Ancient signs: history of appearance, interpretation of superstitions. Wise grandmother's advice. (Folk signs) Signs for old people

Until now, in everyday life we ​​are surrounded by various kinds of beliefs, folk signs and superstitions. This is an essential area of ​​the people's worldview, an entire world that has evolved over the centuries. In the beliefs of Russian peasants, there lived supernatural beings who gave special meaning to the entire world around them.

Everyone knows the sign according to which The old person should be the first to enter the new house. It can be interpreted from several angles: firstly, it reflects respect for the older generation, and secondly, people believed that a new stage in life, including moving to a new home, requires sacrifice. It was believed that the one who first crossed the threshold of a new house or spent the night in it would be the first to die. Therefore, the old man took on the role of the victim.

By the way, the custom of letting a cat into a new home first, is explained by the same thing. Our ancestors were convinced that the sacrifice would still have to be made, and it should be as less bloody as possible. In addition, a cat is able to identify positive and negative places in the house: it falls on energetically unfavorable zones and neutralizes them. And the dog, on the contrary, chooses favorable places where it is recommended to arrange the bedroom.

Magical properties in the popular understanding possessed a broom. They believed that it was under it that the brownie lived. It is not for nothing that there is a sign of taking an old broom to a new home, because the brownie is the keeper of the family hearth and well-being. The broom also protects against the evil eye and evil spirits. And in order for the brownie to help and protect the owner, the broom should stand in the corner with the handle down. It is also clear that storing the broom in this position will increase its service life.

A common sign prohibiting whistling in the house, is also associated with a supernatural understanding of the environment. The whistle resembles the howling of the wind, which can cause damage to the household and carry away goods.

You cannot wash or sweep the floor immediately after a relative or guest has left., because it could harm that person. Destroying his mystical traces that still remain is the same as driving him out of the house.

Saying hello and goodbye on the doorstep means a quarrel. The fact is that the threshold occupies a special place in the system of symbols of Russian signs. This is a certain border between home and the outside world, and inappropriate behavior can attract evil spirits. In addition, greeting a person or saying goodbye to him on the threshold is contrary to the rules of decency.

Storing broken dishes is bad luck. Such dishes represent incompleteness, defectiveness, and keeping them in the house can cause discord in the family. This also includes the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding, which symbolizes the bride’s farewell to her virginity.

Don’t throw away trash in the evening: they might steal. After sunset, according to ancient Slavic ideas, evil spirits begin to reign. Garbage is also considered a haven for restless souls, which is why it is both dangerous and unwise to get rid of it closer to night.

The icon fell - to the deceased. The reason for this belief lies in the attitude towards the icon as the patroness of the human soul. The icons depict those to whom a person prays for health and well-being, and the fall of the holy image is perceived as a shock. Similar beliefs are associated with a portrait of a person and with a broken mirror.

The Russian people had a special attitude towards bread, which is very noticeable in the signs.

You should not throw away bread; it is better to feed it to the birds, especially since they represent the souls of the dead. Bread is a symbol of family unity, hence the expression “cut off slice” and the sign that if the bread splits in two in the oven, one of the household members will leave. After cutting off a piece of bread, do not stick the knife into the loaf - you will starve. Bread is a spiritual being, he feels everything, he can be offended and deprive the house of his protection. Bread is not baked - to separation or ruin. It was believed that the souls of the dead are nourished by the aroma of baking bread, and if it is not baked, it means that the souls of ancestors do not visit the house and do not protect it. It was also forbidden to clean the house while bread was baking, otherwise there would be no wealth. Any noise can frighten and offend him. Bread must be respected, and only one thing must be done.

And finally, we can’t help but say about salt. Spill salt - to a quarrel. The thing is that in Rus' salt was a very expensive product for a long time. Also, evil spirits are afraid of salt (hence the custom of greeting guests with bread and salt). To avoid trouble after spilling salt, folk wisdom advises spitting over your left shoulder three times or laughing. After all, there is a devil behind your left shoulder, and with such actions you will show that you are not afraid of the machinations of evil spirits and are not upset over a trifle.

Finally, it is important to note that everything we believe in comes true, so believe only in good things!
Today, everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in omens or not - it’s a personal matter for everyone!

