Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the preparatory group. Drawing “My favorite toy

When there is no one around, but you really want a hug, you can take a simple teddy bear. And if there is no such thing, then you can draw it. I’ll tell you more about this now, you will learn how to draw a toy. Raising a child is not a science, it is an art. No less responsible than artistic art. There is no need to use different therapies, sessions, different techniques. Instead, attention and patience are required, nothing more. And to do this, you just need to give a soft, cuddly plush toy and your child will be delighted. About the soft plush friends:

  • It may seem as if stuffed animals have always existed. Even in ancient times, funny stuffed animals were made.
  • Smart people have created an interesting device - a bracelet called PINOKY. It is put on the doll's paw, or ear, or other visible part, and it begins to move randomly. Good way revive old toys rather than buy new and expensive ones.
  • To prove the delusional nature of modern plush dolls, I’ll tell you about Erwin the Little Patient. This is a complex toy in which the belly opens, and there are soft insides. And tell me, will this teach children to be surgeons or rippers? He goes out into the street, sees a cat, and what? He will think: oh, another interesting toy.

Let's start drawing.

How to draw a toy with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's create a blank form that looks like a small bottle. And let's put a cute bear there.
Step two. Using round shapes we create all parts of the bear’s body and add a bow.
Step three. We outline everything a little tighter, removing unnecessary lines. For decoration, add a butterfly to the neck of the toy. Shade out the nose and eyes.
Step four. Let's delete the auxiliary lines drawn earlier.
Step five. Let's add shading throughout the body to make it more realistic.
Don't forget to show your drawings of toys later. You can attach them below in the comments, and also write to me what other lessons I can prepare for you. You can do this on the orders page. It will also be useful for you to read.

Summary of a drawing lesson in middle group kindergarten "My favorite toy"

Tasks :


Introduce the names of toys;

Learn to compare them by size, material, use the plural form correctly, and recreate the image favorite toy on a sheet of paper.

Learn the ability to draw and paint over a picture, and arrange it beautifully on a sheet of paper.

Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly;

Develop the ability to paint over drawings with a brush;

Strengthen the ability to cleanly rinse a brush before using paint of a different color;


Development of coherent speech, creative perception and imagination, development of aesthetic feelings,

Develop memory, attention, accuracy.

Creating conditions for the development of creative abilities;


To instill in children a caring attitude towards toys.

Cultivate interest in artistic creativity.

Previous work :

Reading : A. Barto “Toys” , V. Mayakovsky “Horse is Fire”, E. Uspensky “Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena”. Looking at the illustrations for these books.

Guessing riddles on the topic.

Didactic games : "Which the toy is gone?”, “Wonderful bag”, Dominoes - toys.

Looking at toys during role-playing games.

Organizing time :

Exhibition toys in the group.

Materials and equipment :

Landscape sheet A 4; gouache of different colors; brushes, a jar of water, a napkin, oilcloth.

A card index of riddles, a bag of toys, a tape recorder.

Move educational activities:

1. Introductory part

Educator: Guys! Now I will ask you riddles, and you try to guess them:

2. Soft belly

Big ears

Brown shirt

And my name is... (Cheburashka.)

3. She doesn’t need a driver at all.

You will start it with the key -

The wheels will start turning,

Place it and she will rush.

(Wind-up machine)

4. If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

You hit the wall - it doesn’t moan,

You will throw yourself on the ground -

It will begin to fly upward.


5. Beast favorite all made of plush:

Paws, tail, even ears.

(Teddy bear)

6. The girlfriends are different heights

But they look alike.

They all live together

And just one toy. (Matryoshka.)

Well done boys. You have solved all the riddles. How can all this be called in one word? That's right, all of these are our favorite toys.

2. Main part

Educator: Guys, what is an exhibition? Have you ever been to an exhibition?

Children: children's answers

Educator: What did you see there?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Guys, guess another riddle.

I'm a good toy

I'll be the girls' friend.

