Levitating pot for indoor flowers: features and principle of operation. Do-it-yourself Levitron: a home-made scheme for a device for levitation in a magnetic field Do-it-yourself magnetic levitation

Sooner or later, even the most exotic indoor plants begin to become boring, and the soul requires something new, extravagant. If the budget allows, you can please yourself and surprise your guests with a novelty - a levitating pot for plants.

The principle of operation of a flying flower pot

Fans of mysticism know that objects and people can levitate (hover above the ground) if they are infused with otherworldly forces. After all, levitation is overcoming the gravity of the Earth, a state of lightness and weightlessness, as well as movement in space. However, this is just speculation.

Science has adopted this phenomenon and in 2016 a Japanese company released an original flying bonsai flower pot. It is impossible for a simple layman to guess about the principle of its action - this spectacle is so mesmerizing, because this is not an optical illusion at all, but a reality.

Looking closely at the device, you can see that a beautiful wooden / stone stand, over which a pot of plant floats in weightlessness, is connected to the mains. Inside this stand there is a powerful magnet that interacts with the magnet hidden at the bottom of the pot. Thus, the pot on a magnetic cushion hangs in the air and even rotates around its axis.

Where to buy magnetic flower pots?

You can buy levitating pots from Russian representatives of the manufacturing company. You can find intermediaries on the Internet, but you can’t find them in retail, since the release is still limited.

The cost and characteristics of the miracle pot

Not everyone can afford to buy a novelty, because the price of a magnetic pot varies from 100 to 350 US dollars, depending on the modification. Bonsai is the most expensive, and a white plastic twelve-sided pot costs from $100.

Both the pot and stand have a weight of about 1 kg 700 gr, and most of the weight falls on the magnetic stand. The plastic pot is available in white color and is painted with exotic hieroglyphs.

Levitron is a toy that demonstrates the levitation of a spinning top, in which a neodymium magnet is located above a ferrite magnet of a larger diameter. It looks amazing!
Materials for the manufacture of Levitron
So, we need three ring-shaped magnets with sufficient power to make a toy. Magnets from low-frequency speakers, whose service life has long expired, are quite suitable for our purpose.

In order to make a top, you will need a neodymium magnet. You can take it from the speaker, which has the inscription "Neodium transducer". Similar speakers are used in cell phones. The strongest permanent magnet today is neodymium, made from an alloy of neodymium, boron, and iron. High temperature will negatively affect it, so this magnet should be kept away from heat. So, a cell phone magnet can be of two types - in the form of a round plate or in the form of a ring. The ring magnet is put on the top itself strictly in the center, and the tablet-shaped magnet is glued to the axis of the top from below. The material for the top itself should be a lightweight material such as composite or plastic.

Levitron setting
The setting should be approached with particular scrupulousness, because this part of the work is crucial and is the most time-consuming. Ring magnets must be connected to each other by opposite polarities. A plate (not made of metal) up to 1 cm thick should be installed on top of them. The top will be carefully installed in the base of the Levitron - the center of the magnet. If you notice that the top deviates to the side, then the magnet needs to be replaced with another one with a larger diameter.

To start the top, you will need a few more elements with which you can adjust the thickness of the platform in order to achieve normal rotation of the top. We will need plexiglass plastic with paper sheets. If the spinning top is spinning normally, we begin to gently raise the platform until it flies up.

If our spinning top flies up with excessive swiftness, its weight should be increased. If it deviates in one direction, then you can correct the situation by placing paper sheets under the opposite one. These actions allow you to adjust the base of our toy so that it is clearly at sea level.

And a video with levitrons ...

It turns out that you can always contemplate not only a burning fire, running water and how another person works.

Today we will look at a levitating device that is positioned as a plant pot.

There are several variations of this device:

There are also other devices of this kind, such as speakers, photo frames, globes, hearts and others.

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The disadvantages include the lack of an adapter for a European-style socket.

You can read about the principle of operation of this type of device in.

Features of the device and its operation
Dimensions of the main platform: height - 2.2cm, diameter - 13.6cm.
Pot dimensions: height - 3.3 cm, diameter at the bottom - 4 cm, at the top - 8.6 cm.

