How to treat cough with folk remedies. How to treat a severe cough in an adult, depending on the cause? Cough treatment

This is an unconditioned reflex, manifested in forced exhalation through the mouth, which is generated due to irritation of receptors in the respiratory tract, which leads to muscle contraction. A cough occurs to cleanse the respiratory tract of foreign, unnatural substances accumulated in them, and this is precisely its physiological role.

Causes of cough are very diverse, it is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of both disorders in the functioning of the respiratory organs and other systems:

  • previous respiratory infections and other inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (ARVI, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, etc.);
  • pathological processes in the bronchopulmonary system of infectious (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy) and non-infectious (bronchial asthma) nature;
  • chemical or mechanical irritation of the respiratory tract (kurtz cough, aspiration when inhaling a foreign object);
  • heart disease (heart failure, coronary heart disease, heart disease);
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastroesophageal reflux);
  • on nervous soil(so-called neurotic somatoform disorder);
  • exposure to certain medications (for example, those that lower blood pressure);
  • exposure to unfavorable external factors (cold temperatures, dry air, etc.).

Cough itself is a symptom of a disorder in the body, but this symptom may have its own characteristics. There are productive and non-productive (wet and dry) coughs, episodic, short-term, paroxysmal and persistent coughs, acute and chronic coughs. In addition, in some cases, cough is accompanied by hemoptysis, vomiting, and myalgia in the muscles responsible for breathing.

How to treat a cough?

Cough treatment begins with defining its features. Dry and wet coughs are treated with various medications, different treatment the doctor will prescribe it in case of acute or chronic illness. Separately, there are drugs aimed at eliminating coughs of a viral and bacterial nature.

Symptomatic treatment

Antitussive sedatives act either on the brain center where the cough reflex originates, or on the peripheral parts of the cough reflex. Relevant for dry, debilitating cough of any origin, be it a cough due to ARVI or a smoker’s cough.

Expectorants stimulate the secretion of the bronchial glands, dilute sputum. Relevant for the treatment of wet cough, which, however, does not produce a sufficient amount of sputum.

Mucolytics change the amount and consistency of bronchial secretions, will be prescribed for a wet cough, when sputum is released, but it is viscous and difficult to clear.

Treatment of the infectious nature of the disease

Antiviral drugs relevant when the causative agent of the infectious process is viruses. Usually they become the provoking factor for most diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If antiviral therapy is not timely, the body weakened by viruses becomes more susceptible to bacteria, which complicates the course of the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of complicated forms of diseases, when symptoms or, even better, laboratory analysis of the patient’s biomaterials indicate the bacterial nature of the disease. It is necessary to understand that taking antibiotics does not have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, etc. action, in this way only pathogenic microflora is destroyed.

The course of treatment should be determined by a qualified physician, based on the medical history and individual characteristics of the patient.

Homeopathy may be applicable for antitussive therapy when traditional medicine is ineffective or the cough has become chronic stage. At this stage, it is important to find a good homeopath who will prescribe individual treatment. Homeopathic medicines cannot be used as part of self-medication, in this way positive effect can hardly be achieved.

Physiological procedures are prescribed as an additional treatment and may include UHF, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, as well as massage sessions, which generally improve microcirculation in the respiratory tract and promote the removal of mucus.

Treatment of cough at home

Cough treatment in the majority of cases occurs at home. The attending physician, after an in-person examination and, if necessary, after an X-ray examination, prescribes a list of medications that the patient must take. These can be mixtures, lozenges, solutions for inhalation, as well as immune-strengthening agents.

The course of treatment must be completed to the end, and not until the symptoms of the disease weaken. This is especially true for the prescription of antibiotics, the use of which, at the discretion of the patient, can provoke the development of bacterial resistance.

What medications are used to treat cough?

Used for treatment


Inhibits the cough center in the brain

Soothes cough receptors in the throat

  • Lycorin

Mucolytic agents


  • Licorice root syrup
  • Herbal teas (chest collection No. 1, 2, 3)


Treatment of cough with traditional methods

Treatment of cough with traditional methods can have both a calming and expectorant effect.

Calming effect

Wash 4 walnuts well, crush them with a hammer and place them together with the shells in a jar. Add 1 tbsp. honey and black elderberry flowers. Pour two glasses of boiling water, cover with a thick napkin. When the infusion has cooled, strain and take ½ glass three times a day.

Place one glass of oats and barley in a saucepan, pour in milk, leaving a few centimeters of free space. Place in a slightly preheated oven. As the milk boils, add it again until the cereals are boiled. Take the resulting liquid 2-3 tablespoons three times a day.

Expectorant effect

2 tbsp. Brew eucalyptus leaf in a glass of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 20 minutes, cool, strain. 2 tbsp. add the resulting decoction to boiling water, use for inhalation while steam is released. Make sure that the steam is not too hot, which can cause burns to the mucous membranes.

2 tbsp. Brew licorice root in a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 20 minutes. After 45 minutes, strain, take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Treatment of cough during pregnancy

Cough treatment during pregnancy should be carried out directly under the supervision of a qualified physician. In addition to the fact that only such treatment can be considered most effective, it will also be the safest for the expectant mother and her child. The doctor must be informed of your situation and then describe the complaints. Diagnosis of the disease causing cough can be difficult (for example, an X-ray examination will be indicated in the most urgent case), but the nature of the cough can be determined by analyzing biomaterials (blood, sputum). Only a doctor, based on test results, can determine a treatment strategy, excluding certain categories of medications.

When a pregnant woman complains of a bothersome cough, the doctor must rule out the possibility of severe pathologies and prescribe a medicine that makes breathing easier and helps remove mucus. It may be an anti-inflammatory, expectorant drug; antibiotics are prescribed in case of emergency, depending on the stage of pregnancy and certainly from the category of permitted ones.

Which doctors should you contact if you have a cough?

Treatment of other diseases starting with the letter - k

Treatment of campylobacteriosis
Treatment of skin candidiasis
Treatment of lung cysts

Cough is a reflex phenomenon that occurs due to irritation of the respiratory tract under the influence of external factors or due to any diseases. When wondering how to treat a severe cough in an adult, you should first find out what type of cough it is and why it arose, since the choice of treatment method depends on this.

Types of cough in adults - causes and treatment

Coughing appears in response to the impact on cough recipes localized in the mucosa of different parts of the respiratory tract, primarily the trachea and bronchi. A deep breath is provoked, closing the glottis and muscle tension, after which the resulting flow of air is sharply ejected through the opening glottis. This helps clear the airways of accumulated mucus, pus or foreign bodies.

