How to cook tomato juice. Tomato juice through a juicer for the winter: quick and simple recipes

Tomato juice is not only tasty, but also a healthy drink. Especially if you cook it yourself from real tomatoes. In order to prepare tomato juice at home for the winter, you will need a juicer or meat grinder with a fine attachment. Recipe instant cooking will help you make a delicious drink that will delight the whole family on frosty days. Homemade tomato juice will be a wonderful treat for children and adults.

How to prepare tomato juice at home for the winter

Recipes for preparing tomatoes can be varied. Thus, the classic version of tomato juice does not include the presence of sugar, salt and other spices. This cooking method gives preference to natural taste. This recipe homemade juice is made using salt and sugar, which are selected individually according to taste.

To prepare a tomato drink, you need to prepare the following products per 1 liter of juice:

  • red or yellow tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.

The color of the juice will depend on the shade of the tomatoes. Vegetables can be of any variety and size. The ideal option would be fleshy tomatoes, which will produce tasty and rich juice.
The number of tomatoes depends on the desired volume of the drink. So, you should calculate the proportions based on the following scheme:

1.5 kg of tomatoes = 1 liter of tomato juice.

The basic equipment you need to prepare is:

  • meat grinder or juicer;
  • banks;
  • covers;
  • special key for conservation.

The ideal option for quickly preparing tomato juice at home for the winter is a juicer. However, not all housewives have this technical device. Therefore, you can use a meat grinder. It is recommended to choose a nozzle with small holes. So that the maximum amount of pulp from tomatoes does not fall into the main consistency. To completely separate the juice from the main contents, it is recommended to use clean gauze or a sieve.

  1. Clean and washed tomatoes are cut into small slices (can be 4-6 pieces).
  2. Tomato slices are passed through a juicer.
  3. If the result obtained is not uniform, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.
  4. The liquid is poured into a clean pan and put on gas.
  5. Add salt and sugar to the consistency, stirring thoroughly.
  6. The mixture is brought to a boil.
  7. The foam is carefully removed with a spoon.
  8. The drink should boil for 2-5 minutes.
  9. The resulting tomato juice is poured into sterilized jars and sealed.

This simple recipe for homemade tomato juice requires a little time. The main thing is to prepare and boil clean jars in advance.

Many housewives annually make tomato juice for the winter. After all, a homemade drink is much better in taste and beneficial characteristics than juice from famous brands.
Basic tips and recommendations for preparing tomatoes will help you make a delicious dish:

  • If the juice is difficult to separate from the pulp, it is recommended to boil or blanch the tomatoes a little before placing them in a meat grinder.
  • Glass jars and lids must be carefully sterilized so that the juice is preserved until winter.
  • The taste of a tomato drink often depends on the amount of juice and sugar. It is recommended to taste the mixture during cooking.
  • Homemade tomato juice should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.
  • You can prepare the juice without spices, but add them in winter.
  • It is recommended to pour the liquid into hot jars.

For a piquant taste, you can add garlic, onion or basil to the above recipe. Some housewives prepare tomato juice with bell pepper. It all depends on the personal preferences of the family. In any case, the drink will turn out to be the main dish on everyday and festive table in winter.

Tomato juice for the winter at home turns out much tastier than store-bought, even if you just add a little salt. What if you mix spices into jars and bottles with tomato juice or create a blend of tomato juice with other vegetables? It will turn out so delicious, believe me!

But, before you start preparing tomato juice, you need to meet several conditions.

