What does two-tone eyes mean? People with different eye colors and sizes: disease or normal

Heterochromia is a physiological deviation associated with the fact that a person's eyes have different colors. This phenomenon is not universal, but quite frequent. On average, five people out of a thousand have different eye colors. Similar deviations occur in animals.

Eye color is directly determined by the amount of melanin contained in the iris. For example, the lower the amount of melanin, the lighter the eyes and vice versa. Brown-eyed people have a lot of this substance in their iris. Under normal conditions, melanin is distributed evenly between the organs of vision, but there are situations, various kinds of failures, in which the distribution occurs unevenly, as a result of which the iris in each eye acquires its own shade.

In ancient times, people shunned, or, on the contrary, worshiped those with heterochromia, considering them sorcerers or messengers of higher powers. During the Inquisition, owners of such a defect were subjected to torture, as were women who gave birth to children with such a pathology. Such women were accused of having connections with the devil.

The medical rationale for heterochromia is much more prosaic. And today, such a feature becomes pride for some, while others, on the contrary, are embarrassed by such a defect and try to correct it. At the same time, there are various myths associated with the appearance of such a defect.

Causes of heterochromia of the eyes

And so, the reason for this phenomenon is the uneven distribution of melanin between the eyes, but the reasons for this effect can be different.

Hereditary manifestation is quite common. If one of the parents has heterochromia, then the probability that the child will inherit this feature is close to 100%. It is not uncommon for this pathology to manifest itself after a generation. However, a congenital anomaly is far from the only option.

A different shade of the cornea in the eyes can occur as a result of injury to the eye by a foreign object. For example, if the eye is injured by metal shavings and if this particle is not removed in a timely manner, the blue iris may acquire a brown or green tint. An acquired pathology of this kind is called metallosis in medicine.

Fuchs syndrome or uevitis. This disease occurs due to inflammatory processes occurring in the choroid of the eye. As a result, clouding of the eye occurs and visual acuity decreases. Gradually, the color of the iris, but in fact, just clouding, intensifies. The lesion is most often unilateral, but it can also be bilateral. In fact, it would be a stretch to call this phenomenon heterochromia, since what occurs here is not a change in the color of the iris, but clouding.

It is important to remember that a person’s final eye color is formed by the age of two years. Therefore, it is important that parents monitor the child, and if the effect of different eye colors is noticed, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist.

Types of heterochromia eyes

Heterochromia is divided into three types:

Complete, when the eyes are completely different in color from each other;

Partial, when the iris is colored unevenly, in fragments. Sometimes the effect appears in the form of random spots, sometimes the iris appears to be divided in half;

Central, when the color change is observed only near the pupil.

Does heterochromia affect the patient's well-being?

Heterochromia itself does not affect the condition and well-being, but it is worth understanding that its manifestation is not always the effect of a genetic predisposition. Differences in eye color can be a signal of serious diseases, such as:

Waardenburg syndrome, which in advanced cases can lead to the appearance of gray strands at a young age and hearing loss;

Neurofibromotosis, expressed in the threat of developing bone abnormalities. This disease begins with a change in pigmentation, which later develops into a tumor-like formation.

The ophthalmologist will determine the nature of the color change in the iris and, in case of danger, refer the patient for additional examination.

Myths accompanying heterochromia

This deviation is constantly accompanied by various myths. And if in ancient times it all boiled down to the fact that eyes are different colors, this is something otherworldly, but today the creators of myths compete in the sophistication of information noise, balancing on the brink of facts.

People with heterochromia are colorblind

It is a myth. Color blindness is not a result of the amount of melamine in the iris. People with this pathology distinguish colors in the same way as people with “normal” eyes.

Different eye colors lead to different vision in the eyes

This is also a myth. The optical power of the eye does not depend on the color of the iris. Patients with heterochromia can have either excellent or poor vision, both in pairs and in each eye separately. It all depends on various factors.

All owners of heterochromia are nervous and unsociable

There is some truth here. Some children who have eyes of different colors begin to withdraw into themselves during their school years due to ridicule or excessive attention from peers. This becomes the cause of psychological instability. However, a lot depends on the parents. If you explain to a child and convince him that there is nothing special about eyes of different colors, he will be easier to handle excessive attention to himself.

People with heterochromia are more susceptible to eye diseases and diseases in general

This is also a myth. There is no official data recorded that this deviation affects immune system and somehow contributes to the development of diseases. And all the stories in this regard are most likely based on the fact that a change in the color of the iris can be a signal developing disease. For example, Waardenburg syndrome or neurofibromotosis.

How to get rid of heterochromia?

