Green beans with chicken recipes. Green beans with chicken

Are you a little tired of chicken, but you still always have a couple of fillets in the fridge because they cook so quickly? This is correct - it is difficult to replace chicken fillet, but the boring taste can always be refined by adding something new and unusual to the dish.

Today this role will be played by young beans. While its grains are inside the pods in the form of small soft peas, the pod is also edible and has an unusual mild taste, which is difficult to find an analogue among other products.

Paired with carrots and onions, young beans will make an interesting company for the chicken and serve as a good side dish for meat.


  • chicken fillet - 400 g
  • green beans – 300 g
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • universal seasoning for vegetables

Total cooking time – 1 hour. Number of servings – 3.


1. Onions must be peeled and chopped into small cubes.

2. Peel the carrots and cut them into quarters. You can also give it the shape of cubes, so it will stew faster.

3. It is better to use chilled meat to prepare the dish. It needs to be cut into pieces no larger than 2–3 cm.

4. Wash the green beans and tear off the tails. It can be used whole or broken into pieces of 2–3 cm.

5. Heat a frying pan, grease it with oil and fry the onion first. As soon as it turns yellow, you need to add carrots and chicken. After 5 minutes of frying, all ingredients need to be salted and vegetable seasoning added.

6. When all the ingredients have softened, you need to add green beans. Add 50-100 ml of water to the dish and cover with a lid. Simmer for 5 – 10 minutes.

7. The chicken should soften, but the beans should remain tough.

8. Transfer the finished dish to a serving plate and garnish with herbs.

Note to the hostess

1. Well-frozen green beans are easy to break into pieces simply with your hands, but fresh ones are better cut with culinary scissors, otherwise the pods will become deformed, flattened and lose their aesthetic appearance. And the ponytails are also easier to remove in the same way. A knife, even a sharp one, is suitable for this in to a lesser extent– it pulls the fibers of the shell along with it.

2. Instead of universal seasoning, you can use mushroom seasoning. It goes well with chicken and the whole range of vegetables included in the dish. Caution: store-bought seasonings may be salted, so the dosage of salt indicated in the recipe will need to be reduced.

3. The thicker the bottom and walls of the fryer, the more correct the quenching mode is. You need to place such a frying pan on the burner with the lowest flame level, and the food will begin to steam gradually and evenly, which will improve its taste. Moreover, the heat treatment time does not have to be increased.

4. All meat dishes with vegetables fall under the definition of “stew”, and salads are not served with it. But it won’t be difficult for the housewife to choose a sauce: almost any sauce will do, with the exception of exotic and sweet ones. They put on the table everything they like from this list: horseradish, regular and French mustard, tkemali, aioli, sabayon or adjika diluted with tomato sauce.

Chicken with green beans - This is a simple but very tasty second course. Sweet and juicy canned corn complements it very well. In my opinion, all the ingredients in this recipe go together very well. Try it, I hope you will appreciate it.


To prepare chicken with green beans you will need:

400 g boneless chicken;

300 g green beans;

4 tbsp. l. corn;

1 large onion;

salt and pepper - to taste;

1/2 tsp. ground coriander;

1/2 tsp. ground cumin;

1 tsp. ground sweet paprika;

a pinch of sugar;

2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;

garlic - to taste;

oil for frying.

Cooking steps

Add chopped pieces of chicken meat, stir, fry for 10 minutes, stirring, over medium heat.

Then add green beans to the chicken (if frozen, do not defrost). Mix.

Add salt, but not a lot, as there will also be soy sauce, pepper, add sugar and spices.

Fry, stirring, 5 minutes. Then add corn and fry for another 3-5 minutes. Turn off the heat, pour in soy sauce, add chopped garlic, stir and let simmer for 20-30 minutes. After this, a tasty, aromatic and unusual dish of chicken and green beans is ready.

Bon appetit!