  • When choosing tomatoes for juice, pay attention to the ripeness of the fruit. Tomatoes should be soft; even slightly bruised, substandard or slightly spoiled ones can be used. Just try to be especially careful in removing everything unnecessary and unnecessary;
  • Tomatoes for juice should be fleshy. Choose appropriate varieties when you plan to plant tomato beds on your precious piece of land. Firm tomatoes are good for pickling, but not for juice;
  • Particular attention should be paid to cleanliness. Juice cans and bottles should be washed thoroughly hot water with laundry soap or soda and warm well. Containers can be sterilized either in the oven or over steam. In both cases, sterile jars need to be slightly cooled before filling;
  • Rolling lids must be protected from acid - in other words, coated with a special compound. As for screw caps, there are no problems with them;
  • Do not reuse screw caps to seal juice. Better to cover the jam jars with them. Tomato juice (and not only that) requires complete sealing, and used lids may have damage on the inside that is not visible to the eye, which can lead to air penetration and spoilage of the product.

Tomato juice for the winter at home can be obtained in several ways. Culinary Eden offers you all these methods, and you can choose what is more convenient for you.

The easiest way to extract juice from tomatoes is with a juicer. But don’t expect that branded foreign beautiful juicers will help you in this matter. You will be tortured with them, since the machine will work for 10 minutes and rest for half an hour. The best choice is a nozzle for separating juice from soft fruits. Screws onto a regular cast iron meat grinder. You can use an electric meat grinder, things will be more fun. There is little waste, but it does exist.

The old-fashioned way of taking juice from tomatoes is by boiling and straining. Prepared tomatoes are chopped, placed in a saucepan or cast iron and boiled until soft on the stove or in the oven. The resulting mass is rubbed through a sieve. It’s easier to use a metal one, but if you don’t want to lose the vitamins remaining after heating, wipe through a nylon one. This is perhaps the most waste-free method, in which all the juice is squeezed almost dry. Only skins and seeds fly into the bucket. But it is also the most labor-intensive.

You can simplify your task and pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, heat them in a saucepan or basin and also rub through a sieve. Just do not use aluminum containers to heat the tomato mass; aluminum does not like an acidic environment.

Juicing in a juicer certainly makes your life a lot easier. The only concern will be to periodically stir the tomato mass so that the skins do not interfere with the flow of juice into the container. But this problem can be easily solved if you spend a little time removing the skins from the tomatoes. Add the spices immediately to the juicer along with the tomatoes. There is quite a lot of waste left over, but it can be used to make homemade ketchup, prepare winter salads, or prepare a spicy snack with garlic and horseradish, which for some reason everyone calls adjika.

Now let's get to the recipes.

Classic tomato juice

1.5 kg ripe tomatoes,
10 g salt,
1-2 tbsp. Sahara,
spices (ground black pepper, ground coriander, sweet paprika, etc.) - to taste and desire.

Extract the juice in any way, heat it to a boil, adding all the spices to taste, pour it hot into jars and roll up. Turn over and wrap for a couple of days.

The yield of the finished product is approximately 1 liter. If you squeeze the juice through a sieve, you will get more juice.

Tomato juice with vinegar

2 kg tomatoes,
1 kg sugar,
50 g salt,
50 ml 9% vinegar,
30-50 peas of allspice,
10-15 clove buds,
5-7 tsp. ground cinnamon,
1-2 tsp. ground red pepper,
garlic - to taste,
a pinch of nutmeg.

Squeeze the juice in any way and pour into an enamel container. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer at low simmer for 30 minutes. Add salt and sugar, boil for 10 minutes, then add the remaining spices and garlic, passed through a press, keep on fire for another 10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

The resulting juice has a rich, spicy taste, and if you add hot pepper, you get the perfect ingredient for a Bloody Mary.

Tomato juice with sweet pepper and garlic

5 kg ripe tomatoes,
2-3 pods of sweet pepper,
1 onion,
1 tbsp. salt,
1-3 tbsp. Sahara.