Many people wonder whether it is possible to get rid of such a deviation and how to make both eyes have the same iris color. Ophthalmologists believe that if there are no symptoms of a dangerous disease, intervention in the form of surgical and drug treatment not required. On the contrary, it is even dangerous.

Unfortunately, in some cases, heterochromia, when it is partial, is expressed in a very ugly way. In these cases, therapeutic treatment or surgery is used. Unfortunately, changes are not always successful.

The least dangerous option is changing eye color using contact lenses. Both simple color ones, without diopters, and correction ones are suitable here. The choice of such products is very large, the main thing is to choose the right option and follow the rules for wearing CL.

Summing up

Heterochromia is a fairly common phenomenon, but not universal. If we talk about this deviation as a genetic phenomenon, and not as a symptom of other ailments, then, in principle, this deviation is not dangerous and does not cause any discomfort in terms of quality of life. The only drawback is that different eye colors greatly attract the attention of others. Although for some, this is rather a plus.

What do Alexander the Great, Mila Kunis, Jane Seymour and David Bowie have in common? Besides the fact that they are all individuals whose names are well known to many people around the world, all four of them have different colored eyes. In other words, they have heterochromia - a fairly rare condition that occurs in less than 1% of the world's population. What is heterochromia - a disease or an exceptional feature?

What causes heterochromia?

The color of a person's eyes is determined by the iris, or iris. Depending on the content of melanin pigment in its cells and the nature of its distribution, the iris can have a color from light blue to almost black. The color shade of the iris develops during the first months after the baby is born, the final color of his eyes is established in the first or second year of life, and the amount of melanin determines how dark the eye color will be. The less melanin, the lighter the eyes will be, and vice versa. In some cases, when the concentration of melanin and its distribution are heterogeneous, a condition known as iris heterochromia can occur.
Heterochromia (from the Greek ἕτερος - “different”, “different”; χρῶμα - “color”) is a different color of the iris of the right and left eyes or unequal coloring of different parts of the iris of one eye. It is the result of some excess or deficiency of melanin in different eyes ah, when one eye may be less pigmented, the other more. Heterochromia is a fairly rare phenomenon and occurs in less than 1% of the world's population. It can be hereditary or acquired as a result of eye injury or the development of certain diseases. Many people believe that multi-colored eyes make a face unique. If one eye is blue and the other is brown, the difference is immediately noticeable. Seeing that one eye is gray and the other blue is more difficult, and only by looking closely can you tell the difference.

Types of heterochromia

Depending on the type of coloring of the iris, several types of heterochromia are distinguished: complete, in which both eyes have a different color (Fig. 1); partial, or sectoral, when the iris of one eye contains several different color shades at once (Fig. 2); central, when the iris has several full-fledged colored rings (Fig. 3). The most common type is complete heterochromia, where, for example, one eye is brown and the other is blue. The second type, partial heterochromia, is in some cases a consequence of inherited diseases such as Hirschsprung's disease and Waardenburg's syndrome. In women, heterochromia occurs more often than in representatives of the stronger half of humanity. In medical practice, there are known forms of heterochromia that arise as a result of damage to the iris: simple - abnormal coloring of the eye shell with congenital weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerve; complicated - uveitis with Fuchs syndrome ( chronic illness, which is characterized by damage to one of the eyes, expressed by a change in the color of the iris).
Some people have developed heterochromia after injury to the eye with an iron or copper foreign body, when it was not removed in a timely manner. This process is called metallosis of the eye, and when it occurs, a number of symptoms characteristic of inflammation of the eyeball appear, and in addition, the color of the iris changes. Often with metallosis of the eye, the iris becomes brown-rusty, but it can also be green-blue.
Is it possible to restore the color of the iris? With congenital heterochromia, medical treatment will not help, but colored or tinted eyes can even out the visible color contact lenses. With metallosis, eye color can be restored after successful removal foreign body, and in case of inflammation of the eye - with complete cure.

Heterochromia in animals

In animals, the phenomenon of heterochromia is more common than in humans (Fig. 4). This anomaly can be seen in cats, dogs, horses, cows and even buffaloes.

Rice. 4. Animals with complete heterochromia

Most often, complete heterochromia occurs in cats with a partial or complete white color, for example in the Turkish Angora and Turkish Van breeds. According to legend, the favorite cat of the Prophet Muhammad, Muizza, had eyes of different colors. Among dogs, heterochromia is often observed in breeds such as the Siberian Husky. Horses with complete heterochromia usually have one brown eye and one white, gray or blue eye, with heterochromia of the eyes occurring in piebald animals.
As a rule, complete heterochromia occurs in animals: one eye is blue or gray-blue in color, and the other is yellow, copper or brown. Partial heterochromia among animals is a rarer phenomenon; it is characterized by a partial inclusion of a color different from the main color of the iris. More often than in other animals, partial heterochromia occurs in dogs of the Australian Shepherd and Border Collie breeds.
Heterochromia is a condition whose gene is inherited; it does not cause any complications or inconveniences for the animal. Its presence does not affect visual acuity and light sensitivity, and the pupil reacts to light with a sharp constriction, as in ordinary animals. However, breeding animals with heterochromia is not recommended; it is considered a defect in the breed, although some animal lovers specifically select odd-eyed pets for themselves.

