Good time to transplant violets. Moon calendar

In order not to harm the flower, you need to know how to transplant the violet correctly. Timely transplantation of violets is necessary in order to provide space for the growth of rapidly growing roots.

Why do you need a violet transplant

It is necessary to transplant an old violet into another pot, since the root system of this home plant is growing rapidly. This increases the need for nutrients from the soil. If there are not enough of them, flowering will stop, the leaves will wither, they will be smaller.

The lack of space means that the roots cannot grow in size. Therefore, the violet fades; what to do in such cases, it is necessary to decide, assessing appearance plants. In some cases, it is not the small volume of the pot that causes the problem, but diseases, changing fertilizers, and improper care at home.

When to transplant

In those situations where the color of the leaves has turned from green to brown, a bare long stem is visible, it may be necessary to change the plastic container to a new one. You should also pay attention to the ground. It is necessary to transplant a flower when the surface of the soil is covered with a gray coating, a clod of earth is completely entwined with roots, the soil becomes more dense.

It is important to choose the right season for changing containers. It is not worth transplanting in summer: due to high temperatures, the plant adapts worse to new conditions. It is not recommended to change pots in winter, autumn, when there is not enough sunlight. The time when you can transplant is April and May.

The reason for the transplant may also be the transition from hormonal fertilizers to others: in order for the flower to adapt to the changed conditions, it will be necessary to completely replace the soil in which it is planted.

When asked how often the container should be changed, experienced gardeners answer that the best time is 6-7 months.

Methods for transplanting violets

There are several methods for transplanting violets. The choice of one of them should be made, given the condition of the plant.

In order for the daughter plants to take root, they also need to be planted correctly. For this, soil is used, which includes peat, vermiculite, crushed sphagnum. The mixture is poured into 100 ml plastic glasses, after which the plant is planted. You should not make a deep planting: this way the flower will not take root.

Complete soil replacement

If all the nutrients from the soil have been used up, the entire soil will need to be replaced. Such manipulation is also necessary when refusing to use hormonal fertilizers.

A thorough examination of the roots will be required. Dry, beginning to rot must be carefully trimmed. To prevent infection from penetrating the cut points, they are treated with a thin layer of crushed activated carbon.

The drainage layer is placed on the bottom of the container. Then distribute the roots and add the earth. It is necessary to leave the violet in the new soil overnight and only then, in the morning, pour water at room temperature under the root. In addition, the next day it is allowed to add a small amount of nutrient substrate.

With partial soil replacement

The technique is used annually as violets grow out of the pot. The flower must be watered, and then removed from the container where it was located. Some of the old soil is removed. A clod of earth covered with roots must be left. The flower is moved to a larger container, a special nutrient mixture is added, and it is compacted using a teaspoon.

If there is no larger pot, you will have to get rid of some of the roots. You can not cut more than 70%: the flower may die.


There are 2 situations when indoor violets have to be transplanted in this way. The plant is either flowering or growing out of a container it has grown in before. It is required to prepare a larger pot in advance. A drainage layer is poured from below. Then install the violet in the container. Pour earth into the space formed between the containers. After that, the container is removed, the plant is removed from it along with the soil, transplanted into a large pot to the place where it was located in the container.

Transplant step by step instructions

Violets are transplanted, having previously settled the water for irrigation. You will also need to purchase a special feed mixture. The substrate should not be excessively dense, dangerous or too high in nutrients. How to transplant a violet at home step by step depends on the method chosen.