I can sit in a stroller

I can close my eyes. (Doll.)

Educator: A doll came to visit us, she has a magical ability, she knows everything that happens in our group, for this she has a magic glass. She wants to invite us to an exhibition that was organized in the group.

Educator: And to find out the name of this exhibition, you need to guess “What lies inside?”

(The child recognizes the toy and names it) .

Educator: Yes, our exhibition is called a toy exhibition. Are there many toys presented at the exhibition?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Why do we need them at all? toys and where to get them?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: questions for children:

Do you have a lot of toys at home?

What toys do you have at home?

Which We have toys in our group?

What toys do boys like to play with most? What about the girls?

Which you take toys outside?

Educator: Guys, I suggest you listen to poems about toys.

They gave Masha a rattle,

And it rattles in your ear.

Masha is not afraid

Masha smiles.

M. Druzhinina

Wooden nesting dolls

Wooden matryoshka

Masha and I climbed onto the window.

A cat walks along the ledge

It’s worth one doll,

There are as many as five nesting dolls!

G. Lagzdyn.

The ball jumped away from Katya

And disappeared somewhere.

He is nowhere to be found, even if you cry,

He disappeared, that's the problem!

Behind the sofa, under the table,

In the stove, under the bed

And in the corner behind the chest

Katya is looking for the ball.

He searches and searches but will not find.

And he doesn’t know that

That Barbos and the gray cat

They play volleyball.

G. Ladonshchikov

Physical education minute.

(Children perform movements to the words)

Girls and boys jump like balls

They stomp their feet, clap their hands,

They nod their heads and everyone relaxes together!

A game "One-many"

Educator: Look carefully and tell me, is there one doll in our group or many? One ball or many? How many cars? What about cubes? I call one toy, and you call this item in the plural. For example, ball-balls, cube-cubes, bear-bears, doll-dolls.

Educator: Guys, each of you has your own favorite toy! Tell me about them.

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Guys, do you want there to be even more toys at our exhibition?

Children: Yes.

Listening to a musical composition

(Children listen to P. Tchaikovsky's play "New Doll" (from Children's Album)

After listening they determine which one it is melody: fast, slow, cheerful, sad).

Educator: Imagine that you will now become master artists, I suggest to you now draw your favorite toys. Let's get to work.

(Independent activities of children) .

(Children draw their favorite toys, the teacher provides individual assistance).

3. Summary of the lesson

Educator: You have made wonderful toys, they can be placed at our exhibition.

Now everyone will describe their favorite toy and tell why they love it.


All your toys are great.

Your efforts were not in vain!

Here, get some candy,

And thank you, friends!

(We take out candies from the nesting doll and treat the children) .

(At the end of the lesson, an exhibition is set up for parents) .


What did we talk about today?

What they were doing?

What did you like about the lesson?

Lesson 1. Introductory lesson. Your toys.

Drawing your favorite toy.

System "School of Russia"

Work program "Fine arts"

Head B.M. Nemensky

Textbook “Fine arts” 3rd grade.

Edited by B.M. Nemensky

Prepared by: primary school teacher

MCOU BGO Gubarevskaya secondary school

Golovina Elena Anatolevna

Goals: explain the theme of the quarter; repeat activities in fine arts lessons; remember the images of the Master brothers and the tasks of each of them; find out the purpose of children's toys; give instruction on drawing toys using any art material.

Kind of activity: drawing with different art materials.

Planned results: schoolchildren will repeat the specifics of the fine arts lesson; will acquire knowledge about safety precautions, the variety of materials used; They will repeat the basic rules of work in the lesson, the skills of performing a creative task.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard or screen, projector, presentation with quiz

Textbooks “Fine arts” 3rd grade. Edited by B.M. Nemensky, drawing supplies.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

(Greeting, checking the class’s readiness for the lesson.)

II . Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

1. Remember and name the types of work that you do in fine arts lessons. (Drawing, modeling, designing.)

What do artists paint with? (Pencils, paints, felt-tip pens.)