Should you worry if you have heterochromia?

Of course, heterochromia is an anomaly, but its presence does not necessarily mean the presence of hidden health problems. However, there is evidence that heterochromia may accompany some hereditary diseases. One example of such diseases is Waardenburg syndrome, in which children develop the following clinical signs: congenital hearing loss varying degrees, a gray strand above the forehead and heterochromia. Another example is a disease such as neurofibromatosis, which affects many organs and even entire systems. Externally, it is accompanied by the presence on the skin of many coffee-milk-colored spots, neurofibromas and pigmented hamartomas of the iris (Bream nodules). Experts recommend that not only children, but also adults with congenital or acquired heterochromia undergo an annual medical examination.
If you notice a sudden change in the color of the iris, the appearance of heterochromia, this may be due to a health condition. In this case, you need to consult an ophthalmologist who will conduct a thorough examination and identify any problems.

Diagnosis and treatment of heterochromia

Let us say right away that heterochromia itself is not a disease. However, it can be a consequence of some serious diseases and therefore requires a medical examination by an ophthalmologist. If pathologies are found during the examination, the doctor will give directions for tests and other laboratory research. Depending on the type of pathology identified, medication or surgery. If the disease is completely cured, eye color can be restored. In case of congenital pathology, it is possible to change the shade only with the help.

Famous people with heterochromia

The media pay special attention to describing the appearance of famous people - actors, singers, athletes, politicians, looking for the slightest deviation from the norm. When asked, the British version of Wikipedia will give you a whole list of celebrities with one or another type of heterochromia.
Thus, partial or complete heterochromia was noted in the Hollywood actress Mila Kunis: her left eye is brown, her right eye is blue; British actress Jane Seymour: right eye - a combination of green and brown, left eye - green; American actress Kate Bosworth: left eye - blue, right - blue with brown; Canadian actor Kiefer Sutherland has sectoral heterochromia in both eyes - a combination of green and blue in British actor Benedict Cumberbatch; acquired heterochromia after an injury in a fight was noted in the British rock musician, singer and producer David Bowie (Fig. 5). Many other celebrities also have heterochromia.

Rice. 5. A whole list of celebrities with one or another type of heterochromia has been compiled.
On the picture (top down) Stars: Kate Bosworth, David Bowie, Jane Seymour, Mila Kunis

The fact that Alexander the Great had complete heterochromia is mentioned by the Greek historian Arrian, who described Alexander as a strong, attractive commander, one of whose eyes was black as night, and the other blue as the sky.
There are many examples of heterochromia among famous literary characters: Woland (“the right eye is black, the left for some reason is green”) from “The Master and Margarita” and Lieutenant Viktor Myshlaevsky from “The White Guard” by Mikhail Bulgakov, tank commander Vasily Semyonov in Janusz Przymanowski’s book “The Four tank driver and dog."
Different eye colors always attract attention, but after reading this article, you will understand that this is most often just an abnormal deviation from the norm, hereditary or acquired.

1 See: Heterochromia iridum // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterochromia_iridum (access date: 09.22.2014).
2 See: Heterochromia // Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia [Site]. URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ %C3 %E5 %F2 %E5 %F0 %EE %F5 %F0 %EE %EC %E8 %FF (access date: 09/22/2014).
3 See: Neurofibromatosis // Neboleem.net. Medical portal [Site]. URL: http://www.neboleem.net/neirofibromatoz.php (access date: 09/22/2014).
4 See: Heterochromia, or People with different-colored eyes // facte.ru. Educational magazine [Site]. URL: http://facte.ru/man/6474.html#ixzz336UHypus (access date: 09/22/2014).
5 See: What causes different colored eyes? // essilor. URL: http://news.essilorusa.com/stories/detail/what-causes-different-colored-eyes (access date: 09/22/2014).
6 See: List of people with heterochromia // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_with_heterochromia (access date: 09/22/2014).
7 See: Alexander the Great // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_the_Great (access date: 09/22/2014).