  1. First, the plant is watered. The procedure must be done in an old pot. Water is poured under the root. But the earth should not soften to the state of dirt.
  2. Holes must be made at the bottom of the new container. You can buy a pot in the store, in which the presence of such will be provided.
  3. It is necessary to place vermiculite at the bottom. This type of soil creates favorable conditions for the growth of the root system. After that, expanded clay should be placed. You can also use shards. This is necessary to ensure the outflow of excess liquid into the pan.
  4. Then the soil is covered. It is recommended to buy special soil. The use taken in a greenhouse or greenhouse is not recommended: such soil contains nematode larvae, fungi, viruses and bacteria, which can lead to illness and death of the flower. During transplantation, violets are placed above the soil layer, after which their roots are straightened. Then you need to add the substrate. The earth is compacted with a teaspoon, then the container is slightly shaken.
  5. If the plant was planted correctly, the earth will be at the level of the root collar. Too deep planting is erroneous: the roots may rot. If the landing is too high, loosening of the socket will occur.
  6. When the soil is compacted, gently shake the pot again. If the plant starts shaking, add a small amount of nutrient mixture, then tamp down using a pencil or ice cream stick.
  7. At the end, add mulch. The most commonly used is vermiculite. The recommended layer thickness is 2 cm. Then the flower should be covered with polyethylene overnight. Watering is done in the morning.

If the violets have dropped their leaves after transplantation, you need to dig them up and carefully examine the roots. Rotting, dry, diseased must be removed. You should also get rid of withered leaves.

Post transplant care

The transplanted plant must be properly cared for. The temperature in the room where the flower is located should not exceed 24 ° C. It is important to protect the leaves from direct sunlight. You can put the plant in a homemade greenhouse: for this, it is covered with a film. When condensation appears on the surface, it is necessary to remove the flower and ventilate the room. A gentle regimen should be followed for at least 14 days. After that, the violet is returned to the windowsill. However, you should not keep the flower under scorching rays.

Is it possible to transplant flowering violet

When asked if violets can be transplanted during flowering, the answer is no. If the plant has buds, the soil is rich in nutrients, it does not need to be changed.

The need for a transplant may arise in cases where the soil where the flower grew began to turn sour. In addition, the need for transshipment is formed when infested with pests. The procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to harm the flower. It is important to minimize damage to the root system. At the same time, the land in the new pot should be fertilized with a small amount of phosphate fertilizers.

Saintpaulia is an ornamental plant that does not require careful personal care.

To indoor flower plentifully tied buds and flowers, it needs to be transplanted on time, adhering to all the rules.

Transplant indoor Saintpaulia once a year in the spring.

During this period, the flower moves away from winter sleep, all metabolic processes are accelerated in it.

Sometimes it happens that there is still a lot of space in the pot and the grower decides not to transplant the plant.

You can find out if it is worth replacing the pot by the following signs:

  • The stem is bare at the bottom. In this case, the violets dry out and fall off the lower leaves, and the base remains “naked”.
  • The soil in the pot is too acidic and no longer contains nutrients.
  • A whitish layer of soil appeared on the surface of the earth. A similar phenomenon means that the earth is oversaturated with mineral fertilizers.
  • A clod of earth is entwined with old roots the ground is almost invisible. To understand how much more room is left for the roots, you need to lift the flower by the leaves and release it from the pot.

In the presence of one or more factors, the soil and the pot for Saintpaulia must be urgently replaced.

When is the best time to transplant

The most unfavorable time for transplanting violets is winter and summer. At these times of the year, the plant does not take root well, and in the future it loses its decorative properties.

It is better to transplant Saintpaulia in spring and autumn with additional lamp lighting.. The most favorable time is May.

If the violet variety is special and rare, then it is better to focus on the period of budding and flowering of the flower. The appearance of new shoots and flowers is an indicator of the normal growth of Saintpaulia, which does not need to be transplanted.

Experienced flower growers occasionally focus on the position of the moon relative to the planet. It is recommended to transplant saintpaulia to the growing moon.

Is it possible to transplant flowering saintpaulia?

We are often asked - is it possible to transplant a blooming violet? This question will be answered by one of our experts.

Expert opinion

Klimkina Elena Vladislavovna

Florist, businessman. Organized her business on a suburban land plot

First of all, you need to find out for what purpose you want to carry out a transplant. Just because the time has come, do you think the pot is too small, etc.? In this case, we would recommend that you wait until the end of flowering. After all, if a plant blooms, it means that it is quite comfortable and in such conditions, no critical and dangerous processes occur.

But if you understand that the flower needs to be saved - for example, the earth in a pot has turned sour, pests have started up, or the soil has already become too poor, then you need to act immediately. Even if the violet blooms at this time.