Cough receptors can be irritated due to the following main factors:

  • mechanical (dust particles, stenosis, tumors of the respiratory organs and nearby structures, aortic aneurysm, enlarged left atrium, enlarged thyroid gland);
  • chemical (inhalation of strong-smelling and irritating substances, entry of stomach contents into the respiratory tract);
  • thermal (inhalation of extremely cold or hot air, steam);
  • inflammatory reactions in the tissues of the respiratory tract (swelling, hyperemia, exudation, increased secretion by cells).

When figuring out how to treat a severe cough in an adult, it is necessary to classify its type. To do this, the time of occurrence and duration, intensity, productivity (presence of sputum and its nature), volume, timbre are assessed. In addition, it is important to identify a possible relationship between the appearance of cough and food intake, psycho-emotional shocks or other provoking factors, and to establish the presence of associated symptoms.

Severe dry cough in an adult

A severe dry cough is an intense, nonproductive cough that does not produce sputum and does not bring relief. Patients can characterize this type of cough as painful, debilitating, exhausting, accompanied by pain in the throat and hoarseness. Often, a dry cough occurs in paroxysms, and attacks can be provoked by talking or inhaling cold or polluted air. How to treat a severe dry cough depends on the causes, and they can be the following:

A very strong cough with sputum production often replaces a dry cough in infectious-inflammatory respiratory pathologies, which is observed in the initial period of these diseases. In addition, the causes of wet cough in adults may be associated with the following ailments:

  • posterior rhinitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergy.

Based on the type of sputum, a more accurate diagnosis can be made:

  • abundant – tracheitis, acute bronchitis;
  • viscous, thick, difficult to separate - bronchial asthma;
  • containing pus – bacterial infections, lung abscess;
  • mixed with blood – tuberculosis;
  • with a “rusty” tint – pneumonia.

Severe cough and fever

A pressing issue during the cold season is how to treat a severe cough in an adult, accompanied by elevated body temperature. These symptoms often indicate a viral infection that the body is actively fighting, including its defense reactions. Moreover, the higher the temperature, the more protective cells are produced that resist the development of infection. Therefore, there is no need to rush to bring down the temperature if a person tolerates it normally.

In rare cases, there is a strong cough to the point of vomiting. The mechanism of the gag reflex during a cough attack is associated with irritation of peripheral receptors located in the wall of the throat. When these areas are irritated during a strong cough, signals are sent to the brain, from where information is transmitted through the fibers of the vagus nerve to cause spasm of the diaphragm and pharyngeal muscles. So at the peak of a coughing attack, vomiting appears. This symptom occurs in heavy smokers, with various infectious diseases, whooping cough.

Severe cough without fever

If an adult has a strong cough without fever, acute infectious pathologies can often be ruled out. However, such a sign may indicate chronic inflammatory processes in parts of the respiratory system, to which the body does not respond by increasing temperature. Allergic diseases, pathologies of the digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, manifested by a cough reflex, are not accompanied by fever. Among the reasons may be a cough of neurogenic (psychogenic) origin, which appears against the background of mental stress.

Severe cough at night

When an adult has a strong cough at night, the reason may lie in irritation of the mucous membranes by accumulated sputum during respiratory infections. With a dry cough, heart disease cannot be ruled out - arrhythmia, heart failure and some others. Distinctive feature " heart cough"is that it is absent during the daytime, and attacks occur at night, which is associated with poor circulation and stagnation of blood in the lungs. In addition, night cough occurs in patients with gastroesophageal reflux pathology, especially when eating before bed.

Causes of persistent cough in adults

If severe coughing attacks do not go away for a long time, this may be due to inadequate or incomplete treatment of the disease that causes this symptom. It is also possible to have various chronic diseases - both related to the respiratory system and those involving damage to other organs. A persistent cough is often observed in smokers, people with occupational respiratory diseases and those living in an unfavorable region from an environmental point of view.

Before treating a severe cough in an adult, you should consult a doctor and diagnose the body, because this can be a manifestation of such dangerous pathologies as:

  • tuberculosis;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • aspergillosis.

What to do if you have a severe cough?

In order to determine how to treat a severe cough, it is necessary to recognize its cause, which in many cases can only be done with the help of specialists. Without establishing a diagnosis and self-medicating, you can aggravate the situation and trigger a developing pathology, which a person without a medical education may not even be aware of. Therefore, the best decision would be to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe how to treat a severe cough.

How to relieve a coughing attack in an adult?

In cases where an attack of intense cough is accompanied by a sharp pallor, a change in heart rate, difficulty breathing, fainting, you should call an ambulance. If the attack is caused by bronchial asthma, and the patient is aware of the presence of this diagnosis, it is necessary to use a drug prescribed by the doctor to relieve cough (inhaler). There are several non-drug ways to relieve a cough attack associated with inflammation of the respiratory system:

  • drink warm tea, water or milk in small sips;
  • thoroughly chew the crust of bread and swallow (helps with thick phlegm);
  • suck on any candy, preferably one with mint, eucalyptus, or sage.

Cough preparations

When choosing medications to treat a severe dry or wet cough in an adult, the doctor takes into account data obtained after auscultation of the lungs and bronchi, X-ray diagnostics, sputum and blood analysis. Medicines that are often used in the treatment of diseases accompanied by coughing attacks are divided into the following groups:

  • mucolytics (thinning sputum) - acetylcysteine, bromhexine, ambroxol, chymotrypsin;
  • expectorants (stimulate the discharge of mucus) - thermopsis, marshmallow roots, licorice, thyme herb;
  • antitussives (block the cough reflex) - cough tablets with codeine, butamirate, ethylmorphine;
  • bronchodilators (relieve bronchospasm) - salbutamol, theophylline, berodual.

Cough inhalations

An effective method of treatment in many cases is, which helps deliver the medicine directly to the area of ​​inflammation, moisturizes the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and improves sputum discharge. For the procedure, it is advisable to use modern devices - nebulizers. A cough inhalation solution is selected depending on the type of disease. The following tools are often used:

  • saline, mineral water;
  • (Berotek, Ventolin);
  • mucolytics (Ambrobene, ACC);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Pulmicort, Cromohexal);
  • antiseptics (Miramistin, Dioxidin).

Treatment of cough with folk remedies

Among the variety of folk methods, one can highlight the treatment of cough with banana and honey - a simple and affordable method applicable for different types of cough attacks. This tasty medicine provides benefits due to its enveloping, softening, anti-inflammatory effect, and the abundance of microelements and vitamins in its components.

Recipe for the product


  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • honey – 1 tsp. spoon.

