The effect of diuretics on the body. List of tablets with a diuretic effect for edema, high blood pressure and weight loss - description and prices


One of the most common pharmacological groups of medications are diuretics or diuretics. The drugs are widely used both for the treatment of chronic pathologies and for the relief of acute conditions (for example, pulmonary edema, cerebral edema). There are several groups of drugs that differ in strength and mechanism of pharmacological action. Familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications of diuretics.


Diuretics or diuretics are medications that increase the rate of blood filtration by the kidneys, thereby removing excess fluid, lowering blood pressure, and accelerating the removal of toxic substances from the body. Depending on the localization of the action, there are the following types diuretics: extrarenal and renal (loop, acting on the proximal or distal tubules of the nephron).

After taking diuretics in the body, blood pressure decreases, the absorption of water and electrolytes in the renal tubules decreases, and the rate of urine excretion from the body increases. Under the influence of drugs in the blood, the concentration of potassium and sodium decreases, which can negatively affect the patient’s well-being: convulsions, tachycardia, loss of consciousness, etc. often develop, so you should strictly adhere to the regimen and dosage of the medication.

Classification of diuretics

Each representative of diuretics has its own characteristics of effects, contraindications and side effects. The use of potent compounds provokes active removal of important electrolytes, rapid dehydration, headaches, and hypotension. Urinary agents are classified according to the mechanism and localization of action:

  1. Loopbacks.
  2. Thiazide and thiazide-like.
  3. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.
  4. Potassium-sparing (aldosterone antagonists and non-adolsterone).
  5. Osmodiuretics.


The mechanism of action of loop diuretics is due to relaxation of vascular muscles, acceleration of blood flow in the kidneys by increasing the synthesis of prostaglandins in endothelial cells. Loop diuretics begin to act after approximately 20-30 minutes when administered orally and after 3-5 minutes when administered parenterally. This property allows the use of drugs of this group in life-threatening conditions. Loop diuretics include:

  • Furosemide;
  • Ethacrynic acid;
  • Britomar.


Thiazide diuretics are considered to have a moderate effect, their effect occurs in approximately 1-3 hours and lasts throughout the day. The mechanism of action of such medications is aimed at the nearby nephron tubules, due to which chlorine and sodium are reabsorbed. Besides, Thiazide drugs increase potassium excretion and retain uric acid. The side effects that are observed as a result of taking these drugs are expressed by metabolic disorders and osmotic pressure.

Thiazide drugs are prescribed to eliminate edema with high blood pressure and heart failure. The use of diuretics is not recommended for joint diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Thiazide medications include:

  • Diuril;
  • Dichlorothiazide;
  • Chlorthalidone.


This type of diuretic drugs reduces systolic blood pressure, reduces tissue swelling, and increases the concentration of potassium in the blood. The diuretic effect of potassium-sparing medications is weak, since little sodium is reabsorbed in the distal nephron of the kidney. Medicines in this group are divided into sodium channel blockers and aldosterone antagonists. Indications for the use of potassium-sparing drugs are:

  • tumor of the adrenal cortex;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • potassium deficiency;
  • poisoning with lithium drugs;
  • the need to normalize eye pressure in glaucoma;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • diastolic and systolic heart failure.

Contraindications to the use of potassium-sparing agents include Addison's disease, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and menstrual irregularities. With long-term use of this group of drugs, the development of hyperkalemia, diseases gastrointestinal tract, paralysis, disorders of skeletal muscle tone. Among the most popular potassium-sparing products are:

  • Veroshpiron;
  • Triamterene;
  • Amiloride;
  • diazide;
  • Moduretic.

Herbal diuretics

To reduce swelling that is not a consequence chronic diseases, and are caused by excessive consumption of salty foods, it is recommended to use natural diuretics. Such means have a number of advantages:

  • have a noticeable diuretic effect;
  • suitable for long-term use;
  • do not cause renal or extrarenal side effects;
  • suitable for use by children and pregnant women;
  • combine well with other medications.

Some drugs related to diuretics are of natural origin. Herbal diuretics include many herbs, as well as some fruits and vegetables. Here are some examples of such natural remedies:

  • strawberries;
  • yarrow herb;
  • chicory root;
  • birch leaves, buds;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • rose hip;
  • watermelons;
  • cucumbers

Indications for the use of diuretics

Diuretic pharmacological agents are prescribed for pathologies that are accompanied by fluid retention, a strong increase in blood pressure, and intoxication. These conditions include:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertensive crises;
  • glaucoma;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • excess synthesis of aldosterone.

For hypertension

Arterial hypertension, uncomplicated renal failure, can be treated with diuretics. The drugs reduce the volume of circulating blood and systolic output, due to which the pressure decreases gradually. Long-term therapy leads to a decrease in the diuretic effect and stabilization of blood pressure using its own compensatory mechanisms (increased levels of the hormones aldosterone and renin). At arterial hypertension prescribe:

  1. Hydrochlorothiazide. The active substance is hydrochlorothiazide. The drug belongs to the group of thiazide diuretics of medium strength. Depending on the clinical picture, 25-150 mg per day is prescribed. The effect of Hydrochlorothiazide occurs within an hour and lasts approximately a day. The medicine is suitable for long-term use and prevention of hypertensive crises.
  2. Chlorthalidone. Thiazine-like drug active ingredient– chlorthalidone. Chlorthalidone begins to act 40 minutes after oral administration, the duration of the effect is 2-3 days. Prescribe the drug 25-100 mg in the morning, before meals. The disadvantage of chlorthalidone is the frequent development of hypokalemia.
  3. Indapamide. This diuretic is a thiazide-like diuretic and increases the excretion of sodium, potassium, and chlorine. The effect of the drug occurs after 1-2 hours and continues throughout the day.

In case of intoxication

In case of severe poisoning, they resort to forced diuresis using diuretics to remove toxins and poisons from the blood. Diuretics are used for intoxication with water-soluble substances, which include:

  • alcohol;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • narcotic substances;
  • inhibitory substances;
  • potent medications (barbiturates).

