What are the benefits of olives, properties and calorie content. Why olives are useful Are olives in a jar useful

Most Mediterranean dishes use olives in their composition - excellent taste qualities allow you to add them to many recipes. Olive is recommended for both men and women due to its medicinal properties.

Where do olives grow

European olive, the fruits of which are olives- a heat-loving plant growing in southern countries. Most often it is found in the Mediterranean states: Greece and Turkey, Israel, Italy and Spain. Spain is the main supplier of olives on the world market, not inferior to superiority for many years.

In addition to the main habitat, olive trees are grown in Iraq and Iran, Turkmenistan, India, Peru and Mexico. In Soviet times, the European olive was grown on the Black Sea coast and in the Crimea, as well as in Abkhazia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Are olives a fruit, vegetable or berry?

Olives are often referred to as berries and fruits: it is a small seed fruit that resembles cherries or plums. From the point of view of botany, they belong to the group of drupes: these are fruits that have only one stone and are not considered berries.

Olives belong to the group of drupes

Olives are like berries in size, like fruits in structure, like vegetables in taste. But at the same time, they do not belong to any of these groups: the fruits of the olive are allocated to a separate family "Olive". The genus of this plant is "Olive", and the species is "European Olive".

Why are olives black and olives green?

Olives and black olives are the fruits of the same tree, which is called the European Olive. The difference between them lies in the degree of maturity: green color indicates immaturity, and dark color indicates the full ripeness of the fruit.

Olives, known as “black olives” in Europe, are not actually black in color: their rich dark hue is closer to purple or brown tones. One side of olives is often darker than the other, and the stone is not removed from them.

Olives and black olives grow on the same tree

On sale, you can often find olives of a uniform blue-black color without pits. This shade is obtained artificially by adding chemical preservatives to unripe green olives. After such processing, no useful properties remain in pseudo-olives.

The chemical composition of olives and BJU

The beneficial effect of olive fruits on the body is due to the components in their composition.

A table with the composition of black and green fruits, which takes into account calories, BJU, the amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.

green olives Black olives (black olives)
calories145 kcal115 kcal
Squirrels1 g0.84 g
Fats15.3 g10.68 g
Carbohydrates3.8 g6.26 g
Cellulose3.3 g3.2 g
Vitamin A0.019 mg0.02 mg
beta carotene0.231 mg0.237 mg
Beta cryptoxanthin0.009 mg0.009 mg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin0.51 mg0.51 mg
Vitamin B10.021 mg0.003 mg
Vitamin B20.007 mg
Vitamin B414.2 mg10.3 mg
Vitamin B50.023 mg0.015 mg
Vitamin B60.031 mg0.012 mg
Vitamin B90.003 mg
Vitamin C1.5 mg
Vitamin E3.81 mg1.65 mg
Vitamin K0.001 mg0.001 mg
Vitamin PP0.237 mg0.037 mg
Potassium42 mg9 mg
Calcium52 mg94 mg
Magnesium11 mg4 mg
Sodium1566 mg735 mg
Phosphorus4 mg3 mg
Iron0.49 mg3.32 mg
Manganese0.02 mg
Copper0.12 mg0.25 mg
Selenium0.001 mg0.001 mg
Zinc0.04 mg0.22 mg
Fatty acid
Omega 3 fatty acids0.092 g0.065 g
Omega 6 fatty acids1.215 g0.847 g
palmitic1.691 g1.179 g
Stearic0.338 0.236 g
Palmitoleic0.123 g0.086 g
Oleic11.144 g7.77 g
Gadoleic0.146 g0.032 g
Linoleic1.215 g0.847 g
Linolenic0.092 g0.064 g
The chemical composition depends on the particular variety of fruit and on the method of their processing. Canned, pickled and salted olives contain fewer nutrients than fresh ones.

Useful properties of olives

The benefits of olive fruits for the human body are invaluable.

Due to the composition, saturated with fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, they are indispensable for many diseases:

  1. In atherosclerosis: vitamin PP and fiber regulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood, helping to cope with its excess.
  2. In cardiovascular diseases: high content of potassium, vitamins B6 and PP lowers blood pressure, strengthens the vascular walls.
  3. In case of metabolic disorders: it contains little sugar, a lot of fatty acids, as well as vitamins B6, C and E, which reduce blood sugar levels and speed up metabolism.
  4. With disorders of the nervous system: they normalize cerebral circulation and have a slight sedative effect, improve the functioning of the central nervous system and PNS.
  5. With anemia: black fruits contain a lot of iron and vitamin C, which improves its absorption and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  6. With arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and gout: phosphorus and calcium in the composition strengthen bones and joints.
  7. For digestive problems: fiber improves the digestion and absorption of food, helps with constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  8. When losing weight: the low calorie content of the product, as well as vitamins B6 and C in its composition, which regulate metabolism, allow you to quickly get rid of excess weight.
  9. In infectious diseases: vitamins C and E increase the activity of the immune system, providing a preventive and curative effect in case of colds.