Olga Shcherbakova, Veko magazine, 8/2014

Heterochromia (from Greek. ἕτερος And χρῶμα , which means “different color”) is a fairly rare phenomenon when a person has different eye colors. Typically, heterochromia of the eyes in people can manifest itself not only in different colors of the right and left visual organs, but also in the color of the iris, which can arise due to the uneven distribution of melanin (coloring pigment) in the membrane.

Eyes of different colors. What should you know?

On a note! If melanin is unevenly distributed in one or two eyes, or there is too little or too much of it, this leads to a phenomenon called heterochromia.

The specific color depends on what color pigment is in excess/deficit (it can be blue, yellow and brown). As noted earlier, the phenomenon is rare (approximately 1% of the planet's inhabitants) and, characteristically, more often in women than in men. However, no physiological/anatomical prerequisites for such gender “inequality” have been identified.

Heterochromia is not considered a pathology, since, apart from the external effect (eyes of different colors do not always look attractive), it is not accompanied by any visual disturbances. But this applies only to those cases where the condition is congenital, that is, not associated with concomitant eye diseases.

Main types of heterochromia

Depending on the factors that cause heterochromia, it can be hereditary or acquired. According to another classification, it is divided into three types, let’s get acquainted with them.

Table. Types of heterochromia.

Name, photoShort description

The rings on the iris are clearly visible, differing from the main color of the shell.

On one eye there are noticeable areas that are colored with pigment of different shades/colors.

The iris of one eye is completely colored. As a rule, in such cases, one eye is brown and the other is blue.

People with eyes of different colors. Photo

In the photo below you can see different types of the phenomenon described in the article.

Why does heterochromia appear?

So, why can a person’s eyes be different colors? The main reasons, as well as prerequisites for the development of this phenomenon, include:

  • heredity;
  • various types of injuries, for example, the entry of foreign objects into the organs of vision. Such injuries may cause the eyes to darken. And if, say, the gray/blue iris is damaged, then it may eventually turn brown or;

  • Fuchs syndrome. It is characterized by developing inflammatory processes in the tissues of the organs of vision. Other signs include blurred vision, as well as complete/partial loss of vision;
  • side effects of a number of drugs that are used to treat;
  • neurofibromatosis.

Note! In most cases, it is hereditary heterochromia that is observed. Therefore, if the phenomenon was identified in one of the parents, then with a probability of more than 50% the child will have it (to a lesser or greater extent).

Depending on the cause, heterochromia can be simple, complicated or acquired. Acquired form– This is when the color of the eye has changed due to the use of glaucoma medications or due to injury. In addition, this can appear after copper or iron gets into the eyes - in the first case, the phenomenon is called chalcosis, and in the second - siderosis.

Complicated heterochromia develops due to Fuchs syndrome, although diagnosing it in some cases is quite difficult, because the eye does not always undergo significant changes. Although there are additional signs that determine the complicated form of the phenomenon:

  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of precipitates (these are floating white formations in the eye);
  • dystrophic changes in the iris;
  • cataract.

As for simple heterochromia, then it develops without any diseases; A simple congenital form is often detected, most clearly manifested in children under 2 years of age.

Although the reasons may be different, not entirely normal - for example, Horner's or Waardenburg's syndrome.

Video: Why do people have different colored eyes?

About diagnosis and treatment

Important information! Treatment of heterochromia is not always necessary, although after a series of diagnostic measures a certain treatment regimen may be prescribed (here everything depends on the specific cause of development).

As a rule, experts determine all this visually. Then, if required, a special examination is prescribed, thanks to which it is possible to identify pathological changes in the tissues that led to heterochromia. If, in addition to changes in the color of the iris, no other symptoms are observed and vision does not deteriorate, then no treatment will be required. By the way, in such cases, even with the help of medications or surgery, the natural color of the iris cannot be changed.

If the anomaly is caused by a violation of the integrity of the iris or some kind of eye disease, then steroid drugs will be used for treatment. In case of clouding of the lens, if steroids have not given any effect, vitrectomy (surgical removal of the vitreous body - partial or complete) is prescribed.

Note! If the color of the iris has changed due to metal shavings getting into the eyes, then the problem can be solved by removing the foreign body and subsequent drug therapy. After this, the eye color should return to normal.

Video: Changing eye color without lenses

As you can see, in the case of an acquired form of heterochromia, it is imperative to visit an ophthalmologist. A qualified specialist will assess how dangerous the anomaly is and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate therapy. But in the case of a congenital form, such intervention is not required, because heterochromia does not affect vision either positively or negatively.