Yes, it will most likely stop flowering, but at the same time you will save the plant

Do I need to do this after purchase

After acquiring a saintpaulia, it must be carefully examined, removing all dry flowers and rotten, damaged leaves.

Then you need to remove all unopened buds so that the violet can calmly endure the addiction process.

In the first few days, you should not water and fertilize the flower - the earth in the pot should dry out. Then the violet requires an emergency transplant.

As it is right, flowers for sale are grown and exported in special pots with peat, which has no nutrients.

After transplanting, the violet should be covered with cling film or a thin bag to create greenhouse conditions. Removed after a week and a half.

What soil to choose

For a successful transplant of Saintpaulia, you need to prepare a new soil and a suitable container.

The soil can be bought at a specialized store or prepared independently.

We select a pot

The new capacity must meet several parameters.

The best option is a plastic pot, which is 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous one.

If the container is not new and has been used before, then it must be cleaned of salt deposits, and then treat with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Important! The pot should have holes in the bottom to allow excess water to escape. Drainage from small stones, fragments of clay or expanded clay is also laid at the bottom.

The root system of violets does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil - the shoots quickly wither, and the shoots rot.

Note! Our website has detailed material about. If you want more information on this topic, please use our link.

And we recently answered the question in great detail about and talked about the spectacular terry Saintpaulia.

Transplant methods

You can transplant a violet in several ways - complete or partial replacement of the soil, transshipment. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which allows them to be used in different situations.


The transshipment method is better suited if the flower has a fragile or unformed root system.

It must be used when new shoots have taken root after planting, and then suddenly begin to wither.

For transplanting, Saintpaulia is removed from the pot along with the earth on the roots..

The task of the grower is to prepare a new pot with a large diameter. The flower is placed in a new container so that the height of the new and old soil is at the same level.

The voids below and on the sides are filled with new soil.

Partial soil replacement

The partial soil replacement method is often used for replanting mini varieties. It consists in removing the top layer of soil from the pot and filling in a new layer. In this case, the pot may remain the same.

Complete soil replacement

Before completely replacing the earthen clod, it is necessary to moisten the soil in the pot with a spray gun.

After that, the violet is pulled out by the outlet and its roots are washed under running water, getting rid of excess land.

The plant should be left for a few minutes on a paper towel so that the roots dry naturally.

Please note that the root system must be carefully inspected before planting in a new pot and, if necessary, rotten and dead parts of the roots should be removed.

Places of breakage or cut are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon for disinfection.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting at home

When transplanting, you need to prepare a new container for the flower, a universal soil mixture that is suitable for perennial ornamental plants and the flower itself.

A week before transplanting, you need to reduce the watering of violets. so that the roots can dry out a little.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting Saintpaulia:

  • moisten the earth using a spray gun so that it does not get your hands dirty during the procedure;
  • remove all excess soil from violet roots, remove rotten areas;
  • rinse the roots under running water from the tap and leave to dry on a paper towel;
  • to the bottom of a new pot put a drainage layer- vermiculite, stones, clay shards;
  • sprinkle drainage with a small amount of soil mixture in order to then install a violet on it;
  • put the Saintpaulia and carefully fill in all the free space in a pot of earth, sprinkling it in small portions;
  • a layer of earth is poured before the start of the outlet, leaving it and part of the rhizome on the surface;

Care after the procedure

After transplanting, you need to make sure that the violet does not roll on its side and is firmly held in the pot. Only after that you can carry out further care of the flower.

Proper watering

Since the earthen ball was moistened during transplantation, and the new earth is saturated with useful substances, the violet does not need watering so badly in a new place.

If the soil in which you planted the plant was slightly damp, it is better to postpone watering for one day. And if the earth was dry, then you can water a little, but there should be literally 2 teaspoons of water.

Read more about that in the material at this link.

Possible mistakes

When transplanting, inexperienced flower growers can make minor mistakes, which then slow down the growth of the flower or lead to its death.

These include:

  • damage to the root system;
  • abundant watering, which entails rotting of the roots;
  • use of heavy soil;
  • lack of drainage in the pot.

