Boiled salted lard: benefits and harms. The benefits and harms of lard for the body: myths and scientific facts

Even 100 years ago, the health benefits of lard were obvious to most people living in countries where pork was eaten. They neither thought nor knew about its harm.

But in the mid-twentieth century, the world was swept by a phobia of saturated animal fats, which was inspired by the erroneous hypothesis that the consumption of these compounds underlies many serious diseases. Mainly atherosclerosis.

To date, this hypothesis has been refuted. And everything gradually began to return to normal. People again remembered that lard has not only harm, but also benefit.

Why is this so?


  1. 50% of the fat in lard is monounsaturated fatty acids. Mainly on oleic acid - the very compound whose presence is explained.
  2. About 3% of the fat is palmitoleic acid, which is also monounsaturated and has the most powerful antimicrobial properties of all fatty acids.
  3. Another 40% of the fat in lard is saturated fat. The very ones that not so long ago it was common to fear. However, according to modern scientific understanding, eating these compounds is in no way associated with an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis.

But it is precisely due to the presence of saturated acids in the composition that lard slowly goes rancid.

Another useful compound in the product is phosphatidylcholine, which is a powerful antioxidant whose activity is comparable to that of vitamin E.

In addition, the fat of pigs that were raised on natural range contains a fairly large amount of fat, which is difficult to find in food products. Unfortunately, the bulk of industrially produced pork is deprived of this vitamin.

Beneficial features

Pork lard is a source of healthy fats that are necessary for:

increasing the level of high-density lipoproteins (“good” cholesterol) and thereby preventing heart and vascular diseases;

  • synthesis of hormones;
  • proper brain function;
  • absorption of fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, K, D;
  • maintaining high immunity and integrity of cell membranes.

Is it possible to eat while losing weight?

It is possible and even necessary. And that's why.

This product fills you up quickly. Much faster than carbohydrates. At the same time, the feeling of fullness lasts longer. And this ultimately makes it possible to reduce the number of calories consumed per day.

The amount of salt in lard is not so great that it could go beyond the concept of “adequacy of consumption.” In addition, the bulk of it is usually concentrated on the surface and is easily removed.

Other Potentially Harmful Compounds

It is known that during production.

Making lard "lard" is usually healthier. Even if it was prepared industrially. Since many not the most beneficial substances are used for processing meat, not fat.

The homemade product should not contain any additional harmful substances at all, except salt and spices.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids in lard account for 10%. These are mainly omega-6 compounds.

Is it harmful?

Today, many people have health problems due to the fact that they abuse vegetable fats, which are rich in omega-6 acids. For example, they cook with sunflower or corn oil.

Excessively abundant introduction of omega-6 fats into the body leads to. And this has a negative impact on overall health.

Therefore, for those people who consume omega-6 acids in very large quantities, their additional administration along with lard is undesirable.

But if you cook with oils that practically do not contain omega-6, for example, coconut or ghee, and use vegetable oils in moderation for salad dressings, then omega-6 compounds from pork products are not at all dangerous for you.


Despite the fact that most stories about the dangers of lard are just rumors, contraindications for consumption still exist.

This is obesity. Lard can be eaten by those who want to lose excess weight. But not for those diagnosed with true obesity.

Another contraindication is problems with fat absorption, diseases gastrointestinal tract, for example, chronic cholecystitis.

How to use it correctly?

  • The main condition for healthy consumption of lard is moderation. Yes, this product is useful. But it is not one of those foods that you can eat uncontrollably throughout the day. There are no precisely adjusted “dosages” for this food product. Therefore, when including it in your diet, just remember that 100 grams contain from 500 to 900 kcal.
  • Healthy fat is a substitute for carbohydrates. And not an addition to them. Therefore, try not to combine lard with bread or potatoes. Instead, combine it with vegetables and protein foods. An excellent use is scrambled eggs fried in lard or bacon. Some nutritionists recommend starting the day with such a meal. Since it is able to charge the body from the very morning to work on fats, not on carbohydrates.
  • Remove excess salt and pepper.
  • Pork lard is one of those. Don't forget this.
  • Try to consume less smoked versions of the product. Since during smoking, many carcinogenic substances penetrate into the fat. Therefore, if you still prefer smoked options, then eat those prepared using liquid smoke. Because there are still fewer carcinogens in this flavoring than in the smoke coming from a fire.
  • Salt the salted lard yourself. This way, you are guaranteed to protect yourself from various additional compounds (flavorings, preservatives) entering your body that can be harmful to your health.