Celebrities with heterochromia

The media pays special attention to the appearance of celebrities - athletes, singers, actors - and look for the slightest hint of deviation. On Wikipedia, for example, you can find a large list of famous personalities with different eye colors (more or less pronounced). This is, for example, Mila Kunis - the actress of Ukrainian origin has one blue eye and the other brown. Jane Seymour, a popular British actress, also has heterochromia of the eyes, as do Kate Bosworth, Kiefer Sutherland, Benedict Cumberbatch and many others. And David Bowie, by the way, has this anomaly acquired - it appeared after an injury received in a fight.

On a note! If you believe the ancient Greek historian Arrian, then Alexander the Great also had different eye colors.

As a conclusion. Heterochromy among animals

But in animals such an anomaly occurs much more often than in people. Heterochromia can be seen not only in dogs or cats, but also in cows, horses, and buffaloes.

As a rule, the anomaly appears in white cats (partially or completely). As for dogs, the anomaly can occur in representatives of breeds such as the Siberian Husky. Horses with heterochromia typically have one eye that is white/blue and the other eye that is brown. And one more interesting fact: eyes of different colors are observed mainly in piebald animals.

Video: Different colored eyes in people (heterochromia)

Eyes of different colors - this phenomenon is called heterochromia. This doesn’t happen often, which is why many of us are surprised by people with different eye colors and sizes. The iris can change its shade throughout life, but in the vast majority of cases the phenomenon is congenital.

Different eyes: for some this is a highlight, but for others it is an unpleasant feature.

Some people believe that meeting a person with different eyes is good luck, while others, on the contrary, avoid such people. So why does this happen, and what could it mean?

What does it mean?

Heterochromia cannot be considered either a disease or any mystical sign. According to experts, there is no “magic” between people who have different eyes. The shade of the iris reflects the content of the pigment substance melanin in it, which explains this or that color.

Heterochromia cannot in any way affect the quality of visual function - it is only a feature of the body. IN in some cases The color of one eye may change during life, for example, after mechanical damage.

People with heterochromia certainly stand out from the crowd and attract increased attention. Few people are indifferent to them: basically, such a phenomenon is either admired or feared.

Different eyes can occur not only in humans, but also in many animals. Cats often have different eyes – and there is a popular belief that “oddly-eyed” pets attract good luck and happiness to the house.

What do different eyes say about a person?

Of course, different eyes are a kind of anomaly. But this kind of phenomenon in no way indicates that a person is inferior or clearly ill. Yes, hidden pathology is possible - but not in all cases. Among the rare hereditary diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of eyes of different colors is the little-known Waardenburg syndrome. The syndrome is characterized by the appearance of other signs:

  • hearing loss of varying severity;
  • a strand of gray hair above the frontal area.

Another possible pathology is neurofibromatosis, in which the function of several organs and systems in the body is disrupted. Along with eyes of different colors, such a patient may have light coffee-colored spots on the skin, neurofibromas, and so-called Lisch nodules.

To make sure that different eyes are not a disease, you need to visit a doctor. It is advisable to undergo a medical examination annually to avoid possible complications.


Since ancient times, people with different eye colors were openly avoided: according to legend, they were considered unsafe for other, “normal” residents. Neither science nor medicine at that time could explain such a phenomenon, and what is inexplicable is mystical. This is precisely the point of view held by people who lived many centuries ago.

It is no secret that in many countries it was customary to classify those with “different eyes” as members of the devilish family. It is not for nothing that in paintings painted in the old days, Satan was always depicted with different eyes: one was bluish, and the other was black.

If a child with a similar feature was born into a family, then his mother was immediately accused of having a devilish connection - that is, she was classified as a witch.

In addition, it was generally believed that a person with eyes of different colors could cast the evil eye. Therefore, they tried to stay away from him, and during the conversation they avoided direct gaze and were in a hurry to leave. Moreover, if there was a fire in the area or livestock died, it was the resident who was suspected of having a connection with the devil - the owner of a different shade of eyes - who was blamed for all the troubles.

Fortunately, nowadays people have practically gotten rid of superstitions. On the contrary, many consider the presence of different eyes to be a sign of luck and luck. Meeting such a person on the street today is a good omen.

ICD-10 code

H21 Other diseases of the iris and ciliary body

Q10 Congenital anomalies [malformations] of the eyelid, lacrimal apparatus and orbit


Different eyes are a relatively rare phenomenon, occurring in approximately 0.8% of the world's population, predominantly in women.

Heterochromia in most cases is congenital.

In the animal world, different eye colors are much more common than in humans. You can observe such a picture in cats, dogs, horses, cows.