Signs and superstitions

A large rowan harvest means a difficult year, frost.
Large frost throughout the winter is a difficult summer for health.
Seeing a brownie means trouble, death.
Crying or sighing of a brownie means the death of the owner.
A knock in the house, from an unknown cause, to someone's death.
If, during the unction, the candles fall with their butts towards the threshold, the patient will die.
If a sick person rave about the road (about the road, about horses), he will die.
If a sleepy person takes a breather, he will die.
Crumbs falling out of your mouth means death.
If a sick person lies on his side against the wall, he will die.
If women pave the way to the house where the sick man lies, he will die.
A magpie jumps at a patient's house - to recovery.
The magpie doesn’t tickle for nothing (either towards guests or news).
If they expect a priest to come to a dying person with gifts, they place a knife on the table to warn of death.
An ember fell out of the censer while censing near the deceased, and soon there will be another.
In a room where a dead person lies, they do not sweep it until it is removed.
Sweep away the dead man's dirty linen - take everyone out of the house.
The straw on which the deceased lies is burned outside the gate.
If a cow udders from the rear udders, she will bring a bull, and from the front udders, a heifer.
Don't play with a knife - there will be a quarrel.
Don't put the spindle whorl on the table - you'll make forty sins.
Don't look out the window until dawn.
Two people can wipe themselves with one hand and tear themselves apart in the next world.
My knees itch - I can't hear the way.
If the dog, standing on its feet, sways, then the owner will have a hard time.
The bread in the oven split into two - signifying the absence of one of the family members.
Scratching your elbow means sleeping in a new place.
On the road, the right foot will get cold before the left - for good.
The mustache itches - in front of a gift (there are gifts).
The right palm itches for profit, the left for loss.
The right palm itches - to receive, the left - to give money.
The elbow itches - to grief.
A fly in your drink or food is a gift.
Nails bloom - for renewal, a gift, for a change in life.
If you spit on yourself, there will be a renewal.
I spat on myself - either I'm drunk or I'll get beaten.
A cat reaches out to a person - for renewal.
The neck itches for a feast or a beating.
Curl (the back of the head) itches - to sadness.
Itching in the nose - good news.
The bridge of the nose itches - for the deceased, the nostril - for christenings, the side - for news, the tip of the nose - for wine.
The nostril itches - to the homeland.
The nose itches - look into the glass. An itchy nose means old age.
Ears itching - like newborns in people you know.
The forehead itches - beat the forehead; on the right side - for a man, on the left - for a woman.
The eyebrow itches - for a bow, for a date, for tears.
The right eyebrow itches - for a date with a friend, the left - with a hypocrite.
The right eyebrow itches - to bow to a man, the left - to a woman.
The left eye is itching to cry, the right eye is itching to look at anyone.
Cheeks itching or burning means tears.
Good, so remember, and evil, so full (they say with a hiccup).
If you sneeze on an empty stomach on Monday - for a gift, on Tuesday - for visitors, on Wednesday - for news, on Thursday - for praise, on Friday - for a date, on Saturday - for the fulfillment of desires, on Sunday - for guests.
Ants in the house - fortunately. Horses neigh - for good.
If you accidentally see light in your home, expect happiness.
The mole is in such a place that you can see it for yourself - for worse, but not visible - for good.
Identifying a person means a wedding or a deceased person.
Losing a glove is bad luck. Breaking a mirror means bad luck.
The brick fell out of the oven - for worse.
If porridge comes out of the pot from the oven - for worse, into the oven - for good.
If white bread is baked with the head on, it means headlessness (that is, if a lump comes out on the side).
The front corner, or matrix, is cracking - for worse (unfortunate for the owner).
The tar spilled out of the hut onto the street - for worse.
A hollow in a log house is not good.
The garden blooms late - to the death of the owner.
The rooster shakes his head - to trouble in the house.
Roosters crow all night - not good.
If chickens fly off the roost at night, then there will be trouble.
Jackdaws and crows sitting screaming in front of the house, especially in the morning, are bad news.
If the roosters in the village crow at the wrong time, go to the dead man.
A woodpecker chisels moss in a hut - to the dead man.
A bat flies into the house - to trouble.
A swallow flies into the window - to the dead man.
A cuckoo crows on a dry tree - it means frost.
The raven croaks - to the dead man.
Whoever sings in the forest and sees a raven will stumble upon a wolf.
A raven croaks at a church - to a dead man in the village; croaks in the hut - to the dead man in the yard.
Through which the yard the crows flew cawing, there will be a dead man.
The owner's owl survives (if it screams at home).
An owl will not bring any good. The owl is a poor widow.
An owl near the house screams - to the newborn.
The raven croaked and croaked (and even croaked its head).
Flew on its own head (about a bird that flies into a hut, if they manage to catch it and rip off its head).
The howl of a dog - for eternal peace. The howl of a dog at night - to the deceased.
If a dog howls at night, then turn the pillow under your head, saying: “On your head!” - and she will fall silent.
The dog clings to the owner - unfortunately.
The dog howls downwards (towards the ground) - towards the deceased; up - to the fire.
If a dog does not eat crumbs near a sick person, then he will soon die.
A warrior's horse sniffs - to be killed.
If a pike splashes its tail in front of a fisherman, he will not live long.
Wolves howl under housing - a sign of frost or war.
If a mouse gets into your bosom, it will be a big disaster.
Mice will gnaw clothes (dress) - to death.
Do not call kittens little mice when petting them: the mother will bite them to death.
Flies in the hut in winter - to the deceased.
A cricket flying around the hut means death or fire.
Don't put Arshin on the bed - he'll be dead.
A straw sticks to the chicken's tail - it will be dead.
The icon will fall - to the deceased.
The thirteenth does not sit at the table.
Trinity is a trinity, but three candles are not placed on the table.
The first pancake for the repose (at Masleno).
Cockroaches (or: mice) are crawling out of the house - before the fire.
A hare runs around the village - towards a fire.
A cuckoo flies around the village - to a fire.
The cry of an eagle owl near a village means great trouble, a fire.
Anyone whose house is on fire should not be allowed into the residential building.
A black dog, a black cat and a black rooster in the house save from a thunderstorm and from a thief (and vice versa, they are dangerous during a thunderstorm).
If you hang a dead snake (or snake) on an aspen tree, it will wake up and sting its killer.
If a seriously ill patient sneezes, he will live.
It rings in the right ear - good news, in the left ear - bad news.
Ears itch for news, for rain.
The roosters are crowing at the wrong time - there will be new decrees.
The roosters crowed at the wrong time - to the news.
The mustache itches - for a date, for a kiss, for gifts, for a delicacy.
Lips itch - for kissing.
Stumbling - someone mentioned it with abuse.
To attach a leg (to touch something) - someone is in a hurry.
The soles are itching - towards the road. The soles were itching - the boots would be behind the shoulders (the boots would be dangling on the staff).
Arms, legs, head ache, fingers burn, calluses hurt - bad weather.
Choking at dinner - the guest is in a hurry.
A spoon forgotten on the table goes to the guest.
Coals, sparks, firebrands from the furnace - to the guests.
Accidentally extinguish a candle - to the guests.
A log will fall out of pregnancy - to the guests.
A log from a duster falls - towards the guests.
The cat washes itself - it washes away guests (invites).
Chickens fight - to the guests.
If, leaving the house, you get caught, you will soon be there again.
If you choke in someone else's house, you'll be there again in a year.
Whoever's ear is on fire, they say about him: the right one is the truth, the left one is a lie.
There is a ringing in the right ear - a good wake-up call; on the left - thin.
The right eyebrow itches - they praise, the left - they scold.
My head itches - I hear swearing at myself.
Bite your tongue - someone scolds you.
Chickens scream at the roost - to a domestic quarrel.
Spilling salt by accident means a quarrel (and to prevent a quarrel, sprinkle the spilled salt on your head).
