Project work "development of rural tourism in Kesovogorye". Project on the topic: “Tourism development in the modern world: history and prospects Tourism development project

Butorova Evgenia

This work talks about the possibilities for the development of rural tourism in the Kesovogorsk region. The advantageous aspects of project implementation at the level of participation of local authorities are considered.



Municipal educational institution

Kesovogorsk secondary school


“Development of rural tourism in Kesovogorye”

Project type: social,


Subject: geography,

local history

Completed by a student of grade 10 “B”

Municipal educational institution Kesovogorsk secondary school

Butorova Evgenia

Project leader: geography teacher

Municipal educational institution Kesovogorsk secondary school

Galkina Marina Anatolyevna


  1. What is agritourism.……………………………………5

1.1. Development of rural tourism in Russia…………………………… 7

1.2. Development of agrotourism in the Tver region…………………. 10

  1. Opportunities for the development of rural tourism in the Kesovogorsk region……………………………………………………….14


Sources of information…………………………………………19



Recently, people living in big cities have become homesick for nature, for living in natural, environmentally friendly conditions. The desire to learn how everything grows on earth, how our ancestors lived, and to communicate with nature has created a new tourism industry. Such concepts as rural tourism, ecotourism (ecotours), agrotourism (agritours) have appeared.

All these concepts are similar in essence and offer outdoor recreation in the natural habitat of farmers, peasants and rural residents.

We can say that the increased interest of tourists in rural areas is associated with changes in the living conditions of modern man. Because of living in big cities, health deteriorates, and there is a need to restore it. In addition, holidays in rural areas can also help with mental health.

Living in a rural area in the home of people who work the land or raise animals will be interesting and educational for any city dweller. Many of them have no idea how potatoes, cucumbers or strawberries grow. Despite the Soviet-era dacha boom, many do not have the opportunity to travel outside the city and experience rural life.

Hypothesis: The Kesovogorsk region has the necessary resources (natural, economic, social) for the development of agrotourism.

The goal of the project is to explore the possibility of developing agrotourism in Kesovogorye; propose options for the development of rural tourism on Kesovogorsk land.

1. Study the phenomenon of agrotourism.

2. Study the level of tourism development in the Tver region.

3. Explore the resource capabilities of the Kesovogorsk region in the development of rural tourism.

4. Design an agrotourism option using the village of Khoryshevo, Kesovogorsk district.

Subject of research: rural tourism (agritourism)

Object of study: village of Khoryshevo (Kesovogorsky district)

Research methods:

  1. Work with documents;
  2. Summarizing the received materials;
  3. Preparation and execution of work.

The novelty of the work lies in the fact that this form of tourism has not yet been organized in the region. Agritourism is a new activity with great potential in tourism and modern agriculture.

It can be determined that agritourism raises the role of local history and will help solve the problems of rural development.

  1. What is agritourism

Agritourism is a fairly new direction in the tourism industry. It is also commonly called rural, ecotourism or green tourism.

Rural tourism is a sector of the tourism industry focused on the use of natural, cultural, historical and other resources of the countryside and its specifics to create a comprehensive tourism product.

  • Expected results from the implementation of rural tourism:
    - Increase in the influx of tourists;
    - Attracting investments;
    - Increase in the number of small businesses in rural areas;
    - Development of personal subsidiary plots;
    - Reducing the migration of rural residents to cities;
    - Creation of additional jobs;
    - Income growth and improvement of living standards of rural residents at relatively low financial costs;
    - Improving the well-being of the rural population and achieving financial and budgetary self-sufficiency of the regions as a whole;
    - Increase in revenues to regional and local budgets;
    - Increasing sales of personal peasant and farm products;
    - Development of the service sector by expanding the range of tourism services;
    - Preservation of local attractions, local customs, folklore, folk crafts.

A prerequisite for the implementation of this product is that tourist accommodation facilities (as a rule, individual, as well as specialized) are located in rural areas (or small towns without industrial and multi-storey buildings).

The population of rural areas (possibly urban), including farmers, who have empty houses, rooms or floors in their own houses, provides them with minimal furniture and the availability of household items (dishes, bed linen, towels, etc.) for rent from two days up to several months. To create a more cordial welcome, hosts can offer additional services to guests: organizing entertainment events (sauna, going out together for barbecue, berry and mushroom picking, fishing, hunting, horse riding, etc.); attracting a guest to help with simple agricultural work, such as, for example, feeding animals, harvesting berries or cucumbers, it is possible to provide assistance in looking after the children of guests, etc.

Today it is actively developing both throughout the world and in Russia.

It first appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. The ecology of large cities has deteriorated, life has accelerated, as a result, constant stress, fatigue - the townspeople have been drawn with terrible force to their roots: to traditions, to the delights of naturalness and simplicity. Prestigious resorts on the seashore, in the mountains - have already become boring. From the variability and bustle of modern life, people ran to the village to hide behind the constancy of patriarchal life. Since then, ecotourism has only gained momentum.

It is most widespread in our time in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Great Britain. These, as well as some other European states, under the auspices of the Council of Europe, even united into the Central and Eastern European Federation for the Development of Rural Green Tourism.

Europeans have long understood that organizing recreation in rural areas can bring, although not very large, a stable income. In countries, according to some estimates, agritourism brings in 10% - 20% of the total income of the tourism industry. Moreover, such a holiday in Europe is preferred by about 35% of the population.

Without a doubt, the entire Western world is now experiencing a boom in eco-tourism. A number of objective factors contribute greatly. Firstly, this is a truly family vacation. The main clients of peasant houses are families with children. It is the children, who think that buns grow on trees and milk is produced immediately in tetrapacks, who discover a lot of new things and get a lot of interesting, vivid impressions. Secondly, we are attracted by the low cost of agricultural tours - from 10 to 20 dollars per day. Thirdly, the influx of city residents to the village helps improve the infrastructure of the outback. New roads and houses are being built, modern communications are being laid, cafes and shops are appearing - everything without which a city dweller cannot feel normal. It is precisely because of the increase in the level of service that many experts, despite today’s prosperity, predict the imminent decline of ecotourism in Europe. Urbanization of the countryside will destroy rural tourism. The city dweller goes for new impressions, for the smell of hay and cow dung, but finds the same type of houses, dry closets, decorative pigs and fake peasants with fake smiles - like from illustrations to Fet’s poems. Why should a village worker cultivate the land if entertaining the townspeople is easier and more profitable? The main condition – naturalness – has been destroyed. Where can one find it in the thoroughly synthetic Western world? Another thing is the unexplored and wild expanses of Russia.

1.1. Development of rural tourism in Russia

Russia is the future Mecca of agricultural tourism. She just doesn’t even suspect it yet. Most Russians don’t even know that this type of recreation exists. Even fewer will boast that they have tried these travel services on themselves. Many, in the literal sense, have only seen this in the movies.

In our country, holidays in the Bahamas, Hawaii, Mallorca and Cyprus are considered super prestigious. At a time when the whole world is already tired of the pathos and cloying luxury of fashionable resorts. The aroma of freshly cut grass, the invigorating coolness of the river, the mysterious twilight of the forest, the singing of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers - this is real relaxation for the soul and body. Only being alone with nature can you feel safe and truly relax.

Life, once again, brings a surprise. About ten years ago, no one could have imagined that vacationing with your grandmother in the village was not only cheap, comfortable and cheerful, but also fashionable. As it turned out.

As part of the Moscow International Tourism Fair (MITF-2009), the fate of rural tourism in Russia was discussed. At the conference “Rural tourism as a factor in the socio-economic development of the region and public diplomacy”, organized by the International Tourism Academy, the achievements, problems and prospects of this type of tourism were announced.

According to conference participants, rural tourism will help regions survive the crisis and improve the standard of living of the rural population.

According to the conference participants, rural tourism is not only a business, but also a type of public diplomacy. Modern people do not want to live in isolation in hotels. They want to communicate with the local population, learn about life and traditions. Therefore, home owners must create a favorable image of the country when foreign tourists come to them, and establish internal connections when guests from other regions of Russia come.

It is believed that rural tourism is best developed in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District. For example, in the Leningrad region there is a school for training home owners. In the Vologda region, trainings and master classes are held with heads of administrations.

A book has been published to help the regions - a guide to rural tourism.

A consumer or target group in Russia may be:

1. Families with children

2. Elderly people

3. Elderly people with grandchildren

4. Companies of young people

5. People who love sports (if appropriate sports services are available, such as horse riding, ski rental, etc.)

What do tourists expect from rural tourism?

  • Calm and regular rural life;
  • Clean air, rural silence and natural products;
  • Comfortable living conditions;
  • Homely atmosphere;
  • Reasonable prices;
  • Feelings of closeness with nature;
  • Getting new impressions;
  • Possibility of entertainment for children and leisure for adults.

I would like to note that in Russia agritourism has not yet become as widespread as it is abroad. In fact, in our vast country there are still many undeveloped places suitable for this type of recreation. This niche remains vacant for now. Travel industry experts predict unprecedented success for this industry. I would like to note that Russia has enormous resources for this. Moreover, tourists show the greatest interest in the oldest villages and hamlets. This is due to the desire to be in a remote corner, untouched by civilization.

What to do in the village?

Tourists in Russia organize exciting hikes in the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, swim in a river or lake, and go boating. You can also go fishing or hunting, and how nice it will be to take a steam bath after that in a real Russian bathhouse! In addition, this type of holiday offers traditional Russian cuisine: honey, kvass, porridge, borscht - all made from natural products. At the same time, there is an almost complete immersion in rural life. If desired, tourists can also take part in agricultural work. Tourists willingly engage in, for example, harvesting crops, berries, vegetables, and feeding animals.

Tourists actively get acquainted with the culture of the village, way of life, and traditions. They are unique in every region and region of Russia. You can take part in folk festivals. It is also interesting to master some crafts during your vacation, for example, learn how to milk a cow, weave a basket from a wicker, ride a horse or tractor.

Most often, tours are purchased for 5-10 days. In second place in demand in rural tourism are “weekend tours”. The most preferred holiday time is, of course, summer. But winter holidays in the countryside, which have a number of advantages, are also very popular.

1.2. Development of agrotourism in the Tver region

Agritourism is a relatively new direction of tourism both for Russia in general and for the Tver region in particular. For the first time, the Committee on Tourism approached the solution of issues related to the development of agrotourism in the region in 2004, but only in 2006, with the creation of the Regional Union of Farmers and Private Holding, this work received a planned and systematic character, in the form of the creation, taking into account the national project "Development Agro-industrial complex”, subprogram “Development of agrotourism in the Tver region”.

Today in the field of agritourism we have a situation where demand far outstrips supply. The development and subsequent implementation of the subprogram “Development of agrotourism in the Tver region” is designed to eliminate this imbalance.

What will the development of agrotourism in the Tver region bring?

Firstly, the development of rural tourism will create the opportunity for short-term and long-term recreation in the region, dictated by the environmental situation, as well as the transit position of the region. Agritourism is an alternative way of providing temporary housing with minimal costs for organizing agritourism.

Agrotourism is a comprehensive incentive for the development of both rural areas and the regional economy as a whole in the following areas:

  • creating a positive image of the Tver region, making it attractive not only for tourism, but also for investment in other areas of activity;
  • increasing tax revenues to budgets of all levels;
  • ensuring employment of the population;
  • increasing the educational and cultural level of the population.

The main goal of agrotourism in the Tver region is the development of additional non-agricultural activities of agricultural producers. The funds raised in this way will be used for the reconstruction and modernization of production.

The primary objectives of agritourism are:

  • attracting tourists to the Tver region throughout the year and, as a result, year-round employment of the rural population;
  • maximum integration of the interests of the population and business activities of individuals with the interests of the corresponding administrative-territorial units;
  • stimulating the business initiative of the population at the expense of the region’s own financial, property, labor, and intellectual resources;
  • income growth and improved living standards of rural residents at relatively low financial costs;
  • expanding the range of homestead products;
  • on-site sale of personal farm products, in particular, prepared food products;
  • stimulating the protection of local attractions, preservation of local customs, folklore, and folk crafts;
  • increasing the cultural and educational level of the rural population;
  • replenishment of budgets at all levels with additional revenues;
  • use of regional characteristics and convenient geographical location, natural resource potential.

The obvious advantages of agritourism are:

  • small investments and the use of predominantly private sources of financing (quick return on investment);
  • promoting the attraction of foreign and national investors in the development of rural tourism;
  • creating conditions for social stability in rural regions;
  • preservation and revival of cultural heritage (traditions, rituals, crafts, natural monuments, history, religion and culture) in rural regions.

Agritourism is a very good opportunity to take a break from the “crazy” and rapidly changing city life, plunge into the silence and tranquility of the village, feel and feel your involvement in the harmony of nature, learn the roots of national cultural traditions, try delicious healthy dishes, get acquainted with the peculiarities of agricultural production in the Tver region .

  1. Opportunities for the development of rural tourism in the Kesovogorsk region

Kesovogorsky district, occupying 970 square meters. km, located in the eastern part of the Tver region. It borders on the Kashinsky, Sonkovsky and Bezhetsky districts, as well as the Yaroslavl region. The Kashinka and Korozhechna rivers flow through the area. The administrative center is the urban-type settlement of Kesova Gora - once formed from the united settlements of Krasny, Zayachiy and Grachi, first mentioned in chronicles in


On the territory of the present Kesovogorsky district, on the left bank of the Kashinka River, there is a state natural monument - Trinity Park, once planted on the estate of Princess M. A. Golitsina. The historical monuments of the area include: the Bronze Age burial ground “Olochinskaya Gora” in the village of Olochino, the Boldeevo estate of the late 18th-early 20th centuries. in the village Boldeevo, windmill-oil mill of the 19th century. in the village Donshakovo. Unique architectural monuments have also been preserved here: the Church of the Deposition of the Robe (early 18th century with an iconostasis of the 19th century in the village of Vasilkovo), St. Nicholas Church (1791, Liskovo village), Elias Church (1795, Korovkino village), Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (1799, Berezhay village), the Church of the Archangel Michael (1819, Sukhodol village), the Church of the Exaltation (1828, Zavidovskaya Gorka village) and the Vvedenskaya Church (1877, Novo-Vvedenskoye village).

The main attraction of Kesova Gora is St. Nicholas Church (1800). From the once majestic St. John the Baptist and Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya churches, only separate buildings remain, which bear little resemblance to the original ones.

There is a local history museum in the village, created by a young local historian, local native Alexander Serov. He is the author of the books “On Kiasova Gora” and “The Golden Domes of Kiasova Gora”. In 2008, a book by another Kesovo Mountain local historian, Natalya Borodulina, “The Blagovest of Ancient Kesi,” was published.

Kesova Gora is an urban-type settlement, the administrative center of the Kesovogorsky district of the Tver region of Russia.

According to the 2002 census, the population was 4,076 inhabitants (1,907 men and 2,169 women). At the beginning of 2010, the population was 3,839 inhabitants.

The distance to the regional center by road is 190 km, to Moscow - 250 km.

Railway station on the Savyolovo - Sonkovo ​​branch. The village can be reached by train Moscow - Rybinsk and local train Savelovo - Sonkovo.

Highway "Kashin - Kesova Gora - Bezhetsk". Buses go to Kashin, Bezhetsk, Tver, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

The territory of the region is 36% occupied by forests.

I believe that a sufficient number of rural settlements are ideal for the development of rural tourism in our region. I will choose the village of Khoryshevo, which is conveniently located 1.5 km from the village.

About 30 people (middle-aged and elderly people) live in the village; there are 5 empty houses that can be used as individual guest houses with a minimum set of furniture. When surveying residents about the implementation of one of the agritourism options in their village, the majority was in favor of accepting the project.

The village has natural gas and water. Well, and most importantly, clean air, forests suitable for “silent hunting”, a place for swimming, you can organize cycling trips, ski trips, snowstorm riding and much more.

The local population will have the opportunity to sell their agricultural products, and there will also be the opportunity to earn a stable income as a watchman, yard or house help.

Of course, it is necessary to offer a cultural program to tourists, and for this there are resources and opportunities in our area: a local history museum, where you can get acquainted with the history of the area, churches - active, destroyed, restored; organization of thematic celebrations - Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, Christmastide with the participation of a folk ensemble and workers of the cultural center.

I assume that this territory will be actively used; it is advisable to plan tourist arrivals for a period of 2 to 5 days, preferably if they are couples with children or elderly people. Particular attention should be paid to people with disabilities who could enjoy the quiet, rustic comfort.

To expand services, it is possible to include hippotherapy, which has a beneficial effect on the somatic and psychological health of people. There are enough opportunities and resources in the area, and this is just the example of one of the villages of Kesovogorye.


There is such an industry in the global economy - rural tourism. The main reason for the emergence and development of rural tourism is the need of middle-income city dwellers to relax alone with nature. This type of tourism has been actively developing in Europe for a long time and is considered a profitable destination and socially significant.

Russia also has experience in using rural tourism. But as analysts say, demand is still outpacing supply. The Tver region also became involved in the implementation of agritourism on the territory, because The region has all the necessary natural resources.

It is also possible to develop rural tourism in our area. I propose a specific object for its implementation - this is the village of Khoryshevo, which has a convenient geographical location, transport links, natural prerequisites (forest, water bodies) for the development of rural tourism, a favorable environmental factor, the availability of housing, natural gas supply, the desire of residents to take part in this project.

I believe that the participation of this locality will be positive for both the villagers and the villagers, because the authorities will need to repair the road leading to Khoryshev.

I offer accommodation in individual guest houses next to a rural farmstead, Russian cuisine with natural products, a Russian bathhouse, etc. It is also necessary to develop event tourism by organizing entertainment events.

In this case, rural tourism is designed to solve several pressing problems:

  • ensure the sale of agricultural products from private farmsteads;
  • attract additional funds to villages;
  • increase employment of the population of the Kesovogorsk region.

The planned result of the project implementation: the creation of a rural tourism base in the Kesovogorsk region, its promotion, the creation of a system for its implementation.

But for this you need:

Development of service standards

Development of a package of regulatory documents regulating the activities of rural guest houses in the Kesovogorsk region.