The platform, as well as the pot, are made of wood-like plastic.

At the bottom of the platform are rubber inserts to prevent slipping.

To start the operation of this device, it is necessary to connect the main platform to the power device (after that, the red diodes on the platform will light up) and slowly lower the pot parallel to the ground.

Plants should be watered carefully, making sure that water does not get on the main platform.

It is recommended to keep electronics (or other objects that can interact with a magnet) at least 20 cm from the device.

The levitating pot rotates, the speed and direction of rotation can be adjusted (slowing it down or accelerating it). You can also make it rotate a few degrees in one direction, and then in the other.

I wanted to plant the succulent Haworthia pumila in a pot, but this turned out to be impossible due to the fact that this plant has long roots. That is, the pot is designed for plants with small roots, not long ones. Or you can fill it with other delights of nature, creating a beautiful still life, which I did :)

The gap between the empty levitating pot and the platform is 9mm. If you put an object weighing 84 grams on it, the platform will lower by 3mm and the distance will be about 6mm.

The important point is that when filling the pot, the load is distributed evenly, otherwise it will warp.

"Wow-effect" is provided, absolutely everyone who saw this device in operation was surprised to contemplate the pot, which soars and rotates.

And finally, a photo and video of this device in action:

+ great for a "wow effect";
+ good build quality;
+ cute appearance(Perfect as a gift)
+ inexpensive compared to ;

The device is not made of real wood;
- I would like a greater distance between the levitating platform and the pot, especially with a load of more than 100 grams;
- no adapter for euro socket.

Coupon CANDY reduces the price by 10% (works until 10/31).

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review is published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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Indoor plants are a simple and inexpensive way to decorate any room, make it more comfortable and beautiful. But even the simplest plant will be able to attract the surprised looks of everyone if it is planted in a levitating pot. Unlike simple models, it does not just float in the air, but also rotates in different directions. The features of such flying pots, as well as the principle of their work, will be discussed in the article.

About the manufacturer

Today, two companies offer such indoor floating flowers at once.

  • Domestic brand Levitera. It offers customers not only several various plants to choose from, but even empty flower pots that customers can fill themselves at will.
  • Swedish company Flyte. It also offers customers various varieties indoor plants in levitating pots. In addition, the manufacturer's assortment also includes floating watches.

Both manufacturers produce high-quality and unique products. The difference between their products lies in the price, as well as in the configuration, or rather, in the connector of the plug-socket itself.


Flower pots floating in the air appeared relatively recently, they are considered a novelty on the Russian market. Their main features are:

  • unique appearance;
  • the possibility of planting absolutely any plant in a pot;
  • compact size;
  • the ability to use the container not only as a pot, but also as a planter;

  • durability;
  • unpretentiousness and safety in operation.

Complete set and connection

Such a levitating flower pot works due to the connection to the electrical network. Without its presence, it will be impossible to enjoy the unique appearance of the device.

Such a pot is magnetic, that is, it is magnets that hold it in the air, which are presented in the form of complex schemes. They are located both at the bottom of the container itself and on the surface of the holding stand. The magnets are activated when the device is plugged into a power outlet.

The manufacturer offers the following equipment:

  • stand;
  • extension;
  • socket;
  • the pot itself;
  • plant seedling;
  • user manual.

In order to start the floating pot, it is necessary to free the stand from the packaging and place it on a flat surface. Then plug the cord into a power outlet. After that, you need to take the pot with both hands and, without touching the platform, place it in the center of it at a height of no more than 1 cm. If everything is done correctly, when the hands are loosened, the pot will itself be held in the air. As a rule, it is possible to start it from 2-3 times.

Such a floating pot for indoor plants does not just hang in the air and remain motionless. If you tilt it slightly with your fingers in any direction or unwind it, then it will continue to repeat the given movement until it stops.

Subject to all the requirements for operation and careful attitude, the period of correct operation of such a unique device is virtually unlimited. The manufacturer gives a guarantee of at least 1 year of continuous operation.