What types of paints do you know? (Watercolor, gouache, oil paint.)

What do you use most often to paint with watercolors and gouache? (On paper.)

What else, besides paper, can you paint with oil paints on? (On canvas.)

That's right, on a specially prepared canvas inserted into a frame and stretched. Here we have briefly reviewed the knowledge about the subjects that are necessary for practicing fine arts - drawing.

Take the canvas, artist,
Let it become a picture!
Take a pencil, artist,
And draw our good world!
Take, artist, a brush in your hands

And draw our whole life!

I. Agapova

What will you need while sculpting? (Plasticine, board, rag.)

What do you need for paper construction? (Scissors, glue, connecting materials, pencils.)

2. Interactive quiz/data/files/i1490282838.pptx (Interactive art quiz.).

I suggest you play a little and remember the knowledge that you received last year in art lessons.

3. Get acquainted with special visual gymnastics exercises for the eyes (each exercise is performed up to 10 times).

  1. Alternately open and close your eyes wide, squeezing your eyelids.
  2. Fix your gaze on the tip of your nose.
  3. Blink your eyelids frequently.
  4. Move your eyes left and right, without turning your head.
  5. Move your eyes up and down.

These exercises can be done in other lessons and at home.

4.Continuation of work on the topic.

The overall theme for the 3rd grade school year is “Art Around Us.” And your task is to learn to see the beauty in life around you, wherever you happen to be. Look carefully at the life around you, observe the beauty, use your fantasy, invention and imagination when studying life. After all, it is very important to become an interesting person.

Let's open the textbooks on p. 4 and read what topics we will study this year.

The theme for this quarter is “Art in your home.” To begin with, you will find objects of art in your home, study them, analyze the process of their production and, of course, try to create similar things yourself.

What objects around you at home can be called “objects of art”?

Artists have many different areas of work, and this is not only paintings or sculptures, theater decorations or tableware design. Artists create sketches of houses and costumes, furniture and cars, decorate streets, rooms, even factory floors. Before starting to create a thing, the artist creates an example of its future appearance. He comes up with a thing that does not yet exist, imagines what it should look like. And then, together with the engineers, the artists decide what needs to be done to make this object useful, so that it helps people. Design engineers who create airplanes even have a saying: “An ugly car won’t fly.”

Today, in the first lesson, we will turn to the topic “Your toys.” Each of you had and still has favorite toys.

What was your favorite toy?

What were your favorite toys made of? (Answers from schoolchildren.)

But you’ve probably had to make toys yourself from different materials.

What did you make your own toys from? (Answers from schoolchildren.)

In order to make a toy yourself, you need ordinary things: paper, threads, various boxes, corks, balls, sticks, natural materials, elastic bands, shreds. And, of course, your skillful hands and your imagination.

III. Working in a notebook

In fine arts lessons, you will use notebooks for notes, but you will write down little - the name of the topic of the lesson, the names of the artists whose paintings you will get to know, new words that are used in the world of fine arts. After all, you will mainly be doing artistic work.

Open the first page, write the words: “Lesson topic”, then open the quotes and enter the name of the topic - “Your toys”.

IV. Reviewing the material covered, working with the textbook

1. Like last year, three brothers-Masters will come to us for each lesson: Images, Decorations and Constructions. Let's remember the role each brother plays in making a piece of fine art.

Open the textbooks on p. 7, read the text to yourself.

2. Conversation after reading.

Determine the role of the Image Master in creating the toy. Give examples of different images of toy parts.

Determine the role of the Decoration Master in creating the toy. Give examples of his participation in the creation of different types of toys.

Determine the role of the Build Master in creating the toy. Give examples of his activities.

V. Assignment for independent work.

Do you know how toys came into being?

For what purpose did people create toys? What is their purpose?