Keys on the table - to a quarrel.
Anyone who stumbles while walking home will have a quarrel ready at home.
If someone is deceived by the name of a person leaving, he will come back angry.
And the man is rich, but without bread he is not a peasant.
Bread is the father, the breadwinner; It’s a sin to drop a baby on the ground.
Once the bread is in the oven, do not sit on the oven, it will spoil.
If there is a golik or a frog sitting under the oven, then the bread will spoil.
When one loaf is taken out before the others and cut, all the loaves will spoil.
Don't make bread at dinner, there won't be an argument.
When the sun has set, no new carpets are repaired, poverty prevails.
When the bread is baking, do not sweep the hut: you will sweep it with ergot.
Don't drink from someone else's well - your own (water) won't flow.
When the sun sets, they don’t lend bread or money.
When the sun has set, don’t throw your rubbish on the street: you’ll throw it away.
When the sun sets, don’t count money, don’t make payments.
In one hut, don’t sweep with different brooms: wealth will disperse in the corners.
It is good to give from half the offspring, but it is not good to take (that is, for the allowance of animals, or to borrow seeds).
Whoever carries a double nut in his wallet will be rich.
During the new moon, do not show the moon an empty purse: the century will be empty.
Whoever sleeps with a cat gets frogs in his head.
If a cat eats boiled peas, it will go deaf.
If a woman steps over the collar or shaft, it will be hard for the horse.
Don't step over the rocker - the writhing will come.
Vavilo, don’t chop the reel: the housewife will die (from the Pobaska, where the housewife, out of laziness, intimidated her husband so that he wouldn’t do the reel).
If you step on the place where the bucket recently stood, lichen will spread throughout your body.
If you wipe your hands with a tablecloth, there will be hangnails.
It is a sin to destroy a swallow's nest.
Whoever destroys a swallow's nest will have freckles.
Whoever washes his face with milk at the first swallow will be white.
Whoever takes off his shirt at the first nightingale will not be bitten by fleas.
The soil from under the first spring plow, secretly placed in the hut, drives out bedbugs.
To make cockroaches disappear: take as many of them as there are residents in the house, and drag them in a bast shoe across the threshold and the road.
Bury an evil fly in the ground in the fall - others will not bite.
A good fly has bitten (when the lip or cheek swells during sleep).
It is a sin to put your left foot on before your right.
The hem is bent - to self-interest.
Clothes inside out - you're either drunk or you'll be beaten.
Sew up a dress on yourself, sew on a button - you will sew on a memory.
Don't point the end of the pin towards yourself.
If the found pin lies with its head towards you, a friend remembered; if the tip is towards you, the enemy is plotting.
A girl pricks her finger with a needle - hear praise.
Cover all dishes, even with a splinter, so that the demon does not take over.
If you cover the mash with a fur coat, there will be noise in the house.
Don't spit to the right - there is a guardian angel, spit to the left - there is the devil.
Spitting on the water is like spitting in your mother's eyes.
Do not cross your fingers between your fingers.
If a mouse eats anything in the church, it will turn into a bat.
Let Kostroma into the Volga (i.e., idol; old).
If the priest loosens his belt, then the woman in the village will soon give birth.
Walking through a broom means it’s hard to give birth to children.
If the housewife keeps the pole neatly, then her children will not get angry.
The son is like his mother, the daughter is like her father - fortunately, and vice versa.
Whoever is born on a new moon is tenacious, long-lasting.
If an unbaptized baby dies, then distribute forty body crosses to the poor.
The godfather gives a cross, the godfather gives a rizki (or: on a cross, on a rizki).
Do not show the child mirrors so that he does not become shy.
Don't let babies kiss: they'll be mute for a long time.
A child under one year old should not sew a shirt from new canvas.
In a field, not in an oak grove: you can’t catch it on a branch.
Such a forest that there is a hole in the sky.
There is no place to cut the drumstick; there is nothing to flog the guy with (woodlessness).
On a new moon, trees are not felled (cut down).
Chopping firewood, timber, and brushwood during the full moon will rot and cause a worm to eat it.
During the full moon, do not salt pickles and do not cook anything for future use.
Cut timber on a new moon: if it is cut down, it rots due to damage.
When pawning a hut, they put money under the corner for wealth, wool for warmth, incense for holiness.
Carpenters who cut down huts must be treated fairly so that the huts do not speak on the owner’s head.
Putting the stove on the new moon will make it warmer.
When moving to a new house, a cat and a rooster are allowed to spend the night in advance.
During the new month the fish bite.
A lot of crayfish means a good catch of fish.
A ruff in the first hall is a sign of unsuccessful fishing.
Do not step on the net and do not spit: the fish will not be caught.
A leaf develops on an oak tree - a pike catch.
When the bird cherry blossoms, then the catch is for bream.
If a wedding procession meets a funeral procession, then to avoid trouble, the couple need to change their route.
If the bride has a friend who has a good relationship with her husband, then let her wear the earrings for the bride, then the newlywed will be happy in her marriage.
It will be considered bad if on the eve of the wedding the bride breaks a mirror or loses a glove.
Since ancient times, it has been believed that a young woman needs to cry on the eve of her wedding, in order to save herself from tears in marriage.
If the newlyweds are seated at a festive feast on a fur coat, placed on chairs and with the fur turned outward, then they will live richly.
If it happens that the groom stumbles in front of his bride’s house, then this is a sign of his uncertainty about his choice.
On the eve of marriage, newlyweds must break a laurel branch in half; this ritual will ensure them an unclouded family life.
An engaged couple should not be photographed together, as this could lead to a quarrel and separation.
It will be a bad sign for the groom if he sees his bride in a wedding dress before the wedding. Young also does not bode well if she decides to show off her wedding dress in the mirror. If she still cannot bear to do this, then let her at least take off one shoe or glove.
If a young woman, when getting married, wears shoes that are not entirely new (old), this will bring her good luck.
Under no circumstances should the bride allow her friend to “spin” near the mirror in front of her on her wedding day - she will lead the groom away.
Putting a hat on the table is not only unethical, but also a bad sign - there will be no money.
If your neck itches - expect a fun meeting with friends.
Your left eye itches - unfortunately, if the same thing happens to your right eye - expect to meet your loved one.
If your elbow itches, there will be trouble, tears.
If two people yawn at the same time, it means that they are going to have fun together.
If you had a terrible dream, then do not tell anyone close to you about it until the sun rises, otherwise it will certainly come true.
Whoever walks behind a person and steps on his footprints will take away his health.
If someone indulges in fun before a big holiday, then at the moment of the holiday tears and boredom await him.
If someone has left the house, then the floors cannot be swept for three days, otherwise the person who left will not return.
You can't whistle in an apartment - you'll invite trouble.
Good news awaits anyone who sneezed before lunch.
Never leave pieces of half-eaten bread on the table after dinner, otherwise you will leave your happiness there too.
If you sweep the crumbs off the table with your hand, instead of prosperity there will be losses in the household.
Never serve ground pepper to anyone, otherwise a quarrel will occur between you. If you still need to do this, then laugh when serving the pepper.
If during a meal a girl accidentally spills something on the table, then her husband will cheat on her.
Do not bring old iron into the house - a great misfortune may happen.
Changing banknotes for someone in small change means tears.
To have a successful day for you, you need to get up on both feet in the morning and start walking with the right one.
If you accidentally get caught on something while leaving the house, you will soon return back.
If a cat stands on the windowsill and looks out the window, leaning against the window frames, then in the near future you will have guests.

Superstitions and omens are of great importance: they tell us when good luck awaits us and warn us of possible troubles. But most signs are often misinterpreted, not knowing their true meaning.

From time immemorial, the Russian people have been considered superstitious. Signs based on observation hide much more meaning than we used to think. For example, spilled salt promises discord in the family and tears. Why salt? Many people will think that this sign is related to the taste of the product, but this is not so. Now salt has become accessible and cheap, but in the old days only rich people could afford it. If such a valuable product appeared on the table of a poor family, they used it sparingly and tried to preserve it. By spilling salt, the culprit incurred the wrath of the household. To neutralize this superstition, just throw a pinch of scattered salt over your left shoulder and laugh.

One way or another, all superstitions are time-tested and are often signs of Fate. They warn us against rash actions, warn us of difficulties or, on the contrary, promise luck and joy. This knowledge will be the key to a happy and successful life for every person who believes in its action.

Whistling in the house

Many have come across the expression “don’t whistle, there won’t be any money.” According to legends, whistling attracted evil spirits and scared away the brownie, who protected the home from negative attacks. The whistle also calls forth the wind, which blows financial well-being out of the house. Sailors are careful not to whistle on board for fear of attracting a strong storm. According to the sign, by whistling we turn away the Higher powers and attract failures into life.

Clothes inside out

In the old days, people treated clothes with care and tried to preserve them for as long as possible. Sewn by hand, it kept the warmth of hands and protected the owner from damage and the evil eye. A careless attitude towards clothing was usually accompanied by a caustic comment: “wear your clothes inside out and you’ll get beaten.” This expression meant that a person had lost protection and was subject to negative influence from the outside.

Sewing on yourself

“If you sew on yourself, you will sew up a memory.” Another sign that means that repairing clothes on yourself means exposing yourself to an unjustified risk. Carelessness was never encouraged, and in ancient times it threatened with serious illness and even death. A needle prick could cause infection, and in the absence of medicine, it was difficult to prevent the disease.

Knock on wood

It is believed that the tree is a strong source of earthly strength that can ward off adversity. In the old days, and even now, people, having heard unflattering words addressed to them or said too much, try to cancel the negative consequences by knocking on wood three times. Three - a symbol of the Higher Powers - also mystically influences a successful outcome. Knocking on a tree was complemented by spitting three times over the left shoulder: they believed that this gesture drove away the evil spirits located on the left side.

Empty bucket

Meeting a person with empty buckets means losses. In the past, a woman with empty buckets did not bode well: in times of drought, wells dried up, and people had to look for water in remote places. This was often a risky activity, because if you accidentally slipped on the river bank, you could lose valuable equipment and get hurt. Nowadays, when they meet someone with an empty bucket or wheelbarrow, people spit over their left shoulder and say: “Keep me away, mind me.”

Passing things over the threshold

Our ancestors always protected the threshold of the house from negative influences, so the transfer of something was carried out only if the person’s foot was on the threshold. Spelled things are not uncommon in the modern world, so energy protection will not hurt. If something is handed to you, stand with one foot on the threshold and cross your fingers - this will help cancel the negative impact of the thing being handed to you.

Sit on the table

The table has always been a revered place among Russians. All meals and holidays took place at spacious tables located in the upper room. Each household member was assigned a specific place. Also on the table there was food collected and obtained through hard work, so sitting on the table desecrated both the meal and the food. He who sits on the table brings poverty not only on himself, but also on the owners of the house.

Sit on the path

Travel used to be a risky activity, especially during times of mud. Predatory animals, bandits and bad weather could delay the traveler and bring disaster to his head. “By sitting down on the path,” people attracted good luck, because the help of their native walls gave confidence in the successful outcome of any journey.

Black cat

Everyone knows that a black cat crossing the road is bad luck. This superstition also comes from ancient Rus'. In those days, black cats were treasured and people tried not to let them leave the house. They were a kind of amulets against fires and were the guardians of the hearth along with the brownie. The owner's cat wandering alone was a symbol of the misfortune of the family from which it ran away.

Broken mirror

An expensive mirror in the old days was not the same as we see it now. In those days, mirrors were not just expensive, but status items that spoke of wealth. The difficulty of manufacturing and transporting the fragile item further increased its cost. It is no wonder that a broken mirror brought 7 years of misfortune - it was precisely this period that our ancestors considered sufficient to save up for a new attribute.

Table corner

According to legends, an unmarried girl should not sit on the corner of the table. It was believed that she would not be able to get married and would remain an old maid. Later they came up with an excuse. If a girl had to crowd together and sit where she was not supposed to, she would whisper: “The groom will be with the corner.” This meant that her betrothed would take the bride to his home and provide a roof over her head.

If you sweep badly, the groom will be crooked

Young girls are often told this phrase when cleaning. It means that a bad housewife will not attract a decent groom and only a loser will be able to marry her. Previously, matchmakers came to the bride's house and agreed on marriage. What kind of housewife the future bride will show herself to be, such will be her future fate and marriage.

Signs and beliefs can also attract good luck and prosperity into our lives. Paying attention to them will help you avoid trouble. Remember that the more positive thoughts you have in your life, the more protected you are from negative influences. Set yourself up for positive emotions, boldly strive for your goal and don't forget to press the buttons and

Always make sure that the buttons on your clothes are the same. If at least one of them is different from the others, then this can lead to trouble.

* Do not give your family bed to others. The spouses will begin to cheat and their lives will change.

* If the lights in the house start blinking, then this is a very bad sign; someone may die in this house soon.

* You should not cut your hair in the first three months of dating, as this relationship may not last long.

* If you put a photo of a loved one in your wallet, you can deprive him of profit (money).

* Think seriously before editing your photos. There is a sign: if you change a photograph, then there will be changes in life.

* Remember, you need to be careful about the wedding date; if it is scheduled for the 31st, then it is best to postpone it to another day. Suddenly, someone wants to tie you to themselves forever.

* You cannot change places in a taxi, train, or plane. Because when you change places, you change destinies.

* The most severe damage to children is done through a headdress. When you bring your children to school or a club, do not leave your child’s hat in the locker room. It’s better to take it with you or put it away, for example, in a backpack. The main thing is that the headdress does not fall into the wrong hands.

* If lovers have different surnames, then their union will be harmonious in the future. And if before the wedding the surnames are the same, then one of the spouses will take away the other’s luck. The same goes for work colleagues. If you have a person at work with the same last name as yours, then try to stay away from him, he can bring bad luck.

* You need to know that it is dangerous to be with strangers with your eyes closed - at a hairdresser, cosmetologist, etc. You can be seriously damaged. If you really need to close your eyes in front of strangers, then you need to say the following words: “With my eyes closed, I see evil - I won’t let you in.”

* Other people's knots tie a person hand and foot. If you allow someone to tie a scarf, scarf or shoelaces on you or your children, then your strength, health, and luck will pass into the wrong hands.

* If a woman ties a man a new tie, then this man will become attached to her. But this can bring many problems to the woman who tied this knot.

* When you move into a new house or a new apartment, it doesn’t matter whether you bought or rented a house, you cannot change your slippers for a whole year, otherwise you will have to change your husband or wife, in a word - your beloved.

* Be careful when bringing magnets back from travel. If there are as many magnets on the refrigerator as you are. This can result in great misfortune or the loss of a loved one.

* Never give soft toys to grown men - this makes them vulnerable. And if you gave it as a gift, then make sure that the toy does not fall into the wrong hands.

* Losing or giving away a wedding gift is unlucky. After all, wedding gifts are given for a long, happy life together.

* Wearing fakes and surrounding yourself with fakes is very dangerous. It may turn out that your whole life will not be real.

* Thoughts can be put into any person's head when you are dealing with their hair. You need to be careful in trusting those who do your haircut or braid your hair. Because it can affect your life.

* You cannot keep the things of your husband and wife separately - this will lead to separation. At least some of the spouses’ belongings should be in the same closet.

* If you celebrated a birthday together and began to notice a coincidence in your life and in the life of a loved one, then it’s worth considering that you have become people of eight. Then you need to break this connection so as not to live one life for two.

* You cannot sweep dirty linen from the room to the doorstep, only the other way around, otherwise you will sweep love and happiness out of the house.

* Nowadays, it is increasingly observed that relatives (usually mothers) wish harm to their children (daughters). Some are out of envy, and some are because something went wrong in their lives or their love was broken. Try not to tell anyone about your personal life, sometimes even your family. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying that a loved one can become the strongest enemy. And in general, grandma believes that after children turn 20, they should live separately from their parents .

* A married woman should not give money for repairs. Only the owner should pay the builder or the one doing the repairs. Otherwise, it may be that this person can destroy the family.

* Remember, it is impossible for fragments to be kept in the house, otherwise family life will split, husband and wife will live in discord and deception. If something breaks, throw away all the pieces.

* Pregnant women should never accept gifts for an unborn baby. Trouble can happen to both mother and child.

* You can’t have the threshold of your house littered with things. So, you are blocking the path to your happiness.

* You cannot wash floors when a person is on the road. He will not return to a house where the floors have been washed.

* You can't keep a watch in the house that doesn't work. There will be no happiness in this house.

1. When you walk down the street and see a feather lying on the ground, pick it up and bring it home, you can put it in a vase, you can hang it, or even just put it down. This is a powerful amulet given to you by heaven. Notice such signs of the Spirits. (Karagay)

2. Collect stones from rivers. They have great strength and energy! (Karagay)

3. To feed on the energy of the sun, it is necessary that the sun be at an angle of 45 degrees from the horizon. You need to fold the thumbs and index fingers of both hands to form a triangle and look through this triangle at the sun. Then the energy will penetrate your body as much as possible! (Karagay)

4. Try your best to help others. If you cannot bring joy, then at least do no harm. (Karagay)

5. Take care of your life, there is no need to take risks at the life-death level... Death can joke, but its jokes are flat and vulgar. (Karagay)

6. Go forward and don't look back! Leave what happened, everything has its lesson, what you need can be let go one day. (Karagai)

7. Difficulties... formality! Serious difficulties, serious, but a formality! There is a sky, sometimes it is behind the clouds, but if you make an effort (get on a plane) and above these clouds there is still the same blue sky. Peace to everyone! (Karagai)

8. To get closer to your dream, sometimes it is enough to take at least one step. Don't be afraid of difficulties, they are in

9. Your first moral principle should be not to harm anyone. This principle in your life should be very firm: “I will never harm anyone.” Think...(Karagay)

10. When you become the source of happiness for sentient beings, you yourself will become the happiest. And if you become the source of suffering for others, you will be the first to become unhappy. Think... (Karagay

11. Dedicate at least an hour a day to silence... You need it just as much as communication. (Karagay)

12. The ability to love the highest thing that exists on earth. Learn to love everyone, even your enemies! (Karagay)

13. Do not throw garbage into water bodies. No. The water spirit can get very angry. To appease the Spirit of Water, you can throw bread, milk, and coins into the water. (Karagay

14. We usually call our past golden times, golden days. This is mistake. It is very important to understand that every coming moment in your life is exactly that golden time. (Karagai)

15. It is very easy to create the causes of suffering, but it is not easy to create the causes of happiness. There is no need to study to burn down a big house; even children can do it. And in order to build a big beautiful house, you need to know a lot. Think about it. (Karagai)

16. Summer Solstice is the highest point in the celestial circle of the Sun, when, having reached its peak, the Sun gives us all its Power. It’s good to celebrate this day in a cozy place near the water. Swimming in a river or lake will be cleansing. You can also make a supply of water from a well or spring - the water is considered healing. (Dmitry Ilyin)

17. There is no perfect religion and faith, there is no worst of them, God is one, so pray to whomever you want, but remember the very important commandments: live according to your conscience, respect your ancestors, love. (Karagai)

18. If you have a goal to change the world, change yourself first. Learn to have the energy of joy and the energy of love. These are the main moments and experiences of a person. Smile, laughter, joy have enormous power. When you learn this, you will discover “love” (Albert Talipov)

19. Wild trees have no place in the garden. They are good in the front garden, at the gate and at the gate. If the plot is large (more than 25 acres), then wild trees can be planted along the entire fence, or as a hedge. Wild trees suppress the growth of cultivated plants: chaos fights order. For example, a birch draws moisture from the soil within a radius of 30 meters; spruce generally has a superficial root system, and the taller the spruce, the larger the area it collects nutrients from. In addition, spruce, like oak, attracts lightning. (Dmitry Ilyin)

20. Break birch branches. Place some of them in a vase to decorate your home, which will create a bright and kind atmosphere. Finely break a few branches, but do not use a knife or scissors. Place the fragments of twigs in a clay or glass bowl and pour boiling water for at least 3 hours. If you have lemon or orange zest, add it. When infused, dip a cotton or gauze swab into the infusion and wipe yourself after your evening bath. You will feel the effect yourself. (Dmitry Ilyin)

21. There is such a very good saying: “The hand of the giver will never fail.” Whenever possible, try to give money to the poor and needy. It doesn’t matter what the amount is, the process itself is important. (Albert Talipov)

22. Life is a damn short period of time. Don't waste it on swearing and tears, foul language and alcohol! You can do good, have children, relax and do a lot of other pleasant things! (Karagay)

23. Rain... It can control a person’s feelings and emotions... it can remind him of some moments of his life... or, on the contrary, wash away all memories. Rain has a way of cleansing. When everything is very bad... I go out and just stand in the rain... (Albert Talipov)

24. If your loved one starts to get angry with you, if it’s not your fault, hug him and hold him tightly, he will calm down. (Karagay)

25. Respect your ancestors, no matter what they were. (Karagai)

26. If you feel bad and lethargic, just sing... Sing what your heart desires. Sometimes she also wants to speak out... (Albert Talipov)

27. Treat everyone with respect and do not put yourself above anyone, even if you are helping someone. This is very bad. If selfishness and megalomania begins, you need to hit yourself on the ground and lower yourself from heaven, because nothing good will come of it. (Karagai)

28. People of all classes, different genders and ages come to me, and almost everyone has the same problem or the root cause of the problem - they have lost their roots, their roots with the earth and with their ancestors. Remember the departed, no matter what they were like during life, they are wiser than you, the Spirits help you later. Bake pancakes, flatbreads, put the chula in the khuree, go to the temple... (Karagai)

29. Always remember: there is no truest religion, no most correct faith, no most intelligent priests of one or another cult. God is one. God is the top of the mountain, and different faiths and religions are approaches to this peak. Pray to whomever you want, but know that your main goal is not to be without sins, but to achieve and know God. (Karagai)

30. If you decide to do something, then don’t doubt yourself. Fear forces you to retreat from the right path, for this is the main instrument of all evil. However, don’t lose hope if things don’t work out the first time. Every small victory brings you closer to the Big one. (Albert Talipov)

31. Remember one very important thing in life: everyone gets what they deserve. Do not allow the problem into your Soul, into your thoughts, then the problem will not reach your body. (Karagai)

32. True love is always free. The first sign of vampirism is that your loved one, for unknown reasons, has lost interest in you, but continues to take advantage of your feeling, i.e. you see that it pleases him and he encourages you to express your love, you need to carefully analyze your relationship. And, if you realize that you are addicted, start getting rid of it. After all, addiction is not love, and it should not have any value for you. (Aigo Aidana)

33. Having acquired Power, the shaman enters into a special relationship with it, reminiscent of the act of hunting, therefore the fate of the shaman is the Path of the Hunter. Sometimes it happens that the hunter and the prey change places, to prevent this from happening, first train your hunting sense, and then hunt. (D. Ilyin)

34. No magic can make a person love someone who is indifferent to him. A love spell simply binds the victim to the initiator, forcing him to experience unconscious discomfort when trying to leave or somehow break off the relationship. This discomfort ultimately torments a person, drives him to despair, deprives him of health and gives rise to a feeling of hatred towards the object of affection. Don't joke with love spells. You can ruin a person's life

century, and with it your own. I wish you lots of true love! (Aigo Aidana)

35. Life may turn its face towards you, maybe in a different place, but few people understand that you yourself are turning it. All bad thoughts towards others turn back on you. All envy also comes to you in the end. Why is this necessary? Live calmly and measuredly... You can’t envy, and there’s no need to... Well, that man has a big car, but his face won’t get better from this car... Gold is generally a dirty metal, he has nothing to envy. Smile more often and passers-by, loved ones and even life itself will smile at you. (Karagai)

36. If you want to be respected, treat others with respect. Respond to good with good, respond to evil with indifference. The person who caused harm will suffer more because you did not pay attention to it (Albert Talipov)

37. Don't drink alcohol at all. Alcohol destroys the body, brain, and soul. If you are a shaman or an esotericist, or someone else involved in these things, and you drink, it means that you will soon run out of all your strength, the Spirits will punish you. Alcohol really kills, don't do anything stupid. In order to relax there is a bathhouse, in order to have fun there are songs, in order to find a common language there is tea, and in order to get to know a woman closely there is, after all, candy... (Karagay)

38. When you are in a bad mood, don’t take it out on others. They don't deserve it. (Karagay)

39. If you have heart pain, try not to lie down, but sit in a position that is more comfortable for you. Breathe deeply and forcefully stroke the tips of your little fingers and the center of your palm. It is advisable to massage until pain appears, at least once every 2 days for 10-15 minutes. (Albert Talipov)

40. When looking for your soulmate, never listen to anyone, they say it’s the wrong person, the wrong figure, the wrong class... Listen only to your heart and think with your head, and not with what’s below. (Karagai)

41. Now is the busiest tick season. There is an excellent plot (my great-grandfather passed it on to me). When entering the forest, stand up and say out loud: “I am in the forest, the tick is out of the forest,” emphasis on I and IZ. Ticks won't come, and even if they do, they definitely won't bite. (Karagai)

42. Smile, smile more often and give smiles to people passing by! This will give both you and your interlocutor strength and energy. (Karagai)

43. Value your personal space and the space of others. Never brazenly come too close to strangers, they may feel very uncomfortable on an energetic level... (Karagay)

44. Never regret anything, it’s unnecessary. Everything that happens happens according to the will of the Spirits and everything is for the better. (Karagai)

45. Stones that look like animals cannot be taken without a ritual, otherwise you can invite disaster. If you find such a stone and want to take it with you, then contact the spirit owner of the place with a request to take the stone and make an offering to it. Then cover the stone on the ground with a white cloth... (Kagaray)

46. ​​To protect yourself from bad influences on the Internet, the photo on your avatar should be taken in front of a fire or in smoke, then reading the information is extremely unlikely, including exposure. (Karagay)

47. Smoking. Two monks were sitting at the entrance to the temple and smoking. One asks the other: “Why is that so? The Master allowed you to smoke in the temple, but I didn’t...” The other replies, “How did you ask Him?” - “Well... Master, can I smoke during meditation? he said sharply NO” - “So.. and I asked, can I meditate while smoking? And he said Yes...” (one of Osho’s students told me this parable in India), you can have different attitudes towards smoking and the effect will be the same. It’s better, of course, not to smoke, but if you smoke and don’t intend to quit, don’t read what they write on the packs, because this is programming yourself for the occurrence of a disease. Don’t habitually smoke a pack a day, but only when you want... And as much as you want. Don't treat this as a bad habit that is killing you, and the harm from smoking will actually be less. (Karagai)

48. Listening to good music, you cleanse yourself of negative energy accumulated during the day. Music is a kind of meditation that can bring you into feeling and harmony with yourself (Albert Talipov)

49. To breathe better, so that your heart does not press, learn to cry... (Karagay)

50. If you quarrel with a person, and he says nasty things to you, curses you, and you begin to feel bad, you can make a return (return to the person the negativity that he sent to you), out loud - “your speeches are on your shoulders, your thoughts hung on you ***name**.” (Karagai)

51. Your strength is in your thoughts. Never think badly of your loved one when you are angry, otherwise you will unwittingly bring disaster upon them. Thoughts are one of the sources of hidden energies of consciousness. Every thought gives rise to an action, if not of yourself, then of the world as a whole. (Albert Talipov)

52. To make people reach out to you, go to meet them! Be altruistic, it will add strength and energy to you, perhaps it will be counted in future lives, but it will definitely affect you very well, but do not confuse sincere altruism from selfish (I think you understand me...) (Karagay)

53. Being a shaman, I always treat other religions with Respect. Tomorrow is “parents’ day” for the Orthodox; it is necessary to remember all the departed. To remember a person, you can make ritual flat cakes “pova” (flour, water, salt, fry in sunflower oil) and eat them with the words “eat thorn, eat thorn, eat thorn.” These flatbreads, like pancakes for Christians, are funeral, cult and ritual food; they should be eaten with special reverence and should not be thrown away. (Karagai)

54. If you feel that the situation that has developed is insoluble, raise your hand higher, then abruptly release it with the words “fuck it...” and think again! As the Great One said, “even if you are eaten, you have two options” (Karagai)

55. Learn to love, learn not to be offended, and if you are offended, quickly forgive! Be happy, love each other! (Karagai)

56. When a woman buys groceries, she buys future days of happiness for her family. Every fresh, beautiful, ripe and pleasantly smelling vegetable or fruit is a day of happy and peaceful life in this family. The man, for his part, must provide the woman with money so that she can choose the best quality products. A family that saves on food becomes poor and unhappy, since saving on food means saving for the happiness of their own relatives. (Aigo Aigan)

Since ancient times, people have been observing various phenomena, looking for coincidences that were associated with certain actions and could lead to a change in mood, weather or fertility. They systematized what they saw, carefully studied and tracked it. And those phenomena that were repeated from time to time were isolated, remembered and passed on from generation to generation. That is why most of the ancient beliefs and signs have survived to this day: even today we are not particularly happy about meeting a black cat, we prefer not to lend money at night and we handle mirrors with care. But is there a difference between signs and beliefs? Which ones deserve attention, and which ones are a relic of the past? Let's talk about this right now. We’ll also talk about how exactly superstitions were born.

Sign and belief: is there a difference?

In general, a sign is usually called some characteristic feature that allows one to predict what may soon happen. In turn, a belief is a belief passed on from one generation to another. And it should be accepted unquestioningly.

Speaking about ancient Russian signs and beliefs, it is also worth noting that they can be divided into two categories: those that bring good luck or, conversely, those that foreshadow sorrows and problems. We bring to your attention the most famous signs and their logical explanation.

Spill salt - to a quarrel

What do you need to do today to get salt in your kitchen? Go to the nearest store, pay a rather modest amount - and the job is done. But it was not always so. This seasoning in Rus' was worth its weight in gold in the most literal sense. She was a symbol of wealth and well-being; it was she who was put on the festive table.

There are many sources for the ancient superstition that spilled salt inevitably leads to conflict. For example, some researchers are convinced that the whole point is in the famous fresco by Leonardo da Vinci “The Last Supper”: here Judas is depicted knocking over a salt shaker. However, other etymologists say: the seasoning appeared in various religious rituals long before da Vinci began work on his masterpiece. So, agreements were sealed with salt - leaders in some eastern countries poured a pinch of salt into their mouths from one container as a sign of concluding an agreement.

Among the Slavic peoples, who considered salt a sign of material well-being, it was considered simply unacceptable to come to visit and knock over the salt shaker - this indicated that the guest did not respect the owners of the house. And, of course, such a sign could well have appeared due to savings - so that children and careless servants would take care of the expensive seasoning.

Breaking a mirror means years of misfortune

But how did this superstition come about? According to one version, a mirror is capable of taking away part of the energy of the person who looks into it. At the same time, it is worth understanding that a person looking at his reflection is not always in a good mood. We all experience anger and resentment from time to time. It was believed that all these negative moods, accumulated over many years, were released when the mirror was broken. And this led to the fact that troubles began in the life of the person who broke the mirror (or even all members of his family).

The roots of this prejudice go back to the distant Middle Ages. The first glass mirrors began to be made in Venice, and they were incredibly expensive. That is why, so that the servants would not accidentally damage the master’s mirrors, this sign was invented.

You can't whistle - there won't be any money

Probably everyone is familiar with various variations of this ancient folk sign. Some people think that you shouldn’t whistle at home. Some people even say that you can’t whistle anywhere and under any circumstances. However, few people know that the responsibility for the appearance of this sign lies with sailors. It turns out that during a calm, when the ship could not continue moving, the entire crew - from the cabin boy to the captain - began to whistle at the top of their lungs. So they called on the wind to rise and fill the sails. By the way, you could often see this technique in a variety of cartoons.

So why can't you whistle in the house? People decided that because of this, the wind would actually rise - even if it was invisible - and take absolutely all financial savings out of the house. However, it's not just the sailors, the researchers say. It turns out that many centuries ago pagans believed that representatives of dark forces were communicating with whistling. By whistling, the man attracted evil spirits to himself. Of course, no self-respecting evil spirit could fail to respond to the call - he not only appeared in the whistler’s life, but also caused him various troubles.

A black cat crossing the road means failure

Speaking about ancient signs and superstitions, one cannot help but mention this one. In general, in Western culture this animal has long been considered a symbol of something negative. For some reason, people decided that it was witches who transformed into black cats. The person whose path such a “werewolf” crossed understood that there was a witch nearby. Therefore, you should expect trouble.

People attributed approximately the same gloomy characteristics to black ravens. But is there any meaning to this ancient sign? Historians are ready to give an answer: most likely, cats began to be considered “devilish” creatures in the Middle Ages. Then, during the era of epidemics, all cities were literally swarming with rats. And where there are rats, there are cats. Therefore, such a “bad reputation” did not pass them by. In addition, black cats became invisible at night, which frightened those who encountered them. As you can see, there is no mysticism at the origins of this ancient sign.

The sign about three cigarettes

You've probably heard of the superstition that says you should never let three people light a cigarette using the same lighter or match. It is quite difficult to call the sign an ancient one - it appeared during the First World War. Then the soldiers, watching the enemy army, were guided by the lights from cigarettes and matches. First, the soldier lit a cigarette - the enemy saw the first light. Then he gave a light to a friend - the second one. Afterwards a third joined them - it was he who became the target of an enemy bullet.

You cannot pass anything over the threshold

Another ancient sign concerns the transfer of some things over the threshold. For some reason, it is generally accepted that this will not lead to anything good. And today almost no one will remember exactly how it came into our lives. But in fact, everything is extremely simple: in ancient times, the ashes of relatives who had passed away were buried under the threshold of a house. And, of course, disturbing the peace of the dead was considered a bad sign.

Swallows fly low - for rainy weather

Probably one of the most famous ancient folk superstitions about the weather is the one associated with swallows. Our ancestors said that if these birds fly low above the ground, it is likely to rain. Not long ago, scientists discovered that this sign can be explained from a scientific point of view. It turns out that the whole point is that swallows feed on midges, which, during any drop in atmospheric pressure and high humidity, descend to the ground. Hungry birds also hurry after the insects. Nothing supernatural.