Varieties of models

Manufacturers today produce such hovering devices only in small sizes. As a rule, their diameter does not exceed 10 cm. This is due to the complexity of the internal design of the device.

The color range is quite narrow. It contains only 3 colors: white, dark brown and light beige. Again, according to the manufacturers, the functions and principle of operation of such a pot are its main decoration, so it does not need additional decor.

The range includes both simply round and multifaceted models with a small pattern on the surface. However, in general, the appearance of such devices is minimally decorated. Everything is specially made to ensure that the principle of operation of the device is the main highlight.

What plants are suitable for?

In principle, a magnetic planter is suitable for any indoor flowers. But the developers themselves recommend using such a device for small trees or medium-sized plants. According to them, Canadian spruce, bonsai, cactus or succulents will be the best choice.

You can install such levitating pots anywhere - in offices, in apartments, in the country. In any case, such a device will become the main highlight of any flower garden or room.

About the features and principles of operation of the levitating pot, see the following video.

Today, technological progress has reached such a level that it has allowed scientists to come close to solving the problem of creating a train track on magnetic suspension elements. They will ride without contact with the metal tracks, but at some distance from them. The whole "trick" is built on magnetic levitation in the air, which allows the train to seem to float in space.

Scientific interpretation

Many believe that levitation in a magnetic field is the free path of a magnet thrown into space. In fact, this physical process consists in overcoming the forces of gravity by an object under the influence of a magnet. It is subjected to the magnetic pressure of the magnetic field. In ordinary language, under magnetic levitation in space, one must understand that if gravitational pressure acts from top to bottom on a lying object, then a reverse force can be created that can neutralize attraction. That is, the object levitates in the air.

In order to better understand the magnetic levitation in the air, you need to remember the school physics curriculum. If you take two magnets and bring them close to each other with their north poles, they will repel each other. When you bring the north pole to the south side, the magnets will be attracted. The first experience allows objects with a huge weight to levitate in space.

The concept of diamagnetic levitation

In physics, diamagnetic levitation is the neutralization of the magnetic pressure of a magnetic field from any object or object. From many experiments made by one's own hands, it becomes clear that diamagnetism makes objects weightless in space. Moreover, such a process can occur in an environment with different temperatures and with objects having different weights.

An example of this would be the experiment with a frog levitating in the air. The animal was placed in a created magnetic field having an induction of more than 16 Tesla, and everyone saw a hovering frog.

In addition, you can create a magnetic field with an induction of 11 Tesla and place your hands in the created field. Due to this, the magnet will begin to float in the air. Moreover, the flight of the magnet is easy to control. How to make such a focus? You need to lightly touch the magnet with your hand, and it will always be between your hands. The fingers will be diamagnetic.

In the service of man

In practice, scientists have already proven magnetic levitation in the air with a person. On today's agenda is the task of applying the process with technical means that are in the service of civilization.

flying trains

In scientific developments, such trains are called maglev (the first part of the word is magnetic, the second part is levitation). Today, they are quite successful in transporting passengers in Japan. But even there, due to significant financial investments, they occupy a small percentage of the total railway fleet.

It's important to know! Such rail transport moves with the help of a magnetic field created by powerful magnetic elements that are mounted under the railroad tracks.

Trains of this principle of operation are capable of developing high speed, due to the elimination of friction forces. That is, due to magnetic levitation in the air, they do not come into contact with metal rails.

Mechanics without wear

The second area of ​​application of this phenomenon is mechanics. Many experts are aware of the short operating life of ball bearings in mechanical assemblies, leading to serious accidents and long downtimes of production lines.

Today, in practice, this problem is solved using a magnetic field. Scientists have developed magnetic bearings. They are especially used in hard-to-reach places for repairs.

In addition, magnetic bearings are used in the nodes of vertical wind generators. This makes it possible to convert wind energy into electricity without costly maintenance and downtime.

As a result, it should be noted that many of the processes previously described by man in the works of the fantastic genre are embodied in reality. The human mind will soon be able to bring ideas to life with plasma windows, laser curtains and carbon computers.