Olives are also very useful for children and adolescents: fatty acids have a beneficial effect on a growing body.

For men

The benefits of olives for men are as follows:

  1. Vitamin E improves blood circulation and sperm quality, and also prevents the destruction of testosterone by insulin.
  2. Fatty acids cleanse blood vessels, improve blood flow to all parts of the body - including the genitals.
  3. Vitamin B9 prevents early baldness and stimulates new hair growth.
  4. Vitamin B6 strengthens the walls of blood vessels, eliminating circulatory insufficiency.
  5. Zinc increases the level of testosterone in the blood.

To achieve the best effect in the fight against erectile dysfunction, men should consume 10-15 fruits per day.

Olives cleanse the blood vessels

For women

The benefits of olive fruit for women's health are due to the following:

  1. Vitamins C, E and selenium prevent the spread of free radicals, slowing down aging and reducing the risk of developing cancer.
  2. Vitamins A and B improve the condition of hair and skin: hide wrinkles and inflammation, strengthen hair, accelerate its growth and give it shine.
  3. Calcium and phosphorus strengthen the nail plates and teeth.
  4. Monounsaturated fats, vitamins A and E promote fertility and increase the chances of conceiving a child.
  5. Vitamin B6 thins the blood and strengthens blood vessels, prevents varicose veins and thrombosis during pregnancy.
  6. Low calorie content allows you to use the fruit on a diet.

Olives for women are useful not only when taken orally: the fruits and oil from them can be used externally as part of homemade masks for the face, hair and body.

Olives prevent thrombosis

The benefits of different forms

Regardless of the form in which olives are sold, they have a beneficial effect on the body.

Each storage method has its own advantages:

  1. Fresh olives: contain the maximum amount of nutrients, but are unsuitable for food. Fresh fruits are strongly bitter, have an astringent property.
  2. Cured: Prepared by drying in the sun. Unlike pickled and salted fruits, they do not contain salt and potentially harmful preservatives, and retain the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Pickled: less healthy than fresh or dried fruits, but with the right cooking technique, they retain most of the beneficial properties. Canned and salted fruits last longer, taste better, and often contain healthy spices.
  4. Olive oil: used internally both on its own and as part of various dishes. It is also used in face and hair masks, creams and scrubs, for wiping and cleansing the skin, as part of cleansing enemas.
  5. Olive leaves: used in cooking as a seasoning, also brewed as a tea. They relieve tension and anxiety, prevent cardiovascular diseases, tone up and strengthen the immune system.

Olive leaf tea is good for the cardiovascular system

Application methods

Olive fruit is the most common ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, found in almost every recipe. Their uses are unlimited: olives are used in recipes for pizza, pasta and focaccia, in many salads and soups, as part of pesto and a variety of meat and fish dishes, fried or baked in the oven.

Olive fruits are often used as a decorative element for hot dishes - they look aesthetically pleasing and do not interrupt the taste of the dish. They also decorate alcoholic cocktails: if you eat alcohol with olives, they will begin to resist toxins and reduce hangovers.

Olives resist alcohol toxins

Another use of olives is as a snack. They can be present in canapés or used independently: in canned, dried or salted form. It is permissible to eat 7-10 fruits per day.

Harm of olives

Black olives in a jar can harm the body. If these are not real olives, but artificially colored fruits, they contain harmful additives. These are caustic soda, in the solution of which the olives are kept for a week, and ferrous glutonate, which gives the blackened pseudo-olives a stable color.

Both of these additives can cause allergies in the consumer, in addition, after prolonged treatment with them beneficial features olives disappear. If a color stabilizing additive E579 is present in the composition of the canned product, it should not be purchased.

Also, the excessively salty brine in which they are stored can harm the body.

Olives should not be consumed if there are stones in the bile ducts

Question answer

Which olives are healthier - green or black?

Black olives, or olives, contain vitamin C and manganese, which are absent in green fruits. Also, olives are less caloric, and they have more copper, zinc, calcium and vitamin A. Otherwise, green olives are superior to black fruits: they contain more vitamins, macro- and microelements, and various fatty acids.