Preparation and use

  1. Mash the banana into a puree.
  2. Add honey.
  3. Place the mixture over low heat and simmer, stirring constantly.
  4. After 5-10 minutes, when the mixture turns dark golden, turn off the heat.
  5. Take four times a day one hour before meals or an hour after meals.
  6. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Severe cough during pregnancy

Expectant mothers should be especially careful when choosing methods to treat a severe cough. Considering that many medications are contraindicated during this period, you should be more guided by non-drug methods on how to cure a severe cough, among which we highlight the following recommendations:

  1. Maintaining a favorable indoor microclimate (optimal humidity - about 60%, air temperature - 18-20 °C).
  2. Drink plenty of warm (not hot) liquids.
  3. Inhalations with saline solution, mineral water.
  4. Gargling with herbal infusions.

Cough is a nonspecific protective reaction of the body. Its function is to clear the respiratory tract of phlegm, dust or foreign objects. If there is a cough, a person will first of all think about diseases of the respiratory system. In fact, this symptom can also occur when other organs are affected.

Why do people cough?

We recommend reading:

Cough receptors are located on the surface of the mucous membrane of the airways. Under the influence of a provoking factor, these cells are activated. The information received from the receptors along the ascending nerve fibers reaches the cough center located in the medulla oblongata. This is where the received information is analyzed. Then a signal is sent along the descending nerve fibers to the intercostal, diaphragmatic, and abdominal muscles. Muscle contraction causes the foreign substance to be expelled from the airways.

A cough may occur as a result of a cold and disappear after a week. And sometimes coughing bothers a person for a long time and the cause of this symptom is not at all obvious. The duration of the cough is a very important characteristic. Depending on the duration, I classify three types of cough:

  1. Spicy- duration up to three weeks;
  2. Subacute- lasts four to eight weeks;
  3. Chronic- lasts more than eight weeks.

Acute cough in most cases is caused by ARVI. The symptom disappears after the person recovers. It is worth noting that children often experience a post-infectious cough that is practically untreatable. This syndrome may occur for one to two months. In such cases, doctors talk about subacute cough.
Prolonged coughing can be caused not only by inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, but also by cardiovascular failure, neoplasms in the lungs and mediastinum. In addition, the causes of chronic cough can be gastroesophageal disease, as well as nasal drip syndrome.

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It is customary to divide cough into non-productive and productive. A non-productive (dry) cough is characteristic of the initial stage of ARVI. Gradually, the properties of sputum change and the patient notices that the cough becomes wet. So, with the help of bronchial secretions, the body tries to displace the virus from the respiratory tract.
Productive cough is characteristic of acute and chronic forms, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, as well as congestive left ventricular failure.
To determine the cause of a cough, it is important to study not only its duration and type, but also the nature of the sputum. Sputum happens:

  • Serous (liquid, easily foaming);
  • Mucous (colorless or whitish, thick);
  • Purulent (yellow-green or brown, creamy consistency);
  • Mixed (combines the characteristics of mucous and purulent sputum);
  • Bloody (sputum mixed with blood).

Causes leading to cough

Determining the cause of the cough is very important. This will help formulate a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. Often a cough is a symptom of a dangerous disease, which is important to identify in a timely manner.

Infectious diseases of the respiratory system

Cough due to ARVI occurs literally in one or two days. Patients with this diagnosis have general weakness, increased body temperature, runny nose, headache. A viral infection can affect various parts of the respiratory tract. Characterized by soreness and...

These symptoms make a person feel uncomfortable. By coughing, a person seems to be trying to get rid of mucus accumulated in the throat. accompanied by a painful, dry, barking cough. When the larynx becomes inflamed, the voice becomes hoarse. Children with ARVI may develop false croup. This is a condition that is characterized by stenosis of the larynx, caused by swelling and spasm of its walls. Characteristics of croup:

  • Loud barking cough;
  • Hoarseness of voice;
  • Noisy, bubbling breathing (stridor);
  • Inspiratory dyspnea (occurs during inspiration);
  • Excitement and anxiety of a sick child.

False croup with the fourth degree of narrowing of the lumen of the larynx can lead to death due to asphyxia.

Note: true croup is observed when the larynx is affected. The disease develops gradually. Intoxication is mild, the temperature may rise slightly. With true croup, there is a loss of voice. During the examination, the presence of fibrinous whitish films covering the larynx, pharynx, and tonsils is determined. The danger of true croup is that the narrowing of the lumen of the larynx increases regardless of intensive therapy. Children who have not been vaccinated against diphtheria are at risk.
ARVI also often manifests itself. Inflammation of the trachea is characterized by a loud, deep cough, which is accompanied by pain behind the sternum. But pain in the chest is not typical. When the bronchi are affected, the cough is loud and chesty. Sometimes even at a distance, without using a phonendoscope, wheezing can be heard.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies

We recommend reading:

There are a large number of folk recipes that can help fight cough. You should consult your doctor before using them.

One of the most famous recipes is the radish remedy. To prepare, you need to take a black radish, wash it, cut off the top, and then cut out the flesh. Pour honey into the resulting bowl. Then the radish must be covered with a sheet of paper, with the cut off top of the root vegetable on top. Place the radish in a glass of water. After five hours, the contents can be poured into a glass. You should drink a tablespoon of liquid before meals.

How to treat a child's cough with? Pour milk into a saucepan, add three or four chopped figs, and put on fire. It is necessary to bring the milk to a boil. Then cover the broth with a lid and let it brew. Once the liquid has cooled, you can take it. You should drink a glass of milk a day, always warm.

A decoction of calamus root helps to cope with cough. To prepare it, add a tablespoon of herb to two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Stir, after ten minutes turn off and cover with a lid. When the broth has cooled, strain it. You should drink a glass of decoction about half an hour before meals. You need to drink five hundred milliliters of decoction per day.

Grigorova Valeria, medical observer

Coughing is a protective reflex; during it, a jerky muscle contraction occurs, followed by a sharp release of air from the lungs. From the inside, this organ is covered with special sensitive receptors, their irritation triggers the cough reflex - a mechanism that is aimed at removing foreign bodies, sputum and bacteria.

Cough can be called a useful phenomenon; you should not fight it; on the contrary, you need to help your lungs by taking various expectorants. If this phenomenon is started, it will go into a chronic stage. Particular attention should be paid if the cough does not go away for a long time, since in this case standard treatment will not help.

Treatment of wet cough

At home, curing a wet cough is quite simple. The main goal of its treatment is to accelerate the removal of sputum accumulated in the lumen of the respiratory organs. To do this, you need to try to take more fluid. Tea made from currants, rose hips, raspberries and linden is perfect for this purpose. A mixture of honey and hazelnuts can help get rid of a cough. It is very simple to prepare; you need to chop 20 grams of nuts and mix them with 100 grams of honey. It is recommended to consume the resulting mixture in small portions throughout the day, washed down with warm milk.