Forced diuresis is performed in a hospital setting. In this case, hydration and dehydration are performed simultaneously with minimal changes in the composition and quantity of blood. Diuretics help to achieve an increase in the filtration capacity of the nephrons for the rapid, effective removal of toxic substances. To perform forced diuresis use:

  1. Furosemide. The medicine has a rapid but short-lived diuretic effect. For forced diuresis, a 1% solution is prescribed in an amount of 8-20 ml parenterally. The effect of the drug begins after 5-7 minutes and lasts 6-8 hours.
  2. Ethacrynic acid. It has slightly less activity than Furosemide. In case of intoxication, parenteral administration of 20-30 ml of solution is indicated. The action of ethacrynic acid begins after 30 minutes and lasts 6-8 hours.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system

Diuretics are prescribed for chronic heart failure to eliminate edema. As a rule, minimum dosages of drugs are indicated. It is recommended to start treatment of heart failure with thiazide or thiazide-like diuretics:

  1. Clopamid. The drug has a pronounced natriuretic effect. For heart disease, a dosage of 10-40 mg is indicated daily in the morning before meals. Clopamide begins to act after 1-2 hours, the duration of the effect lasts for a day.
  2. Diuver. Loop diuretic, active ingredient - torasemide. The medication inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and water ions. The effect of the drug reaches its maximum 2-3 hours after oral administration, the diuretic effect persists for 18-20 hours.

For kidney diseases

Kidney pathologies lead to insufficient blood filtration, accumulation of metabolic products and toxins. Diuretics help compensate for the insufficient filtering capacity of the nephron. Indications for the use of diuretics are renal failure, chronic infectious lesions in the acute stage, and urolithiasis. As a rule, in these cases they use:

  1. Mannitol. Osmodiuretic, increases filtration and osmotic pressure of plasma. The drug has a moderate natriuretic effect. The diuretic effect begins in the first minutes after parenteral administration (about 5-10 ml of a 15% solution) and lasts 36-40 hours. The medication is used for forced diuresis in glaucoma or cerebral edema.
  2. Oxodollin. The main active ingredient is chlortolidone. Oxodolline inhibits sodium reabsorption. The action begins 2-4 hours after ingestion and lasts 26-30 hours. The dosage for kidney diseases is 0.025 g once a day.

For swelling

Swelling often occurs without the presence of a disease and is a consequence of excessive consumption of salt, sweets, alcoholic drinks. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, diuretics are indicated:

  1. Amiloride. A medication from the group of potassium-sparing diuretics. Amiloride begins to act 2 hours after oral administration, the effect lasts for 24 hours. The approximate single dosage is 30-40 mg.
  2. Diacarb. The active ingredient is acetazolamide. Diacarb has a weak but long-lasting effect. After oral administration (250-500 mg), the effect occurs after 60-90 minutes and lasts up to 2-3 days.

For weight loss

Diuretics will help reduce body weight by 1-3 kg in a few days, but will not affect the fat content in the body. When you stop using diuretic drugs, the weight will return, so it is not recommended to use such drugs for weight loss for more than 2-3 days. Long-term use of diuretics to reduce body weight can lead to impaired renal function, including renal failure. The following medications are suitable for short-term weight loss:

  1. Lasix. The active component of the drug is furosimide. Lasix has a rapid diuretic effect and inhibits the reabsorption of sodium, chlorine and potassium. The recommended single dosage is 40-50 mg. The action of Lasix begins 30-40 minutes after ingestion and lasts 6-8 hours.
  2. Uregit. A fast-acting diuretic, it contains ethacrynic acid, which slows down sodium transport. the effect occurs 30 minutes after ingestion and lasts for 10-12 hours. A single dosage is 25-50 mg.

Drug interactions

Diuretic drugs are often prescribed as part of complex drug therapy simultaneously with other medications, so the interaction of diuretics with other drugs should be studied:

  1. Diuretics that remove potassium should not be taken with digitalis derivatives, because this increases the risk of developing arrhythmia.
  2. Potassium-sparing diuretics do not combine well with potassium preparations: this causes an excess of this ion, which provokes paresis, muscle weakness and respiratory failure.
  3. Medicines that reduce blood glucose concentrations enhance the hyperglycemic effect of diuretics.
  4. Antibacterial agents of the aminoglycoside and cephalosporin series in combination with loop diuretics can lead to the development of acute renal failure.
  5. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, inhibitors proton pump reduce the diuretic effect of diuretics.
  6. Benzothiadiazine derivatives in combination with diuretics can disrupt myocardial microcirculation and promote the development of blood clots.

Side effects of diuretics

Diuretics, removing electrolytes necessary for the body, cause some side effects. As a rule, these are the consequences of an imbalance in ionic equilibrium. These include:

  • hypokalemia (low potassium levels);
  • hypomagnesemia (decreased magnesium concentration);
  • leaching of calcium from the body;
  • arrhythmia;
  • metabolic alkalosis;
  • dehydration;
  • irritability;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of performance;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • hyponatremia (decreased amount of sodium).

Loop diuretics pose the greatest danger because they have a powerful and rapid effect. Even a slight deviation from the recommended dosage of these drugs can cause a number of unwanted side effects. Less dangerous diuretics are drugs from the thiazide group. They have a long-lasting but gentle effect without dramatically changing the composition of the blood, so they are suitable for long-term use.


Due to the fact that diuretics have a general effect on the body, i.e. cause changes in the functioning of two or more organ systems; there are some restrictions on their use. Main contraindications for the use of diuretic drugs:

  • liver failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • lactation period;
  • diabetes;
  • hypovolemic syndrome;
  • severe anemia;
  • atrioventricular block;
  • some are heavy birth defects hearts.

How to choose diuretics

Diuretics of plant, natural origin, infusions, and herbal decoctions are safe for independent use. If you need to use synthetic diuretics, you should consult a doctor who will determine which drug should be taken in your case, the duration of drug therapy and dosage. When selecting a diuretic for a patient, the doctor takes into account the following factors:

  • the presence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of endocrine diseases;
  • patient's weight and age;
  • the need for simultaneous use with other drugs;
  • clinical picture of the current disease;
  • allergic history.


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Solutions) have become quite firmly established in our lives. They are used to correct the acid-base balance in the body. After all, they perfectly remove excess acid and alkali from it. Diuretic tablets, the list of which is quite impressive, are used in the treatment of poisoning, some injuries (especially when it comes to head injuries), and to combat hypertension. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows not only the mechanism of action of these drugs, but also side effects that they can cause. And improper use of diuretics can lead to serious complications.

brief information

Diuretic tablets are used to treat many ailments. List effective drugs and continues to increase today. Diuretics are also called diuretics.