Squeeze the juice out of the tomatoes. Peel the sweet peppers and pass them together with the onions and garlic through a meat grinder. Mix with tomato juice, heat to a boil, keep on fire for 10 minutes and pour into jars. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

You can make tomato juice for the winter at home even more healthy by adding the juices of other vegetables to it. For example, beets are very healthy, but not every child (or even adult) will agree to drink beet juice. And mixed with tomato - please! Add any juice that matches your taste with tomatoes and get healthy and tasty cocktails. The main condition is that there should be at least 50% tomato juice, and preferably 75%. It is not necessary to add salt and sugar, or you can reduce their amount by adding to taste after use.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina


Fresh tomato juice has long been an integral part of our everyday life. For many decades, it has been prepared in every kitchen, and every housewife has her own recipe for making this tasty and healthy drink from tomatoes.

In addition to the fact that the juice of fresh tomatoes is extremely tasty, it is also healthy! Natural tomato juice contains a lot of carotene, as well as vitamins B, A, H, E, PP, plus a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps our body remain beautiful and protected. In addition to a large set of vitamins, tomato juice contains useful components such as magnesium, zinc, iodine, copper, fluorine and many other elements.

Regular consumption of tomato juice will be especially beneficial for people who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle due to, for example, work. The substances contained in this drink help prevent vein thrombosis and improve intestinal function. In addition to all this, tomato juice has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, helps fight high body temperature and strengthens capillaries, and can also help normalize blood pressure.

The less tomatoes are processed during cooking, the more beneficial properties they retain. Freshly squeezed tomato juice significantly improves digestion. It is especially useful when it does not contain salt and sugar. Instead, you can add garlic or fresh herbs to the drink.

Tomato juice can be added to many different dishes. It will make their taste richer and give them a characteristic red tint.

To prepare fresh tomato juice at home, you will need very little time, a few tomatoes and our recipe with step-by-step photos, recommendations that will help you in the cooking process.


  • (3 pcs.)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Making tomato juice at home is not as difficult as it seems. Such preparations for the winter are not only very appetizing, but also provide significant benefits to the body. This drink will help people with intestinal disorders, diseases of the nervous system, heart disease, as well as those who want to lose excess weight. It turns out that this product controls metabolic processes in the body, which means it promotes weight loss.

It is self-made tomato juice for the winter without sterilization that will retain all the beneficial qualities of this vegetable and its unique taste.

Benefits of the drink

The benefit of this drink is that it contains many vitamins (A, C, PP) and minerals (calcium, chlorine, iodine, etc.). A set of such useful elements ensures the normal operation of all internal organs, accelerates metabolic processes in the body, promotes the rapid elimination of waste and toxins.

Tomato juice is a preventative measure to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

It also has other positive aspects:

  1. It contains components that have a positive effect on the production of serotonin. This substance can restore nervous system, especially after stressful situations.
  2. The drink fights intestinal microorganisms, inhibits the processes of decay in the gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the body. Tomatoes are well digested and absorbed, and in addition, they are quickly eliminated from the body.
  3. Eliminates constipation and other intestinal disorders. It has choleretic and diuretic properties.
  4. Recommended for urolithiasis, anemia, excess weight.
  5. Tomato lowers blood sugar levels, so it is recommended for people with diabetes.
  6. This product is recommended for use for thrombosis.
  7. You can drink it during lactation, but in this case you should make sure that the child is not allergic.
  8. Freshly squeezed tomato juice is very useful, acting as a natural antioxidant.

Disadvantages of the drink

There are also some negative aspects of this product:

  1. It is worth remembering that if you consume tomato drink in moderation, it will not harm a person. It will have a negative effect on the body if this product is mixed with starch.
  2. The drink will lose almost all its beneficial features, if you mix it with table salt. It is better to replace salt with vegetable oil, mainly olive oil.
  3. Spicy tomato juice can be harmful to health, especially if you have problems with the kidneys, liver or stomach.

Standard tomato drink for the winter

To prepare delicious tomato juice for the winter at home, you don’t have to have any culinary talents. Difficulties can only arise when preparing tomatoes. Before chopping, they must be peeled. To do this, the fruits need to be blanched in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

Any variety of tomatoes is suitable for preparing the drink; the most important condition is that they are fresh, without rot or other defects. Otherwise, the drink will have an unpleasant aftertaste and its shelf life will be short.

