patient's stomach remains empty. 3 days before the start of diagnosis, gas-forming foods such as cabbage, radishes, carrots, all types of legumes, walnuts and peanuts, and fatty meats are completely excluded from the diet. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are also strictly prohibited. You should not eat later than 12 hours before the doctor performs an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. In addition, you should take a laxative at night to naturally cleanse the intestines of feces and other fecal deposits.

3 hours before the main examination, you are allowed to drink 250 grams of water, but not later than the specified time interval. All this will be reflected in the results of the examination and will form the basis of the doctor’s medical report, which means it will also affect the diagnosis. It will not be difficult for an adult to perform these simple procedures. Over the next 3 days, preference should be given to cereal porridges seasoned with a small amount of butter, salads of fresh vegetables and herbs, fruits, boiled meat, mineral water no gases.

Drinking plenty of fluids is the key to natural cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

Taking Espumisan

This drug is intended to relieve excess flatulence. It is necessary to understand that during the process of fermentation and other negative biochemical reactions occurring inside the abdomen, stretching of the tissues of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity occurs. All this does not make it possible to fully reflect the natural state of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, preparation of the peritoneum is required before ultrasound diagnostics. Espumisan is best suited for this. For 3-5 days, a person takes 1 tablet of the medication with meals, washing it down with a small amount of water.

Is it possible to smoke before an ultrasound?

There are no direct contraindications for the use of tobacco products. Despite this, gastroenterologists strongly recommend quitting smoking in order to improve the health of the cells of the digestive, excretory and endocrine systems. This will eliminate the factor of distortion in deciphering diagnostic results, and will also show the true norm of each internal organ separately.

It is also important to remember that when you inhale cigarette smoke, air involuntarily enters the stomach cavity. This factor can lead to the computer monitor displaying an overly increased volume of this organ of the digestive system.

How to prepare a child for research?

It is much easier for an adult to complete all the preparatory procedures before an abdominal ultrasound than for children of different age groups. This is primarily due to a number of psychological barriers. Therefore, the child must be morally adjusted to the fact that an ultrasound examination of the ABP is absolutely not painful. You just need to lie down, relax and wait while the doctor performs a series of simple movements on the surface of the abdomen. It is possible that there will be a slight cold due to the liquid that is used in the diagnostic process, but nothing more.

How is the examination carried out?

The manipulation process itself takes place in a hospital setting in a room specially equipped for this purpose. A person who is indicated for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity completely removes all clothing covering the body and takes a horizontal position lying on his back. After this, the doctor applies a lubricant consisting of a medical gel, which has increased conductivity of high-frequency signals, to the skin of the abdomen. The epithelium is lubricated precisely in the part where the internal organ to be examined is located

After this, a probe is placed against the skin, emitting appropriate ultrasound waves, which are reflected and returned back in the form of a comprehensive signal with information about the location of all tissues and organs located inside the abdominal cavity. All this data is recorded on a computer device and also displayed on a monitor in three-dimensional format. The duration of all manipulations is no more than 15-20 minutes. In most cases, everything happens much faster, and especially if the person initially did not show serious symptoms indicating the development of a serious illness.

What does an abdominal ultrasound show in women?

In representatives of the female half of the population, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity shows not only the condition of the digestive, excretory, genitourinary and endocrine systems, but is also capable of displaying the exact state of the reproductive tissues. These are the ovaries. Internal genital organs, uterus, appendages and glands responsible for the secretion of female sex hormones.

For diseases of this group, the appointment of an ultrasound examination is especially important in order to promptly detect possible pathology of organs that relate exclusively to the body of women.

Results and transcript

It is not enough to simply perform a high-quality diagnosis. It is also necessary to ensure decoding of the data obtained from the survey results. It passes in compliance with the following criteria.


The doctor assesses the degree of swelling of the mucous membranes of the internal organs, and whether there is an accumulation of liquid contents in the abdominal space. Those organs that have a hollow structure are also examined. Most of them are physiologically prone to filling with lymph if acute illness develops over a long period of time. inflammatory process, which is not subjected to adequate drug treatment.


In order to determine whether there is a suspicion of possible foreign tumors, the doctor performs a diagnostic test for tissue density. Those areas of the internal organs that have an overly dense cellular structure are subject to more detailed examination. This makes it possible to promptly suspect an oncological process, identify it and prescribe adequate drug therapy with chemicals that prevent a further increase in cancer formation.

Diffuse tissue changes

The development of any pathology of a particular abdominal organ is always closely related to the gradual transformation of its cellular structure. This may be atherosclerosis of tissues, replacement of the epithelium with fiber, its scarring and degeneration. Based on the presence of these pathological symptoms, the doctor determines the severity of the current illness, and also forms a therapeutic course while simultaneously predicting the prospects for recovery.

Each case of development of disease of the abdominal organs is individual. Therefore, ultrasound diagnostics is aimed at identifying a specific disease. Therefore, deciphering the examination indicators is based directly on which organ is in the area affected by the disease, and what symptoms the patient experiences.

Among ultrasound examinations, the most prescribed is the examination of the digestive system, which includes an ultrasound of the liver. This procedure requires mandatory preparation, because the information content of the study will depend on it. But for different categories of patients, the process of preparing for an ultrasound differs.

Ultrasound scanning plays an important diagnostic role, allowing one to evaluate: the structure of the liver, the thickness of its walls, the size of blood vessels, the presence of stenoses, as well as pathologies in the development and functioning of the organ.

To obtain a high-quality image on the ultrasound monitor screen, and therefore reliable results, you need to carefully prepare for the examination.