With excessive pruning of the roots, a special drug that is sold in a flower shop can correct the situation. Kornevin is used to activate the growth of new roots and the active growth of the flower itself.

If other errors are made, the violet must be urgently transplanted, adhering to all the rules.

The rules for transplanting violets can be changed for each individual case, because there are certain varieties of Saintpaulia that require special treatment. These include mini-versions and rare varieties.

You can clearly see how to carry out this procedure in the following video.

Transplanting violets at home is a must for any grower. After all, I want the indoor flower to please the eye throughout the year. That is why many opt for the Saintpaulia "children" - a fragile home flower with neat leaves that will fit well in any room in your home. Knowing how to properly transplant a violet at home, divide the roots while maintaining the integrity of the sheets, and how to care for it later, you can provide full care for it. Learn the basics and techniques, and boldly start planting the plant so that it continues to bloom!

Is it possible to transplant blooming violets, and if so, what period is considered the most suitable for such a procedure? The first condition for competently transplanting violets from a leaf into a pot is the need for an annual replacement of the soil composition. Like it or not, even if you add it from time to time, there comes a moment when not so much nutrients are already present in the soil, the acidity level decreases noticeably, and it is necessary to replant a flowering plant.

In addition, the earth sooner or later begins to clog and no longer passes air so easily. Knowing when to transplant an old violet into another pot will help form a lush rosette and cover up a bare and noticeably grown stem. In order to correctly determine whether there is a need to plant a violet that blooms in a new substrate, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • a transplant of blooming violets with babies and leaves will be needed if a white coating has formed on the upper layer of the earthen composition. A similar moment indicates an excess of minerals in the soil. But this is also a good signal for an urgent flower transplant, since the plant simply does not have enough air;
  • step-by-step transplantation of homemade violets with leaves is necessary when the root system completely wraps around the earthen clod. You can verify this by carefully removing the transplanted plant from the pot along with the substrate.

Knowing when to transplant a violet into a new pot, you can competently prepare for the implementation of the procedure. Now for a specific time. Planting violets is possible throughout the year.

But do not leave the process of replacing the soil composition for the winter. At this time, the planted plant does not have enough light anyway, so the transplant will not bring any special results. But let's say you didn't succeed in planting violets in a timely manner: the summer turned out to be excessively hot or other circumstances interfered. In this case, the plant can be transplanted in winter, but you will need to provide additional lighting to your flower. Connect phytolamps, as the violet's natural sunlight will not be enough.

It is best to transplant indoor violets with leaves at the end of the flowering phase.

If the plant is still blooming, it means that it has enough of those components that are in the soil composition, that is, there is no need to replace the soil. Experts also advise against transplanting a plant if buds are just forming and starting to bloom on it. Neglect such recommendations, and you can stop the phase. In some cases, flower growers may decide to plant a blooming violet.

Extreme measures will be needed if the plant, for example, gets sick or suffers from an invasion of pests. Remember: in order to cause as little harm as possible to your flowering specimen, it is recommended to moisten the substrate immediately before planting it in a new pot, but do it in such a way that moisture does not get on the leaves, “children” and inflorescences. Another important point that must be paid attention to is the need to cut off blossoming buds. So you will do everything necessary to ensure that the violet quickly gets used to the new conditions and begins to actively develop. Learn how to transplant a violet at home step by step and at what time of the year to pay attention to such a procedure, and as a result you will get a healthy indoor plant.

Preparing for a flower transplant

How to seat the “children” of violets with leaves must be explained in advance so that later you do not have elementary questions. It is necessary to plant the "children" of Saintpaulia from the violet leaf competently, so take the preparatory moments seriously. What you should pay attention to first of all is the need to moisten the substrate.