If you want to get more drink, choose juicy fruits. Fleshy tomatoes will give the drink a thick consistency and make it more like a sauce.

To prepare tomato juice for the winter, chop the tomatoes, add a little salt and place them on the stove for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, pour the drink into sterilized containers that are hermetically sealed.

To cook tomato juice according to GOST, you need to prepare the following products:

  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

To prepare a delicious drink, you need to do the following to preserve tomato juice:

  1. Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly. Using a sharp knife, make a shallow cut on each tomato. After that, they are placed in a separate container and filled with hot water.
  2. After standing for 2-3 minutes, the water is drained and the peels are removed from the tomatoes. The place where the stalk is attached is cut off, this is where all the harmful nitrates accumulate. After this, the tomatoes are cut into slices and crushed in a way convenient for every housewife.
  3. The liquid is poured into the pan and salt is added. The mass is cooked for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Don't forget to skim off the foam that forms during the cooking process.
  5. After this, the liquid is poured into pre-sterilized glass containers and screwed. Next, turn the jars upside down and wait until they cool completely. If there are no leaks, they can be moved to the pantry or another place where the screws are stored.

You can prepare tomato juice without salt, but the taste will not be very pronounced.

Preparing jars

It is very important to properly prepare jars for preparing tomato juice at home. Before washing and sterilizing them, carefully inspect each container. There should be no cracks or chips on it.

Banks are sterilized in the following ways:

  • use an aluminum circle on a container of boiling water;
  • use a grate from a device for boiling manti;
  • Place in an oven preheated to +150°C.

Jars with a capacity of 1 liter are sterilized on average for 15 minutes, two-liter containers - 20 minutes.

When the tomato drink is closed and the jars are carefully folded with the lid down, cover them with a warm blanket or blanket until they cool completely. If even a small amount of liquid leaks out, then you should definitely change the lid on the jar.

After the canned product has completely cooled, it must be stored in a cool place.

Selection of tomatoes for juice

The question of how to make good quality tomato juice at home can be answered unequivocally: choose the most ripe, juicy and red tomatoes. They should taste sweet. Yellow and green tomatoes will not make a good drink. Unripe and overripe fruits are not suitable. If the canned tomatoes are unripe, the drink will acquire a bitter taste; with overripe fruits, the juice will become tasteless. If you are preparing juice as a seasoning for dishes, you do not need to make it liquid. It is more convenient to prepare tomato juice for the winter using a juicer. It's much faster than making the drink by hand.

For 1 liter of finished juice it takes approximately 1.5 kg of tomatoes. According to the standard, tomato juice is prepared through a juicer with the addition of a small amount of salt, but if your family has already formed certain preferences for the production of the drink, then you can add sugar, spices to taste, or combine tomatoes with other vegetables.

IN Lately More and more housewives prefer to prepare tomato juice in a juicer for the winter. The tomatoes are steamed in it, which preserves most of the nutrients. How long to cook tomato juice in this way, especially from tomato paste, depends on the specific recipe.

Preparing tomato juice for the winter with vinegar

This recipe for tomato juice for the winter will allow the drink to be stored for a long time.

To make the drink, observe the following proportions:

  • 1 liter of pre-prepared homemade juice;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Prepare the drink as follows:

  • all ingredients are mixed;
  • the mass should boil;
  • While the juice is boiling, I sterilize the jars for 10 minutes;
  • the juice is poured into jars, the lids are screwed on, and the containers are left under a warm blanket until they cool completely.

If you cook tomato juice without a juicer, the fruits are first scalded. After that, the peel is removed from them, then they are crushed using a meat grinder, and the juice is squeezed out of the tomato pulp through a sieve.

Tomato juice with the addition of allspice

For this recipe you will need the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 4-5 grains of allspice;
  • salt to taste;
  • 5 bay leaves.