Their main goal is to remove excess water, chemicals, and salts from the body, which tend to accumulate in the walls of blood vessels and tissues. In addition, diuretics have a positive effect on water-salt balance.

If a large number of sodium ions accumulate in the body, then subcutaneous tissue begins to be deposited. It has a very negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and hematopoietic system. As a result, the patient develops a variety of diseases and disorders.

In addition, diuretics are in great demand in sports medicine. They are often used for weight loss. Very often, diuretics (tablets) are included in complex therapy to combat various ailments.

Based on their effect on the body, modern diuretics are divided into two main forms. The first category of drugs affects the process of urine formation directly in the kidneys. The second form of diuretics is responsible for the hormonal regulation of urine production.

Important Warning

There is a lot of information that diuretic tablets, the list of which is given below, also easily solve cosmetic problems. However, many people believe that such drugs are completely safe. Some women take these medications on their own for weight loss purposes. Athletes widely use drugs before competitions in order to lose weight. Even bodybuilders use them, trying to create artificial dehydration so that the muscles look more prominent.

However, people who take diuretics without a doctor's prescription are at great risk. After all, treatment with diuretics can result in unpleasant consequences. You should know that diuretics can:

Quite often, even those patients who understand the risk believe that the latest drugs"Indapamide", "Torasemide", "Arifon" do not have a detrimental effect on metabolism. Such medications are indeed much better tolerated than older generation medications. However, they are also harmful to health. But the negative impact of these funds is revealed much later. It is enough to understand the mechanism of their action. Medicines of the new and old generation are aimed at one thing - to stimulate the kidneys to work more intensively. Consequently, they excrete more salt and water.

It is important to understand that fluid retention in the body is a symptom of a serious illness. Swelling cannot occur on its own. It is provoked by serious disruptions in the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and sometimes other reasons. Consequently, diuretics are drugs (their list is very extensive) with exclusively symptomatic action. Unfortunately, they do not get rid of the cause of the disease. Thus, medications only delay the unpleasant ending for patients. Therefore, people who want to improve their health and fight a real disease should not make do with diuretics alone, much less use them themselves.

Classification of drugs

To this day, there is no single system according to which all diuretics are divided, since all drugs have different chemical structures and have different effects on the body systems. Therefore, it is impossible to create an ideal classification.

Often the division occurs according to the mechanism of action. According to this classification, there are:

  1. Thiazide drugs. They are excellent for treating hypertension and are excellent for lowering blood pressure. It is recommended to use them in parallel with other medications. Thiazides can negatively affect metabolism, so such diuretics are prescribed in small quantities. Drugs (a list of only the most popular ones is given in the article) from this group are “Ezidrex”, “Hydrochlorothiazide”, “Chlorthalidone”, “Indapamide”, “Hypothiazide”, “Arifon”.
  2. Loop means. They remove salt and fluid from the body due to their effect on kidney filtration. These medications have a rapid diuretic effect. Loop diuretics do not affect cholesterol levels and do not create preconditions for the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. However, their biggest drawback is the many side effects. The most common drugs are Torasemide, Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid, Bumetanide.
  3. Potassium-sparing agents. Quite an extensive group of drugs. Such medications help increase the excretion of chloride and sodium from the body. At the same time, the removal of potassium is minimized by such diuretic tablets. List of the most popular drugs: Amiloride, Triamterene, Spironolactone.
  4. Aldosterone antagonists. These diuretics block the natural hormone that retains salt and moisture in the body. Drugs that neutralize aldosterone promote fluid removal. At the same time, the potassium content in the body does not decrease. The most popular representative is “Veroshpiron”.

Medicines for edema

For good effect, potent agents can be used. The following diuretic tablets are used for edema:

  • "Torasemide";
  • "Furosemide";
  • "Piretanide";
  • "Xipamide";
  • "Bumetanide".

Medium-strength diuretic tablets can also be used for edema:

  • "Hydrochlorothiazide";
  • "Hypothiazide";
  • "Chlorthalidone";
  • "Klopamide";
  • "Polythiazide";
  • "Indapamide";
  • "Met hall."

Such drugs are used for a long time and continuously. The recommended dose is determined by the attending physician. As a rule, it is about 25 mg per day.

For minor edema, potassium-sparing diuretics, such as Spironolactone, Amiloride, and Triamterene, are more suitable. They are taken in courses (2-3 weeks) at intervals of 10-14 days.

Medicines for hypertension

Diuretic medications that are used for high blood pressure fall into two categories:

  1. Remedies that have a quick effect. Such drugs are used during a hypertensive crisis, when there is a need to quickly reduce blood pressure.
  2. Products for daily use. Medicines help maintain optimal blood pressure levels.

Potent medications can stop a hypertensive crisis. The most popular drug is Furosemide. Its price is low. The following remedies are no less effective during a crisis:

  • "Torasemide";
  • "Bumetanide";
  • "Ethacrynic acid";
  • "Piretanide";
  • "Xipamide."

The duration of taking the above medications can be 1-3 days. After the crisis has stopped, they switch from such potent drugs to medications that can maintain blood pressure at the required level every day.

  • "Indapamide";
  • "Hydrochlorothiazide";
  • "Hypothiazide";
  • "Klopamide";
  • "Metro salon";
  • "Polythiazide";
  • "Chlorthalidone."

These medications are taken daily as prescribed by your doctor. They perfectly maintain the optimal pressure level.

Drugs for heart failure

As a result of this pathology, fluid retention in the body often occurs. This phenomenon creates stagnation of blood in the lungs. The patient has many unpleasant symptoms, such as shortness of breath, swelling, enlarged liver, the appearance of wheezing in the heart.

For people with diabetes, the doctor must introduce a diuretic into their therapy. It perfectly prevents the most severe consequences in the lungs, cardiogenic shock. At the same time, diuretics increase patients' tolerance to physical activity.

For patients with the first and second degrees of the disease, a good diuretic is a thiazide drug. In case of more serious pathology, the patient is transferred to strong remedy- loop diuretic. In some cases, the drug Spironolactone is additionally prescribed. It is especially important to take such a remedy if the patient has developed hypokalemia.

If the effect of using the drug Furosemide weakens, cardiologists recommend replacing it with the drug Torasemide. It has been noted that the latter remedy has a more beneficial effect on the body in severe forms of heart failure.