This should be done immediately before replacing the soil composition. Remember: the soil should not be overfilled with water, but it should not be dry either, otherwise you may damage its rhizome during the transshipment of the plant. Knowing how to plant a violet with leaves, you can provide for it at home. To prepare well for the rejuvenating plant procedure, be sure to consider the following key points:

  • for planting an indoor flower with leaves, purchase new flowerpots. Of course, if you wish, you can use the old ones, but in this case they will need to be thoroughly cleaned of salt deposits;
  • flower size can be gradually increased with each subsequent transplant. But you should not go too far with this, since the root system of a transplanted violet grows miniature;
  • as for the material of the flower pot, the best option is plastic. The thing is that it is not recommended to use ceramics or clay for growing home Saintpaulia. In such containers, moisture dries out much faster, and the earth settles over time. As a result, the lower leaves of the plant eventually begin to come into contact with the edges of the pot and wither;
  • soil composition is definitely an important point for any grower. You can buy a substrate for a transplanted violet in a store or cook it yourself. But remember that peat and sand must be present in its composition;
  • when transplanting an old room violet with leaves, be sure to consider the need for drainage. This will serve as a layer of expanded clay, which must be laid out at the bottom of the flowerpot. Take care of such a nuance, and moisture will not stagnate in the ground, which adversely affects the integrity and condition of the rhizome;
  • when planting the "children" of a home flower, remember that at the end of the procedure you should not water it abundantly. It is better to cover the plant with a plastic bag on the first day.

Knowing how to transplant a violet, how often it should be done, and how to prepare for such an activity, you can safely proceed to the implementation of the plan.

Plant transplant methods

Transplanting a flowering houseplant with leaves can be done in several of the most common ways. Which one to use depends directly on the reason why you need to carry out this kind of procedure. As a rule, an indoor flowering violet is transplanted when the substrate no longer saturates the plant with the necessary nutrients. The soil turns sour, a plaque forms on it, which means it's time to start changing the earthen composition.

Planting a flower will not be difficult even for a beginner grower. First you need to remove the plant from the pot. Then clean the roots of the old soil composition and look at them carefully. If sluggish, damaged or dry root processes and leaves are found, it is recommended to remove them immediately. But do not rush to plant the plant after that.

The cut sites will need to be treated with activated charcoal, powdered. Remember: if a significant part of the root system has been cut off, it is advisable to transplant the flower into a smaller flower pot. Now all you have to do is fill the pot with a layer of drainage, soil mixture, and then place the houseplant in it.

As for the classic method of planting violets with a leaf plate, everything is quite simple here. But there is another common way - transshipment. It is often used when a flower needs to be saved from. That is, you will not need to completely clear the Saintpaulia root system from the ground.

When planting, you update the soil composition only partially. If the planting of the old flowering violet is carried out according to all the rules, you will soon see how much better it began to bloom. Take care of your pet and you will be satisfied with the result. Let the violet throughout the year, and caring for it will not become a burdensome task for you.

Video "Violet Transplant"

From this video you will learn how to transplant violets correctly.

It is a beautiful and rather unpretentious flower. Its transplantation must be done as carefully as possible. The florist must adhere to certain rules. This will allow not only to transplant the plant, but also not to harm it.

It is best to transplant in the spring. This is the most favorable time for transplanting this plant. You can also perform this action in the autumn and winter.

In this case, it is necessary to provide violet:

  • Permanent backlight
  • Optimal temperature
  • Required humidity

In the event that the temperature in the room fluctuates, then it should not go beyond the level required for the full growth and development of this plant. In the event that after the violet is placed on a window with a low level of lighting and strong temperature fluctuations, then it may not take root. The most optimal time for transplanting this plant is spring and summer. At the same time, the weather should be dry and warm outside the window. If it often rains after transplanting the plant, this can lead to the death of the plant.

Violets can also be transplanted during the flowering period.

In this case, all flowers must be removed from the plant. At the same time, you should not hesitate. After strengthening the violet, it will bloom again. Peduncles are broken out so that new roots form on it. The choice of transplant time for this plant directly depends on the wishes and requirements of the grower. When choosing a certain transplant period, it is imperative to adhere to the rules, otherwise the flower may not take root.

When transplanting violets, the flower itself requires preparation. It is produced within a few days before transplantation. If the plant has dirty leaves, then they are washed and dried. During the transplantation of this plant, its foliage must be dry without fail. After washing the leaves, the soil in the pot will become wet. That is why before transplanting violets, you must wait a few days for it to dry out.