The word “play” means “amuse”, “entertain.” That's the purpose of creating toys - to entertain children, to amuse them. There are a huge variety of toys, but the very first were those made from the simplest natural materials. For example, logs that girls rocked like a small child, or pebbles that rattled when they were poured from hand to hand.

Open with. 13 and read the task for independent work (Draw your favorite toys. Try to convey the character of the toy in the drawing).

VI. Physical education minute.

VII. Practical work.

XIII. Reflection

  • Name the type of work you did in class today. (drawing)
  • What supplies did you need?
  • What was difficult for you in the lesson?
  • What was the role of each of the three Master brothers in the production of a piece of fine art?

IX.Creative moment, composing a syncwine

We will conclude our lesson by composing a poetic work of five lines. It's called "syncwine". The word "cinquain" comes from the French word for "five" and means "a poem consisting of five lines."

You are already familiar with parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, verbs. In each line of the syncwine, all these parts of speech will be used in turn.

(On the board there is a poster “Creating a syncwine.)

  1. line - a heading in which the keyword, the topic of the syncwine, is placed. noun.
  2. line - two adjectives.
  3. line - three verbs.
  4. line - a phrase on the theme of syncwine.
  5. line - output, one word, noun.
  6. Let's try to compose a syncwine together on the theme “Toy”.

(we write syncwine on the board)

Let's read what we came up with.

X. Cleaning the workplace, task for the next lesson

Bring plasticine and supplies for working with it to your next lesson. Sign your art notebook.


Davydova M.A. Lesson developments in fine arts. 3rd grade. - M.: VAKO, 2013

Morozova Marina Yurievna

Direct organized activities of children.


Playful, communicative, perception fiction, artistically - productive.


Teach children to create an image of their favorite toy in a drawing.

Teach children to convey in a drawing the image of their favorite toy, its distinctive features;

Develop artistic abilities;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination in the eye and hand system;

To develop perseverance, determination, and independence in children;

Develop children's attention.

Planned results:

Children carry on the conversation;

Show interest, attention and positive emotions (surprise, joy, admiration) when watching the cartoon “Toys” based on the cycle of poems for children by A. L. Barto;

They solve the riddle with interest;

Able to follow verbal instructions from the teacher;

Show imagination in creativity;

They carry out artistic work carefully.

Preliminary work:

Conversations, reading works of fiction, writing descriptive stories, memorizing poems about toys.

Materials for the lesson:

Laptop for watching the cartoon “Toys”;

Children's favorite toys;

Paper and colored pencils.

Organizing time.

1. A surprise moment - a message that today our lesson begins with watching a cartoon, to find out what it is about, we need to solve a riddle!


There are so many of them!

Children don't get bored with them...

In kindergarten and at home,

In a store, with friends.

Kids like them

Children love to play too... (toys).

Children guess the riddle.

2. Watching the cartoon "Toys".

Duration - 5 minutes.

Children watch a cartoon with their favorite toys in their hands.

While watching the cartoon, familiar poems about A. L. Barto’s toys are read.

3. Dynamic pause “Balls”.

Children perform movements to the words of the poem:

Girls and boys jump like balls

They stomp their feet, clap their hands,

They nod their heads and everyone relaxes together!

4. Artistic creativity of children.

Drawing with colored pencils

on the topic “My favorite toy.”

At the end of the lesson, all children's work is reviewed.

5. Reflection.

Questions for children:

What did we watch the cartoon about today?

What did you draw during class?

How should you treat toys and why?

Poem by Z. Petrova “Our toys”.

Three children, prepared in advance, read.

First child: We have good toys:

Dolls, bears and firecrackers!

They're fun to play with

But don't forget:

Second child: Toys are not people

But everyone understands

And they don’t like it very much

When they get broken!

Third child: Let the toys be friends with us,

We will not offend them,

Let's play later

We'll put everything back in its place!

Exhibition of children's works.

Thank you very much to all colleagues for your attention and support!