The drug "Furosemide"

The medicine is a fast-acting diuretic. Its effect occurs after taking it for 20 minutes. The duration of the drug's effect is about 4-5 hours.

This remedy is effective not only for stopping a hypertensive crisis. According to the instructions, the medicine helps with heart failure, swelling of the brain and lungs, and chemical poisoning. It is often prescribed for late toxicosis during pregnancy.

However, the product also has strict contraindications. The drug is not used in the first trimester of pregnancy. It should not be used by patients with renal failure, people who have hypoglycemia, or urinary tract obstruction.

The cost of the drug "Furosemide" is low. The price is approximately 19 rubles.

The drug "Torasemide"

The medicine is a fast-acting remedy. The drug "Furosemide" undergoes biotransformation in the kidneys, so it is not suitable for all patients. A more effective medicine for people suffering from kidney diseases is the drug "Torasemide", since it undergoes biotransformation in the liver. But with pathologies of this organ, the medicine can cause serious harm.

After just 15 minutes, the effect on the body begins (as reported by the product included with the drug, the price of the product varies from 205 to 655 rubles.

Long-term studies have confirmed the high effectiveness of the drug in heart failure. In addition, the drug perfectly removes salts and liquid. At the same time, the loss of potassium by the body is insignificant, since effective remedy blocks the hormone aldosterone.

The drug "Indapamide"

The medicine is very effective for hypertension (severe and moderate). The product perfectly reduces blood pressure and maintains its optimal level throughout the day. In addition, it prevents an increase in this indicator in the morning.

You need to take the medicine once a day, 1 tablet, as evidenced by the instructions included in the drug “Indapamide”. The price of the product varies on average from 22 to 110 rubles.

Before taking it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, since this excellent remedy is not suitable for all patients suffering from hypertension. The drug is not intended for people who have problems with the kidneys or liver. Pregnant and nursing mothers are prohibited from taking the medicine. In case of cerebral circulation failure, anuria, hypokalemia, the drug is contraindicated.

The drug "Triamterene"

The medicine is a mild diuretic. It is recommended to use it in combination with another diuretic drug, Hydrochlorothiazide. Thanks to this combination, it is possible to reduce the loss of potassium by the body. The drug Triamterene has a beneficial effect. The instructions position it as a potassium-sparing agent.

The medicine should be used strictly according to the prescribed dosage. People with impaired kidney function may experience an unpleasant side effect - increased level potassium Sometimes the product can lead to dehydration. When interacting with folic acid The medicine helps increase red blood cells.

The cost of the product is 316 rubles.

The drug "Spironolactone"

The medicine is a potassium- and magnesium-sparing agent. At the same time, it effectively removes sodium and chlorine from the body. After starting to take the drug, the diuretic effect occurs approximately 2-5 days.

The medicine can be prescribed for hypertension, chronic heart failure, liver cirrhosis. The use of Spironolactone is effective for swelling in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

The drug is not intended for people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, renal or liver failure, or anuria. It is forbidden to use the product in the first trimester of pregnancy. In case of hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, the drug is contraindicated. It should not be administered to people with Addison's disease.

Side effects may also occur when taking the medicine. In some cases, the drug provokes urticaria, itching, drowsiness, headache, diarrhea or constipation.

The cost of the product is about 54 rubles.

Diuretics are drugs in the diuretic category that help remove excess fluid from the body.

Data Properties medications boil down to the fact that under the influence of the constituent substances in the drug, there is an effect on the kidneys and as a result - increased urine output.

Effect of diuretic therapy

The therapeutic effect depends on the correct selection of a diuretic. Diuretics have a diuretic effect, and each type of drug has individual impact on the body: some drugs affect the urinary canals and provoke increased fluid output (extrarenal type), other drugs affect the hemodynamics of the kidneys (renal).

Diuretics - have different chemical composition , which affects various organs of the urinary system, resulting in increased urination. Diuretics inhibit the reabsorption of salt and water by the renal channels.

This process leads to increased urine production and removes salts from the body.

Diuretic drugs, with their diuretic effect, relieve swelling outside the body. They also help with swelling internal organs which are associated with high blood pressure (diuretics can lower the blood pressure index).

Relieves swelling associated with disturbances in the functioning of the myocardium (can reduce the load on the heart muscle).

In addition to the positive effect, diuretics have many negative effects on internal organs and systems, so it is necessary to use these drugs only on the recommendation of the treating doctor, because you can only aggravate the disease, which leads to swelling.

Self-medication with diuretics

Self-medication with diuretics leads to complications in the kidneys, urinary system, and can also help the maximum number of potassium molecules leave the body, which will lead to disturbances in protein metabolism in the body and to pathologies in the cardiac system.

When there is an imbalance of potassium and sodium salts, arrhythmia occurs, additional extrasystoles appear, which can provoke myocardial infarction and lead to death.

An insufficient amount of potassium salt in the body provokes a number of complex diseases such as:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Convulsions;
  • Decreased leukocyte index in the blood;
  • Pathologies of the genital area in women;
  • Impotence;
  • Allergy.

With a lack of potassium, a person experiences weakness throughout the body, state of apathy, coldness in the lower extremities, muscle pain, constant dizziness.

Also, a diuretic can cause diabetes mellitus and cause bleeding in the brain (stroke). Some groups of diuretics are contraindicated for diabetics.

Using diuretics, changes can occur in a person’s hormonal background, the cholesterol index in the blood increases, and wear and tear of internal organs - the liver, kidneys and heart muscle - occurs.

Indications for use

Diuretics should only be used in combination with other medications for the treatment of diseases. Diuretics relieve symptoms in the form of edema, complex diseases, but they cannot treat the cause of swelling with medication.

The doctor establishes a group of diuretics to relieve the symptoms of swelling in the following pathologies, list:

  • Nephritis (interstitial);
  • Glomerulonephritis in the chronic course of the disease;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Heart and kidney failure;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Malignant neoplasms in organs;
  • Overweight (obesity).

Diuretics have a negative effect on the body when they are taken unnecessarily, but simply as a method of losing weight.

If there is no swelling, and the level of fluid in a healthy body does not exceed standard indices, then this can introduce an imbalance in metabolic processes and lead to disorder of the body.

The choice of diuretics is based on the patient’s health status

Why do they take diuretics?