I believe that for the successful implementation of the project, the participation of the district administration is necessary, not only in the form of co-financing, but also in providing legal assistance. The planned income will be stable, replenishing the district budget treasury.

Project funding sources:

  1. funds from the district budget.
  2. funds from foundations and organizations.
  3. funds of individual entrepreneurs.

The branch of Rosselkhoz Bank, which has lending opportunities specifically in rural areas, should not remain indifferent.

The project has not yet been fully completed; this is only the first step in its implementation.

I believe that the hypothesis I put forward that the Kesovogorsk region has the necessary resources for the development of agrotourism has been confirmed. The goal of the project has been achieved, the assigned tasks have been completed.

Information sources

  1. Wikipedia
  2. N. Borodulina “The Good News of Ancient Kesi”, Sozvedie, Tver, 2008.
  3. A. Serov “On Kiasovaya Mountain”, Tver “March”, 1996
  4. Rural tourism - manual (online resource)
  5. Directory - manual on rural tourism (demo version), Cherepovets 2010.



1.1 Relevance of the topic

1.2 Main features of tourism





Relevance of the topic.

Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the world economy. In many countries around the world it is the main source of foreign exchange earnings. The development of tourism is a long-term and economically profitable prospect in the future, because tourism provides an influx of foreign currency and has a positive impact on indicators and the country's total exports.

Kazakhstan, with its independence, opened up great prospects for the development of tourism. Now the republic is making efforts to attract foreign tourists, but an insufficiently staffed, outdated material and technical base, poor service and a large number of costs for tourism services push tourists away from our country. The development of tourism, and especially international tourism, would make it possible to increase the inflow of foreign currency, replenish the budget, reduce , expanding the job market, increasing incomes and living standards and, ultimately, to the prosperity and sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Currently, there is interest in tourism in the Zhambyl region, which has great tourism potential, but occupies a small share in the global tourist flow. Interest in tourism in Kazakhstan is expressed, first of all, in the form of legal support by the state for this area of ​​activity.

1.1 Main features of tourism

The Zhambyl region has huge potential for tourism development.

In the Zhambyl region it is possible to develop a variety of tourism, and especially its extreme types. “The spurs of the Karatau, Talas and Kyrgyz Alatau mountains are suitable for mountaineering and extreme tourism. You can include parachute jumping, paragliding and the like in the tour program. The Ters-Ashibulak, Alakol, and Bilikol reservoirs are convenient for water activities. You can conduct adventure tours in the vastness of the Zhambyl steppes. In general, in our region you can find everything from deserts to alpine meadows.”

However, at present, the natural potential of the region is practically not used in the tourism sector. Travel agencies in the region are mainly focused on outbound tourism, visa services and the sale of air tickets. There are few travel agencies involved in excursions around the region, offering, as a rule, 1-2-day tours with visits to historical or natural attractions.

“Today, tour operators in the region do not have a specific idea of ​​what type of tourism needs to be developed. - There is a weak marketing component of tourism enterprises.

“Transforming Taraz and Zhambyl region into the center of the tourism industry is one of the main tasks. The tourism sector, along with trade, can bring a significant portion of revenue to the regional budget. Moreover, the potential of our region in this direction is unlimited. For the development of domestic tourism, we need, first of all, mutual understanding and cooperation between tour operators and the state.”

From a social point of view, tourism also has a great impact on the regions: thanks to the development of tourism, hundreds of thousands of jobs are created, communication systems are developed, the culture and literacy of the local population increases, etc. And in a number of regions remote from industrial and cultural centers, only tourism alone and can perform these functions.

An analysis of the current state of tourism in many countries allows us to understand that the development of tourism must be accompanied by efforts to promote domestic, national, tourism programs. Within each country, internal purism, through the redistribution of national income, contributes to the stable position of the national economy, a deeper awareness of common interests and the development of activities that are favorable to the economy of the country as a whole.

National and international tourism activities are an integral part of the necessary transformations, which are based on the full and harmonious development of the individual, the human right to respect for his dignity and individuality, and respect for the moral values ​​of peoples.

Since tourism activity is one of the most labor-intensive and acts as a regulator of population employment, an important role is given to vocational education in tourism. Taking into account such characteristics of the tourism market as dynamic variability, the emergence of new trends and methods of entrepreneurship, it is important to teach tourism specialists to navigate the market and the dynamics of the tourism market. Only an educated, appropriately trained specialist is able to create a competitive product and sell it on the tourism services market.

2.1 General characteristics of Zhambyl region

Zhambyl region, located in the south of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was formed in 1939. Geographically, its territory is mostly flat.

The region's territory occupies 144.2 thousand square meters. km. The distance from north to south is 360 km, from east to west 480 km. There are 10 districts in the region, a city of regional subordination - Taraz and 3 cities of regional subordination - Karatau, Zhanatas, Shu.

The 10 administrative districts include: Zhambyl, Baizak, Zhualyn, Sarysu, Talas, Moyynkum, Kordai, Shu, Merken and Turar Ryskulov district.

The region is home to 1 million permanent residents. The population is represented by more than 100 nationalities and nationalities. 65% of the resident population are Kazakhs. It should be noted that the territory of the region is unevenly populated; the foothills are most densely populated.

A characteristic feature of the climate of the region is significant aridity and sharp continentality.

The flora and fauna of natural landscapes is vast and diverse. The flora of the region includes more than 3 thousand species. The total area of ​​hunting grounds is 13.9 thousand hectares, they are home to over 40 species of animals.

The fishery fund, covering an area of ​​27.8 thousand hectares, consists of 81 reservoirs, of which 59 reservoirs are suitable for fishing activities. The largest reservoirs include Tasotkel and Ters-Ashibulak. The predominant commercial fish species are silver carp, grass carp, carp, carp, pike perch, bream, krawl, and roach.

There are 3 reserves operating in the region:

The state natural reserve "Berikkara tract" (complex) occupies an area of ​​17.5 thousand hectares, where you can find more than 50 species of especially valuable trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants listed in the Red Book, and among animals - argali, Indian porcupine, paradise flycatcher;

State natural reserve “Urochishche “Karakunuz” (botanical), with a total area of ​​3.07 thousand hectares, is located in the western spurs of the Trans-Ili Alatau. Fruit plantings of apple trees, cherries, cherry plums, and grapes are replaced by areas of maple forest, white acacia, mulberry, and walnut;

Andasai State Nature Reserve (zoological), with a total area of ​​1000 thousand hectares, located on the right bank of the Shu River to the west of the village. Moyynkum. The vegetation cover is dominated by feather grass, fescue, biyurgun, rare ephemera, black saxaul, and thickets of shrubby willows. The fauna is represented by argali, kulans, goitered gazelles, roe deer, wild boars, hares, pheasants, and partridges.

In its focus, the region is industrial-agrarian, 23.8% of gross output falls on industry, 20.2% - agriculture, 16.6% - transport and communications, 6.5% - construction, 9.2% - trade, 23 .7% - other industries. In 7 rural districts of the region, the agricultural sector predominates; in the remaining three, industry is developed, thanks to the presence of large mining complexes. A significant contribution to the development of industry in the region is made by enterprises of the regional center - the city of Taraz.

Zhambyl region is a unique base of phosphorite and fluorspar raw materials. Its territory contains 71.9% of the republic's balance reserves of phosphorites, 68% of fluorspar, 8.8% of gold, 3% of copper, 0.7% of uranium. The region is rich in non-ferrous metals, barite, coal, facing, ornamental and technical stones, and building materials.

Several natural gas fields have been explored within the Shu-Sarysu depression. Since the beginning of the development of the Amangeldinskoye gas field, 18 wells have been drilled, with a daily supply of blue fuel up to 820 thousand cubic meters. The construction of a mini-plant for processing gas condensate is nearing completion. The population of the region is provided with its own gas.

Promising deposits of lead-zinc mineralization have been identified in the Shu-Ili region. Copper ore is being mined at the Shatyrkul deposit of polymetals in the Shu region.

The region ranks 3rd in the republic in terms of the number of explored groundwater reserves. 40 deposits with approved operational reserves of 4520.94 thousand m3/day have been identified.

Within the Zhambyl region, 2 deposits of medicinal mineral waters have been explored: Merkenskoe, with approved reserves of 0.518 thousand cubic meters. meters per day, and Uzynbulak-Arasan; More than a dozen manifestations and areas of groundwater with a chemical composition close to mineral water have been identified.

The region has great opportunities for the development of tourism, both domestic and international. A section of the Great Silk Road passed through it: the village of Sairam-Taraz-Aksholak-the village of Akyr-tobe-Kulan-Merke-Shu-Aspara-Kordai, along which the most interesting historical and cultural monuments are located.

The region is included in the State program “Revival of the historical centers of the Silk Road, preservation and continuous development of the cultural heritage of Turkic-speaking states, creation of tourism infrastructure.”

There are 1,080 monuments in the Zhambyl region, of which 844 are archeological monuments, 111 historical monuments, 97 architectural monuments, 28 monumental art monuments.

2.2 Features in the development of tourism in Zhambyl region

Considering that the region is located on a busy section of the Great Silk Road, has a rich history, many historical monuments, the mysterious Akyr-tas settlement, picturesque landscape, fishing spots, travel companies focus on the development of domestic and inbound tourism. Travel companies of the Zhambyl region, including historical ones from ancient to modern Taraz. Environmental - after all, Southern Kazakhstan is a world of contrasts. Snowy peaks and deep canyons, juniper forests and wide steppes, mountain rivers and lakes in the desert, modern settlements and the ruins of ancient cities - all this can be seen in a relatively small area.

Currently, there are 4 sanatoriums and resorts in the region's tourism services market, which have a state license.

The population of Southern Kazakhstan, which has preserved traditional customs, cultures, cuisine and crafts, is hospitable and friendly. Meals are organized at the request of tourists in restaurants and in numerous cozy cafes in the city.

In the Zhambyl region, which are valuable for the development of ecotourism, for example, the Northern region of the Western Tien Shan in the Zhambyl region. Unique flora and fauna, many plants of which are listed in the Red Book.

2.3 Natural objects of Zhambyl region

The lower reaches of the Koksay gorge and the adjacent Koksay canyon in the foothill valley of the Zhualyn plateau, Talas Alatau of the Western Tien Shan.

The lower reaches of the Koksay gorge constitute a buffer zone of the Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve, which is administratively subordinate to the South Kazakhstan region. This territory represents the value of forest biocenoses, represented by tugai forests, juniper woodlands, mountain subalpine meadows and meadow steppes. The main tree species of the riparian forests of the gorge are rare and endangered species of Talas and Tien Shan birch, small-leaved willow, Turkestan rowan, shrubby and tree-like juniper.

Mountain steppes and meadows have a rich species composition, which is the gene pool of valuable, ornamental and medicinal species, such as St. John's wort, yarrow, zesiphora, mullein, Samarkand caraway, fireweed, fragrant chamomile, clary sage, ephedra horsetail, various types of tulips, columbine dark purple, orchis, Thalass aconite.

The canyon and gorge are one of the most outstanding natural heritage sites of the population of Zhambyl region. The gorge and canyon are very popular among foreign tourists visiting the republican reserve Aksu-Zhabagly in the South Kazakhstan region. Approximate area - 10 thousand hectares.

Makpal gorge area, Kyrgyz Alatau

The Makpal gorge is located on the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz ridge in the mid-mountain zone - an altitude of 2800m. The gorge is unique for its tugai forests of rare endemic species: Talas and Tien Shan birch, wild Sievers apple trees, Regel pear, hawthorn. The gorge has alpine and subalpine meadows with a rich species diversity of ornamental and medicinal herbs, including Red Book and endangered species: peony, caraway, licorice, elecampane, gentian, speedwell, irises, Greig, Kaufman, Albert tulips, etc.

The area of ​​the Beskyzyl gorge in the Kyrgyz Alatau.

The gorge is located on the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz Range. The height of the gorge with areas of eternal snow reaches up to 3800 m. The uniqueness of the mountain meadows of the gorge is the large distribution of the endemic Red Book plant - eremurus. Starting from the foothills, beautifully blooming white inflorescences of Eremuros form entire fields - an unforgettable sight that we have not seen anywhere else.

The approximate area is 20 thousand hectares.

Administrative location - Ryskulovsky district of Zhambyl region.

Area of ​​the Shalsu-Taldysu gorge, Kyrgyz Alatau.

The area is unique in landscape and biological diversity. The gorge has steep terrain, rock canyons, waterfalls, moraine lakes, mountain rivers with clean and clear water.

The gorge is valuable as a habitat for such rare animals as snow leopard, argali, roe deer, lynx, and bear.

Picturesque landscapes with snowy peaks, rock towers, healing air of juniper woodlands, clean mountain water, tall mountain meadows - all this provides a good opportunity for educational and health excursions.

Administrative location - Ryskulovsky district of Zhambyl region.

Region of the Kara-Archa Gorges - Shoshkaly, Kyrgyz Alatau.

The Kara-Archa and Shoshkaly gorges are located in the mid-mountain part of the Kyrgyz ridge. The gorges are popular among Zhambyl tourists due to good access roads, picturesqueness, and the presence of historical monuments - at the foot of the gorge there is a mysterious and grandiose historical and archaeological monument of the ancient settlement - Akyrtas, which arouses the interest of not only scientists from all over the world, but also numerous pilgrims.

The gorge has clean spring-fed streams. The flora is typical for the warm zone of the middle mountains - tugai forests with tall luxurious willows, Sivers apple tree, hawthorn, Semenov maple. There are also rare and endemic species of primroses, ornamental and medicinal herbs: various types of tulips, irises, Pskem and Karatau onions.

The approximate area is 20 thousand hectares.

Administrative location – Bayzak district of Zhambyl region.

Karatau – Bilikol natural zone.

Karatau is the leading ridge of the Western Tien Shan. This is a low-mountain relict country that has preserved the cenoses of the Tertiary period. On the territory of Zhambyl region there is the Belikol natural zone. It includes the northeastern slopes of the Karatau ridge and the adjacent foothill plains with steppe lakes. The flora of Karatau is rich in endemic rare valuable species, which gives it the reputation of a botanical museum. For example, in the upper reaches of the Berkara gorge, only a few specimens of Berkara poplar grow - a tree that is not found anywhere else in the world. Rich species diversity of flora and fauna. Only in Karatau, and nowhere else in the world, does a rare and endangered population of Karatau argali live. Currently on the northeastern slopes of the Zhambyl region, including 5 gorges: Sayasu, Zhurunsay, Berkara, Chimyrbaisai and Aksakalsai.

Approximate area -60 thousand hectares.

Administrative location – Zhualynsky district of Zhambyl region.

2.4 Cultural and religious tourist sites

Unique tourist sites that characterize this region.

In total, in the Zhambyl region, according to the State Institution Directorate for the Protection and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Culture Department of the Akimat of the Zhambyl Region, there are 1,080 monuments on state registration, of which 844 are archaeological monuments, 111 are historical monuments, 97 are architectural monuments, 28 are monumental art monuments. The following are considered the most attractive for tourists:

Ancient city of Taraz. One of the oldest cities in Kazakhstan is Taraz, the remains of which are hidden under the buildings of the modern city. Taraz is the ancient and largest trade and administrative center along the Silk Road of the 7th - 8th centuries, information about which appears in written sources already in 568 AD.

Currently, it is believed that the ancient city of Taraz is more than 2000 years old. The city was founded along the route of the Great Silk Road, thanks to which it gained great commercial and political importance.

Monuments in the city of Taraz are interesting for tourists. In total, on the territory of the city there are 6 archaeological monuments (Taraz and Tortkul settlements of the 1st - 17th centuries, the Tonkeris estate of the 6th - 12th centuries), 13 historical monuments, 53 architectural and urban planning monuments, reflecting the periods of formation of the planning structure and development of the historical part of the city, 7 - monuments of monumental art.

Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi. A unique monument of medieval architecture of the 11th - 12th centuries, located in the Zhambyl region on the outskirts of the village. Aisha Bibi, 20 km west of Taraz. The Aisha Bibi Mausoleum is the only monument not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout Central Asia, entirely lined with carved terracotta. Included by UNESCO in the list of especially valuable historical and architectural monuments of humanity.

Mausoleum of Babaja Khatun. Located in the Zhambyl region near the Aisha Bibi mausoleum, it is also a unique architectural monument of the 11th - 12th centuries. Famous for its original 16-ribbed umbrella dome of double curvature. The umbrella ribbed covering of the dome has essentially no direct analogues in contemporary Central Asian architecture.

Mausoleum of Karakhan (Aulie – Ata), XI century located in the central part of Taraz at the intersection of Tole bi and Baizak batyr streets. The mausoleum is part of a cult-memorial complex formed on the territory of medieval Taraz. The building was erected during the Karakhanid era in the 11th century.

Mausoleum of Dauytbek 13th century (Shomansura) is included in the memorial and cult complex along with the Karakhan mausoleum. The mausoleum of a traditional portal-dome shape was built over the grave of a major military leader of the 13th century.

Architectural complex Tekturmas X – XIV centuries. - one of the oldest places of worship, built on the right bank of the river. Talas in the southeastern part of Taraz, on a hill overlooking the surrounding area. Tekturmas is considered the burial place of Saint Sultan Mahmud Khan. The complex began to form in the 7th – 11th centuries, before the penetration of Islam.

Palace complex Akyrtas VIII-IX centuries (T. Ryskulov district) is a mysterious and interesting structure on the territory of not only the Zhambyl region, but also Kazakhstan. The history of studying Akyrtas continues for more than 130 years, but it continues to amaze. Located 40 km east of the city of Taraz, 6 km south of the Aksholak railway station, at the foot of the Kyrgyz Alatau.

Currently, archaeological excavations are underway on the territory of the complex, led by the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the future, it is planned to create a museum complex within the framework of the republican program “Cultural Heritage”.

Karakozha Mosque early XX century- a multi-domed square complex built of burnt brick. The uniqueness of this monument is that the arched-domed composition of the mosque includes nine equal-sized domes. The mosque is located in the Talas district on the outskirts of the village. Seilback on open, flat terrain.