If you want to transplant the plant as quickly as possible, then it is necessary to cover the soil with plastic wrap while washing the leaves. It is forbidden to transplant violets if the earth sticks together and sticks to the roots in the form of a coma.

Before transplanting a plant, containers are initially prepared:

  • In this case, the diameter of the pot should be 2/3 less than the diameter of the rosette of this plant.
  • If ceramic pots are used for planting violets, then they must be soaked in water for a day.
  • You can also use plastic pots to transplant violets. These containers are best used for transplanting violets in the southern regions. With their help, the soil will remain moist for a sufficiently long time.

The soil after the violet should be not only loose, but also nutritious. That is why during the transplantation of violets it is necessary to properly prepare the earthen mixture. To date, there are several ways to prepare the earth:

  • When using the first of them, it is necessary to take sphagnum and vermiculite - 1 part, peat - 1-2 parts and leafy soil - 3-4 parts.
  • The second method requires two parts of leafy soil, the same amount of biohumus, peat, sand and half a part of coal.

During the preparation of the soil, all its components must be thoroughly mixed.

In the event that you do not have the time or opportunity to prepare the soil, do not be upset. You can purchase a ready-made mixture in a specialized store. To ensure the full growth and development of the plant, it is best to sterilize the soil. For this purpose, disinfecting or scalding soil methods are most often used. This completes the preparatory phase.

It is best to transplant violets with a change of soil. To do this, it is necessary to lay drainage at the bottom of the pot, with the help of which the highest quality plants will be produced. If it is necessary to water the violet through the wick, it is inserted into the pot at this stage.

When transplanting a plant, it is strictly forbidden to pull it out of the pot.

Initially, you need to take it along with the flower and gently knock on its walls. Next, the pot tilts slightly so that excess earth spills out of it. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is not wet, but loose, which will make it as easy as possible to remove the plant from the pot.

In order to preserve the root system of the plant, it is necessary to shake the soil out of it by light shaking. Next, the old roots, which are characterized by a brown color, are removed from the plant. Such roots no longer fulfill their functions, so they will only interfere with the full development of the root system of the plant. When using the wick method of watering violets, the roots can not be removed before transplanting. This is due to the fact that during the watering of the plant, the roots are washed. In the event that during the transplantation of the plant its roots are damaged, then these places must be sprinkled with earth. If you are transplanting an old plant, you can use the same pot. When transplanting a young plant, it is necessary to use a larger diameter.

After a violet transplant, it is necessary for her to provide full caredue to which the plant will take root as quickly as possible.

Violet needs:

  • Proper lighting
  • Optimum temperature

Violet is quite sensitive to temperature changes. In order to ensure normal growth and development of this plant, it is necessary that the temperature be within 21-23 degrees. This plant does not tolerate drafts, so it is necessary to limit them from their negative effects. Also, violet should not tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

Violet must be placed on windows that are located on windows from the west or east.

This plant tolerates movement very well, so you need to regularly move and turn it towards the sun. In this case, it is necessary that flowers or leaves do not come into contact with the window glass. In order to increase the flowering of this plant, it is necessary to use artificial lighting. For this purpose, a daylight lamp is used.

If the violet is provided with a light period of 10-12 hours a day, then its engraftment will be carried out as soon as possible. About the sufficiency of the amount of light for the violet will tell its leaves. With an excess amount of light, violet leaves will hang from the pot. In the event that the foliage of this plant stretches upward, this means that it does not have enough lighting. Spraying violets is strictly prohibited. To maintain the required level of humidity, a layer of expanded clay is placed in a pan with violet. Transplanting and caring for it after transplantation is quite simple. To do this, you just need to know the needs of this plant and fully satisfy them.

More information can be found in the video.

All plants need to be transplanted or transplanted from time to time. And most often, a transplant is performed due to plant growth, when regrown roots need a larger pot. In cramped conditions houseplants stop their growth, stop blooming and lose their decorative effect. Many novice flower growers are wondering how to transplant violets at home. After all, saintpaulia is a very delicate and fragile culture, from which you want to achieve beautiful flowering in the end.