Pork lard: benefits and harm to the body. conclusions

The product consists of healthy fats. These are monounsaturated acids (the same ones that are present in olive oil) and saturated fats, which are absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The benefits of lard include its ability to maintain proper hormonal status, improve brain function and immunity, and even help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Harm can only occur if it is excessively included in the diet. With moderate consumption, lard is useful even for those losing weight. The main thing is not to combine it with easily digestible carbohydrates.

Lard is one of the most ancient and respected food products among representatives of the Slavic peoples. In addition, it is a valuable source of animal fats, which are simply irreplaceable for human body.

Despite its long history, today many consumers question the beneficial properties of lard, believing that it can harm the figure and worsen the condition. internal organs.

Salo is a popular food product among the Slavs

Is such a judgment really correct? What do scientists say about the benefits and harms of lard for the body?

Features of the composition

Tallow is a thick layer of adipose tissue under the skin of animals, which serves as a depository site for a huge number of biologically active components, including many essential amino acids, antioxidants and fat soluble vitamins.

The benefits and harms of lard for the body are determined precisely by its unique composition, as well as the method of preparation and the amount in which this food product is consumed daily.

Lard has a unique composition

So, the composition of lard includes:

  • fat-soluble vitamins, including A, D, E;
  • essential amino acids, namely linolenic, stearic, palmitic and others;
  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • most of the known microelements, in particular zinc, sodium, calcium and selenium.

Speaking about how many carbohydrates are in lard, it should be noted that this product contains exclusively proteins and fats, and therefore is not dangerous for diabetics. The protein in lard is only 1.4 g.

The calorie content of salted pork lard is 760-810 kcal per 100 grams of product, which is quite high rate, especially for people who are obese.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of lard for the body? Vitamins in lard have a positive effect on a huge number of metabolic processes occurring in the human body, improve the condition of the skin and its color. Due to the content of essential amino acids, the food product increases the level of immunity and promotes the development of an antiviral response.

Also, these biologically active substances have a beneficial effect on the function of internal organs, normalize blood composition, and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol deposits.

Lecithin, which is contained in large quantities in lard, affects the elasticity of the vascular wall and makes it stronger. The product as a whole has a positive effect on digestive function, stimulates the flow of bile and cleanses the liver of toxins. Salo ensures sufficient production of hormones and stabilizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. It stimulates brain activity, improves memory and coordination of movements.

You will learn more about the benefits of lard from the video:

When answering the question whether lard is good for the body, it would not be superfluous to remember that this particular natural product has been actively used by folk healers for centuries in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • for eczematous skin lesions of allergic origin, as well as infectious eczema;
  • with inflammation of the mammary glands;
  • if you need relief from toothache;
  • Calm down toothache will help too. After all, the plant contains many compounds that can significantly improve the condition of the internal organs and systems of the human body.

  • to improve joint mobility and their recovery after injuries;
  • at varicose veins veins;
  • with atherosclerosis of the main and small vessels, fat and cholesterol decreases;
  • You can also normalize cholesterol levels with. Oleic acid in its composition helps reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood.

  • as an effective folk remedy for heel spurs;
  • for a hangover (lard and vodka are an excellent combination during holiday feasts, since animal fat significantly slows down the absorption of alcohol in the stomach and improves a person’s well-being after drinking alcohol);
  • Take off hangover syndrome will help too. Lingonberries contain vitamins C, A, B1, B2, PP, fructose, sucrose, tannins, apple and citric acid, carotene, lycopene and manganese in high concentrations.

  • The following recipe helps with hemorrhoids: grind fresh lard and onion in proportions 3:1 and freeze in the form rectal suppositories(medical syringes without needles will help - an ideal form for home suppositories). Suppositories are used at night, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.