Eastern bath of Kali-Yunus, end of the 19th century. (Taraz). The bathhouse building was built at the end of the 19th century. resident of Aulie-Ata. During construction, the principles of architectural composition and heating system of eastern medieval baths were used.

Abdikadyr Mosque beginning XX century, located in Taraz on the street. Abay, building 5. The entrance part of the complex, preserved from the original building, is of artistic value - the only example of a monumental structure of the “darbaza” type in the region.


To solve the main problems in tourism in our region, the following tasks need to be solved:

Creation of well-maintained tourist and recreational areas in places where tourists traditionally relax;

Development of additional types of tourism that do not cause damage to natural resources (main tourist routes of the Zhambyl region).

Particular attention is paid to the development of domestic, national tourism.

In this regard, the characteristics of the existing material and technical base of tourism in the Zhambyl region and the analysis of the current state of the main segments of the tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan are relevant: the transport network, hotel and restaurant enterprises, various tourist organizations. Tourism is a large sector of the economy. All developed countries of the world have long been interested in its development. In the global economy, tourism has taken a leading position, competing only with oil production.

The rapid development of electronic computing technology throughout the world and the introduction of automation in tourism make it also the sphere of international information technologies and processes.

The role of international, regional and national tourism organizations is great, contributing to the development of tourism and pursuing protectionist policies within individual countries and regions.


1. Aniskin Yu. P. General management: Textbook on the general theory of management. - M.: RMAT, 1997.

2. Balabanov I. T., Balabanov A. I. Economics of tourism: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999.

3. Butlerova N.V. Management and marketing of foreign tourism: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Soviet sport, 1999.

4. Gvozdenko A. A. Financial and economic methods of insurance: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998.

5. Gulyaev V. G. Tourist transportation (documents, rules, forms, technology). - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998.- P.

6. Kvartalnoye V. A. World tourism on the threshold of 2000: forecasts and reality. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998.-P.

7. Explanatory dictionary of tourist terms: Tourism. Tourism industry. Tourism business / Author-comp. I. V. Zorin, V. A. Kvartalnoye. - M.-Athens: GYROOKOUR, 1994.

Internet sites:

1. Approve the attached Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy).

2. Federal executive authorities shall be guided by the provisions of the Strategy when developing federal target programs and other program documents.

4. Ministry of Culture of Russia:

Together with interested federal executive authorities, submit to the Government of the Russian Federation a draft action plan for the implementation of the Strategy within 3 months;

Ensure control over the implementation of the provisions of the Strategy when agreeing on federal target programs and other program documents.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

Note ed.: the text of the order was published on the official Internet portal of legal information, 06/09/2014.

Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020

I. General provisions

Currently, in the Russian Federation, much attention is paid to state policy in the field of domestic and inbound tourism.

In the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r, tourism is considered as an essential component of the innovative development of our country, and the main goals, objectives, and principles are defined and directions of state policy in the field of tourism.

In accordance with the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation on the development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2013 N Pr-1814, a Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) has been developed, which is based on the following priorities of sustainable development reflected in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009 N 537:

Improving the quality of life of Russian citizens by guaranteeing personal safety, as well as high standards of life support;
economic growth, which is achieved primarily through the development of a national innovation system and investment in human capital;
science, technology, education, healthcare and culture, which are developed by strengthening the role of the state and improving public-private partnerships;
ecology of living systems and rational use of natural resources, the maintenance of which is achieved through balanced consumption, the development of advanced technologies and the expedient reproduction of the country’s natural resource potential;
strategic stability and equal strategic partnership, which are strengthened on the basis of Russia’s active participation in the development of a multipolar world order model.

The development of tourism is of great importance for the state as a whole, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. Russia has enormous potential for the development of domestic and inbound tourism. The development and maximum implementation of such tourism is the main objective of the Strategy.

A lot of work has been done in the field of tourism development. Such promising areas as the Far East, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, the Urals, the North of Russia, etc. have become more accessible to foreign tourists. Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and other territories. International industry exhibitions and forums on various types of tourism that are promising for Russia are regularly held, professional educational standards have been created, and work is also underway to create a positive image of the country in the field of tourism. A lot of work has been done to organize the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 in Sochi. Thus, we can say that the tourism sector has been constantly developing in recent years. Currently, the task is to maintain the achieved results, improve the quality aspects of the organization of tourism programs and create conditions for maximizing the positive social effect from the development of tourism in the country.

In addition, new challenges face the tourism services sector in connection with the entry into the Russian Federation of new entities - the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Today the task is to integrate these constituent entities of the Russian Federation into the tourism management system of the Russian Federation, mitigate the negative effects of the transition period and ensure the development of tourism, as well as improve the quality of life of the population of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Traditionally popular holiday destinations for Russians in the Republic of Crimea increase the attractiveness of domestic tourism, which imposes additional responsibility on executive authorities in the field of tourism for the quality of services and tourist infrastructure, the safety of tourists, the provision of jobs and the contribution of tourism to the budget of the Russian Federation.

Tourism is considered as a source of financial income for the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, a means of increasing employment and the quality of life of the population, a way to maintain the health of citizens, the basis for the development of the socio-cultural environment and the education of patriotism, as well as a powerful tool for education and the formation of a moral platform for the development of civil society. In 2002 - 2005, the Russian Federation implemented the Concept of Tourism Development in the Russian Federation for the period until 2005, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2002 N 954-r.

Within the framework of the federal target program "South of Russia (2014 - 2020)", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2013 N 1297 "On the federal target program "South of Russia (2014 - 2020)", at the first stage of its implementation (2014 - 2016) it is planned to implement measures to commission capital construction projects in the tourism sector, the construction of which was carried out within the framework of the implementation of the federal target program "South of Russia (2008 - 2013)", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2008. N 10 "On the federal target program "South of Russia (2008 - 2013)", and the federal target program "Socio-economic development of the Chechen Republic for 2008 - 2012", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2008 N 537 " On the federal target program "Socio-economic development of the Chechen Republic for 2008 - 2012", and it is also planned to implement measures for the construction of external infrastructure facilities of the North Caucasus tourist cluster and the development of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region.

Target indicators for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period until 2015 correlate with the forecast for the development of world tourism of the World Travel and Tourism Council made in 2004, while in 2013 the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations updated its forecasts and calculated updated development guidelines tourism until 2030, which indicates a decrease in growth rates.

Within the framework of the Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2011 N 2227-r, and state programs of the Russian Federation, measures are envisaged in the field of tourism, which faces the following tasks: consolidation and retention of achieved results; reorientation of part of Russian consumer demand towards domestic tourism;

Attracting foreign tourists;
implementation of the strategic role of tourism in spiritual development, instilling patriotism and education;
ensuring an increase in the quality of life of the population.

The strategy is an integral part of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 N 1662-r, and fully correlates with the objectives of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Culture and Tourism" for 2013 - 2020, and also continues to implement events planned in previous years in the field of tourism. The strategy fully takes into account global trends and the current state of the industry in the context of current and future tasks of public administration in the field of economics, culture, work with children and youth, social security of citizens, physical culture and sports, education, employment promotion and conservation of natural, cultural and historical resources our country. In accordance with the provisions of the Strategy, it is necessary to develop an action plan for its implementation.

The strategy lays the foundation for understanding the long-term challenges facing the industry and is a tool for forming work plans for executive authorities and tourism business participants at all levels, as well as guiding citizens’ entrepreneurial initiatives in the field of tourism.

II. Current state and trends in the development of tourism in the world

The Russian Federation today occupies a strong position in the international tourism market. In 2012, Russia entered the top 10 countries in terms of the number of arrivals of foreign citizens, reporting a serious growth rate for this indicator (13 percent). Our country accounted for 4.8 percent of the total tourist flow in the world in 2012. At the same time, citizens of the Russian Federation continue to form an active outbound tourist flow. In 2012, our country ranked 5th in terms of tourist spending.

In the assessments of the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations, the geographical division of the world into enlarged regions and subregions is accepted. In accordance with this classification, the Russian Federation belongs to the group of countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which also includes most of the CIS countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Romania.

The Asia-Pacific region recorded the fastest growth in tourist arrivals (7 percent), followed by Africa (6 percent) and North and South America (5 percent). International tourist arrivals in Europe, the world's most visited region, increased by 3 percent. The Middle East, whose number of international tourist arrivals has decreased by 5 percent, has still not been able to overcome the negative trends associated with political and military instability in the region.

According to the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations, in the Russian Federation the increase in the number of arrivals of foreign citizens in 2010 was 4.4 percent, in 2011 - 11.9 percent, in 2012 - 13 percent. At the same time, the volume of tourism receipts in 2010 amounted to 8.83 billion US dollars, in 2011 - 11.328 billion US dollars and in 2012 - 10.759 billion US dollars. The decrease in income in 2012 compared to 2011, with a clear increase in tourist flows, is a dangerous factor, which indicates that the country’s economy is not using favorable trends effectively.

Data from the UN World Tourism Organization shows that tourists have a clear preference for routes within their own region, with 4 out of 5 tourist arrivals worldwide occurring within a single region. More than half of the arrivals (52 percent) were for leisure and leisure purposes, about 14 percent for business and professional purposes, 27 percent for other purposes, including visiting friends and relatives, religious reasons, for pilgrimage purposes, for health promotion and treatment, etc.

There is a growing importance of air transport for tourist travel (52 percent of international arrivals) and the car or bus among land transport modes used for travel (40 percent of land arrivals).

The Russian Federation is a country that has shown an impressive increase in citizens' spending on tourism abroad in recent years (by 30 percent in 2012). While the growth in spending in countries that are traditional sources of tourist flow can be called moderate and slow (USA 7 percent, Germany and Canada 6 percent, UK 4 percent, Australia 3 percent and Japan 2 percent), France and Italy showed a decrease in spending on international tourism . All this indicates increased price competition in the international tourism market and an upcoming reorientation to other sources of consumer demand.

According to the UN World Tourism Organization, the number of international tourist arrivals in the first half of 2013 increased by 5 percent compared to the same period in 2012, reaching almost 500 million tourist arrivals. This figure exceeded the forecast at the beginning of the year (growth of 3 - 4 percent). The strongest growth in this indicator in 2013 is projected in the Asia-Pacific region (5 - 6 percent), Africa (4 - 6 percent), North America and South America (3 - 4 percent), Europe (2 - 3 percent) and Middle East (up to 5 percent).

Outbound markets from growing economies continue to drive growth in international tourism. In the first half of 2013, China and Russia were the leaders in terms of growth in tourism spending among the 10 largest donors of tourist flow in the world. Among the countries outside the top ten, Brazil regained its position, growing by 15 percent after a more moderate performance in 2012.

In terms of tourist spending, Canada and France, the United States of America, Germany and the United Kingdom, as well as Japan, Australia and Italy were in the lead.

The Strategy takes into account the main opportunities and threats for the development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation. The positive trends in the development of international tourism for Russia are the following:

The Russian Federation has demonstrated high rates of growth in incoming flows in recent years and is among the top ten leaders in receiving foreign citizens;

In the near future, the growth in the number of tourist arrivals will continue, although its pace will decrease;

The forecast for the growth of tourist spending shows that, despite the unfavorable economic situation in a number of countries, tourists do not reduce the level of their spending and this trend will continue in the next decade;

The countries neighboring the Russian Federation in the Asia-Pacific region show the greatest increase in outbound activity, while the main donors of tourist flows remain the developed countries of Western Europe;

As a result of growing political instability in the world, many countries in the Middle East are no longer an attractive tourist destination, including for Russians;

The number of tourist trips by residents from countries with an unstable political situation is growing, which creates an opportunity to strengthen the competitiveness of Russian tourism products in the domestic and international tourism markets;

There is a growing interest in cultural, educational and nature-oriented tourism in the world, which makes the Russian Federation the most attractive tourist destination for Russian and foreign tourists;

Tourism has become an essential need of modern man, which an experienced traveler cannot refuse even as a result of the influence of economic or political threats.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following negative trends for the Russian Federation in the development of international tourism:

The Russian Federation is one of the largest donors of tourist flow in the world;
despite the double-digit growth rate of foreigners entering the Russian Federation, the domestic economy cannot effectively use the favorable trend and earns almost 5 times less from tourism than other countries with similar growth rates of incoming tourist flows;
international event events that attract incoming tourists to the Russian Federation do not fully fulfill the task of attracting Russian tourists and maximizing the economic effect of their holding;
threats to the safety of tourists in traditional destinations of mass tourism for Russians are increasing as a result of political, man-made and natural environmental factors;
Growing competition in the field of international tourism makes the tourism industry low-profit, and the domestic tourism product of the Russian Federation uncompetitive in price.

In addition, it should be noted that the ongoing process of world globalization and the simplification of visa formalities for Russian citizens is removing administrative barriers that partially ensure the artificial competitiveness of the domestic tourism product in the domestic market. Russians are accustomed to traveling around the world and highly value the level of service, are willing to spend significant amounts of money on vacation and are sophisticated and demanding tourists. This dictates the need to modernize the material and technical base, use advanced innovative technologies in the field of tourism and adapt the tourism product according to the needs of modern Russian and foreign consumers. All these trends must be taken into account when developing plans for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation.

III. The current state of the tourism sector in the Russian Federation

A study of the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation allows us to draw conclusions about positive dynamics in the development of this area. There is an increase in domestic and inbound tourist flows. For example, the Russian Federation's expenditures on international tourism in 2011 amounted to 32.9 billion US dollars, in 2012 - 42.8 billion US dollars.

In total, in 2012, Russians made 47,813 thousand trips abroad, which is 9.3 percent more than in 2011. For the purpose of tourism, Russians traveled abroad 15,332.1 thousand times, an increase of only 5.8 percent.

The main reasons for such indicators can be considered a reduction in the number of offers of low-budget tours, the tension of the international political situation and a series of high-profile scandals with the ruin of large tour operators.

The composition of the 10 most popular travel destinations for Russians has remained unchanged over the past 5 years. The ranking is still headed by Turkey (2516.1 thousand tourist arrivals from Russia in 2012). The dynamics of the tourist flow from Russia to this country is worsening every year. In 2010, the growth of incoming tourist flow was 20.5 percent, in 2011 - 13.3 percent, and in 2012, entry into Turkey decreased by 6.2 percent. The main reason is the rise in prices and the fact that this destination is less and less surprising to Russian tourists with the novelty of its impressions. Today, Greece and Spain compete most intensely with each other for the tourist flow from Russia. Traditionally, the second most popular destination among Russian tourists is Egypt. At the end of 2012, the flow of Russian tourists to Egypt amounted to 1906.6 thousand trips, which is 31.2 percent more than in 2011, when, as a result of political upheavals, this destination lost 34 percent of the tourist flow from Russia. However, renewed unrest in 2013 significantly reduces the number of Russians willing to travel to this country on vacation. The loss of the traditional budget holiday destination for Russians in Egypt has increased the strength of the tourist flow to Turkey, despite rising prices.

Tunisia has been actively restoring the tourist flow for several years, but has also suffered as a result of political instability. Japan managed to return the Russian tourist flow in 2012. After the tragic events in March 2011, entry into this country from Russia fell by 50 percent. In 2012, Russians made almost 25 thousand trips to Japan, which is slightly less than in 2010, an increase of 89 percent.

The tourist flow to Thailand has increased (4th place in popularity among Russian tourists). Spain also showed positive changes, including due to a loyal visa policy, Germany (1.5 percent growth), Greece (12.7 percent), the United Arab Emirates (39.2 percent), Italy (at the 2011 level). Traditionally, Russians actively visit Finland and the Baltic states.

According to Rosstat, in 2012 there were 10,773 travel companies operating on the Russian market, of which 4,685 companies are in the unified federal register of tour operators. The majority of tour operators (59 percent) operate in the international outbound tourism segment, 40 percent in the domestic market, and just over 12 percent in the international inbound sector.

The largest increase in the rate of entry into Russia for tourism purposes in 2012 was shown by China. In connection with the year of Russian tourism in the People's Republic of China and the year of Chinese tourism in the Russian Federation, the growth of tourist flows from China amounted to 47 percent. It should be noted that the entry of Turkish citizens has increased by 25 percent as a response to the simplification of visa formalities. Western European countries - France, Germany and the UK are showing a moderate increase in the number of tourist arrivals at the level of 5 - 8 percent. Members of the European Union, affected by the economic crisis, have significantly reduced tourist travel. Thus, Spain shows a decline in tourist flow by 30 percent, Italy - by 5 percent, Greece - by 15 percent and Cyprus - by 47 percent. The tourist flow from the Nordic countries has also decreased. Japan, on the other hand, is demonstrating a significant increase in tourist flows to Russia (18 percent, or 44.67 thousand arrivals).

The abolition of visas for tourists from Thailand and Turkey has yielded positive results. If previously Turkish citizens traveled to Russia mainly as part of corporate groups, now the number of individual trips on weekends in the cities is growing. Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan for various cultural events. This incoming flow is characterized by low seasonal differentiation of indicators, that is, guests come throughout the year, which is important for uniform loading of tourism infrastructure enterprises.

Also, the increase in tourist flow can be attributed to the active and competent promotion of Russia as a tourist destination in international markets, including at the world's largest exhibitions.

Host Russian tour operators nevertheless experience significant problems with serving foreign tourists. The most common complaint is about high domestic prices. For many Europeans, Russia today is too expensive a destination, and tourists from developing countries and the Pacific region are not deterred by such prices. This is also facilitated by the high degree of stratification of the population of these countries by income level. Those tourists who decide to go see Europe, and also visit Russia or the Baltic countries along the way, are ready to pay for tourist services.

Unfortunately, high domestic prices are in many ways an obstacle to the growth in the number of trips by Russians themselves within the country. In many ways, the high cost of traveling in Russia is due to the high cost of transport services. At the same time, the cost of travel by rail is equal to or even exceeds the cost of flights on domestic airlines.

Another problem of incoming tourism is the insufficiently comfortable tourist information environment, this concerns tourist navigation signs, the lack and fragmentation of information resources about tourist programs of Russian regions, the inconvenient work schedule of many tourist attractions (the presence of sanitary days, short working hours, inconsistency with the prevailing rhythm of arrival of foreign citizens for tourist purposes by day of the week), the impossibility of pre-booking and purchasing tickets to museums through the Internet information and telecommunications network.

The third most frequently cited problem in the growth of incoming tourist flows is the lack of available hotels and similar accommodation facilities.

Stimulating the development of tourism infrastructure at the regional level is carried out within the framework of the federal target program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011 - 2018)", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2011 N 644 "On the federal target program "Development domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011 - 2018)".

If we talk about the geography of inbound tourism, the undisputed leaders remain traditional tourist centers, such as the cities. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and the cities of the Golden Ring. Foreign tourists are also very interested in the natural attractions of Lake Baikal, Siberia and the Far East, however, in this region too, high transport tariffs and the duration of the entire tourist program, which also leads to an increase in the cost of the tour, have a negative impact.

In addition, it is necessary to note the positive impact on the development of tourism in the Russian Federation of such major sporting events as the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi, the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan. Russia will host no less significant events - the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 29th World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk. Event tourism allows not only to strengthen the country’s image in the international arena as an open and hospitable state, but also creates an impetus for the development of tourism infrastructure that will serve for many years, attracting new tourist flows to the region.

As of the end of 2012, there were 1,250 sanatoriums and boarding houses with treatment in Russia with a total capacity of 342 thousand beds. The number of hotels and similar accommodation facilities in the country in 2012 increased by 10.8 percent and amounted to 9,316 units with a total capacity of 617.8 thousand beds. The length of public roads with hard surfaces increased from 728 thousand km in 2011 to 928 thousand km in 2012. The turnover of public catering enterprises is growing annually by approximately 6 percent; in 2012 it reached 1019.3 billion rubles.

All cultural institutions show positive dynamics. In total, there are 2,631 museums in the Russian Federation, including 108 museum-reserves (as of 2011). Museum visits, which fell sharply in 2009, are increasing annually at a modest rate of about 4 percent per year. It should be noted that the growth rate and absolute indicators of individual visits to museums exceed the indicators of the number of tourists from excursion groups. This suggests that museums should largely focus on individual visitors, developing the interactive component of the exhibition. On the other hand, this shows the existing growth potential of excursion services.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that significant changes are also occurring with the characteristics of consumers of cultural enterprises and tourism services in general. The needs of the target audience of cultural institutions and the tourism sector have changed significantly, and the target audience itself has increased in size due to the expansion of parameters such as age, professional status and place of residence. The cultural and educational level of the target audience has increased, the vast majority of which are active Internet users. Moreover, close attention should be paid to a significant decrease in the age of representatives of the target audience with a sharp increase in their level of education and mobility.

It is necessary to provide potential Russian and foreign tourists with the opportunity to consume tourism services in a convenient, dynamic and modern information environment, including:

Create conditions for centralization and unification of information resources of the Internet information and telecommunications network for searching tours in Russia;
provide a transparent system for assessing the quality of tourism services offered, including through a classification system and mandatory certification;
provide the opportunity to partially familiarize yourself with museum exhibitions, attractions, the natural world, and tourist routes online (visualization technologies, virtual excursions, videos, photographs);
create conditions for pre-booking and payment for all types of tourist services by individual tourists and organizations;
provide all the necessary information for amateur tourists - transport schedules, area maps, guidebooks, rules of conduct, operating hours of tourist facilities, etc.

The number of visits to specially protected natural areas of federal significance, which include the most valuable natural complexes and objects in the Russian Federation, increases every year. The basis of the federal system of specially protected natural areas consists of 102 state natural reserves, 47 national parks and 69 state natural reserves of federal significance.

One of the main tasks of specially protected natural areas is the development of educational tourism. According to the Concept for the development of a system of specially protected natural areas of federal significance for the period until 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2011 N 2322-r, educational tourism is defined as one of the special types of ecological tourism, the main purpose of which is to get acquainted with natural and cultural attractions.

In order to develop educational (ecological) tourism in specially protected natural areas, in accordance with the Concept for the development of a system of specially protected natural areas of federal significance for the period until 2020, the following is carried out:

Development of complex excursion programs for various categories of visitors, including organizing demonstrations of wild animals in the natural environment;
arrangement of ecological trails and tourist routes, observation platforms and places for observing wild animals;
creation and modernization of museums and visitor information centers;
The maximum permissible loads are assessed and ways to minimize the negative impact of tourism development on natural ecological systems are determined.

Possessing unique display objects, both natural and cultural-historical, specially protected natural areas can become the basis for the formation of large tourist centers. At the same time, taking into account world experience, the corresponding tourist infrastructure (hotel complexes, etc.) should primarily be located in areas adjacent to specially protected natural areas, not burdened with restrictions associated with the special protection regime.

An analysis of the current state and strategic directions for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation must be carried out taking into account regional differences in the degree of provision with tourist resources and the structure of the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The generalized result of the analysis is given by federal district.

The Central Federal District is the center of cultural, educational and business tourism in the country. A number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the district have ample opportunities for the development of rural and ecological tourism.

The infrastructure of the Central Federal District can be described as highly developed, which includes almost the entire range of services provided in the tourism industry. The historical and cultural features of some regions of the northeastern part of the district determine the high rate of tourism development and contribute to the active growth of the hotel real estate market and shopping and entertainment infrastructure. As part of the "Golden Ring of Russia" project, the construction and reconstruction of hotels is actively underway in the northeast of the Central Federal District. However, despite this, the Central Federal District is experiencing a shortage of hotels and other tourist and recreational facilities of various classes. As of the end of 2012, there were 1,588 hotels and similar accommodation facilities in the district (17 percent of the total for the Russian Federation), in which 23.4 million overnight stays were made in 2012 (more than 30 percent of this figure for the Russian Federation).

In addition to cultural and educational tourism, the most promising for development in the Central Federal District are business, pilgrimage, event, cruise and yachting, environmental, rural and active tourism.

The main regions of visit for cultural and educational purposes are Moscow, Vladimir, Kostroma, Moscow, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions. And one of the most popular interregional tourist excursion routes through ancient historical cities is the Golden Ring of Russia. Tours and excursions along the Golden Ring of Russia are in demand at any time of the year, and the sights of the historical cities included in this route are of constant interest.

Pilgrimage tourism is actively developing. Popular routes to Orthodox monasteries in the Vladimir, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kostroma, Moscow, Ryazan, Tver, Yaroslavl and Smolensk regions.

Among the events that attract tourists to the Central Federal District, it is necessary to note the Moscow International Film Festival, various ethnic holidays, as well as major international sporting competitions (Kremlin Cup tennis, hockey tournaments and football matches).

Cruise tourism is developed in Moscow, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions. However, this type of tourism is highly seasonal (from May to October).

Interest in water recreation in Russia is constantly growing, more and more people are interested in boats and yachts. Many regattas and single races are held annually for vessels of various classes. In the Central Federal District, the most popular reservoirs for yachting are the Klyazminskoye, Pestovskoye, Pyalovskoye, Ivankovskoye, Rybinsk and Gorky reservoirs, as well as the waters of the Moscow River. There are many yacht clubs in the Moscow region, mainly on reservoirs connected by the Moscow Canal. 80 percent of yachting is concentrated here, the further development of which is beginning to be hampered by the small size of the reservoirs and the congestion of the waterways.

Ski tourism for beginner skiers is actively developing in the Central Federal District, as well as rural tourism in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Vladimir, Ivanovo, Moscow, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions).

On the territory of the Central Federal District there are 12 state nature reserves, 7 national parks and 9 state nature reserves of federal significance, ensuring the conservation of biological diversity and having significant potential in the development of eco-tourism. The development of their infrastructure (development of ecological trails and routes, museums and visitor centers) will contribute to the creation of new tourist routes in the region.

The potential of the Central Federal District for the development of tourism is enormous, but at the same time there are a number of limiting factors, including a high degree of deterioration of the tourism infrastructure. The solution to a significant part of the existing problems is possible within the framework of the implementation of large investment projects in the tourism and recreational sector, aimed at improving transport and utility infrastructure, developing personnel and information policies, and developing mechanisms for stimulating entrepreneurial activity in the tourism sector.

At the same time, each subject of the Russian Federation has identified its own points of tourism growth. Thus, the development of the tourism sector of the economy of the Belgorod region has great prospects. An interregional tourism cluster is being formed in the Belgorod region, within which cooperation between tourism organizations, educational institutions, regional entrepreneurship support funds and other organizations is developing. Work is underway on projects financed from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the municipal budget, these include the creation of a tourist and recreational complex on the basis of the architectural monument "Estate complex of the palace type of the Yusupov princes", the tourist and recreational cluster "Klyuchi" and the combined recreational zone "Zoo "Yaruga" zone.

The geographical location of the Bryansk region will contribute to the further development of international cross-border tourism. The tourism potential of the Bryansk region is the construction of memorial complexes located in places of military glory, as well as a wide museum network. Starting from 2014, it is planned to create a tourist and recreational cluster "Elysee Fields".

The sphere of tourism and recreation is one of the most important competitive advantages of the Vladimir region. The development of the regional tourism brand “Small Golden Ring of Russia” continues.

The main direction of development of the tourism and recreational potential of the Voronezh region should be domestic tourism and recreation. Additional directions can be event, business, health resort, educational, medical and family tourism. The Voronezh region is working to improve the tourism infrastructure at several large construction sites at once with the attraction of private investment, including the construction of hotels of various classes of service, including those belonging to international hotel chains, the construction of multifunctional road service zones located on a section of the M-4 Don highway. on the territory of the Voronezh region. In 2014 - 2015, in the Voronezh State Natural Biosphere Reserve, the installation of interactive museum and exhibition expositions is being completed, including an interactive children's center dedicated to the beaver, and a unique project “Life behind glass”, which will allow real-time observation of the movement of beavers in huts , including underwater.

In the Ivanovo region, since 2011, a project has been implemented to create a tourist and recreational cluster "Ples", and it is also planned to develop a system of sports and health tourism, including the construction of tourist centers with sports infrastructure for inexpensive family holidays. In addition, the Ivanovo region is actively developing cruise tourism, so most investments are made in the creation of objects related to such tourism and interesting to visitors to the region.

The Nikola-Lenivets tourist and recreational cluster is being implemented in the Kaluga region. Facilities of sanatorium, health, cultural and educational purposes in the field of tourism in the Kaluga region contribute to the formation of additional tourist flows. Military memorial and excursion and educational tourist routes pass through the territory of the Ugra National Park.

An investment project is being implemented on the territory of the Kostroma region to create a tourist and recreational cluster “Vault of Kostroma Land”. The project of the tourist complex "Romanov Ples" is under construction. A project has been developed for the planning and creation of tourist infrastructure for the Sumarokovskaya moose farm. The implementation of a major project has begun to create a cultural and exhibition complex located in the center of Kostroma - the “Museum Compound”.

The central position of the Kursk region in the European part of Russia allows its territory to be used for transit tourism, including automobile tourism. The main directions for the development of the tourism and recreational industry in the Kursk region are the development of tourism business infrastructure, as well as the creation and promotion of an integral brand of the Kursk region.

Since 2011, the Lipetsk region has been implementing investment projects - the Yelets tourist and recreational cluster and the Zadonshchina autotourist cluster. In the special economic zone in Zadonsk, construction of a cultural and entertainment center has begun, and work continues on the construction of cottage-hotel and health-improving complexes.

The main center of culture and tourism in the Central Federal District is Moscow.

In the Moscow region, the formation of tourist and recreational centers and resort areas continues. New centers of tourist and recreational services are developing in the peripheral parts of the Moscow region, mainly in the western and northern sectors.

One of the main tasks of tourism development in the Oryol region is the formation of a modern marketing strategy for promoting the existing tourism product in the domestic and international markets. The development of tourism in the Oryol region will be facilitated by the celebration in 2016 of the 450th anniversary of the founding of the city of Oryol. In preparation for the celebration of the city's anniversary, it is planned to carry out a complex of works on the reconstruction, restoration and restoration of historical and cultural heritage sites. On the territory of the Oryol region, 19 investment sites have been allocated for the construction of hotel and entertainment complexes ("Noble Nest", "Rest in Russian Style", "Chernechik", "Oryol Polesie", "V.N. Khitrovo Park Estate", "Panino Farm" ") and the creation of other tourist service areas. Such an active investment policy of the administration will increase the tourist attractiveness of the region for local residents and the population of neighboring regions and reduce the shortage of accommodation places.

Since 2011, the Ryazan region has been implementing the investment project "Creation of the Ryazansky tourist and recreational cluster." In December 2012, the first facility of the Ryazansky tourist and recreational cluster was opened as part of the Okskaya Pearl hotel and entertainment complex - the year-round water park "Gorki" , and in 2013 - the park-hotel "Berega" with 100 rooms. The cluster also included projects for the construction of the entrance zone of the S.A. Yesenin Museum-Reserve and the tourist complex "Fisherman's Village". Significant potential for the development of tourism in the Ryazan region has river tourism along the Oka River.Another promising direction for the development of tourism in the region is business tourism.

The Smolensk region has significant tourism and recreational potential. The natural sites of the region, including the Smolensk Poozerie National Park, are especially attractive for the development of tourism; event-based historical tourism is also promising. The region is implementing a project to create a multifunctional tourist and recreational complex "Vazuza and Yauza Park". The multifunctional tourist and recreational complex will have a wide range of services for the development of sports, health, business and environmental tourism.

Natural diversity and a relatively favorable environmental situation in the Tambov region, especially in rural areas, contribute to the favorable development of the production of organic food and eco-tourism.

In the Tver region there are some of the main tourist sites of Central Russia - the source of the Volga River and Lake Seliger, the Central Forest State Natural Biosphere Reserve with unique flora and fauna, natural karst caves in the western part of the region. The Tver region is implementing several large investment projects that combine a focus on various types of tourism. The creation of tourist clusters "Zavidovo" and "Tver Marina" will contribute to the integrated development of the territory on the banks of the Volga River and the creation of active recreation areas. Since 2014, it is planned to create a tourist and recreational cluster "Verkhnevolzhsky" in the Tver region.

The development of the infrastructure of museum-reserves of federal significance "Yasnaya Polyana", "Polenovo" and "Kulikovo Pole" in the Tula region will contribute to the creation of new tourist routes for the development of cultural and educational tourism. In addition, several large investment projects are planned in the Tula region. Among them are the hotel and tourist complex "Carousel" and the tourist and recreational complex "Velegozh", a recreational park with an environmental focus "Dancing Green".

In 2014, it is planned to implement a major investment project - the creation of the Yaroslavl Seaside tourist and recreational complex. In addition, one of the areas of tourism development in the Yaroslavl region is business and congress tourism.

The result of the implementation of these tourism development activities will be the creation of a modern, technically equipped tourism industry capable of meeting the needs of both Russian and foreign citizens. The comprehensive development of the planned areas will lead to strengthening the material base of tourism, ensuring the comfort of accommodation facilities and expanding the variety of tourist routes.

In the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Central Federal District for the period until 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2011 N 1540-r, tourism is given a significant place; in particular, it is planned to form modern tourist and recreational clusters that meet international requirements for level of infrastructure, material and technical base, service and ensuring the satisfaction of needs for a variety of tourist services. It is planned to create a modern personnel training system for the tourism business and related industries.

The Northwestern Federal District has extensive recreational resources, a rich cultural heritage and has favorable opportunities for the development of the tourism industry, in particular inbound and domestic tourism. The regulatory system plays an important role in the development of the industry. Thus, in March 2009, for foreign citizens arriving for tourism purposes on passenger ferries, a visa-free regime was established for entry and stay in our country for up to 72 hours. The number of ports through which visa-free entry is allowed includes the Big Port of St. Petersburg, the ports of. Kaliningrad and Vyborg. Extending the practice of short-term entry of tourists into the territory of the Russian Federation to passengers at the district’s airports will also contribute to the growth of inbound tourism in the Northwestern Federal District.

The district has a favorable geographical location and has access to several seas. There is an opportunity to implement joint projects with neighboring European countries as part of the promotion of macro-regional tourism products.

The district has a variety of natural features (forests, river and lake systems, unique landscapes and natural monuments, wildlife and fish resources) and phenomena (white nights), socio-cultural and historical sites.

On the territory of the Northwestern Federal District there are 12 state nature reserves, 11 national parks and 10 state nature reserves of federal significance, which have unique resources for the development of cultural, educational and ecological tourism. The national parks “Kenozersky” (Arkhangelsk region) and “Vodlozersky” (Republic of Karelia and Arkhangelsk region) have the greatest potential in attracting tourists, on the territory of which objects of natural and cultural heritage, trades and crafts, and folk traditions are preserved. The national parks "Paanayarvi" (Republic of Karelia) and "Yugyd Va" (Komi Republic), the Polistovsky Nature Reserve (Pskov Region) represent a wide network of routes through untouched natural areas. The Pechoro-Ilychsky Biosphere Reserve with the unique Manpupuper Plateau, the Russian Arctic National Park and the Franz Josef Land federal reserve provide ample opportunities for the development of environmental and cruise tourism in the Arctic.

Availability of qualified personnel and educational institutions for tourism in the cities. St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Petrozavodsk is also a factor promoting the development of tourism.

The development of tourism in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District based on historical, cultural and natural attractions is a potentially large source of income for the regions, can accelerate their economic development and significantly improve the socio-economic situation in them. This is indicated by the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Northwestern Federal District for the period until 2020, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2011 N 2074-r.

At the present stage, the main efforts to develop tourism are focused on completing the construction of the Sea Passenger Port of St. Petersburg ("Marine Facade"), creating tourist infrastructure facilities, including the tourist and recreational cluster "Pskovsky" (Pskov region) and the tourist and recreational cluster " Nason-gorod" (Vologda region), Finno-Ugric ethnocultural park in the Komi Republic, special economic zone of tourist and recreational type "Russian Lapland" in the Murmansk region, implementation of projects for the preservation and use of cultural heritage, including the Pokrovskaya Tower of the Pskov Kremlin and the Museum Quarter (Pskov Region), Mon Repos Park and the Station Warden's House (Leningrad Region), Rurik's Settlement and the White Tower (Novgorod Region), as well as on the development of the project "Veliky Ustyug - the birthplace of Father Frost" (Vologda Region), the creation of a tourist recreational cluster "Old Ladoga" (Leningrad region).

It is planned to create tourist and recreational clusters in the Kaliningrad region and the Ustyany tourist and recreational cluster in the Arkhangelsk region.

The efforts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Northwestern Federal District in the field of tourism and tourism organizations located in the district are also aimed at the active formation of interregional tourism programs of several regions and joint international tourism programs with neighboring European countries.

The Southern Federal District ranks first in terms of scale, level and pace of development of the sanatorium-resort and tourism sectors. The emerging sports, recreational, transport and infrastructure Sochi Olympic Complex in recent years has become a catalyst for the socio-economic development of the Krasnodar Territory and the entire Southern Federal District. At the same time, there is significant regional heterogeneity in the Southern Federal District, which is objectively divided into 2 parts (Azov-Black Sea and Volga-Caspian). The Azov-Black Sea region of the Southern Federal District, which includes the Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea and the Rostov Region, is distinguished by the most favorable natural and climatic conditions and increased attractiveness for tourists.

The wealth, diversity and attractiveness of recreational resources, significant natural-climatic, historical and socio-cultural assets determine in the future the rapid growth of the tourism and recreational business and its transformation into one of the basic branches of specialization of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the Southern Federal District. The development of tourism is hampered by a number of system-wide problems that are common to the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Specific problems include energy shortages in most regions and interruptions in water supply during peak load periods, which impose infrastructural limitations on the sustainable growth of the tourist and recreational complex of the Southern Federal District.

The leading regions of tourist and recreational activity in the Southern Federal District, as a rule, specialize exclusively in beach holidays. Traditionally, Russian tourists are traditionally considered to be the main group of consumers of the offered tourism services. The presence of such growing limiting factors as an increase in spatial asymmetry in the development of tourism between individual territories and regions is noted (in particular, about 50 percent of all hotel rooms and more than 65 percent of rooms in sanatorium-resort organizations are concentrated in the Krasnodar Territory), high seasonality of demand for tourist services.

A promising option for the Southern Federal District could be connecting the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin to Mediterranean cruise routes.

Diversification of the tourism business, including the development of new exclusive routes and tourist products under world-recognized brands, can also give a positive impetus to the development of tourism (the territory of historical reconstruction "Sarai-Batu - the capital of the Golden Horde", the territory of ecological and cultural tourism "Fish Park period" and a zone of medical and health tourism on the territory of Lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan region) and targeted personal tours aimed at highly profitable segments of the potential market of Western Europe and China.

After the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 in Sochi, the Southern Federal District inherited a significant number of sports, tourist and hotel facilities and structures, which ensured its compliance with world standards of mountain climatic resorts. The Southern Federal District also has significant resources for the development of balneology. Currently this resource is underutilized. The created hotel fund in combination with natural areas can provide an opportunity for year-round treatment and will serve as one of the factors in leveling the seasonal fluctuations in the flow of tourists.

The Strategy for the Social and Economic Development of the Southern Federal District for the period until 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 5, 2011 N 1538-r, includes the active development of such tourist clusters as beach tourism (Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Azov region, Caspian Sea) , mountain tourism (Krasnaya Polyana, Lagonaki); health tourism (Goryachiy Klyuch, Lake Elton), ecological tourism (Volga River delta, Maykop), cultural and educational tourism (Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Tuapse, Sochi, Maykop, Elista and other ethnographic zones in the Republic of Kalmykia).

In the Republic of Adygea, the construction of the tourist and recreational complex "Khadzhokh" and the St. Michael's tourist sports and recreation complex is underway.

In the Republic of Kalmykia, design and estimate documentation is being developed for such investment projects as the creation of the “Nature Park” visitor center, the construction of the tourist complex “Tourist and Recreational Balneological Complex”, and the creation of the “Oirat Stan” agro-ecological park.

The Astrakhan region is working on projects in the field of development of tourism infrastructure (tourist and recreational cluster "Astrakhan", cultural and educational tourism projects "Sarai-Batu - the capital of the Golden Horde", an environmental and cultural tourism project "Park of the Fish Season" in the Volodarsky district ) and the creation of autotourist clusters in the Narimanov district.

The North Caucasus Federal District has favorable conditions for the development of tourism and the health resort sector. However, the natural advantages still remain not fully realized, since the district still does not have investment attractiveness due to the instability of the economic and socio-political situation.

Some subjects of the Russian Federation that are part of the North Caucasus Federal District are among the least economically developed subjects of the Russian Federation due to the low level of economic and social development.

Many monuments and objects of cultural and historical heritage are in need of restoration (the State Museum-Reserve of M.Yu. Lermontov, the archaeological and natural museum-reserve "Tatar Settlement" in the Stavropol Territory, the historical and architectural complex Dargavs in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, tower complexes IX - XVIII centuries in the Republic of Ingushetia, the Naryn-Kala Museum-Reserve in the Republic of Dagestan and many other objects).

The uniqueness and diversity of natural and climatic resources of the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District create favorable conditions for the development of the tourist and recreational complex.

In terms of temperature conditions, the North Caucasus Federal District is one of the most attractive regions of the Russian Federation both in summer and winter. About 50 percent of the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District is occupied by the Greater Caucasus mountain system. There are mountain peaks here, including those with the highest elevation of 5642 meters (Mount Elbrus), which makes the North Caucasus Federal District a particularly promising platform for the development of high-mountain tourism.

On the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District there are 5 state reserves, 2 national parks, as well as 7 state reserves, ensuring the preservation of the rich biological diversity of the regions.

The length of the Caspian Sea coast in the Republic of Dagestan is 490 kilometers, which contributes to the development of beach tourism. The World Tourism Organization of the United Nations highly appreciates the potential of the Republic of Dagestan and identifies it among the most promising tourist destinations in the south of the Russian Federation.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the North Caucasus Federal District, medical and recreational, skiing, sports (extreme), business, environmental, cultural and educational, pilgrimage, rural, specialized (archaeological, equestrian, speleological, ethnographic) are currently being developed ) tourism, hunting and fishing tours are organized.

The specially protected ecological resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters, for which medical and health tourism is a specialized area, includes the cities. Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Lermontov, as well as Mineralovodsky, Georgievsky and Predgorny districts of the Stavropol Territory, Zolsky district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Malokarachaevsky and Prikubansky districts of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Medical and health tourism is actively developing in the Republic of Dagestan, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Republic of Ingushetia and the Chechen Republic.

On the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District there are large ski resorts - Dombay (Karachay-Cherkess Republic), Elbrus region (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic), Tsey (Republic of North Ossetia - Alania).

Despite the presence of significant competitive advantages for the development of the tourism industry, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the North Caucasus Federal District are characterized by a weak level of development of the tourism industry. The small contribution of the tourism sector to the economy of the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District is associated with the insufficient volume of tourist flow. The largest share of unorganized tourist flow and the minimum length of stay of tourists, and, consequently, low tourist expenses are typical for ski, sports and extreme tourism centers. The share of foreign tourists in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the North Caucasus Federal District is below the Russian average.

The development of the tourism complex of the North Caucasus Federal District is hampered by the lack of high-quality tourist infrastructure and the low level of service, the low level of development of the transport network, the negative image of the North Caucasus Federal District, the insufficient level of security, the presence of a limited, regulated regime for visiting the territory of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation included to the North Caucasus Federal District, for foreign citizens.

In the Republic of Dagestan, the construction of an exhibition center, the reconstruction of the health center sanatorium "Talgi", the construction of the satellite city "Côte d'Azur", and the expansion of the all-season recreational complex "Chinderchero" are underway. All these measures are aimed at developing beach tourism on the Caspian Sea coast.

In the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, construction of the all-season tourist and recreational complex "Arkhyz" is underway.

In the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, several large investment projects are being implemented in the field of tourism (construction of the Mamison mountain-recreational complex, development of the Digoria mountain-recreational complex, development of the Tsey resort, which is an integral part of a special economic zone of a tourist-recreational type ).

Investment projects of the Stavropol Territory are aimed at the overhaul and renovation of outdated and dilapidated tourist infrastructure facilities in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region (sanatorium named after Kalinin, development of the entertainment industry of Victory Park in Stavropol, overhaul of the sanatorium named after the 30th anniversary of the Victory, construction and reconstruction of sanatorium buildings " Rus", completion of the construction of the Don Plaza boarding house in Essentuki).

The priority direction of the tourism industry of the North Caucasus Federal District is medical, health and ski tourism, which stimulates the development of cultural, educational, business, environmental, sports, and ethnic tourism.

The Volga Federal District has an ethnoculturally distinctive population composition, characterized by ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity with the conflict-free and organic coexistence of different cultural traditions, which contributes to the development of cultural, educational, ethnic and pilgrimage tourism in the district.

The subjects of the Russian Federation included in the Volga Federal District are visited by about 2.5 million people annually.

The existing historical, cultural and national characteristics, as well as the presence of a large number of recreational areas, help attract investors to the tourism sector.

In the Republic of Mari El, with the support of executive authorities, in 2013 - 2015 it is planned to implement 15 investment projects in the field of tourism, which are financed from extra-budgetary sources (construction of the ecotourism complex "Chodyrayal", tourist complexes "Okolitsa", "Sea Eye" and " Centaur", tourist and recreational center "Merchant's Court").

In the Chuvash Republic, starting from 2014, it is planned to implement a project to create a tourist and recreational cluster “Ethnic Chuvashia”. This cluster includes two unique investment projects (the creation of the tourist complex “Ethnic Ecological Settlement “Yasna”” and the creation of the ethnographic complex “Amazonia” on the territory of the Park of Culture and Recreation named after the 500th anniversary of Cheboksary).

As part of attracting investors to implement tourism projects in the Saratov region, passports of regional investment projects “Monk’s Cave”, “Development of tourism infrastructure in Volsk”, “Reconstruction (construction) of a ski resort and a complex for recreation and sports” have been prepared.

The implementation of large investment projects in the tourism and recreational sphere is aimed primarily at creating a tourist route of all-Russian and international significance "Big Volga". All subjects of the Russian Federation through whose territory the Volga and Kama rivers flow will become participants in this project. Taking into account the fact that on the territory of the Volga Federal District there are 13 state nature reserves, 9 national parks and 3 state nature reserves of federal significance, the inclusion of specially protected natural areas located on the banks of the Volga and Kama rivers in the “Big Volga” tourist route will be additional an incentive for the development of cruise tourism in the district.

Another direction is the development of tourism and recreation based on the natural potential of the Ural Mountains with the concentration of the corresponding infrastructure in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Udmurt Republic and the Perm Territory, where complexes will be created for winter (primarily alpine skiing) and summer outdoor activities (rafting). rivers, horse riding, fishing and hunting).

The development of tourism in the Western Urals will be facilitated by the organization of rehabilitation and preventive treatment based on mineral waters, local medicinal mud, mountain and forest coniferous air. National holidays, the preservation of handicrafts, the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and life of several ethnic groups at once determine the prospects for the development of ethnographic, culinary and other types of educational tourism.

The Ural Federal District has a unique natural resource potential in terms of reserves and diversity, a developed industrial complex, and a developed transport and energy infrastructure. The modern economic structure of the Ural Federal District has a pronounced industrial and raw material orientation. This makes it possible to develop in the district such a unique and promising variety of cultural and educational tourism programs as industrial tourism.

In addition, there is potential for growth in various segments of the tourism services sector, since in the Ural Federal District, which has a significant historical heritage and a wealth of natural complexes, it is possible to develop cruise, ethnographic tourism, as well as sports and recreation (summer, winter sports) and hunting types of tourism. The potential of eco-tourism is also significant, since on the territory of the Ural Federal District there are 8 state nature reserves, 3 national parks and 7 state natural reserves of federal significance, while the insufficient development of infrastructure and weak information and advertising support of the district hinder the active development of tourism.

Currently, much is being done to develop tourism in the Ural Federal District. Investment projects of the Sverdlovsk region concern the development of natural tourism. It is planned to create a tourist complex of the industrial-landscape park "Demidov Park" in Nizhny Tagil. Another project involves the development of the tourist complex “Irbit: Wheel of History” on the territory of the municipality of Irbit. The creation of a visitor center to receive tourists on the territory of the Olenyi Ruchi natural park is under development. Also planned for implementation are projects such as the creation of a tourist complex on the basis of the Alapaevsk narrow-gauge railway, the recreation of the historical and mineralogical route "Gem Strip of the Urals", the cultural, historical, tourist and recreational park "Stone Gates".

In the field of tourism, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is implementing an investment project for the cultural and health center "Thermal Complex "Yugorskaya Dolina" in Khanty-Mansiysk.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is investing in the creation of a branch of the municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Tourism Development Center".

The Kurgan region is planning new construction, major repairs and reconstruction of the facilities of the branch of the unitary enterprise "Resorts of Trans-Urals", the sanatorium "Lake Medvezhye".

Thus, the Ural Federal District has prospects for the development of a wide range of tourism programs. In many ways, this can be facilitated by a reduction in tariffs on domestic air and railway communications within the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Siberian Federal District is a natural transport bridge between the countries of Western Europe, North America and East Asia. First of all, this is a land bridge, the backbone of which is the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Siberia has powerful recreational resources, which are represented by the unique natural complexes of Lake Baikal, Lake Teletskoye, numerous and varied sources of mineral and thermal waters, reserves of medicinal mud in the Altai Republic, the Republic of Buryatia, the Republic of Tyva and the Republic of Khakassia, the Altai and Transbaikal territories, forests, a developed hydrographic network, numerous monuments of history, archeology and material culture, picturesque landscapes, various species of animals and commercial fish, as well as territories with favorable and relatively favorable climatic conditions for recreational activities. On the territory of the Siberian Federal District there are 21 state nature reserves, 7 national parks and 18 state nature reserves of federal significance.

On the territory of the Altai Republic, a special economic zone of the tourist and recreational type “Altai Valley” is being created, and the construction of an all-season sports and recreational sanatorium and tourist complex “Manzherok” is underway.

The competitive advantages of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Buryatia are the high ecological and tourist potential of the territory (Lake Baikal as an object of world natural and environmental heritage), as well as its border location.

A number of investment projects in the field of tourism infrastructure are being implemented on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia. As part of the Opening Week of the Republican Year of Tourism, the interregional tourism project "Fabulous Sagaalgan in Buryatia - 2013" was implemented. Since 2011, 4 enlarged investment projects have been implemented - the creation of the Podlemorye tourist and recreational cluster, the Kyakhta, Baikalsky, and Tunkinskaya Dolina autotourist clusters. In addition, 8 zones of economically favored tourist and recreational type are being created in the North-Baikal, Tunkinsky, Zaigraevsky, Kabansky, Kyakhtinsky and Ivolginsky districts. Ulan-Ude and Severobaikalsk. Projects for the construction of the ethnographic complexes “Steppe Nomad” and “Khotogor” and a hotel complex in Severobaikalsk are being implemented.

The competitive advantages of the socio-economic development of the Altai Territory are the unique natural tourism, recreational and balneological potential, the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan, and developed transport infrastructure. A large-scale investment project in the Altai Territory is the project "Comprehensive Development of the Altai Ob Region", which provides for the creation in the Altai Territory of a tourist and recreational complex - a special economic zone of the tourist and recreational type "Turquoise Katun" and transport infrastructure, including the reconstruction of airports in the cities. Gorno-Altaisk and Biysk, as well as 2 largest investment projects - the Belokurikha tourist and recreational cluster and the Golden Gate autotourist cluster.

The creation of an educational tourism infrastructure on the territory of the Stolby State Nature Reserve in the Krasnoyarsk Territory contributes to the creation of comfortable conditions for the development of ecological tourism in the reserve for more than 200 thousand visitors annually.

The implementation of projects for the sports and tourist zone "Gremyachaya Griva", the recreational zones "Mirovichev Bor" and "Daurskaya" and the tourist and recreational complex in Yeniseisk will contribute to the creation of a competitive tourist and recreational cluster, a comfortable urban environment for visiting Yeniseisk by amateur tourists.

The Irkutsk region plans to create a Baikal tourist and recreational zone, which will be aimed at developing medical, health, cultural, educational, adventure, business, ethnographic, religious, environmental and other types of tourism. In the Irkutsk region, a list of promising investment projects has been developed, the implementation of which is planned in the next 10 years (the creation of a water tourism cluster on Lake Baikal, the Golden Sands recreation area, the tourist ethnocultural cluster of the Baikal region, the recreational ski complex "Orekhov Kamen", the implementation of the Siberian safari" and the construction of the zoological complex "Park of the Siberian Period").

The most significant investment projects being implemented in the Novosibirsk region (construction of the year-round recreation center "Danilino Lake" in the Kyshtovsky district, the museum and tourist complex "Zavod-Suzun. Mint").

On the territory of the Baikal Biosphere Reserve (Republic of Buryatia), conditions have been created for visitors with disabilities. The construction of modern interactive museums and visitor centers in specially protected natural areas (Khakassky Reserve (Republic of Khakassia), Port Tankhoy of the Baikal Biosphere Reserve (Republic of Buryatia), Sayano-Shushensky and Stolby Nature Reserves (Krasnoyarsk Territory) will contribute increasing public awareness about existing environmental routes and tourist attractions in the region.

In the city of Baikalsk, on the territory of the industrial site of the open joint-stock company "Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" (after completion of the procedures for eliminating accumulated environmental damage), it is planned to create a modern museum, exhibition, information, educational and tourist complex (working name - theme park "Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" nature"). The creation of this complex will play a significant role in providing information and increasing the attractiveness of eco-tourism in the Russian Federation, creating a positive image of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of preserving natural and cultural heritage, and will also ensure the integration of the city of Baikalsk into the development of tourism services in the interests of social economic development of the region.

The Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region for the period until 2025, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2009 N 2094-r, notes that, despite the difficult natural conditions in most of the territory of the Far East and the Baikal region -climatic conditions, which are characterized as very harsh and even extreme, the territory of the Far East and the Baikal region is distinguished by a wealth of natural resources of global importance. However, the tourism potential of the Far East and the Baikal region, due to objective and subjective reasons, is far from being fully used.

The main types of specialization of the tourist and recreational complex of the Far East and the Baikal region are cultural and educational, medical and recreational, ecological tourism and marine recreation. In the future, extreme, sports, adventure, expedition, fishing and other types of active recreation will develop in this territory.

On the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District there are 25 state nature reserves, 6 national parks and 10 state nature reserves of federal significance, which have a richness and diversity of natural complexes, unique objects of living and inanimate nature and are the basis for the development of eco-tourism in the region.

The greatest potential for the development of ecological and cruise tourism in the region has the state nature reserves "Kronotsky" and "Komandorsky" (Kamchatka Territory), "Wrangel Island" (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug), Sikhote-Alin and Far Eastern Marine (Primorsky Territory), and national parks " Land of the Leopard" (Primorsky Territory), "Shantar Islands" and "Anyuysky" (Khabarovsk Territory), "Beringia" (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug).

The tourist market of the Far East and the Baikal region is the most important and integral part of the national market and an important component of the market of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

Problems in the development of inbound tourism are associated with the low level of development of tourism infrastructure, as well as with the deficit of cross-border transport communications (lack of infrastructure and relevant routes, including aviation). The development of tourist exchange with the European part of the country is significantly limited by the high cost of air tickets. The main objectives of the development of the tourism industry in the Far East and the Baikal region are the creation in this territory of a competitive diversified tourism industry, based on several world-class resorts with a high level of service based on unique natural resources - Lake Baikal, the river basin. Amur, Primorye and Kamchatka, as well as the formation and promotion in the Russian Federation and the world of tourist and recreational brands of the Far East and the Baikal region.

It is planned to implement investment projects to create tourist-recreational and autotourist clusters ("Jewish town" (Jewish Autonomous Region), "Orto-Doidu", "Lena Pillars" (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), "Paratunka" (Kamchatka Territory), "Pidan ", "Ussuriysk-Mikhailovka", "Arsenyev", "Shmakovsky", "Nakhodka-Partizansk", "Khasansky" (Primorsky Territory), "Amur Cruises" (Khabarovsk Territory), "Little Venice", "Golden Mile", "Albazinsky prison" (Amur region), construction of a marine tourist club on the coast of Nagaevo Bay, construction of the Marchekan ski complex (Magadan region), development of the sports and tourist complex "Mountain Air", construction of a tourist complex with mineral springs on the island of Iturup (Sakhalin region), development of the cross-border tourist cluster "Eastern Gate of Russia Zabaikalsk-Manchuria", construction of the tourist and recreational complex "Russian Village" on the territory of the Transbaikal region (Zabaikalsky Krai), a water tourism cluster on Lake Baikal, an autotourist cluster "Golden Sands", a tourist ethnocultural cluster "Pribaikalye", tourist complex "Park of the Siberian Period" (Irkutsk region).

A condition for the development of inbound tourism in the border region is the implementation of a set of measures, including:

Optimization of the operation of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation;
development of port facilities and small aviation; creation of special economic zones of tourist and recreational type; stimulation of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism; development of social tourism;
creation of accommodation infrastructure and services focused on servicing transit tourist flows;
the formation of a personnel training system in the field of tourism on the basis of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of the Far East and the Baikal region with special attention to the training of service personnel;
active advertising, information and image policy; carrying out measures to reduce the existing environmental load on the natural environment.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2014 N 168 “On the formation of the Crimean Federal District”, the Crimean Federal District was formed, which included 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol. Thanks to its natural and climatic features, the Republic of Crimea is one of the most attractive holiday destinations.

Currently, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are 825 collective sanatorium-resort organizations and hotels, of which 151 institutions provide specialized sanatorium-resort treatment, 316 facilities provide health-improving services, and the remaining 358 institutions provide temporary accommodation services. Thus, the number of Crimean health resorts engaged in both treatment and health improvement is 467 facilities.

A distinctive feature of the territorial location of specialized sanatoriums is their concentration in the Yalta region. At the same time, the majority of children's sanatoriums are concentrated in the city of Evpatoria.

Over the past few years, collective accommodation facilities have accommodated an average of 1.2 million people, or 1,454 people per collective accommodation facility per year (121 people per month), which indicates that the available accommodation facilities are underutilized.

In addition, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are 4.5 thousand households providing temporary accommodation services and 14 thousand apartment landlords (the private sector receives over 80 percent of the total tourist flow (4 million tourists per year), and the key problem of this sector is a high level of “shadowing” - private households are not subject to taxation, state statistical reporting is not applied to them, they are charged as private households in all public utilities). Over the past 20 years, the problem of regulating the activities and taxation of the private sector of the Crimean tourism industry has not been resolved. To solve it, it is necessary to introduce a number of legal instruments (classification of accommodation facilities and the introduction of a tax patent for individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity for the holiday season).

The total length of the beaches of the Republic of Crimea is 517 km. There are 560 beaches on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, of which 10 have received Blue Flag certificates from the Foundation for Environmental Education, thereby confirming compliance with international requirements for safe and comfortable recreation.

In the Republic of Crimea, 208 tour operators carry out tourism activities. 1,147 tourist support specialists (tour guides and guide-translators) are included in the register of tourist support specialists. The database of excursion tours and routes developed by business entities includes about 200 routes.

In 10 regions of the Republic of Crimea there are 21 tourist information centers (the cities of Kerch, Saki, Simferopol, Yalta, Sudak, Evpatoria and Feodosia regions, as well as Bakhchisarai, Chernomorsky and Leninsky districts), of which 11 are year-round.

The following types of tourism are developing in the Republic of Crimea:

Cultural and educational (in the Republic of Crimea there are 17 state museums, more than 300 public and departmental museums. About 800 thousand exhibits are stored in the funds of state museums alone);
eventful (more than 100 different festivals are held annually - music, wine, military, choreographic, theatrical, cinematic, sports and folklore. Many of them have already become traditional for the Republic of Crimea - these are the festivals "War and Peace", "Kazantip", "Genoese Helmet" ", "Theatre. Chekhov. Yalta", "The Great Russian Word", International TV and Film Forum "Together");
pedestrian (in the mountain-forest zone of the Republic of Crimea there are 84 tourist sites, 39 places of mass recreation for the population, 284 tourist trails);
cycling (an extensive network of hiking trails and rural roads creates conditions for cycling. The southwestern part of the Republic of Crimea is the most diverse for mountain cycling tourism);
auto tourism (on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 40 campsites, about 100 parking lots and parking lots with a total number of places of more than 3.5 thousand, more than 250 gas stations, as well as more than 110 service stations and more than 210 roadside cafes);
underwater (local diving, dive cruises, training schools, children's camps with scuba diving training);
equestrian (on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 20 equestrian clubs, which have developed one- and multi-day horse riding routes for tourists);
ethnographic (representatives of 115 nationalities live in the Republic of Crimea, there are 92 ethnographic sites on the basis of which cultural and ethnographic routes have been developed);
rural (in the Republic of Crimea there are more than 80 rural tourism sites);
sports (international competitions in hang gliding, hot-air ballooning and others);
cruise (reception of cruise ships in the Republic of Crimea can be carried out by 4 seaports located in the cities of Yalta, Sevastopol, Kerch and Evpatoria. In 2013, a record number of cruise ships entered the Republic of Crimea - 144, which is 45 percent more than the number of navigation ship calls in 2012 year. The number of tourists amounted to 63,009 people (62,984 people in 2012). The traditional leader among the port cities of the Republic of Crimea is Yalta, in 2013 108 ocean liners and 16 river-sea class cruise ships were serviced.

At the moment, the main problems hindering the development of tourism in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol are:

Political instability in Ukraine, which leads to the loss of tourist flow from the territory of Ukraine;
the unsatisfactory condition of a number of tourist infrastructure facilities, beach equipment, and their unsatisfactory sanitary condition;
the problem of transport accessibility of the Republic of Crimea by land and air transport, bypassing the territory of Ukraine.

It is necessary to ensure painless and mutually beneficial integration of the tourism sector of the Crimean Federal District into the Russian professional tourism community, minimize losses and risks of the transition period, create additional jobs and platforms for the application of entrepreneurial initiatives in the field of tourism and promote tourism services provided by the Republic of Crimea domestically and internationally markets.

Thus, we can highlight positive and negative trends in the development of the tourism services sector in the Russian Federation. Positive trends are:

Increasing the number of tourist infrastructure facilities of all categories, collective accommodation facilities and persons served in them;
increasing the number of recreational facilities and tourist attractions at the expense of resorts in the Crimean Federal District;
the stable demand for tourism services that has formed among Russians and the growth in income of the population, creating a positive background for attracting consumer demand for the product of the domestic tourism industry;
the presence in the country of potential domestic demand for cultural and educational tourism programs;
the presence and growth of demand for nature-oriented types of tourism (fishing, hunting, environmental, rural);
the growth of patriotic sentiments in civil society of the Russian Federation, including among young people;
the presence of a significant network of cultural institutions and a tradition of early involvement of Russians in visiting them in the process of mastering general, vocational and additional education programs;
the availability of labor resources in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to fill jobs in the tourism sector, including through the retraining of unemployed citizens;
the established system of secondary vocational and higher education in the field of tourism, including in the country's leading educational institutions;
presence of positive experience in the application of program-targeted management mechanisms in the tourism sector;
focus on the innovative nature of the development of the Russian economy at the federal level.

The factors hindering the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation include the following problems:

Insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure in most regions of the country, a small number of collective accommodation facilities in the economical and mid-price categories with a modern level of comfort;
underdeveloped transport infrastructure (poor quality of roads and level of roadside services, unsatisfactory condition of airports and railway stations, etc.);
low quality and capacity of roads, ferry services and other transport infrastructure;
shortage and high degree of wear and tear of vehicles used to transport tourists (modern tourist buses, cruise ships, airplanes and other vehicles);
outdated and insufficiently used resource base in the field of sanatorium-resort, health and medical tourism (boarding houses and sanatoriums), an acute shortage of institutions for children and youth tourism;
poor ecological condition and contamination of coastal zones of reservoirs and natural areas in places of active development of tourism, including amateur tourism;
unfavorable economic conditions for attracting investment in tourism infrastructure, lack of ready-made investment sites and standard investment projects;
insufficient entrepreneurial activity of the population in the field of tourism;
negative experience of a series of bankruptcies of large tour operators and high consumer risks;
the high cost of the domestic tourism product, primarily transport services, which significantly reduces the competitiveness of domestic and inbound tourism;
high seasonal cyclicality of demand for most tourist programs, the long duration of the “low season” in the regions of traditional beach tourism, high average fixed costs of tourism enterprises;
the incomparable size of the capacity of the hotel base of traditional domestic beach holiday resorts, the permissible recreational load and the carrying capacity of beaches and other tourist infrastructure;
insufficient level of practical skills among graduates of professional training programs in the field of tourism;
traditional approaches to the formation of tourist programs, low diversity of the range of tours in the Russian Federation that can satisfy the dynamic and demanding demand of the modern consumer;
lack of a client-oriented management policy for cultural institutions, the need to modernize their services;
insufficient promotion of the tourism product of the Russian Federation;
low awareness of Russians about the tourism opportunities of the regions of the Russian Federation, fragmentation of information resources in the field of tourism and the lack of a unified system of information support for domestic and inbound tourism;
negative image of the domestic tourism product, low interest of Russians in purchasing tours around the Russian Federation;
the need to integrate the sphere of tourism services provided by the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into the management system and professional tourism community of the Russian Federation.

These trends determine the strategic guidelines for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation.

IV. Goal, objectives and strategic guidelines for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation

The current stage of strategic planning for tourism development is associated with the need to consolidate the results achieved at previous stages.

Initially, the main goal of such planning was to determine the legal framework, lawmaking, restoration and creation of new elements of tourism infrastructure. Further, the emphasis of strategic planning shifted towards stimulating regional entrepreneurial initiatives, determining the locations of free economic zones and tourism clusters, as well as selecting investment projects implemented in them.

Over the past 15 years, the industry has achieved a certain level of development, and by now the prerequisites have emerged for the intensive development of tourism, based on the principles of complexity, sustainability and people-centeredness.

Today, it is the person with his needs, cultural potential, quality of life, safety that becomes the central link and the main goal in the development of the economy in general and the tourism sector in particular.

Tourism today should become the locomotive of regional development, a link between the commercial interests of various areas of business, public policy priorities and the cultural needs of society. The unity of goals and objectives for the country's development will make it possible to successfully implement program-targeted tools for the growth of the cultural level, spiritual potential and well-being of the country and each of its citizens.

Thus, the goal of tourism development in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 is the comprehensive development of domestic and inbound tourism, taking into account ensuring economic and sociocultural progress in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Achieving this goal requires solving the following set of tasks:

Creation of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment;
improving the quality and competitiveness of the Russian Federation’s tourism product in the domestic and global markets;
implementation and strengthening of the social role of tourism, including the development of social, medical and health, children's, youth and youth tourism;
improvement of the management system and statistical accounting in the field of tourism;
ensuring economic growth and quality of life of the population of the regions of the Russian Federation through the development of tourism;
comprehensive provision of security in the field of tourism and sustainable development of the tourism services sector;
promotion of the tourist product of the Russian Federation in the domestic and international tourism markets;
integration of the sphere of tourism services provided by the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into the tourism management system and the professional tourism community of the Russian Federation.

The priority areas for tourism development in the Russian Federation are:

Development of domestic and inbound tourism;
unification of the quality of tourism services in the country, bringing them into line with international standards;
creation and development of a comfortable tourist information environment, including a tourist navigation system, orientation signs, information about tourism resources and regional programs;
strengthening the role of tourism in education and the formation of the cultural and moral potential of the population of the regions of the Russian Federation;
coordination of efforts of all regions to promote the tourism product of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, the main indicators of achieving the goal of tourism development in the Russian Federation should be considered:
an increase in demand for domestic tourism products from Russians, including through the reorientation of part of consumer demand from outbound tourist destinations to domestic ones;
attracting more foreign tourists; an increase in the number of repeat trips, an expansion of the range of services consumed by tourists and an extension of the period of stay of tourists at domestic resorts;
development of social tourism.

The principles of tourism development in the Russian Federation are: the use of an integrated approach to tourism development;

Integration of tourism development plans into all spheres of the national economy and social life of society (education, healthcare, social security, culture, art, science, industry, services);
innovative nature of tourism development;
stimulating entrepreneurial initiatives of tourism business participants, creating conditions for the growth of the number of small enterprises;
ensuring intercultural communication and international cooperation in organizing tourism programs;
balancing the interests of all participants in the tourism development process (consumers, businesses, non-profit organizations, government bodies, local residents);
focus on indicators of the quality of life of the population when assessing the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of regions;
sustainability of tourism development, taking into account environmental and sociocultural risks, focusing on the inexhaustible use of tourism resources.

Target indicators for the implementation of the Strategy are given in the appendix.

The implementation of the Strategy is ensured by consolidating the efforts and resources of government authorities in the field of tourism and related industries at all levels, tour operators, travel agents, organizations and individuals providing individual tourism services, educational institutions that train personnel in the field of tourism, transport and insurance companies and other participants tourism activities and civil society institutions through the integrated use of political, organizational, socio-economic, legal, special and other measures developed within the framework of strategic planning in the Russian Federation.

Also, the implementation of the Strategy requires attracting the attention of citizens of the Russian Federation to the development of domestic and inbound tourism, awareness by the professional community and civil society in general of the importance and prospects of the Strategy’s objectives, manifestation of an active position of the population in creating an atmosphere of hospitality in their region and the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives in the field of tourism services .

Adjustments to the Strategy are carried out based on the results of constant monitoring of its implementation, taking into account changes that have a significant impact on the state of the tourism sector.

The strategy was developed on the basis of the following documents in the field of strategic planning for the development of various areas of activity in the Russian Federation:

Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020;

Program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the short term;

State program of the Russian Federation "Development of culture and tourism" for 2013 - 2020;

Strategies (programs) for the development of individual sectors of the economy; strategy (concept) for the development of federal districts; strategies and comprehensive programs for the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Interstate programs in which the Russian Federation takes part;

Federal (departmental) target programs, concepts, doctrines and fundamentals (main directions) of state policy in areas that influence tourism activities.

Measures of normative legal support for the implementation of the Strategy are determined on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities.

Information and analytical support for the implementation of the Strategy is carried out by attracting information resources of federal executive authorities in the field of tourism, government bodies of constituent entities and municipalities of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism using the system of tourist information centers, government bodies in related industries and fields of activity, Rosstat and scientific institutions.

Monitoring the progress of implementation of the Strategy is carried out within the framework of the activities of federal executive authorities in the field of tourism, with support from state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism.

This approach will make tourism one of the priority areas of activity in the country’s economy, bring the tourism sector to one of the central places in the development of regional economies, the formation of a modern socio-cultural environment and improving the quality of life of the population of the Russian Federation.

V. Main directions and mechanisms for solving problems of tourism development

1. Development of tourism infrastructure and creation of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment

In recent years, thanks to an active tourism development policy and close attention to the industry from all levels of government, as well as the organization of major international sporting and cultural events in the country, the state of the tourism infrastructure has changed significantly for the better. New tourist attractions, collective accommodation enterprises have appeared, and transport hubs have been built. However, today many tasks to improve the tourism infrastructure still remain unresolved.

The federal target program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011 - 2018)" provides for the creation of growth points in the regions of the Russian Federation based on a cluster approach. This program provides for measures to form tourist and recreational clusters near historical and cultural centers, nature reserves and other tourist-oriented places and display objects, as well as the creation of a network of autotourist clusters.

The Strategy provides for the use and development of a cluster approach, which is an advanced and effective mechanism for concentrating the efforts of both public authorities and private business initiatives to create tourism infrastructure. It is necessary to analyze the results of the implementation of pilot investment projects to create tourism clusters, develop a system of measures to solve problems that impede the implementation of the cluster approach, and ensure the dissemination of experience in the successful implementation of the cluster approach when creating tourism infrastructure facilities.

As the main mechanism for implementing the Strategy, public-private partnerships should be considered as the most promising way to combine the efforts of public authorities and private businesses in order to create tourism infrastructure.

The issues of creating a comfortable information tourist environment also require serious attention, for the solution of which it is necessary:

Develop a unified approach to information work with tourists;
develop, implement and develop a unified unified tourist navigation system;
create tourist information centers in the required number in each region and develop their activities by developing standards and improving the quality of service, interregional cooperation in the work of such centers.

It is necessary to create a bank of information materials on tourism resources of the Russian Federation and ensure access to it for potential tourists. The solution to this problem will be facilitated by the centralization of efforts to promote tourism resources of the regions of the Russian Federation by expanding the functional content of the national tourist portal on the Internet information and telecommunications network, which should combine the functions of the media in the field of domestic and inbound tourism, an archive of information materials, and a national system booking of tourist services, a social network, a monitoring tool, collection and analysis of data on consumer demand for tourist services and reviews of their quality, an educational and cultural and entertainment resource.

No less pressing are the issues of developing transport infrastructure, developing roads and road infrastructure, organizing the movement of tourist buses in conditions of high traffic congestion, and arranging parking lots in areas of high tourist interest. Also, today the greatest growth potential in the domestic market is for amateur auto tourism, which is greatly facilitated by an increase in the number of cars per capita, the arrangement of auto tourism clusters on key federal highways, and the development of a network of roadside hotels. However, the issues of ensuring the safety of tourists along the route, as well as the awareness of the population about existing tourist routes and places of tourist display, opportunities for organizing meals and overnight stays along the way, remain unresolved. Despite these problems, automobile tourism can be considered the most promising for organizing travel within the home region or to neighboring regions.

In most regions of the Russian Federation, there are acute issues of developing the infrastructure of water transport, coastal areas and coastal waters. For the successful development of cruise and beach tourism, it is necessary to build berths, piers, develop the supporting infrastructure for river navigation, expand the fleet and update river and sea cruise ships.

The development of beach infrastructure and ensuring the environmental cleanliness and safety of beaches and water areas require special attention.

It is equally important to pay sufficient attention to the condition and level of comfort of vehicles used to transport tourists. Periodic renewal of rolling stock, modernization of means of transport, measures to monitor their technical condition lay the conditions for the safe organization of tourism. Today we should talk about the high level of wear and tear not only of railway cars, domestic aircraft, river boats, tourist buses, but also about the obsolescence of entertainment facilities (attractions, equipment of cultural and recreation parks). The same can be said about the condition of funiculars, cable cars, marinas, train stations and bus stations.

The current state of the hotel base has noticeably improved over the past 5 years, new accommodation enterprises have appeared, including various classes of service. However, there is still a shortage of accommodation facilities in the economy and mid-price segments that offer a standardized range of services. Increasing the capacity of this type of room stock is becoming the main prerequisite for the development of domestic and inbound tourism.

The solution to this issue can be achieved by stimulating entrepreneurial activity in the small and medium-sized business segment. Private initiative in the field of hospitality (mini-hotels, mini-hotels, hostels, guest houses) can significantly increase the capacity of accommodation facilities. However, uncontrolled construction of private hotels can not only overload the municipal and tourist infrastructure, but lead to the loss of the historical appearance of the resort and reduce its attractiveness for tourists. Therefore, along with measures to stimulate the entrepreneurial initiative of local residents, it is necessary to provide for the growth potential of private hotels in urban planning policy, take it into account when developing programs for the development of utility networks, regulate the level of quality of services and, if necessary, normalize the volume of tourist flow to ensure comfortable living conditions for the local population and recreation for tourists and compliance with recreational load standards on natural areas.

We should strive to develop national hotel chains as the most promising way to create accommodation facilities of the required level of quality and an effective source of developing service standards, which are the hallmark of the Russian Federation and its regions.

Accordingly, it is necessary to develop measures for the development of tourism infrastructure by stimulating the entrepreneurial initiative of the population of small towns, urban-type settlements and rural settlements. This area of ​​activity is especially important in conditions of an acute shortage of jobs in small towns and rural areas and the forced urbanization of the population in almost all regions of the Russian Federation.

In addition, when planning and implementing tourism infrastructure development projects, the task of creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities should be taken into account.

2. Improving the quality and competitiveness of the Russian Federation’s tourism product in the domestic and global markets

The Russian Federation has significant potential for the growth of domestic and inbound tourism, but the domestic tourism product is experiencing strong competition from offers from the international market. In this regard, it is necessary to develop a system of measures to increase the competitiveness of the domestic tourism product, including:

Providing high quality tourism services; improving professional education in the field of tourism;
creating and maintaining an effective level of competition in the industry;
the use of modern marketing tools to create an offer of tourism services in accordance with the needs of the real and target audience of buyers;
elaboration of possible options for reducing prices for domestic transportation within the Russian Federation;
creation and development of Russian systems for booking tourist services in the domestic market;
introduction of a classification of tourism industry facilities, including hotels and other accommodation facilities, ski slopes and beaches.

Improving the quality of tourism services today is the main task of all industry participants. Russian and foreign tourists who actively travel around the world have accumulated significant tourism experience and are accustomed to world standards of service. Domestic tourism organizations have to deal with sophisticated and demanding consumers.

One of the most actively used tools for assessing the quality of tourism services today is the classification of tourist infrastructure facilities. It is necessary to introduce a unified classification system for tourism industry facilities, including hotels and other accommodation facilities, ski slopes and beaches, develop a procedure for assessing the quality of services and assigning a category, as well as a mechanism for periodic re-evaluation and increase or decrease of an already assigned category.

In order to improve the quality of the tourist product of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to ensure a wide range of tourist programs offered on the market and their periodic updating. This will increase consumer interest in the tourism product and increase the number of repeat visits to resorts and tourist infrastructure.

One of the main components of the system for ensuring the quality of tourism services is the training of personnel for this area. The modern system of professional education in the field of tourism requires improvement in terms of bringing it into line with modern requirements of employers, greater orientation of education towards practice, development and implementation of professional standards, improving the quality of educational materials, taking into account the specifics of organizing tourism activities in the regions of the Russian Federation when training personnel. First of all, at the federal and regional levels it is necessary to establish the required professional composition, structure and number of specialists in the field of tourism for the medium term, taking into account tourism development plans. This will serve as a guide for educational institutions, existing and future specialists in the field of tourism, allowing them to determine the composition and content of educational programs and the trajectory of development of professional competencies.

Currently, one of the most important problems remains the training of tour guides, guides-translators, and instructors-guides. To improve the quality of tourism services, it is necessary, together with executive authorities in the field of tourism of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to develop and implement a system for ensuring and monitoring the awareness of these categories of specialists about the specifics of the region’s tourism resources and their access to work.

In order to coordinate the efforts of various spheres of tourism activity, improve the quality and competitiveness of the tourism product, it is necessary to develop and implement an action plan ("road map") to create favorable conditions for the development of competition in the field of tourism activity. Such a plan should be coordinated with federal and regional programs, and also take into account the already accumulated experience in stimulating small businesses in the field of tourism.

To adapt the offer of tourism services to the requirements of tourists, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of using modern marketing methods. Practice shows that many tourism organizations often proceed from their capabilities and stereotypical ideas about the needs of clients, neglecting market research and identifying their target audience. This happens, on the one hand, from the inertia of the consciousness of managers, on the other hand, due to extreme limitations in funds due to low profitability and lack of collateral for obtaining loans, especially for small businesses.

Therefore, in order to organize systematic work to improve the quality of tourism services, it is necessary to develop a centralized approach to conducting marketing research in the field of tourism and providing information to participants in the tourism market. Authorized executive authorities in the field of tourism at all levels must organize and coordinate activities to collect and analyze information on the state of the tourism market, characteristics of consumer demand, market segmentation opportunities, identify main market trends and collect and analyze data on the state of the industry. Research results should be available to tourism business professionals and the general public.

A particularly active limiting factor in the development of tourism today is the problem of high domestic prices for railway and air transport services in the Russian Federation. Solving this problem requires both active action to change the current taxation system, regulation of domestic prices for fuels and lubricants, and the creation of conditions for the formation of competition in the domestic passenger transportation market, the development of measures to create and develop transport companies capable of offering reduced prices. Reducing prices for domestic passenger transportation today is a central strategic task, the solution of which largely determines the degree of competitiveness of tourism services in Russia in the domestic and international tourism markets.

It is also necessary to develop measures for the creation and development of domestic systems for booking tourist services in the domestic market.

3. Implementation and strengthening of the social role of tourism

The social role of tourism is manifested in its health-improving, educational, and educational functions. The development of a social tourism system with the involvement of budgetary and extra-budgetary sources of funding is today one of the main directions for meeting the needs of socially vulnerable groups of the population of the Russian Federation and increasing the availability of tourism services. Each region must pay close attention to the development of social tourism. It is necessary to look for ways to use financial mechanisms to encourage employers who sponsor social tourism programs or compensate their employees for part of the costs of tourism services on the territory of the Russian Federation. Any initiative to support social tourism programs on the part of the business community should be encouraged in every possible way. It is important to improve the accessibility of tourism services for the least socially protected groups of the population and students.

Tourism also performs an important function in restoring public health. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the development of medical and health tourism, improving its material and technical base, training and attracting personnel to this area and the active promotion of health tourism in the domestic market, including through the organization of cooperation (introduction and training events) with medical workers. In working with children and youth, tourism programs with active modes of movement along the route play an important health-improving role, in which it is necessary to attract students from educational institutions to participate.

The long-term goal of tourism is to increase the level of culture, education and enlightenment of society. All types of tourism correspond to this task, but one of the most narrowly focused is cultural and educational tourism.

For the development of cultural and educational tourism, the following special measures are necessary:

Development, implementation and dissemination of a new concept of interactive exhibition in cultural institutions (museums, cultural and leisure institutions, natural landscape complexes) using elements of gaming technologies, visualization techniques, role-playing methods of involving the visitor in the learning process;

Creation and development of a mixed type of cultural institution, ecological and cultural tourist complexes combining a museum exhibition, natural landscape area, workshops of traditional crafts, theatrical performances, educational and outreach functions, a research center, and a trade fair complex. Such an integrated approach is able to attract and retain the interest of a modern consumer audience, and also makes it possible to attract investments to finance projects to create new or transform existing cultural institutions using extra-budgetary sources;

Introduction of the practice of active marketing activities of cultural institutions, including market research, analysis of real and target consumer audiences, determination of product policies and promotion of services to the market, including advertising and public relations activities, by combining the marketing efforts of all cultural objects on the basis of the national tourism portal and implementation of a unified information system for recording and analyzing the number and characteristics of visitors, enabling online booking and online ticket sales;

Conducting training for employees of cultural institutions and other enterprises related to tourist attractions, innovative methods of work, marketing activities and techniques for creating interactive programs for tourists;

Orientation towards an individual tourist who makes a decision on a trip (excursion) without prior preparation using the services of travel companies or completely independently, providing information support for the process of selecting, ordering and consuming tourist services;

Solving the problem of transport accessibility of cultural and educational tourism sites, including the organization of access roads and parking spaces for tourist buses and personal transport of individual tourists;

Updating cultural and educational tourism programs, regularly introducing diversity into traditional tourist routes to stimulate repeat visits;

Development of local history, creation and development of local history clubs and museums.

Thus, cultural and educational tourism can make a significant contribution to the education and moral improvement of society. It is important to understand the importance of developing a set of measures to develop this area as the most competitive, promising type of tourism that meets the general state policy and national interests of the Russian Federation.

Another direction in the implementation of the social function of tourism is the development of children's, youth and youth tourism. It is necessary to develop regulatory support for this area of ​​tourism activity, define and legislate the conceptual apparatus, principles and standards of service in the field of children's, youth and youth tourism.

One of the directions for the development of children's, youth and youth tourism is the deeper integration of tourism programs into the education system, which makes it possible to create conditions for patriotic education and broaden the horizons of students.

Today, all educational organizations regularly conduct excursions and other types of outdoor activities. However, in practice such activities often do not have a clear plan. Persons responsible for excursion and away activities with students, as a rule, when choosing tourist excursion programs, proceed from personal experience, budget and recommendations of cultural institutions. This significantly reduces the quality and efficiency of these activities.

Integration of tourism programs into the education system can be achieved by combining the efforts of interested federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and representatives of the tourism business in developing tourism and excursion programs by tourist organizations that correspond to the content of educational programs and the specifics of the region’s tourism resources, as well as developing a mechanism for planning the content of extracurricular activities of educational organizations. Also, the tourist excursion form can be used in additional general developmental programs of additional education for children and adults, which are an innovation of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

In addition, expanding the use of tourism programs as a form of extracurricular activities requires the creation of a system for training employees of educational organizations in planning and implementing outdoor activities in the educational process, as well as increasing the availability of tourism services for organized groups.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the task of developing tourism infrastructure in the field of children's, youth and youth tourism through the creation and development of tourism clusters specializing in serving this category of consumers. Then it is necessary to carry out work on the preparation and implementation of specific investment projects for the development of children's, youth and youth tourism in the regions of the Russian Federation within the framework of the created clusters.

4. Increasing the efficiency of the management system and statistical accounting in the field of tourism to ensure socio-economic development and growth in the quality of life of the population of the regions of the Russian Federation

Improving the management system in the tourism sector should be carried out in the following directions:

Increasing the efficiency of interregional cooperation in organizing tourism activities;
achieving consistency and coordination of development plans for related industries, ensuring the creation of conditions for the development of tourism;
improving the system of statistical accounting in the field of tourism. In the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r, one of the challenges of modern society is the increasing role of human capital as the main factor of economic development, and among the targets landmarks include high standards of human well-being. This Concept is aimed at ensuring that the level of income and quality of life of Russians by 2020 will reach the levels characteristic of developed economies. This means high standards of personal safety, availability of education and healthcare services of the required quality, the required level of housing, access to cultural goods and ensuring environmental safety. One of the directions of the transition to an innovative socially oriented type of economic development of the country is the development of Russia’s human potential, which, on the one hand, involves creating favorable conditions for the development of the abilities of each person, improving the living conditions of Russian citizens and the quality of the social environment, on the other hand, increasing the competitiveness of human resources. capital and the social sectors of the economy that support it, which include the tourism services sector. The result of the development of human potential will be the creation of economic conditions for the preservation and enhancement of the cultural and spiritual values ​​of the Russian people and ensuring the quality and availability of services in the field of tourism. Thus, at the federal level of strategic management, the role of tourism in improving the quality of life of the population and the growth of human potential is enshrined.

In accordance with this, it is necessary to ensure the achievement of these goals when drawing up and implementing tourism development plans in the regions of the Russian Federation.

In the Regulations on the organization of a system of federal statistical observations on socio-demographic problems and monitoring of economic losses from mortality, morbidity and disability of the population, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2010 N 946 “On the organization in the Russian Federation of a system of federal statistical observations on social -demographic problems and monitoring of economic losses from mortality, morbidity and disability of the population", provides indicators of the quality of life of the population - living conditions, accessibility and quality of social services, level and sources of income of the population, motivation to work and a healthy lifestyle, reproductive plans. Tourism can influence almost all of these indicators. The development of tourism infrastructure leads to improved transport accessibility of the region, an increase in the number of jobs, and the emergence of consumer service enterprises and cultural and leisure institutions. Tourism programs enable educational institutions to use new forms and methods of conducting classes within the framework of existing educational programs (on-site lectures, practical classes, visits to museums and theaters, excursions on the topic of the lesson). The region is becoming interesting for investors, the entrepreneurial activity of local residents is increasing, young people are finding work in their region and are no longer leaving their homes en masse, which improves the demographic situation. All these positive effects need to be planned and multiplied when planning tourism development.

An excessive increase in the tourist flow to the region can also have such negative effects as environmental deterioration, congestion of transport hubs, an increase in the cost of living in the region, an increase in business risk due to increased competition as a result of the arrival of large federal players in the regional market, the introduction and planting of elements of mass culture changing the national flavor of the local cultural environment, an increase in crime, a structural imbalance in the development of the regional economy with excessive specialization in tourism. In most regions of the Russian Federation, one can observe high seasonal differentiation of consumer demand for tourism services, which leads to the emergence of temporary jobs and the risk of a decrease in the income of local residents outside the tourist season.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate both positive and negative multiplier effects from the development of tourism in the region, and measure changes in indicators of the quality of life of the population depending on the growth of tourist flows.

When developing tourism development plans, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the following interests of local residents are taken into account:

Job creation;
the possibility of selling locally produced products or personal subsidiary plots;
development of transport, social infrastructure of the region, cultural and leisure institutions;
respect for the national and cultural traditions of the local population;
preservation and restoration of traditional crafts and trades; participation of local residents in decision-making on the construction of tourism infrastructure in the region; training;
the opportunity to implement entrepreneurial initiatives; increasing the cultural and economic significance of the region on a national and global scale.

The participation of local residents and their receipt of income from tourism activities can be ensured in the following ways:

Receiving economic benefits from the development of tourism activities through the creation of new jobs and the provision of preferences when hiring local residents, the purchase of food, souvenirs and other locally produced products;
ensuring the participation of local residents in managing the development of tourism activities through co-ownership of tourism enterprises as shareholders, investors, and shareholders;
establishing feedback with local residents, clarifying their attitude to tourism activities in the region, adjusting tourism development plans in accordance with justified claims and comments of the population, ensuring the right of local communities to refuse the construction of tourism infrastructure on their territory;
ensuring an increase in the standard of living of the population through the development of tourism infrastructure through transport, the use of service enterprises, providing benefits to local residents for tourism services, ensuring the possibility of conducting traditional forms of economy and folk crafts.

In general, the development of tourism should provide a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the region’s economy by increasing tax payments to the local budget, improving the quality of life of the population, providing additional funding for programs to protect and restore cultural sites, historical heritage and nature, carrying out environmental programs, preserving and developing social -cultural environment of the region.

Improving the management system in the tourism sector requires the creation of an effective statistical accounting system. In order to increase the information content of tourism statistics in the regions of Russia and bring them closer to international standards, it is necessary:

Ensure the transition of border statistics, which generates official statistical information on the number of Russian citizens who traveled abroad and foreign citizens who entered Russia, to the classification of travel purposes in accordance with the 2008 International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics;
organize selective statistical surveys of guests of collective accommodation facilities, visitors to tourist sites, border surveys of foreign tourists according to the developed methodology of the Federal State Statistics Service;
approve and put into effect the collective grouping “Tourism” based on the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities.

These measures will eliminate differences in the definition of international tourism concepts, monitor the economic effect of tourism activities, the number of people employed in the tourism sector, and have up-to-date and unambiguous statistical information.

The system for collecting, analyzing and presenting statistical data in the field of tourism must satisfy the needs of authorities, professionals, researchers and society as a whole for up-to-date, consistent, accurate, complete and accessible information.

5. Comprehensive provision of security for tourism activities

Issues of improving tourism safety are key at the present stage of state policy in the field of tourism, aimed at improving the quality of life of the population.

Tourism safety refers to the safety of tourists (tourists), the safety of their property, as well as non-damage to the environment when traveling, the material and spiritual values ​​of the state and its security.

The safety of tourists directly depends on government policy, measures taken by companies, travel agents and tour operators, as well as on the actions of the tourist himself. Tourism safety and risk reduction when traveling relate to a wide range of problems, including providing medical care, checking the technical and sanitary condition of tourist equipment and tourist infrastructure, organizing the work of rescue and ambulance services, insurance, timely information about existing threats, and ensuring an immediate response. to complaints from tourists, monument and environmental protection authorities.

Tourism enterprises are obliged to familiarize tourists with the risk elements of each specific tourist service and measures to prevent it. Information necessary for tourists in order to protect their life and health is provided in advance of the holiday and during the service process. Information characterizing the features of the tourist route, the required level of personal physical fitness of the tourist, and the features of individual equipment should be contained in advertising and information materials and the text of the information leaflet for the tourist voucher.

To increase the awareness of tourists about safety rules on tourist routes, the following measures must be taken:

Develop a set of standard information sheets for each tourist destination;
ensure reflection of regional characteristics of tourism resources and programs in domestic tourist destinations;
approve regulatory requirements for the content of the information sheet for each tourist program, consisting of basic standard and variable parts developed by the tour operator depending on the specifics of the tour program;
develop and implement a system for training employees of tourism organizations in the rules of conducting safety briefings and information work with tourists;
develop and implement a system for monitoring tourists’ knowledge of the content of information materials relating to their safety in the destinations being implemented by employees of tourism organizations.

Close attention should also be paid to improving the safety of tourists on routes with active modes of transportation and increased danger. To do this, it is necessary to develop a “road map” related to increasing the safety of this category of travel, which must reflect the task of introducing a system of compulsory insurance for tourists on high-risk routes and developing a system for training instructors and guides.

In the Russian Federation, the mechanism for protecting the rights of tourists is constantly being improved. Thus, until 2007, tourism activities were regulated by issuing licenses. In 2012, changes were made regarding the creation of a special compensation fund. Now legislation in the field of tourism obliges tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism to be members of the association of tour operators "Turpomosch".

In terms of domestic tourism, such a protective mechanism, other than financial guarantees, does not exist today. Tourist administrations of a number of regions of the Russian Federation note the problem of late payment and delays in the transfer of money from tour operators for services already provided by tourism infrastructure enterprises. Thus, in cases where we are talking about dishonest activities of a tour operator or travel agent, late payments to counterparties, which leads to financial losses of tourism service providers included in the tourism product, the compensation fund cannot offset these losses.

Such problems require the development of an integrated approach to solve them and the search for an effective mechanism for regulating financial settlements between participants in the tourism market, which can lead to the following results:

Increasing the transparency of financial settlements between industry enterprises and tourism service providers;
increasing the payment discipline of mutual settlements between customers and suppliers of tourism services;
availability of up-to-date information about travel companies that are at risk of bankruptcy, in order to take timely measures for their financial recovery and long-term planning of the state of the compensation fund.

It is necessary to develop a package of not only compensation, but also preventive measures to protect the rights of consumers and producers of tourism services.

It is necessary to develop interaction between the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, executive authorities in the field of tourism, tourist information centers and enterprises in the tourism service sector on issues of ensuring the safety of tourists on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The current stage of strategic tourism planning is associated with increased attention to issues of sustainable development of the industry.

For this purpose, it is necessary to develop measures to stimulate the use of resource-saving and environmental technologies at tourism infrastructure enterprises, the application of the following principles of sustainable development of the industry in the implementation of regional strategies in the field of tourism:

Unlimited long-term, inexhaustible use of tourism resources without loss of their quality;
ensuring the conservation of natural, social and cultural diversity;
careful planning, an integrated approach, integration of tourism into regional development plans;
supporting the economy of the region, participation of the local population in the development of tourism and obtaining financial and other benefits from these activities;
implementation of the educational and educational function of tourism, increasing the level of culture and consciousness in society, environmental responsibility and patriotism;
coordination, cooperation and development of cooperation between all participants in the tourism services market;
reduction of excessive consumption of natural and energy resources.

The activities and projects described in this section of the Strategy will improve the safety of tourism, minimize the risk of consumers of the tourism product both in Russia and abroad, and transfer the industry to sustainable development.

6. Promotion of the tourist product of the Russian Federation in the domestic and international markets

In recent years, there has been significant experience in promoting Russia as a tourist destination on the world market. Now it is necessary to support and develop this vector of activity, using the entire range of communications, including measures of an eventual, representative nature, intercultural communications, advertising and information. It is necessary to more actively use the tools of the Internet information and telecommunications network to promote the domestic tourism product.

Special efforts should be made to attract Russian consumers to the country's tourist centers. If in previous years the main emphasis was on beach and health tourism, then in the future it is advisable to promote the cultural and educational component, medical and health-improving and nature-oriented types of tourism. The strategic task of the entire tourism industry today is to create and maintain a favorable image of Russia as a safe, interesting, affordable and fashionable tourist destination.

In addition, it is necessary to understand the importance of creating a priority in society for traveling within one's own country. Such work should be carried out through campaigning, creating a positive image of an inquisitive tourist, providing information about available tourism programs developed taking into account the needs and topics of concern to modern society, systematic work to integrate tourist and excursion programs into the educational process at all levels of general and professional education.

In order to improve the image of Russia as a country favorable for tourism today in countries that form the main tourist flows, events are held in foreign countries.

The holding of these foreign events, including cultural and tourism forums, shows that this is a highly effective format of cooperation. Firstly, it allows you to unite all the main players in the industry on one platform. Secondly, event events always arouse high interest in the media and are considered large-scale and high-profile actions.

The main goals of these events are such powerful impulses as the development of tourist exchanges, the opening of new opportunities through mutual presentations of tourism potential, tourism products, services, as well as conditions for mutual business investments in tourism.

Work on compiling an annual national calendar of tourist events is underway in Russian cities.

When holding major Russian and international events, it is necessary to develop approaches to determining the format for holding such events, including providing comfortable conditions for the organizers and participants of traditional, regularly operating tourism programs.

One of the mechanisms for promoting Russia as a tourist destination in the international and domestic tourism markets is the creation of a network of foreign representative offices of Rostourism in the largest countries that direct a massive tourist flow to Russia.

7. Integration of the tourism services sector of the Crimean Federal District into the tourism management system and the professional tourism community of the Russian Federation

This task requires, firstly, immediate action to reduce losses in the region’s economy from the fall in tourist flows from Ukraine, secondly, the creation of industry-specific management bodies in the field of tourism and the integration of their activities into the tourism management system of the Russian Federation, thirdly, the implementation of all a set of measures for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation, provided for by the Strategy.

In the short term, it is necessary to develop a “road map” for the development of tourism in the Crimean Federal District. The main priority areas for the implementation of the “road map” for the development of tourism in the Crimean Federal District are:

Development of a system of economic mechanisms that ensure a reduction in the selling price of tourism and recreational products and services (according to expert estimates, up to 30 percent), including by reducing the transport component in the cost of tourism products;
development of mechanisms for promoting tourism and recreational products and services of the Republic of Crimea in the regions of the Russian Federation and abroad;
development of mechanisms to support the activities of tourist and recreational enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses by providing various preferences and using the principles of public-private partnership;
ensuring the preservation and possible growth of employment, eliminating wage arrears and its subsequent growth in the tourism sector;
gradual introduction of quality standards for services of tourist and recreational enterprises in accordance with Russian and international requirements;
ensuring the security of development of the tourism and recreational sector in the Republic of Crimea based on Russian experience;
ensuring the integration of specialized tourism education of the Republic of Crimea into the all-Russian educational system through the introduction of federal state educational standards in areas of training specialists in the field of recreation and tourism, exchange of experience between educational institutions, implementation of joint educational programs, including the use of distance educational technologies;
conducting a large-scale information and advertising campaign aimed at restoring and strengthening the image of the Republic of Crimea as a region for safe, comfortable, affordable recreation and recovery.

It is necessary to take effective organizational and managerial measures to use all possible types of transport links with the regions of the Russian Federation.

The positive effect of the implementation of the “road map” for tourism development in the Crimean Federal District should be manifested: in maintaining employment in the industry;

In a significant increase in the number of residents of the regions of the Russian Federation who received tourism services in the territory of the Republic of Crimea;
in improving the quality of services in the tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea, including through professional retraining and advanced training of specialists at various levels;
in increasing the load factor of collective accommodation facilities;
in increasing the income of the consolidated budget of the Republic of Crimea by increasing the volume of services provided in the industry;
in creating the prerequisites for increasing investment attractiveness, including solving problems of related infrastructure.

In the medium and long term, it is necessary for the tourism sector of the Crimean Federal District to implement all areas of strategic development reflected in the goals and objectives of the Strategy.

VI. Risk assessment and ways to overcome them

The implementation of the Strategy's activities is associated with the threat of risks that could reduce the Strategy's performance indicators. Such risks may arise in the field of geopolitics, international relations, macroeconomics, finance, administration, scientific and technological progress and changes in the natural environment. It should also be noted that there is a risk of increasing differences in the level of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation.

Geopolitical risks may arise in the event of a loss of stability and a complication of the political situation in the Russian Federation and the world. This type of risk can significantly change current trends in the international and domestic tourism markets. Tourism is an industry extremely sensitive to the adverse effects of a deteriorating political situation in a country or region of the country. Strategic measures will not be able to be fully implemented due to geopolitical risks that sharply reduce the tourist flow.

To reduce this group of risks, the Strategy provides an analysis of the development of tourism in the world, identifying positive and negative trends for the Russian Federation, which were taken into account when developing the goals, objectives and action plan of the Strategy.

Macroeconomic risks arise due to changes in the phase of the business cycle, deterioration of the investment climate, the stability of the national currency, the availability and price of a loan product and the rate of economic growth. Countering this group of risks is ensured by harmonizing the main provisions of the Strategy with the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, the state programs of the Russian Federation "Economic development and innovative economy", "Public finance management and regulation of financial markets", as well as with current program and target documents in various industries and spheres of the economy.

Reducing the likelihood of financial risks occurring is achieved by applying the principles of combining budgetary and extra-budgetary sources of financing for the Strategy’s activities, including using the public-private partnership mechanism.

Administrative risks are associated with the low efficiency of the Strategy management system. Lack of coordination between different levels of government, fragmented efforts of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, lack of support from government authorities of related industries and areas of activity (transport, construction, housing and communal services, communications and telecommunications, protection of natural resources, healthcare, education , social security) may lead to failure to achieve the goals and objectives of the Strategy. Reducing the likelihood of damage from this category of risks is associated with the need to develop a series of tactical plans for the implementation of the Strategy’s activities and their annual adjustment depending on the intermediate results of the Strategy’s implementation.

The inclusion in the action plan for the implementation of the Strategy of such areas of work as improving the tourism management system by strengthening and coordinating interregional and intersectoral interaction is also a measure to counter administrative risks.

The risks of increasing differences in the level of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation may arise as a result of increasing disproportions in the development of the country's economy and will lead to the fact that some of the Strategy's activities will no longer meet the capabilities and realities of life in the regions. Then the goal and objectives of the Strategy will remain relevant only for some regions and will not be fully achieved. This is especially true for measures to develop domestic tourism. Reduction of this category of risks is achieved by the presence of

Strategies for the direction of work on the socio-economic development of regions of the Russian Federation.

Technogenic and environmental risks are associated with man-made accidents, natural disasters, sudden climate change, and the spread of dangerous infections, which can be a limiting factor for the development of tourism. Separate sources of risk may be achievements of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of technologies that were not taken into account in the Strategy, which will require its correction and addition. Reducing the negative consequences of such risk factors is achieved by using an integrated approach to developing the Strategy from the standpoint of sustainable tourism development. The Strategy also provides incentives for the introduction of innovative technologies in the field of tourism. In addition, the reduction of this group of risks is facilitated by the inclusion in the action plan of a block of tools for the development of a system of environmental and economic security of natural territories in places of active tourism activity.

Annual awards in the field of tourism in the amount of 1 million rubles each were established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2014 No. 704 “On awards of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism.” This year, 23 projects were submitted for consideration by the interdepartmental council for awarding awards in the field of tourism. The winners were determined by government order No. 1745-r dated August 16, 2017.

As noted on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers , when selecting projects, their social and economic significance and contribution to the development of the Russian tourism industry were taken into account. At the same time, members of the teams of authors were awarded with the wording “for creating a project,” although a significant part of the projects was launched at least 3-5 years ago.

Laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of tourism:

Hotel projects

1. Tourist complex art hotel "Nikolaevsky Posad" (Suzdal) 4*, with 140 rooms distributed in the main building and several two-story cottages.

The government award for the creation of the complex was awarded to Denis Braga, General Director of the ENERGOSTOKSERVISSTROY Holding Corporation LLC, Elisey Braga, General Director of Nikolaevsky Posad LLC, and Nikolai Braga, Chairman of the Non-Profit Partnership Council of the Community of Investors and Builders ELITE CROW GROUP. It is worth noting that the complex itself was opened back in 2008 and since then has received a number of regional and all-Russian awards in the tourism sector.

2. Investment project for the creation of tourism infrastructure in the Ryazan region within the framework of the entertainment complex “In a Some Kingdom”.

The government prize for creating the complex was awarded to Oleg Svirin, the head of the peasant (farm) enterprise. Meanwhile, in fact, the businessman is one of the largest restaurateurs in the Ryazan region, the owner or co-owner of the “Konyushenny Dvor”, “In Some Kingdom” complexes, the “Old Town” hotel with Bristol Pub, “Fisherman’s Village”, as well as the Beefeater pub.

The hotel "In Some Kingdom" was opened in the spring of 2015, with the regional governor Oleg Kovalev and the head of the Federal Tourism Agency Oleg Safonov taking part in the opening ceremony. As part of a public-private partnership agreement between the regional government and an individual entrepreneur, the volume of investments in the infrastructure of the complex amounted to 115.4 million rubles. Currently the hotel has 45 rooms.

Other projects

3. Tourist complex "Ethnopark "Kochevnik" (Sergiev Posad district, Moscow region).

The ethnopark was created in 2013 as a cultural and educational complex dedicated to the traditional life of nomads.

4. Project for the development of domestic and inbound tourism “International Festival “Kizhi Regatta” (Republic of Karelia).

The festival began in 1998 as a local initiative and received international status.

5. Project for the development of domestic and inbound tourism “International Aeronautics Festival “Sky Fair” (Kungur, Perm Territory).

The festival started in July 2002 and has been an annual event since then.

6. Project for the development of domestic and inbound tourism “International Festival of Historical Reconstructions “Times and Epochs” (Moscow).

Among the awarded members of the author’s group is RST President Sergei Shpilko. "Times and Epochs. Collection" is the main historical festival in Russia and one of the largest in the world. One of the most popular reenactment shows. Started in 2011.

7. Tourist and exhibition complex "Museum Quarter" in the city of Gorodets (Nizhny Novgorod region).

The quarter was officially formed in 2005. It is located in the historical part of the city and covers the ancient streets Kupecheskaya, Rubleva and Naberezhnaya.

8. Project for the development of event tourism "New Year's capital of Russia".

The project has been carried out with the support of the Ministry of Culture since 2012.

9. Children's tourist complex "Science Museum and City of Professions" (Tula).

It began its work in 2014 as a private museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentoria".

10. Project for the development of children's educational tourism "Live Lessons".

The award was received by Tatyana Kozlovskaya, General Director of Inters-Rus LLC, the initiator of the project. The interregional project has been operating since December 2015 and has already received the status of the Federal Program for the Development of Excursion and Educational Tours.

From the editors website

Despite the fact that it is the quality of the hotel infrastructure that is the determining factor for the development of domestic tourism, there are not many hoteliers among those awarded by the Russian government. It can hardly be said that the contribution of Russian hotels to the development of domestic tourism is insignificant; most likely this is the result of poor communication between officials and representatives of the hotel business.

Considering the annual nature of the award, it was logical to award only recently launched projects, meanwhile, most government awards went to tourism projects that started 5-10 years ago (or more). In this case, without in any way detracting from the significance of the projects awarded with the government prize, it would be logical to reward the teams of authors not for “creating the project,” but for certain achievements during its development.

It would be extremely important and useful for the Russian hotel industry if the Russian authorities awarded the most successful representatives of the industry who have made the greatest contribution to the development of domestic tourism. Unfortunately, the problems of communication between representatives of the hospitality industry and the officials responsible for this industry have not yet been resolved. It became quite indicative return to the hotel business of Konstantin Goryainov, who previously served as deputy head of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism . Today, again, there is not a single person from the hotel industry in the capital’s government. We are not even talking about lobbying the interests of the industry, but about the elementary competence of Russian officials, who must understand the industries they regulate.