When to transplant an indoor flower?

This plant needs an annual transplant, it has a beneficial effect on its overall health. With time soil loses nutrients, the necessary acidity and caking. In addition, the transplant helps to hide the bare stem, helps to obtain a luxuriantly flowering rosette. How do you know when it's time to repot a violet? There are certain signs:

  • There is a white coating on the surface of the soil, which indicates that the soil is devoid of air permeability and that it is oversaturated with mineral fertilizers.
  • An earthen ball is tightly wrapped around the root system of a flower. To verify this, the plant is removed from the container.

What time of year to transplant violets? Saintpaulia is transplanted at any time of the year, with the exception of winter, when the luminous flux is limited. Therefore, in winter, it is better not to disturb the violet, but to wait for a warm time. If you still decide to transplant in late autumn or winter, then the plant must provide additional lighting by connecting lamps. If the summer turned out to be hot, then it is better to postpone the transplant, since the survival rate in such conditions gives a low percentage.

Is it possible to transplant flowering saintpaulia? Many flower growers are interested in this question. Experts answer that transplantation is undesirable at the time of budding, since violet can stop the process that has begun. If the plant blooms, this means one thing: it feels great in this pot too. Therefore, there is no need to rush. You should wait until the saintpaulia fades, only then proceed to transplant it.

Transplantation in flowering form is carried out only when absolutely necessary, in cases where immediate flower rescue is required. This procedure is carried out correctly - by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma. Before that, all the buds are cut off so as not to delay its speedy adaptation.

The plant for transplantation must be prepared. An earthen lump is slightly moistened to prevent root damage.

The earth should not stick to the hands, but it should not be overdried either. When moistening the substrate, avoid getting water on the leaves, which will save them from contamination during transplantation.

Main Rules, according to which it is required to transplant Saintpaulia, are the following:

Different transplant methods

Today, this indoor flower can be transplanted in several ways. For this need plastic pots, soil substrate and a little time.

Most common cause transplanting saintpaulias at home is to replace the old soil mixture with a new one. This procedure is carried out when the violet stops developing, has a bare stem or sour earth. Such a transplant requires a complete replacement of the soil, including its removal from the roots. This makes it possible to conduct a thorough examination of the root system; in case of its unhealthy, the removal of rotten and damaged parts is required. The violet is carefully removed from the pot, the earth, yellowed leaves, sluggish and dry flower stalks are removed. Sections must be treated with coal powder.

If a lot of roots had to be removed during transplantation, the container is chosen one size smaller than the previous one.

The bottom of the pot is covered with expanded clay, after which form a mound of earth, on which they spread, straightening the roots, violet. Then we fill the soil to the very leaves. For better compression of the roots with an earthen clod, lightly tap on the pot. The plant after planting is watered no earlier than 24 hours later. After watering, when the earth of the mute settles, you need to add the earth to avoid exposing the stem.

Violet is transplanted at home and for a partial change of soil. This method is good for miniature varieties when a partial renewal of the substrate is sufficient. Such a transplant is carried out without damaging the root system in a larger pot. The transplant itself takes place in exactly the same way as the previous method, however, the substrate is partially shaken off, without the need to disturb the earthy coma.

The method of "transshipment"

Transplantation of Saintpaulia by the method of transshipment is carried out in case of saving a flowering specimen or in order to seat the children. Also, this method is applicable when you need to transplant a heavily overgrown flower outlet. This transfer means complete preservation of the earthen coma. How to make it?

A larger flowerpot is covered with a layer of drainage, followed by part of the fresh substrate. An old one is inserted into this flowerpot, aligned in the center. Soil is poured into the resulting free space between the pots, tap the container for better compaction. Then the old container is removed and a violet is placed in the recess formed from the previous pot along with an earthen clod. It is necessary to ensure that the surface of the new and old soil is at the same level. Transshipment of Saintpaulia completed.

After this procedure, competent care is carried out, with which you can achieve full development and lush violet blooms.