Diuretics can be used for weight loss only in case of obesity, when a lot of liquid and sodium salts accumulate in fat. Also has a positive effect on swelling lower limbs, faces, since these symptoms are manifestations of serious pathologies in the body.

Use diuretics only when the pathology has been studied and the cause of swelling has been established.

In case of kidney diseases, the localization of swelling appears on the face, but sometimes the manifestations can be different and are a signal that the kidneys have ceased to function properly and remove salt compounds and fluid from the body.

With allergies, swelling syndrome may develop, which must be relieved with diuretics.

Swelling is provoked by heart pathologies, and a particularly noticeable manifestation of edema in heart failure.

If there are no heart pathologies, but swelling of the legs appears, then this may be a sign of inflammation in the veins, which can provoke varicose veins arteries.

During pregnancy, swelling also often occurs due to increased stress on the internal organs. During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to use diuretics without the instructions of the attending physician.

There are also edemas that are not a consequence of diseases, but are provoked by the patient’s lifestyle: work that requires standing for a long time, heavy physical labor.

Diuretics for hypertension

Diuretics are used in the treatment of high blood pressure index. Thanks to the release of excess urine from the body, the load on the blood vessels and heart is reduced, swelling goes away and blood pressure decreases.

To prescribe diuretics for hypertension, it is necessary to study the cause of hypertension, as well as identify concomitant pathologies.

When diabetes mellitus, which accompanies hypertension, is established, it is prohibited to take certain categories of diuretics.

If the process of pressure normalization managed to bring the blood pressure index to normal, then diuretics must be stopped or take medications for hypertension as part of a therapeutic complex.

Action of the main types of diuretics

For heart pathology and heart failure

Heart pathologies and heart failure are characterized by increased accumulation of fluid inside the body.

A sign of excess urine in the body is characterized by swelling of the face and limbs, in severe cases of insufficiency - swelling of the whole body. Failure also manifests itself in shortness of breath and a bluish tint to the skin.

When fluid is retained inside the body, blood volume increases, which forces the heart muscle to work with increased power up to 50.0%. The blood in this case is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, because it quickly passes through the lungs.

During oxygen starvation, the myocardium feels overloaded, and starvation also leads to liver pathologies and changes in its structure. Liver functionality decreases, which provokes the functioning of the kidneys, which cannot cope with the removal of urine from the body.

In this case, taking diuretics is simply necessary. The drugs are taken in combination with cardiac medications, and are accepted systematically. If after long-term use the effectiveness of this group of diuretics decreases, then the doctor prescribes stronger medications.

This complex medication can improve the patient’s condition and prolong his life.

As a weight loss aid

Diuretics promote the release of fluid, which has a positive effect on the figure. You just need to remember the rule that with slight excess body weight, diuretics can harm human health.

Dehydration leads to disturbances in the metabolic process, in metabolism. A severe stage of dehydration can disrupt the functionality of internal organs and lead to myocardial failure.

Pregnancy is a time when the female body experiences changes not only in hormonal levels, but also changes in the functioning of all body systems and internal vital organs.

Due to changes, organs begin to work with increased load, which leads to swelling, especially in the last trimester.

The causes of swelling may be pathologies in the heart muscle, impairments in kidney function and liver disease, as well as the result of toxicosis during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, it is prohibited to eat parsley, strawberries and other foods that have a diuretic effect.

In order to relieve swelling, the doctor prescribes a salt-free or minimally salted diet.

If this technique does not bring a positive effect and pathologies are identified that manifested themselves during pregnancy, then therapy with diuretics is necessary.

During pregnancy, consuming a large amount of vegetables and fruits with diuretic properties can remove excess fluid and salt, which will have a detrimental effect on the baby's development and the condition of the pregnant woman.

All diuretic drugs are taken very carefully at all stages of the child’s intrauterine development:

  • During pregnancy, you can use the drug Canephron, which, in addition to its diuretic effect, is a good antiseptic and relieves inflammation;
  • Herbal preparation Phytolysin - relieves swelling, cures pathologies Bladder and urinary urethral canals. Treats diseases - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • The drug Eufillin has a bronchodilator and diuretic effect;
  • Indapamide is a diuretic that is recommended for pregnant women with diabetes.

To replenish potassium salts, you need to consume a large amount of potassium-containing foods: vegetables, garden greens and nuts.

Diuretics in food

It is not always possible to use diuretics based on chemical compounds. For some pathologies, taking synthetic drugs is prohibited. In this case diuretics based on medicinal plants are prescribed, or it is recommended to consume plants and foods that have a diuretic effect.

Medicinal herbs (herbal diuretics):

You can take medicinal plants separately, or you can prepare a collection in which the plants will enhance each other’s diuretic effect.

It is also necessary to eat: watermelon, fresh cucumbers, melon, pineapple and greens when swelling occurs.

Choice of diuretics

For different diseases and depending on the condition of the body, it is necessary to choose a certain category of diuretics: saluretics, potassium-sparing diuretics or osmotic diuretics.

Saluretics remove potassium and sodium salts from urine and reduce the level of excess fluid in the body.

This type of drugs includes the following groups:

  • Group loop means— Furosemide (the most popular), the drug Torasemide, Lasix tablets;
  • Sulfonamide group- this medicine is Chlorthalidone, Indapamide;
  • Group of thiazide drugs— Cyclomethiazide;
  • Carbonic anhydrase group(inhibitors) - Diacarb.

Diuretics that do not remove potassium because they act directly on urinary tract. Diuretics in this category are Veroshpiron, Spironolactone, and Amiloride.

There are also osmotic diuretics that prevent fluid absorption because they act directly in the renal tubules - the diuretic Mannitol.

Photo gallery: Diuretics and price

Medicines taken for various diseases

The list of drugs that doctors prescribe for pathologies of the body:

  • High blood pressure - thiazides and Indapamide;
  • Nephrosis, as well as heart failure, is a group of loop drugs;
  • Diabetes mellitus - Indapamide:
  • Pathology in the functionality of the adrenal glands - spironolactones;
  • Osteoporosis is a drug from the thiazides group.

According to their pharmacological action, diuretics are classified:

Diuretic effect by duration of exposure:

By speed of impact:

Loop diuretics

Loop diuretics increase the excretion of sodium salts by the kidneys, which accordingly removes water. Diuresis, when using this group of diuretics, occurs quickly (up to 6 hours) with abundant urine output. Funds in this group are used in extreme cases when it is necessary to achieve an effect in a short time.