Detailed liver examination is usually prescribed for elderly patientsage. The fact is that liver pathologies occur more often with age. After all, this organ is a natural filter of our body and the longer it functions, the more likely it is to malfunction. But even in young people there may be a need for an ultrasound examination of the liver.

The following symptoms are indications for this procedure:

  • visible yellowness of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • pale color of stool combined with brightly colored urine;
  • pain in the abdomen or dull pain under the right rib;
  • feeling of heaviness after eating.

An ultrasound of the liver is also indicated if:

  • there are deviations from the norm in the results of laboratory tests;
  • the patient has undergone radiation or chemotherapy;
  • the patient took medications for a long time;
  • the patient is prone to alcohol abuse, often smokes or uses drugs;
  • the attending physician suspects the presence of neoplasms;
  • there was an abdominal injury;
  • correction of previously prescribed treatment is necessary;
  • the patient has been diagnosed with helminthiasis, steatosis, cirrhosis, polycystic organ disease or hepatitis;
  • preventive examination is necessary.

However, it is worth considering that the list of indications for liver examination can be significantly expanded and the procedure is carried out, first of all, at the discretion of the attending physician. The listed conditions are the most common reasons for prescribing an ultrasound of the liver. This will help make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Preparing for the study

What to do before the examination?

As soon as you receive a referral for a liver ultrasound, you need to think about proper preparation for the procedure. It consists of several stages and begins shortly before the examination.

During the preparation period, the patient is prescribed a special drinking regimen and diet. In some cases, medication will be required. Let's consider the key points of preparation for an ultrasound of the liver.

Diet 3-5 days before the procedure

There is no need to follow a diet yet, but you should give up fatty, smoked and overly salty foods. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of fast food, processed foods and other obviously harmful products.

Three days before the ultrasound, alcoholic and carbonated drinks should be completely avoided., replacing them with weak tea, fruit drinks and compotes.

Vegetables and fruits in their natural form are not the best choice when preparing for manipulation. You can cook a vegetable stew or simply stew broccoli, eggplant or cabbage. Meals should become fractional, this means that you need to eat in small portions, 4-5 times a day.

You can drink pure water unlimitedly.

Day before ultrasound

In the evening, on the eve of the procedure, and in the morning before it, on the advice of a doctor, cleansing enemas can be performed. They are usually prescribed if the patient suffers from regular constipation and severe bloating. If there are no problems with the intestines, then enemas are not necessary.

If an enema is prescribed, but the patient is looking for alternative methods of cleansing the body, laxatives can be used. Just start taking them not before the study, but at least a day before it.

Drugs in this group are designed to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and other harmful substances that can have a negative impact on the results of ultrasound.

Reference! Before you start taking medications that cleanse the intestines and eliminate flatulence, you need to consult the doctor who ordered the examination or the doctor who will perform the ultrasound.

Research day: is it possible to eat and drink?

Before examination, patients often wonder if they can drink water? Yes, you just have to limit yourself to just one glass (about 250 ml of liquid).

An important point in preparing for the procedure is the cleanliness of the intestines (there should be no accumulation of waste substances or gases there).

Therefore, it is imperative to conduct an ultrasound examination of the liver on an empty stomach; if possible, schedule the procedure for the morning. If the manipulation must be carried out after 12 noon, then a light breakfast is allowed.

A good start to the day in this case would be a small portion of oatmeal or other porridge with water or a few spoons of vegetable soup.

Before an ultrasound scan of the liver, you should not eat foods that contribute to the development of gas:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits, especially grapes and cabbage;
  • fiber-rich foods;
  • whole milk;
  • products containing yeast;
  • legumes and dishes made from them (lentil stew, pea soup).

Important! At least 6 hours should pass from the last snack to the start of the ultrasound.

All these recommendations are the same, both for healthy people and for those who have chronic diseases. If you regularly take medications, you need to warn your doctor, but you most likely will not have to stop taking medications before an ultrasound examination of the liver and gallbladder.

If the examination is of an emergency nature, then preparation for it is not carried out.

Reference! An ultrasound examination of the liver is not performed immediately after an X-ray of the stomach with contrast and esophagogastroduodenoscopy. At least 2 days must pass between procedures. There should be 3-5 days between laparoscopy and ultrasound.

What to take with you?

If the ultrasound is performed in a municipal clinic, it is worth taking a towel with you (you can not only lay it on the couch, but also use it to remove the gel after the procedure).

If the liver is examined in a paid clinic, then you can do without a towel - the cost of disposable napkins, which the doctor will provide, is already included in the cost of the ultrasound.

How is ultrasound examination done?

After the doctor has completed the necessary paperwork, he will ask you to lie down on the couch. The examination can be carried out with the patient lying on his back, on his side (left, less often - right). Sometimes the liver is examined with the patient sitting or standing.

Before starting the procedure, the doctor covers the skin at the examination site with conductive gel and begins the examination using an ultrasound probe. During the manipulation, all parameters of the liver, the uniformity of its structure and the lines of the edge of the organ are determined.

If an ultrasound is performed to monitor a previously identified disease, the doctor should note the dynamics of changes. Often, in conjunction with a liver examination, the condition of the gallbladder, arteries and veins adjacent to the organ, as well as the hepatic ducts are studied.

Useful video

In this video you can learn more about ultrasound examination of the liver.


Ultrasound of the liver is rarely performed as an independent procedure - usually such an examination is carried out in conjunction with the study of all organs of the digestive system, or simply affects neighboring organs. The diagnostic value of the manipulation lies in the ability to assess pathologies and quickly determine the causes of the disease.

However, the conclusion after an ultrasound is not yet a diagnosis. In the research protocol, the diagnostician describes only the picture that is displayed on the screen by the ultrasound sensor. And what the parameters indicated in this protocol say, the attending physician will tell you, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.