More about the use of lard in folk medicine you will learn from the video:

How is it useful for women?

Women will benefit from lard in the following cases:

  • promotes skin rejuvenation throughout the body, smoothes wrinkles and improves the color of epithelial integuments;
  • makes it possible to get an even and beautiful tan, prevents the skin from burning in the sun (before visiting the beach, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a small slice of lard);
  • allows singers to restore their voice and eliminates the initial manifestations of laryngitis.

Laryngitis can also be cured using. All you need to do is rinse oral cavity raw vegetable juice.

The benefits of lard for men

Lard is also useful for men, because it:

  • normalizes a man's hormonal levels;
  • pacifies male ardor by stimulating the production of serotonin, which pacifies the violence of the main male hormone testosterone;
  • increases libido.

Cooking options

Smoked lard

Currently, this food product is consumed not only in salted and raw form. Many lovers of animal fat prefer to see it on their table smoked, that is, one that has undergone a specific heat treatment over a fire or in the oven. But is it healthy to eat smoked lard?

Smoked lard retains all beneficial substances

In fact, when answering the question of how smoked lard is useful, we should remember that this product has a huge amount positive effects, which remain behind it even after heat treatment. The calorie content of smoked lard is also practically no different from its raw counterpart and is about 700-740 kcal per 100 g of finished dish. Sometimes smoked lard produces a bitter taste.

Isn't this dangerous to health and why does smoked lard taste bitter? An unpleasant bitter taste in the finished product appears when the conditions of its marinating or smoking are violated.

It is best to do this on fruit trees and in clean tanks, where the lard does not pick up foreign and unpleasant odors.

Is smoked lard harmful to the body? No more than other food products for the preparation of which the smoking method was chosen. This dish is prohibited for people suffering from intestinal diseases, bile flow disorders, obesity, and the like. It is also important to remember the shelf life of smoked lard, which is no more than 21-28 days in the refrigerator, while canned lard can last a little longer - about 3 months.

Lard in onion skins

Network users are often interested in the most delicious recipe lard in onion skins. What is it and how to prepare it? Indeed, this dish has a distinct taste, so it deserves special attention.

Lard in onion skins can be easily prepared at home:

  • To do this, you need to take the peritoneum of a piglet with layers at least 4 cm wide and several handfuls of onion peels;
  • The husk should be boiled in water for a quarter of an hour, adding salt, allspice and bay leaf;
  • Then add the pork product itself to the marinade and cook for at least 35 minutes;
  • After turning off the heat, the lard should be left in the water for a few more minutes until it cools completely;
  • After this, take it out, rub it with paprika and garlic, and keep it under pressure for 3 hours in the refrigerator.

You will find a detailed recipe in the video:

Salted lard

But the most common way to consume the product is its salted version. To prepare it, you just need to rub pieces of pork fat with salt and place them in a jar in the refrigerator.

But before storing salted lard in the refrigerator, you should make sure that it is truly safe for health.

Possible harm

Can pregnant women eat salted lard? The expectant mother should ask her gynecologist about this. For some women who are preparing for motherhood, it is better to avoid salty foods altogether; for others, they are allowed in small quantities, since there is always a risk of developing swelling of the extremities associated with the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the pelvic vessels.

Patients of the gastroenterology department should not eat lard, especially those who suffer from chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

How to make the right choice?

How to choose lard on the market?

To purchase a truly high-quality piece of product, you need to use simple rules:

  • buy lard in a store or market from a trusted seller;
  • lard should be white, but not yellow or gray;
  • The lard should not smell unpleasant.

You will learn more secrets of choosing quality lard from the video:

Lard is one of the most nutritious and popular food products that deserves attention from each of us.

In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the human body if consumed in moderation and without violating storage conditions.

Similar materials

Since overweight and obesity are rapidly spreading around the world, nutritionists are accustomed to talking about the dangers of fatty foods. But not so long ago it became clear that eating lard can bring truly invaluable benefits to such important organs as the heart, liver, and blood vessels.