You can also use it when you cough medicinal properties Luke. The vegetable needs to be cut, sprinkled with sugar and wait a little. Take onion juice in small portions throughout the day. The patient will cough much less the next day. For wet coughs, inhalations with eucalyptus oil help. Thanks to this procedure, you will be able to recover quickly.

Treatment of dry cough

A dry cough is not very beneficial for the body, so treatment does not consist of stimulating it, but, on the contrary, suppressing it or converting it into a wet form. Chest massage and inhalation give good results. Also in this case, the use of medications will be required.

But also about folk methods should not be forgotten. So, you can soften a dry cough thanks to goose fat. You will need to prepare a mixture consisting of it and chopped onion. After which it should be rubbed into the neck and chest area before going to bed. However, this method is not suitable for those who need to go to work tomorrow, since the onion smell is very persistent and will not be easy to get rid of. Dry cough can be cured with nettle decoction. It should be drunk several times a day.

And for the cough to turn into a wet form, you will also need to make a decoction of elecampane or coltsfoot. It is recommended to consume it 30 minutes after drinking the nettle decoction. This treatment will require discipline from the person, but the very next day the cough will bother you much less often, and subsequently it will go away completely.

Treatment of cough at home. Cough: treatment with folk remedies

When cold weather sets in, many adults and children experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as coughing. It interferes with normal sleep, breathing, talking and causes severe discomfort. Very often, a cough poses a danger to others, because many germs are released into the air with saliva.

In such a situation, it is necessary to use high-quality drug treatment. But you shouldn’t forget about traditional methods, because they are mostly simple and accessible. What should be an effective and correct treatment for cough at home? In what cases is it better to seek help from a doctor?

How to alleviate the disease

Coughing is the body's response to expel foreign objects or accumulated mucus from the lung area. The surface of the trachea, bronchi, and larynx is covered with sensitive tissue that reacts sharply to irritants. They can be dust, bacteria, cold air or a rich, pungent odor.

A strong cough should not be suppressed or blocked, but should be relieved with expectorants and medicinal infusions.

Treatment of cough at home should only be carried out with the permission of a doctor. It is very important for the patient not to forget to drink plenty of fluids to soothe an irritated throat.

To alleviate the course of the disease, you need to:

  • stop smoking;
  • at night, place a high pillow to slightly ease coughing attacks;
  • carry out wet cleaning several times a day;
  • Avoid inhaling strong odors, smoke, dust;
  • do not refuse medicinal ointments, lozenges, rubbing, compresses.

Wet cough: symptoms, treatment

The disease is characterized by a strong expectoration reflex, in which a sufficient amount of accumulated mucus is released from the respiratory tract. The faster the body cleanses itself of it, the sooner the disease will pass. A cough with phlegm is easier to treat than a dry cough and causes much less discomfort to the body.

The primary task in treating this type of disease is to take medications that will effectively remove mucus from the respiratory system. The patient is advised to drink a lot, the use of herbal infusions is especially welcome. Teas made from raspberries, linden, currants and rose hips are perfect.

If a wet cough is observed, medications containing codeine are contraindicated for its treatment. It has a suppressive effect on reflex expectoration and can aggravate the course of the disease.

Dry cough

This disease causes significant discomfort to the patient. Constant coughing attacks disturb sleep and prevent normal eating and talking. The patient becomes irritable and tired, because the disease is very exhausting, causing not only physical, but also psychological difficulties.

A dry cough should be treated with medications that suppress its appearance. Particular attention is paid to inhalations, physiotherapy, and massage. However, before treating a dry cough, it is important to establish its causes, since it can signal the occurrence of other, more serious pathologies in the body.

If a characteristic “barking” cough occurs, treatment is carried out to soften and moisten it. Often the cause of this type of disease is acute respiratory infections. With the right approach, a cough with sputum appears within a few days. And over time, the attacks stop.

Methods of getting rid of the disease

You can quickly and effectively cure a wet cough using steam inhalation. During these procedures, it is important to inhale as much warm air as possible, saturated with components of medicinal plants or essential oils. For a wet cough, decoctions of nettle, linden, eucalyptus or sage will help; for a dry cough, inhalation with the addition of soda.

Excellent remedies for eliminating respiratory tract problems are decoctions of coltsfoot, plantain and elecampane. Prepared infusions from these medicinal plants also help with dry cough. They help soften mucus and speed up its expectoration.

Warm milk and soda helps a lot in getting rid of dry cough. You only need to add a few grams (at the tip of the knife). This drink reduces obsessive reflex urges to cough and leads to rapid clearing of mucus from the airways.

Radish infusions with honey for cough treatment

These natural products have antifungal properties and have an invaluable effect on strengthening immune system body. Radish with honey as an effective remedy for coughing began to be used in the last century. The recipe for preparing the medicine is very simple, and the healing effect of its components allows you to quickly get rid of the disease.

Option #1

You need to prepare a medium-sized radish. After cutting off about 1/4 of its upper part, a small depression should be made in the center of the pulp. You need to add a spoonful of honey to the resulting hollow, cover the radish and put it in a secluded place for a while. As a result, you will receive a valuable and tasty medicine. Radish with honey is taken before meals in the amount of two teaspoons. One root vegetable is used for 3 days and then replaced with a fresh one.

Option No. 2

If you use this recipe, you will get a lot of healing cough medicine. To prepare it, you need to peel 2-3 radish roots and chop them finely. Infusion takes place in a clay pot. Radish cubes are poured with 100-200 g of liquid honey and left for 12 hours. This one is delicious and healthy juice taken for 10 days.

If honey is contraindicated

Everyone knows that this product is a strong allergen. If there are contraindications and the patient cannot take honey, it is replaced with ordinary sugar. In this case, it is better to bake the radish in the oven.

To obtain the medicine, chopped root vegetables are generously sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven for 2 hours at medium temperature (about 120 degrees). Squeeze the juice out of the cooled radish and take it like regular syrup (before meals).

Radish is used very often for coughs. This natural product quickly relieves the body of all symptoms of the disease, destroys bacteria and significantly strengthens the immune system.

Onion based recipes

  1. To obtain a special cough medicine, you need to take 1/2 kg of chopped onion without peel, mix it with 150 g of honey. Then slowly add 500 g of sugar and 1 liter of purified water. The resulting mixture is boiled for 2-3 hours, then filtered and kept in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days. For severe cough, take 2 teaspoons up to 6 times a day.
  2. A large onion or two small ones need to be thoroughly ground. Add 2 tablespoons of goose fat and stir until smooth. This compress should be applied to the chest area at night, tying a warm scarf on top. This cough treatment at home is carried out within a week.
  3. 1 head of garlic and 15 medium onions, chopped as finely as possible. Then the resulting mixture is poured with milk and boiled until soft. At the end, honey is added, then an infusion of ivy bud (this is a medicinal herb), and all components are mixed. The medicine is taken every hour, a spoonful during the day. This cough remedy is a simple but very effective way to soften and clear away accumulated mucus.

Honey based recipes

  1. To prepare the healing syrup, you need to boil the lemon for about 15 minutes and squeeze. Add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and glycerin. Shake thoroughly. If you take this syrup a teaspoon 5 times a day, the symptoms of the disease will quickly subside. When the cough becomes rare, the medication can be reduced and then stopped altogether.
  2. Prepare red clover tea and steep for an hour. Mix 150 g of honey and 50 g of horseradish rhizome juice. If you have a severe cough, take a teaspoon throughout the day with clover tea.
  3. Hazelnuts help well with illness. This cough recipe contains few ingredients, but is very good at eliminating a sore throat. To prepare the medicinal mixture, you need to grind 100 g of nuts into small grains and add 100 g of honey. To quickly get rid of a cough and alleviate the symptoms of the disease, the resulting syrup should be consumed throughout the day in small portions, each time washed down with warm milk.

Herbal infusions for coughs

Healing plants have long been known for their beneficial properties. Treatment of cough with folk remedies is not complete without taking herbal remedies, which are most often recommended and prescribed to the patient.

The most effective herbs for coughs are:

  • nettle;
  • sage;
  • marshmallow root;
  • thyme;
  • stinging nettle;
  • Linden;
  • anise.

Infusions of these herbs effectively relieve cough, soften its manifestations and reduce attacks. To prepare decoctions, it is better to pour boiling water over the plants and leave in a thermos for 4-6 hours. This healing tea will not lose its beneficial properties, which are easily destroyed by prolonged heat treatment.

However, it is worth remembering that some herbs are contraindicated if an adult has an allergic cough. In this case, treatment is carried out using antihistamines And breathing exercises.

Cough in children

When a child develops the first symptoms of a disease, parents do not always have the opportunity to consult a doctor. Therefore, when coughing in children, remedies traditional medicine are used very often. They are more easily tolerated by babies and do not contain chemical additives that are harmful to a still fragile body.

Of course, you should not carry out independent treatment, but it is better to consult a pediatrician. He will prescribe effective medications that will help the child cope with the disease. But along with the use medications it is advisable to carry out traditional treatment cough in children.

Potato compress has worked well. To prepare it you will need several medium boiled root vegetables. Warm potatoes are kneaded together with the peel, alcohol, turpentine and any vegetable oil (a tablespoon each) are gradually introduced.

Form 2 medium-sized cakes. One is applied to the baby's chest, the other to the back. The compresses are covered with a towel and left for an hour.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies can be carried out using mustard. Children can have steam baths for their feet, and older children can have mustard plasters. Wrapping is good for treating cough in newborns. For this procedure, you need to soak a diaper with mustard solution and wrap it around the baby for 3-5 minutes.

Very often, parents use radish for coughs, especially in the baked version. The resulting juice is so tasty that children happily take this healthy, healing and tasty medicine.

Carrying out inhalations

This procedure has a good effect, because healing vapors penetrate into the deepest parts of the respiratory tract. If treating a cough at home with compresses or wraps does not bring results, you can try giving the child inhalations.

For the procedure, it is better to purchase a modern device - a nebulizer. Herbs such as chamomile, thyme, and coltsfoot are great for inhalation. For wet cough hot water You can add a few drops of essential oils - mint, eucalyptus.

If you don’t have a nebulizer at hand, an old but effective method will help - inhaling potato steam.

However, it is worth remembering that any inhalation should be limited to a period of 10 minutes, and at high temperatures this procedure is contraindicated.

Medicine "Gedelix" (cough syrup): instructions for use

The drug is indicated for various diseases respiratory tract, which are accompanied by difficulty coughing up accumulated mucus.

Gedelix syrup contains a thick extract obtained from ivy leaves.

The drug is taken at any time of the day; there is no need to dilute it. Newborns and young children should add syrup to juice or tea. In general, the medicine is well tolerated.

The period of use is determined by the doctor, but even with a mild form of cough, treatment is carried out within 7 days. After the signs of the disease disappear, the drug is not stopped. In order to consolidate the effect, it should be consumed for another 2-3 days.

The drug dosage table is presented here.

Gedelix syrup: dosage

Features of application

Diabetics should take the syrup with caution, since 5 ml of the drug contains about 0.44 g of fructose. Sorbitol, which is part of the medicine, can have a laxative effect on the body.

The drug "Gedelix" is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Some patients experienced hypersensitivity to the syrup, which manifested itself in the form of diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

If the patient has hereditary diseases associated with fructose intolerance, taking the drug is contraindicated.

The medicine "Gedelix" should not be taken by children under 1 year of age.

Be careful

Parents should be especially careful if their child's coughing attacks do not stop at night. To alleviate its condition, you should use a humidifier or turn on hot water in the bathroom to create thick steam.

If there is no improvement, you should ventilate the room well or go outside with the child - the attack will go away faster in the fresh air.

Carefully read the instructions for the cough medicine. For children, the drug box must contain a measuring cup, spoon or dispenser syringe.

Contact your doctor immediately if:

  • severe cough lasts more than 15 days;
  • when coughing up, you find blood along with mucus;
  • chest pain appeared;
  • breathing became difficult and hoarse;
  • other dangerous symptoms such as high temperature or fever have occurred;
  • signs of an allergic reaction to the prescribed drug began to appear.

Particularly dangerous is a severe cough, attacks of which lead to vomiting. This form of the disease most often indicates pathologies that are present in the respiratory tract. Mostly, vomiting from coughing occurs in children and is a sign of bronchitis or colds.

If such features accompany an adult's cough, immediate medical examination is required. Self-treatment in this case is unacceptable, since vomiting may indicate the development of serious diseases in the body.

Treating dry cough correctly

With the onset of winter cold, uninvited guests come to our cities - epidemics of acute respiratory diseases. During epidemic outbreaks, everyone suffers from diseases: adults and children, the elderly and pregnant women. The respiratory organs serve as a target for pathogenic microbes. Acute respiratory diseases are often complicated by attacks of dry cough.

Patients have numerous questions:

  • How effective is the treatment of dry cough with folk remedies?
  • What medications can be used to treat a dry cough, and which medications should be avoided?
  • How to choose a safe treatment for dry cough during pregnancy?
  • What methods are used to treat dry cough in children?

Before starting treatment for any disease, including cough, it is necessary to find out the causes of its occurrence. They can be very diverse. Ideally, treatments should address the immediate cause of the disease. Then an effective effect on cough will be guaranteed.

The cause of cough is acute tracheobronchitis

The cause of acute dry cough in humans is most often a respiratory viral infection. When the body's defenses are weakened, viruses are followed by pathogenic bacteria. With this course of the disease, doctors talk about acute bronchitis or tracheobronchitis.

Symptoms characterizing acute viral bronchitis:

  • dry or unproductive cough;
  • moderate general weakness;
  • shortness of breath (in some cases);
  • increased body temperature;
  • absence of infiltrative changes in the lungs on x-ray.

To treat cough in acute bronchitis, various medications are used: antiviral, antimicrobial, expectorants, as well as symptomatic antitussives. Most often, treatment of dry cough in adults is carried out at home (outpatient) conditions.

Traditional methods

Patients with attacks of dry cough will benefit from plenty of warm drinks - tea with linden blossom, honey or raspberries (in the absence of allergic reactions), alkaline heated mineral water. Warm milk with soda, taken orally, has a mild expectorant effect.

Some folk recipes cures for cough contain a recommendation to add badger fat to warm milk. Probably, real wild badger fat has healing properties. The authenticity of a drug called “badger fat”, offered in pharmacies, raises doubts. If we estimate the supply volumes, then badgers need to be bred on fur farms, like piglets, in order to obtain a sufficient amount of the drug. But then the healing qualities of this fat will have nowhere to come from if the animals are kept in captivity.

Mustard plasters or pepper plaster will reduce pain in the trachea and soften the symptoms of a barking cough. They can also be applied in the interscapular area. Oil and semi-alcohol compresses are used on the chest, improving blood circulation in the diseased organ. A good effect for unproductive cough is the application of an iodine mesh to the skin of the retrosternal area or subscapular areas of the chest. The places where the iodine mesh is applied must be alternated to avoid skin burns.

Medical cupping for the treatment of respiratory diseases is probably used only in Russia. Despite the seeming old-fashionedness, the method has not lost its advantages. Using this method, you can treat a cough by stimulating your defenses and improving blood circulation. Most likely, this method has some other treatment mechanisms unknown to official science.

Expectorant medications

Sometimes, with a dry, unproductive cough, a small amount of viscous, sticky sputum is periodically released. In such cases, mucolytic drugs are used to thin out bronchial mucus. Inhalation of a mucolytic solution is carried out using a special device - a nebulizer. Expectorants and mucolytics in syrups or tablets are also prescribed for oral administration. It is important not to exceed the recommended daily doses of the medication so that the annoying dry cough and burning sensation in the trachea do not intensify.

In case of obstruction of the bronchial tubes with shortness of breath and a painful dry cough, the patient is prescribed bronchodilators - drugs that weaken spasms of the muscular layer of the bronchial wall. Safe and effective bronchodilators to reduce cough and shortness of breath are used as inhalation via a nebulizer. These drugs (berodual, ipratropium bromide, salbutamol) are approved for use in children with asthma-like cough. Inhalations with bronchodilators for adults and children can be easily performed at home with a nebulizer.

Antibiotic treatment – ​​to be or not to be?

Over the years, doctors around the world have not reached a consensus on the treatment of acute bronchitis with antibiotics. For each sick person and child, the decision is made individually by his attending physician. Acute non-obstructive bronchitis (bronchitis without shortness of breath) has a favorable prognosis for both life and the patient’s ability to work.

Stopping a dry cough – is it possible or not?

There are antitussive drugs in the arsenal of doctors that block dry cough. These are products containing small amounts of the plant alkaloid codeine. There are also synthetic analogues that suppress the cough reflex. Examples include drugs such as libexin, stoptussin and some others. When using antitussives, you need to be sure that there is no severe lung disease, where cough is only a symptom. Other causes of unproductive cough in children and adults may be:

  • whooping cough is a childhood infectious disease;
  • hit foreign body into the bronchi;
  • tuberculous bronchoadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node and perforation of the bronchus due to tuberculosis infection;
  • bronchial cancer;
  • dry pleurisy of various origins;
  • cough form of bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure - cardiac asthma.

Blocking the cough reflex in such a situation will not cure the patient, but will complicate diagnosis and worsen the prognosis. Before taking antitussives, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination to clarify the diagnosis.

Medicines against dry cough in pregnant women

Treatment of cough in pregnant women has its own characteristics due to the safety requirements of the drug for the fetus. In medicine, the following rule applies: a medicine is not used to treat pregnant women without first testing its possible effect on the fetus on laboratory animals. And yet, about 5% birth defects The development of infants is associated with the use of various medications by their mothers during pregnancy.

For acute bronchitis in pregnant women, accompanied by fever and dry cough, antibiotic treatment must be used. In such cases, drugs are prescribed that are safe for the unborn child, but effective against the suspected causative agents of the disease. These are drugs from the class of new macrolides - josamycin, rovamycin, spiramycin, and drugs from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, lincomycin or fusidine can also be prescribed.

Pregnant women can use it as an expectorant to soften dry cough. medicinal herbs(except for calendula and wild rosemary shoots) and warm alkaline drink. If the cough is accompanied by shortness of breath, then treatment with inhalations is necessary. You can use a solution of ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) and/or salbutamol. for inhalation using a nebulizer.

Treatment of bronchitis at home: acute, chronic, folk remedies

Bronchitis most often begins as part of the flu or acute respiratory viral infection or as a complication of them, when a runny nose and red throat is accompanied by a dry, debilitating or wet cough, and if you help your body in time, quickly transform the dry cough into a wet one, then bronchitis can be cured faster than in 10 days.

However, with untimely treatment, violation of a quiet semi-bed rest, or even worse - going to work sick, acute bronchitis easily turns into chronic. Read more about the symptoms and signs of bronchitis in adults in our article. We will tell you in this article how to treat bronchitis at home so that it does not become protracted or chronic.

Any treatment must be comprehensive:

  • Active fight against virus and infection
  • Improving bronchial patency, thinning mucus and removing it as quickly as possible
  • Elimination of provoking factors

Regimen for bronchitis

At the very beginning of the disease, it is simply necessary to remain in bed for 2-3 days, then you can remain in semi-bed rest for another 3-4 days, when it becomes easier, the temperature is normal, you can go out and take small walks in the fresh air, preferably in the park, and not along the highway.

You should follow a predominantly plant-based - cereal, dairy diet; during illness, the body especially needs vitamins, it is better if these are natural vitamins - fruits and vegetables.

If a person smokes, quitting smoking should happen as if by itself, since smoking increases and provokes a dry cough so much, and delays the day of recovery that it’s not even worth talking about. Many heavy smokers who care about their health quit smoking precisely after acute bronchitis, pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis!

One of the options for a quick recovery from bronchitis is to quickly liquefy mucus and remove it from the body, and this is very easily achieved by drinking plenty of warm drinks. This is trivial advice, but the most correct and true: the more liquid a patient with bronchitis drinks, the faster the sputum is liquefied, and therefore the bronchi are released.

Also, during inflammation during intoxication, a mass of harmful toxic substances is formed that poison the body, and drinking plenty of water up to 2-3 liters per day is the path to cleansing of toxins and a speedy recovery.

You can drink any drinks, it is best if they are fortified with natural vitamins - a decoction of rose hips, raspberries, linden, mint, chamomile tea, milk-mineral honey cocktails (mineral water without gases Borjomi, Narzan + milk + honey). And you should avoid strong tea and coffee, since caffeine dehydrates the body, which is not advisable for any illness.

When the air is dry, the cough is much stronger, so try to humidify the air in the room where the patient is. It is best to use an air purifier and humidifier for this purpose. It is also advisable to carry out daily wet cleaning of the patient’s room to purify the air.

Are antibiotics needed for bronchitis?

There are cases of very severe bronchitis with obstructive syndrome and respiratory failure; in such a situation, hospitalization in the pulmonology department is indicated. In case of a mild form of bronchitis, uncomplicated by other pathologies, after consulting a doctor, acute bronchitis can be treated at home, using various medications or traditional medicine.

Usually, it is not advisable to use antibiotics for bronchitis if it is caused by the influenza virus or a cold. A strong immune system copes well with bronchial inflammation. Antimicrobial agents, in the absence of corresponding changes in the blood and in the absence of purulent sputum, cannot be used for bronchitis, since they not only do not have an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, but also increase allergenicity and can provoke broncho-obstructive syndrome. But in case:

  • High fever lasts for a long time, purulent sputum is released when coughing
  • or after an acute period of illness, after 4-5 days, the condition suddenly worsens, a new jump in high temperature appears, purulent sputum (yellow or green) is released when coughing, the general condition of the patient worsens

You should once again consult a doctor who will examine, listen to the patient, refer you for tests and x-rays, and then recommend a course of antibiotics aimed at destroying the attached bacterial infection. You should never start taking antibiotics without a doctor's recommendation. 11 rules - how to take antibiotics correctly.

How to quickly cure bronchitis at home

Antiviral agents

If bronchitis occurs against the background of influenza, then antiviral drugs can be used for therapy. Interferon preparations can be used intranasally, that is, instilled into the nose for both children and adults; the use of other antiviral drugs for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza is today widely advertised and recommended, however, there are no convincing studies and evidence of their effect and safety, so the decision to use them - everyone's personal business.


To improve sputum discharge, the doctor prescribes expectorants, mucolytic drugs, there are many of them in the pharmacy network - the most popular and effective among them are: Lazolvan, Ambrohexol, Bromhexine, Herbion, herbal breast infusions (which can be used in the absence of allergies to medicinal herbs). For a prolonged cough and elements of bronchial obstruction, Ascoril (Joset, Cashnol) containing salbutamol is prescribed.

At the very beginning of bronchitis, the patient usually experiences a prolonged, dry, nonproductive cough. Therefore, to alleviate the condition, you should take drugs such as Glaucin, Libexin, Tusuprex, Levopront, which suppress dry cough, and expectorants are taken later, when the cough turns into a wet one. You can also use combination drugs, such as Sinecode - instructions, Bronchicum, Broncholitin. To treat bronchitis with folk remedies, for dry coughs, thermopsis, licorice, and coltsfoot are used.

After 4 days, as a rule, sputum begins to disappear, so cough suppressants should be discontinued and sputum thinners should be taken:

  • Mucolytics - these include acetylcysteine ​​- ACC, Muconex, Fluimucil, as well as carbocysteine ​​- Fluifort.
  • Expectorants are means that improve coughing up sputum, that is, a reflex effect, these include the well-known plantain (Gerbion), ivy leaves (Prospan), marshmallow, thyme, anise drops, as well as Chest collection.
  • Mucokinetics - agents that facilitate the movement of sputum, for example, Bromhexine. So popular medicines like Lazolvan (in Ambroxol tablets), Ambrobene, in addition, has the property of thinning sputum, making it less viscous, and easily removes it from the body.


It is very effective to treat bronchitis using various inhalations. If you want to quickly cure bronchitis, then you should definitely do inhalations. Just make sure first that there is no high temperature or palpitations.

There are many recipes for steam inhalations for bronchitis - these are saline and soda solutions, and essential oils of eucalyptus, pine, mymy, herbal preparations, inhalation of phytoncides, which are rich in essential oils of garlic, rosemary - reduce cough shocks and facilitate the process of coughing. However, it is not uncommon for allergic reactions to occur to essential oils and medicinal herbs, and therefore people prone to allergies (hay fever) are better off not taking risks and avoiding the use of various herbs and essential oils.

Also, for those who have a home inhaler, you can carry out inhalations for bronchitis with a nebulizer with Lazolvan, Ambrobene, etc. special medicinal solutions, designed to improve the release of phlegm from the bronchi.

In the case of obstructive bronchitis in children or adults, the drug Berodual is an effective bronchodilator; special solutions are produced for inhalation.

Massage, breathing exercises

Massage always effectively and quickly helps to cope with almost all diseases; for bronchitis, it can only be carried out if the body temperature is normalized; you can do it yourself, using various massagers, a Kuznetsov applicator, or vibration massage. Today there are many different types of massagers, so you can purchase any of them.

After the acute period of inflammation ends and there are only residual effects in the form of a rare cough, you can begin to do therapeutic breathing exercises, for example, according to Strelnikova. Women can try to perform simple exercises from the Bodyflex breathing exercises, which not only strengthens the respiratory system, but also normalizes metabolism and promotes weight loss.

Oddly enough, but old proven remedies are forgotten by modern people, and methods such as cupping, mustard plasters, and warm compresses are rarely used by people. But these are safe and very effective procedures.

Every family has grandmothers and great-grandmothers who used to treat all diseases exclusively with folk remedies. Among all the methods of treating chronic bronchitis with folk remedies, we will talk about the simplest and most accessible to everyone:

Radish, honey

A very old and effective recipe is a radish, a small depression is made in it, into which a teaspoon of honey is placed. After some time, the radish produces juice and can be consumed 3 times a day. This good way to relieve cough if you are not allergic to honey.

Chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula, calamus

Medicinal herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calamus, calendula have anti-inflammatory properties and, in the absence of allergies, infusions can be made - 1 tbsp is enough. spoons per glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and drink 3 times a day.

Garlic, dill, butter

Sandwiches with garlic, dill and butter - to prepare such a sandwich, take 5 cloves of garlic, squeeze through a garlic press, mix with 100 grams of butter, you can add finely chopped dill or parsley. Eat this sandwich 3 times a day.

Medicinal plants

  • Plantain has always been valued by traditional healers for its excellent expectorant properties. Therefore, to treat bronchitis, you can buy plantain leaves, 4 tbsp. Grind spoons of leaves, pour half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 4 hours, strain and drink this amount throughout the day.
  • Medicinal plants such as thyme, eucalyptus, pine buds, cumin, St. John's wort, and fennel have an expectorant effect, so they can also be used to make infusions and inhalations.
  • Medicinal plants such as decoctions of plantain, yarrow, violet, marshmallow roots, and coltsfoot help to increase immunity in chronic bronchitis.
  • Taking natural mumiyo, echinacea tincture, and licorice root syrup also helps improve immunity.
  • Decoctions of parsley, juniper, horsetail, birch, lingonberry leaves. These remedies are not direct methods of treating acute bronchitis at home, but they are very helpful in strengthening the body and speedy recovery.


To relieve symptoms of intoxication due to viral and infectious diseases To quickly remove toxins from the body, you can also use pharmaceutical sorbents - Polysorb, Enterosgel, Filtrum STI, Polyphepan, etc., but they should be taken in the intervals between taking medications and food, best once a day at night, after 2 hours after the last meal and medication and a short course.

Psychological attitude

It may seem strange and unacceptable to many, but a psychological, emotional, positive attitude toward recovery is always of great importance, especially when chronic diseases. Belief in healing gives the brain a very strong impetus to intensify the body’s own fight against the disease. Daily reading of positive attitudes that you can come up with for yourself, speaking affirmations, self-hypnosis, meditation can help more than some medications. The main thing is to believe that it works, to believe in the strength of your body and the disease will go away.

Juice therapy

Juice therapy has long been considered a powerful way to heal the entire body. Vegetable juices are especially useful:

  • Beetroot juice is considered the most highly effective juice for cleansing the blood of toxins, it helps normalize blood composition, increases platelets especially well, the only condition for taking it is that you cannot drink freshly squeezed juice, first grate the raw beets, squeeze out the juice, and then put it in refrigerator, after 3-4 hours you can drink it.
  • Carrot juice - it is not recommended to drink a lot of beet juice, no more than 100 ml. It is better to dilute it with healthy freshly squeezed carrot juice. It is both tasty and extremely healthy.
  • Lingonberry juice is very good for removing phlegm.
  • Freshly squeezed cabbage juice is not very pleasant to drink, but if you add a little sugar, it is very effective as an expectorant. In addition, cabbage juice also helps with stomach diseases.

With the help of a cough, the body clears the airways of mucus, viruses, bacteria, and sputum. This reaction is caused inflammatory process in the lungs, mucous membrane of the larynx, throat, bronchi. You have to cough when dust or caustic gases enter your respiratory tract. Reasons: strong excitement, emotional stress. The cough can be dry, wet, barking, hoarse, long, short, and other varieties.

Causes of cough

With the air, dust particles, bacteria and viruses, and soot particles enter the lungs. A healthy body gets rid of them with the help of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium of the trachea and bronchi. Mucus, due to its bactericidal properties, destroys infection. This natural process that keeps the trachea and bronchi clean is called mucociliary clearance.

If physical or Chemical properties mucus changes for various reasons - for example, mucus becomes thicker - mucociliary clearance is disrupted and to maintain proper cleanliness in the trachea and bronchi you need to cough.

The following irritants cause coughing:

  • chemical: polluted air, exhaust gases, tobacco smoke;
  • mechanical: dust, soot;
  • thermal: dry hot or frosty air.
  • Grind 2-3 cloves of garlic, add 1 tbsp. honey, 2 tbsp. vodka, mix well.

Take 1 tsp. morning and evening for two days, take a break on the third day. If recovery does not occur, repeat treatment. Store in a cool place.

  • A mixture of 2 tbsp helps to moisten the cough, relieve spasms and inflammation. licorice, 2 tsp. vinegar, 2 tbsp. honey

Take 1 tsp. 5 times a day.

  • Add 1/3 tsp to a glass of warm milk. ginger powder, 1/2 tsp. honey, turmeric on the tip of a knife.

Drink in small sips.

  • Cabbage juice, decoction of berries, flowers or raspberries

– wonderful means for thinning phlegm.

How to cure a child's cough

For better sputum removal:

  • brew 1 tsp. chamomile in a glass of boiling water, let cool.

Give your child a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

  • At night, place a plate with chopped onion near the crib.

This remedy also helps with influenza epidemics.

  • Cut the onion, add water, add 3-4 tbsp. honey, cook in a sealed container for half an hour. Strain and let cool.

Give the child 1 tsp. after each coughing attack. Keep refrigerated.

  • give the child 1/2 tsp. fresh cabbage juice with sugar

This method improves expectoration.

  • Brew 1 tsp. coltsfoot leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain.

Take 1 tsp. several times a day.

  • Brew 1 tsp. blackcurrant leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain.

Take instead of tea.

  • Mix warm sour cream with 5 cloves of grated garlic.

Give to child 4-5 times a day for whooping cough or severe cough.

  • A large iodine mesh in the lung area in front and on the back helps to get rid of children's cough, but without affecting the heart area. The mesh is also applied to the calves and heels.

You can lubricate your toes.

  • Night honey compress for the cervical-collar area

helps cure cough.

  • Boil the potatoes in their skins, get puree, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2-3 drops of iodine, mix.

Place the puree on a cloth and place it on the baby’s chest up to the throat, wrap it up. When the compress has cooled, remove it and cover the child with a warm blanket.

Folk remedies to cure cough

  • Grind and obtain the juice of the aloe stem, add the same amount of slightly warmed honey.

Take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

  • Take pumpkin decoction for cough.
  • Mix radish or carrot juice with the same amount of milk.

Take 1 tbsp. 5-6 times a day.

  • Thinly slice the radish and sprinkle with sugar.

Take juice 1 tsp. every hour if there are no heart or liver diseases. The product also helps cure a smoker's cough.

  • Chop 10 onions, one head of garlic, boil in a liter of milk until soft, add a little honey.

Take 1 tbsp. once an hour.

  • Take 1/2 cup of grape juice with honey as an expectorant.

This folk remedy cures in 1-2 days.

  • Crush the rowan berries, add to sour cream, put on low heat for 10 minutes, let cool.

Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. honey, juice of one, two raw chicken eggs, mix, let cool.

Take a sip once an hour.

Modified: 06/26/2019