I propose a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group of 5-6 years old on the topic: “My favorite toy.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group. This is a summary of a comprehensive lesson in visual arts, aimed at developing emotional responsiveness and conveying your mood with paints.



Summary of GCD on the topic “My favorite toy.”

Description of material:I propose a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group of 5-6 years old on the topic: “My favorite toy.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group. This is a summary of a comprehensive lesson in visual arts, aimed at developing emotional responsiveness and conveying your mood with paints.

Summary of direct educational activities of children in senior group on the topic: “My favorite toy.”

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world), “Artistic creativity” (drawing), “Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”.

Goals: introduce children to the names of toys; teach children to describe an object from memory according to a model given by the teacher; compare toys by size and material from which they are made; develop memory, imagination, intonation expressiveness; determine and name the location of an object; encourage children to use the simplest forms in speech complex sentences; cultivate a love for toys.


Educational: to form an idea of ​​different toys.

Developmental: develop observation, attention, memory, emotional responsiveness, the ability to create a plot composition.

Speech: develop coherent speech, enrich children’s vocabulary, develop the ability to maintain a conversation and express their point of view.

Educational: to cultivate interest in toys, the ability to care for them and put them away after playing.

Demonstration material: pictures depicting toys of both the same and different sizes, as well as missing parts. Drawing made by the teacher.

Handouts: sheets of paper, pencils, easel.

Preliminary work:looking at toys, playing with them, reading A. Barto's poems "Toys", guessing riddles about toys, listening to songs about toys.

GCD move.

  1. Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, look how many toys there are in our group. Do you have a lot of toys at home? Which?

Children: called toys.

Educator: Please choose one of all - your favorite toy and put it on my table.

Children: choose your favorite toys.

Educator: These are your favorite toys in kindergarten. Now listen to poems about toys:


Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw

I still won't leave him

Because he's good.


We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Let's fly over the forests,

And then we'll go back to mom.


I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Educator: Guys, what toys do you like to play with most at home?

Children: called toys.

Educator: Now, please name the toys that you and I go for walks with. (Children’s answers).

Educator: And now we will play a little. Each child receives 4 cards with pictures of toys (one per card), which they must place on the table using the wordsright, left, under, above...(children complete the task).

Educator: Guys, in our group there are different toys: large and small. Name the big toys (children's answers). And now the little ones (children's answers). List the toys we have a lot of (dolls, cars, blocks, balls...).

Educator: look at the pictures of toys that are missing some parts (an airplane has wings, a car has wheels, etc.)

Children: They call the missing parts of toys.

Educator: And when I was little, I also had a favorite toy - the Malvina doll. She was big, made of plastic, had blue hair, and a red dress. I really loved pushing her in a stroller, putting her to bed, dressing her in different clothes.

Educator: Now tell me about your favorite toys and how you play with them.

Children: talk about their toys.

Educator : and now I’ll tell you some riddles:

What does it mean? Daughter, she’s not crying,

If you put him to bed, he will sleep,

A day, and two, and even five!(Doll)

Friends of different heights

But they look alike.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy.(Matryoshka)

She lies on her side

Doesn't spin, doesn't buzz,

But Andryushka will do,

A miracle will happen to her:

On its short leg

He'll spin around and start singing.(Yula)

Educator : And now, we will find out who has what favorite toy. Each of you will draw it now.

Children complete the task.

Hanging drawings on a stand.

Educator: Let's summarize: look how beautiful the toys turned out in your drawings.

List of used literature:

  1. G.S. Shvaiko “Games and game exercises for speech development”, 1988.
  2. N.A. Karpukhina “Software development of educational areas “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “ Physical Culture"in the senior group of kindergarten" 2013
  3. O.V. Pavlova “Visual activity and artistic work. Middle group. Complex classes” edition-2, 2013.
  4. V.V. Gerbova “Book for reading in kindergarten and at home”, 2006.
  5. A. Barto “They dropped the bear on the floor...”
  6. Z.A Efanova “Complex classes”, 2013