How to prepare tomato juice:

  1. Tomato fruits are washed well.
  2. They are cut into pieces, unnecessary tails are cut off.
  3. The workpiece is ground using a blender.
  4. The resulting mass is poured into a saucepan.
  5. Then all the pulp is ground through a metal sieve.
  6. The liquid is placed on the stove.
  7. Other products are added there.
  8. After boiling, the mixture remains on the fire for another 10 minutes.
  9. The jar is sterilized using steam.
  10. After this, the brewed hot drink is poured into it.
  11. All containers with juice are wrapped in a blanket until they have completely cooled down.

Such a hand-prepared drink cannot be compared with what is made at the factory.

Tomato juice with garlic added

This juice is made from a large number of tomatoes. Take 11 kg of tomatoes at once. The sequence of work is the same, i.e. First, the fruits are washed, the stalks are removed, then the tomatoes are cut into slices.

After this, all the ingredients are placed in a juicer, thanks to which juice is obtained without pulp. Then place the pan with the drink on the fire. You need to carefully monitor how much such juice is digested. When the mass boils, the heat must be reduced.

7 tbsp is added to the juice. salt (about 175 g) and a little sugar. For a pleasant taste, 400-700 g of this product is enough. The juice is cooked for another 5-10 minutes. Then chopped garlic (3-4 cloves) is added there.

Then you will need vinegar (9%), take it in the amount of 275 g. Now it’s time for seasonings. For 11 kg of tomatoes you will need:

  • 30 grains of allspice;
  • 10 clove buds;
  • a little red pepper;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • just a little bit of nutmeg (on the tip of a knife).

After adding seasonings, cook the juice at home for another 15 minutes. After this, it is poured into sterilized jars.

Recipe for tomato juice through a meat grinder with sweet bell pepper

Delicious tomatoes go well with bell peppers. Therefore, this product is also present in the recipes of many dishes with tomatoes.

To produce the drink you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 1 bucket of tomatoes.
  2. 3 pieces of sweet bell pepper.
  3. Garlic - 3-5 cloves.
  4. 1 onion.

Rolling sequence:

  1. Vegetables are washed and cleaned of unnecessary components.
  2. Tomatoes trimmed from the stalks are doused with boiling water and immediately immersed in cold water, the peel comes off so well. All tomatoes are peeled.
  3. The bell pepper is cut and the seeds are removed.
  4. The onion is cut into small pieces.
  5. All prepared ingredients are passed through a meat grinder.
  6. The mass is filtered through a metal sieve or squeezed out using gauze.
  7. The resulting liquid is placed on the fire and brought to a boil. If the fruits are overcooked, there will be less drink left.
  8. After this, the tomato drink is poured into containers sterilized by steam or in the oven, they are screwed with metal lids and left under a warm blanket to cool.

Tomato juice using basil

If you add basil to tomato juice, the drink will become very aromatic and acquire an unusual green taste. Preservation involves the use of overripe fruits. But make sure that there is no rot on them. Basil is used both fresh and dried.

What you need to make tomato drink:

  • 4-5 kg ​​of fresh tomatoes;
  • 1 bunch of basil;
  • 50-100 g table salt;
  • 100 g sugar.

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook tomato juice with basil at home:

  1. At the beginning of preparation, the same steps are performed as for other types of tomato juice. The tomatoes are washed and cut, the stalks need to be removed.
  2. First, pass the vegetables through a meat grinder, then use a blender or juicer to obtain pure juice.
  3. If there are seeds and peel left, you should also grind the liquid through a sieve. But if it doesn't bother you, leave it as is.
  4. After this, the prepared mass is placed on the fire for 20 minutes. It can be overcooked, so you need to carefully monitor the time.
  5. During this time, the jars and lids are prepared for screwing. The jars are sterilized by steam or in the oven, and the lids are boiled in water for several minutes.
  6. A few minutes before removing the juice from the heat, add salt, sugar and basil. If you take this herb in dried form, then you will need a little of it, because... dried basil has more Strong smell than fresh.
  7. Then the drink is poured into cans and screwed on with metal lids.
  8. At the final stage, as in other recipes, the jars are turned over and wrapped until they cool completely.