It is preferable to eat both types of olive fruits: this way the body will receive the greatest amount of useful elements.

Why do you want olives?

Cravings for certain foods can occur due to disease and nutritional deficiencies. The desire to eat olives appears as a result of a lack of sodium salts in the body.

It may also indicate a dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

A strong desire to eat olives may indicate disorders in the thyroid gland.

Can you eat olives with pits?

Olive pits are considered a very useful product: they contain no less useful substances than the fruit itself. Due to their large size, they are inconvenient to swallow, and they are poorly digested, so most often the bones are consumed internally after grinding with a blender or coffee grinder.

Olive pits are rich in useful elements

Black and green olives are useful fruits that have a beneficial effect on the body. They have a positive effect on his work, have an excellent taste and fit perfectly into many dishes.

Olives have recently become a frequent guest on the table of Russians. They managed to win both ardent supporters and opponents. The latter say that harmful dyes are added to canned olives, and only green olives can be eaten, but they are of little use either.

Canned olives bring benefits or harm to the body, as well as how olives and olives actually differ - this will be discussed in this article.

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To find out how useful olives are, you should get to know their composition, which is a real storehouse of useful substances. No wonder this product is recommended as a prophylactic to absolutely all people.


The chemical composition of olives includes many useful substances. First of all, the fat content is striking - 23.9%. 100 grams of fresh olives contain 39.8% of the Daily Value (DV) of fat intake.

  • 15.1 g oleic acid;
  • 3.6 g linolenic.

Other acids are present in small amounts. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid and plays an important role in fat metabolism.

Carbohydrates in olives 19 g (9% DV). Of these, 4 g is fiber, which is not digested in the intestine, but stimulates its peristalsis and normalizes the intestinal microflora. 4 g of fiber cover the daily need for it by 20%.

There are very few proteins - 1.6 g or 2.1% DV.

Of the vitamins, olives contain the most vitamin E, which is very important for maintaining reproductive health in both women and men. Its content is 5 mg per 100 g of olives or 33.3% of the DV.

Olives of varying maturity

There are also significant amounts of vitamin A and its provitamin - carotene (3.7% and 4% DV, respectively). Quite a bit of vitamin PP (1% DV), and the rest - very little.

Many of the minerals

  • sodium (350mg, 26.9% DV);
  • calcium (70mg, 7% DV);
  • magnesium (25mg, 6.3%).

There is potassium (95 mg, 3.8% DV) and phosphorus (20 mg, 2.5% DV), iron (0.5 mg, 5% DV).

Of the trace elements, we note:

  • copper (0.2 mg, 10% DV);
  • zinc (0.2 mg, 2% DV);
  • selenium (0.9mcg, 4.5% DV).

Calories 100 grams

Calorie content of 100 grams of olives - 296kcal (17.6% DV). This value is average. The calorie content of olives changes as the fruit ripens. Know how many calories in olives, need and want to lose weight because the energy value their very high.

Slightly less calories in canned pitted olives. Their energy value is 140-175 kilocalories per 100 grams. But for those olives that were pickled with a bone, it is slightly larger. After all, naturally ripened fruits are pickled with it, and those canned without it get their dark color artificially. It is difficult to remove the bones from ripened fruits without violating the integrity of the fetus, which is why they are not pulled out.

Useful properties for women

Are there any benefits to canned olives?

The benefits of canned olives are the same as those of fresh ones. It is simply impossible to eat them fresh without soaking for months due to their inherent bitterness. And canned similar procedure was accelerated. To do this, they are treated with caustic soda, and if they want to get a dark color, oxygen is passed through.

In the latter case, the color is fixed with iron gluconate. Caustic soda is neutralized during pickling. The content of useful substances will decrease slightly. The amount of sodium increases, which is already quite a lot in olives. Therefore, hypertensive patients should not particularly lean on them.

Oleic acid also improves the lipid composition of blood cells, strengthens blood vessels, the heart, lowers the acidity of gastric juice, and normalizes bowel function. It exhibits medicinal properties in gastritis, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, arthritis.

Oleic acid is not all that canned olives are useful for, which contain tocopherol, iron, calcium and magnesium, zinc and copper.

People with a diseased liver or stomach should prefer green olives or olives with a stone, which do not contain ferrous gluconate. Although in the amount that is contained in 50 g of olives, it is beneficial - it stimulates hematopoiesis, increases the level of hemoglobin. Cereals, fresh vegetables, egg yolk slow down the absorption of iron gluconate.

How and where do they grow?

Almost everyone who has been to the Mediterranean, Crimea or Abkhazia knows how and where olives grow. Olive trees now grow everywhere in tropical and subtropical climates: in East Asia, and in Australia, in Peru, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, Iran and Mexico. Olive is an amazing tree that lives up to 2000 years.

According to beliefs, the olive is immortal, so its fruits make people hardy and resilient.

People have known her for 5.5 thousand years. This is evidenced by stones for squeezing oil and vessels for it in the archaeological layers of those times. The dove brought the olive branch to Noah. The other was given by Athena to the city that bears her name from antiquity to the present day. It was also brought by the dove to Mary in the Gospels.

This is a powerful tree with a thick trunk and a lush crown. Olives bloom in April-July with panicles of 10-45 fragrant white flowers. Harvest from early autumn to January. Olives are immediately taken for processing, so as not to lose their presentation.

Olive Tree

Is it a fruit, vegetable or berry?

Olives are actually not fruits, although they grow on a tree or shrub, not a vegetable, although they are pickled in the same way, not a berry, although they are similar. In scientific language, such fruits are called drupes, which include:

  • plums;
  • peaches;
  • cherries;
  • apricots;
  • all other fruits with one stone.

Is it possible to eat during pregnancy?

It is possible and even necessary for pregnant women to eat olives in moderation, if there are no contraindications. The usefulness of olives for expectant mothers is that they improve fat metabolism. Oleic acid is a building material for cell membranes, so a growing fetus needs a lot of it.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, olives should be avoided, and after it - on health.

Which color is better - black or green?

The debate about which olives are more useful - black or green, has not subsided since they began to be massively imported into our country. The differences between them are much less than the similarities.

Consider the benefits of green olives. They have slightly more fat than black ones, as well as vitamin E, 4 times more potassium and 3 times more magnesium. This composition determines the medicinal properties of olives, and also helps to fight overwork. Their benefits are noticeable and the next morning after a stormy feast, green olives will quickly return to normal.

Let's find out now what are the benefits of black olives. They have fewer calories, but more calcium, iron and zinc than greens.

Therefore, the benefits of black olives are undeniable for anemia, weakness, and sexual dysfunction.

Both olives and olives grow on the same tree, and only in Russia they are distinguished. When asked what color olives are, they will confidently say that they are green. Of course, because the black ones are called olives, and the green ones are called olives.

In the rest of the world, both are called olives.

They say that GOSTs are to blame for this. When the first batches of canned olives arrived in Russia, someone wrote down the green fruits as olives, and the black fruits as olives. This seemed to be the beginning of the division.

Branch with ripe olives


Despite the abundance of useful properties, there are contraindications to the use of olives. This is an allergy to them, fortunately, which is quite rare. You need to be very careful with them and patients with pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Their consumption should be strictly limited, and in the event of an exacerbation, it should be completely eliminated. With gastritis with high acidity, kidney stones and cystitis, eating a large amount of olives can also be harmful. The first time a child should be given one or two olives to make sure that there are no allergies and individual intolerances.

Useful video

Everything you need to know about olives:


  1. Olives and olive oil, when used in moderation, help maintain youthful skin, hair and nails, they increase immunity, protect against cancer and save from anemia.
  2. They are also useful for expectant mothers from the second trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Caution should be taken with pickled olives, especially dyed black pitted, with ulcers, cholecystitis and cystitis.
  4. Olives improve both women's and men's reproductive health.

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The olive is the fruit of an olive tree or evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia. It is an oval drupe of a green, black or purple hue up to 3-4 cm in length. What are olives made of? The benefits and harms to the body were appreciated by the ancient Greeks, who cultivated the plant.

Many people wonder if olives and olives belong to different cultures or are they the same thing? Olives are black fruits of the olive tree, which are in biological maturity, and olives are in technical maturity. Such a division is characteristic only of Russia.

Olives and black olives are fruits of the same olive tree or bush.

Another interesting question: are olives a berry or a fruit? Experts did not come to the same opinion. Growing like a berry, having a stone inside like a fruit, the olive is used as a vegetable.

Olives: chemical composition

Olives and black olives are the fruits of the olive tree.

The calorie content of olives per 100 grams is 112 kcal. The calorie content of canned pitted olives is somewhat different, it is 145 kcal. High-calorie or not olives? Their energy value is even higher, 165 kcal.

Nutritional value of 100 g of olives (bju):

  1. proteins 1 g;
  2. fats 11 g;
  3. carbohydrates 5 g.

The composition of canned olives is similar, may vary depending on the stuffing. How many carbohydrates are in them? 4 g, the vast majority of them are fiber.

What are the fruits of the olive tree rich in? They contain vitamins B, A (retinol), C, E, amino acids, phytosterols, oleic acid. The mineral composition includes sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, chlorine, iodine.

Olives: useful properties and contraindications

Why are olives unique? The benefits and harm to the body that they can cause have been known since the time of the ancient Greeks, who appreciated this tree.

The beneficial properties of olives are high due to the content of monounsaturated fats in them, which can reduce the presence of cholesterol, have a positive effect on blood vessels, the heart, and the circulatory system. The product has a therapeutic effect in atherosclerosis, thrombosis.

Olives strengthen the musculoskeletal system, are effective for osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis.

What are the benefits of olives for the digestive tract? Possessing a choleretic and enveloping property, the oils contained in them lower the pH of gastric juice and normalize bowel function. The use of olives for gastritis has proven its healing effect.

Do olive fruits weaken or strengthen? They have a mild laxative effect.

Olive oil and fruits have a pronounced preventive and curative effect on cancerous diseases.

Goat milk also helps in the fight against cancer

Skin lesions, incl. and burns, effectively lubricate with olive oil for speedy healing.

Studies by doctors have shown that regular consumption of oil reduces the likelihood of diabetes by 20%. The low glycemic index (only 15 units) makes it possible to claim their help in stabilizing sugar levels when consumed regularly in diabetes.

Olives for weight loss

People who adhere to proper nutrition and count calories are often worried about questions: is it possible to eat olives on a diet? Is it possible to eat olives while losing weight?

Of course you can. Thanks to the content of healthy fats, eating just a few berries will dull the feeling of hunger for a long time, filling the body with energy, useful substances and vitamins. However, you should not abuse the fruits: in this case, they will contribute to weight gain.

Popular about olives and olives, see the video:

Olives: benefits for men

Unique chemical composition important for men's health, first of all - for potency. In the second - as a salvation from a hangover.

Olives: benefits for women

How useful are these small fruits for women? Their greatest contribution is in cosmetology, because olive oil is a common additive in all skin care products. Its benefits for hair, nails, skin are invaluable. This oil is used both internally and externally.

Can pregnant women eat canned olives? Olives during pregnancy are not contraindicated, because they do not contain dangerous or harmful substances. In addition, the oil, when applied externally and consumed internally during this period, will prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, brittleness and cross-section of hair and nails.

The benefits of canned olives for women is that they prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.

Is it possible to breastfeeding use this product? The female body in this critical period is prone to a deficiency of many minerals, vitamins, acids, and olives can help cope with this problem. Olive oil is an element of milk mixtures used for artificial children.

Can children have olives? In very limited quantity and only good quality. For children, olive oil will be more beneficial than the fruits themselves.


In the presence of allergies, as well as individual intolerance, the use of drupes should be stopped.

With caution, products are used in retinol therapy due to the risk of developing hypervitaminosis.

Is it possible to eat with pancreatitis? People suffering from pancreatitis or cholecystitis should not eat olives due to their ability to increase bile production.

How many olives can be eaten per day without being abused or harmful? 5-10 pieces or 1 tbsp. oil will suffice.

Pickled olives: benefits and harms

It is almost impossible to meet fresh fruits in stores, because. they are too bitter to taste. Transportation will be expensive and impractical due to large losses. Therefore, in countries where fruits are grown, they are immediately processed: pickled fruits and olive oil are produced.

Are canned olives healthy? Their composition at right technology(excluding the addition of chemicals, dyes, preservatives) in its usefulness is in no way inferior to fresh drupes. By the way, can you eat olives with pits? It turns out you can, because. the bone is successfully digested. However, this will not bring benefits and can only be practiced by people without problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to eat bones and children.

How useful is pickled ginger and what are the features of its use? right now!

Olives in jars will be useful for adults and children when added to salads (for example, Greek), soups (various hodgepodges); They are also good as an independent snack.

Often in the assortment of canned foods there are stuffed fruits - cheese, lemon and other ingredients are used: the taste becomes more piquant, however, the quality of such additives may suffer.

Fruits in sliced ​​form are used in the preparation of sandwiches, in a state crushed by a blender - in the form of a pate.

Baking with drupes has a bright taste and aroma. The buns with olives and are especially delicious.

They are good for any product: meat, fish, mushrooms, pasta,.

Salads are seasoned with olive oil, it is added when baking and frying.

Benefits in cosmetology

An important property of olive oil is that it does not leave a greasy sheen, does not close pores, allowing the skin to breathe. Its rejuvenating property has been proven, one of the effects is the normalization of the skin's water balance. Elasticity and elasticity increase, the face is tightened.

About the use of olive oil in cosmetology - the following video:

The oil gives the greatest effect when applied to dry and damaged skin; continued application to oily skin may worsen the condition.

Rescues oil from stretch marks, used in anti-cellulite massages.

Periodic application of masks with oil will make the hair obedient, with a lively shine, prevent brittleness, and restore the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Egg mixture, 2 tbsp. oils and st.l. honey evenly apply on the hair and head for 20 minutes, then rinse. This mask will nourish the hair with vitamins, help to quickly restore them.

The product is also suitable for sensitive skin around the eyes: daily apply a small portion of oil to this area with massaging light movements. Leave for half an hour, remove the remnants with a napkin. Small wrinkles are visibly smoothed out even after the first application.

It is also used to remove makeup. And by adding a few drops to a jar of cream, you will get daily dosed care.

A mixture of olive oil also has a beneficial effect on nails: you can use the product as a reusable bath, or apply, massaging gently, until completely absorbed.

Thus, a very useful and valuable product, but only on one condition: the fruits must be of good quality. How to choose olives? The berries should be elastic, not loose, the stone is easily separated from the pulp. Coal-black fruits the size of grapes without a stone inside, but with iron gluconate in the composition, are highly undesirable for use, because. will do more harm. It is better to give preference to an unstuffed olive with a stone, so the content of harmful substances will be lower.

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The benefits of olives for the body are bursting rich phytonutrients high in vitamin E, anti-cancer antioxidants and cardiovascular benefits. But that's not all.

The benefits of olives for the human body

1. Benefits of olives for the human body provides tons of antioxidants

Oxidation in the body has been proven to be associated with the progression and growth of many diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Olives are highly oxidative food, which mainly provides polyphenols, which are antioxidants that have proven antitumor, antidiabetic, anti-aging and neuroprotective effects.

The benefits of olives for the human body even help to increase the level glutathione in the blood, which is one of the body's most important antioxidant nutrients due to its ability to recycle antioxidants. The benefits of antioxidants, like those found in olives, transcend almost every system in the body and can be a major factor in disease prevention and treatment.

2. Lower cholesterol and high blood pressure

Since olives are a good source of good fats, they do not damage arteries like other fats. Useful properties of olives lower blood pressure and help control lower cholesterol.
Studies show a significant reduction in blood pressure and general cardiovascular inflammation after eating olives, olive oil, and other foods in the Mediterranean diet.

3. Benefits of olives for the body reduces pain

Inflammation underlies disease, pain, and injury in the body. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers are effective in controlling pain, but damage a number of other body systems. Olives are natural ibuprofen. They block the growth of enzymes that create inflammation and thus relieve and reduce pain. Inflammation also plays a big role in cardiovascular disease.

4. Treatment and prevention of cancer

In the Mediterranean region, the incidence of cancer is significantly lower than in European and Asian countries. Phenolic compounds in olives have shown antitumor potential, especially in the breast, colon, and stomach. Promising evidence of the benefits of olives for the body in the prevention of cancer. Like most dietary cancer treatments, the outlook is promising, but more research is needed.

5. Boosts Heart Health

The benefits of olives for the body has everything you need for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system: antioxidants, anti-inflammatory capabilities, healthy fats, as well as a large supply of copper and vitamin E, both of which are important for optimal heart health.

A diet containing olives can not only treat symptoms of cardiovascular disease, but has also been shown to significantly reduce the risk of heart-related complications, even in individuals with a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure and heart problems. Eating olives can also prevent ischemic disease hearts.

6. Works Like a Natural Probiotic

The phenolic compounds in olives can increase the amount of good bifidobacteria that produce vitamins and antibacterial chemicals in the body. In this way, olives improve gut health and improve microbiome function.

7. Reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity

Because olives are high in monounsaturated fats, they reduce the risk of diabetes 2 type and obesity when replacing products containing other, more harmful fats. The antioxidants found in olives also help to suppress the damage caused by oxidative stress associated with diabetes, making olives an effective treatment for hyperglycemia and diabetic complications.

8. Help Fight Infections

Many studies show how effective olives are in fighting certain microbial, viral and fungal infections. Olive fruit and olive leaf extract have been used in this capacity in traditional medicine.

9. Prevention of osteoporosis

Olive polyphenols are helpful in preventing bone loss. Many studies have shown the effectiveness of these compounds in the formation and maintenance of bone tissue. Thanks to phytonutrients, olives should be added to your diet when treatment of osteoporosis.