Invaluable properties of the product

Salted pork lard fits quite well into the requirements of modern dietetics to eat natural forms of fat. Lard is rich in valuable fatty acids, which take part in the construction of cells in the human body and can influence cholesterol metabolism and the production of hormones. These acids can bind and remove all kinds of toxins from the body. In addition, lard contains selenium, and in an optimal, well-digestible form. And this is very important, since selenium is one of the substances that eighty percent of our compatriots are deficient in.

Salo as a liver cleanser

Experts say that lard is good for cleansing the liver. Numerous studies have proven that daily consumption of lard in small quantities can significantly improve the health of the liver. Due to its ability to dissolve and remove carcinogens from the body, lard is considered an excellent product for the prevention of cancer.

Pork lard contains arachidonic acid, an important substance for humans. This element is classified as polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in the brain, heart tissue, and kidneys. This acid is necessary to improve the functioning of these organs. All this is an integral part of cholesterol metabolism and helps cellular and hormonal activity.

Experts who study the beneficial effects of lard on the human body say: in order to optimize the health-improving effects of lard, it is worth combining lard with garlic. This type of lard cleanses blood vessels well of excess cholesterol. True, it is important that hormones are not used in the fattening process of pigs and that the animal is not brought for slaughter from an environmentally polluted area.

Salo is not only a Ukrainian national dish. He is loved in many other countries. Doctors endlessly argue about whether lard can be eaten and whether it is beneficial for the human body. Such questions are not entirely unfounded. So, in this article we will look at the benefits or harms of this product for the human body.

Types of lard, composition, calorie content of salted lard, beneficial properties

According to modern research, lard has much more useful properties than harmful. It has been proven that it digestible much easier than meat and it gives the body much more energy. In general, the composition of this product is very interesting. It contains absolutely no carbohydrates, but it contains a very large amount of fat - ninety grams of fat per hundred grams of product. Protein is only 2.5 grams per hundred grams. The calorie content of lard is 800 calories per 100 grams of product.

How to eat lard correctly? It is usually eaten salted or smoked. Let's look at the composition of salted lard (benefits and harm):

The beneficial effect of lard on the human body is possible due to its composition and some properties. Antioxidants strengthen blood vessels and improve vision, fatty acids are involved in the process of hematopoiesis and improve brain function. As you know, this product is not only eaten, but also rubbed on the skin for abrasions and other skin injuries, as it participates in the regeneration process.

Other components of bacon strengthen the body, increase resistance. The fats included in the product coat the gastric mucosa, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion of food. But lard is far from beneficial for those people who are obese. Lard is also contraindicated when losing weight. Considering its calorie content, losing weight with this product cannot be correct and effective.

You should not get carried away with eating this product, as it significantly increases blood cholesterol levels. You can minimize the risks by eating lard only in the middle of the day and in moderation.

Is there any benefit from it?

Lard is very widely used in the regions of the Far North, but its popularity does not escape megacities. In harsh climates, fat is simply necessary for people to survive. But lard is also incredibly useful for people living in subtropical climates.

This product is credited with healing properties and the ability to reduce the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • joint pain
  • skin lesions
  • inflammation of the mammary glands
  • toothache
  • headache
  • heel spurs
  • disorders in the hormonal system
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • kidney diseases.

Naturally, eating fat is not a therapy and cannot replace medications, but it will help reduce the manifestation of some symptoms. If you don’t eat this product at all, your blood cholesterol levels may drop significantly.

We have long been scared of cholesterol from the TV screen, but in fact it is not only not scary, but even useful for humans. This substance part of membranes and tissues. That is why moderate consumption of lard will help maintain sufficient levels of the substance for the normal functioning of the body. Until recently, the product was considered very harmful for people with cardiovascular diseases, but modern science has rehabilitated it.

Salo helps remove bile and toxins, and is also involved in the binding of radionuclides, which is very important in our time and in conditions of all kinds of radiation.

Harm from the product and cases in which it is contraindicated

As mentioned earlier, the product significantly increases the level of cholesterol in the blood and therefore it is absolutely contraindicated for people who have problems with this same cholesterol.