Tomato juice with dill

Dill also gives tomato drink a special taste and aroma.

Here's how to make your own tomato juice for the winter with the addition of dill:

  • 2.5 kg of overripe tomatoes;
  • 1.5-2 bunches of dill;
  • 120 ml table vinegar (6-9%);
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 15 g fine salt;
  • 5 bay leaves.

How to brew the drink:

  1. The fruits are washed and all inedible parts are removed. To obtain pure juice, the fruits are first minced in a meat grinder, then ground through a sieve, and finally the drink is squeezed through cheesecloth.
  2. Now pour the juice from the tomato into a thick-bottomed pan and immediately add salt and sugar.
  3. When they are completely dissolved in the liquid, vinegar is added and the drink is placed on low heat to simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  4. During this time, the dill is prepared, washed, and unnecessary parts are cut off. Then the bunch is crushed and, together with the bay leaf, is dropped into boiling juice.
  5. After this, the juice is poured into sterile jars, still warm. They are twisted according to the standard pattern.
  6. In the same sequence, you can prepare tomato juice for the winter at home with the addition of celery instead of dill, which will also give you a very interesting taste. In addition, celery is rich in vitamins, gives vigor and charges you with positivity for the whole day.

Adding beet and apple juice to a tomato drink

For 2 kg of tomatoes prepare 1 liter of apple juice and 200 ml of beet juice.

The work sequence begins with washing the tomatoes and chopping them. Use a juicer to make tomato juice.

Add apple and beet juice to the pan with tomato juice. When the mixture boils, pour the liquid into the jars. In winter you will be glad to have this drink, because... it contains a lot of useful elements, minerals and vitamins. And it is done without difficulty.

Tomato juice from tomato paste: recipe.

There are times when there is no time to prepare a tomato drink for the winter. But you can use high-quality tomato paste. A drink made from it, of course, will not be as healthy as one made with your own hands from fresh tomatoes. But the taste is not inferior to a canned product, and the price will be cheaper than a ready-made store product.

To solve the question of how to make tomato juice from tomato paste, one condition must be met: to prepare a tomato drink from the finished paste, it must be of high quality and consist only of tomatoes without adding other ingredients.

It is not difficult to prepare tomato juice from tomato paste; just dilute 1-2 tsp in a glass of water. concentrated mass.


Thus, preparing tomato juice at home is quite simple. But if on cold winter days you want to drink a delicious, fortified tomato drink, you will have to work hard in the summer.

Good day to all! Do you still have a mountain of tomatoes in your kitchen, are they overripe, have the skins shrunk? And you don't know what to do with them? There is a great solution for winter, this is to prepare a very tasty vitamin-rich and scarlet-red tomato juice.

In general, do you think tomato juice is healthy and is there any benefit from it?

It turns out that the benefits are enormous for our body, especially for men, as well as for those who are on a diet. I won’t go into details; if you are interested, you can always read this information on the Internet.

I will list only the most basic, namely, what vitamins and microelements ripe juicy tomatoes contain:

Can you imagine how many useful things there are, it’s just scary, this is what you need to eat every day!

Tomato juice for the winter at home

Just look at how beautiful the jars are, as if they came from a store, but only homemade ones, without any additives, flavors or other nonsense.

The most delicious and favorite cooking recipe, which can be made very quickly and easily while at home.

For this we need a bunch of tomatoes and, as always, a great mood))). The secret of preparation is very simple and easy, in a nutshell, take the fruits and pass them through a meat grinder or blender, and then preserve them in jars.

If you want to drink it right away, then you can omit the preservation moment and make it even without salt and sugar if desired.