Reasons for different eye colors

If a person was born with different eyes, then sometimes this can become a sign of certain pathologies. For example, this symptom is accompanied by:

  • pigment dispersion syndrome - the so-called pigmentary glaucoma, in which pigment is washed out from the pigment epithelium;
  • vitiligo is a skin disease in which pigmentation is lost due to the destruction of melanin;
  • Waardenburg syndrome is hereditary disease, which is transmitted in an irregular autosomal dominant manner;
  • ocular melanosis is a congenital anomaly of the sclera;
  • hypoplasia of the iris, or its incomplete development;
  • Bloch-Siemens (Sulzberger) syndrome – pigment incontinence, pigmentary dermatosis.

If the shade of the iris has changed at an older age, then this phenomenon may indicate the development of ophthalmic inflammatory processes, tumors, hemosiderosis, etc.

It is not uncommon for the color of the iris to change due to injury or even after the use of certain eye medications.

However, you shouldn’t immediately think about the presence of a disease: most often, the color change is caused by a condition such as mosaicism. The causes of mosaicism are unknown: presumably, the main development factor is mutation, but there is no reliable information on this issue yet.

Why do people have different eye colors?

The color shade of the eyes is determined by the properties of the iris. The level of melanin in the iris, the frequency and uniformity of pigment distribution determine the color and its saturation: from brownish-black to light bluish.

The type of color shade is formed within 1-3 months after the baby is born, and the eye color that a person will have “throughout life” is fixed only by 1-2 years. If there is little pigment substance in the iris, then the shade of the eyes will be light, and if there is a lot of melanin, then it will be dark. If different amounts of pigment are concentrated in different parts of the iris, or if it is unevenly distributed, heterochromia can develop - a condition when people have different eye colors.


Depending on the degree and type of pigmentation of the iris, several varieties of this condition are distinguished:

  • Complete heterochromia (both eyes have a different shade).
  • Partial heterochromia (one eye has several color shades at the same time).
  • Central heterochromia (the iris has a number of complete color rings).

Most often you can observe the first type - complete heterochromia, for example, if the color of one eye and the other are radically different.

Medical workers sometimes encounter pathology that develops as a result of damage to the iris. This pathology may be:

  • simple, due to congenital underdevelopment of the cervical sympathetic nerve;
  • complex (uveitis accompanying Fuchs syndrome).

There are cases when people have changed the color of one of their eyes after mechanical damage to the organ of vision with an object made of iron or copper. This phenomenon is called metallosis (depending on the type of metal - siderosis or chalcosis): along with signs of an inflammatory process in the eyeball, a change in the shade of the iris occurs. Most often, in such a situation, the iris becomes rusty-brown, less often – greenish-blue.

Different eye sizes in humans

Eye pathologies often have rich symptoms. For example, such diseases are characterized by redness of the conjunctiva, a burning sensation, and the appearance of discharge. Another symptom that can be noticed less frequently is different eye sizes in humans. With prolonged inflammation, the position of one eye may appear higher.

In young children, a similar phenomenon may be associated with underdevelopment of muscles and nerve fibers in the cervical region, which affects the function of the facial muscles. Visually, this can be expressed in a change in eye size.

It is important to pay attention to other symptoms that occur: if the patient’s pronunciation is impaired, the facial muscles are immobilized, or paresis of the limbs occurs, then the help of a neurologist should be urgent.

Another likely reason that one eye becomes smaller is inflammatory process affecting the facial nerve. Inflammation often occurs as a result of hypothermia or dental problems.

Of course, it is not always necessary to suspect pathology: sometimes people are born with different eye sizes, and this is their feature, which is in no way related to the pathological condition. If the size of the eyes has changed during life, then consultation with a doctor should be mandatory.

Personality of people with different eye colors

Some psychologists are inclined to believe that people with eyes of different colors have pronounced contradictions between their internal state and external manifestations. To put it simply, these people are not what they seem to be. Perhaps from the outside they look selfish, withdrawn, or, on the contrary, shocking and even a little crazy. In most cases, all these are just external manifestations. In fact, such people often have their own hobbies, love to do household chores, and are self-possessed and patient.

It is also generally accepted that people with different eyes are very sensitive and stubborn. Perhaps this is true. However, we should not forget that we are all different, with our own characteristics and characters. Therefore, parallels cannot be drawn: a person has different eyes, which means he is not like everyone else. Each person is individual, regardless of the shade of his eyes.

Consequences and complications

For any reason for different eye colors, it is advisable to periodically consult an eye doctor - an ophthalmologist or an ophthalmologist. Most people with different eyes do not have a problem as such - congenital heterochromia is most often absolutely harmless. But there are exceptions to the rules. This is especially true for those patients whose eye color began to differ at an older age.

If your eyes have become different during life, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is advisable to detect pathological disorders that could lead to the appearance of such a sign as early as possible in order to prevent the development of subsequent complications. Some of the most common problems include:

  • structural abnormalities in the eyeball.