If you know the limits, then there will be no harm from eating lard, but only benefit. By the way, it may cause allergic reactions, so you need to eat it for the first time with special caution and start with a small piece, while you need to monitor your well-being - if no reaction occurs, then a person can quite enjoy this dish.

For some diseases, lard is completely contraindicated. These are ailments such as:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • disorders of the vascular system and atherosclerosis
  • obesity of any degree
  • liver and gallbladder diseases

As it became clear, lard is an extremely fatty product that has a significant effect on metabolism. It should be used with extreme caution by people during the postoperative period, as well as after suffering serious illnesses.

Impact on the health of pregnant women and nursing mothers

It's obvious that Pregnant women should not eat lard. Although its composition is a storehouse of vitamins and other substances beneficial to health, during pregnancy the already loaded body experiences even greater stress, especially the blood vessels, heart and liver. In addition, the use of this product can lead to a significant increase in the pregnant woman’s body weight.

Lard often provokes toxicosis, as it is very fatty. But it is worth saying that rare use of the product and in small doses will not be harmful to the expectant mother, and will even enrich the body with necessary substances.

Moms, Those who are breastfeeding their babies should give up lard altogether, since its use can cause problems in the child in the form of allergic reactions or dysbacteriosis. It also causes bloating and flatulence.

Although it is easily digestible, it also easily passes into breast milk and that is why it affects the baby’s body.

If we talk about feeding a baby for the first time, then lard is not the best option. Do not give it to children under three years of age. From the age of three You can already try offering your baby a small piece. This can only be done if there are no contraindications for use. In infancy, it is better not to give lard to the baby at all, and even more so, you should not start complementary feeding with it. If the baby is healthy, he is not bothered by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or liver, then at this age it is quite possible to eat such a healthy product rich in vitamins.

When did you learn about the benefits of lard?

Myth six: old lard is more beneficial than young lard

Harm of lard

Is lard good or bad?

Myth one: lard does not contain beneficial vitamins

Myth two: eating lard in the morning is undesirable

Myth three: lard is not healthy because it contains a lot of cholesterol.

Myth four: lard contains a minimum of carbohydrates, so it does not provide the body with energy.

Myth five: any lard is beneficial

Is salted lard healthy? Is lard healthy?

Salce: composition

Quality or quantity

Properties of lard

Firstly, do not forget about the nutritional value of pork fat. A small piece is enough to fill you up, which means that lard is an excellent product for a quick snack. Combined with garlic useful features double due to the high content of carbohydrates in the first and macro- and microelements in the second, plus the general possession of selenium. Gourmets recommend improving the taste of lard with garlic and rye bread. We have already found out above whether lard is healthy. But together with garlic, its positive qualities double.

Secondly, salce has many medicinal and healing properties, which is surprising for a seemingly simple product. Nature has concentrated in it all the substances so necessary to nourish the human body.

Interesting fact: creams and potions for facial skin are developed based on lard. The miraculous effect is due to a thoughtful concept of the combined properties of natural fat and essential oils and extracts.

Of course, lard is a unique product. And there are a lot of contradictions in it. Is lard healthy? Undoubtedly. But only, however, lard, and not intramuscular fat, which includes bacon or lard with skin and meat. And bacon is the favorite ingredient in scrambled eggs among the British, therefore, all the qualities of true lard are not known to them or are not appreciated.

Types of lard preparation

Meat product


Storage methods

Pork lard is a thick layer of subcutaneous fat where various biologically active substances, fat-soluble vitamins, and antioxidants are accumulated and stored. The composition of this product largely determines the beneficial properties of lard; it contains vitamins A, E, D, F, trace elements (selenium), fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated). The most valuable among the acids contained in lard is arachidonic acid - a polyunsaturated fatty acid that has a whole range of beneficial effects, it improves the functioning of the brain, heart muscle, affects the functioning of the kidneys and improves the composition of the blood, removing excess cholesterol plaques from it. Therefore, following the precept of Hippocrates, who argued that the opposite is cured by the opposite, with elevated level cholesterol levels, you should eat a small slice of lard every day - normalization of cholesterol deposits is guaranteed. Significantly increases beneficial properties of lard when consumed with garlic (also a known cholesterol fighter).