Stew is considered one of the most vitamin and healthy dishes, because it contains a lot of vegetables. And if meat is also added to the stew, then the dish turns out to be even more satisfying, which is very important when you need to feed a man or simply recharge yourself with protein-rich food. Described by us chicken and green bean stew recipe can be called low-calorie, since it uses dietary chicken breast, as well as healthy and tasty green beans, tomatoes, zucchini and carrots. You can, of course, prepare this dish from a frozen mixture of vegetables, but now the vegetable season has begun; it is best to purchase fresh products in the store for this purpose. So let's look at it step by step, how to cook vegetable stew with chicken fillet.

Ingredients for Chicken and Green Bean Stew

Step-by-step preparation with photos of chicken and green bean stew

Sprinkle the prepared stew with finely chopped parsley or dill. Serve this dish hot for lunch. Bon appetit!

chicken breast fillet – 2 pcs;

onion – 1 piece;

green beans – 350 g;

bell pepper - half;

spices - to taste;

fresh parsley and dill – 1 bunch

Start frying in a frying pan, adding spices

Once the chicken starts to brown

throw carrots into the pan

Fry all this, and in the meantime cut the onion into half rings and garlic into slices

Once the onions and garlic are chopped, add them to the chicken and carrots

When the chicken and carrots began to crust a little

It roughly turns out that while one vegetable is being fried, we cut another; as soon as it is cut, you can immediately throw it into the frying pan, since everything is cooked at almost maximum heat.

Now cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.

At this time, you can finely chop the greens; for me these are parsley and dill, but if you like other greens, I think any of them will be appropriate here.

Mix everything well, turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let stand for 3 minutes so that everything is saturated with its juices.

Chicken stew with green beans

Chicken and beans can be prepared in many ways, but the healthiest one will be made using this delicious recipe.

As for me, when I hear such a combination as: “green beans with chicken,” I involuntarily imagine something healthy, tasty and aromatic. As a child, my mother often prepared this combination of foods, stewing them on the stove, in a frying pan with a lid, adding various aromatic spices. Bean and chicken recipes are very diverse, and you can play with them and improvise as much as your heart desires. Our recipe for green beans is quite simple and in a new way - we will use a slow cooker, an assistant to modern housewives. Therefore, without wasting time, let's start preparing this healthy dish.

Set of products for cooking chicken:

  • green beans (I used frozen) – 400 g;
  • chicken breast – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 5-6 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • clean filtered water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • khmeli-suneli - to taste;
  • red hot pepper - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Step-by-step instructions for the Chicken and Beans dish:

Remove the skin from the chicken breast, remove excess films and fat, and separate the meat from the bone. If you are already using chicken fillet, then simply wash, lightly dry the meat and cut into small pieces.

On the command panel in the multicooker (I have a Dexdmc-60 model), set the “Baking” mode, let the bowl warm up a little, grease the bottom with a few tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. Peel the onions, wash and chop coarsely. Add prepared onions and chicken to the multicooker bowl. Cooking time is about 15 minutes, of course the time can change, just enough for the chicken fillet to turn white on top. Immediately add a pinch or two of hot red pepper; you can also add curry, ground black pepper or any other favorite seasoning for meat.

Wash the carrots, peel and cut into thin pieces as you like. Peel the garlic and finely chop it or pass it through a press.

Add the prepared carrots and garlic, mix everything, also add suneli hops and salt. Mix again.

Add half a glass of water, set the “Stew” mode, and cook for another 20 minutes.

Add green beans. Mix everything and continue cooking in the same mode for 20 minutes. It is possible that the cooking time may change due to the amount of product, so take this nuance into account and make sure that the beans have become soft, i.e. cooked. It is considered ideal when, at the end of cooking, all the liquid evaporates, leaving only stewed vegetables and meat.

Green beans and chicken are ready! Serve this aromatic, appetizing and delicate dish hot.

Beans with meat will also please those who are watching their calorie intake, since this dish contains very little of them.

The green bean recipe, as you have seen, is very simple, and the end result should pleasantly and fragrantly surprise you. Bon appetit!

The dish “Chicken with beans” was prepared by Nadezhda.