In case of heart failure, this group of diuretics must be taken in short therapeutic courses, since these drugs remove potassium from the body. Potassium deficiency affects insufficient myocardial functionality.

  • Acute renal failure with anuria;
  • Acute stage glomerulonephritis;
  • Kidney stone disease;
  • Stenosis of the urethral canal;
  • Inflammation of the pancreas;
  • Heart attack;
  • Valve stenosis;
  • Low blood pressure index (hypotension).

Side effects of this group of diuretics:

Sulfonamide diuretics

Indapamide is a drug that belongs to this group of diuretics. In its pharmacology, it is similar to the group of thiazides. Reduces blood pressure index, used to reduce swelling in diabetes.

The drug effect occurs after 7 - 14 calendar days, and the maximum effect of the drug comes after 60 - 90 calendar days.

Contraindications for use:

  • Renal failure of a severe stage of the disease;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • It is prohibited for use by children under adult age;
  • When breastfeeding;
  • During pregnancy (use with extreme caution);
  • With hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood);
  • Remission of hyperparathyroidism (a disease of the body's endocrine system).

Side effects on the body:

Thiazide medicinal diuretics - affect the renal tubules. The properties of these drugs are that they interfere with the absorption of sodium salt.

This is a medium strength diuretic. If they are able to relieve swelling of blood vessels, drugs of this group are used for the treatment of hypertension for a long period.

The tablets provide a good effect for edema caused by liver pathology and kidney disorders. These diuretics relieve swelling in cardiac pathologies and failure. The drugs have a quick effect because they begin to work 30 minutes after use. Diuresis - no more than 12 hours.

Side effects from taking:

  • Imbalance in the body of potassium salts and magnesium salts;
  • The uric acid index rises;
  • The sugar index is rising.

Potassium-sparing diuretics

Potassium-sparing diuretics, like thiazide diuretics, affect the renal tubules.

Spironolactone opposes aldosterone, which retains sodium salts in the body.

Potassium-sparing diuretics have a long onset of action (up to 5 calendar days from the date of use), so they should never be taken as self-medication.

These drugs are prescribed in complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • Hyperaldosteronism during remission;
  • This group of diuretics includes the drug Diacarb.

    According to the standard, the carbonic anhydrase catalyst helps the synthesis of carbonic acid in the kidney organs from water, as well as carbon dioxide. This action replenishes the alkaline balance in the blood.

    Diacarb affects the kidneys and removes salts, which also take water with them. The strength of this drug is not great, but in terms of speed of action it is on the list of drugs that have a rapid effect from the moment of use (after 60 minutes). Duration up to 10 hours.

    Indications for use:

    • Cerebral hypertension;
    • Hypertension of the eyeball;
    • Barbiturate poisoning;
    • When treated with cytostatics;
    • In the treatment of gout.

    Do not forget that diuretics are drugs that are medicinal substances and have specific indications for use. Just like any medications, they have side effects on the body, and they must be taken according to the recommendations of the treating doctor.

    Self-medication with diuretics can lead to aggravation of the pathology and irreversible consequences in the functioning of organs and systems in the human body.

Diuretics or diuretics are substances that have different chemical structures, but have a common property. Diuretic effect is the effect of a diuretic on the human body, its ability to accelerate blood filtration and remove fluid from the body. This therapy is good for hypertension, helps relieve swelling and prevent the development of other diseases. What are diuretics and why are they dangerous and useful?

Mechanism of action

The main mechanism of action is the effect of drugs on the kidneys, nephrons and all ongoing processes. The principle is one - stimulation of the kidneys so that they produce more urine. Diuretics slow down the absorption of salts and water, accelerate the formation and excretion of urine, and reduce the level of fluid in the body. Diuretics relieve swelling, cleanse the body and normalize the acid-base balance. The clinical pharmacology of diuretics is as follows. A decrease in blood pressure occurs due to the fact that sodium concentration decreases and affects blood vessels. Their properties allow you to relax the bile ducts and arteries.

How and with what to take it?

Taking medications affects blood pressure.

Most often prescribed in combination with other drugs that lower blood pressure. To use diuretics correctly, you need to follow the rules and control some parameters:

  • the amount of fluid you drink per day;
  • measure blood pressure twice a day;
  • measure body weight, abdominal and lower leg volume.

The doctor needs this data to adjust the dosage of the drug. If nausea or dizziness occurs, you should inform your doctor. You need to take diuretics following some recommendations:

  1. Follow a diet low in sodium and salt.
  2. Take medications that contain potassium, or replace them with foods that are rich in potassium.
  3. With potassium-sparing therapy, on the contrary, it is necessary to exclude foods with potassium.
  4. Do not use sleeping pills or alcohol, which can cause complications.

Types of drugs

Diuretics are prescribed based on the disease, as they differ in their mechanism of action. Varieties: thiazide, potassium-sparing, loop and osmotic. Thiazide diuretics are used in the treatment of hypertension, because they are excellent at lowering blood pressure. The dosage is small because the thiazide diuretic affects metabolism. The use of diuretics in combination allows you to achieve maximum effect with minimal side effects on health. The pharmacokinetics of the drugs are similar to those of loop diuretics. Thiazides are secreted into the nephron lumen in the proximal tubule.

Diuretics in this group are often used to treat high blood pressure.

Potassium-sparing drugs promote the removal of chlorides and sodium from the body, but reduce the excretion of potassium. They act near the distal tubules, where the exchange of sodium and potassium ions occurs. A rather weak class of diuretics, which means that they are inferior to others in strength and speed of reaction. Used with diuretics that remove magnesium and calcium to reduce ion loss. Loop diuretics act in the loop of Henle. Properties of diuretics of this group: increased blood flow in the kidneys, excretion of magnesium and calcium, glomerular filtration, decreased venous tone, increased diuresis.

Indications for the use of osmotic diuretics: glaucoma, organ edema, peritonitis, cases where urine is not produced. In addition, they are used for poisoning and overdose. They are potent and are prescribed intravenously because they are not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. The best intravenous diuretic in this group is Monitol. There are other diuretics that are not part of any of these groups, but exhibit a diuretic effect.