Lard is also a source of such valuable and essential fatty acids as: palmitic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, stearic. The high concentration of these components enhances the biological activity of lard five times compared to butter. Lecithin contained in lard has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and cell membranes, strengthens them, and makes them more elastic.

To get the maximum benefit from eating lard, you must remember that moderate consumption of lard is beneficial; the harm of lard lies in excessive consumption of this product. Fats are necessary for the body, but their share in the diet is quite small, the daily norm for an adult can be considered 9-12 g of fat, the maximum weekly portion is 100 g, then there will be only benefit from fat, there will be no harm.

In order for lard to show its beneficial properties, you need to use it correctly. Give preference to salted or pickled lard, smoked, fried or It’s better not to get carried away with boiled food; many bioactive substances disintegrate and are of no benefit.

The best time to consume lard is in the morning; in addition to useful substances, the body will receive a powerful energy boost. After all calorie content of lard quite high - 770 cal per 100 g. A morning slice of lard will also benefit those who suffer from work disorders digestive tract. Fat enhances the flow of bile, which accumulates in the body overnight, thereby helping to cleanse the body.

Let us also remind you that the beneficial properties of lard are noticeable if you use a natural, environmentally friendly product. Choose pure lard, soft and beautiful in appearance, without any veins, connective fibers, etc., grown on natural food, without hormonal additives, pesticides, or toxins (although the seller is unlikely to admit where the pig was raised and what it was fed). Store lard in the refrigerator and do not consume stale products; yellowed lard is harmful to the body; many beneficial substances have oxidized and lost their properties.

Lard: harmful or beneficial?

For centuries, neither the Russians, nor the Poles, nor the Anglo-Saxons could do without lard, and many people still associate the inhabitants of Ukraine exclusively with this product.

They ate it with bread, used it to snack on alcohol, and fried and stewed it. To dream about lard was considered a good omen: to wealth and health. In general, lard did not take root only in hot eastern countries, and only because of rapid spoilage. However, the modern fashion for thin young ladies has elevated low-calorie diets to a cult, and any fat, especially animal fat, has been placed on the “forbidden” list. Lard disappeared from our tables and began to acquire monstrous legends. Today we will look at the myths about the dangers of lard and find out how true they are.

Myth 1: “Lard makes you fat!”

They get better not from fat, but from its quantity! (You can gain weight from the healthiest oatmeal if you eat it in bags). If you lead a normally sedentary or so lifestyle, you should have 10-30 grams of lard per day. If you are already obese and are prescribed a low-calorie diet - no more than 10 g per day.

Distinguish “true” lard - subcutaneous fat, directly with the skin - from similar products. Bacon, neck, etc. are not subcutaneous, but intramuscular fat. Moreover, together with protein, that is, meat, such a mixture is no longer so good. The healthiest lard is simply salted, with garlic or pepper. It’s good and smoked, but only “at home”, with smoke. At meat processing plants, lard, brisket and other pork delicacies are smoked in liquid, and this is not comme il faut; the properties of the product do not change for the better.

Myth 2: “Lard is a heavy food”

Not certainly in that way. In a healthy person with a normal stomach, real lard is absorbed very well and does not overload the liver. In general, the most valuable fats for us are those that melt at our body temperature, i.e. about 37.0. They are digested and absorbed more completely and faster than all others. Their list is headed by lard.

But, of course, lard, like any fat, requires bile and lipases (special substances in the stomach and intestines) for its digestion. Therefore, if there are disturbances in the production of bile and saponification of fats, doctors do not recommend eating it.

Myth 3: “Lard is all fat”

And great! Because it is an excellent structure - subcutaneous fat, in which cells and biologically active substances are preserved.

For example, the most valuable of fatty acids is polyunsaturated arachidonic acid. It is found very rarely; it is not found in vegetable oils at all. There is no way to live without her. Arachidonic acid is part of all cell membranes and is needed by the heart muscle. In addition, hormones, immune reactions and cholesterol metabolism cannot function without it.

There are also other essential fatty acids (they are called vitamin F) - linoleic, linolenic, palmitic, oleic. In terms of their content, by the way, lard is close to vegetable oils. Don't forget about fat-soluble vitamins A (up to 1.5 mg per 100 g), D, E, as well as carotene. As a result, the biological activity of lard is 5 times higher than that of oil. So in winter, “pork product” is just what you need to maintain vitality and immunity.

Myth 4: “That terrible cholesterol”

Yes, it is present here, but even less than in cow butter. And there is nothing wrong with it. Do you think it will immediately begin to be deposited on the walls of the arteries and atherosclerosis will begin? Nothing like this! Doctors have long established that the amount of cholesterol in the blood and tissues depends little on how much you eat. This substance is perfectly synthesized even if you don’t eat it at all. Therefore, cholesterol metabolism is much more important: what the body receives, how much it makes and how it uses it.

By the way, arachidonic, linoleic and linoleic fatty acids “clean” blood vessels from deposits. So a small piece of lard with vitamin F is only beneficial in preventing atherosclerosis. And the cholesterol present in it will be used, for example, to create immune cells (lymphocytes and macrophages) that save the body from viruses and other pathogenic enemies. Even intelligence is nowhere without cholesterol - there is more than 2% of it in the brain.

Myth 5: “Healthy fat is only vegetable fat”

Fat should account for approximately 30% of your daily calories. (Please note: do not eat 30% fat, but get 30% of all energy from it.) Simply put - 60-80 g per day. And among them, only a third are vegetable fats. We need 10% polyunsaturated fatty acids, 30% saturated, and as much as 60% monounsaturated. This ratio of acids is found in: yes, lard, as well as peanut and olive oils.

Myth 6: “Fried lard is harmful”

Yes, when frying, lard loses some of its beneficial properties and acquires toxins and carcinogens. But also vegetable oils They behave no better. As soon as you heat them for a short time, they suddenly stop being absorbed. But heated lard, on the contrary, is absorbed better than cold or hot-fried lard. So the solution is simple: do not fry the lard until it turns into cracklings, but heat it over low heat.

Myth 7: “With bread? in no case!"

Paradox: lard with bread is just what the doctor ordered! An amazing natural combination in which both products are perfectly absorbed. Of course, we do not mean donut buns, but grain bread, made from wholemeal flour or with the addition of bran. Of course this is for healthy people who do not suffer from obesity and digestive problems.

When losing weight, don’t forget about lard: it is an excellent source of energy. A dietary option is to eat lard with vegetables, for example, cabbage. You can have a bite, or you can make a hodgepodge with it, just don’t overcook it.

But it’s really not worth putting gastronomic joys like bacon on bread. In general, when losing weight, they are allowed in microscopic quantities - about 5 g. But this is quite enough to add flavor to, for example, the duty stewed cabbage, carrots or beets.

Myth 8: “It’s better with vodka”

This is the honest truth - lard is a wonderful companion to alcohol. Mainly because it doesn't allow you to get drunk quickly. Fatty lard envelops the stomach and does not allow the high-grade drink to be immediately absorbed there. Of course, alcohol will still be absorbed, but later, in the intestines, and gradually.

Alcohol, for its part, helps to quickly digest fat and break it down into components. By the way, it is absolutely not necessary to use lard with vodka, that is, with vodka! It tastes much better with a glass of dry red wine.

This is interesting

“The more natural the fat, the better!” Salted lard perfectly meets this requirement of modern dietetics.

If the lard is soft, oily, and spreads out, it means that the pig was overfed with corn. If the lard is hard, it means the pig sat hungry for a long time. And the most delicious and dense lard is obtained if the animal ate “pig-like” - acorns.

The most useful lard is 2.5 cm under the skin.

A piece of lard is a great “snack” during working hours. It is well absorbed, does not overload the liver and provides as much as 9 kcal of energy per 1 g of product. This is much healthier than even the most expensive sausage, bun or pies.