Green beans with chicken

Green beans with chicken are a great option for a light and at the same time satisfying dinner. With frozen green beans and chicken always on sale, this dish is available any time of year. I like everything about it - the minimum of basic ingredients, the speed and ease of preparation, and, most importantly, the wonderful taste and aroma!

  • 1 chicken breast
  • 500 g frozen green beans
  • 2 medium onions (180-200 g)
  • 2 small tomatoes (about 250 g)
  • 1 tbsp. l. wine or apple cider vinegar
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • pinch of curry
  • a pinch of khmeli-suneli
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil

To prepare green beans with chicken, you don’t have to take chicken breast, you can also use legs, but what is required for this dish is the seasonings offered. Without them, food will be bland and tasteless.

Cut the chicken breast fillet into small long pieces.

Salt, pepper, add a pinch of curry.

Stir and set aside for now, let the chicken soak in the seasonings.

Peel the onion and cut it into quarters of rings.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Lay out the green beans without defrosting, add salt and pepper, add a pinch of suneli hops, a tablespoon of wine or apple cider vinegar and 50 ml of water. Mix carefully.

Cover the pan tightly with a lid and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally.

While the beans are stewing, cook the chicken in another pan. Place chicken fillet pieces in heated vegetable oil and fry until golden brown.

Cut the tomatoes in half, cut out the tails and grate them on a coarse grater, holding them by the skin. Then we throw away the skin. It is convenient to use ready-made pureed tomatoes from the store or from your own supplies.

When the beans have been stewed for half an hour, add pieces of chicken breast and mashed tomatoes to them.

Stir, close the lid and keep on low heat for another 10-15 minutes.

Add greens and pressed garlic to the prepared green beans with chicken.

Stir and immediately turn off the stove.

Let the dish brew for 10-15 minutes and serve.

Green beans with chicken are an almost dietary dish, healthy, very aromatic and tasty. I think many people will like it.

Chicken generally goes well with vegetables; I love and often cook such dishes. As a rule, they are all easy to prepare, and their wonderful taste is not even discussed. Look, for example, at how easy it is to prepare chicken with eggplant, or with cabbage, or with pumpkin and prunes.

You can also make a delicious appetizer with onions and garlic from green beans, or simply stew them with vegetables.

Green beans with chicken breast

Chicken breast – 500 g

Frozen green beans – 400 g

Onions – 1 pc.

Bell pepper – 1 pc.

Garlic – 3 cloves

Tomato paste – 1.5 tbsp.

Olive oil – for frying

Seasoning for chicken - to taste

Salt, pepper, h/m - to taste

Cooking Instructions

Half of the dish consists of green beans, which are rich in fiber and vitamins. By consuming it, pregnant women cope with hormonal changes and anemia. Beans also improve kidney function. The dish also includes dietary chicken breast, which is rich in proteins. But the main thing is that the dish turns out delicious!

To prepare green beans with chicken breast we will need the products listed.

And also, to prepare chicken fillet with green beans, we will also need these products.

Cut the chicken breast into strips.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Cut the carrots into thin strips.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes, pepper into strips.

Fry onions and carrots in olive oil.

We also fry the tomato and pepper in olive oil. Vegetables do not need to be overcooked. Enough for them to become soft. At the end of frying, add tomato paste.

Heat a frying pan and fry the chicken breast in oil.

When the breast is slightly browned and changes color, add salt, pepper and sprinkle with seasoning to taste.

We also fry the beans.

Combine all the vegetables and mix, add salt, pepper and squeeze the garlic through a press.

Green beans with chicken breast are ready!

One day I had to hear an argument. We discussed what lobio is. Some are convinced that lobio is beans with meat and sauce, others are convinced that it is beans with herbs. Common misconceptions, albeit partial. Neither one nor the other is right.

Lobio (from Georgian ლობიო) - beans. Just beans. From the name came all kinds of bean dishes, with the collective name “lobio”.

Lobio - dishes from the cuisine of the Caucasian peoples from green bean pods, from boiled bean grains, with herbs, vegetables, meat, and even pomegranate seeds. It cannot be said that Caucasian bean dishes existed in ancient times.

Lobio is prepared in thousands of different variations, and all are very tasty. Hearty options with meat, cheese, eggs. Lighter ones - with chicken, vegetables, herbs.
I especially like dishes made from young green beans.

Considering the fact that beans came to us from America. But there is no point in arguing with the residents of the Caucasus on this topic. No one will doubt that the preparation of lobio has been elevated to the rank of a sacred art in the Caucasus.

Many people believe that lobio is exclusively green beans. This is wrong. Lobio is just beans. And green (young) beans are called “mtsvane lobio” - მწვანე ლობიო, which means “green lobio”.

When starting to cook any bean dish, you can confidently call it lobio if you want. For example, a simple dish of green beans with chicken can be considered green lobio with chicken. Stewed pieces of chicken with vegetables and green beans are tasty and nutritious, but they don’t take long to prepare.

Step-by-step recipe for beans and chicken

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Chicken drumsticks 4 pcs
  • Green beans 200 gr
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Parsnip 1 piece
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Parsley to taste
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, suneli hops, red hot pepper taste
  1. It so happened that we usually only have fresh frozen green beans. It's great for cooking. The only pity is that it is always the same type, long, pencil-like pods, but already cut into pieces.

    Chicken, vegetables and beans

  2. The varieties of beans with a wide and flat blade are much tastier. But this is rare. I have no idea what this variety is called, I’m not a botanist, but I know for sure that in Turkey this bean is called ayşekadın.

    Green bean

  3. Chicken drumsticks are ideal for portioned cooking of any dish. Firstly, there is a lot of red meat, which I like much more than white (fillet). Secondly, chicken drumsticks fit perfectly into the portion by weight. Well, thirdly, as one kid I know says, there is a very comfortable handle to grab onto. I don’t quite agree with the last statement, and I cut off the bone along with the skin, making the chicken drumsticks look like a ball. It’s more convenient to cook this way, and the chicken and green beans turn out just right.

    Place chicken pieces in a frying pan

  4. So, cut off the shin bone and remove the skin - they are superfluous. Carefully trim away any remaining fat and internal tendons. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add prepared chicken meat to it for frying.

    Fry the chicken until lightly browned

  5. Fry the chicken drumsticks until lightly browned, making sure to turn them over. Be careful, chicken drumsticks contain a lot of liquid and if it leaks out, it may cause splashes of hot oil.

    Add diced roots

  6. Add peeled and diced carrot and parsnip roots. The presence of carrots usually does not raise any questions. People usually ask - why parsnips? When parsnips are heat treated, especially when fried, they become very aromatic and even sweet in taste. Green beans with chicken enhance the dish exceptionally. I recommend parsnips.

    Add onion, garlic and hot peppers

  7. Fry the chicken and chopped roots for 8-10 minutes until the vegetable cubes are soft and starting to brown a little. Add coarsely chopped onion, coarsely chopped garlic with a knife, and a few dry hot peppers - to taste. Salt and add the Caucasian spicy mixture of spices khmeli-suneli.
  8. Khmeli-suneli (Georgian: ხმელი-სუნელი), translated as “dry spice”. A versatile and completely unique spicy but not spicy spice blend. It is more aromatic than spicy. Consists of dry herbs and spices - basil, parsley, celery, dill, coriander, bay leaf, garden savory, mint, marjoram, fenugreek, saffron. Khmeli-suneli is the main spice mixture of Caucasian cuisine. Green beans with chicken from Khmeli-Suneli will be very aromatic.

    Add green beans

  9. Fry chicken and vegetables in an open frying pan over medium heat. As soon as the onions in the dish begin to brown, add green beans cut into matchstick-length pieces. If you use frozen beans (also sold in small stores), you don’t even need to defrost them; the green beans with chicken will have time to cook even in this case.
  10. Continue to fry the chicken and vegetables over medium heat for 10 minutes. Next, add half a glass of water from the kettle into the frying pan and, bringing the liquid to a boil, leave the dish to simmer under the lid on the lowest heat. Green beans with chicken will be ready when the chicken meat is ready. This usually takes up to 15 minutes.