Types of diuretics by effectiveness

According to the effectiveness of sodium leaching, antihypertensive diuretics are:

  • Potent ones - loop ones, increase leaching by 5-25%.
  • Moderately active - thiazide, increase excretion by 5-10%.
  • Low-acting or light - potassium-sparing and osmotic, increase sodium yield by 5%.

Indications for use

Thiazides are used to prevent arterial hypertension.

Diuretics are prescribed for hypertension, cardiac and acute renal failure, cardiac edema, glaucoma, and cirrhosis. Studies have shown that the hypotensive effect is inherent in most diuretics that are available over the counter. Thiazide-like diuretics are preventative against arterial hypertension; in addition, they reduce the risk of stroke. It is not recommended to take thiazides in high doses and systematically to avoid hypokalemia. The instructions will allow you to understand what the indications for the use of a particular drug are; among diuretics there are those that are contraindicated for low blood pressure. Diuretic therapy can be active with moderate doses and supportive with continuous use.

Diuretics for hypertension

For hypertension, medications are prescribed to reduce the volume of circulating blood in order to reduce the load on the heart and increased resistance of the vascular walls. In the treatment of hypertension, a beta-blocker diuretic is used, thus increasing the effectiveness of the drugs. Nifedipine is often used because it does not affect metabolism. Daily Nifedipine reduces blood pressure and performs a protective function for internal organs. Nifedipine combines well with different groups of drugs: beta blockers, ACE inhibitors.

Diuretics for swelling

For swelling, taking diuretics together with diet will be more effective.

Swelling is a problem for many people. This is the initial symptom of negative processes that occur in the body. Swelling of the extremities signals stagnation. When kidney function is impaired, swelling of the face appears. Unilateral edema is rare and is associated with central nervous system involvement. Diuretics remove fluid and have a therapeutic effect on the entire body. When taking diuretics, a diet is also prescribed, which promotes the rapid disappearance of the symptom.

Diuretics for renal failure

Diuretics and kidneys have always been closely linked. So, in case of renal failure and nephritis, diuretics relieve swelling and remove excess water. For mild symptoms, natural diuretics are recommended: celery, carrots, strawberries, cucumbers, beets. Among the synthetic ones, the most effective are Aldactone, Britomar, Hypothiazide, Diuver, and Furosemide. For chronic renal failure, loop drugs are prescribed. Thiazide diuretics are used less frequently in chronic renal failure because they are less effective. Other classes of diuretics are contraindicated as they increase the risk of complications. At urolithiasis Therapy is prescribed based on the origin of the stones:

  • stones made from potassium, calcium or phosphate salts can be treated with calcium-sparing diuretics;
  • In heart failure, fluid is retained in the body and blood stagnates in the lungs. Taizide drugs have an antispasmodic effect on the walls of blood vessels. Captopril is called one of the best in treating heart problems. "Captopril" is effective in preventing complications, like diuretics and beta-blockers.

Diuretics or diuretics are often used to treat various pathological conditions caused by excessive fluid accumulation in the body. Their action is based on slowing down the absorption of salts and water in the renal tubules, thereby increasing the amount of urine and the rate of its excretion. Diuretics are a large list of drugs that help reduce fluid content in tissues and relieve swelling during various diseases, including arterial hypertension.

Diuretics are drugs of synthetic or herbal origin that are intended to increase urine output by the kidneys. Thanks to the action of diuretics, the removal of salts from the body is significantly enhanced, and the amount of fluid in tissues and cavities is reduced. These drugs are widely used in the treatment of hypertension, mild heart failure, liver and kidney diseases associated with circulatory disorders.

However, despite the wide range of pathologies that diuretics help to cope with, it is not recommended to take them without a doctor’s prescription. An incorrect dosage regimen or frequency of administration can lead to serious complications. Below is a list of diseases and pathologies in the treatment of which diuretics are used:

  • hypertension;
  • cardiac edema;
  • cirrhosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • acute renal or heart failure;
  • high secretion of aldosterone;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • osteoporosis.

Mechanism of action of diuretics

The effectiveness of diuretics for hypertension is directly related to their ability to reduce sodium levels and dilate blood vessels. It is maintaining vascular tone and reducing fluid concentration that helps relieve hypertension. Diuretic tablets for high blood pressure are most often prescribed to elderly patients.

In addition, taking diuretics helps relax the myocardium, improves blood microcirculation, reduces platelet aggregation, and reduces the load on the left ventricle of the heart. Due to this, the myocardium requires less oxygen to function properly. Also, diuretics can have an antispasmodic effect by relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchi, arteries, and bile ducts.

Classification and types of diuretics

What diuretics are is now clear, but you should understand what types of diuretics exist. Conventionally, they are classified according to several criteria: by effectiveness, duration of action, and also by the speed of onset of the effect. Depending on the patient’s condition and the complexity of the disease, the doctor selects the most suitable drug.

By efficiency:

  • strong (“Lasix”, “Furosemide”);
  • medium (“Hygroton”, “”, “Oxodolin”);
  • weak (“Diakarb”, “Veroshpiron”, “Triamterene”);

By speed of action:

By duration of action:

  • long-term (about 4 days) - “Veroshpiron”, “Eplerenone”, “Chlorthalidone”;
  • medium-long (no more than 14 hours) - “Hypothiazide”, “”, “Indapamide”, “Clopamide”;
  • short-acting (less than 8 hours) - Furosemide, Lasix, Manit, Ethacrynic acid.

Depending on the pharmacological effect of the drug, there is a separate classification.

Thiazide diuretics

This type of diuretic tablets is considered one of the most common. They are prescribed most often because the therapeutic effect is achieved within a few hours. The average duration of their action is 12 hours, which allows for a one-time daily dose. These drugs are absorbed fairly quickly in the intestine and are well tolerated by patients. One of the advantages of such diuretics is that they maintain the acid-base balance of the blood.

The action of thiazide diuretics is as follows:

  • the reabsorption of sodium and chlorine is suppressed;
  • the excretion of magnesium and potassium is significantly increased;
  • the secretion of uric acid decreases.

Thiazide diuretics - list of effective drugs:

  • "Chlorthalidone";
  • "Indap";
  • "Hypothiazide";
  • "Cyclometazide";
  • "Indapamide";
  • "Clopamide".

They are prescribed for various diseases of the liver and kidneys, essential hypertension, glaucoma and other pathologies associated with excessive fluid content in the body.