Of course, you should never panic, but you shouldn’t ignore the problem either. Observation by a medical specialist will certainly not be superfluous.

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Diagnosis of different eye colors

Diagnosis is usually not difficult if heterochromia is hereditary. In cases where different eye colors are the only symptom, then further diagnosis and treatment are not prescribed.

When a doctor suspects that a patient has a pathology, he may resort to additional research.

A consultation with highly specialized doctors is prescribed: in addition to an ophthalmologist, the patient can be examined by a dermatologist, neurologist, oncologist, geneticist, neurosurgeon, or orthopedist.

The choice of further diagnostic methods depends on which disease is suspected. The following types of research can be used:

  • ophthalmoscopy – examination of the fundus of the eye;
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball - study of the structure of the eye and nearby tissues, such as the lens, retina, ocular muscles, retrobulbar tissue, etc.;
  • pachymetry - measurement of corneal thickness, which is often carried out simultaneously with biomicroscopy;
  • perimetry – a method for assessing the visual field to determine its marginal capabilities and shortcomings;
  • gonioscopy – examination of the anterior chamber of the eye, which is located between the iris and cornea;
  • retinal angiography - examination of the fundus and the smallest vessels of the retina;
  • electrooculography – determination of the activity of the eyeball;
  • refractometry – diagnostics of the optical abilities of the eye.

Today there are a huge number of ophthalmological centers where any patient can undergo a complete eye examination. But it is better to contact only specialized clinics that have both the required diagnostic equipment and qualified specialists who can competently explain and interpret the research results.

Differential diagnosis

Some pathological conditions can lead to a change in the color shade of the iris, with which differential diagnosis should be carried out.

Changes in iris color may be due to:

  • with congenital characteristics;
  • with the presence of Horner's syndrome.

Heterochromia may accompany:

  • oculodermal melanocytosis (nevus of Ota);
  • post-traumatic siderosis;
  • Sturge-Weber syndrome;
  • melanoma or diffuse nevus of the iris.

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Famous people with different eye colors

Many people show particular interest in external features famous people, which include actors, artists, athletes, and politicians. On the Internet you can find a relatively large number of famous personalities who are distinguished by any of the variants of heterochromia.

For example, a full or partial version of “different eyes” has been noted in the following famous people:

  • Mila Kunis: on the left side she is brown-eyed, and on the right side she is blue-eyed;
  • Jane Seymour: eye with right side– greenish-brown, and on the left side – green;
  • Kate Bosworth: on the left is a blue eye, and on the right is a bluish-brown eye;
  • Kiefer Sutherland has sectoral heterochromia: a mixture of blue and gray;
  • David Bowie has post-traumatic heterochromia.

Historical literature points to the fact that Alexander the Great had different colored eyes. According to the description of the Greek chronicler Arrian, Macedonian was the owner of one black eye and the other bluish.

As an example, we can cite literary characters with different eyes:

  • Woland is one of the main characters in Mikhail Bulgakov’s cult work “The Master and Margarita”;
  • Vasily Semyonov is a tank commander from Janusz Przymanowski’s book “Four Tankmen and a Dog.”

Why do you dream about a person with different eyes?

Many people associate eyes with something metaphysical, symbolic and even magical. Therefore, seeing them in a dream, the illusion of some kind of sign, an indication that requires decoding, subconsciously arises.

Dreams often reflect the emotional experiences of the sleeper. Therefore, the detailed details of what is seen in a dream can tell a lot - and not only about the past, but also about the future - about what fate has prepared for a person.

What can be said about a dream in which a person appears with different eye colors or sizes? As a rule, this indicates the presence in life of a connection with a deceiver and a two-faced person. Such a deceiver may be a companion, a business or life partner, or a close relative.

Often such dreams are experienced by people with vulnerable nervous system who are depressed, depressed, or feel rejected and abandoned.

It is important to know!

Paralytic strabismus is caused by paralysis or paresis of one or more extraocular muscles, caused by various reasons: trauma, infections, neoplasms, etc. It is characterized primarily by the limitation or absence of mobility of the squinting eye in the direction of the action of the paralyzed muscle.

One of the features of appearance that distinguishes a person from others is the color of the eyes, or rather their iris. The most common eye color is brown, the rarest is green. But there is another rarity - people with different eye colors. This phenomenon is called heterochromia, but it occurs not only in humans, but also in animals. Heterochromia - what is it? What are the reasons for its occurrence? You will learn about all this from this article.

What is heterochromia?

Heterochromia - what is it? With this phenomenon, a person can observe different pigmentation of the eyes. It is no secret that the color of the iris is determined by the presence and distribution of a pigment called melanin. If this substance is in excess or deficiency, it can cause different eye colors. Heterochromia can be observed in only 1% of the population.


Heterochromia - you already understand what it is, now let’s look at the reasons for this phenomenon. In most cases, it is hereditary, and it can also be triggered by diseases, injuries or syndromes. Eye color can sometimes change as a result of certain injuries or illnesses.

So let's consider possible reasons eye color changes:

  • Neurofibromatosis.
  • Mild inflammation that affects only one eye.
  • Injury.
  • Glaucoma or medications used to treat it.
  • Foreign object in the eye.
  • Hereditary (familial) heterochromia.
  • Hemorrhage (bleeding).

Who does it happen to?

Heterochromia - what is it, a disease or a rare feature of the body? This phenomenon does not have any effect on the quality of vision, since a person is also able to perceive and see different shapes and colors, like people with the same eye color.

Statistics have shown that different iris colors are more common in women than in men. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence indicating the relationship between gender and heterochromia.

The most common is central when the change in color of the iris occurs towards the center.

In rare cases, heterochromia appears as a result of the development of pathological processes in human body. In this case this feature is considered as a symptom and the cause of its occurrence is treated, of course, after a thorough diagnosis.


Depending on the causes of heterochromia, it is divided into three main types: simple, complicated and mechanical. Let's look at them in more detail.


This is the simplest version of this phenomenon. In this case, the person does not have other eye or systemic problems. In this case, different colors of the iris have been observed in a person since birth, and this in no way affects his health. However, this phenomenon is quite rare. It can be caused by weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerve. In some patients, additional changes were recorded - displacement of the eyeball, change in skin color, narrowing of the pupil, as well as ptosis of the eyelids. Sometimes weakness of the sympathetic nerve can lead to a decrease or complete cessation of sweating on one side, which indicates the development of Horner's symptom.


This type is a consequence of this pathological condition manifested by the development of chronic damage to the uvea of ​​the eyes. This disease can develop in young people; in most cases, only one eye is affected. This disease is practically undetectable. As a rule, Fuchs syndrome is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Decreased vision.
  • Cataract.
  • Dystrophy of the iris.
  • Small floating formations of white color.
  • Gradual decrease in vision.


This form can be triggered by eye injuries, mechanical damage, tumor formations, and inflammatory lesions. Also, such heterochromia in people (photo below) can develop due to the incorrect use of certain medicinal compounds.

Heterochromia eyes - forms

As mentioned above, this phenomenon can be either hereditary or acquired. Based on this information, according to the degree of coloring, three main forms can be distinguished - complete, sector and central heterochromia in humans.


In this case, the irises of both eyes are painted in completely different colors, in other words, a person is endowed with eyes of completely different colors, and the color of the iris has different shades. The most famous is complete heterochromia, in which one eye is blue and the other is brown.

Partial heterochromia

With this form, one eye is painted with two completely different colors. This variety is also called sector heterochromia. In the area of ​​the iris, several shades can be counted simultaneously. For example, against the background of a brown iris, there may be a spot of gray or blue color. It is this spot that indicates that when the child’s eye color began to form and finally set after birth, the body did not have enough melanin pigment, and as a result, the iris was simply not fully colored.

Partial heterochromia in children is explained by the fact that all babies at birth have gray-blue eyes, which later, as a rule, change their shade. The formation of brown or darker eye color occurs later, and this is possible only on one eye.

Central heterochromia

It is safe to say that this is the most common form of this phenomenon. In most cases, people do not even suspect that they have heterochromia and are simply proud of their unusual eye color.

It is also worth noting that central heterochromia looks quite elegant. And if we say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, in people with this variety they say a lot. This form of heterochromia does not cause discomfort, but you should still visit an ophthalmologist.

If you notice changes in the color of one or both eyes in yourself or your child, it is advisable to consult a doctor. A thorough eye examination will be required to ensure that these changes are not a symptom of a serious illness or medical problem.

Some syndromes and conditions associated with heterochromia, such as pigmentary glaucoma, may only be discovered through careful examination.

A full examination will help rule out many causes of heterochromia. In the absence of major distress, further testing may not be necessary. However, if concomitant ailments are detected, the patient, depending on the diagnosis, is prescribed therapy.

This can be laser surgery, treatment with steroids, or if the lens is cloudy, vitrectomy surgery is prescribed. The choice of method is directly related to the causes of the disease.

You should also note that the color of the iris in both eyes with congenital heterochromia will never become the same. If this phenomenon is acquired in nature, then restoration of the color of the iris is quite possible. This is especially true when hit