Benefits of olives for the body vs olive oil

The difference between the fruit and the oil lies in the preparation and processing. There are pros and cons to both, but when consumed in the recommended servings, the health benefits of olives and olive oil are incredible.
  • 25% fat
  • Higher sodium:
  • Olives have fiber vitamin E, Vitamin A, and good sources of copper and calcium
  • Beneficial polyphenol content
Olive oil:
  • Almost 100% fat
  • Lower sodium: almost 0
  • Beneficial Polyphenols Preserved in Olive Oil

The nutritional benefits of olives for the human body

Olives, one of Top 10 Biblical Foods, are a low-calorie snack option and a great option for a variety of dishes, such as salads, pasta, and pizza. Although there are many varieties of olives, most of them have a similar nutritional profile.

The average olive weighs approximately 4 grams, so the following nutritional information applies to a serving of about 40 olives.
100 grams of green olives, canned or pickled, have (in recommended daily values):
  • 145 calories
  • 3.8 g carbs
  • 1 g protein
  • 15.3 grams of fat
  • 3.3 grams of fiber
  • 1.556 milligrams sodium (65%)
  • 3.8 milligrams vitamin E (19%)
  • 393 IU Vitamin A (8%)
  • 0.1 milligram copper (6%)
  • 52 milligrams calcium (5%)
  • 0.5 milligram iron (3%)
  • 11 milligrams magnesium (3%)
Sodium Problems
Olives contain a fairly large amount of sodium. With such a large serving (100 grams), the sodium content is high (1556 milligrams per 100 grams or 65 percent of the DV). But in moderation, olives will only benefit your body. It is important to control the content and intake of sodium.
Fats in olives
Although the fat content of olives is also high, it is primarily a good fat. Olives provide monounsaturated fatty acids, and more specifically oleic acid, which has been linked to a number of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and helping fight heart disease. The fats found in olives and the Mediterranean diet are a great substitute for unhealthy fats.

Interesting facts about olives

Known mainly for their oil, olives are enjoyed all over the world. Native to the Mediterranean zones of Asia, Europe, and Africa, olives provide indispensable health benefits.
Olives are the main component in the nutritional mediterranean diet which puts good fats to the fore and encourages olive oil as a primary source of dietary fat. The diet does not encourage fat reduction, but rather replaces unhealthy fats with healthy ones, such as the monounsaturated fats found in olives.
Is the olive a fruit or a vegetable?
If someone were to ask if olives are fruits or vegetables, most people would probably not know the answer. Their high fat content makes them an odd fruit, but they are closely related to peaches, mangoes, and even almonds.
Here are some more interesting facts about olives:
  • The olive tree grows short and thick and usually reaches 15 meters in height.
  • Olives were harvested sometime between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
  • The olive branch has long been a symbol of peace and victory.
  • In early Christian art, the Olive Branch appears with a dove, symbolizing peace and the Holy Spirit in the Gospels. In ancient Greek mythology, Athena competed with Poseidon to rule Athens. Athena won after planting the first olive tree because the court of the gods and goddesses decided it was the best gift.
  • Olives are harvested from October to January. Olive fruits should not be eaten from the tree, as they are hard and bitter.

Purchase and preparation of olives

Many grocery stores now offer olive options that you can find in traditional jars. Some olives are pitted, others are stuffed with pepper, garlic or cheese. Some popular olives include kalamata olives, which are cured in red wine vinegar brine. Green olives are harvested earlier and therefore have the highest polyphenol content. They are used in martinis and come in many delicious, stuffed varieties.

Olive fruits with the highest phenol content include Cornicabra, Coratina, Moraiolo and Koroneiki. Black olives have the highest oil content. but the lowest phenolic levels.
Olive Classifications

  • Green Olives: Harvested in October at the earliest stages of maturity.
  • Pink Olives: Slightly juicier, they are pink or brown in color and are harvested in November before reaching full maturity.
  • Black Olives: Harvested in December at full maturity, they are smooth with black skin and a deep reddish black hue.
  • Shriveled Black Olives: Not to be confused with dry olives, these are fully ripe fruits picked in January.
Olives can be added as a savory ingredient to many dishes. The best thing about olives is that they are very easy to include in any dish, as they pair well with many flavors and textures.

Potential side effects of olives

Olive allergy exists but is very rare. If you are concerned, consume olives in moderation. In addition, olives contain heavy metals, but their levels are generally below legal limits and therefore safe.
Acrylamide is present in some canned, black olives (higher levels than others). Large amounts of acrylamide are associated with a higher risk of cancer and should be limited.
If information is available, then it is important to monitor sodium levels, some olives have high levels of sodium.

Olives Food

  • The health benefits of olives are bursting with rich phytonutrients that provide antioxidants, lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, reduce pain, prevent cancer, support heart health, work as a natural probiotic, lower risk for diabetes, help clear infection, and prevent osteoporosis.
  • The difference between the fruit and the oil lies in the preparation and processing. Olives have higher sodium and less fat, while olive oil has the more beneficial polyphenols that are stored in Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Olives are high in sodium, consume them in moderation.
  • Olives are actually a fruit.

This typical Mediterranean gift of nature has a relatively strong place in domestic cuisines. But, many do not know that it also has significant healing properties. First of all, the beneficial properties of canned olives are excellent detoxifying abilities and ridding the body of unnecessary and harmful substances.

But are there any negative effects and harm in addition to the benefits of canned olives? What should be kept in mind when eating them?

healthy fats

The most important factor in determining the health benefits of canned olives is the nature of the fat they contain. Fat is perceived by many as a substance that is absolutely useless, too rich in energy and, therefore, harmful.

But, fat to fat is different. Its main building blocks are fatty acids. There are many different types of fatty acids, chemically they can be divided into:

  1. Polyunsaturated.
  2. Monounsaturated.
  3. Saturated.

Saturated fatty acids are predominantly found in animal products, and their excessive consumption leads to an increase in blood cholesterol levels and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

On the contrary, unsaturated fatty acids are mainly found in vegetable products (oils), and have a positive effect on the degradation of cholesterol in the blood vessels and the overall decrease in its level in the blood.

Monounsaturated fatty acids have the maximum ability to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. by the most important source of these substances is oleic acid, which is present in the highest amount in nature in olives.

For this reason, despite their higher fat content, they meet the nutritional requirements of a modern person who is trying to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

The average amount of fat in olives ranges from 10% (green) to 30% (black). An important fact to keep in mind is the high sodium content (preservation brine).

It is because of him that, in addition to the benefits, canned olives can also be harmful to the body, therefore their consumption in unlimited quantities is not recommended.

However, due to their extremely high content of healthy oleic acid, they are ideal for enhancing the taste of various dishes as a substitute for spices or salt.

Vitamin A, E and other important substances

The main vitamin that determines the benefits of canned black olives (as well as green ones) is vitamin A, which improves the condition of the eyes, skin and strengthens the immune system.

Attention should be paid to the intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin A throughout the year, but in autumn and spring, when the body is easily vulnerable, its increased intake is especially important.

In folk medicine, olives are also valued because of the content of some important minerals. For example, calcium is the main building block of bones and teeth and is essential for the prevention of osteoporosis.

Another valuable mineral is phosphorus, which is also necessary for the proper growth of bones and teeth, but at the same time, promotes tissue growth. It is important for the brain, nervous tissue and heart, where it provides support for stable contractions.

For people who have been eating processed foods and dairy products for years, this is very important. Olives are 3 times more effective at dissolving mucus than recommended oranges.

Common Questions

There are many questions regarding the benefits and harms of olives for the body. Let's deal with the most popular.

  1. The first question relates to storage - is it possible to freeze the fruit? Freezing, although not prohibited, is also not the recommended storage method. After thawing, they will become soft, shapeless and tasteless.
  2. The following questions are about eating olives. Can pregnant women eat olives? Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of healthy fruit, however, due to the salt content and, therefore, the ability to increase the risk of edema, it is not recommended in the last trimester. In addition, attention should be paid to the quantity - for pregnant women it is no more than 5-10 pieces per day, 2-3 times a week.
  3. Is it possible to eat healthy fruits while breastfeeding? Can. Moreover, it is allowed to include them in the diet after 1 month after childbirth! However, due to the high content of fats (albeit healthy), you should not exceed a serving of 10 pieces per day.
  4. Is it possible to give olives to children? Here the opinions of doctors and nutritionists diverge dramatically. While some allow children to consume olives from an early age (about 3 years), others are strongly opposed to their inclusion in the children's menu until the age of 10. Therefore, most likely, in this respect it is better to be guided by the rule of the "golden mean", i.e. include olives in children food around 6-7 years of age. However, most children are, to put it mildly, underwhelmed by their taste.

By consuming them in addition to a proper balanced diet 4-5 times a week, 5 pieces, in addition to improving your health, you will find a more slender waist (do not forget about the abundance of movement).