Potassium-sparing drugs

This type of diuretic is considered more gentle because it promotes potassium retention in the body. They are often prescribed together with other medications to enhance the effect of the latter. This type of diuretics effectively reduces systolic blood pressure, so they are used for the treatment of hypertension in combination with other drugs. Their use is also indicated in cases of edema. of various etiologies, heart failure.

Potassium-sparing drugs include: Aldactone, Amiloride. Such diuretics should be taken with caution, as side effects occur due to their hormonal effects. Male patients may develop impotence, and female patients may experience irregular menstrual cycles, pain in the mammary glands, and bleeding. With a long course of high doses, hyperkalemia may occur - a large amount of potassium enters the blood. This condition can cause cardiac arrest or lead to paralysis.

Important: The use of potassium-sparing diuretics is especially dangerous in patients with renal failure and diabetes mellitus. These medications should only be taken under medical supervision.

Loop diuretics

Loop diuretics are considered the most powerful diuretics. They act on the loop of Hengle - a renal tubule directed towards the center of the kidney and performing the function of reabsorption of fluids and minerals. These diuretics work as follows:

  • reduce the reabsorption of magnesium, potassium, chlorine, sodium;
  • increase blood flow in the kidneys;
  • increase glomerular filtration;
  • gradually reduce the volume of extracellular fluid;
  • relax the vascular muscle.

The effect of loop diuretics occurs quite quickly, after just half an hour, and lasts up to 6-7 hours. This type of drugs is rarely prescribed, only in particularly critical cases, since they have many side effects.

Loop diuretics, list of the most popular:

Osmotic diuretics

The effect of diuretics of this kind is to reduce pressure in the blood plasma, which leads to a decrease in swelling and the removal of excess fluid. At the same time, the movement of blood in the renal glomeruli becomes higher, which helps to increase filtration. Below are the names of diuretic tablets that work according to this principle:

  • "Mannitol";
  • "Mannitol";
  • "Urea";
  • "Sorbitol".

“Mannitol” has a long-lasting effect, which cannot be said about other drugs in this group. Medicines of this series are used exclusively in acute cases. They are prescribed if the patient has developed the following pathological conditions:

Osmotic diuretics are potent drugs. That is why they are prescribed one-time, and not as a course of therapy.

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

One of the drugs in this group is Diacarb. Under normal conditions, carbonic anhydrase helps form carbonic acid in the kidneys from carbon dioxide and water. Diacarb blocks the production of this enzyme, promoting the leaching of sodium, which in turn draws water with it. At the same time, potassium loss occurs.

Diacarb gives a weak effect that develops relatively quickly. Its duration of action can be about 10 hours. This medicine is used if the patient has:

  • increased eye pressure;
  • gout;
  • poisoning with barbiturates or salicylates.

Aldosterone antagonists

This type of drug helps block aldosterone receptors, as a result of which the hormone ceases to act on the kidneys. As a result, the reabsorption of water and sodium is impaired, which leads to a diuretic effect. A frequently used remedy of this type is Spironolactone (Veroshpiron, Veroshpilakton). It is used in combination with loop or thiazide diuretics.

Thanks to recent research, a new direction in the use of this drug has been discovered. Blocking aldosterone receptors located in the myocardium helps stop cardiac remodeling (replacement of muscle tissue with connective tissue). The use of spironolactone as part of complex therapy reduces mortality after myocardial infarction by 30%.

Another interesting feature of the drug is its ability to block testosterone receptors, which can lead to the development of gynecomastia and even impotence in men. In female patients, this property of drugs is used in the treatment of diseases caused by high levels of testosterone.

Please note: Diuretics containing spironolactone are potassium-sparing.

Herbal remedies

Along with medications, herbal diuretics are often used. Their effect on the body is milder, and there are practically no side effects. Diuretics of plant origin not only help remove excess fluid, but also help saturate the body with mineral salts, vitamins, and have a mild laxative effect. Among vegetables and fruits, parsley, celery, watermelon, cucumbers, pumpkin and many other products have a diuretic effect. You can also get rid of excess fluid with the help of diuretic infusions of strawberries, birch leaves, lingonberries, tansy and shepherd's purse.

However, despite the fact that herbal diuretics are significantly inferior in effectiveness medications, before using them, it is also necessary to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the pathology. Depending on the etiology of edema, the doctor will select the most suitable option.

Treatment with decoctions and infusions of herbs is often necessary for renal edema. In addition to being a diuretic, these drugs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. This is especially important in the presence of diseases of the urinary system. Among other things, herbal remedies are approved for use in pregnant women and children.

It is necessary to drink herbal teas in short courses. Long-term use may cause addiction, and the effectiveness of therapy will gradually decrease. Also, with long-term use, important trace elements potassium and sodium may be removed from the body. Therefore, herbal diuretics should also be used under the control of blood counts.

Side effects

Another reason why only a doctor should prescribe diuretics is the balance between benefits and harms. medicines. Depending on the severity of the pathology, the doctor will decide whether to use certain medications. A careful approach when choosing medications will minimize the risk of developing unpleasant side effects.

The most common problems encountered when taking diuretic tablets were:

  • decreased blood pressure, sometimes to very low levels;
  • general weakness, increased fatigue;
  • dizziness or headaches;
  • sensation of “goosebumps” on the skin;
  • photosensitivity;
  • development of anorexia;
  • increased blood sugar;
  • the appearance of dyspeptic symptoms;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • changes in blood composition (decrease in platelets, increase in lymphocytes and monocytes);
  • decreased sexual function.

Even if the patient has not previously reported any side effects while taking diuretics, you still should not take these drugs without a doctor’s prescription. Uncontrolled use of such medications can lead to serious and often irreversible complications.


The use of diuretics must be treated very carefully. These medications have many contraindications listed in the instructions for them. They should absolutely not be accepted if:

  • there is intolerance to one of the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy confirmed;
  • diagnosed with diabetes;
  • swelling is caused by decompensated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • there is renal or respiratory failure;
  • hypokalemia is observed.

Relative contraindications are:

  • ventricular arrhythmia;
  • insufficient activity of the heart;
  • taking lithium salts;
  • use of cardiac glycosides.

In addition, it is recommended to be careful when combining diuretic tablets for high blood pressure with ACE inhibitors. When these medications are taken simultaneously, the effect of diuretics is significantly enhanced, which can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure and dehydration.

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