We will need:

  • ripe tomatoes - 12 kg
  • salt per 1 liter - 0.5 tbsp
  • sugar per 1 liter - 2 tsp

Addition: You can skip sugar and salt altogether, or do it based on your taste preferences.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes well and cut into pieces, remove the stem and various unsightly places on the peel.

Important! It is best to choose high-quality tomatoes without any flaws, so that there is less waste.

Then pass all the pieces through a meat grinder or juicer. Whoever has what, take advantage of it. Through a meat grinder, juice is always obtained with pulp, but through a juicer without pulp.

Interesting! There is another way, if there is no meat grinder, and also if you want to make it without a juicer, nowadays anything is possible, then the device is broken, then there is no money to buy it, then what can you come up with? To do this, take a regular sieve and grind all the tomato pulp, everyone has one.

2. After you squeeze out the juice, there will be a lot of pulp left, move it to the side, it won’t be needed.

Interesting! If you wish and have enough time, you can twist the pulp through a juicer or meat grinder several times.

3. Place all the red liquid in a saucepan, add salt and sugar.

Important! How much salt and sugar should you take per 1 liter? How do you usually take it? My calculation is that for 1 liter I take 0.5 tbsp (or 1 tsp) salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar.

4. Heat the raw mixture and bring to a boil. Don't forget to stir so the juice doesn't burn. Cook from the moment of boiling for 10-15 minutes, and in the meantime you can sterilize the jars and lids.

Important! When boiling, a lot of foam forms, reduce the heat a little, stir well, and the foam will disappear, you can skim it off a little with a spoon.

5. The next step is to pour the hot, ready-made juice into sterilized jars.

6. Screw under the lid or roll up with a twist.

Important! Check if everything worked out; to do this, turn the jar upside down and see if liquid leaks out. Wrap the jars under a blanket and let cool.

7. In this wonderful way you can prepare this miracle of nature, and in winter take it out and drink it, or make your favorite tomato sauce or ketchup.

I have another idea on how to preserve such a preparation, namely, you can squeeze the tomatoes and freeze the resulting juice. This year I’m conducting this experiment, placing the juice in containers, ice cups, and then in winter I’ll take it out and add it, for example, to salad dressing. What do you think of this storage idea for your home?

Video: How to make tomato juice?

Recipe for homemade tomato juice using a juicer

Another excellent and cool option can be made in jars. It turns out without seeds and without pulp, as an electric juicer is used. It will take very little time to cook, because such an assistant does the necessary actions in a matter of minutes. Just zhzhzhzhzh and everything is ready.

The peculiarity of this option is that it is made only with the addition of salt. If desired, you can add sugar, bay leaf, cloves to taste. Some people I know even add bell peppers and garlic, and then also grind everything in a juicer. In my opinion, this is more of a vegetable juice.

This option does not require any additional heat treatment or sterilization, since the jars are taken clean and already prepared. Let's get started, and these step by step photos only to help you.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg
  • salt - 1 tbsp (add at your discretion, taste, stir, add more)

Cooking method:

1. Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them in a special container of the juicer and make juice.

2. Then put this red mixture on the stove to cook. After boiling, 10 minutes should pass, add salt and mix well.

Important! Don't forget to stir so that less foam appears on the surface. Otherwise, the same situation that can happen with milk, she will “run away.” Cook over low heat, but just enough to gurgle.

3. After 10 minutes have passed, take sterilized jars and lids and carefully pour the liquid into them.

Important! Pour the juice slowly, pour just a little at first to scald the jar and it will become hot, accustomed to this temperature.

4. Tighten with a twist so that nothing escapes from under the covers.

5. Turn upside down, wrap and let cool to room temperature.

Everything can be stored for a very long time, the taste is simply awesome and amazing, just super! You will definitely like this preparation and you and your family will be completely satisfied. Bon appetit.

Well, friends, you can make this homemade juice yourself, without any extra effort. If you liked this note, share it on in social networks, subscribe to the group in contact and as they say, see you again! Bye everyone, have a good day and fruitful work!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova